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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1949)
Turn ,lysiaiereii's' Dnto "Cash Catchers" Wish Want ft! n V CLASSIFIED RATES 1 SOT pe t daye " 3 naye 4 naye " ec lfk Real Estate Real Estate Bargains 180 ACRES, 30 scree tillable, balance Easture. S food all-year springs: larie irn; good $ room house; family or chard. Prlct $3330.00. ' down. go ACRES. Nicely lor ted Nice 4 bad- room homo; good wall; a lac trie pump: I 3 all-year springs; extra iooa nam, family orchard. IS acres tillable, bal nee open pasture. A raal mca place. Price $6300.00. 22 ACRES. Close In. 1 room home: elec tricity; woik ahop: garage; chicken houae Only $4300.00. It ACRES. Nice level land In dandy location. Good road. No buildings. 1300.00, $100.00 down. Buy and build. 19 ACRES. Nicely located In Sutherltn valley. Good home. barn, chicken houe. brooder houae. $oft30 00. Terms ar trad lor Coast property. t BEDROOM plastered home Close, In. Good location. A real bargain for $4000 00. S BEDROOM HOt'SE 100x100 lot. Clone In. Why pay rent when u ran buy for 1300.00 down, $3000.00 full price. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME FHA ap proved, Nice location. $7373.00, 40 ACRB STOCK RANCH with good all year creek and lota of springs. 123 acres tillable; water available for ir rigation. Beautiful 3 bedroom modern home. Also 4 room bouse for em- ?leees. Good barns, shop, garage, imber will help pay for this place. Priced at 30.000.00. Terms. WE HAVE LARGER RANCHES, reasona bly priced. Also good Income prop arty. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor Bruce Taylor, Salesman I Opposite City Hall Sutherlin ; Phone 711 Better Homes 'Move In Today) N JACKSON HOME with lovely rsunas, line nome wiin fireplace bedrooms, den, breakfast nook, liv In room, full basement with furnace Price 111,300 make an offer for NEW. lovely a grand view, a perfect Kiirnen, oetnroom tnat is a area1 fireolare. huae basement .oloed heat For 13,430 and an FHA loan act up. you can not go wrong. TWO BEDROOMS and room for two up, a nice home near Rose School an set up on (ha loan, rnce sv.ouu. see uus waay. PAY LESS THAW I1OO0 00 down on this home priced at 17830. on an FHA loan. Two bedrooms, kitchen and well Just all that goes to make up an extra fine home on a large lot in a goon district. TIMBER TIMBER 1,000.000 ft., eat show, winter show county road. land, home '2' . farm land. Will pay for Itself. 30.000.00 and you mane tne terms. LOTS OF LOTS (any place any price) FOR GROUNDS, guest house, living room with trench windows and wall to wall carpeting shake exterior you can'f beat this lovely west side nnmi, or wuir nvina price ei nn oo and we will make up your larma. Umpqua Realty ' from P. O i 113 Iff. Stephana Ph. 1335-J Compare These Buys IRRIGATING CREEK flows right through this 313 acres; 73 tillable. '33 bottomi, 1.1 acres timber, balance good pasture. Fair rm. house In beautiful setting. 14 stanchion barn, implements a pumps. unoeauDie value at 000, half down. 13 minute drive from oeeburg. I ACRES with 4 bedroom house. 3 room apt. Small barn. In good location on city bus una. gg.aoo full price. 389 ACRE RANCH close In 11 acres creek bottom with Irrigating equip , orchard, some timber. $6O0 year lease on mm sue. iv.acnu.ery. etc. lor is. 000; good terms. 30 ACRE FARM with nice 3 BR home, larfe barn. etc. Lota of fruit and shade. Good soil. 8 miles ouL Owner asks wUh easy terms. What do you sayr SEE US for river front see. farm and homes! tea. Irrigated ranches, stock rancnea oi any sise. Home Specials NEW 1 BR with attached aaraare and shop, utility, dining, bright kitchen ana living room. neaumui narawooa floors. Insulated. Nice view and sur roundings. Near Vet's Facility, S&300. 3.000 down. OLDER DUPLEX, re-decorated In nlre city location. Fine view. At (7,400; mis piece can pay lor iteir. C. S. Briggs & Co. REALTORS 111 W Case Ph. A GOOD BRAND NEW LISTING Two bedroom home located on the west side It Is a newer type home, very well construct ed, neat and clean. Lots of shrubs. lawn, hedge. Big kitch en, lots of closets, bath and shower. Big lot. This Is a mighty comfortable home, $8230. Convenient terms. 500 DOWN FOR STATE GL Here la another westside home, welt located on a corner lot. Beautiful fenced-in yard that will please any child. Older home, but well kept and main tained. Two bedrooms, full din ing room, very cheery kitchen and glassed -in utllttv room. Ga rage, amall workshop. $8300. FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE Nice little 3 bedroom house within industrial rone few blocks froi.i our office Two ' adjacent lota nicely located for man who wants business next to home Can put up Sheet Metal building House is mod ern. $3000 with terms for all. or can buy house alone for 4,230 with terms too. ROSEBURG REALTY INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors FINISH YOUR OWN HOME Two acre garden sol) and a large starter home. All for 2nn. Located two miles east of Dtxonviiie. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS tn good dis trict City water and lights smo for . large tote wita some terms. DO YOIT WANT A RANCH Some of the best ranchea In Douglas County ar hated with ut Come in, w can preve eur statement. KEFD LISTINGS on homes In and out of city. Cacy's Real Estate 202 W Cass Phone IOT-J Res. Phone 1032-R Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell US D. I Bank Bldg ' P. JP Real Estate sreei FOR EVERY PURPOSE INOUSTir Sturdy. Specious. Adaptable te) Your needs. ButJer Sttcl-Alum-laiuii Buildings art widely used in industry, commerce, agriculture. Inquire today tor . details. Sim: 20'. 52', 40'. M' and 60 widths. Lengths variable. A PreeJwcf af Cs TODD BLDG. CO. 904 S. Stepheni Phone 302 Roseburg, Ore. INCOME PROPERTY AND HOME: Main dwelling consists of S lovely rooms. Really modern. Full cement basemeni with auto, gas furnace and all the modern conveniences. House number two is now rented for 430.00 per month which will make the monthly payments. This house Is on the pave ment and a bus goes by the door every half-hour. If you want to see lovely hard wd. floors, beautiful rooms, epec tally the kitchen you will not be disappointed. All for 313,800. down. bal. $50 00 par mo. Inc. InL at 3 11 A. ON PAVED HIGHWAY: Rich free soil, 8 A. under plow. Lots of water the year round with good electric pressure system. Also live stream through place that never goes dry. Temporarv dwelling I tlx 20 with cement floon Dwelling $0x40 under construction. Nice cabin with finish ed walls 12x12. good strong barn fairly new. 2 brooder houses, 1 .300 chirks each, 4 brooder stoves, feed troughs, etc. Also large pump house with good cement floor. Laundry trava. Large chicken house. $3,930, 1330 dn. bal. 720.00 per year t Inl LOVELY VIEW CITY LOTS: 10 blks. from Post Office. 1.000 each, 1100 dn , (10 00 per mo. LOTS IN DEER CREEK MEADOWS: 73 x imi ana larger, swxj ana up. E Z terms with small down payment if aesirea. FRED LUMM, SALESMAN PHONE 1212-R JAMES L. PAYNE. BROKER 112 BROCKW AY -PHONE 1301 SAFE BUYS NOW PROFITS AHEAD Henry C. Kelley, Realtor Sutherlin, Oregon 4'i ACRE RANCH. 2 bed room home. Bath fixtures ready to be Installed. With chicken house. Priced at $3.0no with $300.00 down, city water and electricity. Save your rent money. 22 ACRE RANCH. 7-room plastered home with bath. Fine drilled well with electric pump. Garage, chicken house, large shop. Only 3 miles out. Price S.300. only 12.000 down. 400 ACRE RANCH. Good spot on High .way M. 140 acres cleared. 30 arree 'being farmed. Some timber. Price $8,000, terms, or $7,300 cash. Henry C. Kelley, Realtor HIGHWAY M AT SUTHERLIN OPEN SUNDAY Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell IIS U S Bank Bldg. Ph. 583 Weighing Values S45no total price for a brand new two bedroom home. Beautiful tinted plaster finish, electric heat, hardwood floors throughout, full bath. See this one before you buy. &3O0 down to State G. 1. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St. Phone 10B2-R 1 BEDROOM HOME: kitchen, living room, utility room. bath, but not in stalled; hardwood floors; fnsutated Utility tubs, oil heater and water heater go with home. SI WW) cash or Sinoo down and S30 month V. C Green. Rt 2. Box 3M-J, Roseburg Highway 9. N. House Lots In Restricted Subdivision SO. down, balance low monthly pay ments news-nevtew box , 1 TWIN 6-ROOM bungalows, hardwood noors. an moaem uoume cement driveway and garage. Lot OOvlOO ft., industrial part of town. Worth $11. non Full price 410, Ann. s?VM cash, balance terms. Call 424-J; if no an swer call 43H-Y FOR SALE House, not quite finished i acre orrnaro: gooa wen. eiecirir pump, floor furnace. Only 42900, wirston: turn left at fint through road south of Edwards Auto Court; rosd runs directly Into property Priced To" Sell Quick Large, new Vbrdronm home, attached rarage, plentv of bum-ins and closets. nested ITWPhnw :wl-J-4. TWO BEDROOM, unfinished home on N. Umpqua Highway about 12 miles out. situated between old and new highway. W. T. Singleton. Idleyld Rt . Box 211-A. HOUSE FOR SALE, with built-lns. hot water and sink, house not complete ly finished Price t-vmo cash. Ad dress Yount St., Owen Gallop, after p. m 100 ACRES Grade A dairy set up: modem. 4-mom house, large hay barn with 23 stanchions, gravity svs'em wster. ptenty of fruit and berries. Merose RL. Box J01 FOR SALE Two bedroom, modem home, metl-lncated. on bus Hne. inox m ft , nice lawn My equity and balance , r M month. I MillerLene BEDROOM HOME 1 year old Hard wood floors and Insulated. W750 , or will take late model car In trade forapt ofg-WnoeouitvPh. S80-J-3. TWO 30x100 CITY LOTS Good view. cloe to town and school Reasonable 423. down, tow monthly payment Call Mvrtle CreekW3. FOR SALE--Choire buUdtng lots. ' 1 block from new High school, Oakland. Oregon Ph 97j Ton sale Sy o vrv r ZJ viTrC rw two. immediate posseselosi fw sjuire 1033 W. ut St Phone eol-J. 1 - 'i"1 IITAIi ITOII Real Estate LOCATION Minutea from down town Roseburg. in another world from the hustle and bus tle of Industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiful rolling terrain has been divided Into large lots by eon toured streets aaved for perma nence and cleanlt- j ness, with each lot . affording view Cloverdala Perk la Roseburg's largest and eeyjgaaai Sss ' fill auiHnrh CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete. FLOOR JOISTS, on IS" canters. J-xft", PL1B graded, No. 1 and better. CEILING JOISTS on 14" centers. t" x PLIB grade d, number 1 or better WALL 8TVD DINGS. on 1 centers. 1 4" PLIB graded. No. 1 or better. ar minted Inside wall. Reynolds A urn ion insulation, wooa eneeuns. building paper, siding PLUMBING AND winu NO according to code. CE1LINQ INSULATION of Klmsul In hatu. WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT ER, Rheem 40 gal. electric FURNACE. 10.- B T u. ell forced air, auto matic, spun glasa filtered. WINDOW SCREENS. Rvlock' aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front end rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood, "non-stick, float ing sash'' weather stripped. DOOR BEIX, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB, Briggs, "non-skid." fHOWERS in every bath. IREPLACES. eenuine "Heatllator". LAWNS, planted and tended te first cuiungr. FINANCE The most flexible f I -nanclng plans ever offered to Roseburg home buyers. FHA financ ing on low down pay- dBHsm aVJa9aaX ment. long term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as little as S300 down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement "Live ih Cloverdale Pork" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't eeai a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone 1366 Opea 10 a. m. - p. m Cloverdale Office Open Daily Including Sunday For Sale 1. 9 Bedroom modern plastered house Insulated on saved street. Basement wtth utility, ground level. Sawdust Turners ouisiae 11 replace win nwn fenced, aaraae. shrubs, arbor. This house Is completely furnished, wall to wall new carpet, aavenpon. rnairs. dlnlne and brk. sets, beds complete, refrigerator, elec. range, floor lamps. drapes, curtains. Prtred at aawjg., S2000. dn. Bal. like rent 3. New 3 bedroom home plastered, hard wood floors, large living room, large bedrooms, lota closets, kitchen built lns, move In now. Only 47400, 41000. dn. This Is two sperlala. we have many other good buys. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Paul H. Krueger Real Estate A. IT Taylor, Salesman AUt S. Stephens Roseburg, Oregon Convenient Terms MODERN 3 bedroom home nesr new Green school situated on fair steed lot. Concrete foundation. Interior in sheetrock. papered. Full price S4O00 4v) down, balance at 433 per month. Vacant Stanley E. Short LOTS IN WINSTON with ten thousand ft. of lumber. Lights, water and phone line In front of lot: will fur nish you a place to live at reasona ble rate, while building geeo your terms within reason. Why not buy something you can pay for 3 rooms and I acre land 3' miles south of Roseburg Your terms wtth In reason 170. Charles White. i4 mile west, V mile north of Winston. When it's Real Etteie in Myrtle Cta. and Sou in Douglas Co. Vimton & Wynttr Realtor MYin.R CREEK. Ore PHONE 443 APPROXIMATELY I acre on South Umpqua river. 4-room, modern house, fireplace. 3 room cabin, garage, win ter s wood, pressure pump fruit trees, trawberriee, lawn, hedge Har old Yost. 3 miles South of Roseburg on Tipton Road 3. Bedroom Home Modem, attached garage, concrete drive and walks, beautiful view, corner lot, whoot mis service. Phone e-R-T fORAXE-gMOS cash. tieereaTeTeJ house, good well. S scree pruee seieMe timhr Wrtte Mrs O tollee. Buddie, Oreg. Pb. Siddie EM. BY Inspectors of finsne- Inspectors of general contractor Inspectors of Rose- Hemes, Inspectors pendant ly. APPOINT. They'll Do It Every HY IS IT? WHEN SOME FO0R SLOB WANTS TO CHANGE HE'S SELFISH.' MEAN .' AND YELLOW! WHAT?O0rr HERE FOR A WITH AJAX? POVOU GALL LoyALTy? DONT V0U OWE SOME THING TO THE FIRM THAT FT?AC' TICAaV RAISED y00 FROM A PUP? PONT TO A DESERTER, RUTLEy.50 BACXTOyOUR DESK ANP FORSET IT: Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency 1 ACRE on South 1 7m nana river, with 1 bedroom home; plastered and micro; small chicken house; i room cahln: garage: family orchard: good garden soil, aoauu. aiauu. oown. BRAND NEW HOME, right here In town: never been Uvea In: has I bedrooms; plastered; nardwood floors, city gas; wired for range, city sewer; vacant now. 47300. Vi down. NEW 1 BFDROOM. modern home that Is a dandy; hardwood floors; fully In sulated; plastered; owner la leaving, must sell. 48730. $3330. down. The owner la taking a loaa on una. NEAT AND CLEAN 1 bedroom home In town: dining room: hardwood floors gas furnace; wired for range: sewer. a years old. iarge let. 40000. easy terms. V ACRE fn edge of Roseburg. with almost new 3 bedroom horns: rlty bus: or will trade for 3 bedroom nome. soma, gijuu. oown. 1 HOUSES on one lot. Live In one and rent the other: cloae to city center: one house rented now et $50. per monio, ewERj. ew. oown. LARGE 4 BEDROOM unfinished house. Beautiful view; well constructed: some Interior finishing done. This Is reel buy for some handy man. Only sxzao, or iaae an 101a lor SJfloo. Some terms. GRADE A DAIRY RANCH; 180 acres fixed to cars for 34 cows. Milk Dar ter. Iota of outbulldlnas. 4 bedroom house and bath. li mm good timber; money maaer bimou. bjouu. eewn. 33 ACRES of good soil. 7 '.4 miles out with very nice 3 bedroom home, large chlrken house, lota of road frontage, su l Labia for sub division. 410,300, easy lerma. 3 ACRE HOMESITE, rich black loans. avwa. 3u. aown. Valley Reai Estate Agency 113 W. Cass St Phone Genuine Sacrifice 1 1230 OR LESS DOWN, central I v lo cated near new scnooi, stores and bus. This nicely arranged 3 year oia noma is jsn a scaped, naa two bedrooms With amola closet soace. oak floors, otl floor furnace heating. Venetian oiinoe tnrougnoui. garage. Total price la only 444)00. BaL et 7 InL Quick possession. Stanley E. Short ' Realtor 114 Weat Lane St Phone 1003 X YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy one of b. w. uregon iinesi rancnes far oa low building replacement coat 131 A. new modern 4 bedroom house, barn etc. Variety fruit, nut trees, springs, creek, excellent climate. $13,300. C. Swanson. owner. Riddle Oregon. Surveys Waps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 311 So. Mslnt Ph. 81T-RX EASY TERMS, or will take trailer house as down payment. 3 acres with un finished house and small barn. 3 E. of town, 2 miles. Se Jack Butler, Boseburg Feed as Seed Co., Oak At Spruce Sta 40 ACRES. 30 tillable: o-room house, outbuildings, lou of fruit, 3 y ear around springs, pressure system. I mile from Elk head on Howard Road. R. V. Hutcheson, Rt 1, Box 23-A. Yonrslla FOH SAlT-Partly Tlnished 3-room house, SOx30 lot. 3700.. or will take car as part payment Call after 8 00 p. m Cabin 1, HarU East Side Trail er Camp. FOR SALE Approximately 10 acres, large, partly modern house, barn .and other outbuildings. Family orchard. tl(iO down, balance Ilka rent Phone 922. R-1 . frlLL SELL 1 or 3 3 -room houses. 1 rented, other vacant Both for $.1.030.. terms. Take car or house trailer In trade. Tom Burke, Mountain View noea FOR SALE - Equity In 4-room house. 7 acres: half finished $2400. down, csr or cash. Balance $1023 Rt 1, Box 141, East Douglas, after 9 p. m. FOrt 'SALE -fwn lots with good rabtn in Sutherlin, near school R B. Spack man. Rt. 3. Box 336. Roseburg Always Have It Surveyed Jlm Danghertv the engineer Ph :rT-S LOTS FOR SALE City rater end lights available. Lod down tuvment Eugene Ridenour Phone Tio-j-g fiODERN i' blroom house with bnae- ment, fruit garden, and acreage. $23 Ma raters. Dogs Registered Pointer Pups And tratned female Reasonable 3433 River Road. Eugene. Oregon, or will $-3107. R M. Siearnr AKC" RgS"t Bernard pupplea; strong, health v. farm raised from finest Swiss-American bloodlines. Ridgewood Acres, Bot 11$, Slant on Road, Eu gene. Oregon. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J LABRADOR RETRfFVffR pups. It weeks old Litter registered Females $23. esch 113 Alameda Av fiRA-Hd COCKER KENNELS. PVme $30 or 433-Y Reg and ed. aupoteaAll coiorsSmd sepelre GREAT DANES, female, cropped. Make an offer Phne 13M-R.S MAN?HEtER RAf teirlers. St. 37 Box ya-C. H C Cirr Impounded UNLESS claimed wtthln 43 hours from date of notice, the following describ ed dogs will be disposed of as pro vided In City Ordinance No. J 144: Pekingese, male Four pupa, female B's'ir and wnt sing, medium Rlsek dog. targe 13. 4S 3 00 p.oa. City PoUee Dept. - HIS JOS- JOB YES-AJAyfe THIS TO 6O0O 0L' A VARD WIPE! Time TO THE C0MPETlSHBUTyO(J ARE J STILL OUR FAVORITE DSHT BLESS t. , llelp Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman ALSO SERVICE FLOOR HET.PFR NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Lock wood Motors WANT EB: 3 r Jeood-men the t " are money hungry Have more definite appointments than have men to handle them. You ran work 1 hr. or 24. Can average better than $lSO per wk. If you don't believe It coma down, and I'll show yuu. but If you don't need money, don't waste your time or ours. Apply between 3 to 13 a.m. Reserve Life Insurance Co., 2J0 N. Stephens. Rm. 30.T , Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson Wanted Immediately Man between ages of 30-38 for Parts Department clerical work. Ability to type helpfuL Ultimate goal Salea or Management. Phone 1330, Parte Mgr., for Interview . HAVE-OPENlNQ hr two men In etab llshed territory covering the Willa mette Valley. Permanent employment with above average earnings and car allowance. For appointment see Mr. Cheney, Umpqua Hotel, Tuesday to i nurnBiy evenings a p. m. Stenographer Shorthand neeesssry. Rock Island Lum ber Co. office. Sutherlin Fm PLOY ED COUPLE want reliable woman to care for 3 year old bov S'i days a week. Call 1433 for appotnU fXPERIENCID AtrTOMATiC trimmer man. night shift; steady fob. Call i 1 1 ran Riauon oerore e 00 p. m. Phone T33Q4 Springfield after f p. m. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. M o n d . v through Friday, mornings. Call 3411 uiYumw, or wesaenas ana menu SM;J-3!oFwrlte Rt. 3;Box 403-B-ie. CadIES Would you invest 3 hours a day for earnings of $40. earn, week? Write dqi ens, news-neview. WANTED Someone" to "tike care of my child lnmyhome Phone 1371-L. WantID Man with power saw "to faH and buek. Phone 13-J -4 afterjl p. m. WANTElSCog truck sCs 11 M3-R-B Wanted Wantsd BEir. VtAL. AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone tn ns. or im-n-t er writ. Route 1. Roeeburp Will Pay Cash n BtlY need furniture, etl troee. Call at 444 No Jackaon. Phone Ths Bargain Houts ANiDTORENTTa 3 or 4 bedroom nous in or near Roaehurg. Refer ences exchanged. Call 44-J after 3 p m , or AO anytime, and ask for Al Ixunsbury. WANTED Used wood circulating heat er who targe rire oox. asx s. fine. ph 343-L-X WANTED TO BENT S or 3 bedroom modern house In or near Roseburg. References. Ed Clattssen. Dlllard Professional man. wife " end baby need furnished or unfurnished house. Phone 704-J-3. WANTED Junk, all kinds; copper, brass, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries. Bob s Sstvaae Yard. 2.130 N. Stenhena. ffANTFlbfurnlture. sewing" marhlne ana 1001s Anyining m value. Private party. Phone S33-R-1 CALL AI's for a fair bid an your fur- nnurt nie rumnurt .enwr. ei win chesier St Phone 1.127-R WANTED TO BIIY-A11 kinds o furn(- turo Let us ma on your house of fur niture Call 80.1-R at SOB N Jackson St WANTED Best old car under $30' 121.1 W. 1st. Ph. 478-L. WANTED TO RENT Land for hay. close In. Phone 8:uvF. I. Be tie. ffANTfrrtO ftuV-Hldes. Roseburg Business Opportunities DEALERSHIP Roseburg and vicinity. Eastern corpora tion niters an exclusive franrntse to qualified party. Business provides excellent Income Immediately. Libers I financial assistance enables rapid ex- rienslon Business fully established be nr you take over Applicant must have $2730 capital for Inventory. This places you tn s siahl lasting and well paving business Will stand your bank ers Inapertlon. If cash la not available no no. waste your nme nr ours write fultv, give address and phone number. Address Box lper9 News-Review. For Sale Popular Drive-In Excellent equipment, owner selling due to Illness Fast young trade, d rl ve in, restaurant and noma delivery food service. Small down payment Owner will carry mortgage for bal ance No reasonable offer refuaed. Phone Grants Pass JUM or $133. FOR BAlE New pumtce stone store, sire 34x3 Living quarters in back Shelves and gondolas It is In verv frmd location 3 miles south of Myrtle reek on Hi way DO See owner Frsnk Grensky next to Melody Mountain Barn Phone loo. Mvrtle Creek 'r'T MQTET Owner, plvine H Financial F. H. A. LOANS See' UMPQUA REALTY Atom from Poet Office en Hitwa 114 n atepaena rn, ikrw -ors. sine ruiuM .yr.nL iM J hosts ttn st By Jimmy Hatlo iUT THE BOSS RESIGNED". WAS WINEC? AND DNED AND HE'S A JOLiy SCOP FELLOW.' 3AIM IS OUR LOSS.' HERE'S J BULLCARPl ALL WOOL , VOU AW BELON3 y0,WL! SOCCESSr . 1KB t AIM it sf Rentals FOR RENT Sleeolne rooms, men only If you are working outside of the city end would like to spend the week anda in town, save money by renting one of these rooms, and have a plare of your own. I room. $23 per month: I room. $2T. per month. Lights, healer, water furnish ed. Single beds, springs and mattress. Bathroom and toilet. Private outside entrance. Large living room: very attractive: easy wanting aisianre. Come and see them at llog Corey jsve. rn. uw-w For Rsnt Good t B. It. Mod.rn horn I mllM outh. ao A. paitur, and othr Mrfl. Almoat completely furnished. 175 Oft William A. Oerding Realtor roa MINT Nsw Clark Floor Sander and POLMHM Denn-Gerretssn Co. 0 W Oak St Phone 138 rOR RKNT POLISHER, WAXER and errubber All In one tnol. Ulfht enough anjr child sen oanqm iin,erup aoniroj. F & W Floor Covering Co 337 . Stephana Phone 1473 R Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in jour own nome. SINOER SEWINQ CENTER 304 N Jackson Ph. T33. Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. ldesl for store ae. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richards Mans TRAILER SPACE BY WEEK or montK Constant hot water, heated showers, laundry, dry, wall-graveled park; chll- arrn welcome. Al-L-asi-A trailer rare, nortn W). BEFINISH your own floors, easily dona wnn our wgn speed floor sender. In expensive. Montgomery Ward ex Co. roone ea l-ROOM, modern apt. furnished; also utility room; at look toggles. Roy BueH.jhono 37-F-2I. 3-ROOM HOUSE; no lights, wall water. 3 miles west Highway 43. M. R. Nlel sen. Brock wayj Oregon. ROOM TO rent wlthbath Oentleman preferred, Pb. 1033-R. 124S N. Jack son fb R R EN1 3-bedroom heme,' flrepfare", hardwood floors. Fles at Clute Realty, ph. 13.TT. 407 W Cass. CLEAN ROOM tn modern Home. One block north of Alameda .In Clover dale Park&."tSBaragr, phone 37.1-R 2. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental 7 .14 South Stephens Phona 1I.T0-J TRUCTCS and trailers for rant, move i our self. Thompson Signal Service tephens BtWahlngton. Phone 705 SBEDRdOM furnished modern house with acre garden and orchard. 1 mile beyond Glide Store. B T. Litton. FOR RENT Late model 5"-f"cet, equip ped with log winch and doier. Phone SftO-J evenings. AbltSC FOR RENT-Flk property, end or Keeaey noan. tan sig-R-j, evenings SLEEPING RV)MS. gentlemen. No drinkers. 1003', Madrono Si., oh. 303. F6r RENTOR LEASE -3-roommodern noue. box zii-a. Melrose Rt. FOR RENT Room for gentlemanrFhone 1233-J. 724Cohh SLEEPINii ROOBri for rent Phone 149.1-J SLEEPING ROOM for men. 330"R. Jeck son. NICE."EAffroom fVPrenCsU BootS PhlllJ-L Call evenings. iOR RENT Sleeping rooms. Phone ROOM FOlt RENT", young man7104o Mili tary, ph. 8HR-J i.NOI,E SLEEPING-Room near hlgfi school. 1104 Military. Carins'by WEEK. 3', miles N. on rarinc l anins. Ph. 603J-1 ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges. SOS Fowler. IP DRIVE TRUCK rental. Winston TraiT- er toun, Winston. Phone an.l-J-2 SI.EEPINOJtOOM 120.1 N. Jackson SLEEPING ROOM 1MT W Mnsher Timber Sawmills Wanted 8 Ft. Fir Cants THE PR ICS IS UP Sullivan & Son Highway S3. 3 miles N of Roseburg Phone 1347-J Timber Wanted One to fou r m 1 1 H on feet good second growth stumpafe: must be winter how. C F. Crasser, at Looklngglass Store Ph. 37-F-33. i FOR " SALE Complete sawmlli CMC motor, edger, new carriage and saw husk. -onald Rrady, phone 131-F-3. Flo. 1M. Aisles i FOR SALE As w ml II or any part. G M C dlesel clger and other unite, Rov Denny. KM't Winchester Logging Equipment D4 CAT serial number f-J-4173 with HvsiaT drum and LaPlant Choat, hv draiille doter See at Tyee Lumber Co. Sutherlin. Ore. or phone 1303 Suther lin fOR iAtjE DT 13 International tractor. A l condition BX 300 Skagit yarrter. A-! condition K3 Interns I lonal dump trii'W Ph Its J-3 evi-nings Lost Found STRAYED to my place, brown mere. Owner ran have for cost of ad and feed bHJ: R Sitter, Days Creek STRAYED - 3 miles E. Sutherlin. smell pig Owner identify, pay for ad and feed. Fred 1-eBleu LOST'OR STRAYED 3 year old hi ark mare with white iter on forehead. Rnv Gordon, gh 313 R-3 COST-Black end 'ten dog. collar wita name plate, if found, phone 1403-Y COST "R'uestfrk-hound Bon""Pankey. Melrose Rt. Bon 314 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34 - 34 - 30 . 34 The life time trailer Baa e body we believe will leal 30 years er more- No dry ret. Kit. 11' II' - 1 - U' u ' Columbia 13' - 14- - 30 - 23 .33 The West's Fastest Sellera and Other Trailers eg Quality Alee used trailers, trade-ins eccepted Bank eontracu Con tr ecu to 3 years on parlana. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3031 3 MUee South on ee Rt 4. Bos 33. Eueene House Trailers Zimmer 28 Ft. Tandem wheel, electric water heater. A real buy. Contact J. Q. West, Mont gomery Ward Appliance Dept., ph. 93. Sportsman 25 Ft. For sale or will trade as down payment on house Contact Darwtn De Hart, Montgomery Ward. ph. 33. 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete with attachments. These machines are practically new, been In use only about 3 months. WiU accept bide. 1 Singer electric Iron. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric radio. Good condition. $30. Inquire et 3oe Dougiss Co. State Bank Bldg. ar phone 444. New Home Exchange Winter coats. $3. all ilies skirts, all wool, 31. Sweaters all wool, $1, and nylons while they last. Also rum mage table shoes and dresses, your price while they last. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey NT W. Masher Phone 11T-Y WASH the Way You Want to et The Self Service Laundry 1$ Cobb SL Try Our Friendly Service FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X THOR A UTOM ATfcW A SH ER , Tatest model. $133. Must sell due to water shortage. Turn left at Winston Bridge, about, 2 miles from Highway, F. Lienlna. C. V. Star RL PERFEX SsTaRRYING CASE ATTACH. AiKTir, u. a Exposure meter, carry ing case. 3 flood lamps, Argus En- largar ana aarx room aquipmeni suae noioer. siuo. rnone i . 01 iver s ARB OUT OP TOWN for abort rime Seotlc tanka and drain fields. FOR SALE 1 H. PTKellogg air com pressor, complete wiin automatic switch and tank, l.w lb. oressure. $78. Thor washing machine. $30. Edwards Auto court. Winston. '44 27 -ft. Curtis Wrieht trailer-hotiie fully equipped. Butane range, sleeps sitwi. nay e Automeuve service, Oakland. CADY S CCofrt coal, fur trimmed, site j; Diace an wool suit, stse 14; crepe dress, sire 14. Priced 13 of original value. 1003 Madrnne, or ph. Ooj-L. 30' westrraft Ualler house, $000. Terms mnsiaereo. 3 miles norm on Hlghwsy $o. S mile west ef former Wesurn Eo,utpment bldg. 1347 WHlRLABOUfTitAlCieR". Bf8rKt eel lent condition, sleeps 4, Butane heat and cooking. 1443 No, Stephens. Kenneth Keck. fWO BEVERAGE ' refrigerators, "one "Si cu ix. nu tie oie inr restaurant or tavern. Inquire al Idle Hour Tavern 3oA N J ark son. SROWtfiNO pltoPHStGUN. 11 g. inn rnoae, js oarrei, eon. stn nousa on left, Bllger Creek Roed, Myrtle Creek. flRCULAflNG 6lE HEATER; bench wnn vise; aeby high chair. Ph. 10S7-L. FOR SALE '40 PanA merles n trailer" n iisen a montna. H. L. Proctor. Winchester Motel 380 GAL. BtTTANE Unk. $300 delivered: no oown pa) ment, $7 no month. 314 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 10O3-L F6R SALE 3 piece Chsrt reuse section al divjin. 1200 Winchester St. Ph. 413-J-X. STURDY'Two-wheel trailer, good tires. rara noay. see neil SI uocu Trailer Court. SAW, MulUplex radial arm, model 40a7 new ana a nne Duy at $.1.10.00. see John Hess, Melrose St., Box 04 FOR "SALE 3O-30 Winchester carbine rifle, like new, $40. See or write Ernest Jnrgenson, Bojr 30, DlHard. 5nE BEfTblX washer, oneendis dry er: both units $.100. 2nd house on cross ofMelrose and L O. Roads. eDOORS, (hinged together site 8 ? hy 3' 10. See and make an offer. Canvonvllle Bible Academy. 4-WHEELtRAILER. suitable for farm wagon, $123 1H13 Ellen St. near Eden bower Trailer Court. FOR SALE Rheem gas" heater. 38,000 HTU, used months, looks ilka new. 4.V1 W72-R 30 GAUGE Remington pump, $.13; 23.33 carbine and box shells, $23. Ralph Kenynn.Jlt 1 Bos 144-C. Ph. 420-J-4. FOR SALE 1040 MWwesh1n marhlne Exrellent condition. Henry Kelly a re- sldenreOekland. W0-PJ 1242. FOR SALE Locker meat, good Angus rattle, l or whole unit C I Hodges Glide. Ore ion fiOUSl" MOVINorifoundsho"nlTveHng. 14 years experience P a R Towing. I 743 S Stephens Phone $28. JTWlTltE NEW ZEXLANfTrsbblts and I hutches for sale. O D Hubbard, Aus tin Road Phone 1300-R-4 j LARGE" CEDAR fence poets for sale. Roseburg Shingle Co.. ff Umpqua Rd Phone 127.1-J USED tRlGHTPlAfiO, aood-condT tlon. $100. 3 miles out Riddle road 1 from Canyon villa. S D Hemphill 1047 18 ft. trailer! Good" condition: I pHred to sell. Inquire at Pitt s Sta tion. Mvrtle Creek. ! 134.1 GLIDER 2" ft. 'trailer house, butane equipped, oil heat, good condition New Moon Trailer Court. f FLAT ALTO sax. Inquire Umpqua Florlsts. Call JB:. 1 SMALL cream separator-fused sad dle, good condition. Phone 1214-R 6NE r.PERCub EN 2.477 license, $300. Call for Clair, Rosa Motor Co. FOR BALE Large Hereford calCgrsln fed. Phone ja-F-S STINSON 10$, fair shape. $00 'cash. Call for Clair. Rose Motor Co. fLECTROLUX VACUUM eleanerfor sale. Phone 373-R-3. t ftEDRtSoM SET. Phone t3-J 3, Rt 3. Box ,103-C For RAi.ic-lrinT,untrnii Hfie, ao.os. 220FordSt , Roseburg f OH SALE Girl s bicycle In very good condition. Call m f OR SAUt -l'ai3-: Army tent. Mel- mse Rt . Bee lis B fVn""rlTiSAK ismond ring for ssie or would trade for piano. Call 1003-L. For Sale Miscellaneous SMALL CHEST OF DRAWERS for sale. Virgil Anderson, Masonic Csmetery Road, Edenbower. . . FOR SALE 13' boat. Martin 40. Call JA1'. ft?". 8 00 nd m P m . Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, ren .sonabla rates. No ml lease charge. Phone 1244. Y 748 Short St. j. Kdmond, Prop. ALL BUICdTnu construction, new end old. remodeling, 10 down, no )eb ton largo or too small All type masonry construction, flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty. Mag netite floors and drain boards Phone 1300-R-l, contractor. A R Snow DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS. At! tpes. Practical nursing. Taking care of your home and children while fou ere vacationing or weak end rips or hour work. Call 1144-L et 413 Fowler. ARRANGE FOR YOT?R fall plowing now. 30 to 1000 acres, contract up by the hour. Good equipment Ph, aes-j-3 Notice All eeptle tanaa and ceMpoola plMned. Special fall rate.: 300 gL tank, lit, 00 (aL unk, a. Phone laM-Y. Rsbg. Sanitation Ssrvics CURTAINS and lar ublerjotha taur dered and stretched. Alao IrontnS, houiawork by the hour. CaUMS-L: CaSCMINTS AND back rarda cleanedT Lliht pickup and delivery C A. Deal.hone Ro burl FLOOR COVIRINO Complete aalea ,n4 Initallatlona Pree eatlmatea. . Modera Floor Covering Phone 3 WANtKD Work for ifTKort led trurf. I. and ! ft loa. Sea L. M. Kramer, Camaa Valley. ALTERATIONS DRESSM AK1NO. A3 typea. Mr. Don W Garrtapa. 100S Madrono St Phone W-L fXPIRIENCZD CARPENTER want. work. reaeonahie wage& Phone ln-J.l. " WASHING ANrTfRONINO la nqr hoaw. Ph. Kia-R.l EaRPINTER WORtT p. In Una .r.d rement M. J. Maaneae. ph. 171-Y-X. EXPERIENCED CASHIER waala dar ahlft. Ph. iaoa-R-i, WILL CARE for I or 1 children la mr homedaya. Phonel.TO-L-X. WORK WANTED with B cat. plowing or dterln.Phone -H. T. I. Bella. TRAILER T6WINO. Ph. S30 - R - X - iSour,t019 Garden Valley Road. PRACTICALURSErno,pitaT.pert ence. Newt-Review. Boa S. WAN i ?t trontnf tn mv" home, sit Fowler SL Phone 5."aVJX. PRACTICAlTRuRSE. Mabel L Crouaei Rt I. Rnx Ml. Sutherlin Loans MONEY 10 333 $30 STS 3100 300 3300 UP TO $400 Sorrow on your salary All ataadlly ent ployed men end wotrveo may qualify today for e salary lean up t 4300 whether you're la a new lob or aa ol4 Borrow on your rar or furniture. Tout furniture or automobile make excel . lent security et Local Loan paid for or not Up to $300 oa your furniture, up to $300 oa your ear- , nodal "Pas I Pay Day Loans, $10, $2$, manen uu "fay ui 'Pay Day 'or kmeor I only for the actual number oi days you kae the asoney. 3$ costa IBe fee one week. No ether chargee. . . Phone for your Loaa. LOCAL LOAN CO. Le. Sevr. Mfr Sit No JarhMS Phone 1173 Je. S-7T5 h-ju Roeebur. LOANS UP TO $300 On your St ins tu re. Furniture ear Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile ipeid for, ar nett. Loans made quickly, privately for an wubuiwmm purpnss sum Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental hi lie Vacation expenses ConsoMdste debts When you borrow get your money from the Company that makee ft convenient Lower eaymente now available ugt to 30 months to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 304 Douglae County State Bank Bldg Phone 4$ sb-ot etate ue. b-jm Trucks FOR SALE 1 set lumber rolls with sub frame and cab guard: also 1 set I04S heavy utility tags with 000 tires: alao 1044 Ford lumber truck, with job. miles east on Dixon villa road. Chaa, Sommerfeld, Idleyld Rt 1839 " F O R D" l'S tonlrckTTircury motor, Eaton rear and. dual wheels. Good shane. $non M. L. 3 hep hard, Camas Valley, Oregon. i$37 FORbr long wheefbasel Ts T! truck, excellent Mercury motor. Eaton El' irxup. rn. .uii-j-s I-T $48 ifrtE Nation At"" pickup; 1 1S44 Internationa) pickup; 1 single axle piling trailer For fnformatloa Phone4J3 120 ted Ave. South '43 tQ MAfJiog truck and Walter. $1000. Will take plrk-up as pert. Call for Clair. Rose Motor Co. XxirSHArTS" for all makea mf trueke. Rsy's Truck Shop. S008 N Step bene. Phone 440-J-4 Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir btmk peeler core, email round core mill ends, planing ends, oak and laurel Specie) price on plan er anda for short time. See thie wood 1 mile East on Douglae St Rt 1, Bog 4.1 Ptomp delivery Claude Wllley. Phone 13-J-J er 143-J-3. Building Materials Oak Flooring No t Com Oak shorts, $140. per M. Ph 113-R-1. Tsrlson's Floor Service Miscellaneous NO stuw-rnao om TmfiPASSmo ee. wv oiana sauuwej. R. C sVliews. Roseburg, Oregon, ff