10 Tk Nwf Rtvlaw, RoMbura, Or. Thur., Sapt. IS, 194f Dr.llasltins Takes Stand As Witness Stat Victoria Could Hovt Hod Amnesia From Shock Of Ralph' Death If Victoria Sanders had been "feigning amnesia" at the time of Ralph Mojonnier'i death, and conscience ttricken decided to tell her story to the police, she would hav "told all. ans hospital, who took the stand John L Hasklns, psychiatrist and manager of the Roseburg Veter ans hospital, wh otook the stand as a surprise witness in the Vic toria Sanders murder trial yes terday. Dr. Hasklns was called by the defense after Victoria had left the stand. He aald he had not Interviewed her, but had listen ed to all of her testimony yes terday, and had read her signed statements. He said that an overwhelming emotional shock, seriously involv ing someone they care for, would be enough to send persons into a state of amnesia for varying per iods. Defense Against (hoek Amnesia, he said, is one of the defenses against shock. No one likes to consider emotional prob lems, he explained, and one of the best defenses is the ability to "forget things. 'Assuming, doctor, that we have a girl 20 years of age, with a background of no home life, of average intelligence, no record of crime, torn between her love of a man and her religion, living with him, but not married, and bearing his child, and she was Innocent of the crime and found him dead in bed; would it be pos sible for her to have a shock like that you describe?" asked De fense Attorney Paul E. Geddes. 'There is not a doubt that this girl has been mentally ill," Dr. Hasklns said. The state of amne sia resulting from such shock, he added, could last "a few hours or few years." When the mental block of am nesia Is broken. Dr. Hasklns said, the person would be "apt to tell the whole story," keeping nothing back. Whole Story or Nona If Victoria had been guilty and "blacked out," Dr. Hasklns tes tified, her story, when it came, would be either "none or all." Under cross-examination, Dr. Hasklns admitted that amnesia would just as likely result if Vic toria had killed Ralph "in a rage" while he was drunk. "Real amnesia," Dr. Hasklns said, "is the blocking off of cer tain events in a person's life. When the mental block is broken, all events occurring during the period of amnesia would come back. "A person feigning amnesia would fill in his story with 'bi zarre details,' and if involved In a crime, he might try to fix the blame on some else," Dr. Has klns said. If Victoria had "feigned am- How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your falM taath annoy and onv banua by slipping, dropplns or wab bling whan you aat. laugh or talk? Juit comfortably. No gummy, gooay, paaty taata or foaling. Ooaa not .our. Chacka aprlnkla a Utlla FASTEETH an your plaipa. Thla alk.tla. Inon-acltft powder noiai raita taaui mora firmly and mora I "slate odor" irianture hraathl o FAS TEETH today at any druf etora. If you suffer from B-VITAMIN DEFICIENCY symptoms like tiewBEXEL SPECIAL may Lola of peopla who have no disease. Bo infection! in their body, till can not teem to toe th mark, cannot pull themielvea out of a nervous, over fatigued "out -on your-feel" alum p. It this your trouble? Your condition may he due to the aim pie fact that yvtj do aot get enough B-vitamina and Iron In jour food. Of course, your condition ay bo due to some other cause, to it k trie to consult your doctor. But if mild Vitamin B and Iron defkictv ciea are the origin of your miscriea, then Beiel Special Formula may do Wondti for you I Everybody knows FRED MEYER'S 112 N. Family Holy Hour At St. Joseph's Family holy hour' will be held at St. Joseph's Catholic church Friday evening, Sept. 16, at 7:30, It was announced at the Knights of Columbus meeting Tuesday night. Catholic activities chairman, Mr. Bailey, announced that all members of the organization are urged to be present. Class of candidates will be Ini tiated into the Knights of Colum bus day ceremony Oct. 12, it was also announced. Ron Raade and Grand Knight Debiens spoke of plans for an lnter-city meeting at Cottage Grove, with the Roseburg and Eugene councils attending the Cottage Grove council meeting Oct. 6. Ernest Schauer, five-point pro gram chairman, listed the agenda of council activities for the com ing three months. The Rev. Fr. KiTllan of St. Joseph's Catholic church addressed members on co operation relative to Catholic activities. Lecturer John Puttman con ducted quiz games during the so cial hour. Prizes were won by Patrick U Kelliy, Kooert Herost, Ron Raade, John T. Doyle and wayne rarreiL Myrtle Creek Football Team Plays Friday Night The Myrtle Creek football squad Is being whipped into shape tor tne iirst game or tne season at central Point Friday night. Jack Kelllng. football coach has 48 boys out for practice, held every nignt alter scnooi. Mine let termen are out this season: Lon Hamm, Bob Matthews, Gordon Scarbrough, Bub Hollin- jer, Charles Ireland, Tom Rice, George McDaniel. Tim Corrigan ana James Holder. Keiling has a full schedule ar ranged with the first home game aepi. & wnn uanaon. nesla" and then was conscience stricken, it would not have help ed her conscience to keep back any of the details, the doctor tes tified. In the trial, Victoria has testi fied that she was in a "daze" when she left the Mojonnier home, two miles west of Drain, the morning of Oct. 28, 1947. and she did not remember seeing Ralph dead on the bed. She said she came out of her daze Nov. 13, 1947, in the Douglas county Jail, when she cut her fin ger on a broken medicine bottle. With the sight of blood, her mem ory came back, but she still de nied killing Ralph. In cross-examination of Victor ia yesterday afternoon. District Attorney Robert G. Davis ask ed, "Is it not a fact that you were remembering blood on your hands from touching Ralph's body, when you cut your fingers on tne Dottier "No, I Just saw blood and ev erything went black," Victoria replied. . . Was Hystarloal Victoria was hysterical when she was found by Demitv Sheriff and Mrs. J. H. Williams, who came to her aid at the time she cut her finger. When she had been "calmed down." she freelv gave them a statement of what she remembered, she testified. After both the state and de fense had rested yesterday, Dud ley Walton, assistant district at torney, opened the arguments with a review of testimony in the trial. The argumenta were ex pected to continue most of today. Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimber ly cautioned Jurors to bring their toilet articles and pajamas today, as it might be necessary for them n aiav nvamlahl haftr irrlvina - . i r., . at a verdict. FORMULA do wonders for you the Importance of B Vitamins, Every body knows the importance of Iron in your diet to help your body maintain rich, trd blood Veil, just one carwule of Bexel Special Formula a diy (that's all you take) gitea you not only the important B vitamins, but alto 5 times the minimum daily re quirement of Iron. Beiel it a scientific product and b oflered with a money-bark guarantee I Take Bexel Special Formula for 30 days and if you don't feel definitely belter, you may return the bottle and we will refund your money. Jackson I illiir ix dmt mwr NO. HE f THIS'LL have a Y WELL, IT flfS 1 YOU ASK JU&r m SAD END Trf 1 BETTER V II f WHO IT ASKED f BULL WAS. HALF ( BE NEWS I I 1 ,11,1 WAS CALL "Mi I FtK YLJJ AMILEFKOMHI& OPATWO- Ivor didn't Iiawitoc office ant th guy i million- f I t HE TELL J HIM I'D A WHO'S CALL IN' IS DOLLAR I -4V YOU? GIT ( JUST TWO SNAALL 1 ORDER yu ' saaaaaa.aa.saSHSBasaiaMiMaBl OUT OUR WAY LL5U iMasiBWrr t - w SUNKEN lALLROOM The roof and walls of Atlantic City's Million Dollar Pier sag inward aftar tpactacular fira gutted 300 feet of the 1,900-foot long pleasure palace. The pier, for 43 years beachfront landmark, wai doted for the winter Labor Day. No one was injured in the general alarm fire, which officials estimate a $200,000 lost. Ralph Dolt Heath, 58, Dies Suddenly At Home Ralph Dale Heath, 58, resident of RoseburR for live years, died suddenly bept. l.i, at nls nnme. He was born June 17, 1891, In Alexander, Neb. and came to Ore- f;on when he was three years old, lying In Portland before moving to Roseburg. He was a past noble grand of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Roseburg; a member of the Rehekah lodge; of the Knights of Pythias and of the Christian church. Surviving are his widow, Fran ces D. Heath, Koseburg; two brothers: Emery Heath, Olympia, Wash., and Joe Heath, Ketchikan, AlRska. Funeral services will be held In The Chapel of The Roses, Rose burg funeral home, hrlday, bept. lb, at I p. m. witn Kev. rvennetn Knox officiating. Vault Interment will follow In the Masonic ceme tery with the Odd Fellows lodge In charge of the graveside services. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE COMPLAINT LAWRKNCE Mina Pariene vs. Arthur Raymond Lawrence; married in Roseburg July 25, 11)47; cruel and Inhuman treat ment charged: plaintiff asks S.V) support for minor child. DISEASE SPREADS SEOU1 .V-Japanese B type encephalitis, which broke out last month at Kaesong on the border with north Korea, now has appeared In all eight prov inces oi soutn Korea. To date 3.788 cases and 908 deaths had been reported to the neaitn bureau. Men,Women!01d? Get New Pep, Vim Feel Years Younger TV vntj Wnt athaiamtt. wnm-wut Mint OB atrvf ThHaMBt) kshM OI wht a III Its) Wiipmc up Kith Onri hu iloita. t'lMwaitu lenif manr nvO ai ", . twv tot IkbIj old ut twrauM to m into. vo Utihrnn!arr fki Mtani a IV ealrinra. Srm OyilHtitMt," IM (Mis V. Tr XHrft TMll Taolata lot peo, uuaje (eeiiag. hia vary Amj. At rtmf atorrt vtrywhf rt tn Bos hurf at Frd Mayer and Fullrtrtn Drug Advfiilscment Felt Short of Breath-Doesn't Suffer Now Th ilmDlMt of ffxvd rauesHl ma to awrll up ao thai I could hardly t?l my riot he on." uid Mr Maud Stoner or S24 K IMh fit , laona Pfaoh "t'.uraa I v pnt hundrvMta of dollar trv Ing to got rltf from that awful gaa bloat ing which avomod to b alwa a wore at mania aomattmaa I rould hardly got my brvath and I would have to walk tha floor In miaorv Then I heard of KAI.-O.I1FX and siartod to taaa it and how dtriarent i fi. K-an my huihand aa ha a ondarful Chang In ma. 1 ran eat anything now - even greaay rood wnn no nata anr- affarta. how It art regular, no mora gaa nloaL 1 ataep tin and feel gooa an over. K AL-O OF X la an Herbal formu la S lulrea from Nature Planta It haa relieved manv people who had never been really helped before by anv medicine. Taken abort I v before meela It mtea with your food, helping to ettminat the poloona that foaler atom och trouble It will rleanae the bowel clear ga from alomach, enliven tntea- tlnea, ana remove old. ucaening nna from the ayatem 9o (font go on ur fennr' Get KAL-O-Pf X at all Drug Storea. Monay Bark Guarantee. w- jbs-' . : YMCA Director Meat Tonight In Y Office The board of directors for the Roseburg Y. M. C. A. will meet tonight lor their regular meeting at 7:30, according to Marlen Yoder, general secretary. The "Y" offices are located across from the Indian theater, not in the local armory as was reported in Tuesday's paper. Committee appointments and filanning of the fall program are ncluded on the agenda. The flag of Cuba was designed In a New York rooming house and first flown over a New York building in 183a The estimated number of daily workers and visitors at Rockelel ler Center, New York City, is 1 Til .000. LOCAL NEWS Rummage Sale The women of St. George's Episcopal church will sponsor a rummage sale Sa turday at the parish hall on East Cass street from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Club Te Meat Edenbower Community club will meet Frl- .1.,., a 'i...,i, i v. c.i w i school All Dersons reoidW in the stnooi. ah persons resioing in me community are invited to attend. Back From Aberdeen H. H. Jlohi returned to his home at 604 Reservoir avenue last night, fol lowing a business trip to Aber deen. Wash. To Meet Tuesday The Twelve and Won club will meet at a noon luncheon Tuesday. Sept. 20, at the home of Miss Bernardine Princen, 231 N. Chadwick street. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Grayshel spent the weekend In Roseburg taking in the Barber Shop charter presentation. They make their home in Brookings, Ore. Enjoy Trip Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marble of Roseburg have return ed to their home, following a trip through the Redwoods to Cres cent City and Eureka. Calif., and hack via Highway 90W. Mr. Mar ble is employed by the News-Review, Return Home Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Strickling have returned to their home in Roseburg, fol lowing a few days in Eugene vis iting the tatter's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Root, and to the coast, where they enjoved good fishing at lakeside and visited Mr. Strlck ling's step-parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrenk. PHONE 100 between 6. IS end 7 p. m., if you hove not received your Newt Review. Aik for Harold Mobley. R. Williams vi BsfBsiasakll p; IAP Wirephoto). Reception Friday The teach ers of the Dillard school will be honored by the P.-T.A. at a re ception Friday night, Sept. 16, at 8 o'clock at the school house In the new auditorium. Special music will be presented and re treshments will be served. Te Eugene Bruce Carter and Bert Shoemaker motored to Eu gene Saturday afternoon to at tend a banquet at the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity house, of which both are alumni. Mrs. Minturn Home Mrs. Eth el Minium, Roseburg piano and voice instructor, has returned home, following several weeks in Canada and a stay in Seattle, where she took a special course of music instruction. Reunion Company D. 162nd infantry, World War II, will hold its annual reunion at an 8 o clock chicken buffet supper at the Can yonville community hall Friday night, Sept. 16. Members are ask ed to bring their wives or lady guests. P.E.O. to Meet Chapter BI, P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet Fri day at a 12:30 o'clock potluck luncheon at tne summer nome oi Mrs. Clair K. Allen, end of Fisher Kirs, nai ,road' Those attending are asked hHns ,h: . .h,, .rvi Dessert and coffee will be lur- nished. Grange to Meet Riversdale Grange will hold a "Back to School." program Friday night, Sept. 16. at 8:15 o'clock at the hall. Those attending are asked to dress appropriately to carry out the theme of the program. Women attending are asked to bring a sack lunch Xor two. Play to be Presented A short play will be presented during the program hour of Melrose Grange, which will meet at 8 o'clock Tues day night at the hall. The men will put on the play entitled. "If Men Played Cards the Way Wom en Do." Refreshments will be served by the Crings, Beckers and Dale Busenbarks. To Honor Teachers The Dix onville Community club will hold its first fall meeting at the com munity hall Friday night. Sept. 16, at 8 o'clock to honor the teach ers of the Dixonville school at a reception. Refershmenta will be served. All residents of the com munity are invited. Two Day Sale to b. Held Women of the First Presbyterian church will sponsor a two-day rummage sale Friday and Satur day In the basement of the church. Donations will be picked up bv calling Mrs. Armour Mur dork' at S3-Y or Mrs. S. J. Shoe maker at 144 L. Navy Mothers To Meet All members of I'mpqua Navy Moth ers' club are asked to attend a potluck dinner Sunday. Sept. 18, at 12 o'clock at the Veterans hos lilal to be followed by the moth ers putting on a program for the veterans. Members from Med ford. Grants Pass. Eugene and Coos Bay Mothers' clubs will be present. The regular meeting of 'Jmpaua Navy Mothers' club will be held Mondav night at 8 o'clock at the home ni Mm. Cora Rogan, 1 1010 S. Hamilton street. By J. Livestock Schricker Auction 4 mtlee south of lutherlin mi lea north of Roaeburg Monday, Sept. 19, 1949 Beginning at 1 p as. Cattle Some food milk rows; registered Here ford bull: yearltnga; veal calvea; can nera and cutters and baby calve. Bring in your cattle as we hava a lot of good buyers. Hogs Already consigned aom feedar ptga. pect nogs i sup uiaM atari i it-w iui Sh eep 40 head of good ewea. Remember, we sell feeder lamba. fat lamba and all kinds or neap, mere seems it N i good Inquiry lor any ewes you hava to ell. Wa have been getting good runs at thla auction and wo appreciate any con signments, large or small. You do not need to make an extra trip In here to see about selling your stock Bring It in anytime and It will be cared for until aale day. If you have no way to haul It and have a fair consignment, we have facilities to haul it or will loan you our trailer. P.EG1TLAR flTRNm'RI AUCTION AT 1:30 114 THE EVENING. Schricker & Sons. Auctioneers E. TELKAMP RING MAN Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring ta the most money Sale evarv Friday. Livestock la o'clock. Furniture 1 p. m, Roseburg Auction Phone 191 FOR SALE Herd of 10 registered Guarnaeya, Including 5 from tha fam oua Brook over hard from Idaho. Rec ords can be furnished. Inquire Albert H. Puhl, Route 2, Box 234, Med ford. Ore. Phone 6424. WANTED Fat lambs, yearlings and canner owes. Write or call, Jamea E. Lewis, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, ph S4: Dai r rill W. Ray, Hi J. Box 30S-B Roaeburg, Oregon. Ph. BBS-R-1. WANTED TO BUY Fat and feeder lamba. Also young breeding ewea Inquire Lyle Marstera or John Rohr Happy Valley Ranch. Phona 17-F-2 or 17-F-l.V FOR SALE Choice graTn fed white face veal calvea. Just right for the locker- wholesale market price. W. A. Thomaa, g miles east of Suthcrlin at bridge. ONE TEAM mules, very gentle, with harness, S73; one first-calf heifer and calf, SIM M. U Shepherd. Camas Valley. Oregon. FOR SALE 1 Jersey and Guernsey cow: been milking 2 months. 4th calf. ' mile nor tit of Lookingglaaa Store. FOR SALE Young calves, year old heifers, and soma freah cows. No dealers. L. Nichols, Melrose Ru, Box 301 . FARMERS Will buy hogs and feeders on Thursdays, 9.10 to 4:30 at stork yards tn Roseburg. Bring them In W. W Green. WANTED FAT AND FEEDER lamba and yearlings. W A. Blackert. Myrtle Creek, Phona 202. FOR SALE 2 young gentle milk cows. Phone 23-F-24. ft. A. Crow, L. G. Star Rt. FOR SALE-Gentle pony for children. Mrs. Iverson, ph. 82L FOR SALE Good, young fresh cow. Roy Burks. Dillard. WANTED Board for Great Dane female lnthe country . Phone 1 MB-R -5. ANTEDUI kinds of livestock. R M Cox. Call 990-J-4. Poultry Baby Chicks Ham pa. Reds. Crosses. Every week In the year- Best of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent. Douglas Co. Flour M1U Carr's Hatchery Lookingglaaa Rt. Phono lt-F-3 FOR SALE New Ham pah I re fryers. 3 te 4 Ins., 34c lb., live weight. Located mile weat of Wilbur on Garden Valley road . No Sunday aalea. Ph. 12-F-31. Roseburg Ira J. Headings, Rt 2. Box :wg, Roaeburg. Oregon. Red Fryers Mc LB Evrr day in the week, year around. First house on Curry Road. Oar-Mar Poultry Farm. Ph. 1.W9-J-4. NEW HAMPSHIRE RED laying hens: Sullets starting to lay: fryers. Erma . Miller. Julian Hatfield Ranch. Rt. 1. Box 220. FOR SALE 120 healthy young turkeys. Up to 20 I be. each. MOO. Mrs. H. L. Lander. 2nd road to the West, So. of Kelly's Korner. FOR SALE Colored fryers. 40e a pound. Rt 1, Box 171. Maurice Weber. Call evenings. Rabbits WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baled 1st. 2nd. and 3rd cut- ting and Aiiaita. inis nay is nice, bright areen. no weeds. Phona JLU1 I. Betts EXTRA GOOD recleaned cheet seed S3 SO hundred. Tony Meis. Oakland. Orrgon Machinery For Sale GMC DIKSRt. 1S5 h. p. motor )mounlMl $1!75. Doubl. drum American donkev. S-VK) Bkllor-aMng 30" .wing aaw. ball, bearing blower Kevttone Machine Work. IW S Ste-Dheni Ph 447 For Trade FORD A COl'PR for Ford A pick-up. H. S. Cheek. Box 334. MelroM Soul.. Back From (tattle Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Warg have returned to their home In Roseburg. fol lowing a trip to Seattle, where they were called by the sudden death of the latter's father. C. O. Horning. Mr. Horning spent most of his life residing in Portland and only the last few years had made his home in Seattle. Wilers Rtturo Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wiley have Just returned from Portland, where they at tended the 15th annual conven tion of the Oregon Association of Real Estate hoards. Mrs. Wiley has served three years on the board of directors of the Oregon association: one year as vice president of the Oregon Council of Women Realtors and has Just completed her second year as president of the Oregon "Council. She will serve as a director of the Women's Council for the com ing year. Mr. Wiley has Just been appointed to serve for a third year as director of the Oregon Association of Real Estate boards. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere tS4a rpao ci.m coupi S1T4S no 1M rOHO rORDOR S1O4S.0O 143 DOOGI FOHDOR SON. ... 815 UO 1943 CKEV. TUDOR SDN . 8S 00 IS41 PONTIAC rORDOR SEDAN S79S IW 14 PI.YMOirTH rordor dn. .... :I4.V00 I9TI FORD TUDOR SKDAN S5 oo 1931 MODEL A SDN 93 00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Truck, And Pickups 194S WIIXYS JEEP ... . IIM0O 1947 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 1095 00 1944 GMC lS-ton Chassl. cab 795 on 1943 FORD Uj-tnn riatbed 495 00 1945 FORD LUMBER TRUCK . 1995 00 SINGLE WhMl Car Trailer 49 00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Bettec Buys at Barcus 1841 Ford Club Coupe, looks and runs like new 1145 ltMT Dodge Custom sedan. R. at H , new Urea, perfect condition ... 1543 1040 Chev. Coupe, with factory built pickup box .. ......... MS 1840 Ford V-g coupe , 463. 1939 Olds 2-door sedan 423 ions Chev. Coupe . 3S. 1B34 Ford Tudor, good tires, food motor 1 25 ord sedan . 17 1934 Chev. sedan 73 TRUCKS 1944 Chev. lumber truck, new motor and lire., Thornton dual drive, rolla and bunka for short log. Re.pon.tble party can handle with very .mail down payment - 3190 143 G I. 44 t ton truck equip ped with flatbed: alio ha. dump bed and hol.L Excel lent condition SS90 Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In . the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hlghwa aa N at Gardea Vall.7 Road Enjoy the Difference You'll never know the pleasure of effortless, trouble-free driving until you slip behind the wheel of Riverside Motr Co. Better Car 1040 1IM7 1947 1046 lfJ4 104T 1940 1049 1942 Ford 8 Club Coupe. Olds. 70 Sedan Club Hydra. RAH Ford 4 -door. '48 model tr'- very low mileage. Ford 2-door. Ford Coupe. Stude. 3-door sedan. Jeepater, nearly new. Willys Station Wagon Plymouth 2-door, rebuilt motor. new paint. Hudson sedan Mercury Conv., Columbia ax It. RAH. Riverside Motors HOW CAN YOU KNOW? Whether a car Is a sincere value can be determined only by its continued performance. Make certain you KNOW YOITR DEALER and your satiifsc tion is assured Come In todaV See these Guaranteed Used Car values: SPECIAL 141 Dodge i ton pickup $420 OTHER GOOD BUYS 1942 Ford Club coupe. RAH . SAS 140 Dodge sedsn. RAH- $1403 1941 Bulck Sedanetle. RAH 98M MANY OTHFRS TO CHOOSE FROM Corlcrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoio PLYMOUTH Headquarters 230 S Stephens Ph AM-J "We II be here Tomorrow to Back up What We Say and Do Today:" IKW CHRYSLER Royal 4. door eedan. Body A paint very good Tires like new. Mechanically tn A-l condition. Junt complete! overhauled. Fine trouble - free trantportatton Some terms. Inquire 2UH Doug la. Co. State Bank Bldg . or phone 464 MORE "MONEY for" your-car Cash "wo the spot. Cnrknim Motors. Inc Ue Soto. Plymouth. Phona 40t u N Rose St 140 CHEV. 5-PASS COfVERTIBLf RAH. good shape Ph. 44W. or see atl41RiverideDr.ve FOR SALE Equity In '44 Mercury, or trade for dump truck or trailer houae.Henrv Davls. BoH. Oakland. FOR SALE 141 Pont lac t 4-door eedan. Good condition; excellent buy, saoo. Phone I vi -J 141 PONTIAC sedanetle, good condi" tton. good tires. t?23 Ph. 3S9-R. Call Bob between and 7 pm. 1931 DODGE COUPE ."rum bie u7ili H: U Ford T pickup. $37. each. Ph gM-R-, MODfT. A Ford, Room 323. Creaean HOtcL Autos 1947 Studebaker Champion Sedan THE NEW LOOK AT IT'S FINEST THIS IS AN IMMACULATE CAR From its beautiful tulip cream exterior to the tastefully appointed interior, this automobile will appeal to tha most discriminating person Automatic overdrive, radio, air conditioning ays Um. Best oi all tha lull price la only $1295.00 BANK TERMS TRADES Pacific Motors Juat north of Garden Valley Junction on Hiway 99 PHONE 1M7-R ROSEBt'RO 3-Day Driving Trial Why take a chance when you can have a three day driving trial on your new used car. 1940 Land Cruiser. Just like new with very low mileage. Radio, cltma tizer. Overdrive A Hill Holder. 1947 Commander 5 pass. Cpe. Radio, c li ma tizer. Overdrive, Hill Holder. 1940 Mercury Sedan. 1940 Plymouth Sedan. 1941 DeSoto 4 dr. Sedan. 1941 Butck Special 4 dr. 1941 Chev. 2 dr. 1 Chev. 4 dr. 1949 Studebaker Pickup. 1940 Ford Pickup. Open In evenings until I p.m. Keel's Quality User! Car Lot Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rosa FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. G M A C terms. Chevrolet Buick Pontlao Cadlllaa trade-ins. SEE THIS 1941 Olds Six club coupe, 14 000 miles on 4fl motor: RAH. new brakes, rear shocks, tires, battery and generator. Clean throughout. See at 420 S. Stephens evenings or call 9S0-Y djvtimes. FOR SALE -'38 Chev! coupe. Runs gooC ii I sS 1 95 . Call 3 1 9-J -& ajfte r 3. SMALL HARLEY motorcycle. Umpqua Florists. Call 030. . FOR SALE 1930 Plymouth sedan, good condition. Box 269. Rt. 1. 1937 FORD V-g sedan delivery. Reaadn able. 310 I. 2nd Ave.. N. Ph. 1093-L. Fruits and Vegetables Special Cants, Dillard Best, tl.93 erat or 9S dozen. Crsnshawa. 4c lb. Local watermelon and lea cream water melon. Table Queen squash, 91 93 crate. D'Anlou and boxed pears (or canning, 1.7 bi. Tomatoea, 73c and SI 23 box. English walnuts 28c lb. Wi! iison s Fruit & Vegetable Market Winston Ph. 47-J-4 Open evenings until t Canning Tomatoes tt 00 per bu.. V-pIck miles South of Roseburg. Turn left on Winston Road, So. of W (niton Bridge. Also cantaloupe; all types squash. James Garden IF YOU WANT CANNING PRUNES. Italians, bring containers, come to Otto Johnson s, last house south tn Sukr-dorf's Addition. Winston. 63c per bunhel. Canning Tomatoes tl 00 bushel ! miles out East Douglas. Chas. Neav- oll. BO STC? PEARS. WRAPPED AND PACKED READY to ship. Siae ISO, tl SO bushel: large alie S3 00 Ewens Bros. Packing plant, Sutherltn. Ph. 91112 FILBERTS Starting Saturday. Sept. 17, U-pick. 10c per pound. C'irrv Estate, turn west at Riversdale Grange. John Burkhart. ph. l.MU-R-3. LOCKER AND CANNING com now ready: also pears and cantaloupe, Rrvs ersdale. Curry Estate, Rt. 2, Box 3M. Clarence Ma b ley. PRUNES, 30c bushel, or 3 for II 00. U-pick. bring boxes. Ceo. Barter, Mel rose Rt . Box 24. ITALIAN PRUNES, you pick. Mr btt. 3 mile east Kelly s Korner. Rt 1, Box 244 FILBERTS. U-pick. 10c lb . or pick on shares. Ewen Broa., Garden Valley. Ph .T2-F-1T CANNING TOMATOES delivered lSO bushel.Phone 934 CORN AND TOMATOES, you pick. LoW rGardenVa I ley . G. L. Young Banning tomatoes and prune, " W Srhmtdt. Garden Valley. Farm Equipment OLIVER 70 tractor on rubber and steel: I ft Oliver combine: 7 ft. power motor: I ft. dic. 2-bottom. 1 4-inch plow. havy tractor trailer: dump rake: 7 .X swat her Will take good rar. small cat, or cash. Noble Snider. Yoncalla CAPE SC tractor witn plow, disc and haTrow: need onlv few hours; S2OO0. R t. I. box 42. A Yonce I tajOregon. FORD FERGUSON tractor. wtthheavT dutv mower and drag aaw. R. B. Oliver. Id lev id m. Personal ALCOHOLICS ANOVYMOUS. 'A Boa IU or Phona 1JQO-L or 30-J