The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 14, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Washington State College
Football Team Dynamite
Packed Even Though Small
PULLMAN. Wash., Sept. 14
LB Dynamite ramn In i m a 1 1
package! and so will the Wash
Ington State college football team
thia year small and hard t o
handle. WSC openi against Utah
State Sept 17.
It also will he the best team
Head Coach Phil Sarboe has had
since he came to the Cougar
camp In 1945. At least that's the
way Sarboe feels about it. de
spite the loss of superScalback
Jerry Williami and Tackle Laur
ie Nleml.
When Sarboe says his line will
be small he means in comparis
lon with the behemoth standards
of the Pacific Coast conference.
The line he's counting on now
A woman newspaper column
ist suggests that something be
done about the word "house
wife." According to the W.
N. C. the kitchen engineer and
custodian of the can-opener
likes the word about as much
as a kid likes castor oil. Just
the sound of "housewife" Is
supposed to lower milady's
morale ten nqtches or twelve
on a hot Monday. The critic
says a woman doesn't mind
being a wife, so the word
"house" must be the sticker.
With housing the problem It
has been the past few years,
we can't see this objection. As
a matter of fact, what's wrong
with "housewife" . . . and who
does object to it ... ?
. TON, Melrest routs, wins net
only a few hours free parking
BRICATION for hia ear.
In Ocala. Fla.. thieves iliDDed
Into a menagerie and stole 2.'i
alligators. Anybody want a
not alligatorT Maybe wH
aren't experts on alligator .
but we certainly Jo know a
ining or two aooufexpert auto
repairs and services. Drop In'
N. Rose St. Let us show you
wnai we mean wnen we say
our repair service la tops.
Phone 408.
will average almost 19S pound,
the backs nearly 185.
Making N Claim
The Cougar Coach Isn't mak
ing any big claims for his team,
but he's not planning on decorat
ing the conference basement with
it either.
Washington State won four,
lost five and tied one last year
to finish fourth In conference
"Our problem has been de
fense'," Sarboe said. 'We were
a high scoring team last year,
but the other boys could score
on us, too. "We'll be better In
that department this year."
The Cougars will operate from
the T formation again this year,
and a pair of top-notch passers
will make it a dangerous format
Ion. Frank Mataya, 180-p o u n d
quarterback, throws with h I s
left flipper and hits frequently.
For a change. Bob Gambold, a
187-pounder, pitches from the
right side.
Halves Speedy
Halfbacks Bobby McGuire (left
and Don Paul (right) have
shown speed and elusiveness In
fractice sessions that make the
oss of Jerry Williams easier to
Sarboe said recently of Paul,
End Fran Polsfoot and Center
La Vern Torgeson, "they're not
good they're great."
Marv Cross, a sophomore half
back in 1948 haa been switched
to fullback. Cross is a 200-pound-er
with speed to burn for a man
that big. Ready to back him up
in the position are Bert Allinger,
Johnny Nonlux and Ray Hobbs.
I Do Th Job
Jf- new! ajj
v r rw
Bave yew sane tin. Head ter (a
wood with this saw Disatoa One
Maa Chaia Saw. Liffct might, ffjaa-eUna-drivsa
power earn Fella...
Bucks... Umbs. OparaHa at any
ancl ... even upetoe
920 S. Stephen
Phone 279
Jot Grace Hits
Five Singles To
Aid Sac's Victory
AKrlaM4 PrM Sport Writer
Overshadowed only slightly by
Hollywood's dash for the Pacific
Coast league pennant was last
nignt s stana-in periormanc oy
a little known Sacramento out
fielder named Joe Grace.
The Solons pulled Into a tie
for third place with Seattle by
assaulting Guy Fletcher, the
leagues winningest pttcner, lor
a 9 to 3 victory.
Grace, filling in for the In
jured Walter Dropo at first base,
led the attack against the Raini
er with five straight singles.
Which, witn due apologies to
hard-hitting Mr. Dropo, la the
kind of stickwork the Sacs could
have used more of earlier this
While Sacramento was whip
ping the Rainiers, Hollywood
maintained its four-game lead
over second place Oakland with
a flimsy 2 to 1 triumph over the
San Francisco Seals. The win
ning run blossomed in the ninth
inning on a balk.
Con Dempsey, who went the
distance for the Seals, was the
victim, and were it not for his
balk the Seals might have boost
ed their Oakland brethren a
notch closer to the top. Art Shal
lock, the winner, fanned eight
and gave up only four hits.
Oakland, like the drunk in the
revolving door, worked hard last
night to defeat the -Los Angeles
club, 9 to 5. Significantly, the
last play Angels now have lost
14 out of their last 16 games.
At San Diego, the Padre edged
Portland, 3 to 1 as Jess Floret
approached the charmed circle
with his 19th pitching triumph.
Max West poled his 45th home
run of the season for San Diego.
The top Cougar guards of 1948
are gone but two sophomore
have shown so much stuff the
returning lettermen guards may
have to take a back seat. Gene
Rieger, 183, and Mel Thompson,
185, are scheduled to start 1 n
those positions now.
Torgeson, a one-man cyclone
on defense, will handle the cen
ter spot nicely, with Glenn Ric
kert to help out.
Jerry Houghton, a 220-pound
senior, will fill in one tackle.
Gordy Hanson, 228, a Junior, and
Bob Doornink, 215, are contend
ing for the other post.
Britain first claimed the Ba
hamas in 1627; but was unable to
make good her claim for almost
a century because the island
were held by pirate.
Protect Your Family
with the B. M. A,
Polio plan.
Mr. Lincoln, 93B-J-4
o drop card to
Box 108-Melrose Route.
7riter Picks
Stanford For
Coast Yinner
Southern California
Ploetd Second, Whilo
Orocjon It Picked Third
(V-Thls is the time of the year
we stick our neck out, way out,
trying to pick the order of finish
of the Pacific Coast conference
football race.
California's Bears made us a
surefire prophet a year ago. This
time were dropping the Bears
like a hot potato. Too many good
ones have dropped out of Coach
Waldorf lineup.
Most of the guesser are going
for Southern California and
Coach Jeff Cravath's horde of
Trojans. Not here, though.
Stanford is the No. 1 pick of
this corner. Handsome Marchie
Schwartz is the choice to bring
his team into the champion's
circle. Stanford looks ' like the
most improved club of the lot.
Maybe fifty percent better than
last year, when It lost to such
teams as Southern California and
California by only single point
The Indian can pass, receive,
run. The line is tough and, for
a change, some pretty fair re
placements are on hand. Coach
Schwartz is named to ride high,
wide and handsome after a couple
of lean seasons.
After Stanford, here Is the
way we pick the race: 2 South
ern California; 3 Oregon; 4
California: 5 Washington; 6
Oregon State; 7 Washington
State: 8 U.CX.A.; 9 Idaho; 10
Southern California necessarily
la a contender. The Trojans al
ways are. Their schedule is favor
able, too. They bypass this week
end, while the rest of the teams
fet under way, and open Sept.
4 against Navy.
Stanford meanwhile, starts Sat
urday against tough San Jose
State and then takes on Harvard
and Michigan in succeeding
Oregon could get dumped Fri
day night by St Mary' ( Cali
fornia I spirited Gaels without
occasioning great surprise. In
fact it had to come from behind
In the last minute last year to
beat the same foe.
Coach Jim Aiken lost two of
the beet end on the coast, plus
the best passer. Oregon figure
to be tough, anyhow. But not
tough enough to land in a tie
for the league title a It did in
ADDroKlmatelv 50.000 organiza
tion now use stamp meters for
supplying their correspondence
wun me necessary postage.
Hudson's the Success Story of the Year
and we're making it an even greater story with
.Better Deals for Ym
In the seven months since the end of
the car shortage, when people could
pick and choose among makes of cars,
New Hudson sales have jumped more
than 30 per cent over the same period
last yearl Already, more than 114,000
people have twitched from cars of
other makes fo own the New Hudson I
National Automobile Dealers Aaaociatioa
Official Used Car Guide books show
"step-down" Hudson commanding top
prices in the nation's used car market I
Natctbaixt, wa want to add to
Hudson' great ruccee by
making even more friends for thia
exciting car right here in this
And that' what we're doing with
better deals for you!
So come in! Enjoy Revelation
Ride in the only car that bring
you the moat of the four important
advantage motorist have alway
wanted moat beauty, roominess,
road-worthiness and all-round performance.
Get a good look at America's
4-Mott Car the ear, for example,
voted by mOliona'Mont beautiful".
A low build is the basis for really
modern beauty, and the New
Hudson, thanks to "step-down"
design, is the lowest built car of
all yet there' full road clearance.
When you come in, be sure to bring
your car along! Wa really mean
Right now, we're out to win still
more friends in this area for the
years-ahead New Hudson!
Approximately 750
Participated In
Swimming Classes
Approximately 750 children
participated In the American Red
Cross-sponsored swimming school
neia in Koseourg according to an
unofficial announcement by Ray
Brown, manager ot the Roteburg
Municipal pool.
He said 150 swimmers received
certificates indicating they pass
ed the minimum swimming re
quirements. Also. 15 persons re
ceived Junior life-saving certifi
cates, while 10 received senior
life-saving certificate. Brown
indicated tnese figure were ap
proximate, as tne oificlal count
has not yet been tabulated.
A Myrtle Creek group Included
some 44 swimming neophytes, of
whlcn nearly 20 received swim
ming certificate. Nine were
awarded life saving tickets.
Brown said a report of swim
ming certificate Issued through
out the county would be forth
coming at a future date. Kose
burg pool students came from an
area Including Wilbur, Myrtle
Creek, Glide and the Umpqua-
Aieirose areas.
Brown said he wished to ex
press his thanks on behalf of the
American Red Cross, to a num
ber of persons who helped put
the swimming program across
this summer.
The list of instructors Includes
Margaret Seifarth, Mrs. Doro
thy Moore, Mrs. Louise Hayes,
Mrs. Jean Josse, Lyle Eddy, Al
lan Knudson, and Gene Culver.
Brown is Douglas county water
safety chairman of the American
Red Cross.
St. Mary's Gaels Taper
Off To Meet Oregon
MORAGA. Calif., Sept. ll-UP
The St. Mary's Gael started
taperfnr, off on heavy football
practice yesterday, preparatory
to entertaining the University of
Oregon Friday night at Kezar sta
dium in San Francisco,
Work for the Gaels wa con
fined to an hour and a half polish
ing up and place kicking and
Coach Joe Verducci Indicated
that today's work would be most
ly sharpening up exercises.
The Gaels will hold a "beat
Oregon" rally on the campus to
morrow night which will be pre
ceded by a "duck dinner" for the
700 students.
The Oregon team will arrive
tomorrow morning and will stay
at the old Hearst ranch at Pleas
anton until game time.
Ezzord Charles Signs
To Meet Pat Valentino
SAN MATEO, Calif., Sept. 14
(m Ezzard Charles is signed
and sealed, hut not delivered, to
defend hi NBA heavyweight box
ing championship at San Fran
cisco's Cow Palace Oct. 14.
Th signing was done before
19.371 fans at the opening of Bay
Meadows' 41 -day horse racing
meet. For Charles it was by
proxy. He declined to fly out from
an Atlanta exhibition to keep the
Joe Louis, retired World heavy
weight king, signed for the In
ternational Boxing club which
holda Charles' contract. Ezzle's
manager sinned loo as did Pat
Valentino of San Francisco, who
geta the shot at Charles' crown.
On the track. Little Rollo won
the featured $5,000 added Inau
gural handicap over six furlongs.
He paid $12.70.
Genzaks, Felicisimo
To Meet In Big Contest
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 14 t.Tl
The going get rough In the Pa
cific Southwest tennis champion
ships today with the opening of
the quarter-finals and matches
being extended to the best three
out of five sets. Top-seeded Rich
ard (Pancho) Gonzales. Los An
geles, takes on Felicisimo Am
pon, Philippines ace. Both were
Idle in singles play yesterday.
Eric Sturgess, South Africa
first seeded foreign player, had
a terrific fussel yesterday elim
inating Art Larsen, San Francis
co, 4 6. 6 4, 6 3.
Wad., 14, 1949 The News-Review, RoMburg, Ore. 7.
Main Entrance
To Finlay Field '
Not To Be Used
Because of construction work
In progress, the regular entrance
to Finlay field will not be used
Friday night, when the Rosehurg
Indiana play Medford's Black
Tornado In the first football game
of the season for both schools.
Entrance to the football field
will be made from the corridor
between the high school and ten
nis courts and through the high
school, according to Jack New by,
Indians' business manager,
Newby said all students from
junior and senior high school, us
ing student body cards, and hold
ers of season reserved seat tick
ets, will enter the field through
the alleyway between the high
school and tenni courts.
Persons making ticket purchas
es the night of the game, and all
other ticket holder, will enter
through the main doors of the
school. Reserved seat ami fener
al admission ticket will be sold
In the main lobby of the high
school, Newby said.
RICHMOND. Va.. Sept 14 OB
The Richmond Rebels, outma
neuvered for three quarter,
stormed Into the fourth period
for two touchdowns and handed
the Honolulu Warrior a 21-20 de
feat in a football game last night
Pupils of blue eyes contract
more in bright light than do the
pupils of dark eyes.
Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St
Your Grounds
The beautv of your grounds en
hances the beauty of your
home. Arrange now to nave
our (killed gardener do vour
landscape Job. Free estimate.
L. H. Mcpherson
Rt 2, Box 151 Phona 71S-J-1
Distributed In Roteburg by Bote Candy Co.
Mtr out with rut srr
Roseburg Hudson Co.
Convenient Parking et Rear af Srore
Wordi low-priced quoify Hrs
now ul-pricdl "Cold rub
bar" odded for longer waanj
Evry ounc first quality ma.
tarioli to provid real safen1
No iafr low-priced fir
mad I
Not only mad of first qual
ity materials but it's first
quality In tread dspth and
width cross-isction ond
lira. Now improvad with
"cold rubber.'- Compar
Rivenid only winN brt first
lino tirtl
tir that's battar thon tint
tin tlrit Now, longar waar.
Irg than vr becoui it's
mod with "cold rubbar" to
giv xfra milaog. Gat tr
lovingi on Deluxe now
nana " run
4.7J5.0O-19 .1S $ e.44) $t.0
5 J 55.JO-1 7 M ' 10.41 1.11
4.00-14.... 141 J $11.41
4.50-1 J 12.60 11.IS 2 1S
4.254 50-14 IMS 1115 14.11 2.3S
7.00-14.... 14.7S Is.lS 14
htkoms prh fa Tea fatre
702 S. Stephens
Phone 1276-R