CHILDREN ORPHANED ATHENS. Sept. 13. The Ministry of Welfare announced Friday 36.185 Greek children have been orphaned since the itart of the war in Greece in 1939. In addition. 226.310 have lost their fathera and 77,427 have loat their mothers. ""Jops' For on Dralnboarda Set Phil Ournam Linoleum Laying and Venetian Blind 920 i. Main 1336-J Fender Body ! Refinishing COMPLETE L0CKW00D MOTORS Rose and Oak Phone 80 i SEE US I Expert mm m $6500 Uk and up tUMPIN UTtA a AMAZING 1. Taa synthetic resia and e fhuta . . . miraculously thins with water for your convenience and economy. I. Latest smartest cetera I Styled by leading decorators. 3. Increased durahilrtrl A harder; tougher, longer-lasting finish. 4. Creiter hidinj power !Ontcot covers most any interior surface, even wall paper. 5. WalkaMet 1 Applies Mia megicl 7. Dries la ana sew! L Ne "pairny edert I. One gaBaa dees sa ever s ft reenl There Is only one Kern-Tone... Accept No Substitute! UMPQUA A home owned and operated store 202 N. Jackson Moscow And Tito Maintain There Won't Be Shooting War Over Present Conflict By DEWITT MACKENZIE AP rorctfn Affair Analyst Marshall Tito, Yugoslavia's hard-boiled dictator, reaffirmed hia belief yesterday that his coun try isn't headed for armed strife with Russia despite the propa ganda war and economic boycott by the Moscow controlled Comin ' form. At the same time Pietro Nennl, a pro-Communist Italian social ist leader, staled in Rome after a visit to Moscow that Russia will stop short of war with Yugoslav ia. Nennl said the Soviet never will intervene "at the point of the bayonet" but proposes that the Yugoslav people themselves "judge and condemn the policies of Tito." Is Thtre A Policy These and similar declarations have brought me an inquiry as to whether there is a Communist policy that one Communist na tion won't go to war with anoth er. Is Russia's hope for world peace based on the idea that. If all nations should turn Commu- rev (a etveri mete mtntj wiffc McCtWfetif Wherever there's wood to be cut, there's profit to be mide with a McCulloch chain saw. Blade sizes are svsilable for every type of cutting operttion, from felling gisnt red woods CO making fence potts, Yoa can increase your earning capacity make extra dollars for s long, long time by investing now in a depend able, fsat-cutiing McCulloch. You're Invited Within the next few days, stop by our tore for real demonstration of wood cutting. Or give us s call and we'll try to arrange a show for you at your place. There's no obligation. We want you to tee what a McCulloch can do. o MoJtlt Available McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW SALES SERVICE Hiway 99 North Roseburg Phone 1547-R 111!? iipii RESIMIL WALL FINISH! Jhe modem "iracle wall finish VALLEY Phone 73 1 af r m iUUM V".'l' '"'' '" tcasitH fSB Mm.m- niat, there couldn't be wars among them? Russia nasn t announced such policy In so many words. She has, of course, frequently declared that ahe maintains a policy of non-aggression against all coun triesCommunist and otherwise and will fight only in aelf de- lenae. ine nasn t differentiated between Communist and non Communist nationa in this re spect. International Communism However, Moscow haa identi fied Ita political ism aa "Inter national Communism," aa oppos ed to the Nationaliam for which Tito stands. The sovereignty of nation under International Communism rests in Moscow. The Marshal haa refused to sur render hia country's sovereignty, and on that point hinges the cur rent conflict between Russia and Yugoslavia. It la, I suppose, logical to as sume that there can be no armed strife between loyal "internation al Communists" who take their orders from Moscow. So in that sense It could be said that the Russian policy for International Communism precludes war among members. Birds of a leather flock together. Obviously the position is explo sive and, aa this column remark ed the other day, Tito himself probably wouldn't claim to be a good insurance risk. It la the type of crisis which could produce a shooting war but, as thinga atand at the moment, isn't expected to by most observers. Sen. Morse's Upsetting Horse Upsets Office WASHINGTON (.P) That buggy in which Senator Morse iROre) waa upset twice at the Salem, Ore., horseshow upset his office a good deal 10 dava ago. Friends of the senator recalled today that when he returned to hia Salem home he found regu lations required him to drive Sir Laurel Guy, roadster stallion, to a four-wheeled buggy instead of a two-wheeled sulky aa he had expected. So he aent word back to his office here to ship the buggy to Salem. It had Just been painted in sub urban Silver Spring. The tirea were at a farm 40 miles from Washington and a tarpaulin to cover it waa In Washington. Miss Genevieve Cooper, one of the senator's secretaries, start ed out at six o'clock one morning to round them up. She got them to Washington at two In the aft ernoon. She expresaed. them to Salem. "We let the senator worry about the cost. We shipped col lect," she said with a grin. Salvation Army May Enter Adoption Fields PORTLAND im The Salva tion Army may enter the child f)lacement field to combat what I calls wide-spread illicit adop tions and black market place ments of babies born to unwed mothers. A divisional planning commit tee of social workers reported that no other solution appeared in sight Helen Grler, case worker at the Salvation Army's White Shield home, said there waa Increasing "boldness" on the part of people pressing for adoption of babies. The Salvation Army now cares foe Infants but refers Inquiries on adoption to approved agencies. Woman Bails Out Dog But Leaves Husband PASADENA, Texas (JP Po lice Chief Edd Mlgler said a man's wife rescued her husband's dog out of Jail but let her hus band stay. Migler said the man and his Boston bull terrier were lodged in the city Jail after the man was charged with being drunk. When advised of the situation, Migler said, the wife comment ed: "I'll come over and get the dog." LOOK FOR WHEN YOU PAINTING PA1NT1NO ADD DECOCATINO ICONTCACTOCSl AMEBICA You are protected when you deal with members of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America 1. Personal injury or property damage fully covered by insurance. 2. Written contracts ond specifications. 3. All estimates ond bids free. 4. Monthly payments if desired. Following is a complete list of Pointing Contractors who ore members of the Roseburg Chopter Harry Hill Carl Cornell Leo Kimball P. aV H. Paint Co. John B. Preston ' Spencer A McFadden Kenyon Bros. Tyler A Shutlz Douglas Paint and Hardware Don . Morgan Harold B. Hall 'v m X 4 " .f "-!'" " J :f i i i iiif ii is n i.i s ',.aJt i.'.. "v. CERMAN CHURCH BELL S Workmen in the Schilling turned eut to replace those News Articles Are Written Over Reader's Heads DENVER (.f) Some company newspapers and national union newspapers write over the heads of their readers, when judged for ease of reading. This report was made to the American Psychological associa tion by Dr. Edward T. Rancy, of Wayne university, Detroit. He studied a large auto cor poration's house organs and the publications ol tne united auio Workers. C.I.O., all going to the same employes. He found the union papers even more high brow on wording than the corporation's. The information was judged aa hard, or very hard to read." he said, "when it was like the material found in a quality mag azine, such as Harper's." He rated the company papers as 65 percent hard to read and the union at 74 percent. He, said the union papers covered a wide! and more national field. The ratings were based on test formulae of Dr. Rudolf Flesch, New Yrok psychologist. Dr. Ra ney said that under these formu lae any sentence over 21 words long becomes more difficult to read. Likewise more difficult is more than 155 syllables per 100 words. Dr. Flesch is a consultant for the Associated Press on read ability of news. "The verv things management would like its employes to know," said Dr. Raney. "are being pitch ed at a level far over their heads." Dr. Carol S. Bellows. Detroit, recommended that executives learn to read faster. She told of 80 executives who In 10 weeks training Increased their average reading speeds from Just under 300 words a minute to almost 475. i State Farm Mutual slashes auto insurance costs! Savings up to 20 for Oregon drivers State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company Call or Coma In Newt 0. L. ROSE Room 212 Doul. Co. State Bank Bldg. THIS SIGN THINK OF DECORATING taken from churches for guns and ammunition during the war. Dorena Dam Will Be Dedicated On Oct. 23 EUGENE (Aft The $14,000,000 Dorena Dam on the Row river will be dedicated Sunday, Oct. 23, at a ceremony in Cottage Grove, with the chamber of com merce host at the celebration. Representative Harris Ells worth will take part, and Gov. Douglas McKay, Senator Guy Cordon, and General Lewis A. Pick have been Invited. W. A. Schwarz, resident engineer at the .JIM I J MATTRESS X The value sensation of the year . . . o 235 coil, innerspring mattress for only $39.50. Through a fortunate special purchase, we can give you this money-saving offer for a limited time only. There's sleeping comfort and long wear built right into this mattress and it is GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS. Inner roll construction with a droll border gives greater comfort, longer wear. Beauti fully covered in gray and green damask ticking. This offer is good for a limited time only . . . so coma in or phone early. $00 t2J Down Mail and Phone DELIVERYfn (-QDlqCO 222 plant at Heidelberg finish bell dam, said that crews are leaving the damsite rapidly, many of them going to work on the De troit or Meridian damsites. Some crews, he reported, are cleaning up the reservoir area, with the Idea that the 2314-acre pool may begin to fill by the end of the month. The flow of water now is extremely low, guaglng only 16-cublc feet per second, on an average day. Bv botanical definition, snap or green beans, pod of peas and gar den popper are fruits. Orders Invited W. Oak Wed., Sept. 14, 149 The Newt-Review, RoMBunj, Ore. t Dance Instructor Faces 6 Charges For Jewel Theft TORONTO CP Lou Ward, 27, free-spending former dancing instructor, faces six charges of jewelry theft, and police are look ing Into the possibility that he may be the smooth-talking thief who charmed Vancouver social circles to pave the way for large scale robberies. Ward, also known to police as Louis Molner, was arrested Sun day in a downtown hotel here on a charge of carrying a German automatic pistol. An exchange of telegrams between Toronto and Vancouver, B. C, police led to additional charges, including one accusing Ward of a $30,000 Van couver robbery. Described by police as a one time tutor at a dancing school in Brantford, Ont., the dark-haired, even-featured Ward Is said to have arrived here three weeks ago by plane. Police say that since then he haa drawn on a big bankroll for a happy holiday splurge through hometown bright spots. Meanwhile, police In Vancou ver continued their inquiries into the series of West Coast DOT-! thefts. They have arrested aid McGrath. 26, on a charge of stealing (30.000 worth of Jewels Aug. 26 from the Kraser valley ranch home of E. S. Glaspie, wealthy Vancouver lumberman. McGrath la to appear in court Sept. 17. Vancouver police said a second man they were hunting fled when they sought to arrest him In con- 3oswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendant! 1 Mile S. of Drain. Oreron i ' BasBBBaBaBaaaBaBaBBBaBBaaBaBaBBetS nectlon with seven daring thefts including the Glaspie robbery. They said hia good look, careful grooming and cunning made it easy for him to form friendships with young women in the upper Income brackets. Police believe that from them he obtained In formation about wealthy Vancou ver residents, knowledge he la ter used In his gem raids. The lower Yangtze valley o f China is one of the most densely populated areaa In the world. ROOt SANDINeV md " RNISHING EstfaMrtM L 320 Weed St. m enaitan Used Cars For Sale ' '41 Chryslar Windsor 4-0eer. '41 Chevrolet Panel Ten '41 Oldsmoblle 4-Dear 40 Ford Pick-up jtf '39 Chevrolet Coupe . '3 Ford Coup '3 Chevrolet 4-Doer i '37 Plymouth Piek-ue ' 37 G. M. C. Pickup Liberal Trade-ins Any Make or Modal Doyle's Sales And Service Hlwsy M at Garden Valley Phona til EASY TERMS Phone 348 nrf.r.iMi.i.i' .-Hdi:ii;