16 The News-Review, Roseburg, OrWed., Sept. 14, 1949 Could The Democracies Work With A Tito Bloc? Question Posed By Foreign Analyst By DEWITT MACKENZIE AP foreign N.wt Anajyat Czechoslovakia'! officla 1 com munist newspaper chargei Mar shal Tito, Yugolavia'i red dic tator, with plotting to entire Ru ?ia'i eastern European satellite! nto an anti-soviet alliance. Whether this be true, the fact remains that Tito's defiance of Moscow's domination is being fol lowed by conspiracies and dis turbances among other satellites. The Czechoslovak and Hungarian communist governments claim to have uncovered plans for actual rebellion by force. The ferment also has shown Itself elsewhere. Well, supposing disaffection among the satellites is growing as the evidence indicates what Is Its real significance? How would the democratic world be affected If Tito did succeed In forming an anti-Russian bloc? Could the western nations work satisfactorily with such a Tito bloc? Communism Differs In seeking an answer to these vital questions we must note first that Moscow and Yugoslavia are A. F. Walter Kr.su, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Km ! ratrtiavra Apta.Phone 16 ifflce hours: Mon. Thru Sal working under two different types of communism. vism, which calls for world revo lution In order to bring an na tions Into the Soviet bloc under direction of Moscow, inn creed, which works by strong-arm methods, holds that the sovereign ty of any red nation rests in Moscow. The Tito brand of communism thus' far appears to belong to the common or garden variety with tirhtik ua urAra nf-nnaintpri ho f n re bolshevlsm was born. The Tito communism stands for aDsoiuie nationalism of the stute and the retention of sovereignty. Moscow calls its ism "Interna tional Communism," as opposed to Tito's Nationalist State, Two Definitions With those definitions before us, which brand of communism would the democracies find it oscio,- in pot nlnnff with? The answer to that Isn't difficult, al ways assuming mat uio wouiu stick to the tenets which he now niliuinotiM Dno natnrallv uunillrl choose the Tito communism as the lesser ol two evils Decause ii professes to honor the sanctity of national sovereignty. Of course, any form of com munism is totalitarian ana suo lects the individual to regimen tation. However, reports on the Yugoslav set-up Indicate that It Is more liberal to the Individual 4 fir 3 iENATOR-ACTOR V. 8. Senator Frank firahan. North Carolina Is coslumrd by Mrs. Graham for his "celebrity night" role of Arnuda In "The Lost Colon;" pageant, Manteo, N.C. V LI :-kfomlr) than Is bolshevlsm. We know that democracy and bolshevlsm can't work side by side peacefully because that has been amply demonstrated. Family Doctors Stage Comeback States Physician SEATTLE t.T) The fam ily doctor is staging a comeback in prestige In this age of special ization, Dr. Stanley R. Truman of Oakland, Calif., president-elect of the American Academy of Gen eral Practice, said here today. "We are beginning to realize that the specialist is not a doc tor superior to the general prac titioner," said Dr. Truman. "The specialist Is needed, of course. But the average family, especially the city family, has found it needs a doctor who can take care of 85 per cent of its ail ments which the well-trained practitioner can do." He said that the general prac titioner looks at the entire pa tient, while the specialist looks at only one part of him. "Fitly per cent of the aches and pains are emotional in origin, Dr. Truman said, and the family doctor, knowing the entire history of the family, is better able to cope with these problems." He called the University of Washington medical school an outstanding example of a school giving special attention to gen eral practice and encouraging students to enter the Held. CONKLIN REMARRIES LAS VKGAS. Nov., Sept. 13. M) Chester Conklln, 63, come dian of the silent days In the mo vies, was married Friday to Val da C. Genessee, 41, Hollywood. The former Mrs. Conklln died in 1937. Alaska Termed Defense Bastion By Symington ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Sept. 14. .P Alaska was termed by Air secretary bymlngton here Mon dav a defense bastion stand ing between the "air frontiers of the continent" and the "only na tion In the world powerful enough to launch an attack against the United States." Symington predicted at a news conicrence mat congress would pass a public works appropria tion of $137,000,000 for military construction in Alaska. The secretary said one of the first projects would be speedy construction of a $50,000,000 ra dar screen to detect enemy planes in tne territory. All the northern states were in cluded in Symington's reference to "air frontiers." Including De troit, Mich., which he said would be a target in case of war. A member of Symington's par ty, Rep. Mitchell ID-Wash) told the Anchorage Chamber of Com merce he was Impressed by the visit and would "take back the OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality store and burner oil CALL 1S2 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County Fall Roseburg Retail Trade Association pen 11.9 treasue IU1 n Ml Wednesday, Sept. 21, 7:30 P. M. Starting today, Sept. 14, you will receive tickets in the retail stores of Roseburg. They are your chances to win prizes in the big treasure hunt sponsored by the Roseburg Retail Trade Association. All you hove to do is get a ticket, fill in the stub with your name and address, and deposit it in a box at the store. On Wednesday, Sept. 21, the winning numbers will be posted in the store windows of Roseburg. If you match your ticket with the stub, you will win a valuable mer chandise prize. Here's how you can win FREE PRIZES: 1. Ask for your ticket at any Roseburg store. 2. Fill in the stub and deposit it in the box. If your nam and address era not on the stub, your entry will bt disqualified. 3. Match your ticket with the stubs displayed in the win dows of Roseburg stores on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Do not expect to find your stub displayed at the some store that issued the ticket. No more tickets will be issued after noon on Wednesday, Sept. 21. At that time all merchants will take their tickets to the Chamber of Commerce office where the winning numbers will be drawn. Wednesday evening of 7:30 p.m. the winning num bers will be displayed in the windows of Roseburg stores. The tickets have both a letter ond number. This has been done to make it easier for the shoppers to match tickets with the stubs displayed. FIND YOUR NUMBER AND WIN A FREE PRIZE Second Victim Dies In Canton Shooting Scrape CANTON, Sept. 14 CP) W'lllard Freeman, 41, American businessman from Bridgewater, Mass., died Tuesday of gunshot wounds suffered In hit suburban home last Thursday. His was the second death In the mysterious shooting. Harold Harris, 45, a British trader, was killed Instantly. Leonard Clark, 42, San Francisco explorer, was wounded In the chest but will re cover. Harris' wife and children are at Esquimau, B. C. The trio fell victims of a .32 calibre pistol after a friendly drinking party that ended In a fight. Chinese police today said they had "100 per cent proof" of who did the shooting. There has been no arrest. Freeman's attractive widow, Maya, 33, said she slept through the fight and shooting In an ad Joining room. Harris was shot three times. Freeman twice and Clark once near the heart. Neither Freeman nor Clark was aware that Harris died in the affray. Clark has said he found the world's tallest mountain i n northwest China recently. Marriage That Wouldn't Last Now In 70th Year SOUTH GATE, Call! Just after her honeymoon Mn. John Doke said she was warned her marriage couldn't last be- cause her bridegroom "had such an uiiiwij n.,.,.. They were wed In Edgerton. Mo., Sept. 11, 1879. She was 18 then and John was 20. Sunaay they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY One huge Douglas fir tree In California is estimated to contain more than 40,000 board feet of lumber. f-tory of the need for continuity." He joined In the secretary's pre diction that Congress would get the bill through this year. I If... Your Refrigerator or Washer Needs RepaSr . . . Phone 805 I Bergh's ' Appliance Service 1200 S. Stephens See NORGE Before You Buy THIS LIVING PROOF Of h THE GOSPEL MESSAGE He Was 1. A MORPHINE ADDiCT 2. PRONOUNCED INCURABLE 3. A MAN OF DESPAIR 4. SAVED AND CURED BY THE POWER OF GOD He Is A LIVING MIRACLE OF GOD'S GRACE 1 . , 1 ! r-c: V;-, 471 Air Rev. D. C. Van Slykt Hear Him . At THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 400 E. Douglas St. Roseburg BEGINNING WEDNESDAY SEPT. 14 7:30 P. M. Select at PLAID SHIRT A. g95 p In Dan River Woven Ginghams Exclusive Color Combinations Pick your faveWres Convertible Collars Smart open or doted long Sleeves Roll 'em up, wear 'em down! Wrlnkle-toiittant less mussing, leti prusing Celorfast Sun ond tudt-proof Fully Shrunk Jteu'duaf shrinkage will not exceed I SIZES 31 to 40 1 Aristomoor Rayon Fabric Wt don't hav nough tuprlotivM to describ this btauty. Th fxclusivt plaids ar exquisittty colored. Tht tailoring's magnificent convertible collar, action-bock pleats, extra long toils. The fabric's the kind you dream about colorfast, wrinkleresittant. hanky washable. And H'l all yours at a trifling little price! Sizes 32 to i0. zephyr-light . '4 I. f m .. gaot rayon i. .7 3 a r dine "V-r.f, classic tailored shirt Hre' e itort yovH live an ell yowr cmwol Cvrtible tolW, oxtion-bwk plcoh. lro long toih for uinot comfort. GuOronlMd ' unconditionally 0lKobl' Colorlott ihodd of blue. B"k. ceff. noil, grty, oquo ond white. Si 32 o 40. Ever lovely ever washable ond the handsomest plaid we've seen in years. Tailored to perfection with convertible collar, action-bock pleats and French cv.. dftciled with peart buttons and links. Sanforized, unconditional ly washoble combed ginghom in exclusive color combinations. Sites 32 to 40. Second fc oor of uoiis i