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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1949)
Turn "lust Sathereirs" Into "Cash Catchers" With Want M n CLASSIFIED RATES I day pr a Ay ' " S daye " 4 -a Z Z f Z Z Real Estate Real Estate Bargains ISO ACRES. 90 acres tillable, balance Easture. 3 flood all-year springs: Urge rn: good 5 room house; family or chard. Prica $5250 00. Vi down. gO ACRES. Nicely located Nice 4 bed room home; good well; elactnc pump: I all-year spring; extra good barn; family orchard. 35 acre tillable, bal ance open patturt. A real nice place. Price atsoo.oo. S3 ACRES. Close In. T room home: elec tricity; work shop: garage, chicken house. Only $4500 00. 19 ACRES. Nice level land In dandy location. Good road. No buildings. 91500.00, 9100.00 down. Buy and build. 10 ACRES Nicely located In Sutherlln valley. Good home, barn, chicken house, brooder house. $Wi50 00. Terms or trade for Coast property. BEDROOM plastered home. Close In. Good location. A real bargain for 94000.00. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 100x100 lot Close in. Why pay rent when you can buy for 9500.00 down. $JO00 0Q full price. NEW S BEDROOM HOME. FHA ap proved. Nice location. 17875 00. 40 ACRE STOCK RANCH with good all year creek and lots of springs. 125 acres tillable: water available for Ir rigation. Beautiful 3 bedroom modern home. Also 4 room house for em- ?Ioyees. Good barns, shop, garage, imber will help pay for thli place. Priced at 930,000.00. Terms. WE HAVE LARGER RANCHES, reasona bly priced. Also good Income prop erty. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor Bruce Taylor, Salesman Opposite City Hall Sutherlln Phone 0711 Better Homes (Move In Today N. JACKSON HOME with lovely grounds, fine home with fireplare. 3 bedrooms, den. breakfast nook, liv ing room, full basement with furnace. Price 91 1 ,500 make an offer for terms. NEW, lovely a grand view, a perfect kitchen, bathroom that is a dream, fireplace, huge basement .piped heat For $13,950 and an FHA loan act up, you can not go wrong. TWO BEDROOMS and room (or two up, a nice home near Rose School all act up on FHA loan. Price 99.000. See this today. PAY LESS THAN 91.000 00 down on this home priced at 17850. on an FHA loan. Two bedrooms, kitchen and well lut all that goes to make up an extra fine home on a large lot In a good district TIMBER TIMBER 2,000.000 ft, cat show, winter show, county road, land, home 2 , farm land. Will pay for Itself, 920.000.00 and you make the terms. LOTS Or LOTS (any place any price) TOR GROUNDS, guest house, living room with french windows and wall to wall carpeting shake exterior you can't beat this lovely west side home. For better living price at $12, 90000 and we will make up your terms. Umpqua Realty (across "00" from P. O I 119 N. Stephens Ph. 1S35-J Compare These Buys IRRIGATING CREEK flows right through this 315 acres: 75 tillable. '35 bottom i, 15 acres timber, balance good pasture. Fair 6 rm. nous in neautiiui setting, 14 stanchion barn. Implements 3 pumps. Unbeatable value at 914, ooo. half down. 15 minute drive from Roseburg. S ACRES with 4 bedroom house. 3 room apt. Small barn, in gooa location on city bus line. M.500 full price. 25 ACRE RANCH close In 12 acres creek bottom with Irrigating equip.. orchard, some timber. 900 year Vase on mill site. Machinery, etc. for $19.- 000; good terms. 10 ACRE FARM with nice 3 BR home. large barn. etc. Lots of fruit and shade. Good soil. 8 miles out Owner asks 90.000 with easy terms. What do you say 7 SEE US for river frontage, farm and homesites. Irrigated ranches, stock ranches of any -sire. Home Specials NEW 3 BR with attached garage and shop, utility, dining, bright kitchen and living room. Beautiful hardwood floors. Insulated. Nice view and sur roundings. Near Vela Facility, 983O0, 92.000 down. OLDER DUPLEX, re-decorated. In nlr city location. Fine view. At 97,400; this place can pay for Itself. C. S. Briggs & Co. REALTORS 112 W Casa Ph. 914 A GOOD BRAND NEW LISTING Two bedroom home located on the west side. It is a newer type home, very well construct ed, neat and clean. Lots of shrubs, lawn, hedge. Big kitch en, lots of closet, bath and shower. Big lot. This Is a mighty comfortable home, 98250. Convenient terms. 9500 DOWN FOR STATE C L Here Is another westside home, well located on a corner lot. Beautiful fenced-in yard that will please any child Olaer home, but well kept and main tained. Two bedrooms, full din ing room, very cheery kitchen and glassed-in utility room. Ga rage, email workshop. 98500. for business and pleasure Nice little bedroom house within industrial rone few blocks from our off'ce. Two adjacent lota nicely located for man who wants business nert to home Can put up Shet Metal building House is mod ern. 9900 with terms for atl. or can buy house alone for 94.250 with terma too. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors FINISH YOI'R OWN HOME Two acres garden soil and a large starter home All for 2WO. Located two miles east of Dixonville. CHOICE Bt'ILDING LOTS In gM dis trict. City water and liahts $BU0 for large lota with some terms. DO YOU WANT A RANCH Some of the best ranches In Doug'as Countv are listed with us. Come in, we can prove our statement. NT ED LISTINGS on homes In and out of city. Cacy's Real Estate 309 W Ca Phone 1277 -J Res. Phone (TOR Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwall 31 U. 1. Bank Bldg. Ph. ftfl Real Estate PRICE ACTUALLY REDUCED 91000 for quick 1 1 e 2-bedrooms, bath with shower, f.l heater in living room, oil range .-J water heater, partial base ment, arage, fine gaiden spot, lawn, large s.alnut tree in front yard, south part of city, 9250, $Juu0 down. EXCTXENT LOCATION 2 blocks from Court House 1 -bed room, modern: range and heater Included, Immediate poksesaion. seldom a buy on paved street and sewer like this at 95250 with oniy 91250 down and 940 per month plus interest. WE HAVE THE BEST If you want a really fine home individually soled and built larre living room, fire place, plate glass windows, dining room, 3 bedrooms, lovely kitchen and bath, wardrobe closets, extra fire place In mce basement, first resi dential district, reasonable price and terma at 914.750 with around 93000 down. GOOD SMALL FARM of 5S acres on live creek oniy i' mues out. modern home with hath, wired for 22o. sever a I nut buildings, plenty of fruit, $5-50. 92500 down. FULL TIME FARM. Ideal for dairy. over n acres wnn arouno o nub ble, 40 being creek bottom land that could be irrigated from live stream, larfte barn with 14 stanchions, con crete floor for Grade A. other out buildings, B-room home not the best but has electricltv and oressure water, onlv 0 miles out and a real buy at 113,500 with terma. ONE MODERN HOME for 9700 down: one lin!ne on tne ouiaiae oniy ur 9500 down. 4-BEDROOM 3. 3 BATHS, nearly an acre with city water and on bus route, a very attractive bungalow arranged for laige familv or separate families, excellent construction built just before the war and a fine home for 90000 with about 93000 down. Roy 0. Young, Realtor 305 W. Casa St Phone 417 3 B R. MODERN HOME In City limits with 2 A. cn river. Modern trailer space with individual meters. Regula tion bath and wah rooms. Place has good rental income. Also large barn easily adaptable to apt. A fine home plus Income Let us how you this one 91S.9O0 00 with 97000.00 down. ONE OF THE CITY'S FINER HOMES and well locale a. b h. run o ce ment. Beautifullv landscaped. Paved street. Sewer. Very large lot. Ap pointment only. 923,000.00 2 B. R. MODERN HOME In Riverside. Lot soxion. imm. row. uiose to graae school and store. Only 91250.00 down. 95200.00 full price. 3 VIEW RLDG LOTS In Jones Add liox.'fio it uuuaozea ana reaay tor building. City water and lights. A buy at 91800.00 on good terma. 4 A NEAR WINSTON Excellent bored well with new pre-ure system. Good mad. Fine soil. 9350 00 down. $1500.00 full price. 3 B. ft. MOD HOME on Fullerton St. Cor. lot 80x125. fenced. Nice lawn and shrubbery. Garage and wood shed. 97350.00. Terms. NEW 3 B R. MODERN HOVE In sub urban restricted dist. Wall furnace. Hardwood floors. Fine kitchen. Att. garage and Idy. trays. A real buy. You be the judge. 9300000 down. 97500.00 full price. INCOME PROPERTY close In. One unit, 2 modern apts. Gas ranges and heaters in each included. Only $4750.- 00 witn very gooa terms. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans 124 West Cass St - Phone NOTHING OVER 9500 DOWN I I t 9'10'a of an acre with a live able cabin within city limits of Oakland. Lights, water. 91 inn. 9250 down and balance 927. 50 per month. l' acres with a good modern home, not quite complete. Con crete foundation. new well. Electricity. Near Oakland. 92100. 9500 down. Two bedroom modern home near new Oakland High School with one acre of ground. Home onlv about two years old. $4250. 9350 down. 3'i lots directly In front of the new hich school In Oakland, all for 9650. $150 down. Onktand Branch Office ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO. Across from Bank Valley Real Estate Agency FOR LEASE 1171 acre farm and stock ranch; 200 acres in cultivation: new home: lota of buildings; on pavement, 10 miles out. 95no. DOWN on large ultra modern new home; $75. per month; Payments In clude interest. You will be proud to own tnia line piaoa. f rice whw. Valley Real Estate Agency 113 W. Cass Street Phone House Lots In Restricted Subdivision $30. down, balance low monthly pay ments. News-Review Box 1. Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 215 U S. Bank Bldg. Ph. S83 3 TWIN 6-ROOM bungalows, hardwood floor", all modern Double cement driveway and garage. Lot ftnx.'too ft . industrial part of town. Worth $11. ono Full price $10.!K0. $7300 cash, balance terms. Call 624-J; if no an swer call 4.a-Y Priced To Sell Quick Large, new V bedroom home, attached f arage. plent.- of huilt-tns and closets. nujajerf 7PV Phone3fll-J-4 HOYSE FOR SALE, with bullt-lns. hot water and sink: hou not comple'e ly finnhed Price sVinoo rah. Ad dres Yount St., Owen Gallop, after 8 p m 160 ACRES Grade A dairy set up: modern. 4-room house, large hay harn with 22 stanchions, gravity system water, plenty of fruit and berries. Mr!roe Rt Box WV 5-BEDROOM HOME 1 ear old Hard mood floors and in-eisted W73n . or will take la model car in trade for apt. of .300 equity. Ph. 3BO-J-3. fWO3OitTn0CJTY LOTS' Good view. clre to town and school Reasonable 25. down, low monthly pamcnL Ca!lMrtleCreekfl23 VILL SELI I or 2 3-room houe. 1 rented, other vacant. Foth for SV..930 . terms. TKe car or nni irsiirr in trade. Tom Burke. Mountain View FOR SALE New, nrvlrrn. 2-bedroom home, plastered, hardwood floors, gas furnace, electric water heater: laun dry tra On pavement, very close InPh 003-J. FOR SALE MrdVrn. 2-beroom home, romoletelv furni-hed. 4V R C Poniton. Com lock Road, Wet Suth ert.n. FOR SALE Equity in 4 room house, t acre, half finihd f4io. down, car or rash Balance .tt22 Rt 1. Box 141. Fast Douglas. aftr 5 p m FOR SALE -Two lots with aond rhin in Sutnrrltn, near school R B Spack- man n 1. ti"X Rnvnurj rOR SALE -C-oic- bui'dipg l-t. 1 h;ork from new school, Oakland. Oregon Ph ?2 FOR SALE BY OWNER- Modern. S room home, immediate possession In quire 1003 W. 1st St Phone 601 -J. Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg, In another world from the hustle and bus tle of industrial and business activity. Na turally oeauiirui rolling terrain has been divided Into large lota by eon toured streets, paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lot1 affordlna a view Cloverdale Park Is Roseburg s m largest and , most beauti- ful suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete. FLOOR JOISTS, 10 centers. 2 x8", ' PL1B graded. No. 1 ana Detter. CEILING JOISTS on 18" centers. 2' x 9". PI. IB grade d. number i or oeiier. WALL STUD DINGS, on lfl" centers. 2' x 4 PL1B g r a a e a. No. 2 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted Inside wall, Reynolds Alumi num foil insulation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to CEILING INSULATION of Klmsul In baits . WINDOW GLASS area exceeds r ma re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto, ATTIC VENTS louvered. FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT ER, Rheem 40 fa), electric. FURNACE. 000 BTU. oil forced air. auto matic, spun (lass filtered. WINDOW SCREENS. Rvtock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood, "non-stick, float ing sash", weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS. DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Brligs, "non-skid." SHOWERS In every .bath. riRrPI AfFS vonuina " Hatllator". LAWNS, planted and tended to lint cuiuni. FINANCE The most flexible f 1 nancinf plana ever offered to Roseburg home buyers. FHA financ ing: on low Interest, low ment. Ions; term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as little as .VW down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone IMS Open 10 a. m. - p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday For Sale 1. 3 Bedroom modem plastered house insulated on paved street. Basement with utility, ground level. Sawdust furnace outside fireplace with lawn fenced, garage, shrubs, arbor. This house is completely furnished, wall to wall new carpet, davenport, chairs. riinin and brk. sets, beds complete refrigerator, elee. range, floor lamps, drapes, curtains Priced at $8000., $2000. dn. Bal. like rent 2. New 3 bedroom home plastered, hard wood floors, large living room, large bedrooms, lots closets. ancnin mint- ins, move In now. Only $7600, $1600. dn. This ! two sneclals. we have many other good bus. SEE US BEFORE at iinu. Paul H. Krueger - Real Estate A. V Taylor. Salesman A3ft S Stephens Roseburg, Oregon Convenient Terms MnnrnN 9 bedroom home near new Green school situated on fair sized lot. Concrete foundation, interior In sheetrock. papered, run price ow. SAV) down, balance at $33 per month. acant Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 1003-ft LOTS IN WINSTON with ten thousand ft of lumber Lights, water and phone line in front of lot; will fur nish you a place to live at reasona ble rate, while building $600 your terms within reason Why not buy something you can pay for 3 rooms and 1 acre land 3'a miles south of Rex burg Your terms within reason 1Q0. Charles White. mile west, U mile north of Winston When It's Resi Estate in Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK, Ore HONC 4S APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South I'mpoua river: 4-room. modern house, fireplace. 2 room cabin, garage, win ter s wood, pressure pump g fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge Har old Yost. 3 mile South of Roseburg on Tipton Road 3-Bedroom Home Modern, attached garage, concrete drive ani walks, beau'iful view, crnr lot. rhifll bus service Phone MP-R-l f OR8AXEe236flrcash. 72 acres, old houe. grod well. $ acres prunes. salable timber. Write Mrs. O Miller. Riddle. Oreg, Ph. Riddle 334, & BY Njl iL. Inspectors kFYTV - finane- T f M M- v Vr7r-' Inspectors bTW trX4 Ml ' eeMr1 I asVl"yvrte-fl contractor M ' C-lrya. Inspectors e Jii Tgr P ' Bose- m jf7 by'1-' W ' vr Ut Inspectors f HA w pendently. APPOINT- i They'll Do It Every SURB I REVCMBEf? BED. A HISH CURVECDULDNT HIT TO RlfiHT FIELD . USED TO LIKE TO SWlKS At THE rIKST ONE'" Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency 1 ACRE on South Umpqua river, with 1 bedroom home; plastered and stucco, small chicken house; 2 room cabin; garage: family orchard: good garden soiL gMOO. 91S00. down. asiNn nfw HOME, rlcht here In town; never Deen iivru in, n bedrooms; plastered: hardwood floors; city gas; wired for range, city sewer, vacant now. $7500. t down. NEW 1 BEDROOM, modern home that is a oanay; narawooa noon, iuj in sulated: plastered; owner Is leaving, must sell. M750. g32A0. down. The owner la taking a loss on this. NEAT AND CLEAN 9 bedroom home In town: dining room: narawooa noon J as furnace; wired for rane; sewer; years old. Large lot 0OOO, Easy terms. ft ACRE In edge of Roseburg. with almost new oearoom noin. nj bus: or will trade for 3 bedroom home. S. 1300. down. 1 HOUSES on one lot. Live In one and rent tne otner: ciose to cuy cenier; one house rented now at $90. per month. 94030. 2450. down. LARGE 4 BEDROOM unfinished house. tseautliut view; wen const rue ieu. om Interior finishing done. This la real buy for some handy man. Only S2250, or take all A lot for 250. Some terms. GRADE A DAIRY RANCH: 1M acres ftMi in nr mr 24 cows, mi is par lor, lota of outbuildings, 4 bedroom house and bath. t mm good Umber; a money maker SB250. $2500, down. 23 ACRES of good aotl. TUj miles out, with very nice 3 bedroom home, large chicken house, lota of road frontage, suitable for sub division. 10,300. easy terma. 3 ACRE HOMESITES, rich black loam, $963. 9230. down. Valley Real Estate Agency 113 W. Casa St Phone MS Genuine Sacrifice $1230. OR LESS DOWN, centrally lo cated near new school, stores and bus. This nicely arranged 3 year old home Is landscaped, has two bedrooms with ample closet apace, oak floors, oil floor furnace heating. Venetian blinds throughout, garage. Total price is only $8w0. Bal. at 6 lnt Quick possession. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone W" R YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy one of S. W. Oregon's finest ranches far be low building replacement cost. 133 A. new modern 4 bedroom house, barn etc. Variety fruit, nut trees, springs, creek, excellent climate. $1.1.300, C. Swanson, owner. Riddle Oregon. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer til So. Main St Ph. JHT-RX EASY TERMS, or will take trailer house as down pa v ment 3 acres with un finished house and small barn. S E. of town. 2 miles. See Jack Butler. Roseburg reed at Seed Co., Oak Ik Spruce sis. 60 ACRES. 30 tillable; B-room house, outbuildings, lota or fruit, 3 year around springs, pressure system. 1 mile from Elk head on Howard Road. R. V. Hutcheson, Rt 1, Box 23-A. Yoncalla. FOR SALE-Partly finished 3-room house, 30x30 lot. $7(10., or will take car as part pavment. Call after 8 no p. m Cabin I, Harta East Side Trail er Cimp RANCH TOR SALE" 106 acres. 73 grain or bulb land. SI23. per iti. 6 miles south of Grants Pass; good location. C. Dennison. Hidden Valley Ranch, Rt. 4. Box 008. Grants Pass. FOR SALE Approximately 10 acres, large, partly modern house, bam .and other outbuildings Family orchard. $1V0 down, balance like rent Phone 022. R-l. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. he engineer Ph J87.R Lnfs for SALE City ater and lights available. Lod down nayment Eugene Rldenour Phone 7io-j-o MODERN 2 bedroom house with base ment, fruit garden, and acreage. 323 Marsters. Business Opportunities For Sale Popular Drive-In excellent equipment, owner selling due to ijmess r am yiiuns, In. restaurant and home delivery InnA service. Small down Day ment. Owner will carry mortgage for bal ance. No reason am oner rerusea Phone Grants Pass 5.W4 or 9Xl, FOR SalE New pumice stone store, size 34x30 Living quarters In back. Shelves and gondolas It la In very good location 3 milej south of Mvri'e Creek on Hiway 09 See owner Frank Grenskv next to Mlody Mountain Barn Phone lrwe Mvrtie ureea LIKE TO HEAR FROM parties who would like to own their own business In Roseburg. or other nnutnem Ore gon towns. S2V) Investment; make Sn- Write 4'40 Highway 00, South, Eugene, Oregon. f'l'NTf MOTEL Ownw. bfi? Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""umpqua realty Arrow from Poat Office oa Hignway W I12N Stephens Ph J 515-J W ANTTO CO.VTcTPARtVl'nterested In investing Mono tn going business: ece 1 1 en t security. Inquire Bos 3, News-Review. Jf i playedlonsAS fZ S WBMnHresVI'Mr n. JSIDE OF HIM WHEN HE VlwERE JUCTAttfiNWflJgALDy X IT 6L0RIES"-THEV &MTHB ETCHER V TO HIS WGHT' f M ONLy LOOKED 6000 )i REMEMBERS tfSil toKAlS fnCJlJ DgCRiBE AN ABSENT cors. lut. Kmc rcATum trtcsTt. u. oslo ir;u.ta NbE S-l5 NEW YQRr Time '- Help Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman ALSO SERVICE FLOOR HELPER NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Lockwood Motors Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson Wanted Immediately Man between aaea of 30-31 for Parts Department clerical work. Ability to type helpful Ultimate goal Salea or Management, rnone 1Z30, faru Mgr. ror interview, HAVE OPENING for two men in estab lished territory covering the Willa mette Valley. Permanent employment with above average earnings and car allowance, for appointment see Mr. Cheney. Umpqua Hotel, Tuesday to Tnursaay evenings a p. Stenographer Shorthand necessary. Rock Island Lum ber Co. offic, Sutherlln. EXPERIENCED AUTOMATIC trtmmer- man. night shift; steady job. Cell Natron Station before 600 p. m. Phone 72304 Springfield after 7 p. m. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Monday through Friday, mornings, call 24S daytimes, or weekends and nights 336-J-2, or write Rt a. box oj-h-i LADIES Would you invest 8 hours a day lor earnings or 4u. eacn weeai wnie Box tuts, ftews-fteview. WANTED Man with power saw' to fall and buck, rnone is-j-4 aner e p. m. WANTED Log trucks. Call 603-R-S. Wanted Wanted BEEP, VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone 833-R-3, or 4R9-R-S or write Route 1, Roseburg Will Pay Cash FE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackaoo. Phone 1SBJ-J. The Bargain House WANTED TO RENT a 3 or 4 bedroom house in or near Hoaenurg. nefer ancea exchanged Call 4A6-J after 3 p m . or bo anytime, and ask for At LounsDury URGENTLY NEEDED House or apt. by Sept. 17, ror family or a. news-ne-view employee, Please phone 1278-R. WANTED Junk, all kinds; copper. brass, aluminum, leao, rags, naileries. Bob s Salvage Yard. 2339 N. Stephens. WANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tools Anytntng oi vaiue. rrivaie narty Phone 833-R-3. CALL Al's for a fair bid on your fur nlture Ai s rurniture uenier, ais win chaster St Phone i:t37-R Wanted t6 buy ah kind"aof rural- lure Let us oia on your nous oi iur nlture Call 8Q3-R t309 NJackon St WANTED Apt. for couple, partly fur nished Ph. lVKt-R-4. WANTED TO RENT Land for hay. close n. Phone h:hi, r. i. ens WANTED TO " BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat to., pnone au W ANTEDTeam. Melrose Rt, Box 198. Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes ai on mp hit . ll-nlrk miles South of Roseburg Turn left on Winston Road, So. of Winston Bridge. Ala cantaloupe; all types squash. James Garden ) J THOSE OLD BALLPLAYERS T V r V ' WOULD Bf? A LOT OP HELP H J YEAH- i DESCRIBES ANYBODY TO .OOD CANNING TOMATOES. 7V. 30Ri.rFPING ROOM B17 W Mfwhe'r ik in. uu bu . V) )b. net Your ip--wv container, already picked Choice Ital ian prunes, now ripe, you pirk. ;tc per lb.: .10 lb lug. 81 25 at the ranch. Lindbloom, Dtxonvllle. Ph. 1Q-F-8 Canning Tomatoes $1 00 bushel 2" miles out East Douglas. Chas. Neav- oll. B O SC PI A ST WRAPPED AND PACKED READY to ship Sire l0. l M bushel: large size 12 00 Ewens Bros. Packing plant, Sutherlln. Ph. 912 TOMATOES-lndiana tannery, nest for canning, before the rainy season. Also Italian and Petite prunes. 3c U-plrk. 30 lb. lug. $1 25 delivered. Lindbloom. pn m i j FILBERTS Starting Saturdav. Sept 17. U-ptck, 10c per pound. Curry Estate, turn west at Rlv-r-dale Grange. John Burkhart, ph. 1M1-R-2 Cocker and canning corn now ready; also pears and cantaloupe. Rtv ersdale. Curry Estate, Rt 3, Box 3A9 Clarence Mahlev ft ALIA N PRICES, you pi-k. 3V bu .1 miles east Kelly a Korner, Rt. 1, Box 24 FILBERTS. U-plrk, 10c fo . or pick on shares. Ewen Bros., Garden Valley. Ph . s2 r-u Canning toma toes de 1 1 verid-ITso bushel Phone 9M CORN AND TOMATOES, you pickTTow- er Garden Valley G . L. Young CONCORD and eating grapes. 5c lb. t R Thompson. Winston Ph 90 J-l. Concord GRAPES for jeiiyToe lb. C a II 3W7-R Ca NNtNG TOMATOES and prune. . W. Schmidt. Garden Valley. By Jimmy Hatlo YEAM-LEFT THE Pitcher onlv knows ahat GUyDiDNTLlKS HIT Rentals FOR RENT Sleeolne rooms, men only If you are working outside of the rlty and would like to spend the week ends in town, save money by renting one of these rooms, and have a place of your own. 1 room. $23. oer month: 1 room, $3T. per month. Lights, heater, water furnish ed. Single beds, springs and mattress. Bathroom and toilet. Private outside entrance. Large living room: very attractive; easy walking distance. Cnme and are them at 110$ Corey Ave. Ph. 124-R. For Rent Good 3 B. R. Modern home I miles south. 30 A. pasture and other hldgs. Almost completely furnished. $73.00. William A. Oerding TOR HfcNT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 403 w Oak St. Phone 131 Trailer Space arge apaces, lawn, fence, automatic dryer, heated shower rooms. $4 00 per week for two, or monthly rates. New Moon Trailer Inn. N. on 96. Ph. B33-J-4. FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All In one toot Light enough any child can nanaie. linger-up control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 8. Stephen, Phon, 147S.R Rent A Singer Elcrtrte portable lewlni m.ctilne for uh in your own notne. INGIR SEWINO CENTER am N JecHon Ph. m Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richer da Men a Store. REFINISH your own floors, easily done with our high speed floor sender In expensive, Montgomery Ward as Co Phone 95 PROFESSIONAL MAN. wife and baby need furnished or unfurnished house. Phone 704-J-3. ROOM "fo rent with-bath. Gentleman preferred. Ph. 1033-R, 1249 N. Jack son. SLEEPING ROOM for rent, man pre ferred; no drinkers. Also garage. 321 North Kane. FOR RENT 2-bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors Fles at Clute Realty, p " 1'7. 407 W Cass. CLEAN ROOM In modern home. "One block north of Alameda In Clovsr dale Park. S.t3Barager. phone373jR FOR LEASE Highway fronuge for business, at Winston. S. B. Hocken smith. Brock way. Truck an fo r r rnTVou drive, long or short trips Bee Hive truck rental 7:MI South Stephens.Phone 1430-J TRUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephensat Washington. Phone Tlift ROOMS FOR RENT. Private entrance and bath. 5 minutes walking distance from town. 344 N Pine. JuBEDROOM "HOUSE. In Rtverdd'e dis trict. Rt. 1, Box 118-Z Rifle Range road. 2-BK I J ROOM furnished modern house with acre garden and orchard. 1 mile bevond Glide Store. B T. LMtnn. FOR RENT Iite model D-7 cat, equip ped with log winch and dozer. Phone :a(i-J evenings. $ BEDROOM APT" "unfurnished, "with stoves. Xil S. Jackson. FOR RENT Room for gentleman. Phone 1222-J. 724 Cobb. SLEEPING ROOM Tor rent Phone 14m;i-J. SLEEPING ROOM for men. 930 N. Jack son. NICE. CLEAN room for "rent 345 Booth! Ph. 1-12-L. Call evenings. 3-BF.DROOM. stoves furnished. Nice and new. MI S. Jackson. rooms. Phone SINOI.E SLEEPING Room near high M-hanl 1 104 Military. . CABINS BY WEEK, 3', miles N. on 90 Psclftc Cahlna. Ph.Mf-S. ROOMS FOR RENT-with twin beds. Phone 13.17-YX. ffbOMS"6R RENT, with and without k 1 1 c henprl vi leges. 508Fnwler. lTbR:VE TRUCK rental Winston Trall er Con rt Winston. Phone 9fi3-J-a-ST.EFPING ROOM 12f3 N. Jackson Timber Sawmills Wanted 8 Ft. Fir Cants THE PRICE IS UP Sullivan & Son Highway 99, 3 miles N of Roseburg Phone 1.147 J W ANTED - To Vt small mill In about one million feet second growth for winter on stumpsg basis. Donald Rfetz. Glide. Fall Creek Ranch. FOR SALE Complete sawmill. CMC motor, edger, new carriage and saw husk. Donald Brady, phone 121-F-3. Bos lM.Alra FOR SALE Sawmill or any part G M C dlesel erlger and other unite. Rov fVnnv HfV, Wtn'-htr Logging Equipment D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4173 with Hvsivr drum and La I' tan t Choat. hy draulic dor 4e at Tvee turner Co Sutherlln. Ore. or phone 1202 fcuther lin FOR SALE Dt 18 International tractor. A t condition. BX 2O0 Skagit yarder. A-I condition K5 International dump tmrk. Ph II J-l rvninn Machinery For Sale CMC DIESEL 169 h p. motor Imnuntedl si7l Dmihle drum American donkey. $.V)0 Ballbearing 30 swing saw. ball rarlng hlower Kevstone Machine Works, 138 S. Stephena. Ph, 447. Wed., Sept. 14, 1949-Th Newt For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34' - 3T - 3ft - 34 The life time trailer Haa body we believe will last M years or snore. No dry rot. Kit Columbia 12' 14' 30 33 33 The West'a Fastest Seller and Other Trailers of Quality Ale used trailrrs. urade-lna eeeptd Bank contracts Centracta to 3 years oa Soartana. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3031 1 alllae South on 09 Rt 4. Box 33. Euaene House Trailers Zimmer 28 Ft. Tandm wheal, electric water heater. A real buy. Contact J. G, West. Mont gomery ward Appliance oept, pit so. Sportsman 25 Ft. For aale or will trade as down payment on house. Contact Darwin De Hart, Montgomery Ward, ph. ts. 3 Compact vacuum rlvanera complete witn attaenmenta. i nee macninea are practically new. been In use only about 3 months, will accept Dioa. 1 Singer electrle Iron. $3.00. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric raaio uooa conaiuon. eou w. Inquire at 306 Douglas Co. State Bank Bldg. or phone eoa. Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, rea son a oie rates, no mileage, cnargs. Phone 1204.Y 748 Short St J. Edmond. Prop. New Home Exchange Winter coats, $5. aU sliee sklrU, all wool, $l. Sweaters all wool, $1, and nvlona while they last. Also rum mage table shoes and dresses, your price while they last. River Loam Delivered OOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant aupply, Paul Casey SST W. Moaher Phone 11T-Y WASH the Way You Want to at The Self Service Laundry 918 Cobb St Try Our Friendly Service FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X FOR SALE Alma Trailer house at Su- therlln Trailer court; sleeps 4, has large daveno and bed, lota of drawers and cabinet room; 2-hole electric plate stove. $700. cash. Write or wire Mrs. Arvld Johnson, Rt, 1, Dannebrog, Nebr. PE R TE X 99 CARRYING CASE ATTACH MENT, G. E. Exposure meter, carry ing case. 3 flood lamps, Argus En larger and dark room equipment slide holder. 8100. Phonelal FOR SALE Large cast Iron stove and pipe. $20. Drop leaf table. $4. type writer table. $4, bureau, $8, leather seat chair, $3, small oil stove, $1.50. Kin Mammon, pnone noi-w Oliver's ARE OUT OP TOWN lor 8 short time Septic tanks and drain fields. FOR' SALE Frlgldaire automatic wash ing machine, like new, $250. 13 ft. car top boat with carrier and 8 h.p. Johnston motor $175. Call 1987-Y. UT 37.ftTCurtlsVright trailer house, fully equipped, Butane range, sleeps g 817M1. Ray a Automotive Service, usRianq. LADY 8 CLOTH coat, fur trimmed, sire 14; black all wool suit, sire 14: crepe dress, sire 14. Priced 13 of original value. loo5Madrone, or j)h. 802-L. 20 Westcraft trailer house, 8000 Terma considered, t miles north on Highway Pfl. mile west of former Western Equf oment hldg. ,947 WHIRLABOUT TRAilJER. $871 eel lent condition, sleeps 4. Butane TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 cu ft Suitable for restaurant or ONE BENDIX washer, one Bendlx dry er: both units $.100. 2nd house on cross of Melrose and L. Roads. . DOORS, i hi need together! size 8'-3" by 2' 10 See and make an offer. Canyon vllleBtble Academy. 4-WHEEL' TRAILER, suitable for farm wagon. 8U1. 1113 Ellen St. near Eden bower Trailer Court. FOR SALE - Rheem gas heater. 38.WW BTU, used 8 months, looks like new. t.V) 972 -R SEWING MACHINE, fruit jars. 3-c a dot; some dishes. 104 West 2nd Ave. 20 GAUGE Remington pump. 835; 39-39 raroine ana oox sneits, naipn Kenyan. Rt. I Do J4-C. Ph.420-J-4. FOR SALE 1940 MW washing machine. Excellent condition. Henry Kelly's re sidence. Oakland en. l-- BEAUTIFUL BROWN kid. kin fur coat, like new. Full back and sleeves, slxe 14. $79 with terms. 30I-RX-3. fOR SALT, Locker me st, good Anr cattle, "i or whole unit C. J HoogM Glide. Oregon HntTRE MOVINdniindTHon!" leveling, 14 yea-s experience r n lowmi, 74.1 S Stephens Phone 926. STWHITE NEW ZEALAND rsbhlts and nutchea ror ssie. u u nuooara, Aus tin Rned Phone 1M8-R-4 LARGE CEDAR fenre posts for sale Roseburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phone 127.W 19T7"FORD V sedan delivery Reasnna ahle Also 2A0 gal butane tank. 316 E 2nd Ave N Phone 1005-L . lion. $1W. 2 miles oul Riddle road from C'anyonvHle. S D Hemphill. fa-47 18 ft trailer. Good condition priced to sell Inquire at Pitt a Sla lion. Mvrtle Creek. 1943 GLIDER 29 ft. trailer house, butane equipped, oil heat, good condition New Moon TrallerCourt. ONE PIPER Cub EN 21 "77 "license, $900 fall for Clair. Rose Motor Co FOR SALE -Large Hereford calTgrln fd Phone 4--E-3 ., iTINSON 105. fair "lhape. $W0.' cash, Call for tiatr. nose moior -o. Tkun ai7S! Mrt'VTAfi wrwvl heater. nearly new. $40. Call after siK. 84-f. TRAILER Pan American, like new. El ectrlc bos;. Terms. Ph. 8.13-J-4. fan' SALE 4 whfel trailer. Shorty Auto Wrecking Co.. Rosemirg. CLECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner sale. Phone T73-R-2. SEDROOM SET. Phone 885-J 2. Rt 2. Bow 3H3-C. FOR SALETne hunting rifle. 3-08 220 rord St . Ro-eburg FOR SALE Girl's bicycle In very good condition Call 12 fOR SALE -W33' Army Unt Mel- rowRt . Box 319-B. Boo. KEEPSAkfc diamond ring for sale or' would Uade for piano. Call 109S-L. - Review, Roteburg, 0r. IS Work Wanted AI1, BU1LDINO construction, new anal old, remodeling, 10- down, no job too large or too small. All type masonry construction, flagstone and brick: barbecues and patioa a specialty Maf neslte floors and drain boards. Phono IJkttO-R-l, contractor. A, R. Snow. DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS. All tpes. Practical nursing. Tasting care of your home and children while you are vacationing or week end tnpa or hour work. Call U4-L at 41$ Fowler. IR R ANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now. mi to luuo acres, contract or by the bout. Good equipment Ph, 8P5-J-8. Notice All aeptle tanks and cesspools cleaned. Special tall rates: 2O0 gal. tank, $!$., 300 gaL tank. $27. Phone 1294-Y. Rsbg. Sanitation Service WIDOW LADY would La wark caring for elderly couple In their home. Plume 330-J-X Peter Rudolph. WANTED Job yardine In gs for HD-T cat. Lmnan neeix. uuasi ran v-reesi Ranch Cu RTAIN9and Uce tablecloths laun. dered and stretched. Also Ironing, housework by the hour. Call 888-L. EASEMENTS ANbTack yards cleanedt Light pickup and delivery C A. Deal.Phone UWlA-J-l Roseburg. FLOOR COVKHINQ-Complete aalea an Insultatlons. Free eaumatea. Modern Floor Covering. Phone 349- WANTED Work for 8x9 short log truck, 18 and 18 ft. logs. See U M. Kramer, Camas Valley. LADY WANTS rteuaekeoping Job; bear, and room and reaaonable wages Phone lao-J. ALTERA'TIONS. DRESSM AKINO. AU types. Mrs. Don W Carriaon. 1001 Madrone St Phone 8rq-L ttXPERlENCED CARPENTER wants work. reasonable wagae. Phono 1 1 - J-L Experienced cashier wants day shift. Ph. 1008-R-l. WORK WANTED with XI cat. plowing or discing. Phone Sag. F. I. Botta. FOR SALE 13' boat, Martin 40. Call 1318-J between 8 00 and8:O0 . an. TRAILER TOWING. Ph 530 - R X-S Sours i 919 Garden Valley Road. Practical NURSETTiospitai expert ence. News-Review. Boa 8. WANTED Ironing In my home. $31 rowler SL Phone 3.T9-JX PtTaCTICAL "NURSE Mabel L. Crouse, RL I, Box 381, guthsrltn. Loans MONEY $18 939 950 $79 91hQ . $-00 $300 UP TO $300 Borrow on your salary. All ateodilF em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up te MOO whether you're In new Ion or an ol4 one Borrow on your car or furniture. Your rurniture or automobile make excel lent security et Local Loan paid fog or not. Up to $300 on your furniture. up to $500 on your car. Special -Pay Day Loans, $10. 92. loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only ror tne actual numoer ot oaye you keen the money. $28 costs tAe for one week. No other char gee. Phone for your Loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr. 105 No Jackson Phone 1171 Lie. S-27S, m-393 - Roaeburf LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid tor, er soft. Loans made quickly, privately for any wortnwnne purpose sucn aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental MILS Vacation expensea Consolidate debts Re-financing Whan you borrow get your money from tne ompany tnai manes n wnnmini to borrow and convenient to repay Lower pay menu now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 20, Douflu Counts' Stat, Bank Hit Phone M. U Xrt (Ute Lie - ft-34 Dogs VALUABLE COCKER SPANIEL Given to Right Family. Lack of space prevents us keeping our fine Cocker Spaniel. We will give her to a responsible family who will give her fine home. Valued at $75. Kennel-purchased, a pedigreed female Cocker, one year old. Used tn chil dren, gentle and Intelligent. Given to firoper family with the understand ng we may have a pup whan she la bred. Please contact Mrs. C. K. Ed monds, 509 Avenue "A". Or phone .1 ll-V-X. . Registered Pointer Pups And trelned female. Reasonable. 3498 River Road. Eugene. Oregon, or Will 5-3107. R M. Stearns. FOR SALE -Reg. Springer Spaniel pups, Chsmplon bloodlines. Liver and white. 4 miles East Suthertln on N on part el Road. Call between 6 and 8 la eve ning. W Metcalf. XkC Reg."-St. Bernard puppies; Strong, healthy, farm raised from finest Bwlse-Amerlcsn bloodlines. Ridge wood Acres, Box 116, Blanton Road, lu gene. Oregon. - Jacob s Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J fAB RTD61TTtETRIEVE R pups. 10 weeks old. Litter registered. Ferns las $33. each 113 Alameda Ave. fiRAlTo COCKER KENNELS. Phone 8M or 453-Y Reg and pad. puooesiU coiors Stud servlro CrEAT)ANE.S. female, cropped, -take an offer. Phcne J9B6-R-5. COCKER PUPPIES for sale, reasona ble Inquire 207 Rice St. Ph. I199.R. ISA HESTER RAT- terriers. Rt 1 Box 399-C. H. G. Curry. Farm Equipment CASE SC tractor witn plow, disc and harrow: used only few hours; $3000. Rt 1. box 42.A Yoncalla. Oregon. FoR-TTerGUSON Uactor. witfcTneavy duty rsower and drag saw. R. B. Oliver. Id ley Id Rt Building Materials Oak Flooring No t Com. Oak shorts, $1 4a pee H. Ph. 102 -R -3, Carlson a Floor tervle.