FILL ER UP SAVANNAH. Ga.-.PG,rgo Gubbedge, area distributor for a big gasoline company, had to get out of hi auto and walk eight LOOK TH?S SIGN PAJNTWO DECOCA.TTNO AMEBIC IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantc-s ".liable Quality W.rk At Na Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P.D.CA. Phone 208 hvov mis 0EE4I STRAIGHT SOISSOH GOoVoLD LOW PRICE "Thi hihi of till Csatnrj" ';.v ' Hip y r 1 jj i Mi ' WORLD FAMOUS PIANIST HERE SATURDAY Count Atdo , Solilo da Solit appaart at the junior high school auditorium Saturday niaht at 8:15. In a popular concert with Sab Pag. i Miif Paga racantly compl.tsd a motion pictura tint in Holiy- wood, prior to touring the northwest with Ua Jobs. I ha pro gram of music if being tpontorad locally by tha Roseburg junior Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are scaled from $2.40 for reserved seats to $1.80 for general admission. Students may hear tha artists for .75, upon presentation of their student body cards. Clothes Don't Make Woman, They Make Her Talked About, States Famed Movie Stylist By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK. A mere male came up today with an an swer to what'a wrong with the way women ores. The answer it women. "They are too dictated to," said Charlea Le Malre. "They accept too much dictation at to what they should wear." Le Maire it in a position to do a.iittle dictating himself. As wardrobe director for Twentieth Century-Fox films, he runs a staff of 200 clothes experts. They have the pleasant chore of fitting lace and fur pretties to girls like Betty Grable, Jeanne Cram. Dorothy McGuire. June Haver and Mau reen O'Hara. But the clothing of film stars is designed to their own persona! architecture. This isn't true of the average woman. Mistake Told Le Maire, a designer himself, said the biggest mistake most women make is to follow blindly the dictates of fashion oracles or to try to pour herself into a certain type of dress merely be cause it looked good on a depatt ment store mannequin. "A girl shouldn't pay any at tention to what she hears of Parts styles," he emphasized. "She should think first of her own shape, and dress to it. If her figure doesn't go with what she wants to wear, she could change her shape." Le Maire has only a weary sympathy for gals who think they can achieve a pencil silhouette with a tight corset. "The excess flesh has to go somewhere," either up or down, forward or backward." This, he explained, Is why there are so nutty giria around who look like they have either front or a rear bumper. Don't Allow Falslet An advocate of the plunging neckline, Le Maire has no moral objections to falsies but he Insists he doesn't allow them in the Twentieth Century-Fox studio. "That I absolutely prohibit. . Anything that isn't part of t h e body, anything that doesn't move with the body it isn't right. "But some studios like them. he conceded. "Everybody in their oiclures wear them. I know one actress who must have 56 bosoms at home." No he didn't care to name her but fans can rest assured it isn t Grable. Le Malre designed wardrobe for Broadway musicals and op erated his own exclusive dress shop in Manhattan before going west. He sees fashions today in a confused state, but believes the trend la toward "an era of quiet elegance." He personally favors clothing that accents femlntnitv, styles that accent sex through subdued sueeestion. LeMaire' own favorite dictat es: No dress Is as important to a well-dressed girl as what she has underneath it. The big mistake More Than 100 : Attend Spebs I Charter Night 1 Over 100 local and visiting member and guest attended tha charter granting ceremonies staged by the local chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in Amer ica, held Saturday night at the Knights of Pythias hall. Following the presentation of the charter, a program of bar ber shop singing was staged by member of the local group and two quartets from Eugene. A buffet supper and more ting ing concluded the affair. Invited guests and the organi zations thev represented includ ed: Kenneth H. Miller, V.F.W.; A. C. Newell. D.A.V.; Mrs. H. G. Althaus, American Federation of Musicians; Mrs. Peterson, Writ ers club; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krtausa. community hospital; Clarson Chitwood, Active club; Rosa Newcomh, Toastmasters club; Mr. and Mr. Roy Barnhart, Roseburg Choral society; Mavor Albert G. Flegei; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Siefarth, and Mr. and Tit., Sapt. 13, f 949 TK News-Review, Ratasurg, Ore. Mar Cancer Sufferers Saiievtd Can Be Cured PORTLAND, (.-Dr. C. P. P.hoads, director of tha Ntw Cancer and Allied Diseases, pre dicted that more and more can cer aufferera would be cured in the next live years. Rhoad made clear that he did not know of any forthcoming "cure" for cancer, but was bas ing hi hope on the growing re search in the field. "Every step which hat Jed to a major discovery in research on other diseases hat now been tak en la cancer," he told some "5 Pacific Northwest doctor attend ing a postgraduate cancer course at the t'ntverlsty of Oregon Med ical school. "The outlook cannot be considered hopeful." Hollywood Wolf rt! Taiwt Ok New Skint HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 1S-V-A new version of 5 ha Hollywood; wolf ha turned up to pester (and blirtert girt on Hollywood boule vard. Mis Shirley Weinberg, 25, told police the wa plunked on the you-know-what by buckshot shooting youth who pelted her from a parked auto. She thus became the second "oops" giri in recent da vs. Ear Her, Mis Kathleen O'Connor, 19, had reported that the too was a target for a B-S gun. Thermometer frequently reg ister 120 degree Fahrenheit in Eritrea. Mrs. Joe Spousta, Lions club; Mr. and Mr. Ear! Piummer, Kiwams club; Chancellor Commander and Mr. Robert Harvie, Knights of: Pythias; Grand Knight and Mrs. j Harold Pesbierts. Knights of Co-1 iumbus Clyde Wiard, Elks club. Br. L W. Carttr Chiropodist Foot Specials. 229 N, Jacksoa Phone 1170 Over RexaU Drag Store the average girl make la the doesn't dress herself for herseif. She trie to follow a vogue. "Clothe don't make the wo man anyway they only make her talked about." SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St GUTTERS AIR COOLERS Authorized Dealer For LENNOX and KLEEKKLEEN (Utility basement) (Floor Unit 29 deep) FURNACES ROSEBURG SHEET METAL fhen 41 your HEATING S50 E. 1st St Center blocks In the hot un. The reason, he explained: "I ran out of gas." Straight BantHonWhlsktr It Fret! i stitiosat DiitUItn tittuu CerBHX Tha United Stat it th best country in th world ... OWN PART OF IT SEE US FIRST for listing of residence, farms, stock ranches, acreage, business oppor tunities and lot and lot of lot. C. FORREST LOSEI u. 230 N. Stephen St. Fullsrton Realty Municipal Court Cases Aro Reported ly Judge Disposition of the following cases was told Mondav bv Munici pal Court Judge Ira B. Riddle: Pleas of guilty to being drunk on a public street were entered by Leonard Steven Smith, ldlevld route; and Willi a tn Frederick Phillips Jr., Roseburg. Both men paid fines of $20. The following men forfeited bail when arrested on the same offense: Ace John Jones, 42, Roseburg, S-'O; Arden Burrus, 32, Roseburg, $20; Joseph Clinton McGee, 28, Roseburg, $30; Edear Gerard Tanner, 42, Roseburg, $20; Earl Gordon Chapin, 31, Rose burg, $20. FIRE DESTROYS PLANT MC MINNVILLE, Fire of j undetermined origin destroyed I most of the Starr Rock crusher, I seven miles east of her Friday i night. O. C. Yocom Jr., son of the ; owner, estimated the loss at t more than $50,000. Only the bunk j era and the conveyor belts were ! saved. ! The fire was discovered by a power company line crew, which had been repairing a nearby , transformer, struck by lightning. Answering promptly-giving others a full minute to answer her call-art firtt on Janit ' lift of aide to service. How Janie helps herself to better service ... .-i.t.x-a..- . Sr. -.--.- .1; V 1. "Allowing a little time between calls," says Janie, "gives others a chance to call me . . . and it's a nice party-line courtesy, too." So when she's getting the gang together' for a picnic, or for any reason needs to make calls in a row, she waits several minutes between each one. "It's simple to make friends with others on our line. I just use the telephone the way I like them to." 3. Getting th most from the telephone and helping others get better service depends in part on every telephone user. Facilities have doubled in the West in ten years. Vour telephone is today one of jour most valuable servants . . . saving rime, saving steps. And it still does its job for just a few pennies a call. Mr . t 2. Leaking up numbers, Janie knows, if really important. "So easy to get them mixed up," she explains. "Why, 1 was just sure Babs number was 8145 ., . but when I called her I got the drug tore. Turned out her number was 8415. So un less I'm really sure of a number, I'm going to look it up in the telephone- book." That's t good tip for all of us teen-agers and grown-ups. UV5h row telephone is one of today's best bargains The Pacific Telephone anagraph Company iD u $50 IU aV imm 4mm fife iriii in mm hmml See the new Thrift model DuoTherm heater that radiates... circulates... gets more heat out of every drop of oil. New for only $8.50 down and small monthly pay mentt you can have this handtame, walnut enamel finish DUO-THERM heater in your home! There's no must, ne fu to your winter hearing cold weather worries teas with this dependable DUO THERM heoter on the job. This low cost thrift model he many feature that you will find only on higher priced models . full 14-inch dual chamber burner for more heat ... fingertip control dial for ease in setting ... special watte stopper for operating economy and many ether famous feature. You can solve your home heating problem by phon ing or coming In tomorrow. Only L ir DOWN Full Price $84.93 Duo-Therm Gives You MORE Features for LESS Money T You get more heat from every drop of oil becout DUO THERM'S fuel-miter burner float a mushroom type flame right into the heat chamber. The flame hug the chamber well ... trantfert more heat quickly into your home. It's a big money-saving feature that only DUO-THERM ha. You fend the fire by fuming a dial . . , no work . . . ne dirt . . , no hauling athe or tracking dirt through the house. DUO-THERM save you work. f You save up to 25 on fuel bilit with DUO THERM'S Power-Air Slower. Proved In actual tests In a cold northern climate. Keep heat en th move . , . save at much at one gallon in four and at tha sent time eliminates the problem of hot ceiling and cold floor. An other exclusive DUO-THERM feature. THE SPORTSMAN Compact, handsome, the new DUO-THERM SPORTSMAN is ideal for any small tpaca heat ing job like cabint, motel and cottage. Can be set up easily for separate cabin operation. I iijiii Here it an Idee! heater for smaller space heat ing requirements. Both radiate end circu lates heat at the tame time, Duo-Tone wal nut brawn finish. Compact, efficient and law cost. $6 00 DOWN Full Price $55.00 6 00 THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE CHIPPENDALE The Duo-Thtrm Chippendale In blonde finish Is truly mod ern in every tente of the word. It clean, uncluttered line and perfect performance ere in keeping with today's trend toward functional beauty a wet! a effort! heating com fort. Designed for the home with light, modem furnish ing, the blonde Chippendale wilt harmonize perfectly with almost any color scheme. It is complete with ell the fam ous Duo-Therm heating features that have made Due Therm a leader in modern heating. DOWN Full Price $59.95 m oo Trailer model DUO-THERM heotert ere priced at $69.95 with tank. 222 W. Ook Phone 348 DOWN Fut! Price $127.95 FREE DELIVERY LIBERAL TRADE-INS