n-r a. Library CoffiB.. Eugene, Oregon . 1-3- m Mi MM mm, mm IRIDGI IURNS Flames illuminate tht Snak river bridge near Pasco, Wethington at tht tar and creosated roadway burnad from unexplained caut. Explosives war used at both ends to halt tha bleie. Streaks balow bridga wara apparently eautad by wind-whipped emberi. (A" Wiraphoto). CVA WELFARE STATE Speaker Lashes Out Against Submitting To Change In Present Government Style Should we give up our present system of public government for a welfare state system, the system which failed in Germany and Italy?" That was the question asked Roseburg Chamber of Commerce members during an address on the Columbia Valley authority. Petition Would Recall Portland's Mayor Dorothy PORTLAND, Sept. 13 (7P A preliminary petition to recall Dorothy McCullough Lee as mayor of Portland was filed here Monday. The petition charged that Mrs. Lee, who was elected over whelmingly to the mayorship last year after "clean govern ment" campaign, had been "auto cratic." It also charged that Mrs. Lee's administration has placed "an onerous and inequitable financial burden ... upon the workers and business people of Portland." The petition did not elaborate on that point, but the city re cently put into effect a system of license fees and taxes which are still being fought in the courts. The petition also asserted that the woman mayor "has persist ently pre-occupied herself with endeavoring to enhance her repu tation as a reformer." That ap parently had reference to Mayor Lee's abolition of slot machines and punch boards in Portland. FIRE DESTROYS BARN VANCOUVER. Wash.,.Sept. 13. (.1 Fire destroyed a large dairy barn filled with hay and nine head of cattle west of here yes terday. Damage was estimated by El mer Ruffner, owner, at $75,000 to $100,000. The barn contained 175 tons of hay. Firemen said a spark in a hay drier was be lieved to have started the blaze. Bill Tipton Of Roseburg Is Elected Vice-President Of Jaycee's District Three Bill Tipton, Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce member and local insurance agent, was appointed Jaycee vice-president of District 3 at 1 Jaycee state board meeting at John Day, last weekend. District 3 includes Southern Oregon units. The announcement was made Monday night at the regular din ner meeting of the Roseburg Jav. cees at the Umpqua hotel. Presi dent Glen Scott said the appoint ment came after the resignation of Jim McGuire, elected to the post earlier this year. The state executive board made the ap pointment. Special consideration was giv en a Roseburg appointee in rec ognition of "outstanding work" done by the local civic group during the past year. Scott said Tipton was selected in recogni tion of a "fine job" done by him at the recent national Javcee con vention held at Denver. Describe Activities Irv Pugh and President Scott described the activities that took place at the state board meet. This included a plan to extend the Jaycee system over a wider area in Oregon during the com ing year. The motto, according to Pugh. is "50 Jaycee clubs in 1950." He indicated there are over 30 clubs in Oregon at the 1 ing to Chairman Gordon Carlson, present time. ballots will be distributed to The loczl Jaycees. headed by j townspeople. ho will be asked Tipton, will organize a speakers' J to "vote for their favorite eye bureau, made up of members I sore." such as untidy yards or within the organization, who will j a home suffering from dis repair, tell the story of the so-called Hon- j A committee of Jaycees wili in ver commission to other organi-j form the negligent citizen of the zations in Roseburg. It was sug- voting results and it will be sug gested at the state meeting that I gested that he rectify the situa the story of ex-President Herbert , tion. Hoover's work in finding means I Jack Heater. Hardware Mutual to reduce the cost of operating , Insurance company salesman, the government be told to towns-1 wis introduced as a dinner guest. H. Clay Myers Jr., Portland real estate man and ardent op ponent of the CVA, was the speak er in the first of the fall series of weekly forum luncheons sponsor ed by the chamber. Myers recounted the history of CVA, stressing the danger to in dividual state government if such a proposal were to be put into effect. He said the proposal was "sev eral times larger in centralized scope" than the Tennessee Val ley authority, so heavily censur ed by proponents of states' rights. A few of the "sweeping" powers which the present CVA bill en dows an appointed three-man board were listed by Myers as complete control over employ, ment, wage scales, right to fix consumers rates, condemnation of property, and the right to en ter into competitive business with private concerns. Socialists Object "Even the Socialist party re fuses to sanction the Columbia Valley authority," he declared, (Continued on Page Two) YMCA Directors Board Will Meet On Thursday The regular meeting of the YMCA board of directors will be held Thursday. Sept. 15. at 7:30 p. m. in the "Y" offices in the Roseburg armory, according to Fred Bernau, publicity committee chairman. Scheduled for discussion at this time is the program for the com ing year, with primary emphasis placed on fall planning. Appoint ments to the district boy's work committee and the Diamond lake camp committee will also be made at this time. people by local Jaycee units. Evans Expresses Thanks Bill Evans, Colorado A A M swimming star and Roseburg swimming coach, expressed his appreciation to Jaycees for spon soring local swimmers at the Or egon open AAU swimming meet held at The Dalies recently. He expressed the hope he could come back next summer to help local swimming talent win more AAU medals. Duane Baker, concert chair man, announced tickets to the Gale Page-Solito de Solis concert, scheduled for Saturday night at the junior high school, are enjoy ing a brisk sale at Lawson's. Roy'i and the Junior and senior high schools. He pointed out re served seats are $2.40, while gen eral admission seats are $1.80. Students mav see the concert for $.75, Baker added. Announcement was made of a Jaycee-sponsored cleanup cam paign to start shortly. Accord- The Weatfcer Four sad cottMd warm te toy; cloudy emd ceeler iVedaeseay. . Sunset today 4:27 nt. Satirise tomorrow S:51 a. m. Established 1873 Dollar Short Nations Must Advice Given As Boost To Export Return English Pound Indicated With British Crisis In Mind Of Fund Board WASHINGTON. Sent. 13. ."P The international mone tary fund today advised dollar- short countries to devalue their currencies, if need be, to boost their dollar-earning exports. Without sineline out the Brit ish pound but with Britain's dol lar crisis obviously in mind, the report was laid before the open ing session today of the fourth annual meetine of the board of (governors of the multi-billion doi- ilar fund and World bank. Shortly thereafter, (noon PDT the financial leaders of the 48 member nations were to hear an olf-the-cuff address by President Truman. The report was prepared by the fund's executive directors. Its ad vice on devaluation was under scored in addresses by Secretary of the Treasury Snyder and Eugene R. Black, president of the World bank, at the opening session. Reserve Respect Snyder said: 'The views ex pressed by the fund, as a consul- (Continued on Page Two Treasure Hunt Tickets Being Distributed Roseburg merchants, members of the Retail Merchants associa tion, today began handing out tickets for the popular "Treasure Kurt t b.- lujj ax.m rhVsr in conjunction with the annual Fall Opening, Sept. 21. Association spokesmen stressed the fact that no purchase is re quired in order to get the tick ets. They will be given free to all who ask for them, with valu able prizes awarded winners by each store participating. To be eligible for a Fail Open ing prize, citizens must fill in the ticket stub and deposit it in a box provided in the store. Ail tickets must be signed with name and address. Any unsigned tick ets wili be disposed of. No tickets will he Issued after noon, Sept. 21. Merchants will turn in all stubs to the stand in front of the U. S. National bank that afternoon, with win- before 5 p. m. Winning tickets will be dis played in each store window at the time of the Fall Opening win dow unveiling, at 7:30 that eve ning. Residents are urged to look in all store windows to discover if they have a winning ticket as tickets may not be displayed by the same store from which they were received. Roseburg Youths Ashed To Bring Bikes To School All Roseburg youngsters who own bicycles are urged to take them to school Wednesday and Thursday so that the police de partment may apply the reflect ing scotch light. Chief Calvin H. Baird said today. Students are requested to leave their bicycles in the parking racks provided on each school grounds. Members of tha police department and city police reserve win mane tne rounds during those two days and apply the scotch light to all bikes which have not already been marked. The scotch lighting is a part of the safety program sponsored and financed by the Roseburg Active club in cooperation with the city police department. Second Set Of Twins Born To Local Couple The second set of twins in less than two years was born at Mer cy hospital Monday. Sept. 12, to Mr. and Mrs, James B. Eaton, 1X53 Myrtle avenue, Roseburg. The twin girls, brought by Dr. James Campbell, have been named Susan Ann, who weighed five pounds 14 ounces, and Sher ry Lee, weighing seven pounds four ounces. The Batons have twins, a boy and a girl, not two years ol age. Polio Outbreak Reported in Southeast Portland PORTLAND, Sept. 13 P A localized polio outbreak In a southeast Portland neighborhood had the attention today of city health authorities. Dr. Thomas L. Meador said five children in three families who live "within a stone's throw of each other" were stricken. He declined to release names of the families but said the ease did not represent an epidemic 1 situation. ROSEBURG, POP INFLAMABLE? Not Quite, But Broken Bottle Results In Fire Became a tittle girl spilled her bottle of pop, a efty fir truck was called Monday aft rnoon to local service sta tion to extinguish a bluing gas. alina pump, EM Stevens, Portland mas traveling with the Imperial Ex position shows, related how ha stopped at Jim Myers Han cock station at in Garden Val ley intersection to buy a soft drink, replacing the bottle his small daughter had dropped. Observers said his intentions may have been good, but His approach to the servic sta tion "gas Island was bad, . The car bounced off tha curb, bending one gas pump and shearing off a second. A the pump fell, sparks from ths bro ken wiring ignited the gaso line. Myers put out ths flam with powder from a small hand extinguisher befors firemen ar rived. Then after ail the excitement was over, the little girt wasn't thirsty! Guilty Plea Entered By Alleged Kidnaper TRENTON, N. J., Sept. 13-tm Gerald A. Hutf. 35, of Bridge port, Conn., pleaded guilty to a Mercer county indictment for kid a p p i n g five-year-old Jame Franz. Hutt faces 30 yean to life Im prisonment when he to sentenced Friday, Sept. 23. Judge Charles P. Hutchinson said his back ground would be studied before sentence is pronounced. Hunt said he was a former In mate of New York mental hospi tals. Hutt did not seek ransom for the child, but told nolic iw forc ed ser to sexual perversion aft er he kidnaped her near her Trenton home rlday. The maximum penalty of death for kidnapping in New Jersey ap plies only to cases where ransom is sought. Blonde, blue-eyed Janie testi fied for two minutes before the grand jury. Her father, truck driver John Franz, also appeared briefly in court. Hutt is being held In county jail. He pleaded guilty Saturday to kidnaping when he was ar raigned. Janie, who was found un harmed In Philadelphia Saturday alter spending Friday tilght with Hutt, appeared cheerful as she j story to the Jury awaited her chance to ten the Presbyterian Men Meet For Potluck Wednesday Vern Harpham, president of the Presbyterian Men s organization, announced plans for the third quarterly meeting of the group to be held at the church Wednes day. Sept, M, at 8:,m Plans for the evening, in addi tion to the potluck dinner and business meeting for the men's organization, include showing at 8 p.m., of a film entitled "And Now I see. Alt church mem bers are invited to attend the film. The local mens organization, formed about a year ago, is now one of two in Southwest Oregon affiliated with the National Coun- of Presbyterian Men. Ail members are urged to attend. ,,. it ' 11 " n ' ' "' "L J tWdT1 ABDUCTION CASI MiNC(AI.S Mr, and Mrs. John Fran fright pan.ll kit. ! lojr.y.ar- ,. , ,, , , , , L. j . t . u if t t. i j.iw f old daughter Jn( attar she wa brought t hmr Trenton, N, J. homa by bar father Iram hiladeiphia after tt M had baan mimg tor mors the a day. Under arrest is tosrald Crommelin contended the of - . Hutt, 35 fright shown in Philadelphia jaiii, former brush salesman horn Iridgaport, Coon, , fenstve power of the navy i "be - horn polic. ,.id pM up the girl a, ,h. played la front of her horn, and than Pf'lgJ erarmous' office r L- 1 . L- l . out or nis r aiong a nirjsway Hut has piss as d guilty and is OREGON TUESDAY, SEPT, State's Case Is Rested In Vicky Trial Former Deputy Williams Testifies Hicks Said He Thought Girl Guilty As the first witness for the defense, former Deputy Sheriff J. H. Williams, county jailer two years ago, took the stand in Victoria "sanders murder trial this morning. The state rested it case, with the testimony of Dr. Howard L. Richard son. Port land, director of the State Police Crime Detection laboratory. une 01 the tirst questions which Defense Attorney Paul E. Geddes put to Williams concerned a previous statement in which he said that a Santa Monica police sergeant "put the heat on" Vicky, to make her confess the murder of Rafph Mojonnier. 1 don t remember exactly say ing that he put on the heat," Williams replied. "I remember hint saying that he thought she was guilty. She said she wasn't guilty. I heard her say she didn't do it." Refers Ts Visit Williams referred to the visit to Victoria, In her cell at the county Jail in November of 194?. of Sgt, Edward L. Hicks, of the banta Monica, Calif,, police de partment, tained bi "menl. "k;k !d hfn f-i pretty good shape, he said. A ned by Mojonnier's sister to.f, ' from Bruce Ferguson at Investigate the cane, Williams testified that Sgt. Hicks asked Victoria to plead guilty to a manslaughter charge. "Was Jt his suggestion?" Geddes asked. "Yes, sir, replied the wit ness. In previous testimony, olfl cers said Victoria voluntarily sug- (Continued on Pg Two) Henry Wallace Decides Net Ts Seek Office NEW YORK, Sept. 13. (, Henry A, Wallace has aecraea not to run for any office this year. His course has left the choice wide open for an American Labor party candidate for U, S. senator In New York at tha November election. Wallace decision was an nounced late yesterday by Rep. Vit Marcantonio, state chair man of tha ALP, The left-wing congressman, his party's candidate for mayor, had been hoping Wallace would run for the Senate under the ALP banner. Small Bey Die After Being Struck By Bex Ralph Lswis Shirty, i, did Sept. 12 as ths results sf an In jury received when a baas Ml and struck him en ths head. Otaih was almost instantanssus. Hf was ssrn in PsrtUnd Dec. 11, 194, and is survived by his psr ents Mr, and Mrs. tEari L, Shirty sf Yensalla, Ssrviess will b Hals' in ths Methsdist church of Ysncalls, Wsdnnilay at t p.m., Rsv. Wil liam Syars affieiatfna, interment will bt in ths Vsnulla Mmettry. Arrangements ar In ears ef ths Stearns mortuary, Oakland. m'L. f i .. . ai.U.J.l - sven vsmy , , m fc sdrriday y the 13, 14 Revise Currency FORESTERS ON 2 Small Man Reported; Careless Smoker Said Responsible For One Two small fires on Umpqua - National forest lands, both man caused, kept forest service personnel on the alert yesterday, fol lowing four days of concentrated activity caused by the recent electric storm. Forest Supervisor M. M. "Red" Kelson said today. A quarter -acre blaze at Drew j threatened construction workeis and loggers cabins when fite broke out there, purported to be caused by a careless smoker. Nelson said equipment and a fire crew was on the sceite quickly, traveling over the new road to the area. No damage was reported. A second blaze, caused when debris burning got out of hand at Copco's Toketee camp, was quickly suppressed by workers after covering a three-acre area. Nelson said. Dispatcher U. F. McLaughlin of the Douglas Forest Protective association, said today that only one crew is still working on an active fire, located on Bear mountain. Although no reports were re ceived this morning from the five-man crew, they notified McLaughlin Monday afternoon they were at the site of the fire and it was under control. More supplies were sent the crew by mule train, McLaughlin said. the South Douglas station in dicated ail fires were wiped up in that area, with only tome checking being done now. Favorahla weather reports for showers in the area north of the Rogue river will lessen the fife danger, ha acid. 129 Crashes And lurtis: Crew Parachutes Safely SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13 UPSA B29 crashed and burned shortly after taking off from Fairfietd-Suisuit alrbase Monday, but the air forces said reports from survivors indicated ail 12 aboard had parachuted safely. The crash occurred shortly aft er noon near the little town of Milpita In a farming section about 35 miles southeast of San Francisco, Fairfield Suisun aiibase said calls had come In from five crewmen whs said they had seen all the others bail out. The plane took off from the air base at 11:29 yesterday on a rountine training flight. At 12:03, it radioed the Fairfield-Sulsun tower that one engine was on fire and the crew was abandoning ship. Twe Persons Arretted Oh Drunk Driving Counts Police Chief Calvin H. Baird today reported the arrest of two Roseburg men, twin rnargea witn driving under the influence of In toxicating liquor. Axei Harry Johnson Jr., 28, was fined $100 and given a 30 day suaoended sentence when he entered a plea of guilty In Mu nicipal court before Judge Ira is. Riddle. Arthur Harold Lavasseur, 35, posted ball of $150 and was re leased to appear in Municipal court Wednesday. 1.:. I-J:.,.J l si. I !... y." m . vj yvt it dg. (r Wirephotel, it 21S-4 ALERT - Caused Fires Oregon May Be Forced To Tax On Properties PORTLAND, Sept. 13 tJ5 The possibility that Oregon may oe forced to levy a property tax that will not be offset by other revenues was hinted by the In terim Legislative tax committee yesterday. Such a levy could be required in the biennium beginning in 1952, members said, because of an anticipated $22,000,000 deficit by 1951. State Tax Commission Analvsf William Collier said the deficit estimate was a minimum figure, fie said if government costs con tinue to rise, and he believes they are more likely to go up than down, the anticipated deficit will be much higher. Only the use o what he termed the "cushion fund" of $15,000,000 would hold the deficit below the minimum figure, he said. This fund is main tained to keep property taxes from actually being levied in a year of low tax collections. Collier noted that the current biennium budget Is 5139,262,607 compared with the previous bi ennium budget of $78,149,627. Senator Howard C Helton, Clackamas county, committee , Chairman, said it had ar "vrry strong feeling w may go back to tha slate property tax, inn came as Ren, Eugene Marsh, Yamhill county, noted that the property tax prooiems tne counties may one oay nm snares by tha State government. $200,000 Fir Damages MiUion Dollar Pier ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, Sept. M.onA $200,000 fire ripped through 300 feet of the Fames million dollar pier early todav. The well - known landmark. which juts 1,900 feet into the ocean on the downtown section of the Boardwalk, caught fire about 4:30 a. m. A northeast wind blew roaring flames down the beach away lrom Boardwalk hotels. The pier's huge ballroom, near the shore end, was destroyed. Twisted roof girders fell Into the blaae. Fire Chief Rex Farley set the damage estimate at $200,000. Richardson is Named To State Parole Board SALEM. Sept. 13. '.ft James J. Richardson, manager of Port land's Multnomah Civic stadium, was sworn in todav as a mem ber of the State Parole board, for the term ending Dec 31, 1952. The other two members of the board are Rov S. Keene, Corvai lis, athletic director at Oregon State college; and Gerald W. Ma son, Portland, a service superin tendent for the Portland General Electric Co. First FaB FootbaB RaJly Set For Thursday The first fall football rally of the current season will oe stages bv senior high school student Thursday night, to usher in Rose burg' Initial football game here with Medford Knday. Students will form a serpen tine at the junior high school at ? p. m, winding through the downtown business section, and hack to the bonfire grounds at the site of the new community hospital In West Roseburg. Russell Says Senate Hearing May Be Called If Johnson Hits Navy Aviation Hard WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. tipsSenator Russell D-G'( aM t day there may be some senate hearing If Secretary of Defense Johnson lays a heavy hand on naval aviation. Me added that hm doesn't expect the defense chief to do such a. thing, however. Russell, a member of the sen j ale's armed services committee, j officer said he hope hi atale- (took the position that the Senate) ment will blow the whoie thiiig ; is not justified In starting art (open and bring on another coiy inquiry on ne oasts of tne gen "s !m'" m;,J5i?",J iby Capt. John G. Crommelm, a nJIVI,j offjwr. is-rni. Winning which houses ihe de - 'part ment of defense. The naval Leaders Bed. Fact Finding Board Report 1 l-D ay Trvce Asuradi Hapes Are Expressed Settlement Possible PITTSBURGH, Sept. U. tfi America's steet-pradoetas; joik aths began lining up today be. hind a presidential board's form la for peace In the nation' most important basic industry. But there was no word from Industry Bellweafher Unit States Steel corporation. Spoke men commented only that ,Bsth Ing doing yet." There won't be any steel strlto for the next H daysand myb none at all. The wage dispute that threatened ts tie the nation in economic knots apparently Is headed for a happy solution. President Truman to "highly gratified" about the whole thing. CIO Agrees CIO United Stertwerkers m4 six major steel producers axmed in extension 01 use striae trees at request of U eh iff executive The truce expires at midnight tonight. It will continue ts Sept. 25. The steelwwkers also accented recommendations of the Presi dent's steel fact fir.dine hoard even though it meant giving up a lounn ream wage increase. The President Is naturally gratified," said the White House, "He is very much pleased with the way things have developed up to now, RspuMia ijns Mrs Republic Steel corporation si Cleveland, the nation' No. 3 pro ducer, was the first to announcs; willingness to bargain pennons aa recommended hv the preti dermal board In a 10-cent hourly package not Including wgei Then No. 4 producer Jones and Laughiin Steel corporation of Pittsburgh followed suit, s cepting the peace pian "bi a bu.i for collective bargaining." 3, and L said it is prepared to undertake at onee a Wat iud sf pensions with the steelworkera in antiapatton or Bargaining oh this subject beginning March next" "With respect ts social intur ore benefits," the statement added, "we will negotiate with the union lor the purpose 01 reaching a mutually sceepttble agreement. - , iiaht Labsr Coi T.m Wail Street Journal - a the same lime said only " A slight increase" In lanor easts will r suit if the recommended social Insurance program is put Into effect. The newspaper added that (Continued on Page Twrt Scout Roundtable Is Announced For Thursday Night The yearly prozram planning session for ail Scout unit will be discussed and demonstrated at the fail roundtable to he held! at Riverside school Sect. 15 at 7:30 p,m, according to Scout Exee utiv Koine yuam. Leaders sf all units, committee- men, den jnotijers, "any sesui adult are requested to attend, he said. Included on the evening or gram will be a discussion of tha national roil exit and unit in- spection, slated for Oct. 5.-15. Ex plorer leaders, under the direc tion of Harold Cribble, will lead a discussion of the proposed rifle shoot and Explorer leaders con vent inn at Coo Bay Oct, S-A Charley Friday, in charge mi the cub section, will explain Uw promotion sum! development or the monthly theme through tha medium of handicraft. The Boy Scout section will be led by tcw ell Bass. Jerry Willis, new Doug 1st dis trict commiMioner, Is to eftsres of the program. Riverside Prin cipal fcart una 1 Baisoiinff ar rangements for an anticipated large crowd. Secretory Of YMCA On 'Ciliitn' Program Marian Voder, genersl seere tarv for the Roseburg YMCA, will be featured on the "Citizen of the Week program broadcast Tuesdav t 8:30 p, m. over f tion KRNR, aswrding to Frei Bernau, '"" publicity head. Expanding on the theme "W work with Rosebjrg future," Yoder will explain the working of the local chapter, as well a ( relate some of the future plans of the organttatten. jgrr-ssiensj inwsugasiOT, I S"Slf 7. .SSS (said today that as far as the ty concerned "n actton ta (on- ; template aga ! lor airing hi v 1 muJmwhethi inrt Cromnselat view publicly, I to leave onen 1h her Swretarv of 1 Defense Johnson' offiM migat j take action."