r 1 V 4. mm mWm mm) For " fops" on Dralnboards . Set Phil Ournom ILino'eum Laying and Venetian Blindi 920 S. Main 1336-J CZECH HENS LAY MORE EGGS P R A G U E (.T) The govern ment statistical service reports I' that Czechoslovakia's hens are doing better for the nation in I creasing their egg laying aver- I age. , This rose to 13.3 eggs per hen I in tiuuv aim iiic uvci -ail cku (jiu duct ion rose 25.4 per cent tor the , first half of 1949. A further con tributing factor was in increase of nearly three million In the number of hens. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT at the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 South -Stephens Featuring the Famous RAY WATSON "King of the Ivories" (Shown Above) And His Father n Manager oni Entertainer . , , Ray and his father com to us highly endorsed Directly from time of Southern California's and Hollywood' Swanky Night Clubs. FRED MEYER DRUG SAVINGS Neckerchiefs or Scarfs Gay colors, 24x24. 49c Bath Soap Wrisley's Royal 131.00 1 98 Shampoo Tray Beeo 1.00 10c Toilet Tissue F,ufftexr.201.00 26c Soap Flakes 61.00 Household Envelopes ioos3l. 00 c Wax Paper Cutrite.. 51.00 39c nL.. r ' J o In r Mulsoy O I.UU Baby Food 2.50 Grammercy Pipe Imported from France. Save 1.50 . 1.00 c Wastepaper Basket Metal 49c 69c Shampoo LadyEVa 49c c Small Tissues Swipes 5c 79e Shaving Cream PreP, i6 oz 59c c Beer Shampoo. ,0c Powder Puffs . 59e Christmas Cards Boxed.. 289c 5c 39c CANDY SPECIAL Fresh Orange Slices lb. 25c Fred Meyer il?EJ ?E)D) X- D Tony Alamo ilngi one of the less publicized numbers from "South Pacific." "Honeybun," on the "Sammy Kaye Showroom" tonight at 7:15. Other numbers Include the Kaye Choir in "Fiddle Dee Dee." Don Cornell In "Bauce," the Kaydets In "Dime a Dozen, and Laura Leslie and Don Cornell doing "Honey." Singer Laura Leslie, the only girl in Sammy Kaye's Orchestra, heard three times weekly over KRNR, always envies the men In the aggregation when they play one-night stands. The boys get half-hour service from tailors on pressing suits while they lounge and relax In their hotel rooms. Immediately on hitting a new town, however, Laura unpacks her badly creased gowns and spends hours remedy ing the situation with a portable iron and Ironing board. With th. California C.ntril Vallty's graps producing arts as Its locale, this wuk's story in th. "Let Gtorgs Do It" serl.s of radio myst.ry-advsntur hits a new high in tens, gripping drama. Summoned by a provocativ and po.tlo letter from a te.nag. girl, Georg Valentin, and hi .er.tary, Clair Brook, go to th Agajeniek Ranch to olv a riddl of family relationship, based on hatred. Follower of th "Let Georg. Do It" sari. ar highly con clou of th high literary quality of th (eript played en this show. Further proof of this Is th sharp character delineation and tight plotting of tonight' episod. .ntitled "Valley Sunset." (1:00 8:30 u. m.) Catch the listener participation show "You Name It" tonight at 8:30. Three instrumental numbers are played on the pro gram which listener must identify correctly when they call 'num ber 4 with the titles. "Murder by Experts" at ten tonight will send you off to bed with pleasant dreams at is conclusion. To morrow morning at 9:15, Roy Hiatt presents another of his "Muse and Music" sessions, featuring carefully selected, best known poetry ranging from Shakespeare's time to lines written by our own Contemporary American poets. KRNR Mutual Broadcastir.g System 1490 on Your Diol at main in a Horti today 4:00 Fu It an Twlt Jr. 4:13 Frank Hemlnwajr. 4 30 Marvin Millar. 4 4JV-News. SOO Driver'! PlayhouM. 5:15 Music. S .' Champion. 5 45 Lea Bennett, 6:00 Sewini Machlna Canter. 615 Mutual NewiraaL 6 30 Sport Paf. 6 .15 Music, 6 40 Local Newf. 6 45 Southland Staffing. 655 Bill Henry- 7 no Dick Haymaa. 7:15 Sammy Kay Showroom. 7 ;30 Cisco Kid 8 00 Lt Ceorfa Do It. 8 10 Yftu Nimi It 8:45 Bob Eberl 8 55 Johnny Desmond. 0 oo News. 9 15 Ht Neighbor. S 30 Scandinavian Melody Tima. 8 45 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10.00 Affair, of Ptr Salem. 10:30 Rum M or fan Orchaetra. 11:00 Cum in Music. 11:30 Sign Off. 112 N. Jackson TL'ESDAT, SEPTEMBER II, IMS 6:00 SunriM Seronado. 6:15 Newt. 6 30 Music. 6:;t0 Rtsa ac Shlnt. 6:45 County Agent. 7:00 Nawt. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Nawa. 7:50 Beahivo. i. 7:55 Music. 8:00 Haven of Most. 8 30 M oder a Horn. i 8:45 Music. 900 Wally'a Coffeo Tim. 9:15 Mum Music. 9 30 Man About Town. 9 40 Music. 9 50 Shopper'! Outdo. 10:00 News. 10:15 Sweet wood Serena da. 1030 Say It With Music. 10 45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladies First 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12:00 Music at Noon, 12:15 Sporta Pag. 12 25 Music. 1230 Clocking th Star. 12:35 Music. 12:40 Local New. 12:45 National New. 12:55 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on th Straot 1:15 Listen m Llebart t 130 Music, 1:45 Music. j:0O Against the Storm 2 30 It s Requested. 3:00 Johnson Family. 3:15 Music. 3:30 Good Newt Pro cram. 3 45 Local Loan Show. 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Marvin Miller. 4 45 News. 5:00 B Bar B Ranch. 8:30 Champion. 5:45 Lee Bennett. 6 00 Cavalcade of Safety. 6:15 Mutual NewtreeL 6 30 Sporta Page, 6 35 Music. 6 40 I,ocaI News 8 45 Southland Singing. 8 55 Bill Henry. 7 00 Frank Purdy. 7:15 Musie You Remember. practical Pumping 9 js4 Enjoy a Universal Automatic Water System for low cost "all around" effi ciency. You get plenty of water with city pressure for kitchen, bathroom, laundry and garden. There are Uni versal Pumps and Water System, .large and small for the home, farm or industry. UNIVERSALE NIW Hy.OT.Jrt...." am atiw aavaftcamaiH f U.t Wall .. Convenient Budget Term Avoiloble W. M. SANDALL CO. Highway North Phone 11171 T:M Mtulc of Manhattan. S 00 Box Thirteen S 30 Jovin Jamborea. . ooNcwi 15 Ruth and Judy. ..TO Cuast Star. . 4.V rulion L li Jr. 10.00 Gregory Hood 10 .10 Run Morgan Orcha.tr a. 11:00 Cue In Muile. 11:30 Sun Of(. Veteran Enrollment Off In College Applications OREGON STATE COLLEGE A slackening off of veteran en rollment, about as foreseen, is noted in applications for admis sion to the college this fall, re ports Dallas Norton, assistant registrar in charge of admis sions. This will be the main fac tor In an expected minor decline In total enrollment this fall. Last year 39 percent of new students who entered Oregon State were veterans. Including Snthhivnil LC$ Grtyhovni New Mr4rrted Ceebi SAN FRANCISCO 7W auM mr sii.t LOS ANGELES 11173 oun taie sii.i 11 Tt.r An N. Lawaf fmil new 144 la. Sli.Maa M. ftoaaf. Petrillo's Feud With Actors Is Mushrooming NEW YO-K .P Jame C. Petrillo's feud with a vaude ville artists' union has mush roomed into a battle with the big 90,000-member AFL Association Actors and Artists of America. A showdown fight between Pe trillo's AFL Federation of Musi clans and the AAAA parent body of all performer groups could have wide repercussions In the nation's entertainment industry. Paul Dulzell, AAAA president, said yesterday his group was in "unanimous defiance" of Petril lo's threatened action against the American Guild of Variety Art ists, an AAAA branch composed mostly of vaudeville actors. "Traditionally actors have al ways gotten along well with mu sicians," Dulzell said, "but If Mr. Petnllo wants to start a fight which will involve the entire en tertainment field, he can have it by taking action against any of the branches of the four A 'a. The statement was in reply to Petrillo's threat last week to pull orchestras out of the nation's night spots and theaters where AGVA members nerform. lie ac cused the vaudeville artists union of raiding his musician's union. Petrlllo claimed some musi cians had been forced to Join AGVA because their work re quired them to deliver a few spoken lines. both freshmen and transfer tu dents. This year admissions to date 'nclude only 19 percent veterans. Among freshmen alone 20 per cent of those entering a year ago were veterans while this year only 8 percent of those accepted so far are veterans. Admission of women students Is almost the same this year as last Indicating a higher percent age of girls to boys than has existed since the war, though thej coeds will be still heavily out numbered, j New student week opens Sep-1 temher 19 with registration the; last three days of that week. OSC Grad Gets $1000 Weyerhaeuser Fellowship OREGON STATE COLLEGE Robert H. Ruth, '43 graduate in forestry here has been awarded the first $1,000 forestry fellow ship recently announced by the Weyerhaeuser Timber company. Paul M. Dunn, dean of forestry, has lust announced. The grant Is for a research fellowship to lie known as the "Weyerhaeuser Fel lowship in Forest management." Immediately after his gradua tion Ruth Joined the navy and served until 1946. Since 1947 he has been a forester in the de partment of forest management research in the Pacific North west Forest experiment station in charge of the Cascade Head experimental forest near Otis. His fellowship is effective Sep tember 1. In establishing fellowships here and at University of Washington, the company said they are in tended to provide opportunity for capable young men to continue their studies in forest manage ment, who can later help meet the Industry's need for icientific leadership in this field. Steel Spans In Pavilion At OSC Of Record Length OREGON STATE COLLEGE Steel roof supports In the new Gill pavilion are of near record size and are probably the largest that has gone lnlo postwar con struction, according to G. W. H-1- comb, professor of structural en gineering here, who has reported on unusual aspects of the 10.000 seat structure in a recent issue of Engineering News Record. The 12 rigid riveted steel frames weigh 60 tons each, are above the playing floor, permit ting elimination of all Interior Men., Sept. 12, 1949 The Newt-Review, Reteburg, Or. S supports. The main floor and seating area enclosed under these frames Is 263 X 227 feet, or 1 1-3 acres. OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter J deliver! of high quality tove and burner oil CALL 132 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Product For Douglas County l Bergh's i Applianco Sarvics 1200 S. St.ph.ns Complet Service On Homo and Commar Cial Refrigeration. GUARANTEED FAST SERVICE SCREENS Scrt.n Ooor. Screen Wlr Window 8creen PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 4 E ""1 Ave. S. Phone 24". The first Ironworks In America was located on the bank of Fall ing Creek, Va. Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but folk about it! But if yoL really wont to own your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loan and Insurance ELqu,i,;,bR,.prsVv,,:v:v: W q&w Lean A..n. I I WftffiiiElti ttlTTTr Ifrffl I 112 W. C... Phen. S13 I I CtfrfTt nMjrTTr .frTTft. I I! IW j1 11 ( l(L$f SES NORGE BEFORE VOL) BUY A0TP STARTS I" Jjy I WEDNESDAY 1 otV&- nMA " 1 Kr7.1JSl ROOF LEAKING! Now is the time to start your minor homo repairs before they become major troubles. Sea us first . . . both for advice and quality materials. Boysen Fibre Roof Coating 1.54 gal. Kay-Tit e Water Proofing 2.90 gai. For masonry walls CO-FEATURE ROMANCE, RDCtD IfflTTOMf fr i i i if II III 1 1.1' w 1 r nwatss I NOW SHOWING fin mm t ms m m iikiLWkvrjrt 1UA and- JUDY CANOVA in Hit the Hay wilsiowfou gs fo in i ever dreamed possible Yeu'll sm th only p.ener car nin A that's (omphttly usttrproof . that can run through flood water lik no other car a . . . that can sit all night in th heaviest downpour yet start up instantly I Yeu'll f4 th new eaa of th trin wheel that's perfectly balancti instead o( being olf-c.nler. a. Yeu'll sm th lirat safety cushioned T-J dsthboard ever designed to protect ( your children 1 You'll sm an engine that goes 5000 mile without needing an oil chsng. I ROSE MOTOR CO. ,Tl You'll so windahield wiper Kj electrically operated! Free from Va. engine preasure, they don't stop ijj when you need them most! You'll so car with Safety Rim W heels blowouts won't throw tir undor almost any driving condition! You'll soa SO new improvements that mak. Chryalcr the moat beautilully engineered car today! ... A pleaaurc to drive, thrilty to own. i'hon, let us bring you a car. let the car prove It! O Lane & Rose THI BEAUTIFUL All FfATUtlS IN OTAU WimtOB, SAITOA. NIW VOttri. MO.fLS Phone 66 Tune In Your Chrysler Dealer "SAMMY KAYE SHOWROOM" Every Monday Wedneaday Friday 7:15 P. M. Station KRNR COMING WEDNESDAY Preston Foster In "I SHOT JESSE JAMES" Now Showing I ;a .7 Lova-Kappyl Laak-raa-Hapovt rre v.j i ' -J i-, aaanstaom Hilights of Newsreel r 1949 Pendleton Round-Up . . . President Speaks ta Legionnairs . . a