The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 12, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Tht News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Sept. 12, 1949
Sight Of Blood Brings
Vicky Out Of Dazt
Continued From Page One)
cell. , .
Repeats Statement
Victoria'! accident with the me
dicine bottle occurred the night
of Nov. 11. Her statement, given
to the Wllliamses, she repeated
to Sgt. Harre)l lour, days later,
when he visited her at the Jail.
"On the afternoon of Oct. 27,
1 was feeling Indisposed.'' Sgt.
Harrell said he wa told by Vic
toria. "I alept from 3 p. m. to
5 p. m., at which time Ralph
and I discussed dinner and he
decided to have a few drinks In
stead, since I (lid not feel well.
"He had, during the course of
the day drunk a quantity of home
brew and whiskey, which he,
himself, had made and usually
kept on ha:id. Shortly after that,
he left the house and 1 saw the
car headed toward Elkton and
knew he was going over to visit
Walt Peterson, with whom he
drank frequently.
Gees to Sleep
"It was for that reason that I
made up a bed in the living room
as I disliked sleeping with him
when he was drunk. I went to
bed In the living room and short
ly after, went to sleep. I did
not hear or see Ralph come In.
"However, I did hear him talk
ing In the kitchen later that eve
ningand saying that he was go
ing to see it he could catch any
fish fro mthe creek. I don't know
to whom he was speaking as I
was too sleepy to be Interested.
Later that same night the baby
awoke me. I gave him his bottle,
which was In his crib."
The statement continued that
she had awakened in the night to
turn off the light which hung in
the doorway of the bed room and
she "heard him breathing heavily
and I took It to be snoring or the
Urgently Needed
Houm or opt. by Sept, 17,
for family of 4. News
Review employe. Please
phone 1278R.
Be fere ht botght a HcCWfoch,
Geerge worktd la e meaf marktt
You csa do mors thia fell snd
buck trees with s McCulloch chiin
ssw. You csa limb, slab, cut cord
wood snd potts. But here's one of tht
molt importsnt things you csn do
you csa pick up your McCulloch
,' m hmd, snd csrry it suily to the
art cut. Try with sny other big
limber ssw.
ViHng Hours
Within tht acxt ftw days, stop by our
store for s real demonitratioo of wood
cutting. Or (ivt us a call snd we'll
try to arrange a show for you at your
place. There's no obligation. We want
you to see what a McCulloch can do.
4 Models Available
chain SAW
Hiway 99 North
Phone 1547-R
Coen S
Whether you are remodeling or building a home, or any
type of structure, here you can secure any anil all mate
rials required. We buy in large quantities, have all the
equipment necessary for economical handling and pass
the savings along to you.
You are invited to insjiect our displays, our stocks, our
facilities to serve vou, and secure an estimate on any
materials needed. Budget plan if desired.
Floed & Mill Sts.
effects of the liquor. I returned
to bed and went back to sleep."
Victoria said she was awak
ened In the morning by what
she took to be a knock on the
door. She looked through the liv
ing room window, hut saw no
one; then she went through the
kitchen outside, looked at the
chickens, and picked up the mail
from the front mail box. After
that, she went Into the bedroom.
"It was then that I saw Ralph
on the bed for the first time. He
was lying there with his head
slightly to the right; blood on
the bed beside him; blood on the
nose and on the lips. I shook him
several times and kept calling
his name, but got no response.
"I placed my finger on the hol
low of his throat to see If I could
feci some sign of life, but could
feel none. It was then that I
fainted and I don't know how
long I was unconscious."
To 8e Doctor
In the remainder of her state
ment, Victoria told how she made
arrangements with her neigh
bors, the Farnsworths, to take
her and the haby Into Drain. As
she looked "sick", the Karns
worth asked If she were going
to see a doctor, and she said
Victoria named the places she
visited In Drain to cash checks
and that she purchased a ticket
to Eugene on the bus. At Eugene
she realized it was "too lale to see
a doctor," so she purchased an
other ticket and continued her trip
to Portland.
"When I reached Portland, I
lost that feeling of dread but was
bothered by the fact that I could
remember so little about the day's
events. I knew I had cashed sev
eral checks from the blank stubs
but could not remember how
many or where I had cashed them.
I couldn t remember having seen
Ralph after the afternoon of Oct.
27 and because of that I sent him
a telegram explaining my sudden
departure and asking him to call
at tne noiei wnere 1 nad register
ed as Victoria Mojonnler."
She concluded her statement
that she did not kill Ralph,
"neither did I contribute In any
way to his death. I know of no
one who should have wanted to
kill him, neither is It my opinion
that he would have committed
Election Watched
In Pennsylvania
The outcome of a sccial Penn
sylvania election tomorrow may
go a long way toward shaping
campaign strategy for the 1950
congressional elections.
Kiom the outside, the battle
looks close between Mrs. Ethel
Coffey, Democrat, and John P.
Saylor, Republican, for the con
gressional post In the 2ith dis
trict. Mis. Coffey Is seeking to
succeed her war hero son. Rep.
Robert L. Coffey Jr., killed In a
plane crash last spring. Saylor
Is a Johnstown laweyr and war
Personalities have almost been
swallowed up, however, In what
is regarded as a strategy battle
between the Republicans and
Kepuhlicans have seized on Pre
sident Truman's announced In
tention of taking a personal part
In the 1!)50 congressional strug
gle. In the closing weeks of the
campaign, they have been con
centrating their fire on the Pre
sident and on the democratic
State Farm Mutual
slashes auto
insurance costs!
Savings up to 20
for Oregon drivers
State Farm Mutual Aut
Insurance Company
Call or Come In Nowt
0. L. ROSE
Room 212
Doug. Co. State Bank Bldg.
Scotch Light
For Bicycles
To Be Continued
Police Chief Calvin H. Baird an
nounced today a continuation of
the Scotch light bicycle marking
program initiated earlier this
He urged all students with bi
cycles to have their vehicle at
their respective schools next
Wednesday and Thursday so that
the city police department can
finish the marking job.
Students are requested to bring
their bikes to school on those
days, whether they ordinarily
ride them to school or not, and
leave them In the regular bicycle
parking racks. Every school In
the city will be serviced he said.
The scotch light, a permanent
light reflecting substance, was
purchased by the Roseburg Ac
tive club as a part of their safety
program. The marking drive is
being carried out through the co
operation of the city police de
partment. No charge will be mad for ap
plication, the chief said.
Fivt Persons Drown
In Sea Over Weekend
(Continued Flom Page One)
an amphibious craft overturned
yesterday and dumped nine men
and women Into the ocean.
The other two victims were
lost along the southern Oregon
coast near Coos Bay and Florence
Drowned In a dukw upset were
Donald Haussman, IS, Portland;
Zack Fitzgerald and Wlllard Unn,
both of Boring.
Haussman's father, Fitzgerald's
brother, and Linn's wife were
among the six dukw occupants
washed safely ashore after fight
ing heavy seas for as long as an
The dukw, christened the
"Pride of Pacific City" and
launched only a week ago as
a tourist attraction, overturned
about a quarter-mile from shore.
One survivor, Joseph Schwab,
said heavy combers battered the
craft. One wave washed Unn
overboard. The others donned life
Jackets, and then another comber
dumped them all into the sea.
The surf was too rough to
launch a lifeboat. Coastguards
men from Astoria, thinking
Haussman and Fitzgerald might
be floating In their llfejackets,
flew over the area trying vainly
to locate the men.
The boat was one of three
operated hv Don Clearwater,
Portland. The skipper, Ray Rus
sell, Pacific City, was among
those to reach snore.
The Saturday drownings took
the lives of Harold W. Curry, 29,
Sutherlln, who was swept into
the surf near Florence while
fishing from rocks, and Lloyd
Mael, Empire, who disappeared
when an outboard motorboat cap
sized at the mouth of Coos Bay.
Sports fishermen rescued Maels
companion, Eugene Dareo, also
of Empire. He had clung to the
overturned boat.
Mrs. Lamont's Services
To Be Held In Portland
Funeral services for Elizabeth
Lamont, fi9, who died Sept. 9,
will be held Tuesday, Sept. 13,
at 1 p. m. In the chapel of the
Portland Crematorium with the
Roseburg Funeral home In
She wa horn Sept. 22. 1879,
In Oregon City and had made her
home there and In Portland be
fore coming to Roseburg three
months ago to make her home
with her daughter, Mrs. Maurice
Surviving besides her daughter
are a son, Roderick T. Lamont,
Portland, and six grandchildren.
The body will be taken to
Portland tomorrow by the Rose
burg Funeral home for the serv
ices. Cremation will follow In
the Portland Crematorium.
CORVALLIS. Sept. 10. (T
Nudists have bought a 169-acre
tract near Philomath. A spokes
man, Walter Hyde, Philomath,
said the American Sun Bathers
association group No. .127 plans
to hold a convention of nudists
there in 1053. He said the group
has 30 members In the Phllomath
"orvallis area.
Phone 121
Hying Captain Gets
Navy Head's Backing
(Continued From Page One)
"Crommelln has not been sus
pended. The captain, who works
under the joint chiefs of staff,
showed up for duty as usual. Dur
ing the morning he attended a
meeting of his group which does
apadework on America's top
secret war plans.
In speaking out Saturday he
"I hope this will blow the whole
thing open and bring on another
congressional Investigation."
That wish won one congress
man's endorsement. Rep. Sasscer
(D.-Md.) said congress should
take a hand in the row. Sasscer,
a top-ranking Democrat on the
house armed services committee,
indicated he feels such a review
might help settle the dispute
which flared into public view dur
ing the recent congressional In
vestigation of the air force's B-36
He said he favored an inquiry
Into the roles of the army, navy
and air force In defense and
Seven Roseburg Students
Enroll At Willamette U.
Seven students from Roseburg
have enrolled with the freshman
class at Willamette university,
Salem. They will report Tuesday
for orientation week, beginning
Sept. 14, during which they will
participate In placement exam
inations, campus indoctrination,
group meetings and conferences
with university officials and stu
dent body officers.
Registrants from Roseburg in
clude Harriet C. Booth, 1451 Riv
erside drive; Marjorie R. Harris,
1920 F-den lane; Shirley A. Hel
weg, 1421 Riverside drive; Dona
M. Mears, 2027 Harvard ave :
Esther Marie Short, 501 Fowler
St.; Richard L. Ryman. c-0 Stale
Police; Robert E. Sanders, 401
Woodward St.
Dr. Allan Munroe Begins
Practice In Roseburg
Dr. Allen B. Munroe, recently
of Fort Collins, Colo., announced
that he has started the practice
of general medicine In Roseburg.
His office is located temporarily
a tthe Roseburg Sanitarium.
Dr. Munroe is a graduate of
the College of Medical Evangel
ists at Loma Linda and Los An
geles, Calif. He served his In
tcrneship at the Porter Sanitar
ium and Hospilal at Denver,
Colo. For the past two years he
has been at Fort Collins, special
izing In pediatrics, obstetrics, and
Dr. Munroe is married and has
three children. Mrs. Munroe Is a
trained nurse. They are living at
515 Pitzer street.
More U. S. Ships Go Into
Mothballs; Budget Pared
(Continued from Page One! ,
were sent aloft in speeches by
Adm. Louis Denfeld, chief of na
val operations, at Annapolis, Md.,
and by Secretary of the Navy
Matthews in Honolulu.
Kimball said in Richmond that
(he navv's budget for this fiscal
vear "will be roughtly $4,000,000,
000." This is $900,000,000 less than
the navy had in 1949. It com
pares with the approximate $4.
900.000,000 that both the Senate
and House are willing to give the
navy for fiscal 1950.
Kimball's disclosure was view
ed as a hint that Defense Secre
tary Johnson may reauire the
navv to hold down to a $4,000,
000,000 figure.
Kansas is (he greatest wheat
producing state In the United
Get Ready For Winter!
Order Your Supply Of
Richfield Heating Oils Now!
fMHewi U mil leuMJUI.'.Hl .;,-yM
i. .aW'ttmaW.i'ii n
N. . it proof tiMtlnf oil. Html- Tick! prinwr mtr rvstit'r. Prima
natra ruM In your atoraso tank and tho numbor o sallons dtllvtrtd en
fual sytlrm. your Involr.
Automatic Fill Up Service
Richfield heating oils are manufactured from the very
hest petroleum crude. Because of their high quality they
bum with a clean, blue flame, without soot or fumes.
Wt Givi
24 Hour Service
Ken Under, Agent
Richfield Oil Corp.
Theodore Heuss
First President
Of West Germany
BONN. Germany, Sept. 12.
liP) Prof. Theodor Heuss, whose
books were burned by Hitler,
was elected first president to
night of the new West German
The 65-year-old educator, can
didate of the three-party right
ist government coalition of the
new state, received 416 of 800
votes cast on the second ballot,
better than a clear majority.
Dr. Kurt Schumacher, chair
man of the socialist party on the
left, was second with 312 votes.
The first ballot ended in a dead
lock. Heuss, is a scholarly, white
haired professor of politics who
likes a good cigar and an occa
sional glass of beer.
The election of Dr. Heuss as
sured the early selection of Dr.
Konrad Adenauer as first chan
cellor (prime minister) of West
Germany and the subsequent end
of allied military government
over the western part of this
conquered land.
Dr. Adenauer is chairman of
the Christian Democratic party
and chief organizer of the right
ist government coalition of Chris
tian Democrats. Free Democrats
and the German party.
Abbott Says 3 Powers
Agree On British Aid
(Continued From Page One)
In the midst of a busy round of
three-power sessions aimed at
winding up the work on the Brit
ls.i crisis today in time for a new
series of political and financial
conferences tomorrow. Those will
include a sweeping review of far
eastern policy by British Foreign
Minister uevin and secretary 01
State Acheson.
Other meetings beginning to
morrow include the World Dank
and international monetary fund.
Britain is reported interested In
obtaining financial aid from the
fund. Provided its rules are modi
fied, Britain may be able to draw
$325,000,000 In the next 12
Nazi Party Chief Judge
Takes His Own Life
MUNICH. Germany, Sept. 12.
(JP) The chief judge of the
nazi party supreme court, Reichs
leiter Walter Buch, committed
suicide by slashing his wrists and
jumping into Ammer lake, Ba
varian state police announced
Buch's body was dragged from
the lake last Friday evening.
Police said they did not know
the exact date on which Buch
killed himself or the motive for
his deed.
Buch was adjudged a major of
fender in two denazification
trials. At the sexind trial last
July, however, the Munich ap
pellate court reduced his forced
labor sentence from five years to
the time he had already been un
der arrest 34 years.
Senate Orders Night
Sessions On Trade Act
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 (.in
Democratic leaders today ordered
night sessions of the senate in a
drive to complete action this week
on the reciprocal trades agree
ments act.
Senator Lucas of Illinois, party
floor leader, made the announce
ment after he and Vice President
Barkley had conferred at the
White House with President Tru
man. Under Lucas' plans, the first
night session will be tomorrow.
The senate arranged to recess its
session today out of respect to the
memory of Associate Justice
Wiley Rut ledge of the supreme
court wno died Saturday.
i . i -ri
''''t - 'HrrV'ssisTiiirsTi
Green Stamps
The Weather
U. S. Wsathsr Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Fair today and Tuesday; slight
ly warmer.
Highest tamp, for any Sept.- 104
Lowest temp, for any Sept...- 29
Highest temp, yesterday 67
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs. 45
Precipitation last 24 hrs. .. T
Precipitation since Sept. 1 1.36
Exeats since Sept. 1 - -84
Two Albany Youths Are
Killed In Cycle Crash
ALBANY. Sept. 12 JPL Two
young men were killed near heie
Saturday night when their motor
cycle crashed into the rear of one
automobile and then plunged into
the path of another. Both cars
were ditched and one woman pas
senger was injured.
Coroner Glen Huston said the
victims were Laurice A: Dickey,
23, and Cecil John Sanders, 19,
both of Albany.
State Police St. Ernest Larios
said the cycle plowed Into the
rear of a car driven by J. i.
Canavan, Lebanon. His wife was
treated for Injuries. The car over
turned when one wheel dropped
off the highway. In the second
car were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webb.
Lebanon. It was wrecked but both
occupants escaped harm.
Montana State Blanketed
With First Snow Fall j
HELENA. Mont., Sept. 12 '
Snow continued falling in Mon
tana today as the first sign of
winter spread -Its white blanket
and freezing temperatures into
Wyoming and the Dakotas.
The Alaskan storm put its fing
er on Montana late Saturday,
spreading more than a foot of
snow over some areas and drop
ping temperatures to as low as 20
degrees above zero today.
New Hearing Device
Has No Receiver
Button In Ear
Chicago, III. Deafened people
are hailing a new device that
gives them clear hearing without
making them wear a receiver
button In the ear. They now en
Joy songs, sermons, friendly com
panionship and business success
with no self-conscious feeling that
people are looking at any button
hanging on their ear. With the
new invisible Phantomold you
may free yourself not only from
deafness, but from even the ap
pearance of deafness. The mak
ers of Beltone. Dept. 40, 1450 W.
19th St., Chicago 8, 111., are so
proud of their achievement they
will gladly send you their free
brochure iln plain wrapper) and
explain how you can test this
amazing invisible device In the
privacy of your own home with
out risking a penny. Write Bel
tone today.
New models ever 139 f 'em
3 new engines
New axles, frames, steering
Every one is Bonus Built .
BuiH stronger to last longer
See us soon . . .
See us for the finest
trucks Ford's ever built
nONUSi "So-a"" m mW,)wi
k mmml tr 7 " WiaiW.
Completely equipped
and delivered
In Roteburg
Rose and Oak Sts.
Steel Strike Is
Put Up To CIO
Leaders Today
The steel strike crisis was put up
to strategists of the CIO United
Steelworkers today.
They held the answer to Presi
dent Truman's request for an 11
day extension of the strike truce
expiring tomorrow midnight.
Steel Industry's big five accepted
the extension.
Also In the union's hand is the
working man's demands for a
fourth round pay increase
specifically whether to accept the
presidential board's formula for
settling the iteel wage dispute.
The board suggested a 10-oent
hourly package covering pensions
and Insurance but not wages.
Decisions on the board recom
mendations also are expected
from more than 60 steel compan
ies as soon as officers and boards
of director finish studying the
fact finders report.
The steelworkers executive
board went Into session at Hotel
Sheraton. CIO and Steelworker
President Philip Murray, spear
heading labor's drive for a fourth
round pav boost, got behind closed
doors with other union heads to
plot their course.
All Kinds
rJ. 2nd Ave Sj. Phor- 21?
Formerly Hansen Motors
Tire Department
To New Location
Formerly Occupied By
Umpqua Auto & Implement
Your Goodyear Car and Home Supply Dealer
We've Got 'Em!
wr,w.l c m Vl
Ivan Amos McKnight. 30, Rose,
burg, was fined $100 and given
a 30-day suspended sentence, w
when he pleaded guilty to a '
charge of driving while under
the influence of intoxicating llq
uor, Municipal Court Judge Ira
B. Riddle reported today.
by Warren Goodrich
"Sure I'll releoao tho lino If
your tall' In a trap. Soy,
that Is an emergency!"...
Moat people will gladly release)
the party -line if you'll explain
the emergency.... Pacific Tele- jf
444 N. Stephens Phone 1683
oration, nan. ,
Phone 80