The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 12, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. Of 0. Library Comp. ,
j. Eugene, Oregon . ... . ... .jt'j
u u uL
MISS AMERICA OF 149 Jecque Mercer, (Miss Ariional of
Phoenix, Arix., on fht runway of Convention hall, Atlantic City,
a moment after sh had bean crowned Miss America of 1949.
The 18-year-old brunette triumphed over 51 competitors from
the United States, Canada, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. (AP Wire
photo I.
Arizona Ranch Girl Gains
Title In Finals; Challenge
Is Issued By Mrs. America
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 12. l!P An Arizona ranch girl
headed for the big city today to start her career as Miss America,
Dark-haired, brown-eyed Jacque Mercer of the X-Bar-X ranch,
Litchfield Park, Ariz., who won the title Saturday night, starts
on a round of personal appearances that will take her back
In the Day's News
HE British government sud-
mlts to the United States a
four-point request for special
tion It believes this country must
make if the world is ever to see
again relatively normal interna
tional trade. The third of these
points calls upon us to:
"Base American policy on ineiar( "marriage first, career sec
realization that, while American : ond," her immediate objectives
exports are much larger than
American Imports, overseas in
vesemtns are essential. American
Investment policies should be
liberalized and the Investments
.u..u K& . wlHlv
ouuuiu --1
THAT is to say:
I Americans, who are about the'ning gowns.
only people of consequence in the
world who have any saved-up
capital left (after the terrible
t wastage of the last war) should
(Continued on Page Four)
. . , . L. w.i
Grounded MOrorsnip Will
Be Abandoned To Vtw,??
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12 I terpart, Mrs. America, was se
(JPt The British motorship Pad-, leoted yesterday at Asbury Park,
fic Enterprise will be left to the ! 60 miles north of here on the Jer
mercy of the wind and sea where spy shore, and promptly sug
it ran aground off Point Arena, gested a "Miss-Mrs." comparison.
100 miles north of hpre. . Mrs. Frances L. Clovd of San
All hope to salvage the aban-
doned vessel was given up yes-
worth of i
terday. Her holds,
one million dollars
Canadian wheat, were flooded. 1 and beautiful. She suggested a I me accident occurred tatur
The vessel ran aground early Fri-1 c o m p e t i t i o n "perhaps for i day n'ght while the 48-year-old
da v in a fog. I charity." I senator and horseman was dnv-
More U.S. Ships Go Into
Mothballs With Pared Navy
Budget For Coming Year
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. .P The navy, with an ear to pre
dictions of broadscale reductions in military spending in the
next fiscal year, already is getting ready to put more warships
on the shelf.
Starting later this month, the navy will begin to take ships
out of the active fleet and tic them up.
The program will continue
throughout the rest or this year
and in the first half of next. The
idea is that by the time the navy
starts operating with funds for
inr l.:l uscai jrar i stalling nt-Ai
..!.. , . 1 . ...Ill U .. 1 .J I
ihi r
JLiu .PT ,hf h,..-r 7,.
Iiciali about the budge a
To the laid up fleet, along with
several carriers, win go oincr
ships that support modern day
carrier task forces including de
stroyers and probably some
The Defense department is
scheduled to send the prelimin
ary estimate of fiscal 1951's mon
ey needs to the budget bureau on
September 15.
; across the continent.
The 18-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Mercer
came here from her ranch home
after winning the title Miss
As the new Miss America she
fets a $5,000 scholarship and a
3,000 automobile, plus contracts
ac-,for lne personal appearances.
She won the awards over a field
of 52 beautiful girls from 45
states, four major cities, Hawaii,
Puerto Rico and Canada.
Marriage First
Although her long-range plans
are another' year at Phoenix
Junior college and then Leland
Stanford university. She's study
ing dramatics, and it was a dra
matic reading from Shakespeare's
"Romeo and Juliet" that gave her
hUm In hn tnlnnt iieinn
:"'"; H'o" ""' ""-" "'"--"
oi me pageant.
Her figure 34-Inch bust. 22-
inch waist, 34-inch hips gave her
a first in the bathing suit division.
The girls also appeared in eve-
The shortest Miss America
!e 1921 (fivet finches)
pound.,), she neither drinks nor
smoKes. ane designed an tne
gowns she wore in the week-long
beauty pageant.
The tiny but trim Arizona girl
1 succeeds a live ieei nine men, ua
;poUnj Miss America of 1948. Miss
Dieeo, Calif., 23-year-old mother
oi tnree cnuoren, contended tnai
a woman had to be married be -
fore qualifying as really mature
Most talk is that the overall
budget for the army, navy and
air force will be between $13,400,-
1 000.000 and S13.700.000.0CO.
This would be at least one and
half billion dollars less than
'he $15,283,000,000 budget for the
fjsca, of 199 wmcn emJed
! junt. 3.
Signs that the military can ex
pect to tighten its belt have come
especially from the navy high
command In the last few days.
One sharp hint was contained
in a speech that under Secretary
of the Navy Kimball gave in
Richmond, Va. Other warnings
(Continued on Page Two)
The Weather
Fair today and Tuesday;
slightly warmer .
Sua set today 4:29 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 5:50 a. m.
Established 1873
Five Persons
Drown In Sea
Over Weekend
Pacific City Tragedy
Causes Three Deaths;
Fifth Is At Coos Bay
Harold Webster Curry, 29,
Sutherlin truck driver, while fish
ing, was drowned in the serf at
Heceta head near Florence Sat
urday at about 3 p. m., according
to Douglas County Coroner Har
ry C. Stearns.
Stearns said Curry slipped off
the rocks, striking his head as he
Curry was a veteran of World
War II, serving a staff sergeant
in the 91st division.
Surviving besides the widow,
Ellen, and one child, Jeanette, are
his father and step-mother. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry E. Curry, Palmer,
Ida.; lour brothers and a sister,
Harry Earl Curry, Wooster, Ohio;
Don Eugene Curry, Sutherlin:
Kenneth Glenn Curry, Roseburg;
Billie Edward and Betty Lou Cur
ry, Palmer, Ida.
Services, will be held In the
Sutherlin, Methodist church Mon
day at 2 p. m., with Rev. C. E.
Brittain officiating and under the
auspices of the Sutherlin Ameri
can Legion post. Final services
and interment will take place at
Star, Ida.
Arrangements are in care of
the Stearns mortuary, Oakland.
(By The AuocUt4j Preu
Five persons drowned in the
Pacific surf along the Oregon
coast over the weekend, three
of them at Pacific City where
(Continued on Page Two)
Warden Doubts
Benson's Story
Pinson Is Dead
SALEM, Sept. 12 UPl State
Prison Warden George Alexander
was skeptical today that escaped
convict John Pinson was dead
and buried near here.
William Benson, captured in
Columbua, O.. last week, told Co
lumbus police Saturday night
that Pinson died of the wounds
received when the two men went
over the prison wall on Memorial
"Even if Pinson did die follow
ing his escape, I don't believe he
was buried in or near Salem,"
the warden said. "I am more in
clined to believe Benson's story,
told immediately afler his arrest
in Ohio, that both he and Pinson
were outside of Oregon within
24 hours after they scaled the
prison wall."
State police here also doubted
Benson's story. They questioned
that the two men could have re
mained in the Salem area nearly
a week and avoid the police drag
net around the sector.
Benson, who hadn't said any
thing about Pinson during the
first days of his capture, told the
death sotry to Detective William
E. Bonner in Columbus Saturday
Sen. Wayne Morse Rests
mm. U (j i auuru, uui uuiai inn lunula
After Horse Throws Himjtralized it before It exploded.
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 12. UP)
Senator Wayne L. Morse (R
Oregon) was confined to a hos
pital here today after being
thrown from a racing buggy at
the Oregon State fair horse show.
He was not seriously hurt, but
haJ. been knocked unconscious.
pulled by his show horse. Sir Lau
rel Guy. The cart skidded on a
turn and rolled over. He was car
ried unconscious from the arena
but revived at the hospital.
Dr. E. S. Fortner reported X
ray pictures revealed no broken
bones. He ordered the senator to
rest for a few days in the hospital.
The accident was the second of
almost identical circumstances In
three nights for Senator Morse.
He had walked away from the
earlier upsetting.
Oregon State Fair Ends
With Record Attendance
SALEM. Sept. 12. P The
week-long Oregon State fair
closed yesterday with a new at
tendance record. In spite of the
rain that fell in the past three
Total attendance was 266,645,
which was 2.500 more than the
previous mark set last year.
A new netting marK or $447,
919 was established for the horse
races. The old record was $355,
652 In 1948.
ATLANTA. Sept. 12 (.
Misa Jessie Pearl Rice of Griffin.
Ga., wartime deputy director of
the WAC, died yesterday after a
long Illness. . .
Man Loses Life
B. Rutledge of the U. S. Su
preme Court, above, died Sat
urday night following a cer
ebral hemorrhage at a hospital
in York, Me. IAP Photol.
Truman To Delay
Appointment To
Succeed Rutledge
President Truman is expected to
wait a while before naming a
new Supreme court justice to
take the place of the late Wiley
Especially he is expected to
wait if his choice is Attorney Gen
eral J. Howard McGrath as
most political observers antici
pate. McGrath has been attorney
general for less than three weeKs
and Mr. Truman may want to
keep him in the justice depart
ment ior a lime.
The next term of the Supreme
court win open uci. a, tul it is
not essential that all its nine
places be filled at the start. As ii
is, there will be one newcomer-
Former Attorney General Tom
When Clark was appointed to
the court and McGrath was nam
ed to succeed him as attorney
general, the understanding
around Washington was that Mc
Grath had next call on a Su
preme court vacancy.
That vacancy was created by
the death Saturday night of Jus
tice Rutledge at York. Me., fol
lowing a cerebral hemorrhage.
Rutledge's death came less than
two months after that of Justice
Frank Murphy, whose spot Clark
will now take over.
Funeral services for Justice
Rutledge, 55, will be held Wed
nesday at the Washington Unitar
ian church, which he attended.
The body was brought from New
England last night.
Turkish Consulate Is
Bomb Explosion Target
ISTANBUL, Turkey. Sept. 12.
(JP) A bomb exploded at the
lurKish consulate in Plovdiv, Hul
garia, last Friday the semi-official
news agency Anatolia re
ported today.
There were no deaths, the re
port said.
Another bomb was discovered
Saturday morning, the agency
added, but Bulgarian militia neu-
The Turish minister has asked
the Bulgarian government to
5 I
tsL ' " .
COUNTY EXHIBIT AT STATE FAIR This it how Douglas county's exhibit appeared at the
state fair in Salem last weak. Tha display featured two cut-out wooden figures repre
senting loggers bucking a tree. These figures ware displayed at the county fair in Rote
burg. Fruits and vegetable! grown in Oouglat county alto ware on display. Paul Abeel, man
ager of the county fair, wat in charge of this exhibit at tha tteta fair. (Columbia ttudiot,
Blood Sight
Brings Vicky
Out Of Daze
Sgt. Harrell Testifies
Accused Remembered
Seeing Mojonnier On Bed
A broken medicine bottle and
the sight of blood on her cut
fingers brought Victoria Ganders
out of her da.e, enabling her to
rememoer Kaipn Alojonnier as ne
looked on the bed the last time
she saw him. State Police Sgt.
Lyle Harrell testified in Vic
toria's murder trial this morn
ing. As the trial moved into its sec
ond week, the state recalled Sgt.
Harrell to the stand this morn
ing, and also called former Dep
uty Sheriff and Mrs. J. H. Wil
liams as witnesses. Williams and
his wile were jailer and matron
when Victoria was held in ths
county jail two years ago.
Said In Dan
In previous testimony. It was
brought out that Victoria had
been in a "daze" when she fled
the scene of Mojonnler'i death,
in their house about two miles
S2L0,,r'& ,8.'1.1LdiSply entered the night of the
woke up' 'on a Portland bound
bus after cashing four worthless
checks in Drain.
Sgt. Harrell tetif led that, ...
an interview with Victoria in
the county Jail, Nov. 15, she had
regained her memory as the re
sult of dropping a medicine bot
tle, and seeing the mood on ner
hands as she picked up the pieces
iiuni uie ui
"When I
hands every t
Ij kept seeii
Hlph - hi
from the floor.
saw blood on my
everything went black and
seeing more Diooa ana
M looKeo va me nea
the last time I saw him," Vic
toria told the Wiliiamses, who
calmed her down when they dis
covered her shrieking in her
(Continued on Page Two)
Forest Grove Ordered
To Stop River Pollution
PORTLAND, Sept. 12. UP)
State Sanitary commission offi
cials have ordered Forest Grove
to stop polluting the Umatilla
The order followed discovery
of thousands of dead fish float
ing in the river. The destruc
tion of the fish life was blamed
on the dumping of liquid sew
age waste Into the river by the
Foreat Grove municipal disposal
First Violator Arrested
On Non-Stop Bus Law
Arrest of the first alleged vio
lator of Oregon's new school
bus stop law was reported to
day by Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Car
ter. Sheriff deputies arrested Delco
Hugene Groves. Melrose route,
for failing to stop his car while
a school bus was loading.
The law, passed by the recent
legislature, makes it mandatory
to stop if meeting or overtaking
a school bus which is loading or
unloading. Cars are to remain
stopped until the bus resumes
forward motion. Lawmakers pro
vided for a possible fine of "not
more than" $100 to be levied
against offendors.
Groves was cited to appear In
Justice court today.
12, 1949
at Heceta Beach
Annual Affair To Tie In
With Dedication Of New
Street Lighting System
Final plans are being made for the "biggest and best" Fall
Opening Roseburg has ever seen, according to Roland West,
president of the Retail Merchants association.
Working in conjunction with
city officials, the Fall Opening is
to coincide with the Inauguration
of Roseburg's new "great white
way" street lighting system
Wednesday evening. Sept. 21.
West said the city and the com
pany, which conti acted to install
the lights, are working feverish
lv to have all in readiness by
that time.
Included in this year's Fall
Opening will be a repeat of the
"treasure hunt," which proved so
popular with citizens last year.
Prizes offered this year will oe
even better than last. West said.
They will be on display In each
store window at 7:30 p. m., Sept.
21, at the time of the unveiling of
Merchants will be competing
against each other for the dis
tinction of having the "best
dressed window" In town. Impar
tial tudges, chosen by the News-
Review, will view each window
Fall Opening, with pictures o( the
rize-winners published the fol
owing day.
A fiala celebration, complete
with band music and an official
street light Inauguration pro
gram to be broadcast over the air,
will be offered. Fall Opening
planners have also made tenta
tive arrangements for street
dances, featuring local musicians.
Roseburg Lions State
100 Per Cent Attendance
A 100 percent attendance
night Thursday, Sept. 15, is the
they Join other chapters of the
hope of Roseburg Lions as
International Association of Li
ions clubs in competition for
awards In the 1949-50 attendance
This week, Sept. 11-16, has
been designated 100 percent at
tendance week oy the cnicago
headquarter! of the Lions In
ternational. Attractive prizes
will be offered the 365,000 mem-
ben of 7.175 clubs in 25 differ
ent countries.
In addition to club awards,
attendance awards to Individu
als will be given members with
outstanding records of unbrok
en atendance during the 32 con
secutive weeKs in wnicn tnis
annual contest Is In progress.
Many local Lions have earned
Individual awards for perfect at
tendance, ranging from one to
five years. During last year's
contest, the Roseburg Lions club
was presented a plaque of recog
nition for its attendance record.
Driver Cited To Appear
Following Car Accident
Marvel Mahala Van Horn.
Roseburg, was cited for viola
tion of the basic rule Sunday
morning when the car he was
driving went out of control one
mile north of Mvrtle Creek on
highway 99, State Police Sgt.
Lyle Harrell said today.
Sgt. Harrell said Van Hoi n
failed to negotiate a curve,
sheared off a tree and hit the
bank before coming to a stop.
He was not seriously injured.
1 '- 'ii.'-r-f's
Several Small
Fires Located
In Forest Area
Observation made from the air
this weekend has discovered sev
eral more fires In the Umpqua
National and Douglas county for
ests, spokesmen said today. All
the fires are termed small.
Ray Hampton, forest service
assistant in charge of fire pro
tection, said a previously re
ported fire near Johnson butte
and a new fire In the Emlle area
were found as a result of flying
over forest service lands. The
Johnson butte fire had been re
Dorted bv lookouts hut evnpt In.
cation of the blaze was not pre-
viuusiy Known.
Dispatcher U. F. McLaughlin
of the Douglas Forest Protective
association said three crews were
out chasing smoke as a result
of air observation reports made
oy ueorge f elt, pilot.
Fire crews have tentatively lo
cated one blaze, in the coast
range loot hills, but another crew
has been unable so far to find a
fire said to be In the Bear moun
tain vicinity. Supplim were
dropped to the latter fire crew
to enable them to keep up witru
Both Hampton and McLaugh
lin expressed the fear that smol
dering "sleeper" fires would
break out within the next few
days. They said the recent rains
aided fire combatting efforts by
checking the spread but fires are
known to be smoldering until the
ground, and underbrush is dry.
Weather forecasts call for cleai1.
lng weather with a drying east
wind reported to be prevailing
in the mountain forest areas.
Hampton said a more thorough
check of the Diamond lake area
would be made this afternoon
when Felt flies a forest service
ranger over the district, landing
and taking off with a small plane
on the present air strip at Dia
mond lake. Meanwhile, the pri
mary lookout system is in ef
fect in other areas.
Hearing Is Scheduled
On Fluid Milk Prices
A public hearing to consider
revision of minimum priced paid
producers for fluid milk and
wholesale and etall prices to
consumers In the Douglas County
Marketing area will be held in
the city hall, Roseburg, Thurs
day, Sept. 15. at 1:15 n.m.. the
State Milk Marketing administra
tion announced.
Melvln J. Conklin, examiner
for the Milk Marketing adminis
tration, is In charge of the hear
ing which is expected to estau
lish official data for minimum
milk and cream price schedules
under conditions now prevailing
in this area.
The Douglas county hearing Ik
one of a series being held to In
vestigate costs and other factors
affecting the production and dis
tribution of milk in the bottle
Flying Captain Who Charged
Navy Offensive Scuttled
Gets Backing Of Navy Head
WASHINGTON, Sep. 12. (.B The head of the naval air train
ing program spoke out strongly today In support of tha flying
captain who charged that navy offensive strength Is being
"When John Crommelln, a great naval officer and a very
superb naval aviator, speaks, the American peP' should listen
Theft Of Two Cameras
From Car Is Reported
Theft of two expensive ram
eras from the car of a Eugene
man was announced today by
Police Chief Calvin H. Baird.
Balrd said the man, Identified
only as "Mr. Gordon of Eugene,"
left his car overnight at a local
hotel parking lot and discovered
the los when he returned to It
the following morning.
The cameras were described as
a Speed Graphic news-type cam
era, equipped with a costly range
finder and lens, and a German
made Welta camera with a spilt
Local police are continuing In
vestigation of the theft this
week. .
Abbott Gives
Late Account
To Reporters
Job Is Still For From '
Complete, But Progress
Said Very Encouraging -
(.? Canadian Finance Minister
Douglas Abbott said today the
United States, Britain and
Canada have agreed on a pn
&ram of Immediate iteps to com
at Britain's dollar crisis.
In a speech prepared for a na
tional press club luncheon, Ab
bott declared that finance and
foreign policy ministers of the
three countries, now closing
their week-long meeting here,
have made very encouraging
He said, however, that the lob
is far from complete and that
there is "no prospect of lmmedl- .
ate relief from all our difficul
ties." Of positive accomDllsh-
ments, he said:
Agra On Direction
We have determined what
steps can be taken at this time,
and above all, we have agreed on
tne airection in wnicn we must
work. Each of our governments
must constantly re-examine the
adequacies of our policies in the
light of the ultimate goal (of pre
venting recurrent dollar-shortage
Abbott did not spell out what
the steps would be. But he did
say that "We have made a good
beginning and clearly Indicated
that the three nations had agreed
to close and continuing consulta
tion to get Britain out of its im
mediate financial hole and to
keep It outr
A three-power communique wai
expected during the day.
Greater Freedom
In advance, however, officials
familiar with the work of the
conference said the proposed
steps will include 11) greater
freedom for Britain in spending
Marshall plan dollars for Cana
dian wheat and (2) acceptance by
the United States of Britain's
need to discriminate against
American goods in order to con
serve dollars.
Abbott spoke at the press club
(Continued on Page Two)
2 Senate Groups
Stamp Approval
On Arms Funds
Two senate committees today
Jointly stamped formal approval
on a $1,314,010,000 plan for re-,
arming friendly nations against
The final vote 20 to 3
cleared the way for the arms bill
to go to the Senate. There it
faces another fight by a group
determined to make a deep cut
In the total -spending.
The senate Foreign Relatione
and Armed Services committees
voted for this arms program:
$1,000,000,000 for the North
Atalntic pact nations divided 50
50 between cash and contract au
thorization and with some re
striction on use of the cash.
$211,370,000 for Greece and
$27,640,000 for Iran, Korea and
the Philippines.
$75,000,000 to aid anti-Communists
in China with President
Truman to spend the money
where he sees fit without making
anv report to congress.
The bill Is in the form of an
authorization. Funds must be pro
vided later by appropriation.
Ralph Ohman Is Elected
State Printers Director
Sept. 12 Master prlntera of
Oregon have re-elected six di
rectors at their annual conven
tion session here.
The directors were Ed Turn
bull, Eugene, who has been pres
ident the past year; Jack Biggs,
Pendleton; Otto Smith, Klamath
Falls: Ralph Ohman, Roseburg;
Phil Bladine. McMinnvllle; and
Orrin M. Downey, Portland.
to him."
. Those were the closing words In
a statement by Rear Admiral
Austin K. Doyle of Glenview, 111.
Crommelln issued a statement
Saturday In which he protested
that navy power Is being wrecked
In the Pentagon, headquarters of
the armed services. He said it la
being "nibbled to death" and navy
morale destroyed.
The navy and air force for sev
eral vears have engaged In a bit
ter dispute over their respective
roles In strategic warfare.
The 46-year-old captain said
that In making his statements he
knew he was breaking regula
tions and expected he was throw
lng overboard his 30-year navy
A navy spokesman told a re
porter today, however, that
(Continued on Pag) Two)