Sat., Sept. 10, 14 ThNwi-Rvlw, RoMburt, Ort. 7 V" M:1 'lN Hp ' g j v " I 'H'i v A --v. Roseburg Girls Leaving Soon To Attend Various Colleges Unable to contact all of the girls attending college from Rose burg for last week's society page, the News-Review photographer, Paul Jenkins, invited these young ladies to have their pictures taxen lor today s Issue. Miss Virginia oung, Pi Beta Phi sorority member, will leave the 19th ol the month for Eugene to begin her Junior year at the school of music In the University of Oregon. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Young. Miss Georgene Shanklin, who recently received Junior Certifi cate Honors In the school of music at University 'of Oregon, left Thursday for Eugene to prendre for rush week. She Is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and will begin her junior year. The certificate award was matte by the Honors Council on the quality of scholastic work during her first two years at the univer sity. She plans to Investigate the Honors program upon her return to the university. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Shanklin Sr., of this city. Miss Nancy Radabaugh, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donn Rada baugh, left Wednesday for Uni versity of Oregon to begin her sophomore year in the school of liberal arts, where she is major ing In science. She Is rushing chairman for her sorority, Zeta Tan Alpha. Miss Shirley Helweg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helweg, will begin her first year of college at Willamette university at Salem, where she will major In liberal arts. She will leave for Salem, September 13. Miss Shirley Parker, daughter of County Agent and Mrs. J. Ro land Parker, will leave Roseburg September 14th for Corvallis to begin her Junior year at Oregon Social Calendar mv-B 1 'sa NOTICE Social items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Friday at whhh time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. Sunday September 11 Umpqua post and unit. Ameri can Legion and auxiliary and their families invited to 4 p. m. potluck picnic dinner at Veterans hospital picnic grounds. Those at tending are asked to bring food for picnic and their own table ser vice. Annual reunion of Applegate clan of Oregon to be held at Drain community hall at 10 a. m. with potluck picnic luncheon at noon. Descendants of Jesse. Charles and Lindsay Applegate, families and friends are invited. U. V. R. B. A. picnic and table show at Umpqua park. Picnic luncheon at 12 noon followed by Judging and table show with Wil liam H. Belding. judge. Rabbit ex hibits are restricted to members only. Evervone interested Is Invit ed. Coffee" will be furnished. Monday September 12 Ladies auxiliary to Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen to meet at 7:30 p. m. at I. O. O. F. hall. rirfi a 1 of St. Joseph's Al tar society to meet at home of,nonle of Mr, George A. Johnson, Mrs. isaaore urouifu m oun-,-lin with Mrs. Harvey Brown as listing hostess. Members asked to meet at parish house early In evening for transportation. Mem bers unable to attend are asked to notifv either hostess. KWhhors of Woodcraft Thim ble club to meet at 1 o'clock pot luck Juncheon at Umpaua park Those attending are asueo bring their own table service. to I iw fall meetine of Riverside P T A. at 8 p m at school lunch- room Mrs Stanley Groshong. : Mrs. Robert Gladwill and Mrs. i I onrd Gibson. Camo Fire rep-, and Jerry Willis, I n e,- Amroiontative. will be v.ker ! dinner at Carl's Haven with Mrs. IJIflV Lions TO rrif-i i i un-n Seated In the top picture left to ngni: jviarnyn uixon, Joyce Graham, Shirley Helweg and Doris Rand. Standing are Shir ley Parker and Janice Plummer. Center -left: Georgene Shank lln, Virginia Young and Nancy Radabaugh. Bottom picture left: Sue and Betty Hahn. State college, where she is major ing in education. She is social chairman for her sorority. Delta Zeta. Miss Marilyn Dixon will attend Willamette university at Salem as a freshman and will mator In education. She is the daughter of County Assessor and Mrs. Ned Dixon. Miss Doris Rand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Rand, will enter Northwestern School of Commerce in Portland. Miss Janice Plummer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plummer, will attend Lewis and Clark col lege In Portland, where she has enrolled in the school of music. Miss Joyce Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gra ham, will major in secretarial science and education, at Oregon State college, where she will be a freshman. She plans to leave here September 17 for Corvallis. Miss Sue and Miss Betty Hahn, granddaughters of Mrs. Anna Nlckson of Roseburg, will leave September 19th for Eugene, where Betty will be a senior at Northwest Christian college and Sue will enroll there for her sophomore year. Buckley Bell. Mrs. Bruce C. El liott and Mrs. A. W. Kobernik. hostesses. An attendance prize will be awarded in the club this year. Roseburg Choral society first fall practice at 7:30 p. m. at jun ior high school music room under direction of Charles A. Rickctts. D. A. V. auxiliary. Dean Perrine unit, No. 9, to meet at 7:45 p. m. at Del Rey cafe, Winchester. First fall meeting. B. P. W. C. first fall meeting at 8 p. m. in basement at armory with membership committee in charge. Refreshments. Helen Case, state membership chair man. Eugene, to be guest speaker. Meeting to be preceded by 6:30 no-hostess dinner at Hotel-Umpqua. Tuesday September 13 Officers training conference at 10 a. m. at K. of P. hall In Ro burg for all officers from each unit of home extension program in the count v. District No. 11, O. S. N. A., Im portant meeting at 7 p. m. at Mercy hospital. Representative from the State Nurses association headquarters to discuss the "Structure Study" program. Business and Professional Wo men's club no-hostess luncheon at 12 o'clock at Hotel Umpqua Rotebur Rebekah lodee. No. 11, to meet at 8 p. m. at hall. 1 Members and visiting memoers in vited. Initiation. Sack lunch. Martha circle of Faith Lutheran church to meet at 1:30 p. m. at Rt. 2. Box 160. near Carl's Haven Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at 445 S. Pine street before 1:15. Members and friends are invited. Wednesday September 14 Friendly Circle club to meet In afternoon at home of Mrs. Wil-;ln liam Mills. 1735 N. Stephens street. Pollvanna gifts to be ex-'or changed. i Rebekah degree staff to prac-1 tlce at 7:30 p. m. at I. O. O. F. hall under direction of Mrs. Lena Poole. Tenmile Ladies club to meet at noon potluck luncheon at Tenmlle church. 'dinner at Carl's Haven. Members i -'" ' - " ' . ' - i J r asked to make reservations by calling Mrs. Inman. 1113-L, Mrs. babln, 1137-R. or Mrs. Bob Lam beth, by Saturday, Sept. 10. Circle No. I of St. Joseph's Al tar society to meet at 8 p. m. at home of Mrs. Howard Wilson on S. Main street. Mrs. W. F. Amlot to be speaker. All women of par ish interested are invited. W. C. T. U. to meet at 2 o'clock at home of Mrs. B. B. Irving. 906 Military street. Fine program. Members and friends invited. Thursday September 15 Rlversdale Home Extension unit to meet from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. af grange hall for all women of Garden Valley. Edenbower and Rlversdale. Those attending are asked to bring their own lunch. Textile painting is the topic for the day. Country club "women to open annual handicap golf tournament at 8:30 a. m. at club course. Luncheon at 12:30 and contract bridge play at 1:30. uigles auxiliary drill team to practice at 8 p. m. at Eagles hall. Koseoure chapter o: tasiern Star members, visiting members and husbands invited to 6:15 pot luck dinner at hall. Those not so licited are asked to bring a cov ered dish, salad or dessert. Regu lar meeting at 8 p. m.. followed by entertainment to be put on by the ladies. Husbands also Invited to the entertainment. Winston Community club to meet at 7:30 p. m. In new club house. All residents of the district invited. Entertainment In charge of Mrs. Reba Buttler, Mrs. Alice Mlchell. Mrs. Vivian Borgaess and Mrs. Bonnie Atwell. Refresh ments. Study group of Methodist church to meet at 12:30 potluck luncheon at home of Mrs. A. J. Geddes, 302 E. Washington street. All women or church Interested are invited. Those attending are asked to bring their table service. Munv dook, "japan Begins Again," to be in charge of Mrs. Flovd Powell. P. N. G. club to meet at 7:30 desesrt supper at home of Mrs. Jack Preston on S. Stephens street. Installation of officers. Hostesses Include: Mrs. Preston, Mrs. J. Earl Pickens. Mrs. V. T. Jackson. Mrs. F. J. Herman and Mrs. Fred A. Goff. Alpha Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi to meet at 8 p. m. at home of : president. Mrs. Robert Phillips. 901 Winchester. Ethel Van Voorst tftnrt Mrt Rohert Rhrwtos hm. tesses. Topic. "Speech," in charge I ot Mrs. Ernest Barker Jr., guest ' speaker. Friendship club of Pythian Sis- j ters meeting at home of Golda i iMCKen, 4ui w. Douglas. tinK and blue shower for Mrs. Jeanne Mol- lett. Friday September 1( Women of Presbyterian church to sponsor all-day rummage sale basement of church. Articles may be left at church on Sept. 15. will be picked up by calling Mrs. Armour Murdock, 535-Y.. or Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker, 144-L. Teachers reception at Dillard schoolhouse at 8 p. m. In evening. S peel a I music. Refreshments. New school auditorium to be open j for the meeting. Chapter BI, P. E. O. Sisterhood. - ......n .u.,,., at summer home of Mrs. Clair K. I Plctura by Paul Jenklfu - i 5; ' - '! -v ---A 7 i Allen, end of Fisher road. Those attending are asked to bring their own service. Dessert and coffee will be furnished. Company D, 162nd infantry of World War II will hold annual re union at Canyonville Community hall at 8 p. m. Chicken buffet supper. Members are urged to at tend and are asked to bring their wives or lady guests. Rlversdale grange to meet at 8:15 p. m. at hall for "Back to School" program. Members are asked to wear appropriate cos tumes for the affair. Women at tending are asked to bring a sack lunch for two. Saturday September 17 Junior golf tournament at Rose burg Country club beginning at 10 a. m. in charge of Mrs. Walter Brydges, Mrs. Maurice L. Hall mark and Mrs. Joe Perrault. Catholic ladies rummage sale from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. In base ment of rectory on East Oak street. Presbyterian women's all-day rummage sale in basement of church. Sunday September 1S Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Rice to celebrate golden wedding anni versary at reception at their home, 241 S. Kane street, from 2:30 to 5 o'clock in afternoon and from 7:30 I 10 o'clock in the eve ning. Relatives and friends cor- dially invited to call. September 30 State regent, Mrs. Archie Mo w". vy " "J umpqua chapter, D. A. R., at 7 o'clock banquet. Meeting at home of Mrs. Douglas Walte. Place of banquet to be announced later. Reserva Hons must be in by September 26 by calling 678 L. SENIOR HIGH FACULTY . MEMBERS AND FAMILIES ENJOY PICNIC SATURDAY The Senior High school faculty members and their families, members of the school board. City School superintendent and Mrs. Paul S. Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier enjoyed a de lightful potluck picnic supper Sa turday evening at the J. C. To- man home on the lower Garden valley road. Covers were placed ior Swimming and visiting were enjoyed during the social hours. Society and GUU ly LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER XI EPSILON CHAPTER MEETS AT POTLUCK SUPPER THURSDAY NIQHT XI Epsilon chapter, Beta Sig ma Phi met Thursday evening at the attractive aummer home of Mrs. Clair K. Allen on the Fisher road, with members en tertaining their husbands at potluck supper. Covers were Disced for Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Moon Jr, Miss Vir ginia . Young. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Worth E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Schoenleber, Mrs. R. W. Tozler, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Marcell, Mr. and Mil. M. C. Bow ker, Mrs. Bernard Saar, Mis. Ray Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wharton and Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen and son. BID. Canasta was in play during the evening hours. ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER . ENTERTAINED THURSDAY AT DESSERT-SUPPER Alpha Iota chapter. Beta Sig ma Phi met at the home of Mrs. T. B. Virden Thursday evening for an eight o'clock dessert-supper with Mr. R. B. Rhodes. Mil. Elliott Perkins and Mrs. Robert P. Kidder, hostesses. Guest sneaker on "Oratory, was Rev. Willis F. Erickson, pas tor of Faith Lutheran church, who was introduced by Mrs. Rob ert Kent, who assisted him In leading the general discussion following his reading and discus sion of "The Sermon on the Mount." Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. s. Vol 4. 4, ; ''' " Pleture by Paul jMiktiu PEGGY LEAH DYE AND GERALD ULETT MARRY The marriage of Miss Peggy Leah Dye, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dye of Reeds port to Gerald William Ulett. son of Mrs. Gertrude Ulett of Fallon. Nevada, formerly of Coquille, Or egon, was solemnized Sunday aft ernoon at three-thirty In a beauti ful garden ceremony at the home of the bride's parents In Reeds port. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Robert Green of tht Episcopal church of Coos Bay. Mrs. LeRoy Clasen of Coquille was soloist, who sang "Because'' and "O Perfect Love," and was accompanied by Wayne Smith of Coquille. Miss Phyllis Morgan of Eugene was maid of honor, and brides maids were Miss Mildred Chetty of Portland and Miss Zato Sin clair of Lebanon. Gregory Smith of Eugene was best man. Ushers were Richard Engdall of Pendle ton and Robert Hedges of Port land. The bride has been attending the University of Oregon at Eu gene, and Is a member of Delia Gamma sorority. The groom at tends Oregon State college at Corvallis, and Is a member of Phi Gamma Delta. The young couple will attend Oregon State college, where they will complete their courses. He is taking engi neering. Out of town guests Included the St. Onge family of Roseburg, for mer Reedsport residents, the Stanley Cochran and M. M. Kelly families of Springfield, also for mer Reedsport residents. MIO-WEEK BIBLE CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Mid-Week Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church held a very enjoyable meeting Thurs day afternoon at the parish house with Rev. and Mrs. Graef and Mrs. Coenenberg of Sutherlln as guests. Rev. W. A. Sylwester led the group In a very interesting discussion of 'The Lord's Sup per." Lovely refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses. Mrs. W. Neh ring and Mrs. H. Ylvlsaker. The next meeting will be In the form of a potluck luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs. C. Per ry, eight miles north of Myrtle Creek on October 6. .; C7 b T Kent were in charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Robert Phillips, president, conducted a short business meet ing and appointed Mrs. Ed Radl- gan and Mrs. Frank Rogan to ring cookies for the county home to the next meeting, which will be held at the Phillips home. Sept. 15, at eight o'clock, with Miss Ethel Van Voorst and Mi's. Robert Rhodes, hostesses. Mrs. Ernest Barker will be program chairman of the topic. "Speech." A guest speaker will be present. Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Kidder served lovely re freshments to Mrs. Frank Wick ham, Mrs. Ed Radigan, Mrs. Frank Rogan. Mra. Ralph Oil man, Mrs. Craig Short, Mrs. Spencer Yates, Mrs. Robert Kent, Mrs. Lester L. Wlmberly, Mrs. Verdun Boucock, Mrs. Rob ert Phillips, Mrs. Ernest Barker Jr., and Mrs. Sidney Domenlco. W. B. A. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY AT HOME OF MRS. MOORE Mrs. Ella Moore entertained the Woman's Benefit association at her home Thursday afternoon. An interesting business session was followed by an enjoyable so clal hour and a watermelon feed. The watermelons were from the garden of Mrs. Maude Powers. The next meeting will be at two o'clock Sept. 22 at the home of Mrs. Willmetta Squire, corner of Brooklyn and Taylor, Clover dale. Each member is asked to bring a guest or two to the meeting. EPISCOPAL GUILD HAS INTERESTING MEETING WEDNESDAY St. George's Episcopal Guild met Wednesday for an interest ing session at tne parish house. Plans were outlined for fall proj ects and activities. All women of he congregation are urged to at tend the Guild meetings and par ticipate in the activities of the organization. INFORMAL EVENING ENJOYED AT ELIFRITS HOME ON THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Ellfrlts entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Albright as guests at an informal evening of cards at their home Thursday. Lovely refreshments were served following the card play. GENEVA BUILD MEMBERS HOLD INTERESTING MEETING THURSOAY NIGHT GENEVA GUILO MEMBERS First PresUvtertan church open ed their fail program Thursdav evening at the home of their pres ident, Mrs. F. W. Fields on Cal kins road. Twenty-four members were present. Mrs. Lee Sherman presented the topic. "Martha and Marv" continuing the discussion of fa mous women In the Bible. De votions were given by Mrs. Ne!s ... - ... . . . . -. . , . LoA-v S , '3 1 '-' L' ; h "v ... VM) a w sALi;'0 -'.v,Y :.7v HUNTINGTON FAMILY REUNION IS LARGE AFFAIR OF SUNDAY Thirty-nine members and de scendants of the Benjamin Hun tington family gathered at the old homestead in Rice Valley Sunday for a get-to-get her and reunion honoring the memory of their parents and brother, James (Jay) Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Huntington, who now own the home place, were host and hostess, assisted by their son, Collis, and daugh ter, Louise, and their families. Grandchildren present were Phillip, John and David Bloom quist of Corvallis, and Frances, Phillip and Cheryl Ann Hunting ton of Coos Bay. Of the thirteen children reared on'the homestead, eight were in attendance including the eldest brother, Benjamin Jr., and eld est sister, Retta Huntington Tur ner, of Rockaway, Ore. Mrs. Tur ner was accompanied by her son, T-Sgt. James H. Turner of Fort Lewis, Wash. Peret Huntington of Sisters, Ore., had the largest family represented which includ ed his wife. Helen; son, Peret Jr., of Portland; daughter, Ruth He witt and her three children, Sar ah Ann, Sammv and Robert; daughter. Mary H. Eastman and two children, Janet and Cynthia, of Roseburg. Mrs. B. H. Nichols (Mary Huntington) and her two sons, Mrs. Sarah H. Wertr came from Oregon Technological Institute where she has Just completed a summer work-shop in the art of textile painting by the silk screen methods. Mrs. Wertz brought with her a huge cake, fancy-decorated by the bakers-to-be in the trade school. Family members, who live near Yoncaila included: Webb and Edna Huntington, their daughter, Bernice Medeke, and grandson, Richard Walker; Anna Klngery and two children. Don aid and Molly; Mr. and Mi's. Ho mer McKirdy and daughter. Ruth Helen. Mrs. McKirdy is a daugh ter of the late Jay Huntington of Rice Valley. After enlovlne a hnnnttrni luncheon served under the maple ura, an iniormai program took place at which time Renlamin Huntington Jr.. acted as master of ceremonies. A silent tribute to me iamuy s parents and brother, Jay. opened the orosram. Five, who had birthoavs In Au gust and September, had special oirinaay rememnrances. Infor mal ana impromptu talks were given by several members, who reminisced and told anecdotes. The young people staged a ro deo, rounding up the livestock and cutting fancy capers on horseback. Plans were made for another family reunion next year. ATTY. AND MRS. RICE TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ON SEPT. 1S One of the most Interesting so cial events of the year will be the golden wedding celebration or At torney and Mrs. Dexter Rice, Sunday, Sept. 18, at a reception at tneir attractive home at 241 South Kane street. Relatives and friends have been moat cordially Invited to call between the hours of two-thirty and five o'clock in the afternoon and from seven thirty to ten o'clock In the eve ning. Attorney and Mrs. Rice were married in Roseburg and with the exception of just part of one vear, have resided here their en tire married life. Arrangements for the afternoon and evening re ception are being made by their only daughter, Mrs. D. W. (Iris Kicei Heiiiweu, wno is manager of KRNR radio station. Llndell. Considerable discussion follow ed on the church nursery with members planning a clean-up day. Mis. John Dingley will be hostess at the October 4 meet ing. " Assisting Mrs. Field were Mrs. John Loom Is. Mrs. Paul Wray and Mrs. W. G, Hensnn. Zinnias formed the centerpiece for the service table during the social hour. Attending were Mrs. John Din gley, Mrs. Robert Evans and her Itautiful Heusawivti Stk Mr. America Tifk FORT LEE. N. J.. Sept. 10.-Vn Thirty -two beautiful house wives will show off their skill in the kitchen and their shape in a bathing suit In - today's semi finals oi tne Mrs. America con teat. Thursday's quarter final round of eliminations added eight moie glamour gal homemakers to a list of 24 already selected for Hie semi-finals and finals at nearby Asbury park. Beauty must be paired with bona fide domestic talents in the queen of the married girls. Two panels of Judges prominent In the two fields will be on hand to select finalists and on Sunday night, Mrs. America of 1949. In last night's contest at Pali sades Amusement park here, eight entrants were picked from Held ol 40 who had not taken part in any previous preliminar ies. They Included: Mrs. California" Mrs. Fran ces I Cloyd 23-year-old golden blonde, mother of three children, San Diego, Calif. - Mrs. Oregon Mrs. Joel Wesley. 27, of McMinnville, Ore. A tablespoon of anchovy paste and a teaspoon of finely grated onion (pulp and juice) may be added to a package of cream cheese and then used for a crack er spread to serve with a tomato Juice cocktail. Soften a three ounce package of the cheese and mix in tne ancnovy and onion iia vorlngs thoroughly. Sprinkle a little finely grated parsley over the spread for color, if you like. VICTORY CIRCLE HAS ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON MEETING ON THURSDAY Victory circle of the First Bap tist church met Thursday after noon at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. Lora Kester, who con ducted the business session with Martha Merchant giving the de votions. Melva Mobley, secretary pro-tem, read the minutes and had charge of roll-call. Plans were discussed lor tne While Cross work and activities months. A social hour followed and refreshments were served by Mrs. Kester, assisted by Mae Byrd. The closing prayer was given by Nellie Simmons. ' Those present were Mae Byrd, Louise Gwaltney, Florence Hahn, Melva Mobley, Nellie Simmons, Martha Merchant, Betty Baker, Marybelle Walker, Rosa Hearn, Ethel M. Beaver, Otie C. Harris and the hostess, Lora Kester. The next meeting will be at the home of Marybelle Walker, 421 12 East Second Avenue north. The date will be announced la ter. Mae Byrd wilt have the de votions and the missionary les son will be in charge of Rosa Hearn. WINSTON COMMUNITY CLUB HAS FIRST FALL MEETING AT CLUBHOUSE - Winston Community club held its first fall meeting In the new clubhouse at the end of Grape avenue. Everyone In the comitiu nity is urged to attend the club sessions and enjoy the new build ing, which was built with the co operstion of the residents of tht district. The next meeting will he the evening of September 15, at which time Mrs. Reba Buttler will have charge of the enter tainment, assisted by Mrs. Alice Mlchell, Mrs. Vivian Borgaess and Mrs. Bonnie Atwell, Refresh ments will be served. Picture by Pul Janktna mother-In law, Mrs. W. W. Ev ans of Mesa, Ariz., Mrs. Alvord France. Mrs. Wm. D. Green, Mrs. W. G. Henson, Mrs. Donald Monroe. Mrs.. Earl Neuru. Mrs. Tom Pargeter. Mrs. Robert Sa bin. Mrs. Walt Allen. Mrs. Lee Shartnan. Mrs. Paul Wray, Mrs. Nels Llndell, Mrs. Cecil Sh-r-wood, Mrs. Alva Lawes, Mrs. John Loomis. Mrs. B. R. Shoe maker Jr., Mrs. Marlln Yoder, Mrs. Richard Blakeley. Mrs. Rus sell Knutson. Mrs. Rohert My ers, Mrs. Victor Ding and Mrs, Alvin Knauss.