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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1949)
Vander Meer Brooklyn Hero, St Louis Bum H Ntvtrthtksi Hurit Cincinnati Rods Team To Victory; Yanks Lot By RALPH RODEN Aaeoeieiee) Prat Sporu Writer A hero In Brooklyn, a bum In St. Louis and Just another pitcher to the fans in the other major league cities that's the thumb nail sketch on Lefty Johnny Van der Meer of the Cincinnati Reds. Here'i why: A hero In Brooklyn beat the St. Louis Cardinals. 6-1, last night to keep Brooklyn within a game of the leading Cards. Bum In St. Louis the triumph was Vander Meer's third of the year over the Red Birds who have beaten him only once. Just another pitcher to the rest of the league outside of clipping the Cards, Vandy has won only two other games, one against Philadelphia and a shutout over Chicago. Dodgers Beat Giants The Cards squared off against Vander Meer chuckling over the Dodgers' 101 beating by the New York Giants in the afternoon at Ebbets field. The smiles faded in the fourth inning. Vandy, who a werk ago tonight was belted for 11 hits In lest than four Innings by the Cards In a game that wound up In a 9-9 15 inning tie, yielded a run In the first and then slammed the door. The Reds, who had bowed 11 times and deadlocked the Car dinals once in their last 12 en counters, cracked Al Brazle for three runs in the fourth with the aid of two errors and were never headed. Three more Reds crossed home In the fifth to insure Vander Meer's 22nd triumph of hii career against the Cards. The Cards have beaten the Red lefty 15 times. Lefty Dave Koslo turned back the Dodgers, scattering nine hits while the Giants mauled Preacher Roe, Ralph Branca i.nd Rex Bar ney for 13 solid whacks. Sox Climb On Yanks The Boston Red Sox itormed back Into the American league pennant picture as Ellis Kinder pitched the millionaires to a bril liant 71 conquest of the pace-setting New York Yankees. Kinder gave up four singles, walked nine and fanned eight in fashioning his 19th victory of the season and his ninth straight. The triumph moved the Sox to with in a game and a half of the Yanks. Johnny Pesky started the Red Sox scoring with a two-run homer in the third. Bobby Doerr clouted his 18th off starter and losed Ed Lopat In the fourth and the Sox were In. The third place Cleveland In dians advanced to within five games of the Yanks, beating the St. Louis Browns, 5-2. behind the six-hit pitching of rookie Mike Garcia. Philadelphia turned back the .Washington Senators, 5-2. The Chicago Cubs ripped the Pittsburgh Pirates, 8-1. before 7.905 fans, smallest Pittsburgh night crowd of the season. The scheduled night game be- Sat., Sept. 10, 1949-Tk Newt-Rtview, Roseburg, 0r. 3 Coach Jack Newby's Teams Continue To Place High In District Competition H - - ' ... . I s '. .1 y V ISA -4V J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS Gdn. Vally. Rd. PI., ji. M JOHNSON Sa Hon Dealer Boats Boat Traller- Marin Equipment tween Philadelphia and the Braves In Boston was rained out. The Detroit Tigers and Chicago White Sox were Idle. GUTTERS AIR COOLERS Authorized Dealer For LENNOX and KLEER-KLEEN (Utility basement) (Floor Unlti 29" deep) FURNACES ROSEBURG SHEET METAL HEATING Phone 41 Your ISO E. 1st St Center Coock Jock Newby Three yean after coming to Roseburg, Coach Jack Newby's basketball team continues to place high in district competition. Since New by took over the reins of the Indian basketball squad, Roseburg has placed second In the league each year. After receiving his Master's de gree in physical education at the University of Oregon In 1946, New by came to Roseburg to take over basketball and track coach ing and to act as business mana ger of the Roseburg football team, Newby graduated from Bend high school in 1938, where he was a member of the state champion ship track squad In 1937-38. He ran the high and low hurdles, the high Jump. He also played bas ketball and football three years at Bend. Attends Pacifie Enrolling as a freshman at Pa cific university at Forest Grove in 1938, Newby played basketball three years and was captain of the track squad his third year in that sport. Over a four year period. New bv set the school record for num ber of total points In track meets. He ran the 100-yard dash, the high and low hurdles, broad jump, high Jump and the relay. His school was a member of the Pacific northwest conference that Included Willamette. Whit man. Ltnfield and Portland uni versities. College of Idaho and College of Puget Sound. Newbv missed being high point man In the conference three years out of four, by one-quarter point. Fraternity President He was president of his frater nity, senior class, and service club, and was editor of the Fresh man yearbook. Sixteen days after he was grad uated with a Bachelor of Science degree in physical education, Newby Joined the navy as an av iation cadet. He was commission ed in February, 1943, and flew torpedo bomber. Discharged, he took his Mas ter's at Oregon, then came here. Newby currently decries the basketball situation of the com ing winter. "There is nothing back," he laments. "We start from scratch this wlnter.'V (Ed. note This Is the second article in a series introducing Roseburg coaches to News-Review readers. Next: Frank Pur-dy.) Gentleman Farmer Merx Loads Kansas City Open KANSAS CITY, Sept. 10. P) Gentleman Farmer Dick Metz led at the start of the third round in the $5,000 Kansas City open golf tournament today, but a dozen other capable shooters were Dreaming down nis neck. Metz, who operates his own farm near Arkansas City, Kan., completed two days of shooting yesterday on the 6,319-yard par 72 Swope park public course with 137 strokes, seven under par. Jim Ferrier, of San Francisco. and young Bill Nary, a Los Ange los pro, were only one stroke away at 138. The semi finals found a field of 69 three Kansas City amateurs who qualified by virtue of a 13 way tie withdrew. Finals are scheduled for tomorrow. Four were grouped at 141. one of them Ted Neist, of Walla i Walla, Wash. i 1 I An Ironworks was established in New Jersey about 1674, and was the first one outside of New England. Roseburg High Indians Drill For Medford Tornado Is Not Sold Short, Despite Vets Missing From Lineup By DAN MINDOLOVICH Newe-Revtew Sporu Write Roseburg Indians varsity foot ball candidates were busily occu pied in a two and one-hall hour intra-souad scrimmage and kick- off drill Friday afternoon at Fin- lay Held. Reports that Medford Black Tornado will field a club with only four men back from last year has not made Coach Cece Sherwood's team the least bit overconfident. In the two years that Roseburg has played Medford, it was the Black Tornado team that has done all the winning. The Med- fordites gain their football savvy In the trades. Some Roseurg play- era are still learning the funda mentals. Veteran Line Coach Sherwood can field one team with a line predominently made up of lettermen. With Don Parr at left tackle. John Rau- chert at left guard, George Pack ard at right guard, Chet Rowe at rtgnt tackle and Dale BiancK at right end, the line Is 71 per cent lettermen. This leaves the left end and the center slot the only positions not covered by experi enced varsitv men. Possible candidates for these posts are ends Greg Wadsworth, a newcomer to Roseburg, with some Jayvee experience; Frank Olson, Jayvee talent and Barry Kenny, who comes to the grid iron with a good recommendation irom tne Indians baseball team. On the right end. in addition to letterman Blanck, is Don El lis, a hard worker and an impres sive pass receiver. Center Spot Weak The center is another weak spot in the line, with newcomers uurwood Boyle or Howard Bur nett slated to flip the ball. The only other letterman line man is Glenn Scoficld, who may handle the tackling SDOt In Dlace of Rowe. Secondary backfield men In clude Mickey Coen, quarterback; jerry sconce, ngnt nan; Jim Mo Kinney, fullback and Lloyd Stumbo, left half. The above positions are. of course, subject to change without nonce. At tnts point, the only "sure-thing" is that there will be a game here with Medford Friday night. Sept. 16. BASEBALL STANDINGS By the AnoclatsTd Proui PACiriC COAST LsTAOI'R Hollywood ... Oakland Sacramento .... Seattle San Dlgn . ,.. San PrancUco Portland Leoa Anjf)t ... AMEBIC AN LKAflt'C New York Boston Cleveland Detroit Thialdelphla Chicago St. l-oula Washington St T,oult Brook Ivn Philadelphia New York Ronton Pimburih Onrinnatl .. Chlrasjo NATIONAL LKAflri W L Pet. 1 74 .MS 77 .547 ftl .524 A2 .SIR 83 .912 SA ,4R2 HO .48 104 .383 t L Pet. 40 .6.; M .610 M ..W M .580 Aft .519 an .407 89 .550 90 .323 L Pet. so .art 52 .818 84 .524 88 .498 at .4.i 78 .4X1 78 .418 84 1W1 LEAGUE LEADERS (By tht Aeaoctated Preaal NATIONAL LEAni'K Bittinff Robineon, Brooklyn, ,S4S: Slaughter. St. Loi-U. .941. Runt batted In Robtnaon. Brooklyn 115: Klner. Pltuburejh, 104 Horn runa Kiner, Pittaourgh. 44; Mualal. St. Loula. 34. Pltrhlng-Wilka. St. Loula. 11-a; .Is. Newcombe. Brooklyn. .714. AMFKirAN I.EARt g Batting William., Boaton, .3SS: Kelt. Detroit. .337. Runa batted In Stephana, Boaton, 14S; Wllllame. Boaton. 143. Home runa Wlllteme, Boaton. St; Ste phana. Boaton. M. PitchingKinder, Boaton, ll-S. ,7tS Pexnell. Jl-7. .7S0. ' UPSET VICTORY LOS ANGELES, Sept. lOfVrV Hamilton Richardson, Baton Rouge, La., upset eighth seeded foreigner Eustace Fannin of South Africa, 6-3, 6-3, In the Pa cific Southwest Tennis tourna ment yesterday. Buck Weaver. Frank Stojack Meet In Main Event Tonight Coast Light-heavyweight Champion luck Wsavsr and Frsnkis Stojack, former eoait junior hoevyweight titltholdar, will matt in ths feature ona-hour, three-fall battle at tht Rotsburg Ar mory wrsitling arena tonight. Optning ths weakly show et 1:30 p. m.. will be another one hour battle that promises to make the shew en ell-iter affair end ettreet e neer.cepecity crowd Pierre Le Belle. French. Cenedien from Montreel, egeinit Pete Bertu, e villein from Albuqeerque, N. M., who will be making hit locel debut. While Weaver refused to risk hit title in a metch egeinit Stojeck, who claims he een meke the 110-pound weight limit, he muit win or be faced with en ineviteble title defeme egeinit the eirplene spin ertiit from Tecome, Weih. Although the two rivali were never opponenti in NCAA competition, both heve won intercollegiete titlei Weever et the Univenity of In diana; Stojeck et Weihington Stete college. Elton Owen will referee both bouti. Seattle's Winner Is Chased From Mound By Umpire (By The Aeeoclated Preaal Guy Fletcner, Seattle's 22 game winner, got chased from the mound in the first inning by the umpire. As a result, the San Francisco Seals hopped on Fletcher's three successors for a 13 2 Coast league victory last night. Guy threw his glove to the ground in disgust when Umpire Bill Doran railed one of his pitch es a ball. Doran thumbed him from the contest. Guy protested and had to be escorted from the mound. Steve Nagy, the victor, gave up only five hits and had a 'tig night at bat himself. He got two doubles, a single and was hit by a pitched ball. He scored once and batted in a pair to insure his 14th triumph. Meantime, the pennant chase continues at a torrid pace. With but 17 games to go, the Oakland Acorns, defending champions and currently in second place, thump ed Sacramento 5-3 to move with in three games of loopleading Hollywood. Hollywood bowed to San Diego 3-2. The Padres did it In the ninth Inning, Allie Clark clouting a pinch-homer with one aboard to give Lyman hia 13th win. Rain forced postponement of the Los Angeles game at Port land. They will make It up with a doubleheader this afternoon. U. S. Women1! Playtre Load Iritith PHILADELPHIA. SeDt. 10. (W The United States women's tennis team carried what seems an Insurmountable 3-0 lead over England Into the second day's Wightmsn cud Dlay today at the Merion Cricket club. The British must win all four of the remaining matches if they are to end America s 18-year hold on the cup. Doris Hart, runner-up for the U. S. championship, opened the cup play by trouncing Mrs. Jean Walker-Smith Bournemouth 6-3, 6-1, In the No. 2 singles. Mrs. Margaret Du Pont, U. S. champion, then mowed down r.ngland s lo. i singles player. Mrs. Betty Hilton, 6-1, 6-3. In tne doubles match, Miss Hart and Shirley Fry, Akron, O., required only 32 minutes to dis pose ol Jean (ejuertier and Mrs. Molly Blair. 6-1, 6-2. Ntw Bruin Coach Laudi Griddcrs Work In Drill LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10 (JP -With some of the rougher spots polished off, Coach Red Sanders today began to get down to play strategy in preparing the UCLA gridders for their onening game of the Pacific Coast conference with Oregon State here next I'ri day night. In contrast to previous drills, the past two sessions drew re strained praise from the new Bruin skipper. MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept. 10 P) Coach Dixie Howell gave his Idaho Vandals pointers yester day on stopping the "T" forma tion he expects to encounter in the season's opener against Wil lamette next week. SEATTLE, Sept. 10 Coach Howie Odell Is shopping for a punter to get his Washing ton Huskies out of tight spots mis year. No one has been picked yet, but showing promise are Fritz Apking and quarterbacks Don Heinrlch and Don O Leaiy. Suit Yourself at Jot Richards Heavyweight Champion Bout Slattd For Frisco SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. This city's first heavyweight championship fight in 45 years are in the making. Terms are agreed upon, but contracts were yet to be signed by Ezzard Claries, N.B.A., tltleholder, and Pat Valentino, local 185-poundcr who holds the California state crown. Charles, through the Interna tional Boxing club which holds his promotional rights, yesterday ( greed to defend his title in a 15 round match Oct. 14 in the huge San Francisco cow palace. Terms Include a $50,000 guarantee or 35 per cent of the gate. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Taster than a peer - r v. SCOURSE Of TR$ AND WltDUPf , SOMETIMES TRAVEL. " ' SO FAST ON FLAME 'INTENSE WINDS, THHY CAM OVERTAKE A MAN ON HORSEBACK. EVERY "YEAH IN THE UNITED STATES, FORSST FIRES KILL 25,889,246 ACRES OF Timber., do 439326,098 DAMA&E, TAKE HUMAN LIVES. KILL COUNTLESS THOUSANDS OF DEER. AND OTHER. FOREST ANIMALS. M CAREFUL WITH YOUR. CIGARETTES, CAMPFI RES AND PURNINO; i By Tha Associated Prasa' NrW YORK Kid Gavilan. 1. Cuba. outpointed Rocky Caatallanl, IMS, Lu- sarna. Pa. tlOi. OMAHA. Nb. ftur Rav Robinson 1M, Naw York, stopped Benny Evans. 191, Oklahoma City 5i. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M Art Arafon, 1ftT. Leos Anaelei, outpointed Shamus McCray, 144, Loa Angeles 1IO1. SAN DIEGO, Calif Rafael Gutierrez, 14.1 Mexico, stopped Hank Herring, 146. San Dleio (Ti. HOLLYWOOD. Calif. Jackie Blair. 127, Dallas, stopped Rudy Vasquat, 120. Lo Angeles 7i. Stanford Team's Outlook Best Since Great '41 By RUSS NEWLAND PALO ALTO. Calif. Stanford may be the team of des tiny in Pacific Coast conference football this season. With a few breaks It could wind up on championship heights. The cluh looks that good now. It has dash, drive, hitting power and the finest pass thrower since Frankie Albert sotithpawed tha team into the 1941 Rose bowl. Gary Kerkorian, up from last year's freshman squad. Is the lad who could pass Stanford to fame. It Is a big job to ask a green ppa to do but Kerkorian appears to have self assurance to spare, in spring practice he sidelined ex perienced quarterbacks. He runa the team as If It he longs to him. If he holds up under the fire of rugged competition, Stanford could once more take its place among western gridiron giants. Anyhow, the school haa Its best prospects since the war. Besides an improved passing game, it has belter receivers and more reserve material at most positions. Coach Marchle Schwartz., whose 1947 team lost all of its nine games but bounced back to take four while dropping six last sea son, was pleasantly surprised when Emery Mitchell showed up for practice opening day. Mitchell was on his way to stardom when he suffered severe injuries in last year's game with army. He is hack at fullback, fully mended, to give Schwartz a triple threater along with the other tal ent. Stanford, in fact, has three fullbacks. Tieh Kerkorian at quarter, another crack sopho more, Harry Hugastan, has grab bed off the left halfback spot. At right half will be Bob White, a rppular who easilv miffht outdo his teammates in ball handling. Evergreen League Batters Listed A partial list of top batters in the Evergreen Irague (Oakland and MrKenzie Bridge did not sub mit thei, averages) shows those who have been at bat at least 30 times and whose averages is .300 or better, as submitted by Phyllis A. Mnun, league ouoncist. Miss Smith adds that any team Interested In joining the Ever gre. n Irague next year, should contact either Tom Myers or Bob Cowbrough at Elkton. Ion batters Include: Name Team AB Hit Ave. Howara t-arka ElKton 12 Bob Cowbrough Elkton .. so Jim Mvera Elklon 78 B. Mel llnrne Creawell ...33 O. Swearlnsen- Elklon AO J. Rohcrtaon Creawell ... 4S Chandler- -Florence ..... 35 Severy Florence 41 Ed Mitchell - Elktnn . 34 Lnnnle Brooke Elkton Sfl Ed Benet Junction City X 14 12 37 IS .400 .398 .3H.1 .3R0 .31 .343 .341 .341 .3.8 J31 CROSBY IN FINALS JASPER, Alberta, Sept. 10 (.) It'll be Crooner Blng Crosby against George Coleman of Mi ami, Okla.. today In the finals of the Totem Pole golf tourna ment. Crosby claimed his finals berth yesterday with a 2 and 1 victory over Carl Haymond of Los Angples. Coleman whipped Eddie Oana of Vancouver, B. G, 7 and 6. LOW COST automobile financing through THI ROSIBURO BRANCH of THI UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK CHAIN SAWYER! fi Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 53 1 S. Stephens St. AL WILL: Repair, Recondition, Refite your chain regardless of condition and do the job right. REASONABLE RATES FAST SERVICE BRING YOyR BAR! ij Saw Chain Service Co. Ij 531 S. Stephens St. I. Phone 1665-J Attention -Commercial Pilots Commercial Pilots Get Your INSTRUMENT RATING FREE! Under tha G. I. Bill ALSO -A- Flight Instructor if Multi Engine Yer.Scaplana GREEN FLYING StF VICE Cessna Deoler Rataaurg Airport Fhona 1225-J Try Our U-Fly Service All your dealings art here at home when you finance your car purchase through the Roseburg Branch of The United States National Bank. Low bank rates... tailormade terms. Suggest to your dealer that he finance your cir through this bank. Any of these dealers will gladly arrange United States National Bank financing. Borcus Solas I Strvltt Caapsr Motor Company Corkrum Motors Inc. Hanson Motor Company KJ Motor Company lockwood Motors Rotsburg Hudson Company Rosoburg Motor Company Smith Motors Umpqva Auto t Impltmsnt Co. NO PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENTS NECESSARY liWrWPIiTB a en AN OlltON BANK SERVING ORIGON