The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 10, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Th Newt-Review, Roteburg, Or. Sot., Sept. 10, 1949
Back From Portland Mr. and
Mr. Harold Beauchamp have re
turned to their home In Rose
burg, following a few days In
Called East Mrs. Dalros Mix
of Roseburg left thin week by
plane tor the east, where she wa
called by the serloui Illness ol
her father.
Movt-Mr. and Mr. Jack Cun
diff and ton, Tommy, of Rose
burg have moved to 222 Hayncs
street to make their home.
Enjoy Trip Mr. and Mr. Don
ald Metzger and children, Donna
and Johnny, have returned to
their home In Roseburg, follow
ing a trip to Portland and Mt.
Returns to Portland Mrs,
James Moore has returned to her
home In Portland, following a vis-
It In Roseburg with her son
and daunhtcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Johanson. She formerly
made her home here.
Leave for Tacoma Mr. and
Mrs. Robert P. Kidder and chil
dren, Robin and Phyllis, of Rose
burg left today for Tacoma.
Wash., where Mrs. Kidder and
children will remain indefinitely
visiting relatives. Mr. Kidder will
return here the first of the week.
Enjoy Visit Mr. and Mrs. K.
D. Adams of 926 South Main
street entoyed the holiday week'
end In Portland and Warrenton
visiting relatives and friends.
While at Warrenton, they cele
brated the Ilrst wedding anlver
sarv of their son and daughter.
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Attendlno Fair Mr. and Mi's,
H. B. Roadman of Roseburg have
been spending the week In Salem
attending the fair and visiting
the la I ters son and daughter-ln
Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bowers,
and family. Jney were arconv
panied north by Miss V. Vivian
Logsdon, who spent the week
end visiting her mother, Mrs.
Anna Logsdon, at Albany.
Attend Convention Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Bowker returned to
their home In Roseburg Friday,
following a trip to McMlnnvllle
to attend the assessors conven
tion. They were accompanied bv
Mrs. William Gil breath and
daughter, Zeta, and Mrs. Gil
breath's mother, Mis. Moran, who
enjoved a visit with relatives in
Return to Santa Barbara Cap
tain and Mrs. Jack Kidder and
sons, Jimmy, Robert and John,
left this week for their home in
Santa Barbara, Calif., following
a month In Roseburg visiting
Caplain Kidder's parents, Mr. and
Mm. S. L. Kidder, and olher re
latives and friends. Captain Kid
der Is Instructor at the Santa
Barbara college R. Q. T. C.
Attend Model Club Fly The
North Douglas Prop Twisters
drove to Eugene this week to
attend the Model club fly. Those
attending from Elktori were:
Lloyd Mark. Arnold Dement and
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beaman.
Those attending from Drain
were: Ernie Weston, Jimmy
Welt7el. Warren Weitzel, Howard
Jones, Wally Dysert and Freddie
between 6.1 S and 7
p. m., if you have not
received your Newt
Review. Ask for Harold Mobley.
Machinery books bulls buildings (rates
cots goldfish china glass tires cement
canaries drugs guns underwear bottles
JU lair
tyf wool
X. L feeds
boots tools v m, v
: Ofrt.
PP., vf horses
plant tank-ttrmf X C vS. .
plattrcer jewelry f
fume bolts record
wiring dishes sa fee egg:
trees coops rocks but'
tons dentures cabi
nets paint
Douglas County State Bank Bldg.
Phone 565-R Res. 859
Enjoy Stay at Coast Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Bellows of Roseburg
spent the holiday wekend at Ya
chats. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. E.
S. Taylor have returned to their
home In Olympia, Wash., follow
ing a few days at Winchester
visiting the O. J. Dalsba family.
Other guests over the holiday
weekend were Mrs. E. D. Yoak
am and family of Coos Bay.
Enjoy Trip to Coast Mr. and
Mis. Joe Lapstetter and daugh
ter, Trlna: Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Albright and Mrs. Eugene Little
of Roseburg enjoyed the loop trip
to Coos Bay and back via Drain
Sunday. This was Mrs. Lapstet
ters first trip to the Pacific ocean.
The family came here last spring
from West Virginia to make their
Births at Mercy Hospital
KIMBALI To Mr. and Mrs.
Louis William Kimball, Brockway,
a daughter, Linda Louise, Sept.
6; weight seven pounds.
PAGE To Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Louis Dage, 461 Pltzer St.,
a son, William Herbert, Sept. 8;
weight eight pounds three ounces.
VANG To Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford V. Vang, 1945 N. Stephens,
a daughter, Lorraine Madge,
Sept. 10; weight seven pounds.
Mrs. Lawrence Henry Fltzpatrick,
1824 N. Stephens, a daughter,
Susan Gay, Sept. 9; weight nine
pounds two ounces.
NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Le
roy St. Claire Nelson, Looking
glass rt., a daughter, Dlanna
Lynn, Sept. 9; weight eight
pounds 10 ounces.
PUCKETT To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Raymond Puckett, 927
Winchester St., a daughter, De
borah Kay, Sept. 8; weight seven
pounds five ounces.
ROCKWELL To M. and Mrs.
Wendell W. Rockwell, Box 207,
Rmtehllrp. Sent. 4. a daughter.
Juanlta Marie; weight seven
pounds three ounces.
SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam L. Smith, 1175 Winchester
street, Roseburg, Sept. 6, a son,
David Lee; weight eight pounds
15 ounces.
STREITZKE To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Paul Streltzke, 1924 Mul
holland Drive, Roseburg, Sept. 7,
daughter, Judy Jane; weight
eight pounds three ounces.
Marriage License Applications
Glenn Carroll Corwln of Mllo
and Rosemary Elaine Cornforth,
Fall River Mills. Cal.
COLE -ALLEN Clark Alvln
Cole and Charity Louise Allen,
both of Oakland.
Neal MrFall and Jerry Ann Mc
Neel, both of Roseburg.
Divorce Complaint Filed
JONAS Betty June Jonas vs.
Roy Warren Jonas. Married In
Eugene Sept. 11, 1948. Cruel and
Inhuman treatment charged.
Plaintiff asks custody of daugh
ter, property settlement, $100
monthly support for child, plus
attorney's fees and costs.
A Sunday school will be Insti
tuted at 9:45 a. m. Sunday at the
Winchester Community clubhouse
It was announced today by A.
Kelstrtip, missionary for the
American Sunday school union.
All residents of the community,
it Is stated, are invited to par
ticipate. American steel production I n
1948 was 88.533,729 tons, a peace
time record.
toes fruit pianos stoves
it pigs hose toyt
- cowt washers brickt
tiding degs matches
vegetablei pipe cigarettes
t hides
hats hair
A ei
Happy the Day ...
Doys of ret'rement cart be full of pleasant activities . . .
Golf, Fishing, Traveling. No more alarm clocks just
the pleasant prospect of years of leisure stretching
ahead. A pleasant prospect
indeed it you have planned for
adequate retirement income.
Start planning your hoppy re
tirement today.
Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada
tw " lf
Jp,., .... . ... f . f 'i, , v . - Jfc..
NOT MOBIL! ARTILLERY, but new trector-shovel recently purchased by the Roieburg Gar
bage Disposal company to aid1 in banking end burying garbage at their plant site. Cleo Burt,
garbage grounds custodian, behind the wheel, illustrates one of the uses to which the new
equipment will be put. I Picture by Paul Jenkins.)
Two Art Arrested On
Drunk Driving Charges
Two Roseburg persons, both
charged with drunken driving,
were reported arrested today by
local officials.
Sgt. Lyle Harrell of the state
nnllce reoorted the arrest of
James Stanley Witte, 32, at 12:05
a. m. today a mile norm oi town
on highway 99. He m to be ar
raigned In Justice court today.
Arrested by city police at 1:55
a. m. today was meima bmitn,
Idleyld route, according to Chief
Calvin Balrd.
She pleaded guilty to the
charges when arraigned before
Justice of the J'eace A. J. L,ed
des this morning. She received
a fine of $200 and a 30-day jail
Annexed Areas Wouldn't
Feel City Authority
(Continued from page 1)
visions as set up In the annual
Each spring, eight citizens, the
mayor and the city council com
pile the budget and allot the
funds to be spent on certain
improvements needed to main
tain city property and operation.
Financial needs are studied, with
thought given to needed Improve
ments, bonded Indebtedness and
the tax rate.
Fixed or permanent Improve
ments are paid for by the persons
benefited and are not listed In
the annual budget, Slankard said.
If persons of an area desire Im
provements such- as streets or
sewer lines, they petition for
them and that area then be
comes an assessment district.
If the city council or other
Interested parties wish large new
improvements, such as storm
sewers, a new city hall, or widen
ing of certain streets, a vote of
all citizens Is required, as these
are classed as general obligations
or the entire city.
In no case may the city ad
ministration financially obligate
the city for new improvements
without first obtaining permission
from tne citizens, blankard con
cluded. Vicky Was 'Clean' Girl
Testimony Of Sister
(Continued From Page One)
and fired it through a human
skull containing paraffin and cov
ered with clay. He had done this
at the direction of nr. Howard
R. Richardson, director of the
Objects to Testimony.
itcdiirs objected to this on
grounds that Beers was unable
to state whether the density of
the paraffin in the skull resem
bled the density of matter with
in a living human skull.
Judge larl E. Wlmberly over
ruled Geddes on grounds the ob
jection would be against the
weight of the evidence, and that
an experiment could hardly be
carried out under the same eon.
dltlons" as were present in Moj.
onniers aeatn.
Objection Sustained
District Attorney Robert G.
Davis asked Sgt. Beers how loud
a report the gun made when it
wasf Ired. Geddes objected to
this, because conditions would be
different in the laboratory than
in tne Mojonnler home.
He was sustained by the judge.
"If the court please, we can
conduct the experiment In here,"
Uavls replied.
"I don't think we can do anv
shooting In here," the Judge
Davis said he had asked the
question because the defendant
has claimed that she was "asleep"
at the time the gun supposedly
was fired, taking Mojonnler's
life. The loudness of the report
would have bearing on the case.
(Additional details on Page 5.)
and his dot are stopped by an advancing fire sirar Bordeaux. The
peasant carries a canteen due to scarcity of water.
President Truman Asks
10-Day Steel Truce
(Continued From Page One)
age of about $1.64 an hour.
The steel Industry has been
flatly opposed to granting any
general wage Increase or pension
plan now. Denial of a general
pay boost would likely become a
heavy hurdle toward higher wages
In other industries.
Not Binding
The board s recommendation is
not binding on either the steel in
dustry or the union. Either side
can accent or reject according to
terms of the 60-day truce Presi
dent Truman arranged last July
to avert a strike and let the board
sift claims of both sides.
Advised of the President s re
quest at Pittsburgh, President
Philip Murrav of the steelworkers
said the matter will come before
a strategy meeting of (he union's
Wage Policy committee Monday
and "there will be no comment
until (hen."
In New York, a spokesman for
the U. S. Steei corporation said
the company had no comment
on the President's request.
A spokesman lor uetnienem
Steel, second to U. S. Steel in
size, said (he company would
make no statement until tt had
received official notification of
(he board's support and Mr. Tru
man's request for an extension.
Barbershop Quartet
Charter Meeting Tonight
(Continued from Page One)
market manaRpr, load; Lawrence
Rand, car loader, tenor; Clifford
E. Smith, service station oper
ator, bass; Alfred F. Witt, print
er, crow non-singer) ; Keith H.
Williams, show salesman, lead.
J. L. Wolford, log (trader, bari
tone; Bob Rains, barber, bari
tone; Charles K. Edmonds, build
tne insulator, bass; Harold C.
MciKMiaid, ice cream store own
er, baritone.
Designed and built by Diuton,
America's foremost saw monv
lacturer, this is th saw you
need to lower your costs end
step up your production. H's
asy to operate, end built for
trouble-free service,
let us give yow oil the fact
about the Oistton Chain Saw
with Mercury Gasoline Engine.
Com in and talk it over.
Phone 27t
20 S. Stephens
V r
Brooks, above, has been named
as the Communist Party candi
date who will oppose Winston
Churchill In the British general
elections next year. They will
contest for votes of the city of
Woodford, in the Essex County
ASTORIA, Sept. 9 (-P)Astor.
la's bonded Indebtedness was cut
by $242,000 during the last fiscal
year, auditor O. K. Atwood re
ported. The debt now is $887,000.
V ' ' J
Reject, Flush Type
West Coast Building Supply Co.
Mill end Mosher
Bill Neighbor!
Mrs. Elixabeth Lamont
Dies After Short Illness
Mrs. Elizabeth Lamont, 67, for
mer resident of Portland, died
last evening at a local hospital
after a short Illness. She had
come to Roseburg a few months
a rtrt fss malrat hike hi-a,a, tilth hop
daughter, Mrs. Maurice New land.
on Riverside drive. She had been
a life-long resident of Oregon
and was a member of the Episco
pal church ol Portland.
Surviving besides her daughter,
Claribel, are a son, Rodnck T.
Lamont, Portland, and six grand
children. Funeral services will be an
nounced by the Roseburg Funeral
home later.
The Weather
U. S. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Mostly cloudy today and Sun
day; little change In temperature.
Highest temp, for any Sept... 104
Lowest temp, for any Sept..... 29
Highest temp, yesterday ... . S3
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs 57
Precipitation last 24 hrs. .... .90
Precipitation since Sept. 1 .... 1.36
Excess since Sept. 1 1.02
Bowling Scores
T)M )!
Team Won Loet
Huddli(on Shot f ton .- 3 0
V. F. W. .... 0
Sig Ten a l
Yoncalla Merchant 3 1
Con Supply Co ......,. 3 1
Umpqua Cleanara - - 1 1
Todd Building Conat. 1 3
Umpuqa Dairy 1 3
Lock wood Motor 1 3
D it L Stationer. 1 3
Cal. Pac. Utilitie ... .0 ' 3
Waynt Sho Store 0 3
Game Tharadar Night
Huddlemons 3, V. F. W. 3, Sig Ptt
3, Yoncalla 3. Coan Supply 3, Wayne? 0.
Cal. Pac. UtUltlaa 0, D V L StaUonara
1, Lock wood 1, Umpqua Dairy 1.
High Individual gama arorc: I Tyler,
342: high Individual aaxta acoraj: Gua
Spakouaky, 043.
Cal. Pae. Unities
C. Crana 1(H 02 124290
t. Aamot 114 107 IM 3.V5
R. Hllllard H2 IfiS 133 442
H. Taylor 144 1IW ! 12 4.17
A. Parson 163 142 150455
To all MO 635 093 1099
V. F. W.
R. Kidder 173 124 184481
C0fll 119 176 121416
P. Homer -.145 104 129 ia
W Hart . 69 113 99 281
G. Spakouaky 176 186 181543
Total! 682 783 714 2159
Sig rIU
D. ' Bartlett 83 160 143332
T. Thomaon 163 123 133439
H Rred 117 ISO 118385
V. Myera -.141 98 133372
H. Kellay 136 182 137407
Total! 842 649 684 197S
DAL Statianon
D. Durham 117 108 93317
C Crenshaw M 129 lt8 362
C. Colley 108 130 115353
V. Lewii 134 197 147478
E. BUhOp 94 140 131365
Totala 538 704 653 1895
Lackweetl Materi
H. Kirk 136 126 143403
A. Perrault 140 162 148410
P. Murphy 109 148 105382
E. Nelson ,..146 136 124 406
H. Sen lick 136 175 154465
Totali 667 747 674 2068
Y arte I la Merchant
C. Bice 174 141 140413
F. Booth 103 159 144 40fi
W. Sherly , 16 147 137440
K. Krenkau lift 128 1.14 421
R. Booth ....j. 221 129 126476
Total'..... ' ' 773 704 723 2200
Umpqis Claantrt
C. Hlnay .., ,143 135 181459
R. Batea 106 1 91 181471
K. Brunette .HI 140 181471
T. Hobbi w I 141 123433
W. MaddOk 144 172 166482
Totala 703 788 827 2318
TatJtl Bltlg. Canst. (.
I Tyler , . 137 242 128507
J. Todd Ill 134 148393
S. Laep 1R0 136 151467
H. SrhultS 181 112 118391
L. Davie - 123a 149 131403
Totala 713 773 076 2161
Caae 8 a oil Ca.
A. Milla 153 179 149481
A. Bowen 131 146 123400
J. Sc hearer 171 174 189514
M. Cowln 146 126 17744
E. Stand iff 152 167 131450
Totala 7.13 791 749 2394
. . Umaqea Dairy
R Tomaihek 131 131 169471
C. Berg 93 96 143332
W. Ash worth 133 112 108313
M- Kretl ,.142 186 193321
H. Paltlson 161 171 141473
Totala 880 716 754 iTso
Haddleatena flha It tare
Hutrhlion IM 205 138931
Huddleaton .. 120 141 136 3P7
Willi! 157 146 117420
Talley 184 176 1935X3
Root - 153 150 147450
Total .. 782 Bit 731 3331
Wayati Shea Stare
X Bouie 140 154 144438
D. Anderaon 123 137 180442
H. Mnbley 93 98 113 3A3
B Schlndler ..IM 125 137413 1
L. Bltner 164 177 133474 1
Totala 74 "tTT "687 3072
Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St
Phone 362
Jay Clark
Choral Society
Meeting Monday
All residents of the Roseburg
area who like to sing are Invited
to attend the first yearly meet
ing of the Roseburg Choral so
ciety Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Junior high school music
room, Director Charles Rlcketls
said today.
Rlcketts urged attendance by
former members of the group,
in addition to prospective mem
bers, with the hope that the
choral society could begin the
new season at full strength.
The director will waste no time
in preliminaries, he said. The
music has arrived and singers
will begin Immediately to learn
the choral parts for Handel's
famed "Messiah," scheduled for
presentation during the coming
Christmas season..
Rehearsals begin promptly at
7:30 and will continue for an
hour to an hour and a half, Rlck
etts said.
Accompanist for the group is
Mrs. W. S. Plimpton.
Fog Handicaps
Firefighters In
Spotting Blazes
Fog was blamed today by M.
M. Nelson, Umpqua National
forest supervisor, for handicap
ping fire crews attempting to lo
cate the forest's 23 fires, set by
the recent lightning storm.
Nelson said Saturday morning
that every forest service lookout
was fogged in so that crews
were not able to be directed to
lightning strikes reported earlier.
Fire fighters are scattered at
strategic shelter stations through
out the forest, to be near the
fires when the weather clears,
he said.
An average of an Inch of rain
over the forest and clearing
weather predicted by the weather
bureau will act as aids to fire
fighting attempts. Nelson said.
Douglas Forest Protective asso
ciation dispatcher U. F. McLaugh
lin said today all known fires
In the district were believed un
der control today and many of
them were "dead out."
Both Nelson and McLaughlin
said they planned to send planes
over the entire area on spotting
service when the weather
An easy way to serve fresh
shrimp for a supper dish Is to
cook, shell, and clean them, then
saute them In butter or margar
ine Just until they are hot. Serve
them immediately with a wedge
of lemon, a baked potato, and
a green salad. Flavor the dress
ing for the salad with garlic for
a zesty touch.
The Hopewell Village furnace
in Pennsylvania ade cannon
and shot for George W a s h in g
ton'i soldiers at Valley Forge.
Dllvrd to your
FOROHty 1397
Up to 18 Months to Poy
Umpqua Tractor Co.
US $. Pin. phona 614-J
Cancer Checking
Would Require " T
All Doctor's Time
would take ill the nation's
doctors, doing nothing else. Jut
to check everyone each year for
Such checkups would find al
most all cancers, and find them
early enough when most could
be cured. But our doctors would
n't have time to treat anyone for
cancer or anything else.
This Is the dilemma of cancer
detection as presented to 60 na
tional experts by the American
cancer society.
The experts who attended a
three-day conference here to de
termine the most effective
methods of finding cancer early
and surely.
It is estimated that Z2.oou.uw
Americans now alive will d i
of cancer unless present detect
ion methods are improved or
new treatments for cancer dis
covered. The biggest need now is for
some simple test to spot cancer t
early, even In hidden, hard-to-find
sites. This conference open
ing today will discuss the value
of many proposed or possible me
thods of doing this..
Right now detection centers
can't be anything more than part
of the answer of finding cancer
early, society officials said. A
thorough examination of one per- X
son takes about an hour's time. -j
Cancer authorities say that to
play safe every person should
have a checkup once a vear. Men
and women over 45 should have
But twice-a year checkups for
evervone would take the full
working day of 195,000 doctors.
The nation has t bout 160.000 pra
cticing physicians.
There are about 240 cancer de
tection centers now, the society
reported. Most are booked up
weeks or months in advance.
Of all the people who come,
about one pjercent are found to
have canaers. Ten ter cent have
conditions that might turn into
cancer. Fifty-even per cent are
found to have other diseases or
troubles and are referred to their
twn physicians for treatment of
these disorders.
There will . be a meeting of
the Roseburg Band Parents as
sociation Sept. 13 at 7:45 p. m.
at the senior high school band
State Farm Mutual Insurance
0. L. ROSE
P. O. Box 489 Phone 288
116 W. Cass
Over Douglas County Bank
with Higher
Priced Tractors
farm compUuly
ir sjj