The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 10, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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' j Eugene, Oregon
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Comp, iW. . ,
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CHIN SCRAPERS, the "professional" nam (or the above quar
tet, gathered at Barnei' barber shop yesterday to get in a tew
licit before their talents are put to the test during tonight's
charter-granting ceremony. This group and 23 other barber
shop harmonizers will be feted at the Knights of Pythias hall
at S tonight when they become bonafide members of the
Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Sing
ing in America. The group ebovo includes, from left, J. D.
Gorthy, tenor; R. E- Meek, lead; N. V. C. Kinch, base; and Dick
Meek, baritone. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.)
Charter Granting Affair
Scheduled In K. P. Hall
Tonight; Visitors Coming
Members, Invited guests and delegates from five Oregon cities
will gather at the Knights of Pythias hall at 8 o'clock tonight to
witness the charter-granting ceremony of the local chapter of
the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber
Shop Quartet Singing in America.
In the Day's News
THIS pregnant paragraph leads
off a dispatch from Washing
ton: . m
The United States,- Britain
and Canada began momentous
talks today on the financial disas
ter which threatens Britain."
HAT is this financial disaster?
And WHY is It?
LETS put it as simply as we can:
The need of the British for
things produced In America is
greater than their ability to PRO
That'a all there is to it But the
Lord knows It's plenty tough. If,
in this modern world, you can't
produce enough to swap to others
for what they produce, only ONE
HING can be In store for you:
THING can be In store for you.
The same thing happens in
evitably to nations.
WHY did it happen to Britain? ;
That is a long story far i
long to be gone into here. Two
(Continued on Page Four)
Portland Real Estate
Man Is Forum Speaker
H. Clay Myers Jr., Portland
real estate man, will speak on
the Columbia Valley authority on
the first Chamber of commerce
forum luncheon of the winter
season, scheduled for Monday
noen at the Umpqua hotel, ac
cording to Publicity Chairman
George Luoma.
Myers remarks will be di
rected against establishment of
the CVA, Luoma said.
NEEDLES, Calif., Sept. 10.
(,P Congressman Richard J.
Welch (R.-Calif.) died in a hos
pital today after suffering a
heart attack while enroute east
by train with his wife.
Annexed Area Would Not
Be Appreciably Affected
By City Official Powers
Official powers of the city would have no appreciable effect
upon persons living in newly annexed areas, City Manager M. W.
Slankard said today.
In reviewing, some of the ob
jections and misunderstandings
connected with proposed annex
ation, Slankard said it was not
true that persons living in areas
affected would "have to change
their present way of living." Al
though police protection would
be extended to these areas, the
people would not be interfered
with, nor tfould many practices,
such as parking of trucks on
residential streets, be changed.
Cititens Make Laws
He said changes in the city's
policy and laws governing the
city, or areas to become a part
of the city, are made by the
citizens themselves. Changes also
are made by the people's own
representatives, the city council
Slankard said the city admin
istration is not made up of a se
lect few. Elected officials. In
The event climaxes six months
of organizational meetings and
practice sessions by the 27 mem
bers of the Roseburg harmo
nizers. The local group represents an
accurate cross section of occu-
f ations to be found in Roseburg,
ndicatlng the extent of the
group's democratic fellowship.
Civil engineers and printers, bar
tenders and barbers are among
the occupations listed by mem
bers of the local "Spebs."
Members Lilted
Roseburg chapter members,
their vocations and voice parts are
listed as follows:
Richard Busch, printer, bari
tone; Juett L. Cook, car loader,
lead; James R. Daugherty, civil
engineer, bans; Lou Franco, band
leader, tenor; Willis D. Fritts,
bartender, lead; Frank M. Goode,
chain man, lead; J. D. Gorthy,
watchmaker, tenor; William N.
Hash, construction foreman, lead;
Roy L. Hebard, vending service
operator, lead; Tom. Higgins,
maintenance man, bass; Corwin
M. Johnson, shovel operator, lead.
N. V. C. Kinch, log buyer, bass;
Ernest M. Lentz, office machine
service, bass; Duan C. Lillard,
lumber grader, tenor; H. D.
Meek, barber, lead; Martin E.
McClay Jr., logger, lead; S. W.
McClaughlin, bank clerk, bari
tone; Frank A. Moore, cafe own
er, baritone; Peyton M. Oderkirk.
(Continued on Page Two)
. ft is
Magazine saie un
The second annual magazine
subscription drive, sponsored by
the American Legion Axillary,
Umpqua Unit No. 16 of Roseburg,
will begin Monday, Sept. 12, ac
cording to auxiliary spokesmen.
Commission derived from the
publication subscriptions will be
used to purchase a portable hos
pital bed and a portable oxygen
tent. Auxiliary members said the
equipment will be used in Rose
burg, available to all residents.
It will be kept for use by doctors
and nurses in this area without
A similar plan last year en
abled the auxiliary to purchase a
new Volrath Polio-Pak heater.
A representative of the group,
bearing a letter of identification
signed by auxiliary unit officers,
will call upon local citizens to as
sist in selecting the magazine de
sired. Residents are urged to
make sure they see this letter, in
order to avoid misunderstanding.
cluding councilmen, are approved
by the citizens with each person
voting for the candidates from
his ward. When new areas are
admitted to the city, the resi
dents are represented on the city
council by one of their own num
ber, perhaps a neighbor.
On many occasions, Slankard
said, the councilmen have been
re-elected because the people felt
they were doing an outstanding
Job of representing them while
in office.
Outlines Policy
Slankard outlined the policy
and regulations followed regard
ing city Improvements by de
claring that improvements can
not be made by the city admin
istration merely on demand of
the citizens. Instead, improve
ments are made In line with pro-
(Continued on Page Two)
The rVeeTtil4nT
Mostly cloudy today and Sun
day; little Chang la tempera
ture. , Sunset today 6:33 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 5:41 a. m-
Established 1873
President Truman Asks 10-Day Steel Truce
Fact Finding
Board Report
Not Released
President Truman todav asked
the steel industry and CIO Steel-
workers union for a 10-day exten
sion of the industry's strike truce.
The President's three-man fact
finding board today filed its rec
ommendations lor settling the cm
cial dispute with Mr. Truman.
Contents of the boards report
were kept secret but the White
House promised to make them
available for publication at 3 p.m.
(Pacific Daylight Time) today.
The President asked that the
present truce be extended at least
until Sept. 25, while the parties
continue bargaining on the basis
of the fact-finder's report.
He expressed hopes that the
findings can become the basis for
an agreement to avert a crippling
steel industry strike next week.
The report had added import
ance because industry and labor
alike look for any steel settlement
to become a guide In other indus
tries facing fights over a fourth
round of postwar wage Increases.
The recommendations were kept
secret. However, reports circu
lated among the parties in ad
vance that they called for no wage
Increase, but approximately 10
cents an hour for each worker in
pension and insurance benefits.
Aik 30 Cent Raise
The CIO Steelworkers union
had asked a 30-cent increase in
cluding 12.5 cents in added wages
an hour, 11.23 for pensions, and
6.27 for Insurance. The union's
million members now get an aver-
(Continued on Page Two)
Grounded Ship's
Skipper, Hopeful
It Can Be Floated
POINT ARENA, Calif., Sept. 10.
UP) A veteran British skipper
whose ship grounded in a dense
fog here yesterday, still clung to
hopes It might be refloated today.
Other marine experts who stu
died the ship Pacific Enterprise,
a 6,736 gross ton motorship,
pinioned on a submerged rock 100
yards off shore doubted that it
ever would come free again.
Four rescue vessels were stand
ing by this morning.
From 20 to 28 feet of water was
reported in the ship's forward
holds. The hull showed huge rips
where the vessel pivoted on the
deadly pinacle.
Marine experts doubted the
motorship ever would be refloat
ed, but the veteran skipper, Capt.
M. E. Cogle of Harwich, England,
still clung to hope that his ship
might go free at high tide later
The Pacific Enterprise struck in
a fog so dense that only after the
crash and passengers were being
taken ashore was the coast line
The five passengers, who were
taken to San Francisco last night,
said they had presumed the ship
was 20 miles offshore.
Child Born To Mother,
Survivor Of Land Slide
HOOD RIVER, Ore., Sept. 10.
iJP) The expectant mother
who survived a landslide at the
logging town of Dee gave birth
to a seven-pound, eight-ounce girl
here yesterday. Both mother and
daughter are doing well.
The mother. Mrs. Reese
Howell. 22. was in her home when
tons of dirt and rock cascaded
down from a steep hillside,
crushing the house and killing
her sister, Alta JoAnne Dow
nard. 13.
Mrs. Howell was saved by a
refrigerator, which was pushed
next to her and took the brunt
of the shock as the house was
carried 100 feet. She was partly
ouriea, Dut was dug tree in
Early Wiley Director
Of Oregon Realtors
PORTLAND, Sept. 10.-4JP)
Ray J. Schumacher, Medford, Is
the new president of the Ore
gon Association of Real Estate
The realtors closed their 15th
annual convention yesterday with
election of officers. Among those
named directors were Harold Mc
Millan. Salem; Earl Wiley, Rose
burg; E. C. Coates, Grants Pass;
W. M. Peterson, Eugene; and Al
bert C. Ullman, Baker.
EUGENE. Sept. 10. UP)
Darrole Leroy Mart, 28. SprlngjJ
iiriu. was rwuru tally luu, in
head-on collision of his car and a
Los Angeles-Seattle freight truck.
Joseph Gray. Eugene, who was
riding with Mart, suffered serious
head injuries. The accident oc
curred eight miles east of Goshen
on a straight stretch of the new
Quebec Air Crash
Kills 23 Persons;
Millionaire Dies
Sept. 10. UP) A Canadian air
liner exploded and crashed here
yesterday killing 23 persons in
cluding an American mining mil
lionaire and his top two aides.
Dead In the Clash third worst
In Canadian history were E. Tap
pan Stannard, president of the
Kennecott Copper corporation,
and a director of J. P. Morgan
company, and two of his top ex-,
ecutives Vice President R. J.
Parker and Arthur D. Storke,
president-designate of the $600,
000,000 Kennecott concern.
All three men, from New York
City, were reported enroute to
northeast Quebec where deposits
of titanium ore have been dis
covered. Titanium Js a medium
weight ore expected to bridge the
gap between aluminum and steel.
The sixteen other passengers,
including three children, and crew
of four all Canadians died in
Eyewitnesses said the plane, a
DC-3 turned suddenly in the air
and plummeted toward a rocky
bluff which rises several hundred
feet from the St. Lawrence river
at this town 40 miles east f Que
bec city.
Sheriff Elliott
Predicts Recall
Will Not Carry
PORTLAND, Sept. 10. '.Tt
Sheriff Marion Le Roy (Mike)
Elliott of Multnomah county pre
dicted today he would hold onto
his office and unleashed a vitri
olic attack on his detractors.
In the mildest passage of a pre
pared statement he referred to
the "fair weather friends" who
now are attempting to oust him
by (A) recall and (B) having
his security bond cancelled.
Elliott predicted the $110,000
bond would not be cancelled. He
said he was just back from a
talk with officials of the Mary
land Casualty company in Balti
more and he announced:
"I was assured there was no
reason for my bond to be can
Then his statement went on to
call his opponents "would-be ty
rants, ex-criminals and grafters
. , . leeches and parasites . . .
bigots." He asserted they were
using "every foul, dirty, dicta
torial method in an effort to
smear me."
Greyhound Lines
Resume Service
SEATTLE. Sent. 10. UP) Main
line buses rolled again today be
tween Portland and the Canadi
an border.
An end to the 82 day north
coast Greyhound lines strike was
announced last night, and service
started on the midnight schedule
six hours later. A company of
ficial said service was being re
stored more rapidly than expect
ed this morning.
. William G. Hosie, federal labor
conciliator, announced the end of
the long tie-up. He said the un
ion and company agreed to arbi
trate five issues on their stale
mated dispute. Numerous other
issues were settled in confer
ences In recent days.
GOVERNOR CETS THE AXE Gove Douglas McKay, pictura above surrounded by Roseburg Paul Z,"'"'1
Banyan member., was literally given th. ae Thursday In spacial ceremonies at Salem's state - TheHuTgaTtan govern!
fair race track. Charged with "lanctioning a so-called horse r.ce without permission of the ment accused eight former high
Paul Bunyans," the governor took his medicine smilingly, much to the delight of the crowd, ranking communists today of
Ha was granted th. title "Keeper of tha Bang-tails." Pictur.d abov. ar.. from left. Don Gum, "h"'..0
Wayi. Srooeh, Chuck Williamson. Gov. McKay. Frank Moor., Bill Tipton and Ceil Doty. Th. trm(1 h,p of Tito and the other
seventh m.mb.r of th. group, I. B. Hicks, to.k th. picture. 'present lesders of Yugoslavia."
Vicky 'Clean'
Girl Catholic
Sister States
Defense Witness Takes
Stand As Special Favor
As Trial Is Continued
That Victoria Sanders was "al
ways a neat girl and clean about
her personal habits." was at
tested to by a Catholic sister who
took the stand in the murder
trial this morning.
She was Sister Ann Bernadette,
of the Catholic teaching order
of Holy Names, who knew Vic
toria at Christie home for de
pendent girls in 1941.
"Victoria has always regarded
me as a big sister," she told the
jury, "and asked counselling on
numerous problems. She always
confided in me."
The sister was a special wit
ness for the defense, who was
allowed to testify because she
had made a special trip to Rose
burg for the trial. The state is
not yet through with its case.
Written Many Times
Sister Bernardette said that
Victoria had written to her many
times after she went to Cali
fornia. She knew that Victoria
was living with Ralph Mojonnier.
The state's witness on the stand
this morning was Sgt. Jack H.
Beers, assistant director of the
State Police Crime Detection lab
oratory, who described his exper
iments with bullets fired through
the .22 caliber rifle that was
found beside Mojonnler's body.
Defense Attorney Paul E. Ged
des objected to much of his tes
timony, because Its relevancy to
the case was not established.
From a clip of shells In the
gun, he had taken one bullet
(Continued on Pag Two).
2 Of 11 Persons
Rescued After
Cruiser Sinks
Sept 10. UP) Nine bodies
were picked up by coast guard
boats today after a 38-foot cabin
cruiser swamped in heavy seas
last night during a violent thun
derstorm. Two others of the cruis
er's passengers swam ashore.
Une ol the survivors, Kusseii
Palmer. 24, skipper of the Ill
fated cruiser Constance, swam
ashore here.
The name of the second sur
vivor was not learned.
Those aboard the craft Included
a protestant minister, the Rev.
Hubert A. Allenby, and his fam
ily, who chartered the vessel,
Constance, for a trip to Nan
tucket yesterday.
Palmer was carried to the home
of Mrs. Stanley C. H. Filch after
he was found exhausted on the
Mrs. Fitch quoted Palmer as
saying he started the long swim
to Nantucket after banding to
gether other members of the par
ty floating in llfelackets.
The yacht skipper was barely
able to speak, Mrs. Fitch said, but
mumbled something about 11 per
sons three of them children
struggling In the water. He also
placed the time or the sinking at
about five o'clock last night.
' v . p- uA)
mm ;1
10. 1949
Police Nab Man With Child
After Being Gone Over
Night; Charges Are Filed
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 10. CTi A five-year-old girl reported
kidnapped yesterday at Trenton, N. J., was found alive and well
here today with a man companion, Lieut. Francis Deegan of the
U. S. And Britain
Will Encourage
World Bank Loans
The United Stales, Britain and
Canada decided today that they
should encourage World bank
and U. S. Export-Import bank
financing In sterling area coun
tries to help Britain overcome its
economic crisis.
A committee report adopted by
the three-power conference on
Britain's problems said it felt
that a "properly directed flow of
K reductive Investment" would
eln not onlv in meeting Britain's
current dollar shortage but would
also assist the attainment ol a
f roper balance between the Btit-sh-sterling
area needed for dol
lars and its ability to get them.
The committee report, which
was released by U. S. treasury
Secretary Snyder, as spokesman
for the conference, made tnese
three main points:
1. The United States, Britain
and Canada should seek through
continuing study and consulta
tion to remove obstructions to tne
flow of private capital abroad-
meaning that efforts are to be
made to create opportunities ana
provide incentives for American
investors to put their money to
work in foreign countries.
2. The conference then decided
that "each of the three govern
ments should encourage, and
where feasible assist, prospective
Borrowers to present wen con
ceived projects which would
qualify for financing" by the
world bank. It was further de
cided that countries which are
In the sterling area that Is.
which use the British pound sterl
ing as their currency snouia oe
encouraged to join the Interna
tional fund and bank in cases
where they do not already belong.
3. The group agreed mat tne
World bank Is the "prime source
for International financing of
basic economic development from
public funds" but that the United
States Export-Import bank also
may assist sterling area countries
In financing purchases of Ameri
can goods and services.
Mrs. Oregon Is Finalist
In Mrs. America Contest
ASBURY PARK. N. J.. Sept. 10.
(IP) Break out your best recelpe
and primp up a little, you mar
ried gals, and maybe you'll be
Mrs. America.
Thirty finalists for the ninth
annual Mrs. America contest here
will take part In the semi-finals
Tomorrow, the nations top
wedded beauty will be crowned.
But good looks and a pleasing
way of filling a bathing suit are
not enough to win the $6,000 in
prizes that go with the title. Mrs.
America has to be on the ball in
the kitchen, too.
The 30 finalists include Mrs.
Oregon, 525 E. 7th St., McMinn
ville. Ore.
Falrmount Park guards reported
Sergeant Morris Zwelgh said
the man Identified himself as
Gerald A. Hutt, 35, of Bridge
port, Conn., and said he was en
route to a job as cook at a Phil
adelphia hospital.
The girl and man arrived at
Park Guard headquarters and
police at once placed him in a
cell. He was held without bail
on charges of kidnapping and
indecent assault.
A small dark man of medium
build, wearing a gabardine sport
suit, he was smoking a dgaret
and appeared exceedingly ner
vous. In contrast the girl was bright
and cheerful, chatting gaily with
reporters and police.
Child Hungry
Park Guard Philllo Cclla said
she "wolfed" a breakfast of coin
flakes, milk and toast at the first
police station stop. He added
she had no supper the night be
fore. A federal bureau of Investiga
tion agent arrived at the station
with police and went Into con
ference with Magistrate Thomas
E Costello.
The federal "Lindbergh law"
makes interstate transportation
of a kidnapped person a federal
crime fixes the maximum penalty
at death In the electric chair.
Sergeant Zwelgh quoted Hutt
as saying the little girl had been
in his car tnrougnout tne nignt
but was not harmed.
Janle. only child of Mr. and
Mrs. John Franz, of Trenton, was
reported missing late yesterday,
Two of her playmates told police
a man dragged ner into nis snan
by car on a Trenton street and
drove away.
Miss America
Finals Tonight
At Atlantic City
10 (jpt Who Is Miss America of
That's the $25,000 question to
night for 52 of the nation's most
beautiful girls.
But the contestants, who have
come through three grueling
days of preliminaries, won't even
know w net her they ve reached
the finals until the curtain goes
up on the huge convention hall
stage at 8 p. m.
18-year-old .Jacque Mercer
Miss Arizona," can feel prettv
hopeful about her chances at the
$5,000 Miss America scholarship
and new automobile, or at least
part of the S20.000 in additional
scholarships for the finalists.
The lovely brunette from Litch
field, Ariz., scored a second vic
tory last night In the talent di
vision. On Wednesday night Miss
Mercer shared top honors In the
bathing suit division with "Miss
Last night's triumph was one
of the few times in the 29-year
history of the Miss America pag
eant that a dramatic sketch has
won a talent preliminary. Miss
Mercer acted part of "Romeo
and Juliet."
'Miss Illinois." a green-eved
blonde bombshell from Chicago,
won last night In the bathing
suit class. She Is Trudy Germi, 18.
Hawaiian Strike
Nears Showdown
NEW YORK. Sept. 10. UP)
Peace talks aimed at settling the
rtawanan oock strike moved Into
the showdown stage today.
U. S. Mediation Chief Cyrus S.
Chlng met separately with Harrv
Bridges, president of the CIO
Longshoremen and Warehouse
men's union and representatives
of the Hawaiian employers coun
cil preparatory to a joint session
later in tne day.
Bridges, breaking his silence
for the. first time since the talks
began last Wedeasday, said he saw
no chance for a settlement unless
the employers changed their posi
tion. 'Their attitude on wages alone
precludes any possibility of a set
tlement," Bridges declared.
"They Insist that any wage In
crease must be less than 14 cents
an hour, and 14 cents won't settle
Former Communists Are
A ...... .J .. LJ..- ! .
Cotton Belt
Train Stopped
By Pickets
Incident Said Mistake;
Midwest Paralyzed ty
Walkout Of Trainmen
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10. UP) .
Service on the Cotton Belt rail,
road's main line to the southwest
was halted for several hours to
day by trainmen on strike against
the Missouri Pacific railroad.
Union officials announced after
a conference that interruDtion of
Cotton Belt traffic resulted from
a misunderstanding on the part
of t a strikers. They Instructed
strike directors to permit the Cot.
ton Belt to resume full service.
Meanwhile traffic on the far
flung Missouri Pacific system
came to a standstill. "We're not
even trying to run a handcar," a
spoitesman lor the road said. Five
thousand trainmen were on strike
and 22.500 other emoloves wera
laid off.
Stopptd By Pickets
Several Cotton Belt trains wera
stopped by a picket line of Mis
souri Pacific strikers near Dupo,
III., Just southeast of St. Louis,
early today.
ine cotton Belt uses Missouri
Pacific tracks between Dupo and
R. E. Davidson, speaking for
the four brotherhoods on strlka.
"This thing that happened at
Dupo was without a doubt caused
through an error a mlsur.der.
standing of what the trains con
sisted of. Our men presumed that
was an attempt tc run a Missouri
Pacific train. That wasn't so."
Ftw Trains Run
A few Missouri Pacific trains
completed their runs yesterday
after the strike deadline passed
but all traffic was at a standstill
Other railroads and bus and
truck companies struggled to
move the 12,000 passengers and
250,000 tons of freight that the
"Mo . Pac" the country's ninth
largest rail system carries daily
in ita lu-state territory.
The strike began at 3 p. m.
(EST) yesterday as engineers,
firemen, conductors and other
trainmen left their posts In a die.
put over Interpretation of operat
ing rules. However, those trains
still rolling when the strike dead,
line came finished their runs.
Others had stopped earlier.
No Camaramlsa ftsait
As the strike began, there was
no sign of a compromise move by
either the railroad or the four
unions Involved, the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers. Loco
motive Englnemen and Firemen,
Railroad Tralnment and the Or
der of Railway Conductors.
Paul J. Neff, chief operating
officer of the line, who called
the strike "One of the most un
justifiable In American railroad
history," repeated that he is ready
to let arbitrators settle the issue
in dispute.
R. E. Davidson, assistant grand
chief of the Locomotive Engi
neers, speaking for the brother
hoods, said arbitration wouldn't
end the strike. The union's stand
is that the Issues In dispute are
not subject to arbitration.
Two Generals In
5 Per Cent Quiz
Will Be Retired
The army said today that one of
two generals who figured in the
Senate's "five percenter" Investi
gation will be restored to active
duty and the other will be re
tired. Secretary of the Army Grav an
nounced these actions:
The application of Maj. Gen. Al
ben H. Waitt, suspended chief of
thearmy's chemical corps, lor re
tirement will be approved.
Maj. Gen. Herman Feldman will
be restored to his post as quarter
master general of the army effec
tive todav.
Gray suspended the two officers 1
on July 16 pending outcome of a
Senate subcommittee investl-
f;ation of the charges of Influence
n government buying.
Both men subsequently testified
before the committee with regard
to reports linking their names
with that of James v. Hunt, a key
figure in the inquiry Into activi
ties of five perceters persona
who collect a fee lor helping busi
nessmen obtain government con
tracts. As for Waitt. Gray said: "I have
found no evidence of dishonesty
or conduct justifying trial by
Gray said Feldman had com
mitted "errors of Judgment which
I do not condone" but he added
that Feldman has "convinced me
that there will be no repetition
of this lapse of Judgment."
Notion Wide Alarm Out
For Five Missing Boys
D ANBURY, Conn., Sept. 10.
UP) Connecticut state police
broadcast a nation-wide missing
persons alarm last night for five
students overdue on a trip home
from Alaska.
Stale Police Lieut. Carlton
Klocker Identified the five as
Howard M. Colley Jr., 21; his
19-vear-old brother. Ralph; John
Miiler. 21, and Alfred Adler. 19,
all of Danbury, and Richard Hoi
lingsworth. 21, of Yardley. Pa.
The youths went to Alaska this
summer to earn money for school
hy working in a logging camp.
They began the trip home in mid-August.