PAINTS All Kindt PAG' LUMBER & FUEL ti. 2nd Ave Phon- 212 Del Durham AND Vic Lewis can give you greater satisfaction ond SAVE YOU MONEY on Office Supplies and Equipment For your exacting office requirements Remember: "Call D & L to keep your office well." D & L Stationers Durham and Lewis 325 S. Stephens St. (Opposite Greyhound Depot) PHONE 173-Y : FEED -FEED -FEED FEED QUALITY. AND PRICES ARE RIGHT FREE FIELD SERVICE FOR FEED SEED OR REMEDIES PHONE OR CALL Roseburg Feed & Seed Co. . DISTRIBUTORS . HB Centennial Feeds' and Centennial Flour' Oak and Spruce Sts. ' Phons 374 irs Season tion of famous brands. WILSON OFFICIAL INTERCOLLEGIATE. FOOTBALLS . . 325 to 180 RUBBER COVERED, WILL NOT ROT VOIT FOOTBALLS . . . 6o ATHLETIC SOX 75c KNEE CUSHIONS BRACES Ankle, Knee or Wrist J WILSON FOOTBALL SHOES Regular 12.50, school price to students only 9.45 WILSON OFFICIAL VOLLEYBALLS .11 so WILSON "INDESTRUCTO" VOLLEYBALLS. . . . .9 Umpqua Valley A Home-Owned and Operated Store 202 N. Jackson Phone 73 Priest And toys Sought After Beat Is Swamped FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Sept. 9. UP) An Episcopal priest and two boys were being sought to day along the Tanana river. They have been missing since Monday night. Disappearance of the Rev. Rob- I ert H. field Jr., priest in charge ot St. Mark's Episcopal mission , at Nenana, and the two youths was reported yesterday by 17- : year-old Thomas Tuzroyluk. 1 The boy said he was the only survivor when a boat swamped , in the river about 80 miles from Nenana. Tuzroyluk said he swam to shore and later searched the river bank for a mile below the scene. There was no sign of tils companions. After drying his clothes over a (ire made from a can of salvaged gasoline, he hiked upstream untfl he found a cabin and canoe. Then he paddled 25 miles to report the accident. Yugoslavia Receives Multi-Million Loan WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 UP) Diplomatic officials said today they understood the export-Import bank has approved a multi million dollar loan to Yugoslavia. The amount was reported to be around $20,000,000. The money would be used mainly to buy ma chinery, and equipment needed by ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE SOUTH DEER CREEK GRANGE Saturday-Sept. 10 9:30 P. M. Good Music Is Here Make the Umpqua Valley Hardware Sporting Goods Department your first stop for all your foot ball needs. See the wide selec 300 65c to 95c J 1 Of E) DUE) C I -K L - I CZ3C3 VI D Tonight at 7:15, petite Laura Leslie will sing that popular number Irom "Kiss Me Kate," "Always True to You Darling In My Fashion," on the "Sammy Kaye Showroom." Other numbers will Include the Kayedets singing "Little Girl," Tony Xlame in "lovers' Gold," Don Cornell doing "Peg O' My Heart," and the "Notre Dame Victory March.' Tun. in th. adventures of "Straight Arrow" tonight at eight. Organist Milton Charles, who does th. background and theme muslo for th. "Straight Arrow" program Is still ' a bit miffed over th. prank play.d on him recently. H. was ' tak.n aback th. other day when h. saw a fiery-eyed Indian standing stiffly at his organ. A second look disclosed that th. angry Indian was a mask mounted atop a clothes-rigged microphone stand. Th. engineer, sound man, and principles in th. "Straight Arrow" cast all contributed parts for th. "Indlan'a"'awe-lnspirlng appearance. ' Mystery dialers will run across "The Mysterious Traveller" In KRNR's ten o'clock mystery slot tonight. Replacing tonight's regular "Cues In Music" broadcast at will be the "Marshall Plan Report" recorded direct from Paris and featuring administrators who will give reports on progress in their countries. Yugoslavia copper, lead and zinc mines. The credit would be the first direct American loan to the Yu goslav government since Mar shal Tito broke with Moscow about 15 months ago. Yugoslavia has been pressing an application for a loan for about three weeks. Secretary of State Acheson Is known to have strongly sup ported the application. He argued that it was a "calculated risk" necessary to bolster Yugoslavia's economy and strengthen Tito as a symbol of Independence from Moscow's orders. Jailed Mexicans Face Deportation Proceedings PORTLAND, Sept. 9 UP) Thirty Mexican cilizens were In jail here, faced with deportation proceedings for being in this country Illegally. They were arrested last week by U. S. Immigration agents at different railroad Jobs and log ging ramps in Klamath county. Twenty four were charged with crossing the border into the Unit ed States without permission, and the others with overstaying their contract to do agricultural worK here. ' R. J. Norene, U. S. . Immigra tion official, said some would probably return voluntarily lo Mexico. The others will be given deportation hearings. Insurance Company Must Pay Huge Death Claim PORTLAND, Sept. 9. An insurance company has been ordered by a federal court to pay $96,132 to the beneficiary of four policies taken out on a business partner. ' ,, Judge Claude McColloch ordered the Northwestern Mutual Life Insuance company, Milwaukee, Wis., to pay the sum to Joseph L. Gilbert. The policies were taken out on Floyd Eaton, who died of coronary thrombosis, Jan. 29, 1948. The two men were partners In a Lebanon logging operation. The court ruled that Gilbert had not concealed facts of his part ner's health when he took out the Kolicies. The company contended e had. I Bi I -! i 24 Hours a Day Call 446 during the day or 1073-J at night or on holi days for complete tow car service.. HANSEN Motor Co. assf sasTissT as. assi si ' oak & Stephens Phone 446 I fesmtntf SAM'S NIGHT RIDERS . 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 .00 e. m. Admission 50c Hall is A'r-v.onditioned! Everybody Stay loot ond Dance! EAGLES Corner of Cass and Pine KRNR Mutual Broadcasting, System 1490 on Your Diol XCMAIN1NO HOURS TODAY 4:00Fulton Lcwia Jr. 4:1V-Frank Hemingway, 4 30 Passing Parana. 4:45 Tips and Tune, , 5:00 Clara Dudlay. 5 :tO Champion. 3 43 L Bennett. 6 00 Mafic Garden. 15 Mutual NewartL 8:30 S porta Paga. 6:15 Music. 40 Local News. 6 45 Southland Singing. 6 55 Bill Henry. 7:00 Dick Haymca. 7:15 Sammy Kaya Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8:00 Straight Arrow. 8:30 Carmen Cavallero. 8 45 Bob Ebarla. 9 00 News. 15 HI Neighbor. 8 :.T0 Scandinavian Melody Tim a. 945 rulton Lewis Jr. 10:00 Mysterious Traveler. 10:30 Dance Orch. 1 1 :00 Cuea tn Muaic. 1L30 ign Off. 8AT1 RDAV. KEPT. 19, 1848 8 00 Sunrise Serenade. 6:15 Newa. . 6:20 Music. 830 Yawn Patrol. 7:00 Newa. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Newa. 7:50 Beehive). T:3!t Muaic. 8:00 Haven of Rest B: 30 Modern Music, 8:45 Tour H Club. 8:00 Wally'a Cofee Time. 815 Music. 8:30 Telephone Request 10:00 Newa. 10:1 5 Sweet wood Serenade. 10:30 Shopper'a Guide. 10:35 Music. 10:45 Jimmy Wake lay. 11:00 Bob Poole. 11:30 Air Forca Hour. 12:00 Muaic at Noon. 12:15 Sports Paga. 12:25 Music. 12:40 Local Newa. 12:45 National Newa. 12:55 Market Rt porta. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Voice of the Army 1:30 Veterans Request 2:00 Nick Stewart. 2:30 Rhumba Rhythm. 2:45 Helen Hall s Femm Fair. 3:00 Meldoy Mountain Boya. 3:00 Melody Mountain Boya. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4:30 Smoke Rings. 5:00 Hawaii CaTla. S 30 Sing for Your Supper. 6:00 Meet the Preaa. 6:30 Sports Page. 6:35 Mualcal Interlude. - 6:40 Local News. 6:45 Eddy Duchln. 7:00 Take a Number. 7:30 Xavier Cugat 8:00 Happy Valley Cowboyi. 8.30 Barne and- Hie Orchestra. 9:00 Newa. 9:15 Dink Temp! ft on. 9:30 Wrestling Parade. 10:30 Dance Orchestra. 11:00 Cuea In Muaic 1130 Sign Off. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1849 b oo Back to cod Hour. 8:30 Voice of Prophecy. 900 Radio Bible Claaa. 9:30 Lutheran Hour. 10:00 Newa. 10:15 Organ Concart. 10:30 Music. 10:45 Momenta of Devotion. 1100 Methodial Church Service. . 12:00 Music. 12:15 Sunday Favorite. 12:30 Canary Chorua. 12:45 National Newa. 1 00 House of Mystery. 1:30 Martin Kane, Private Bye. 2:0o The Shadow. 2:30 True Detective Mysteries). 3 00 Ray Bloch Presents. 3:30 Nick Carter. Master Detective. 4 00 Walking la Khythm. 415 Music. - 4 30 Family Theater. 5 00 Laymen 'a Hour. 3 30 Can You Top Thie? 0O Secret Missions . 6 30 Shettah Graham. 7 00 Comedy Playhouse. 7:30 Roy Rogers Show. 8:00 Twenty Questions. 8:30 Burl Ives. 8 45 Harvey Harding Sing. 9 00 News. 9:15 Memorable Music. 9:30 American Legion. 9:45 Church of the Open Bible. 10:00 Kiwanla Choir. 10:30 Ruaa Morgan Orchestra. 11:00 Sign Off. Mrs. America Beauties Don't Require Falsies ASBURY PARK, N. J., Sept. 9. 4JP) Mrs. America contestant! can wear "falsies" if they want to, but none of them need them, according to Contest Director Bert Nevlns. In the Miss America pageant in nearby Atlantic City, falsiea are tabu. Nevins said bust, waist and hip measurements of the 24 contes- PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Saturday Night Richard Strauss Dies; Genius Thrilled World GARMISCH PARTENKIR CHEN, Germany, Sept. 9. UP) Richard Strauss, one of the world's greatest contemporary composers, died Thursday. He was 85. His genius ran the gamut of musical expression from simple tongs and . chamber music 19 symphonic poems. symphonies and operas. Der Rosenkavelier" and his impressionistic opera "Salome" are among his most popular works. He waa a musical prodigy at the age of four and began com posing when he was six. At 12 his opus No. 1, a 'Test marsch" for orchestra was before the pub lic. Impressionistic expressions in tone form which Strauss compos ed in middle life were the sub ject of critical debate. He lived to see many of his Innovations become almost commonplace musical devices. His tone poems. "Till Eulen splegel." "Don Quixote," and "Don Juan" are popular with symphonic audiences throughout the world. He composed "Sa lome" In 1904 and produced the opera "Elektra" three years la ter. Both works were widely known in America. RADIO PERMIT GRANTED WASHINGTON, Sept. 9.-4PV The communications commission today authorized reinstatement of an expired construction per-, mlt for Radio Station KFLW, Klamath Falls, Ore. tants already selected for the 11th annual Mrs. America event here Saturday prove bovond a doubt that no padding is necessary. He said the bust-waist, hip sta tistics range from a 33-22-34 mini mum to a 38-28-38 maximum. The winner of tht Mrs. .Amer ica contest this year nets $6,000 in prizes. f Tkstethenew Bohemian"! It's Delicious rtD-ftonfi Western Distributing Tomorrow t OrtO ft 'sesV T f 4t f SJ v 1. iibw. .SV OV Ml em FV if FINED FOR ORUNKENNESS Two Roseburg men pleaded ullty Irt municipal court Thurs ay to charges of being drunk on a public street, Judge Ira B. Rid dle reported. The men, Barton Guy Herrick, 40, and Clifford Charles Koch, 38, both forfeited $20 bail. Sutherlin Business Will Move To New Quarters The Brown and Allen Chevrolet agency is preparing to move next week into its new quarters in Sutherlin. The adjoining Associated serv ice station is to be razed and will be replaced with a modern steel structure, , The new building, constructed of concrete blocks, will house the sales agency and display rooms, PUBLIC BENEFIT DANCE Friday Nite, Sept. 9 Mocking Birds 4-Piece' Band Adm. $1.00 per Coupe EAGLES HALL To Flna'nc Operation for Leills Johnson 4 now! The answers to everyday Inaurance problems By KEN BAILEY QUESTION: My husband's golf club has offered all the mem bers Insurance policies which protect them from damage claims which result from some one being hit by a golf ball or from property damage claims. broken windows, etc. The premium is verv small but I'm wondering If the Comprehen sive Personal Liability policy which my husband already car ries doesn't cover him In such accidents. I'll appreciate your telling me if this is so. ANSWER: The Comprehen sive Personal Liability policy covers your husband when he is playing golf or when he is engaged In any other activity within the limits of the policy. In all probability your hus band's policy protects the whole family in the same way. frlf you'll .drti.M ;our own ln.i anca question, to thl. offtc. w.'ll try to five ou tha jorwt anawer. and th.r. will be n iharff. ar abll af any kind. KEN BAILEY INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Pacific Bldg. Phone 398 Co., Phone 1294-L and Sunday X JOHNNY MACK ISIP VCL "V. "BAD MEDICINE . T I UK BADfflEN ' 1 . 0 . r 3 . UT" -' Cwar lit 1 Frl., Sept. 9, 1949 The Inadequate Sewage Plant Said Cause Of Pollution PORTLAND, Sept, 9. UP) An inadequate sewage disposal plant at Forest Grove is the chief cause of fish-killing pollution in the. Tualatin river, State Sanitary Authority engineers believe. Curtis M. Everts Jr., State San itary engineer, said a survey office, repair and service garage. The service station will handle a full line of accessories. The business is operated by City Councilman Harvey Brown and Ht brother-in-law Louii "Bud" Allen. COMING SUNDAY JUDY CfitlOVA starring in-"HIT THE HAY CO-FEATURE hi was HtnowTTnmntmSI k . asi 1 m a si L . i JVl aw . MITCHELL NOW COMING jM . too l s?A i Matihea Sat. & Sun. r?U ,ifl I V &) ' ' A , J fP JACK DORISNI l sssas- seaaawssw tin , Ml. -y.- . S i 'Ul NOW PLAYING ...and yfi&jfr i$ how mmN 1225 Gumf News - Review, Reseburs, Ore. S showed the Forest Grove system grossly over-taxed, resulting in excessive waste from the city and from two canneries going into the river. . Oxygen' content of J he upper river is inadequate for fish life, engineers said. The lower part of the river is not affected. . mm SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St II : PLAYING JACKIE CQQPR-JACXK COOGAN Dnuiiiiii LEE DUIIMAI1 AOOIRHI MINJQU IVI ARDIN S. Z. -CuddUl" SAKAIL FRANKIE CARLE ZZL