The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 09, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Nwi-Rviw, Retaburg, Or. Frl., Sept. 9, 1949
Record Year Is
Reported Here
By Weather Man
Roseburg'i weather "came
mighty close" to breaking rec
ords, one of which has stood (or
many years, Thomas Hill, head
weatherman, said today.
Last night's storm put an end
to the second longest dry spell
In the city's history, with a total
of well over an Inch o( rain re
ported by 9 a.m. today.
Hill revealed that a check
through old records established
June, July and August of 1883
as me ariesi inree-mumn penua
known, with .05 of an inch re
corded. A similar period for this
year saw .06 of an inch of rain.
Another record, this one for
the current year, was set when
.33 of an Inch of rain fell In one
25 minute period last night, Hill
According to Hill, Thursday
and Friday had the first thunder
storms in this area since June
of last year. With the single
thunder clap recorded Thursday
and yesterday's big thunder and
lightning display, the average
lor thunder storms for one year
has been reached, Hill said. He
doubts, however, if this will be
considered an average year in
that respect, "not with two
thunder slorms In two days."
Hill explained the recent storm
as being partly due to the hot,
dry summer and the "very
humid" weather in the vicinity
in the last few days.
"Moist, unstable air, a concen
tration of cumulus clouds and
wind updrafts all contribute to
ward lightning storms, consider
ed rather rare in this area," Hill
The storm, which moved In on
Roseburg and Douglas county
from the south and southwest,
has moved on through the state
and Is now being felt in eastern
Washington and northern Idaho,
he said.
SALEM, Sept. 8 JP) Will
iam H. Crawford, 72, pro-tern
city Judge since 1946, died Wed
nesday of a heart attack.
He was director of the stale
economic council under former
Gov. Charles A. Sprague, giving
up his Job in 1942.
Crawford sold the first air
brakes used on San Francisco
street cars, and 25 years ago, he
went across the country to at
tract new Industries to the new
city of Longvlcw, Wash.
Gardiner Masons Meet
To Have Deputy Visit
Regular meeting of Aurora
lodge No. 59, A. P. and A. M.,
of Gardiner, will be held In the
Masonic hall there Saturday eve
ning. Kenneth Spencer of Flor
ence, district deputy grand mas
ter, will make his official visit
at that time.
This district Includes lodges at
Mapleton, Florence, Gardiner,
North Bend and Coos Bay.
Plans are being made for the
annual past masters night meet
ing, to he held Oct. 8, at which
time a M. M. degree will be con
ferred by past masters. This an
nual event, one of the large meet
ings of the year, will be in charge
of Past Masters Bender of Gar
diner and Levins of Reedsport.
Herman Husen of Reedsport,
worshipful master of Aurora
lodge, attended the annual Mal
heur Cave meeting near Burns,
Ore., Sept. 10.
This meeting is held under
ground, in a large, natural cave,
and is proving a wonderful draw
ing card, with members coming
from great distances to attend,
and eat the huckaroo meals serv
ed in conjunction with the lodge
Missouri Railroad
Strike Set For Today
(Continued From Page One)
crease package, covering a 121
cent pay hike, 6.27 cents for In
surance and 11.23 for pensions.
There were strike threats
against four other railroads. A
walkout set for today against the
Wheeling and Lake Erie line was
postponed pending attenjpts by a
government mediator to settle 34
grievances between the carrier
and the Brotherhood of Railroad
The Union railroad and the
Monongahela connecting railroads
which serve scores of steel plants
in the Pittsburgh district are
threatened by early strikes.
A walkout Is set lor 3 p.m. to-
morrow against tne Mononganela
and for 6:30 a.m. Tuesday against
the Union railroad. Some 30.000
steelworkers rules but a presi
dential fact-finding board has
urged furtner negotiations.
Illinois Gang
Leader's Nephew
Shot To Death
FAIRFIELD, III., Sept. 9 (Pt
A barrage of bullets poured from
ambush early today Into "Little"
Earl Shelton, 33-year-old nephew
of the gang leaders who had ter
rorized southern Illinois for years.
Police Chief Elmo Mugrage said
"Little" Earl was fired on as he
drove up to the front of his home
here shortly after midnight.
Mugrage said he was patrolling
in the area and heard the salvo ot
several shots, all fired within a
few seconds. He sped to the Shel
ton home where, he said, he
found "Little" Earl in his house
moaning and bleeding badly.
Shelton was still conscious, the
chief said, and related that the
gunmen fired from a car which
was parked across the street from
the Shelton home when the vie
time drove up.
At an Evansville. Ind.. hospital,
Dr. John W. Fisher said Shelton
will recover In spite of his many
wounds. He said Shelton had "a
large number of wounds" in the
upper legs and thighs, but a rib
deflected me slug and another
merely creased his lorencaa.
Unemployment Picture
Improves, Report Says
(Continued Fiom Page One)
Mrs. Dorothy Flink
Will Teach At Glide
Mrs. Dorothy Flink, Oregon
College of Education, hat accept
ed a contract to teach one sec
tion of the Glide first grade.
Mrs. Flink will replace Mrs.
Maxine Mignot, who was fatally
injured Aug. 26 when her car
was said to have been struck by
a doubledecked sheep truck near
Prlnevllle. The tragedy occurred
within two miles of the spot
where her teen aged son had met
death in an automobile wreck two
years ago.
Mrs. Flink, her husband and
two children are located at the
Ball cottages near Glide.
Severe Lightning Storm
Sets Many Forest Fires,
(Continued From Page One)
Gov. Douglas McKay
Plans To Run Again
SALEM, Sept. 9 P Gover
nor Douglas McKay will begin
his reelection campaign in a few
months, his secretary, Lawson
McCall, told the Salem Lions club
McCall said the race for gov
ernor would be most important
to the country because "Oregon
is the last bastion ot the Republi
can party in the West."
There are believed to be less
than 35 whooping cranes left in
the world.
Asphalt Asbestos
Paq Lumber A Fuel
164 E. 2nd Ave. S.
h - 242
which has prevailed since last
Secretary of Commerce Saw
yer agreed, in guarded language;
he saw evidence of a "leveling-
off," and declared: "We are in
fundamentally sound condition
for continuing our economic advance."
Democratic and Republican
spokesmen in the faenate dis
agreed with each other. Senator
Lucas (Dill), tne majority lead
er, proclaimed there is "now no
reason to fear a lurtner reces
sion." The GOP floor leader, Sen
ator Wherry (Neb), felt that the
400.000 drop in unemployment
was "too small to be regarded
as a reliable index.
"I think the general situation
remains about the same," Wher
ry told a reporter.
Government Pay Helps
"There probably has been
some slight Improvement as a
result of government expend!
tures. But I don't think anyone
can tell yet whether It will last.
Lucas had no reservations.
'The great consumer buying
power of the country again is
making its way forward, lie
It was learned, meanwhile, that
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, chairman
of the President's Council of Eco
nomic advisers, told President
Truman yesterday that the busi
ness outlook will be clearer a
month from now.
While Nourse found the August
pick up reassuring, he Is under
stood to have reported that the
pending negotiation of fourth
round waee demands may have
high Importance In the economic
Steel can he made strong
enough to withstand a pull of
500,000 pounds per square Inch.
' etV in g MEW!
.owning DIFFERENT?!
the Lester's Shop's
Own Original
10" bronze model of riding horse
complete with saddle and bridle.
Use for mantle or desk piece.
Value . . , 4.95.
fully grained myrtlewood lamp
with exclusive original shade
made from actual technicolor
movie film. Exquisitely fashioned,
master craftsmanship. Value . . .
handmade, handtonled leather
wallet with stitched border. Value
. . . 3.00.
Each week three Items will be placed ot public ouc
tion. Anyone may place a bid on any one or all three
items. The bids are sealed and secret until opened
the following Saturday. The highest bidder wins as
in a normal auction.
Come to the Lester's Shop . , . inspect the gift items
being auctioned on our BID-A-WAY plan. Write
your bid, your name and address on a slip of paper
and give to Mr. Lester or sales clerk. Your bid will
be placed in a sealed container. If yours is the high
est bid you get the gift ot your own bid price!
BID-A-WAY starts Saturday, September 1 0, ond will
continue each week until further notice. Winners
ore obligated to purchase their gift within 10 days.
There will be no exchanges. Come in tomorrow or
ony doy next week ond BID-A-WAYI
of damage caused by the storm
were light.
Power Hit
H. C. Wells, Copco manager,
said power outages were report
ed "in every direction" with the
hardest hit areas located in a
north and south direction, the
path followed by the storm. Al
though many outlying districts
Hie still without electric service,
Wells said every available line
and serviceman was working
around tne clock trying to re
store service. The men are most
ly concerned with replacing
fuses, knocked out by lightning
strikes. Only one transformer
was believed damaged, located
near the Riverside Lumber com
pany. Douglas Co-op service was
restored by 7 oclock last nieht.
Radio nation KRNR engineers
reported "at least seven" inter
ruptions in transmitting, when
proximity of the lightning put
them off the air. Sparks were
reported Hying oil tne radio tow
er, atop the Umpqua hotel, but
it was not believed to have been
seriously damaged.
Wire crews and linemen were
busily restoring service to sub
scribers of the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company, wltn
many lines still out of operation
at late morning reports.
World War III
Seed Said Sown
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 9X4JP The
peace terms of World War II,
even though the treaties have
not been signed, already have
sown the seeds of another world
war, the American Bar associa
tion was told yesterday.
The speaker was one of the
Judges at tne isuernberg war
crimes trials, Robert F. MaGuire,
a Portland, Ore. attorney.
'The Yalta, Moscow and Pots
dam conferences already have
done untold damage," MaGuire
declared. "Much of Europe now
writhes under unjust dlscrlmlna-
tinns. Ml?nrf nf lanri nH nnu.
er at the expense of the help
"Until these are removed, there
can be no lasting peace," he asserted.
'Provisions of the treaty of
Versailles after World War I gave
rise to the resentment and dis
content which made the ground
fertile for Hitler to plant his
doctrine of authoritarian govern
ment, tne speaker said.
The Weather
Oregon's Cascade Area
Menaced After Storm
Severe lightning storms touch
ed off 150 fires in Oregon's Cas
cade mountain forests last night,
knocked out power service in the
Klamath basin and ended 100
rainless days at Medford.
Smoke plumed up, mostly from
isolated snags, from Mount Hood
south Into California In the wake
of the season's worst electric
Rain washed out many of the
fires. Only one, covering 150
acres In the Siskiyou National
forest southwest of Glendale, was
known to have reached any size,
Guy B. Johnson, forest service
fire patrol dispatcher, said. Its
control today was In prospect.
He added that the great num
ber of fires 58 were reported in
the Willamette National .orest to
10 p.m. last night prevented
suppression crews from getting
on all of tnem last, mat, he said,
might lead to trouble.
The storm, unusual for this late
In the season, moved westward
Into Ihe Coast range this morn
ing. The lightning there was ac
companied by heavy rain.
the bolts cut botn power lines
running from the California Ore
gon Power company dam In
northern California to Klamath
Falls. The service went out In
mid-afternoon and stayed off all
last night.
Merrill, Malln, Tulelake. Dorrls
and other towns south of Klam
ath Falls were blacked out.
In Klamath Falls only a ten-
block area In the downtown sec
lion had lights. The power for
these came from two small gen
erators operated by Copco in
Klamath Falls.
At Medford a violent storm
Cripps Says Britain
Must Sell More Goods
(Continued from page 1)
crises In the dollar-sterling rela
tionship." Limited Aid Assured
Out of the talks already have
come Indications of limited Amer
ican help to Britain in meeting
its current dollar crisis. Long
range aid, however, may be slow
in developing. Congressional ac
tion likely will be required on
several major proposals.
On the long-term problem of
boosting Britain's sales to this
country to a point where the
Island nation can become self
sufficient there is, however, con
siderably less certainty. It is pos
sible the conference may end
next week without decisive agree
ment on specific steps to be taken
in this field.
On specific measures of early
aid to Britain, American negoa
tors in the conference have in
dicated full coopera'ion with the
British In several ways: In try
ing to approve the marketing ap
peal of their goods In this coun
try, in doing all possible to speed
government purchasing of strate
gic materials, in helping British
exporters iron out their difficul
ties with American customs, and
In recognizing Britain's need to
buy as much as she can In areas
where dollars are not necessary.
Barbership Quartet
Charter Night Saturday
(Continued from Page One)
A. f. Walter Kress, M. 0.
Physician and Surgeon
U. S. National Bank Annex
Room 217
Office Phone: 1500
RM.t Fairhavcn Apta. Phone lest
)fflc hours: Mon. Thru Sat
able assembly for enjoyment of
the last remaining vestige of hu
man liberty." O. C. Cash is the
attorney's name a name destin
ed for fame, or infamy, depend
ing upon the view taken toward
this type of singing.
Of special interest to local cit
zens is the policy of Speb mem
bers to provide their unique form
of entertainment as an aid for
worthy community projects. This
includes gratis performances for
service clubs, church and school
organizations and other groups.
As a strictly amateur, non-profit
organization, the society can
not refuse to sing because of
some group's inability to pay
high prices for live talent. In
most cases, all the Spebs ask is
that they be given at least a
week's notice before being called
upon to perform. They re pretty
particular about the caliber cf
music they render in public and
one of their first "musts" is that
they perfect a song before per
Paul Russell Cooper, 13, was
killed yesterday by a .22 caliber
bullet from the rifle of a 12-year-
old companion on a rabbit-hunting
Cooper was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Cooper of Selma.
struck at 5 p.m. Power failed for
five minutes. Bolts struck in the
forests, but fire danger was min- j
imizeo as sneeis oi rain swept in.
It measured .06 of an inch In less
than a half-hour at Medford.
U. S. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Mostly cloudy with showers to
day, becoming widely scattered
Highest temp, for any Sept... 104
Lowest temp, for any Sept 29
Highest temp, yesterday 86
Lowest temp, last 24 hre 60
Precipitation last 24 hrs .46
Precipitation eince Sept. .46
Excess since Sept. 1 .16
Legal Matters Argued
In Trial Of Vicky
(Continued From Page One)
said she observed that Ralph
treated Victoria with "straight
contempt," but her attitude to
ward him was "about the same
as usual." He again said that he
would "have to kick her out."
Under questioning of the dis
trict attorney, she added that
when Ralph had lived in his own
house at Venice, Calif., Victoria
had moved in, "bag and bag
gage." Mrs. Gleagon did not know
how long she lived there.
Geddes asked that the court
record show his continuing ob
jection to the district attorney's
line of questioning. He made a
number of objections before this
request, on grounds that the ques
tions called for Mrs. Gleason's
conclusions and that they were
leading questions.
As the questioning continued,
Mrs. Gleason recalled her brother
told her that Victoria "doesn't
even earn her own grub." Finally
he "got rid of her, packed her
up, bag and baggage, and took
her to a hotel in Ocean Park."
In cross-examination, Geddes
asked Mrs. Gleason if she knew
since she had testified her
brother was very clean that he
had indecent tattoing on his body,
the result of seven years in the
navy. She said she didn't.
She said Ralph was 31 years
old in 1945, and that Victoria had
said she was 21. "As a matter
of fact, she'll be 22 next month,
won't she?" Geddes asked the
witness. Mrs. Gleason said she
did not know when Geddes
pressed the point that Victoria
was 17 when she met Ralph, Mrs.
Gleason said she "looked older
than 17."
Mrs. Gleason also said she did
not know her brother was mak
ing "moonshine liquor" in Ore
gon, but she admitted sending
him 200 pounds of sugar in pack
age marked "glass." Geddes ac
cused her of purchasing the sugar
on the black market, which she
Geddes also asked her who did
various household tasks when she
(Mrs. Gleason) visited In the Mo
jonnier household. Geddes 'asked
her if Vicky had peeled the fence
poles, taken care of the chickens,
prepared the meals, carried the
water from Hardscrabble creek,
even when she had given birth
Southern Pacific Men Are I
nnniritTTC Canf Q lFl
Twelve of 28 men riding two
Southern racmc BrY'u" "
when the two cars collided on a
blind curve east oi nwusrn,
20 miles west of here.
. i k,i,.hi m a Inral noft
All WfIC uiuup,.. . j . 1
pnai DUl nunc .
ously injured. The most damage
was sunereo r ,-
r. , i ...k, enatainprf a broken
collar bone and multiple bruises.
Some oi tne men weic
they jumped before the crash.
' .j,.- inuino two trail-
...i.i. . imai nl QS men aboard.
dm Willi " ,-.
was driven by Foreman A. fc.
Swenson, the other with three oc
cupants by Earl Southern, Sum-
mit. ssoumern aptr--.
A mixup In line clearance ap
parently caused the head on
u r,,rinn ih ninht a train
became stalled on the mountain
grade and each oi tne speeuci.
njured In Crash
wa headed for tne wrecK. un.
known to them, the train had
been started and returned to Cor-vallls.
Soswell Mineral Baths
Chiropractic Physiotherapy
Lady Attendants
1 Mile S. ol Drain. Oreon
i SCH3
to a baby two weeks before. Mrs.
Gleason said she had seen her
brother doing these things.
(Additional details on Page 12)
Propane Tanks For Reett
No Need To Buy
Pacific Bldg.t Roseburg. Ph. 235
It's Delicious ff
Western Distributing Co., Phont 1294-L
Let Us Seed Your Burned-Over Land
Roseburg Airport Phone 1225-R
At last I An Automatic Washer
A . .
tliat gives you
Don't Let Your Roof
Give your home year 'round weather-protection and beau
ty by replacing weather-worn shingles this week! Our
will help you do a grand job. Durable, attractive, a cinch
to apply, they'll last for years ond years. So thrifty too.
Call 12S for on estimate today.
402 W. Oak
Phono 128
1 '$S2S3 A
ypj Apex
The Finest Washing
You've Ever Seen!
f XCIUSIVI Apex b.l.iK
in principle eliminate!
vibrttioa 00 bolting down!
action Hone when yoa open
ltd tou can add overlooked
garments at ant Qme!
IxeitfSIVI-Vork fMcr
than aaf other automatic
fXClUSIVf -Amatifift
Apex Gear-Lea Mechanism
. . . mo gran to wear 00 1!
f XCIUSIVI -Look-iaTop,
lighted inferior.
Ctmt m firm Prm Dmmmstrmtim!
DATCMTCn A0 42 b
Greatest mprovemenf in
Washing sine th$ Agitator
This sensational new cleansing
principle jtets clothes CLEAN
by flushing sudsy geysers up
through and thromrb the rum
bling, taming cloches. Safe for
all washable fabrics-less fabric
wear, clothes last longer! Fine
rinsing ever known, fast, effi
cient spin-drying. Amazing fluf
fing action-see it -come in for
a demons ratiooj
222 W. Oak
Phont 348