ell, Take As Well, Wish Klews-ieview WanS M luy w S ar I CLASSIFIED RATES I uy. - " a w ; ; 4 U3 " flea Estate Live Listings ONE ACRE of sandy loam and attrac tive 1 bedroom horn. The kitchen U a dream with lou of built) n. Lane carat and fruit room. Good chicken house. Located in line suburban lo cality. City water, full price 90750. Good term. j ACRES of ereek bottom toll and S bedroom modern home located appro. 12 miles East on new North L'mpqua road. A bargain ai kmou.. ituu. buu. ATTRACTIVE RANCH STYLE home on the Weil fide. Hat 3 generous sited bedrooms, living room with fireplace and lane windows, lots of builtins, all hardwood floors, attached garage and a large, landscaped lot. A better . value tor 99500. total price. Terms. $2900. TOTAL PRICE Nice one bed room house 2 miles out. Has modern kitchen, living room and storage room. Good terms. NEWER 2 BEDROOM HOME on the West side Attached garage and car port White picket fence around yard. Nice lawn. Price 9750. Good terms, 4 interest on balarce, NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME 5 blocks from city renter. This fine home is located In one of Roseburg s best districts. Has partial basement, large living mnm rim in rrwim. flrs-nlace. forced air heating to each room. Price $13,000 r.H.A. financing u oesireo. $1000. DOWN to buy a modern 3 bed room home near Green school. Large living room. 80x100 ft. lot. Immediate possession. $4000. full price. AN EXTRA freemoil lot and newer two bedroom home. Nice kitchen and pan try, separate utility room with trays ana uenaix. targe gamut ana "rrrtr wav. This home ia also completely furnished at the modest asking price of S7MQ. Terms. 75142 CORNER LOT In the city limits near end oi n. jacason ol. An iaeai ait for nice home. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 W. Lan It Phono 1092-R Real Estate Bargains 160 ACRES, 20 acre tillable, balance Easture- 3 good all-year springs: large arn: good S room house; family or chard. Prlc 33230.00. V down. 0 ACRES. Nicely located. Nice 4 bed room home; good well; electric pump; 3 all-year springs; extra good barn; family orchard. 35 acres tillable, bal ance open pasture. A real nic place. Prlc 96500.00. 32 ACRES. Close In. T room home: elec tricity: work shop: garage; chicken house. Only 34300.00. 13 ACRES. Nice level land In dandy location. Good road. No build in is. $1300.00, $100.00 down. Buy and build. 10 ACRES. Nicely located In But he rl in valley. Good home, ham. chicken house, brooder house. $6830 00. Terms or trade for Coast property. 3 BEDROOM plastered home. Close In. Good location. A real bargain for $490000. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 100x100 lot. Close In. Whv pay rent when you can buy for $500.00 down. $3000 00 full prlc. NEW 9 BEDROOM HOME. PHA ap proved. Nice location. $7873.00. $40 ACRE STOCK RANCH with good all year creek and lots of springs. 123 acres tillable; water available for ir rigation. Beautiful 3 bedroom modern home. Also 4 room house for em- lovees. Good barns, shop, garage, imber will help pay for this place. Priced at $30,000.00.' Term. WE HAVE LARGER RANCHES, reasona bly priced. Also good income prop erty. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor Bruce Taylor, Salesman Opposite City Hall Sutherlln Phone 97 11 Complete Plans . RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL . . BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 318 U. S. Bank Bldg. Ph. 9R3 LUXURY AT LOW COST EAST SIDE RANCH type 3-bedroom horn on big lot. Long living room overlook ing the valley Big rumpus room. Compact kitchen with dishwasher. MonUf piped furnace, double garage. You can look right down on the city awlmming pool from this prop erty. The owner previously refused to consider any price less than 919, 730, but he has been transferred away from Roseburg and will sell im mediately for 915.750. You can as sume the S12.000, FHA loan. This deal Is Just like getting a $4,000 Christmas present In September. WEST SIDE ON THE RIVER. This place Is really built All rooms are extra large. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room, din ing, kitchen utility, double garage. Imulated fruit and storage rooms, big view windows, fireplaces In and outside. Finest hardwood, beautiful plaster, plenty of storage and over size wardrobes. Includes two acres with fruit tree. Combines seclusion and convenience. Restricted district. $19,000 with term. C. S. Briggs 4 Co. 112 W. Csts Realtor Phone 914 Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L K. Cornwell 313 a I Bank Bldg. Ph. $83 When Its Real Estate tn Myrtl Cieek and south Douglas Co. SEE Winston & Wynter Realtor MYHTLK CREEK, Or PHONE 644 Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer 911 So Main St Ph S1T-RX inn SALT. Annroximatelv 10 acres. large, partly modern house, bam .and other outbuildings. Family orchard 81300 down, balance Ilk rent. Phone 922.B-I. Priced To Sell Quick Large, new VbtJroom home, attached farage. pien'v of pum-ina aia ciomis. nu;ated 7P30 Phone 381-J-4 PORSaLE Modern. 2-be-lrom home, completely furrmned. aAV) r c. Poutton, Corns toe k Road, Wert Suth erlin. fbn SALE $2300 cash. 72 acres, old house, good well. 9 acres prunes sa'sbl timber Write Mrs O Miller Riddle. Ore Ph Riddle 524 LOTS FOR SALTC!ty rater and lights a v enable. Lod down nymenL Eugene RHSeoour. PMat tjo-j-o. Real Estate SAVS BOB ELLIOTT. Assistant Man ager of Umpqua Amusement Co. "I'm more than happy with my new home at Cloverdale Park. The con struction, arrangement, neighborhood and location was Just right for my family, 1 recommend thai you visit Cloverdale Park at once." OVER 100 CLOVERDALE HOMES Every home Is separately built of the finest materials, using highly skilled workmanship Quantity purchases has made it possible to build better home for lesa money. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS With a very small down payment you can move right into a Cloverdale Horn Terms can be arranged to fit your budget Still a few with no down payment for Veteran. FULL PRICE $7,900 TO $10,340 These fin home ar offered at price far below the present market price within the reach ol everyone. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Why throw away rent money when you can give your family the kind of horn they have always wanted? INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE You can deduct part of your payments on these houses on your Income tax report. Rent payment are never de ductible. READ THESE FEATURES 2 and 3 bedrooms Near schools Paved streets and drive Big lots Fully insulated Large view windows Weather stripped F.H.A. Approved Ready for immediate occupancy OPEN TOR INSPECTION DAILY Come out to Cloverdale Park and in spect thes fin homes any day be tween 10 A M. and 9 P.M. Drive north on Highway 99 to Cloverdale Park sign. Fies. and Clute Realty Phon Roseburg 13M NOTHING OVER $300 DOWN I I I 9'10's of an acre with a live able cabin within city limits of Oakland. Lights, water. $1100. S230 down and balance $27.50 per month. 14 acres with good modern home, not quite complete. Con crete foundation, new well. Electricity. Near Oakland. $2100. $500 down. Two bedroom modern horn near new Oakland High School with one acre of ground. Home only about two years old. $4230. $330 down. 3' lots directly In front of the new high school in Oakland, all for $630. $130 down. Oakland Branch Office ROSEBURG REALTY St INSURANCE CO. Across from Bank NORTH UMPQUA Home and Income property. New fishing cabins and trailer space beautifully situated. Firivacy and good fishing. Shows good ncome on investment. Three acres of garden soil. 113,00098000 down. For sal br trade for Roseburg horn. Dandy 4 acres on North Umpqua highway. Home 1 nicely situated among shade tree Has 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, floor furn ace, out buildings are good, and has a good well with automatic pump. You have to look to be convinced. One acre on North Umpqua. very sult- anie for nome and trailer court Mak some one a enod livine 9I5O0 I have some of the best ranches In Douglas County for sal. Also build ing lots and homes. Cacy's Real Estate 202 W. Caxa Phono 1277-1 Res. Phone ln.t2-R 81 ACRES Myrtl Creek. 35 cul A irrigaiea, plenty oi water. Large house, modern and In good condi tion, elec., spring water, chicken house and barn, 4 miles from Myr tle Creek A fine little farm for a family. Prlc $16,000. , 90 ACRES. 10 cut., 3-room house, spring water, oarns ana cmctcen nouse, some timber. 93500. $300 down. BUSINESSES. CAFES, good money mak ers, grocery store with 8-room apt, auto camps; also city property. 20 M. CAP saw mill. A fine set up ana pie my oi iimoer. snort naul to Roseburg. It will pay you to look this over A special pric on this so see us now. Geo. W. Dimmiclc Agency Valley Real Estate Agency FOR LEASE 1171 acre, farm and stock ranch; 200 acres in cultivation: new home: lou of buildings; on pavement, 10 miles out. $300. DOWN on large ultra modern new nome; $75. per month: Payments In clude Interest. You will be proud to own this fin plac. Price $8930. Valley Real Estate Agency US W. Cass Street Phon 966 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 21 V acres fevel ground, 1 ' j miles east of Ontario. Oregon, on main highway. River frontage and ideal site for motel or camp ground. Good soil, planted to corn, alfalfa and pasture irrigated from Snake River. Small family orchard and berries. Has deep well wih electric pump for domestic water. Modern living quarters, chick en nouses, cow and pig sheds. Would consider trade for apartment house or business building in Roseburg or sell on easy terms. Address own er. Box 99.1. News-Review. MODERN. 3-ROOM house and garage: beautiful big fireplace: large new nil furnace; part basement; house newly f lain ted: picket fence: city water. Ights, 3 miles from Newport at Agate Beach Beautiful ocean view; l block from P. O., store, school bus and G rev hound bus. Write William A. Fttch, Sutherlln, Oregon, Rt 1, Box NEW HOME FOR SALE. 5 rooms down stairs, upstairs unfinished. Modem nouse. electricity, wireo tor range, fireplace, picture window. Double ga race, chicken house, and hog house With 4 acres of land, priced al 9S.V10 , reason a Die terms More iana avanaDie. mile from school, store and church. John E. Lee. mil west of Look- inggiass store House Lots In Restricted Subdivision $50. down, balance low monthly pay- menu News-Review box l. SALE OR TRADE my 91033. eaulty In new 3-bedroom home. Cloverdale Park. 9no, car. or what have you. Immediate posae'on. Balance F. H. A. loan. Munson. 271 -J. CHOICE LOTS ncrth of airport Lights and water avails hi. Small down pay ment be owner at us l em pun Rt FOR SALE Two bedroom, modern home WeR located, on bos line, luoxltw ft . nic lawn. My equity and balance 9T3 35 month I6MiMer Lane FOR SALE 2-room house and lot; out side plumbing 9ws for quick sate Across from M Suksdorf place. Earl Rambo. P0 Bo123. Winston. FOR SALE Choice building lots, 1 block from new High school, Oakland. Oregon Ph. IT? 2. FOR" SALE BY OWNER-Modern. 9 room h-r, immediate pmeiion In quire Q35W ist St Phone 901 -J FOR SALE Small modern house! S lota. Cha. Brennon, 914 So. Jackson. Real Estate The Home of Fine Ranches ACRES good soil, with lovely 3- oeoroom moaern nome: aw. iinir, woodshed, barn. N. L'mpqua road on pavement Priced to sell 97300. Terms, FOR RENT. Lease, or sale 19 acre. 4 acroa u lie Die. a-room nous, nam. hen house, family fruit, eloeo in. immediate possession. 190 ACRES. 70 tillable. 39 acre, irri gation rights, g-room modern bom, big barn, family fruit, good out building, stock gnd equip. $19,000. Term. $40 ACRES, SOO tillable. 100 acre water rights; J Homes, 3 big Darn, timber contract goea. Illness forces sale. $30,000 Terms. Will take small farm or horn in town, as part COBB ST. 3-bedroom horn on pave ment convenient to acnooi. stores and swimming pool. A nic home $bJ00. Terms. WINSTON A very nic 3-bedroom home, attached garage, hardwood floors, good well and pressure sys tem at $4800.00. $1,000 down. SOUTH MILL ST -2-bedroom horn, earaee. needs Dalntlne. but is a cheap horn at $30.00, $1,000 down. WEST SIDE Almost new 3. bedroom hnmi and ran hai-a 1 more in attic Full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, picture win dows, nice lawn and flowers; also a 3-room and bath rental tn rear. Tnis horn and rental well worth $16,000, with $8,000 down. Jack Realty, Realtor Ml SO. STEPHENS Lloy Wilson Henry Handy salesmen JUST BEYOND THE VETS ADMINI STRATION: A good 2 BR. home, large living room, fireplace, dinette, large kitchen, attached garage, oil floor furnace, lot 100x175 I fenced. Good terms. $9430. WINSTON AREA: Very attractive, new 2 B. R. home, attached garage, oil floor furnace, lot 100x 1R3. Among all new homes- Good terms. $7730. VERY ATTRACTIVE West-Side Home: Best or construction, and well planned home, 2 B. R., fireplace, gas floor furnace: bie lot all fenced, with con crete patio in rear with big shade tree. Nic location; city water, close to school St store. A home you will have to see to appreciate, uniy sij.uuu. ONLY $1000 DOWN: rest as monthly rent new t wul eaten your eye: z h. k. home, big closets, big living St dining .room, with big view windows. Latest In plastering 1 design. Large utility room, attached aaraee. nice kitchen. oil floor furnac. SOxluO ft. loL A "Must See." $10,630. BRAND NEW: For only $3230. buys this 2 B R. home. 32'xluo t lot. City water; north of town. YOU WILL LIKB THIS HOME because of tr.es features: New '4 ts. .. living mom with flrenlace. kitchen with al cove, plate glass windows; big corner lot, with lawn St shrubs; plus Vene tian o unos, new jteivinator rerrig., Westlnghouse elect, range, screen St Irons for fireplace, lawn mower, rake and hose. This home very attractive and priced right Good terms. $9800. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors ROSE HOTEL BLDG. PH. 726-R Top Ranch Buys $40 ACRES. 10 minute drive from Rosa burg. 200 acre tilled, good pasture, ampl stock water. Nic large house, orchard big stock barn. 30 whit faces, sheep, etc. $37,000. A RANCH WITH EVERYTHING. 90 acres fronts the river, now partly Ir. rigatea. nas aaamonai creea ooiiom, bench land and hi II nastura. Nice 4 bedroom furnished house, smaller 4 room modern house. New barn,. Im plement shed. Several acres of finest orchard, vineyard and garden. Fin new machinery, irrigating equtp. .truck. Only 932,000 for the works. or will divide. 130 ACRES on good live ereek. lots of bottom, several springs, fino 3 Dearoom moaern nome. i j.'ou. 10 ACRES all tillable with nic 3 bed room house, large barn, poultry hous es, orchard, several good wells, shad trees, cow, 100 chickens, hay in barn. 99.000 with good terms. S mile south of Ros burg. 1 ACRE TO SO ACRES North Umpqua river bottom; close to Roseburg in nice setting. Can be had with or without buildings. This is good low cost frontage. C. S. Briggs & Co. Realtors Valley Real Estate Agency LIVE GRACIOUSLY In this attractive 3 bedroom Laurel wood home. One of the nicest locations In Roseburg. Plas tered, fireplace. hardwood floors throughout picture windows, attached f:arage, nice fot. Lota of shrubs: A nvely home, about 3 year old. $12, 600. Terms. MAKE ITS AN OFFER. Pretty new Du plex on large lot: 2 very modern apartments that will bring 9140. per mo. Income. This Is woth much more than asking price of 97930. $1000. down, or mak ua an offer. A FEW NICE HOME LOTS with water and lights for $100. down. $630. full Valley Real Estate Agency 11S W. Cass Street Phon $69 $ $ Specials $ $ A1TTO COURT $6500. S modern units and living quarters. Furniture, linen. Cooking facilities In each. Good high way 99 location In neighboring town Owner prefers cash but will sell for one-half down. S ROOM MODERN CABIN: 200x400 free soli lot. beautiful view. Bath with tub, elec. water heater. Will take in car valued at 91000 or $1930 cash. Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate 2333 N STEPHENS Ph. I99-J-1 Officen Highway 99 North APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South Umpqua river; 4-room, modern houw, fireplace, 2 room cabin, garage, win ter's wood, pressure pump. 9 fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge. Har old Yost. 2 miles South of Roseburg on Tipton Road- 60 ACRES. 30 tillable: 6-room house. outbuildings, lota of fruit, 3 ear around springs, pressure system. 1 mile from Elkhead on Howard Rosd. R V. Hutcheson, Rt 1, Box 20-A. Yoncalla. 2 TWIN 6-ROOM bungalows, hardwood floors, all modern Double cement driveway and garage. Lot 90x300 ft . Industrial part of town. Worth 916. Ono Full prlc $10,500. $7300 cash, balance terms. Call 624-J; if no an swer call 456-Y. Sacrifice Unfinished T-room house, with acre of ground. Including 425 lb, white paint. Priced to sell at 9(750, or best offer. At rear of Jorgen's Lodge, Winston. Inquire Winston Pos toff ice. FOR SALE Four 1 men lots, good water, good soil. 9 mile South Rose burg on paved mad. Nice quiet, clean loralltv. School bus to door. Price 9500 per 1m See them to ap preciate Dk Stevenson, 1st turn right off Happy Valley Road, last 1 house. RIVER ACRE, sandv beach, boating, swimming. Shed, electricity In, water iva'lable. 9725. dawn. 920 month. 14i csh ' mile South Kennedv S o'd hlghwar, next Gmpel Taoernacle K. O Hams, P. O. Box 93, Roseburg, Oregon. ORE ATLY REDUCED' Must sell at once" Fine small ranch, ins A. new modern 4 bedroom home. Many valuable Im- Srovement. 100 fruit, nut tree pring wafer' Timber. 913.500. C. I Swanion. Riddle. Oregon. HOME AND LOT for sale. fte owner. 4 mile N , Highway 99. Vernon C Green. They'll Do It Every 0T HOME DOLDffJM AND FR4U LIVE UKE THEy WERE ON A CAMPING TRIP' - irr i ?i. k ift it Real Estate Homes FOR OXL.Y $3500.00 (total prlcei you get 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath, paved street close in. Owner will take a low down payment TWO HOUSF.S for the pric of one i9o850i and they have an income of $110 00 per month. FREE SOIL, city water, electricity, bus line, street Just drive out Mel rose Hoad to Cloake s Ferry sub division and pick out your home site. Terms to suit the purse. BUSINESS SITK near Walty s Market with 134' of highway frontage. A les I at $8500.00. BUY YOl'R fruit Jars and then move Into this place with the apples, peara, cherries, ftgs, nuts alfalfa landattracttve home with fireplace. Would consider trade for town home. Located on "99" only 100 yard from river. THREE BEDROOMS (could he five', living room with a grand view over the city; a perfect kitchen and well just let us show It to you. I Oh yes. It 1 near the Ros school', The price? $8500 00 with a down payment liko rent. Umpqua Realty 113 N Stephens Ph. 1535-J (Across 'W from P. O.i Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daughertytho engineer Ph 397 -R WILL TRADE small ranch, city edge, value 920.000 for ranch in Coos Bay, or property same valu. Phon 855-R-3 Loans MONEY $10 $25 $50 $75 $100 $300 $300 UP TO $500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to 1300 whether you'ro in a new Job or an old on Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to $300 on your furnltur up to $500 on your ear. Special "Pay Day" Loan. $10. $25. $50 loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pav only for the actual number of day you keep th money. 929 cost 1ftc for on week. No other charge. Phon for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Phon 1173 Lie. S-275: M-353 Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 Oa your Signature, Furnltur or Livestock UP TO $500 On vour automobile inald for. or not) Loans made quickly, privately for any wonnwnue purpose sum as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bill Vacation expense Conolidate debta Re-financing When you borrow get your monev from th Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repav Lower payment now available up to au monina to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOt Douflat Cnunty 8t, Bank Bldg Phon, 4A6. M-XIT SUM Lie S-2M Notice Notice To Water Users Water service will be Interrupted for about 30 minute after 9 a. m Sat urday, Sept. 10. affecting residences west from Laurel wood. Interruption Is required to permit Installation of laier main to new heating plant at high school. The California Oregon Power Co. Fuel h'OOD Fireplsc and furnac. Old growth fir block peeler core, smell round core mill ends, planing ends, oak and laurel Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St Rt 1 Ros 4.1 Prompt delivery Claud Wllley. Phon 15-J -J or 142-J-2 FOR SALE Slabwond. sawdust, planer end. Pbon J07 Johnson Fuel Co. Time LOOK WERE! STUFF! AND r AORE,THEf?E5 ON lUlS TABLECLOTW"7r r VVATEF? ' THINS ... llelp Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman Part Time Stenographer Service Floor Helper No Experience Necessary LOCK WOOD MOTORS Opportunity For Young Man BETWEEN AGES 15-35. Interested In moving ahead with steadily expand ing men's clothing hustners. Experi ence in retail selling desirable but not compulsory. College education pre ferred, but not necessary Chance for advancement excellent Livable wage Ruaranued. Writ Box 981, Newa evlew. WANTED: 2 or 3 good men that are money hungry. Hav more definite appointments than have men to handle them. Voir can work 1 nr. or 2A. Can average better than 9150 per wk. If you don't believe It come down, St I'll show you. but If you don't need money, don't waste your time or ours. Apply between 9 to 13 a. m. Reserve Life Insurance Co. 230 N. Stephens. R m . 2iXl. Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N Jackson SPLENDID RAWLElGH B U S I N E S S AVAILABLE in City of Roseburg and vicinity. Products well known. Op portunity unlimited for big Sales and earnings. Start your business on our credit, with experience. Write today for full information. Rawlrigh's, Depl ORI-290-2J4. Oakland. Calif. DEPENDABLE, experienced service station and truck llr man wanted. Only those qualified and seeking permanent empiovmcni neea apply, writ octal ietafls giving age. experience. New-Review. Box 99. etc. Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper CAPABLE MALE accountant or book keeper needed for responsible posi tion. Adaptability rather than exper ience determining factor Desirable po sition for right man. Phone 979-J for Interview. FIRST CLASS motor tune-up mechanic. Chrysler experience preferred. Good deal for right man. See Roger Hoi. brook e, BROADWAY MOTORS. Dodge and Plymouth dealers. Coos Bay. One. SECRETARY WHO likes variety and working with people. Some college or business school training deslrahle. Phone 11.14 week days or Saturday afternoons. EMPLOYED COI'PLE wa;t reliable wo man to care for 3 year old boy 5a days m week. Call 1435 for appoint ment. WORKING MOTHER would like capable frron to care for small boy. Prefera l.v In my home. 9 days a week. Call 12.1. J. evenings. WORKING-MOTHER would-like some on to care for year old girl in my home. Ph irw.1-L-X.morn.ngs. WANTf O CONTACT middle-aged ladv Interested In privet Investigation ag ency. Bojt 995. News-Review. WANTED Girl," experienced bookkeep er, typing reentlal. Box 997, News Review. WOMAN TO ASSIST in hoUrteworkand caring for Invalid In country home. Ph-ne 4( CRIPPLED MAN "Needs helper; board. room, and snvjll wag. R. C. Jons. A r.a lea. Oregon CaDIKS Would you invest 3 hours a day for earnings of 940 each week? Write Box 9H4. News-Hevlew PRUNE PICKERS WANTED. W. H. NlT- baum, Lookingglass. WANTED Log trucks! CaU 695-R Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phono 922-R-2, or 4fW R-5 or writ Rout 1, Roseburg Will Pay Cash fC niry md fumlturr. all tvp. CI at 444 No. Jackion. Phon, 19S3-J. The Bargain House WANTED Trailer house, 24 or 29 ft Give full particulars. J E Pritchard. Canvonvllle, Oregon, Box .101. WANTED Junk. " all kinds; "copper. hrais, aluminum, lead, rags, hatterieo. Bob's Salvage Jtfard. 2XW S. Stephens WANTED Sheep manure or "tit her "good fertilizer. Quote pric delivered. W J Hehard. Sutherlln, Oregon. W ANTED - Furniture. rwing machine and tools Anything sf valu. Private party Phone R55-R-.1. Want to borrow 91000 can gu surrictrnt reference end security. BoxB8. News-Review. CALL AI's for a fair bid on your fur niture Al's Furniture Center. 914 Wuv r hffter St P honel .127 - R fVANTED TO Bt.'Y All kinds of furnT ture Let us bid on your house of fur niture Call wa n at 5o9 N Jackson f.t WANTED -t'sed Cornet In good con- amnn ian n.i-K aiier a p m. WANTED TO BUY -Hides. Roseburg Meat tt Business Opportunities FOR SAI.E New pumice stone store si 34x50 LJvlng quarters in bark Shelves and condoles It la in very good loca I j on 3 miles south of Mvrtle Creek on Hiwav Oil Sf nwiw-r rrank Grensky next to Melndv Mountain Barn Phone 109 Mvrtle Creek SMALL WHOLESALE BUSINESS Call 114 R or in q u ire a t2' 3 B r un t t nrX'NITOTELTwnar, phono 1422. By Jimmy Hatlo BUT ON TME ONE NIGHT A MONTH THEy DlNE OUT. TH1NSS HAVE "TO BE JUST SO- CALL Xf WHERE '0 TWEVI THE MANAGEK.'TmiS H BUY THE CROCKEWI FORK IS BENT! FINE IN THIS JOINT f WHATS CT HE FIVE-AnD-TEN? A SPOT 1 AND WAS THIS S ' i.r-.f. I AN ANOTHER , BERLED C y ,V7TV 71 ' ib.n t y t . - i ' sm i. ' ' Rentals FOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander nd POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 403 W Oak St Phune 129 Trailer Space Larce space, lawn, fence, automatic drer. heated shower rooms. 94 00 per week for two. or monthly rates. New Moon Trailer Inn, N. on 99. Ph. W5-J-4 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber AM in on tool. Lifht enough any child can handl finger-Up control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 32T S Stephens Phone 14TB-R Rent A Singer Electric portable sowing tnachlno for use in your own hoin. SINGER SEWINO CENTER 204 N Jackon Ph 723 LADY ALONE would like to share her home with employed couple. Best lo cation In town, all home privileges. Sorry, no children or pets. References exchanged. 9tA 00 per month. Writ News-Review Bok fWl. Basement UNDER LOCAL store tn renter of Row burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's Store. Room and Board Ph Sfll.Y-X FOR SALE OR RENT Sixteen foot modern Rambler trailer house, 2 miles north on 99 and Newton Creek hoad. Hill H. Smithy Rt.2. Box4tl7. REKINISH your own floors, easily don with our high sneed floor sender in expensive. Montgomery Ward Co Phon 95 FOR RENT 3-room furnished ' apart ntam vloctrlc ranee: bv week or month. L4 mile 8. of Winston on 90. Wheeler. FOR LEASE New two-bedroom sub urban home on bus line. 9AO per month. 120 S. Parrott St., phon 21 5-J. 2 CABINS, lights and watr furnished; an u lis. aiso nave some property to sell Inquire at Richfield Station, Riddle FOR RENT- 2-bedroom home, fireplace. hardwood Moors, ties & Hut Realty, ph. 15:t7. 407 W. Cass. FOR RENT Trailer house 1o working man or woman of good habits, walk ing distance of town. 720 Hoover St FOR RENT 3-room, unfurnished house, city bus, 3' miles rt. Highway w. Davidson. CLEAN ROOM in modern home. One block north of Alameda In Clover dale Park 555 Barager, phon 373-R-2. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drlv. long r short trips Bee Hive trurk rental .16 South Stephens. Phon 14.HW fHI.'Cks and trailers for rent, move yourself rnompson signal service. Stephens at Washington Phone 795 FlfHNlSHED HOUSES In Camas Valley, 9-15 and 945 Water and electricity inside. Mrs. Schafer. 2 BEDROOM home, desirable location. close to schools. Call 12.W-J. SLEEPING ROOM with " garage. 433 Fowler ROOMS FOfiHRENT. 1 btork from new High school. Oakland Ph. 972 TRAILER FOR RENT: accomodations for 2: cloetn Ph.112o-Y. SLEEPING ROOMS for "men. clos in. Ph. 147H-L. SLEEPING POOM for man. 902 N. Jarksnn. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Jacob's Kennels, Highway 99, No. Ph. 3:7-J-l. ROOM TO QUIET COUPLE, with kitch en prlvileges.430N Pine SINC.I.E ROOM near high school. 1164 Military SLEEPING ROOMS for men. 930 N. Jackson Cabins by week. 3, miles N. on Pacific Cabins. Ph. HH5-J-2. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 with twin beds. PhonLl57JfX ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kllchenprlvileges. 5HBFowler. G-DKVE TRUCKrnlal Winston TralP er Court. Winston Phone fnt;i-J-2 RI.EEPINGROOM. 120.1 N. Jackson SLELPING ROOM. 857 W. Mosher. Fruits and Vegetables Peache Elbertas and Hales. 91 50 and 92 00 bush- el. windfalls. 7V bushel. Graventitein apples tl 50 bushel. Tomatoes 7V and 91 no bushel. Italian prunes for canning. Bring containers. All kinds Dillard melons Wilson's Fruit Market Coos Junction Ph. 47-J-4 Open evening until 9 p m Corn & Tomatoes FOR CANNING. Glen Young, Lower f.aroen vaiiev. TOMATOES- Indiana Cannerv, best for canning. before the rainy season Alo Italian ana feme prunes, .tc u-pir .V) lb lug 91 25 delivered. Lindbloom, pn i-r a FOR SALE Italian prunes, U-plrk 1150 tmahel. Bring boxes Otto Johnson. Iat house muth on first road in Sukdorf Addition atWinlon PEACHES TO CAN "or frees Bench" land grown You picH or we pick. bring containers Allen Tuthlll, 3 miles wM of Sutnerhn Locker "and canning corn now rradv. alo pears and cantaloupe Riv endale Currv Estat. HL 2, Box 215 Clarence Maoley fOR SALE" Large "ttaltan prunes. U puk. and furnish containers. .IV bush el Rt I. Box 244 A M Moore. FOR SALE Prunes: "bring containers. U-plrk. 50c bushel. Le Wlnnlford. Rt 2, Box :V:t Canning" tomatoes-and "prunes- C W. akhmldt. Garden Valley. Fri., Sept. 9, 1949-The Newi-Revitw, Roseburg, Ore. 13 For SaleMiscellaneousFor Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 94' - 90 - 30 - 94 The life time trailer Ha a body w bliv will last 90 year or mora, No dry rot Kit i- - if - ar is - u Columbia 12' .14 - SO - 22 - 23 Th West' r a-test stellar and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contract Contracta to 3 years on Spartan. Earl E. Smith N W Large,! Dealer Eufen, Ore Phon, Springfield 2621 mm souu i Ri. . Bo 3a. Cugen, Roofing Top Qualify Many Colors To Choose From Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 3 Compact vacuum e leaner complete with attachments. Thes machine ar practically new. neen in use oniy about 2 month. Wilt accept bids. 1 Sinter electric Iron. 93 00. t Motorola portable battery or lctrlc radio, uood condition. ju.uu. Inquire at 2 Douflaa Co. Stat Bank Bldg or phono 4oU Aluminum Eaves Trough Slip Joints No Soldering Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 FOR SA1.E --HJ.T1Doiietruck7 motor. S-speed transmission: one 23-f I. semi; 1 small double drum and power unit: 1 cement mixer. ' yard: used tires: No B0 acres on Little River, with (I room house. Bob's Salvag Yard, 2339 IN. Stephens. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS W hav n abundant aupply. Paul Casey 957 W Mosher AIR COMPRESSOR Phono I1T-V Curtis 9 C F M 04 gal tank. !' hp. motor. 9250.00. Rose Motor Co. Chrvster Plymouth Ros St LaneSU. Phon 99 FOR SALE -Cletrac IS. 9700" bisc. 9125. harrow, 950; both almost new. Morgan saddle horse, $100 ii, ton Ford truck, new '42 motor. 9300. Mrs. Fannie Lun nrn, 15 miles up Cow Creek, Aulea, uregnn. MAKE ME AN OFFER 1 '3 carat ring. 9 diamonds on side, valu 9.IOO Onyx man ring. lOloO carats, 945. Bul- nu 11 lewal wrtstwatch. 962 50. Man's Elgin pocket watch. 915. 1861 Myrtl Ave, FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X PERrtX 55 CARRYING CASK ATTACH MENT, G. E. Exposure meter, carry ing cas 3 flood lamps, Argus En larger and dark room equipment slide noiner. . r-none m. Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew GAS CIRCt'TATING heater, either city or tank. Used 1 winter, radiant type, .15.000 BTU. 940. 1405 Umpqua Ave., phone 959-R. 1947 WHIRLABOUT TRAILER. 9875. Ex cellent condition, sleeps 4, Butane . heat and rooking. 1642 No. Stephens. Kenneth Keck. FOR SALE Trailer house, partly fur nished. Masonlt finish, good tires, reasonable offer. 1145 Giles St, Mil ler Addlllon. 12 OA. ITHACA double, case. 95T Weaver K-4, 915 Manser Sporter stock. 927 Enfield stock, 940. Pet Serafin, Calkins Road. box 1 93-A. CAS and electric water heaurs. closing out at wholesale prices. Rosebura Furniture Exchange, N. Jackson P hWi'- R . . SEMI-TRAILER. Fruehauf, 16 ft , tlk new, S 14 tires. 5th wheel, air sys tem. See at So. Kan St. halfway up hill E N. Coon. TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, on 30 cu ft. Suitable for restaurant or tavern. Inquire at Idl Hour Tavarn Htm N Jarkson. FOR SATE - Used wood range. Ic boxes, else trie ranges, electric wash era Umpqua Valley AppUanc. 120 WOak St fOR SALE Clarinet, recently over hauled. 1st class playing condition Fine for student or professional us. 9:15 on Ph. liw-J-2. FOR SALE Camera -Contax I case, fll ters. tank, etc. H. L. Proctor, Win chester Motel, wincnester. Fono WATT electric light plant, com pletely overhauled, 9150. Harta Trailer Camp. Dtxonville Road FOR SALE National cash regiiter. small siz. South Roseburg Richfield Station t MAHOGANY IfPRIGHT piano and bench. Excellent condition, 92U0. Phone 1211-R. CAHGE stock of awing rockers, verv reasonable Roseburg Furniture Ex- change.5i9 N Jackson. Ph60.i-R. NEWand used wood heaters Roseburg Furniture Exchange, 5o9 N. Jackson, Ph. W).t-K 1 a x :t2 NEW TENT at a bargain. Roie burg Furniture Exchange, 509 N. Jack son rn wM-n LARGE fiTOC:K chairs, new and used. Roseburg Furniture Exchange, 509 N jaexsnn i-n. u.i-k. FOR SALE -Oil range wltrl electric blower, tank and copper tubing Price sn Pbnne H1B.H-4 FOR SALELocker meat, good Angus rattle, or wholo unit C J Hodge Glide, Oregon 25WHITENEWZEALAND rabbits and hutches for sale. O D Hubbard, Aus tln RoadPhone WbR-4 fOR SAI.E 9 cubic ft ServeTkeronene refrigerator, used 2 month. Phone 57i)-J-4 LARGE CEDAR fenr posts for sale Roseburg Shlngl C. N Umpqua Rd Phone 1Z7I1-J lB.rT FORD Vfl sedan delivery Reasons able Also 280 gal butane tank. 319 C 2nd Ave N Phone 1Q5-L. 35 HEMINGTON pump, nrver used See at Montgomery Ward's Sporting Dept TRAILER- Pan American, like new." El ectric box. Terms. Ph. B55-J-4. FOR SAI.E 4 wheel trailer. Shorty's Auto wrecking to., Hosenurg FOH SALE 50 lb Ire box, good con dition Price 112 Ph 9R.-W- I SHOPSMITH FOR SALE. 3 power tool in one rnl.(i4-u: OIL CIRCULATING HEATER. 930 N. I Jarkson. I 6tTY CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at th Bible Boo Center 115 W Oak FOR SALE 30 06 rifle. 240 E. 1st Avt North FOR SAT.E14 foot hou-e trailer. 9175 Iniuirt at Tenmtle Store tLEt.THOLi'X VACUUM " cleaner t'or sale.Phone A73-R-2. BOY S BICYCLE,' with spare tire, in good condition. 910 Phone 3fll R-X 2. 3nOATS for sal. Clark. 915 MicelH st 17 rfTPR"AiLER house, sleep 4, for sale or trade 720 Shortest 25 r;ALPROPANEtank. 72Q Short It StjNBEA" MIXMASTElTTalTV4-RX f New Fall Dresses New flattering style new rich fall coiors. ouperoiy tailored. Expertly cue for true fit. Quality fabrics such Burlington's super whippet rayon gab ardine, shimmering rayon taffeta etc.. tc. You d guess th prices to be at least 914 93. They ar 97.99 and 98 93. Truly, you sav 13 to Vs. Sav also on slacks, blouses and skirt. Rose Schombel Calkins Road Box 16SO Ph. 239-J-9 Open Until 8 P.M. New 2-Room Cabin Nicely finished. Mov to your loca tion a mwes sou in oi Umpqua Ply wood. OOpOMtO HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, including oventuffed and smaller pieces. Mrs. Brown. Belly Acre. Umpqua Star RouteOaltland. FOR SALE 1IH3" Model 2 5 Johnson" cut- board motor 945. See after 3 p. m. John Trozelle, Rt 2. Box 242.C. Camper trailer, cheap! Se fru man Ellis, tn back of grocery stor on Cedar St. CEDAR FENCE posts, cedar and vew corner poits for sale. H. L. Wiley, rout I. box 37. Camas Valley. FOR SALE-Slightly used circulaUngoH heater suitable for 3 rooms. A. A. Brand, route 2. box 3fUt-A. WE HAVE AN AUTOMATICWllI con- stder any reasonable offer for our standard washing machine. Ph. 1398-J. BROWN KIDSK1N COAT, six 14, Ilk new. reg 9200., now 975. Ph. 391- FOR SALf -Silver "plated trumpet " with, cae R B Spark man. Rt 2. Box 32k BOYS BICYCLE, good condition. 915. Ph J070-L-X "47 22-ft Columbia trailer house. ' 9900 cash. Writ Box 9V2. Nws.Rvlw. Work Wanted ALL BUILDING construction, new and old, remodeling, 10 down, no lob too large or too small All type masonry construction, flagstone and brick: barbecues and patios a specialty Mag nelte floors and drain boards Phono 15W-R-1, contractor, A R Snow Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service. r sonabl rate. No mileage charge. Phono 1294.Y 746 8hort SL i. r.qmona. trap dressmaking, alterations. All types. Practical nursing. Taking car of your horn and children whllo you are vacationing or week end tripe or hour work. Call 11-L at 412 Fowler. SHORT TERM OFFICE MANAGER or bookkeeper, mile, fully qualified, to serve during emergencies or vacations; 2 weeks to 3 month periods. New. Review Box 998; LADYDEHIHES part or full time post tion, receptionist, clerical, book keep Ing. or selling. Moderate salary. Writ Newa-Revtew Box 6. ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now 20 to 1000 acres, contract or hv th hour. Good quipmnt Ph, Oliver's ARE OUT OF town for a abort time. Septic tanks and jlraln fields Housekeeper with 3 year old son wisnea jon in or near Roseburg, with board, room and wag. News-Review Box5. M ILL OPERATOR. 15 years experience, both fir and pine, excellent refer nces. Box 3, News-Review. CURTAINS and lac tablecloths laun- dered and stretched. Alno ironing. housework hy the hour. Call 9B9-L. SasemKNTS-AND back yards cleanedT Light pickup and delivery C A. Deal.Phnne 15HS-J-3 Roseburg. FLOOR COVERING Complete sales and Installations. Free estimate. Modem Floor jCovertng Phone 348 ffbllS MOVING, foundation. ' levering. 14 veaea experience P Sm B Towing. 743 8 Stephen. Phon 929. AXteraTions DRESSMAKING. Alt Types Mrs Don W Garrison, 1009 Madron St Phon 9Q2-L EXPERIENCED CARPENTER want 16lflkJ 1 r"onabl Phono WANTED Ironing in my homo. 531 Fowler St Phon 539-JX. rXACTieAlTNURSE Mabel L. Crouac. RtJ. BoxjMluthBrlin. WILL CARE for children In my homo. Call 090-Y Ironing in your hom. Ph. 9634. 1 Timber Sawmills Wanted To Buy 2' ROUGH LUMBER TOP PRicrs WE PAY EVERY TWO WEEKS WE ALSO DO CUSTOM MILLING PHONE OERDING TOLL STATION EVENINGS Ift04-J.l OR WRITE Rolling Hills Lumber Co. P. O. Box 1249 Roseburg. Oregon Wanted 8Ft. Fir Cant$ THE PRICE IS UP Sullivan & Son Highway 99 2 miles N of Roseburg FOR SALE - flo.000 ft. of 2nd growth ion;t, irnru ana uuckfq, cI snow, J usti n EUcrL Id ley Id Rt. Box 4Q5, FOR SALE Sawmill or any part. G M C dies) edger and other unit. Roy Denny, 935 Winchoster. Logging Equipment D4 CAT aerial number T-J-4172 with Hysi-r drum and LaPlant Choat, hy draulie doxer See at Tve Lumber Co., Sutherlln. Or., or phon 1203 8uthr- hn FOR SaTEI double drum fog Jm mer, 1 set small double drums. 1944 G M C. truck and trailer. Hanry Perry. Brockwy. Oregon. FOR SAI.E DT 1ft International tractor, A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yerder, A-l condition KS International dump) truck. Ph 518-J-5 evenings. FOR SALE R-4 cat. fully equrpped'frir longing, good condition Contact Red snrt Whltf Slore.orcaH 3l,Wddle. FOR SALE 1942G M.C. 3-ion log truck, UM0 Beall trailer, good motor and tires, with job. 92500. Call 12A6-J. 1942 CMC. practically new motor; new tires, log bunk. Priced very low to move. Phone eve. 594-J. Building Materials YOU CREDIT'S O K. WITH U ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down, asy terms. Call Mr Holzappl. Roseburg 857 -Y Oak Flooring No 1 Com Oak shorts, 110 per M. Ph l'i2-R-3. Carlson's Floor Service FOR SALE -Surfaced 2 Inch No 4 lumber. 12 50 per M. la carrier load lot,! phone O'tH-R 1 Machinery For Sale CMC DIESEL 165 h p motor tmountedi $1975 Dnuhte drum American donkey, 9-VW Ballbearing 30" swing saw. balU hearing hluwer Kevstone Mactun Works. l;S. Stephens. Ph. 447. WELL DRILL on truck; "two drills 6 in! and 9 in. good for 150 ft, 9750 Georg Baldwin, f air-view Rt., Coqulll, Ore- Personal AIOHOLirS ANONYMOUS. P O. 1119 or Phono 1509-L or 506-J.