Britain's Socialist Regime Faces Fight For Re-Election By HEWITT MACKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Annkit England'i experiment with so cialist government it headed for a itormy showdown In the next general election, which Will de termine whether the country wishes to continue the regime or return to the old system of free enterprise on which the great ness of the empire waa built. The Labor (Socialist) govern ment which came Into power in July of '45 would have a normal life of five' years-thai is until next summer. However. Eng land'! economic crisis has reach ed such a grave pa that it's anybody's guess whether it will get better or worse. This con fronts the socialist leaders with the problem of whether to hang on until the end of their term In hope of improvement-or to force an early election on the chance that things are better now than they will be later. Anybody's Guess As things stand, that decision KEEP INSULATE! . Stifling heat w'-U, stay eutsldt when your home is properly Insulated . . . have a Roseburg firm insulate your house with pneumatically blown ock wool. Absolutely fireproof. A written warranty with every Instt'Ia. tion. Call 1018-R for - free e. tlmate. Ry-Lock Tension Screen "Chuck" Edmonds Builder's Insulating Ci. 230 N. Stephens St. Phone 1018-R J LUNCH FOX TREAT. ... M) JW' HK l0U'SE AN0ERSON t$2 CROWN a BROWNIE BARS (Celt Im Teste taOpa) PUct in Urgt bou4i VS cut) thartaninf 1 iqvvres chacalata, saHtJ 1 tvp wffar Mix until trell MendU, Then add I tobftiataani Ha waf Bfst until smooth. Sift intm tht mixtttre; 1 tvm lift CIOWN IIST PA TINT ROU V4 raejtpaan- mH 1 Imim bokinf aawalaf Mi ihor0ughift Add: 1 tHpl vnHI 1 t Spread in s well f rnd hallow pan. Babe in modcraicoven (55') a taut 20 minute. Cool flight It, cut in square, and wnrnt frrxn pan. Makes 24 two-inch aquase. must hinge largely o n crystal gazing. Much will depend.' it slrikes me, on the outcome of the British-Canadian American conference opening In Washing ton to seek a solution of John Bull's predicament. If relief can be devised, the socialist political chances might be improved. England's socialist leaders are under no delusions about the po litical dangers ahead. Both Sir William Lawther, president of the great British Trades Union congress, and James Griffiths, chairman of the Labor party, warned the annual conference of the T. V. C. Monday that Social ism is facing a tough fight. This blunt warning Is aimed at wildcat strikes which have been complicating the economic cri sis. Both leaders declared labor might lose the next general el ection if It didn't stay on the job. Sir William asserted t h a t some work stoppages have been Instigated by Communists. Socialists Worried So Britain's socialist leaders are worried- -and for good rea son. Things haven't worked out as they anticipated when they took office. Economic difficulties which they inherited as the re sult of the war, have gone from bad to worse. Inevitably there has arisen the searching question of whether the situation has worsened be cause of socialist policies or whe ther the same misfortune would have dogged the Conservatives if they had been continued i n power. That's a question which the voters most certainly will want answered before they go to the polls. The burden of proof will rest with the Socialists, and it won't he easy to produce the evidence. They can claim with perfect right that they inherited serious economic difficulties. Few will ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE SOUTH DEER CREEK GRANGE Saturday-Sept. 10 9:30 f. M. Good Music CrownSFlour 'son ?ax& v ..'' ' : V I ' STRICKEN WIDOW Chaplain Dudley Boyd presents flag which draped casket of Sgt. Delbert Sloan, polio victim, to Mrs. Ruth Sloan, during funeral services held at Fort MacArthur, San Ptdro, Calif, Mrs. Sloan, also stricken with polio, was brought to funaral from her hospital bed, in an Army ambulance. Mrs. Sloan has two children and is expecting another next month. (AP wirephoto.l dispute that. But the next quest ion is tough: "Have the socialist policies . during more than four years of government, improved the econ omic situation any?" The answer obviously is In the negative. There are some 3,000 islands in the Bahama group. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195 R 207 Rice St uroivn mme Bns Back-to-jchool days... and lunch box dayi again! Here's t treat that's sure to please both youngsters and grownups. Rich, crusty brownie bars that fairly melt in your mouth with their tempting chocolate flavor... just right for lunches, after-school snacks, tea parties. Surprise your family with these easT-to-malu brownie bar. But be sure yog use Crown Best Patent the Northwest's finest hard-wheat flour. Mrs. Louise Anderson of Eugene, Oregon, agrees that Crown Best Patent is just right for every baking need. Its uniform quality constantly tewed in Crown's own Celia Lee kitchens, Crown Best Patent assures better baking every time. That's the btt cooks in lou n us Croun! Paralysis Victim Dies Before He Sees His Son PORTLAND t.Vi A 20-year-old veteran would have seen his son Sept. 19 as a birthday sur prise but his death Monday of infantile paralysis came too soon. Officials said they had planned to relax rules against children visiting the Veterans hospital aft er learning John S. Riddle, 20, Bellingham, Wash., had seen his son Just once, when a month old. The visit wa to have been a surprise on Riddle's 21st birth day. His son is now 81 months eld. Riddle had been confined to the hospital here since last year. why CR0'C moping) B 3 TJ Chester Lansdown Cogan, the man who Invented the perpetual motion machine which quit at sundown is the leadoff subject for Marvin Miller's broadcast this afternoon at 4:30. This story will be paired with another about a man who travelled the world over In search of wealth only to t-eturn home and learn that the farm he left behind contained all the wealth he'd ever need. Anethsr "Hire Comes tht rids" broadcast gets under way this evening beginning at 7:30 , . . followed by "Hop along Cassidy" at S. JO. Andy Clyde and Joel Devel shire the "California' role en Don Lee's "Hopalong Cassidy" aeries. Clyde mads tht firet 2( transcriptions while Devel took over for the remainder of the waxlngs. Instead of "Trie Fishing and Hunting Club of the Air" you'll hear the "Girls of Note" direct from the Shalimar room tonight at 8:30. At 8:45, another transcribed discussion between Congressman Harris Ellsworth and Walter Norblad will be aired. "The Fishing Hunting Club" has moved to the 9:15 time period one time only. These programs will all be heard at their regular hour next week and thereafter. Just like to confuse you once in awhile. "The Ad ventures of the Falcon," starring Les Tremayne, is the mystery-shot tonight at ten. Tomorrow afternoon at five, Clara Dudley, famous color consultant, will be heard In a half-hour discussion over KRNR. Josse't Horns Furnishings Is responsible for obtain ing the nationally known Miss Dudley for interested Rose burglan ... a service usually granted to a mors metropolitan city. So consider yourself fortunate, and pick up a few fret tips from the Clara Dudley decorating-know-how via KRNR tomorrow afternoon at five! KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial EMAIMNO aoisll TODAT 4:00 Pulton Liwii Jr. 4 1A Prank Hrminfway. 4 -TO Marvin MUltr. 4.45 News 5 00 B Bar B Ranch. 5 : Champion ft 45 L Burnett. 800 Cavalcade of fUftty. IS Mutual Nrwirnl. 6.10 Sporta Pa. 8 : Music. 6 40 Local Newss 6 Southland Staffing. 5ft Bill Henry. TOO Frank Purdy. 7: IS Music You Remember. 1 .TO Here Comea the Bridt. I 00 Hopalonf CaMldy. 8: Girl of Ntu. 45 Harris E1U worth. 00 Newa. 15 pishing ft Hunting Club of th Air 4ft Fulton Lewla Jr. looo The Falcon 10 30 Dance Orchestra. 11:00 Cues In Music, 11:30 Sua Off. PRIDAT. RFPTEMBEsI t, . 00 Sunrise Serenas. fl 1ft Newa. 0 20 Music. .TO Rise fc Shin. 700 Newa. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7 45 Local News, 7 SO Music. 8 OO Music. 8 .10 Modem Horn 4ft Music by MorffSlt 000 Wally'a Coffee TtmsJ. 0:1ft Book of Barialns. 0:10 Man About Town, 0:40 Musical Interlude. 0 5o Shopper's Guide. 10:00 New 10:15 Gospt (infers. 10.10 Say It With Must. 10:45 Art Baker. 11 OO Ladles riral 11:. 10 Queen for Day. 1200 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sporta Faff. 12:2ft Music. 12 30 Clocking Hit Star. 12.13 Music. 12 40 Local Newa. 12 4ft National Newt. 12:55 Market Reports. 100 Man en tha Straw! 1 13 Party Line. 00 Against the Storm 3.10 Its Requested 3 oo Johnson Family. 3:1ft Music. 2 4ft Loral Loan Show. 400 Fulton Lewla Jr. 4 1ft Frank Hemingway. 4 10 Passing Parade. 4 4ft Tips and Tune. 5 oo Clara Dudley. 5.10 Champion. 5:43 Lea Bennett 00 Magic Garden. IS Mutual Newsreal. fl .10 Sporta Page. :S Music. fl:40 Local Newa. fl. 4ft Southland Singing. 85ft Bill Henry. 7:00 Dick Havmas. 7:15 Sammy Kaya Showroom. 7lo Cisco Kid. 8 00 Straight Arrow 8:30 Carmen Cavallaro. 8.45 Bob Eberl. 0 00 News 01ft Hi Neighbor. 30 Scandinavian Melody Time. 4ft Fulton Lewis Jr 10 00 Mysterious Traveler. 10. Vs Dane Orch 1) oo Cuea In Music. 11.30 sign Off. For a rice stuffing for poul try, mix cooked rice with a little onion lightly sauteed In butter or margarine, salt and pepper to taste, a few teaspoons of chopped parsley, and an egg beaten until foamy. "We're GOING to the UNDERSTAND?" National Defcnst Heads Claims Village Capture CANTON. Sept. 8. T The national ministry claimed recap ture of several village! from com munist forces driving toward the Canton-Hankow railroad from Hucheng, 170 miles north of Can ton. The ministry's announcement said ground was recovered up to a point to 20 miles west of J li chen)?. That would place the fight ing halfway between Jucheng and the railroad. Five communist divisions were reported preparing to attack An Jen, 40 miles east of Hengyang, some 120 miles northwest oX Ju cheng. Premier Yen Hsi-Shan flew to Chungking during the day pre sumably to play the role of media tor between Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Yunnan's Gov. Lu Han. High quarters here think Lu Is trying to get Chiang to leave the Indo-China border province of Yunnan out of the civil war. which would mean to recognize the Independence Lu proclaimed after his bloodless coup at Kun ming Saturday. South China, despit large mountain - areas where few people live, has a far greater pop ulation than the United States al though It covers less than one, fourth the land area. RAINBOW CAFE for dinner! Thurs., Sept. 8, 1949 The Newt-Review, Reeburf, Ore. t Longshoremen Temporarily Barred By Court SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. LVy The CIO Longshore union was temporarily barred by court order today from interfering with ships ready to load or sail for Hawaii, where Longshoremen have been on strike since May 1 But the stevedores still refused to work the Matson company's Hawaiian refiner here, or the Hawaiian logger at Wilmington, Calif. Federal Judge George B. Har ris temporarily restrained the union from picketing the ships and set hearings for 2 p.m. to day (PSTI on whether his order shall be .made permanent. The Hawaiian local of the longshoremen sent two members here several weeks ago to picket the refiner, and one man to pick et the logger. Longshoremen then refused to load the ships. Despite withdrawal of the pick ets, the Matson company said no longshoremen reported for work on the refiner last night. The company asked for about 85 long shoremen to report at 7 p.m. About 40 showed up near the pier but left again, the company said, after two union agents showed up. The temporary restraining or- DRESS MAKING AND ALTERATIONS IVA PHILLIPS 421 N. Ross St. Phons 506-R PUBLIC BENEFIT DANCE Friday Nitt, Sept. 9 Mocking Birds 4-Piece Band Adm. $1 .00 per Coupe EAGLES HALL To Finance Operation for Leslie Johnson 1 Coming SUNDAY JUDY CANOVA in "HIT THE HAY" CO-FEATURE PffiB: dtfJEID Now Thru Saturday W CAMERON nj IMS' HAOUT 1 JUmCWYNNI t'wewt covn-mi coocak f - P TRtKCH HAVE ! a tit I TMOSIAS i MITCHELL auosir !k TOTTER KU .fisifnrri el yj ALSO It r 7 IS der waa obtained by the National Labor Relations board, with which Matson last month filed unfair labor practices charges against the union. ASTORIA CONSIDERS TIMt ASTORIA, Sept. 8. UPl-Clty officials said today that Astoria probably will follow the lead of Portland and return to Pacific Standard time at midnight, Sept. 25. Brewer Billie. city manager, said that an ordinance to that effect was being prepared. PAINTS .All Kinds PACP LUMBER & FUEL tV . 2nd Ave S. Phons 212 COMING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY SIX-ODNS blast a EILLEB'S sabtish' CO-WESTERN I iiaaaa tvUi-ci. mr miwi STARTS SUNDAY FRANKS CARU NOW PLAYING a ir- LOVE-HAYIJSICAiTj mautm m niiK f I tun ruNiii 1 k fJACK MRSOlN III BOWMAN . It T anaisuar iiruiaM ...and thlt Is hew : OTC GRANT