4 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Oft. Thun., Sept. 8, 1949 Published 0 lily Except Sunday ty the News-Revie 0 Company, Inc. Belerei aa aaeaai elaia wltr Ha? 1, le. II lha elllea at Raaaaarg. Orasaa. mmdmt met at Mftrck t. UlS CHARLES V. STANTON EDWIN L. KNAPP Editor Manager Member ef the Aeeociated Press, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, the Audit Bureau of Circulations IlinHlM bj WEST-HOLMDAt CO, INC.. flloi la Ntw (ark, Ckleafa. Saa Ifaaalaee. La Aasalaa. aaaltla. rarUaaS. SL Laaia. SUBS! aimoN CATKS la Orafan l)j Hall rar Taar IM all maalba tf.se. tbraa faaalka .5t. Ba Cllf Carrlar Pit yaar tle.ftt (la advaaral, lan than aaa faar, aar moelk tl.ea OuUISa Oragaa Br Hail far raar a" aa. ! aiaalka tf.la. thraa maalaa tl.U REPUTATION SLIPPING By CHARLES V. STANTON Reputation is one of the most valuable of assets. Dillard cantaloupes once had a reputation which merited premium prices. But that reputation is slipping. Canta loupe growers should take immediate steps to recover the ground they have lost. Just how critically reputation has been affected is evi denced by an editorial appearing in . the Oregon City Enterprise which says: Everybody's saying so, and we might as well put Dillard and Roseburg on notice. But this year there seems to be no "dlllles" among the Olllards In ths local markets. Time was when to buy a Dillard cantaloupe wae a guarantee that, after a few houre on Ice or In the re frigerator, there was no equal available in Oregon mar kets. Coming on a little later in the season after the Indifferent run-of-the-mill early cantaloupee Oiliards were once the ne plus ultra of melons. The careful seleotlon of seed, the warm eunehlne by day and the cool, air by night of the Dillard area, with something in the soil that county agente know about, all combined to make the Dillard the one sure shot In the cantaloupe market, with never a poor or bad one. Not eo today. Over-siird, and too often picked too soon or too late, the Oiliards that get on the Oregon market today, like the old gray mare, ain't what they used to be. Perhaps the fine reputation of the Dillard over the last ten yeara haa created such an Eastern market for this remarkable Oregon product that only the culls are avail able on the local markete. But once there were no culls. Something should be done about It by the Dillard growers. Perhaps mass production has spoiled what once was a select Industry, but wa see no point In accepting without protest Oiliards on their reputation aa that reputation beoomea delinquent. No one buys a melon to "take back" or to have an argument with ths grocer over. Dlllarde, like fresh egge, are bought to be eaten with Oregon Drilard growers to get a fin name. , One of the penalties of reputation for perfection is that mediocrity cannot be tolerated. The complaint from the Oregon City Enterprise is not that the Dillard melon is inferior to other cantaloupes on the market, but, rather, that it is not the guaranteed premium melon it once was. For at one time, not too long ago, a person could buy a Pride of Dillard melon with full assurance that it was perfect in every respect. The Pride of Dillard trade mark was privately owned and copyrighted. Every melon marketed under that label was graded and inspected. Seed stock was carefully guard ed and was sold only to growers who would use it properly. But, because some growers were hot satisfied with the deal, the Pride of Dillard label was removed from the area. n The Dillard fiame has continued to be used but not with the original, copyrighted label. Marketing standards have not been as rigidly enforced.. There is no good reason why Dillard melons should not regain their disappearing reputation, except through laxity on the part of growers. There is no better melon to be found anywhere than the Dillard melon at its best. It is of better texture, has higher sugar content, and contains more vitamins than melons grown elsewhere due to combination of soil and weather. Having once established a reputation for perfection, growers of Dillard melons should be careful to guard that reputation. Before another season rolls around, growers should or ganize a cooperative marketing agency, provide grading, inspection and supervision. They should adopt and copy right a distinctive label and should take great pains that the product marketed under that label approaches per fection as closely as possible. A good reputation is one of the most valuable assets person or commodity can have, but it must be con stantly guarded. Editorial Comment From The Oregon Press COSTLY JUNKETS The Dalles Chronicle Since Harry Truman ilrst sug gested that a Columbia Valley authority be established, his as sistant secretary of the interior, C. Girard Davidson, has spent more time in the Northwest than In Washington vn, .ui-a1 mnntVi. "Via v M . i has been Junketing back a n d lorth across the country at tax-' payers expense, ol course. A s a matter of fact, at a meeting in Portland last February to dis cuss with press representatives the merits of CVA, Davidson and Charles Murphy administrative assistant to the President, shared an elaborate suite at the Mult nomah hotel. Why they needed a suite 1 s yet a mystery, for the confer ence was held in a Junior ball room on the mezzanine at moie cost to the government of course. : It would be interesting indeed to exarplne Davidson's expense vouchers. No doubt they run into sizable figures. Now if the assistant secretary were rendering to the govern ment or people a distinct service there might oe justmcation tor the expense. But Davidson has spent his time propagandizing the people of the Northwest in lavor of CVA. The nature of Davidson's spee confidence. We advise the on their mark and protect ehes and conferences out here have been largely political seek ing to convince us that a super federal authority Is the answer lo development of our water ie sources. When is there going to be a stop to the squandering of money by bureaucrats for the nunmse of disse mlnatlne political nrona (anila?. Apparently we have no pope of an end to this abuse as ding as Pendergastism rules asmngton. At least we have the satkfact- Ion of knowing that the big ex- pense accounts have not helped the cause of CVA. for the neoule of the Northwest are awakening', to the danger of creating such a I lederal Frankenstein. I U FORT WAYNE VICTOR WICHITA, Kas.. Sept. 8 (T) It was a tii;ht squeeze, but the Fort Wayne General Electrics re tained their national semi pro baseball tournament crown last night. The Indiana club beat the Golden, Colo.. Coors, 54. to be come the first team to win three consecutive national semi -pro titles. Through the new Palomar tele- scope, scientists could see a light ' , . ... . . ., ' the size of candle 40,000 miles!"1 ",. ; away. I Otherwise, they might ABU SE r-. x. v ma 1 Aurr. J i r s f f ar x i h m m i -a' , s r." as Y.nM; f . i tliiSA'6. -m- Seagulls to the rescue again! This time in Oregon. The current issue of The Forest Log explains that "due to man's continual successful efforts to up set the balance of nature" the coyote has about disappeared. The field mouse is the favorite food of coyotes so the field mouse had arrived at pest stage because there Is no coyote to keep nature balanced. The field mouse's "habit of making tunnels along the surface of the ground has resulted In widespread damage to the fields of wild hay. But the seagull came to the rescue." (I quote from The Forest Log which Invited quota tion "with or without credit." I prefer to credit whenever pos sible to do so thanks for this.) "Robert Weir, rancher on Crooked creek north of Lakeview, explained that while raking hay, many of these tunnels are de stroyed and the field mice raked out into the open. The gulls hover over the rake as It moves along and when a mouse shows up they swoop down and capture It. He In the Day's News (Continued From Page One) unusual. Remember A million Is a thousand thou sands. So a THOUSAND violent deaths In a population of a mil lion would be only one death per j thousand. There must have been at least a hundred million of us j playing around over the Labor day weekend. Considering the way that Americans play, I'd say that we get o(f pretty well when only 500 of us die violently over a three day holiday. T HE same story that tells of the nearly 400 of us that got killed in automobile accidents adds that an estimated THIRTY MILLION automobiles "crowded the nation's kii...,i. , ' ... .. Thirty million automobiles could carry and probably did .carry nearly a hundred million persons. That would be only a trifle over three persons to the car. . Considering the nature of the automobile Itself and WHAT IT DOES TO IS. I still think that a total of around 400 deaths CAUSED BY THIRTY MILLION AUTOMOBILES AND THEIR DRIVERS Is cause for wonder at the smallness of It rather than at the hugeness of it. aaa ET'S consider for a moment what the automobile does to It puts the power of 100 horses under our throttle foot. Is It strange that command of a hun dred horses by the mere move ment of a toe should tend to in spire us with dangerous delusions of grandeur? Remember that up to a genera tion ago, the command of 100 horsemen w as a responsibility ing bomber production to Wicnl ev'l for which menlta, Kans.. for "security" reasons. for good and .... i..ij..i,i, Ambidextrous By Viahnett S. Martin i also reported that much of the browse of the adjacent hills is being destroyed by the mice through girdling. While this ac tivity on the part of the gull is rather unusual, It has been simi larly reported from other sec tions." Well, dear me, why don't the ranchers who have wide open spaces get themselves some guineas? I was going to raise guineas, but I soon found out one can't have guineas and near neighbors! So we parted with all but our pet Mrs. Guinea who is right now setting on a clutch of eggs which will prolit her noth ing. Mistakenly thinking I would be doing her a kindness I broke up her first setting earlier. She moved, laid another clutch of eggs and is setting again. This time I am letting her work out her own affairs. Guineas give warning of hawks who stay away) and of visitors, and they kill and eat field mice and small snakes. They are a spe cies of pheasant, not at all like the domestic hen! this responsibility. Most of us climb into the driver's seat of a car CASUALLY and with little thought, if any at all, of the responsibilities for good and evil that we assume when we take command of its hundred horsepower. N O, all In all, it Isn't surprising that nearly 400 of us got killed by the thirty million automobiles we drove on crowded highways in the course of the three play-days that came to an end at midnight Monday. LETTERS to the Editor Small Shop Owner Protests Rent Raise ROSEBURG The little Kar melKorn Shop has left Roseburg. Someone wanted my business wanted it badlv enough to force . (lf .,..),, swt cation. I was given a choice of moving out immediately las I did! or stay for thirty days and pay $300 per month rent instead of W2.50. Thanks to the people of Rose burg for their fine patronage. I truly appreciate the business I received from students and adults. I would like to have stay ed in Roseburg. Orval Cooley. Owner, Karmelkorn Shop Roseburg. Ore. Union Criticizes Moving Of Boeing Plane Plant SEATTLE, Sept. S..-p "For security, shouldn't we move the ; Bremerton navy yard to Oma ha?" A union of Boeing Aircraft workers asked the question In a five-column ni-sMper adver tisement. The ad by the Aero nautical Mechanics union was timed to coincide with Wednes day's arrival here of Air Soc- reiarv Symington to comer on the air force plan to shift Boe- "Of course, if Boeing moves. the midwest will need a few " our northwest natural re- sources like the Skagit power -"MX I Alaska Governor Denounces Brass On Visit Here SEATTLE. Sept. 8. (JP) Governor Ernest Gruening of Alaska arrived here Wednesday with heated crillclsm of what he called a "disgraceful policy of de featism evolved by military brass" in planning Pacific de fense strategy. The governor told newsmen he was informed at the beginning of World War II that Alaska was considered "expendable" by top military planners. He arrived here by plane from Anchorage. "It now appears," Gruening said, "that this policy has been extended to the entire Pacific coast by policy makers who can only keep their eyes on Europe." Gruening will Join representa tives of Pacific coast states to night in a meeting with Secre tary of Air W. Stuart Symington to protest an air force proposal to shift Boeing bomber produc tion inland. Gruening described the pro posal as a mere tip-off on mili tary planning. "This Involves the much larger aspect of the plans for how much of the nation is to be defended if we become engaged In another war. "I went to Washington when our country entered World War II to talk about the defenses oi Alaska," he said. "I was told that the main policy was to take care of Europe and defend the lifeline to Australia and they would do what they could about holding Alaska. "I had to return to Alaska with the knowledge that It was con sidered expendable. Now we find the government spending five bil lions of dollars to slop commun ism in Europe and another billion to arm various foreign countries. "But w hen it comes to Alaska," Gruening said. "Congress denied us the $137,000,000 appropriation we need to begin bolstering the trrritory defenses. The pattern is developing again. "The way things are going we would be better off in Alaska to declare ourselves an independent nation; then we would be given E.C.A. assistance and arms like other foreign countries are about to get." Oregon Coach Drills Behind Closed Gates EUGENE. Ore., Sept. 5- Oregon Football Coach Jim Ai ken worked his charges behind closed gates yesterday, then said he was putting his defensive faith in the "roughest trio we've got." The rock -em sock'eni lads are DeWayne Johnson. Dick Daugh erty and Dick Patrick. Oregon's first game will be with St. Mary's at San Francisco. PULLMAN, Sept. 8 (.P Two transfers stood out In a lengthy scrimmage session yesterday by Washington State College grid ders. , Bill Honea. a Junior college transfer from Oklahoma, ripped off several long runs from his po sition at fullback, and Ben New land, up from Santa Clara, spark led at end with his pass-catching. MOSCOW. Idaho. Sept. 8 P The University of Idaho football team, which head Coach Dixie Howell proudly claims will be one of the best in the school history, suffered a setback yesterday. Jack Beach, top ranking end. dropped football to devote time to his course In pre medics. In ISM. the ll. S. Supreme Court ruled that the tomato is a vegetable. But by botanical de finition, the tomato is a fruit. plant and Grand Coulee and Bon neville and of course the Co lumbia river and the Hanford protect," the union's satirical ap peal continued. "While we're at It. we'd better move the Olympic range, too, tj help proylde natural defenses on the prairies." Vicky Sanders Trial Begins With Remarks State Witnesses Take Stand After Jury Views Alleged Murder Scene Opening statements to the Jury ushered in the second day's pro ceedings in the trial of Victoria Sanders, charged by the state with the murder of Ralph Mojon nier Oct. 28, 1947. Both District Attorney Robert G. Davis and Defense Attorney Paul Geddes warned the Jury members to watch for differences In remarks by the various wit nesses. They were told that "cer tain mysteries and discrepancies" would be noted in testimony given during the course of the trial. In outlining the procedure to be followed by the state, Davis sketched the meeting and activi ties of the defendant and Mojon nier up to the time the latter was found dead In a house near Drain. He said he hoped to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Miss San ders did "willfully and with de liberate malice and premedita tion" carry out the murder of Mojonnier. Sketches Case Attorney Geddes sketched the case for the defense bv pointing out that at no time did "Vicky" attempt to flee or hide upon her arrival in Portland. "On the contrary," Geddes said, "she sent a telegram to Mojon nier informing him of her where abouts, giving her Portland ad dress." He said this telegram came Into the hands of police of ficials, enabling them to make the arrest. Walter Peterson and his wife, who followed him on the witness stand, both denied that Mojonnier had been drinking before his ar rival at their house the night be fore the alleged murder took place. They stated that their neighbor did not seem despondent or worried during the three and a half hours he was in their pres ence, but Instead talked of a bus iness enterprise ne was to under take. Suggests Bootlegging Attorney Geddes drew a smile from spectators in the partially filled courtroom when he asked I Peterson If it were true that he ! had talked with Mojonnier about 1 going into the bootlegging bus iness. Peterson denied this, but i admitted that he had talked to i the deceased about the "prin cipals" of whiskey making. All of the witnesses questioned as to what sort of a person they thought the defendant to be agreed that Miss Sanders was easy to meet and rather talkative. ; A neignoor, jvirs. MaDei jvnner, , believed Miss Sanders was "just a kid, full of klddish ways." However, the views of Dale Farnsworth, another neighbor, drew objections from Miss San ders' attorneys when he admitted she was a talkative person, in fact, "she talked too much." When questioned further by the district attorney, Farnsworth re luctantly recounted Miss Sanders' remarks on one occasion wherein she embarrassed those in the Farnsworth home with "continual talk of her sexual unhappiness." Farnsworth said he told Miss Sanders at that time to "be quiet or go home." Attorney Protests Geddes objected vehemently at this point, accusing the state of conducting a "deliberate smear campaign in an effort to In fluence the Jury. The district at torney replied that such was not the intention of the state, but that he was trying to piece together several such remarks to show that "trouble" did exist between the defendant and the deceased. Judge Carl Wimberly overruled the objection and allowed Davis to continue with his questioning. When asked by District Attor ney Davis if Miss Sanders had ever issued any threats toward Mojonnier, Farnsworth recounted the following conversation: "If Ralph ever tries to leave me, I'll kill him," Miss Sanders said. Farnsworth said he laughingly told her she "must be kidding." "No, I'm not kidding," she re plied. Attorney Geddes asked Farns worth if the conversation had not taken place in a "bantering" or jovial mood. He replied that he was merely Joking at first, but that he believed Miss Sanders was serious. Witness Excluded Prior to the opening remarks by both sides, Geddes requested that all of the state's witnesses, with the exception of State Po lice Sgt. Lyle Harrell and Ben Irving, civil engineer, be excluded from the courtroom during the questioning of the witnesses. The witnesses were ordered to leave when Davis raised no objection to the request. Victoria Sanders seemed per fectly at ease before the trial ses sion began and laughed with others assembled In the court room when the state informed the judge that the already de layed trial opening would be de layed further until the jury re turned from viewing the scene of Mojonnier's death near Drain. The tall brunette remained calm throughout the day's proceedings, although she occasionally took exception to witnesses' remarks by vigorously shaking her head and whispering to her attorneys. "Dead as a dodo" refers to a clumsy cousin of the pigeon that was three times the size of a turkey and lived on the Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius until three centuries ago. The dodo a name derived from the Portu frueae word for simpleton could neither fly, fight nor tun away. In ancient Persia, which pro duced clay tiles unequaled in de sign for 500 years, entire floors and walls in palaces of the sa trapa were covered with clay tUe. Board Announces Low-Cost 'Air Coach1 Charges WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. CP) The Civil Aeronautics board j has announced the rules under j which it will permit scheduled air I lines to continue low-cost "air coach" services. The board, noting that all cur rent authorities for such service will expire at the end of this month, said It will authorize con tinuation for another nine months. Its studies to date, CAB raid however, have convinced it that profitable air passenger service requires the maintenance of stan dard charges for the great bulk of plane travel. For that reason it will not allow any "Indiscrimi nate extension of coach fares" on the scheduled carriers. The coach-type service Is gen erally offered at about four cents a mile, and involves omission of numerous luxury Items such as meals aloft and special attendants for passenger needs. Most of the coach services are offered at off hours, usually late at night The board asserted that It is evident that the low-cost fares are practical only with high volume business, and thus would usually require equipment larger than the conventional DC3 type plane having only 21 to 24 seats. In view of the conclusions, the board said it will authorize a con tinuation of various coach serv- ives including: Northwest Airlines service be tween New York and Seattle, us ing DC-4 equipment with 55 or more seats. Northwest proposed service be tween Chicago and Portland with the same type equipment. Western Airline's proposed service between San Diego and Seattle with 60-passenger DC-4's, provided departure times are lim ited to the hours 10 p. m. to 1 a. m. The board announced that it will also continue to authorize, for another nine months, the "family fare plan," under which some air lines oner a 30 per cent reduction for members of one family traveling with a family member who has paid full fare. Used Cars For Sale '48 Dodge Panel '46 Chevrolet 2-Door '41 Chevrolet Panel Ton '41 Oldsmobilo 4-Door '41 Pontiao 4-Door '40 Pontiao 2-Door '40 International Pick-up '37 G. M. C. Pickup Liberol Trade-ins Any Make or Model Doyle's Sales And Service Hiway (9 at Garden Valley Phone (11 JOBS AVAILABLE We hove jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment now under way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephens Bonk With A Douglas County Institution Home Ownea Home Operated Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Douglas County State Bank Repair Call us anytime for repair service on all of your plumbing and heating problems. We have competent mechanics for your every need. Don't let those leaky fixtures increase your utility bills. KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. 316 Mill St. Chewing clove to sweeten the breath is a custom more than 4,000 years old. In ancient China, court officers were required to hold cloves in their mouths when addressing the king. A. F. Walter Kresse, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Raa.t rairtiaveo Apta. Phona lS3t iff ice hours: Mon. Thru Sat SCREENS Screen Doors Screen Wirt Window Screens PAGE LUMBER t FUEL 4 E. -d Ave. S. Phone 247 Phone 100 If you do not receive your News-Review by SMS P.M. eall Harold Mobley before 7 P.M. Phone 100 Benefits Immediately Available For You Christian Science opens to all a new spiritual understanding through which health, harmony, and abundance are found to be always at hand. This priceless understanding is available to you through the study of the Bible in conjunction with the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which, together with other authorised Christian Science literature, may be read, borrowed, or purchased at CHRISTIAN SCIENCI READING ROOM 217 Paeifia Building Roseburg Hours: 10:30 to 4:30 Except Sundays and Holiday Informationconctmingchurch Mrt'teea, free public lecturtl. and other Chrittian Science mctivitUi aU available. Phone 1535 R Service Phone 1242-R