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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
2 Tht News-Review, Roseburg, Or.. Thuri., Sept. 8, 1949 3 Railroads Threatened Wirh Walkouts Today (Continued from Page One) men of the Monongahela con necting railroad is cl for Sat urday and the one calling out 1.200 brakemen and conducton on the union line is scheduled lor Tuesday. The union road is the inter-plant line between all mills of U. S. Steel corporation subsidiaries In the Pittsburgh dis trict. Other major labor develop ments across the nation Included: In New York, Cyrus S. Ching. head of the federal mediation and conciliation service, planned separate conferences with nego tiators In attempts to effect a settlement of the 131 day old Ha waiian dock strike. Harry Bridg es, head of the CIO International Longshoremen and Warehouse men s union, demanded that pick eting and "blacklisting" Issues be settled before any general settle ment Is reached In the dispute. After yesterday's new violence In the 13 week-old Boll aircraft strike at Buffalo, N. V., Gov. Thomas E. Dewey called for a halt "to surh lawlessness." Six persons suffered Injuries. In Detroit, there appeared no Indication of a major break in the strike-threatening negotia tions between Kord and the CIO United Auto Workers. A state labor mediator sat in at a simi lar bargaining session between Chrysler and the UAW and made preliminary arrangements for a strike poll among nearly 80, 000 workers. The presidential fact-finding board which investigated the steel industry dispute Is expected to report Its immngs to rresiueni Truman Saturday. Moving Of Boeing Works To Wichita Protested (Continued From Page One) want to build two models the B-47 and the B-52 in the same plant, because an enemy might destroy "both planes with a nn- gle bomb. LOCAL NEWS Chapter to Meet XI Kpsilon chapter, Beta Sigma Phi will hold Its first fall meeting at 8 o'clock tonight, Sept. 8. at the home of Mis. Worth Davis. Son Is Born A son. Stephen Aided, weighing seven pounds, was born to Kev. and Mis. Alfred Defense Protests Motive In Vicky Sanders Trial (Continued from page 1) son of Mrs. Farnsworth, also tes tified as to these conversations, saying, "She talked pretty rough for a woman." Mrs. Kay Farnsworth Sr., oper ator at the Drain telephone ex change, described Miss Sanders on the occasion she came Into the The Weather IT,, n U,..nt,.-n at U'il.rV ul' iAlo,n,ll , .... . .,. , . w ... Symington said the air force ' If'"", ,,'" "i i Prt rf ! telephone exchange, the same day is leaving the construction of its 1 Yurd'.' S, m 3 Rev Mr Tyson' '."L ?nnr was discovered , Prtcipit.tlon li number one transport, the C-97. 'uffr; his home. She recalled , Precaution s and also the experimental de- .ch will roturn to Rohurz ,hat Sanders said she "was Deficiency sine velopment of the B-52 bomber in 1 L-rVrla v' Mis Tvson and thTbaby i K0,ne lo maka ,r.lrPh"u' calH .i.- C-....I- o.i irrmay. jmis. i son ana ine oauj h . . . ale." Victoria i- l u. r will return here Monday, the Seattle Boeing plant "To the best of my knowledge the RM will hp built here." he replied In answer to a questionMartha L. CoenenbuTd. and then quickly added several .., n Its, Including whether Alaska Is jyincmn iivmun, vici properly fortified by that time. Actual production work on the j Mrs. Martha Laura Coenen-B-52 is about three years away. , berg, 62, well known resident The air secretary made it t sutnernn, aiea suimeniy at a clear that work Is now "light" i relative! home In halem wertnes- at Boeing's Seattle plant ana : y "'"1 Ihaf enin nves are fanner ioks , iiuih:i, mum., o ut, i, of their Jobs He said the air force Is try ing to "help" Boeing by urging the routing of more "subcon tracts to the Seatlle plant." Ills reference to suhcontrael ing was picked up quickly by Governor Langlie. "If Boeing slips down lo suo- and has been a resident of Suth erlin for the last 14 years. She was a registered nurse, and mem ber of St. Johns LuthcYan church. Surviving here are her husband, Anton C'oi'nenhurg, and step chil dren, Vernon Coenenbut g, Downs, Kans.; Mis. J. H. Klson, Med- ford; Joe and Dick Coenenhuig. but it was too late." Victoria ap- rhnmhor Of CammsKS pea red to be nervous. Mrs. Dale Farnsworth, when DrODS Pasadena Offer .Mil- nan un m- siaiiu, im, iv-sii- U. S. Ve.her Bureau Office Reaeburg, Oregon Some cloudiness today, tonight and Friday with widely nattered showers. Cooler. Highest temp, for any Sept, 104 towest temp, for any Sept.... 20 Highest temp, yesterday. S2 Lowest temp, last 24 hrs Si Precipitation last 24 hrs 0 Ince Sept. 1 T nee Sept. 1 M lied as to Victoria s nervous ness" when she came to the Farnsworth home and asked to he driven into Drain the day be fore Mojonnier's death. She had told Mrs. Farnsworth that lhe was "in a hurry." Carl Buehler, Drain butcher, and Anton Giovanini, now of Oakland, but then employed In a Drain feed store, both testified that Victoria had cashed checks In their establishments the day Mojonnier's death was discov ered. They said they had no rea son to suspect that the checks would not be good. (Additional details page four.) (Continued From Page One) contracting, we will have lo write , all of Sutherlin; and four grand off that plant as an important ! cnimn-n. whiot m m- n.iu runerai services neia segment In our economy." the , in the Methodist church, Suther I . Washington governor declared. lin, .Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. v. for JOIW KIMI, Veteran "Anv serious crippling of this I A. Sylwester officiating. Inter-1 plant would throw the economy men! will be In the Fair Oaks I Military rites for John Kunl. of the entire Northwest com- cemetery. Arrangements are in '',;r'"a"i "M" ",r 1 pnr or in .s psrnt mnriuarv rsiiirni wi rui udnu. wno uieu Jobless Number Increases In Idaho Miners Strike WALLACE, Idaho, Sept. 8-JPi The ranks of the Jobless stood at 2.400 In the Coeur D'Alrne mining district today as SSO work ers struck the famous Sunshine Silver and Lead Mine. It was the fourth property truck by the CIO International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers since Aug. 20. About half the men out of work are on strike. The others were laid off by com panies which curtailed produc tion because of a smelter plant strike. Another negotiation session was scheduled for today by Louis Ziman, federal conciliator. nletelv nut of halanre. "There Is no better way to : Oakland. nelp Russia or communism man to put tne economy ot tne rsortn west Into a tailspln." Registration Is Dated At Canyonville School Registration for the Canyon ville school hand will take place Wednesday, Sept. 14. Curtis i. Winders, Instructor of music, will be at the school to Interview students and parents from 10 to 12, 1 to 4:30, and 7 to 9:30 n the evening. Children who are Interested in band are urged to come to lhe school during the above mentioned hours and dis cuss their entering the band with Mr. Winders. A large display of new and used Instruments will he at the school on this dav and students so desiring may make arrange ments at this time for their purchase. Sutherlin City Council Declines Sunday Closing The Sutherlin city council turned thumbs down Wednesday night on a proposal to close theaters and taverns on Sunday. The council's regular meeting was visited by a large delegation sponsored by the Assembly of God church, with Pastor Betty Williams acting as spokesman. Request was made for an ordi nance providing Sunday closure of all taverns and theaters. After discussion of the matter with the delegation, which filled the council chambers and left a large overflow standing outside, the council voted to reject the request. Sponsors Indicated a written petition would be placed In cir culation soon In an effort to bring the Issue to a vote of the people. I at the Veterans hospital Sept. 5, were held this morning at 11 a.m. at the Veterans cemetery uilh Chaplain Feller officiating. Arrangements were In charge of the Long A Orr mortuary. Kuni was born In Ireland on Aug. 16. 1888. His only surviving relative is a brother who resides in Finland. required for the proposed trip. Charles A. Rlcketts, band di rector, states that the action by the Chamber of Commerce is very embarrassing to the Band Parents association and otheis who had promoted the trip to the extent of securing influence from U. S. Senator Guy Cordon, Con pressman Harris Ellsworth, Gov- ernor McKay, the Portland Rose Festival committee and otnen in drawing.the invitation away from other towns, one of which, Clo- quet, Minn., was most active, at and one of the first to send its con eratulations to Roseburg. Only one Invitation was given a school band outside southern California, and Roseburg was successful in obtaining that bid, Ricketts explained. "Some of our faces are going to be mighty red when we have to notify Pasadena we can't come," the band director said. TO LIQUIDATE PROPERTY Abe Bean, of the Olympia Sup ply company, Roseburg, has gone lo Springfield to handle the liquidation of the Clear Fir Sales company there. The company's building and stock were dam aged by a recent fire. BOY'S BODY FOUND SALE M, Sept. 8.-4.PV The body of Chester Lindsay, 14. was found In the Willamette river north of here yesterday. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orln Lindsay of Wheatland, had re ported him missing several hours earlier. Infantile Paralysis Fund Emergency Drive Started (Continued From Page One) " JS Start th school year right I Children need healthy, energy -aiving foodi lor active school day.. Bed & While Food Stores hare a complete assortment oi foods to make school lunchee more appetising, more appealing lo children. Shop lor school lunch needs at Red & While todayl Specials for Friday - Saturday Sept. 9 ml RED & WHITE Peanut Butter 39c 1 lb. JAR 2 lb. JAR 75' Ixtre-Gentle . . . lessens Rubbing... rrolonftaj lift of linens! V.LU.IUA run pikmm oMieTte Disinfect Moeotim MACKS STAM TPs Qti. 15c a Gal 27' Campbell! VEGETABLE SOUP (WKITlf WHITE KING SOAP POWDER GIANT REG. . SIZE PKG. 59' 28' Red & White Deviled MeatJ1" 29c Red & While Vienna Sausagei! 1 9c Red & White Tomato Juice cml 27c Red & White Wheat Puffs 6 Oi. Pkg. 5Q 2 Tor Red & While Rice Puffs s VtH 29c HUNGRY JACK PANCAKE FLOUR 10 Lb. Pkg. 4 Lb. Pkg. 43' SIERRA PINE Toilet Soap 2 for 15' White King Toilet Soap bar 7' lib. 53c 2!b.$105 rate of $100,000 day to fight the epidemic, and at this rate, there is only enough money to last about 11 more days. In the emergency fund drive, arrangements have been made for the Poslofflce department to deliver contributions addressee only to "Polio" in rare of any local postoffice in the country. Assistant Postmaster General V. C. Burke directed postmasters throughout the country to "co operale in every possible way in this worthy project." O'Connor said that so far this year, 20.513 cases of the disease have been reported across the na tion lhe largest toll ever record ed in the first eight months. The Public Health Service In Washington put the figure to date at 2.t,458. O'Connor predicted the total will climb to 40,000 by Christmas, far above the all-time high ol 30.000 cases In 1916'i record epi demic. The foundation hai sent out $5. 662,164 in epidemic aid so far this year, O'Connor said, and only has $1,150,000 left. O'Connor said that both the se vere epidemic this year, and the carry-over costs of the large number stricken in 1948 had cau the depletion in foundation funds. The final 1948 total was 28,000 COMMUNITY CHEST MEET Director! of the Roseburg Com munity chest will meet at the Rose hotel Friday noon, to out line their forthcoming fund cam paign. Plana for the drive and I lie budget will be discussed, said Arthur W. Lamka, secretary. Single Engine Plane On Way Across Atlantic NEW YORK, Sept. 8 -(.'Pi An Italian flier today made a bid to become the first aviator to make the east-to-west Atlantic non-stop flight in a single engine plane, representatives announced. Thirty-slx-year-old John Bron dello is due at LaGuardia field at 11 a. m. (PDT) tomorrow. He left Lisbon at 9 a. m. (PPT), his sponsors said. With Brondello Is his co pilot. Capt. Camillo Barloglio. The two plan a western hemisphere trip to raise $3,000,000 for a national Italian boys town near Turin. A SEASON'S MORE WEAR FROM OLD SHOES Something so eomfortoble obout old shoes . . . you just won't port with them. Our reconditioning process gives your shoes a "facelifting" . . . retains their "trod-in" comfort. If their worth wearing they're worth repairing SCHOOL IS OPEN ... DRIVE CAREFULLY . . . BUY A GUARANTEED SAFETY TESTED USED CAR FROM SMITH MOTORS 09 JPW 1940 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Has white tire rings, excellent motor, spotlite, heater 1942 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR SEDAN With hydramatic drive and heater . . 1942 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN All extras, brand new motor 1 941 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN Has radio, heater, all extras . . .'. X 1941 PONTIAC 6, CLUB COUPE Has radio, heater, nylon seat covers 1941 DODGE CLUB COUPE With all extras 1941 OLDSMOBILE 6 4-DOOR SEDAN Has radio and heater $725 795 845 8Q; 795 895 895 BARGAIN OF THE WEEK HERE IT IS! 1942 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN In tip-top shape 499 SMITH MOTORS GIVES TOPS ON TRADE-INS Thii Week We Are Running on Extra "Bargain of the Week' 1941 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE With radio and heater 429 For Your Convenience WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:00 LIBERAL GMAC or BANK TERMS m OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCKS 233 N. Stephens Phone 311 V "it- .- -h:- r,r- .' ..-jfc J r-r .-J- -V- ?j :y ig; rv(- .- -tf. .. , to M2I5S17G!Q'0'g HILL'S SHOE SERVICE 108 E. Washington