4 The' Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ort. Thuri., Sapl. 8, 1949 Cartoonist Hallo's Fan Mail Reads Like That Of Lonely Hearts Columnist CARTOONIST and Mrs. Jimmy Hatlo display Bo Bo and family Hatlo it creator of the famed cartoon, "They'll Do It Every Time.' By JIMMY HATLO There are times when, in draw ing "They'll Do It Kvcry Time," I Iccl as If I'm running a lonely, hearts club. Kor example I get a letter from Joe Doakes wanting me to do a cartoon needling the guy in my ollice who's always borrow ing dough. I do It, and the next week I get a Hood ol letters be ginning, "Dear Mr. Hatlo: Will you please forward the enclosed note to Joe Doakes?" The noli hit the nail on Ihe head. Why, there's a lug in MY office who. ." The next tiling you know, there is a hard and fast friendship and Im the little master ol cer emonies who brought them t o gel her. Shows Promise , The Hallo siorv began in Pro vidence, R. I. In 1S98. My family moved to California a year later, however, so I feel pretly free to call myself a Californian. I went to school in Los Angeles and they tell me I had some promise as an artist, but somehow I didn't get into the business at first. I drifted into advertising and I got mixed up with doing publicity for automobile firms and later be came auto editor of the old San Francisco Bulletin. But I guess the urge to draw was prelty strong. I found my self giving a sales talk to Ihe Call's sports editor about one of my cartoons, and the next thing, there I was doing editorial ani political cartoons. My big breuk came when the Call Bulletin ask ed me to do a sports page panel to replace that drawn by the late, great T. A. "Tad" Dorgan. which King Features Syndicate picked up to syndicate nation ally. Marriaae Told I married Eleanor Dollard in 1937 after we met when one of my drawings was auctioned off at an Ad Club football illnnr-r in San Francisco and she bought it. We live in Carmel by-thebea in California. Eight months ago we were blessed with a son who I hope will grow up to be some thing else than a cartoonist. I get a lot bigger kick out of drawing comics than I did doing times I feel that they expound my philosophies more effectively and reach a lot more people. I d soon er draw than walk, anyway, and I hope I always can continue to draw funny pictures. Canada Border Crossings Reach Record Figures VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 7 tA The Department of Immi gration said todav border cross ings at Douglas. B. C, and Blaine, Wash., on the United Stales side reached an all-time high over the Labor day week end. From Friday evening until midnight Sunday 30,988 persons crossed the border. This figure is "about 5,000 over the previ ous mark, the department said. Another i .1.000 persons crossed from Huntington, B. C, to Su mas, Wash, Camas Valley By MRS. JAMES COMBS Miss Minnie Leigh of Fall Creek, Ore., spent a week visiting her nephew, Guy Moore. Mil. Louis Papst was substi tute rural mail carrier, while Guy Moore took part of his an nual leave. Major and Mrs. Paul Dane and three children of Patterson field, Dayton, O., called at the Moore home while touring the West coast Joyce and Kay Lee Merchem spent the weekend at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Standley. Mrs. Virginia Housner and Kay Drlscoll of San Francisco have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler Mrs. Housner Is Mr. Wheeler's sister. Mrs. Ernest Hamaker ol Giants Pass visited at the Ernest Wheeler home. Mrs. Hamaker is Will Brown's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jollefle ol Seattle, Wash., visited the pa.il week with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chapman. Among those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mnnflle were Mr. find Mrs. .Ink, Negley and children, Bobby and Earlene of Adams, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Brundage of Issaquah, Wash., and Mrs. Mc Ginnis of Richmond, Calif, Mrs, Brundage is Mrs. Moodie'i sis ter. Mrs. W. S. Martlndale has been spending the week in Springfield visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Air. and Mrs. Jim Martindale. Those visiting at the home of Robert Martindale this week were Mrs. Alice Mitchell, Mrs. Beddie Mlddleton and daughters Rose Mary and Lorlne all of Metollus, Ore., and Mrs. Daisy Doyle ind Norman Doyle of Arago, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Esmerald Goodman of Bridge, 'Kennle' Dunham has sold his place on the rwest side of the valley. The new owner is bring ing cattle irom cauiornia to start a dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lawson of Tlgard, Ore., and their daughter, Mrs. Udell Stafford of Yuma, Ariz., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawson and their many friends in the valley. They plan to spend a few days In Eugene with Mrs. Lawson's sister, Alice Scranlon. Mr. and Mrs. Staf ford have adopted a baby girl. The Lawsons lived for many years on the place now owned by Mrs. William Bush. lne Garden club will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at the home of Marlon Banks. An analysis of the water from the river where children were swimming was made by Ihe State Board of Health and it was found that it does not conform with accepted standards of purity for swimming pools and bathing places. L 5.;.I ,5 CANDIDATE Mrs. Patricia Marx, a honey-blonde native of Sydney, Australia, will repre sent San Francisco in the Mrs. America contest at the Pali sades Amusement Park, N, J, All she has to do is pay her own way. She hopes to raise the money in time to make the trip. Mrs. Marx, whose husband is partner in an electrical firm in San Francisco, says she won a "personality girl" and "pretty legs" contest in Australia. (AP wirephoto.l Winston Accused Vet Kidnapper Must Secure Attorney MONTESANO, Wash., Sept. 8. t't Superior Judee Arthur E. Graham gave 53-year-old Frank Chase until Friday In which to obtain an attorney to defend him against charges that he kidnaped rnd beat his 29-year-old stepson, I :nry cnum, an amputee v ieran. Chose pleaded Innocent to a charge ol kidnaping and three counts of second degree assault. Judge Graham said the court would appoint an attorney if chase has not obtained one by next Friday. IS rtV3 . T j m s sr v . I M e -.." ::,- .; - tiL r it i n r - fift-'-P 5-PIECE AND WiJgsi LIVING ROOM 0NLY Wmm set ..lions! Similar lo lllualmUon) Made by Montes MM "k Davcno k Swing Rocker k Ottoman 2 Matching Pillows Styled in Rich Frieze Your Own Terms Within Reason Careful FREE Delivery Rg. 259.50 By VIOLA BONAWITZ Private Robert E. Hamilton of Ft. Lewis, Wash., spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. mine Hamilton. Mrs. Tessle Thompson ol Chi cago is now visiting with Mis. Fran Haltien for an Indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Layton sold their home in Suksdorl's first ad dition to Mr. and Mis. Lee Coch rane, of Roseburg. A trailer was involved in the exchange and 'he Laytons are contemplating leav ing for Washington sometime in the future. The Community club of Win ston held tneir regular meeting on the first Thursday of the month. The meeting was well at tended and the members made plans for an entertainment pro gram to be given at the next meeting on the third Thursday ol the month. The details of the pro gram are not completely worked out. Mrs. James Butler and small daughter, Shirley Ann, returnea the early part of the week from Malibu Beach. Calif., where they spent two weeks visiting relatives and friends. Word has been received from Rochester, Minn., that Otto John son s young son is getting along nicely. The son underwent major surgery at tne Mayo Droineis dime last week lor a gland con dition. W. B. Glen Jr., and son, Charles, left Sunday for various points in southern California. They plait to spend a week there betore returning nome. Mrs. Archie Wilson left Friday for Portland where she will re ceive medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hoyz, who formerly operated the Iish mar ket on Highway 99, recently mov ed to Grants Pass where they will rntke their future home. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wendell Beane left Winston recently lor Dierks, Ark. From there they plan to con tinue to Illinois, where he will at tend the university in that state. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Boyer are new homeowners in Winston. They moved this week Into their new home in Suksdorf't addition. Bob Gerock underwent surgery tor the amputation of two toes Friday morning at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Mr. Gerock received a badly mashed loot at Ford's Mill at Dillard several weeks ago. : ' ' '""Mr. ", ' 1 " , MURAL PAINTER DIES MEXICO CITY, Sent. 8.-4W Jose Clemente Orozco, Mexico's great mural painter, died at home Wednesday at the height of his tame. He was M. a heart attack came and he died quickly. He is survived by his widow, Margarita Valladares de Orozco. and three children, Lucrecia, 21, Alfredo, 24, and Ulemente, 23. At 24, Andrew Carnegie was superintendent of the Pennsylva nia Rallroacfi western division. BRITAIN'S BRABAZON IS AIRBORNE Britain's Brabaion, world's largest civil land plane, is airborne over Bristol, England on its successful 27-minute first flight. The 130-ton, eight-engined silver plane is capable of carrying 120- passengers nonstop between London and New York. The Brabazon has a wing span of 230 feet, its fuselage is 177 feet long and the rudder juts 50 feet from the ground. The maximum speed of its 2,500 horse power piston engines, driving four sets of counter-rotating propellers, is 300 miles an hour. (AP wirephoto by radio from London.) 0! am MB For only 10c and 10 Vi'adhams Coffee coupons per towel-you can have all the Cannon Bath Towels you want There's a coupon with every pound of Wadhams Coffee. These big 20 by 40 Cannon Towels come in green, yellow or peach. You'll always like the extra-rich flavor and delightful aroma of Vi'adhams Coffee-they're the result of careful blending of tetter coffees. Start enjoying"that wonderful" Wadhams Coffee xoic. Be sure to save the coupons that come with every pound. 1 dv Your "flavor satisfaction guaranteed or money bode Packed by WADHAMS t COMPANY UMPQUA DAIRY ...the PERFECT FOOD t delivered daily to YOUR DOOR and available at your favorite market Fresh, healthful milk and cream from Douglas county herds. PHONE 38 to start delivery to your home tomorrow Milk and Cream Chocolate Milk Butter Ice Cream Cottage Cheese Frozen Foods ALWAYS ASK FOR THE UMPQUA BRAND! 7 Your Choice of Colon ROSE GREEN BROWN BIEGE mm LMIiHD 117 W. Cast Phone 10 mm