2 Tht Newi-Rtvlew, Roseburg, Or. Thun., Sept. t, 1949 1 European Trip Is Planned By Ellsworth With Group Making Special Studies Rv HARRIS ELLSWORTH Everything Is very quiet on the, with people doctors, working ,ES thcipitol now. ! people ,o Hie Ul. ...n 'everyone YU Will lMIC ..; Ull' " versation. I also want to dig rather deeply Into the question of Hnlite practically all of the represents, lives have Ml Wash ngton. The House recess ends officially Sept. 21 but since mat Is the middle of the week notning except routine business will be transacted until Monday the 26th. In a few days I will leave for riimn. uiin memneri i finance. This subject is so ex tremely Important that I feel a great need for every scrap of rename iniormation 1 can gei. The committee will come home bv air and will arrive back In Committee on Interstate and I For- j Washington the morning of the eien Commerce, moitc nrim th islalion Is assigned to that com mittee. Hearings nave aiic.. been held by the committee on The Senate committee investi gating into the activities of the. the Truman socialised medicine (o-called "5 percenters" has this bills. We discovered, however, capital city agog these days. It Is that first hand information re-; a sordid revelation of the sort of fjarding the operation of social- thing that .can and does go on .ed medicine in England would when appointments to high places be vital to a really careful con-;n this Ihe greatest government sideration of such legislation. in Ihe world are made almost It is my Intention lo do consld- solely upon the basis of friend erable of what might be called jhip and pollllcs. private Investigating when I am I think in fairness, and Just to In England with the committee. I keep the record straight about know the group will- be given (this "5 percenter" mess, I should plenty of official Information and point out that the center of the that a competent report will be ' disturbance, a former army of written on the facts and figures i ficer by the name of James Hunt, obtained by the committee. What japparently did nothing either dis I want most 1o know, however, i honest or Illegal. All I know about can best be obtained by talking lit is what I read In Ihe news- y tsJ -r r-r m !Jiwf i wish My supptiR ) HlHWHiyli IBIS mm if 'daformmm :a if . ' 1 1 . 1 'i i'i .v i in is-sTid i i : IBM WHB I . I 1 I i 1 I ,1 T' n "TBK. T, Sa-v.,:X.P(L I ' .-7TTT : T , . 7T . 1 TT Reject, Flush Type West Coast Building Supply Co. Mill - one! Mother Bill Neighbor Phone 342 Joy Clark OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William, papers and the Washington, D. C, papers are full of It but it is pretty clear to me that Hunt has been doing nothing more or less than ordinary attorneys and lobbyists here do, and have been doing for many years. They repre sent clients who want to do bust ness with the government on the most favorable basis possible. Hunt knows his way around Washington and in government circles and charged his clients a fee for using that knowledge for them. He seemed to be able to deliver fairly well because of Ihe cupidity and low calibre of cer tain men holding high positions of public trust. Hunt has been smeared somewhat. I don't think much of his "profession" and it may be Just as well lo turn the heat on such people. However, let's not forget that Ihe real guilt lies with those people Hunt was able to "influence." It seems likely now that this session of Congress will adjourn for Ihe remainder of Ihe year along about the fifteenth of Octo ber. I plan lo get home Just as soon as 1 can after the business of the session is completed. 1 still expect to be able to visit all seven counties of the Fourth Congres sional district before the end of the year. Meanwhile, this is the last "Letter from Washington" for several weeks and possibly for this year. Elkton By PHYLLIS A. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hedden and daughter, Donna, left for a trip I to Seattle. Wash. Wednesday, j Heddens drove to Eugene and Itook a plane from there. They j will visit Mr. and Mrs. George j Welling while in Seattle. Miss Evelvn Hudrnn returned from a business trip lo Albion, 1 Idaho, Thursday. The Carl Moore family have returned from a two weeks' vaca tion trip lo Hermlston, Ore., where Ihey .visited with Mrs. Moore's mother Mrs. Bault. The Moores also enjoyed seeing the Pendleton Round-Op. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bishop were visited last week by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Metheny of Divide. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Moore, formerly of Los 'Angeles. Calif., are going to make their home in Klklun. Mrs. John Price of Philomath, Ore., is visiting with her son's family, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hudson and grandson, Donnie Suloff, went on a trip over the weekend. They visited Mr. and Mrs, I.eonard HudKQn at Silverton and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson and family at Portland. They also attended the State fair at Salem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warnack and daughters. Colleen and Jean, of Medford are visiting with their many friends at Elkton. Visitors at the Bennie Knyps tra home Include a niece, Miss Betty Slpkens of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Tikker and daughters, and Mrs. Grace Ev ans of Venice, Calif. Word has been received at Elk ton of the death of Mr. Ralph Wainscott. The county road crew Is doing a good Job of widening and straightening the Mehl Canyon road. Gale Merrill had the misfor tune to turn his car over in Ihe middle of the highway, In front of Ihe Charles Ross residence. Rlvtt Tower Is Champ With 125 Foot Throw HARRISBURG. Pa.. Sent. 8 UP) Get out the record books, I boys, here'i a new one and with ! rivets yet. j Eddie Derr of Middletown, Pa., j and Clarence Price, Pittsburgh, ' teamed up Monday to win the : "national rivet-throwing champ-! lonship" with heaves of 125 feet. Derr acted as the pitcher, toss ing rea-noi riveis to frice, wno caLght them in a funnel while standing on a four-inch wide steel girder atop a metal tower, The event was sponsored by the Structural Iron Workers (AFX., local 104.) when he applied the brakes to avoid a cow that was being led across the highway, Friday, Sept. 2. Neither Merrill or his car were badly damaged. Miss Joan Listrude who works in Portland, spent the weekend in. Elkton. Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeil and family went to Albany Satur day to visit Mr. MacNeil Sr. HARRY C. STEARNS Funeral Director Our service Is for all and meets every need. Any distance, any time Licensed Lady Assistant. Oakland, Oregon Phone 472 or 542 AGED PIONEER PASSES GRESHAM. Sept. 8. UP) Rachel Ann Kitson, 102, a pioneer Oreijon resident of the wagon trail days, died heie Monday. She was six years old when the family crossed the plains by ox-drawn wagon. Her parent!. Jacob and Elizabeth Wood Henkle. settled gn the South fork of Mary's river, in Benton coun ty, Dec. 25. 1853. Her first husband, John L. Shipley, died in 1877. Pool Inaugurated With Splash; Lobby Flooded GUSHING, Okla., Sept. 8 UP The dedication of Cushing's new memorial swimming pool certain ly was a big splash. After a 30 -minute dedication cernony. 3G7 parched teenagers jumped into the pool. The water rose- so swiftly it sent waves two leet high flooding the lobby and underground dres sing rooms. (jHp Best Time to... jgy mm ..-V- ,.. : Because there's less weed germination, more uniform moisture, and ideal, cool growing days. Therefore, if you plan to put in s new lawn or repair an established lawn, do it this fallt Use Vigoro, the complete plant food, to tup ply all the nourishment your grass needs from the soil to produce s strong, rich green turf. Come in today for detailed instructions on modern lawn care. We have high grade grass seed, VIGORO, the complete plant food, and sll essential gardening supplies. Compefe Plant Food BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Trocki Discover why millions of women call them 2 most I I comfortable! shoes 1 $i iiic 1 fj4 vorM" 1 THE RANGER. I et this Mm new Red Cross Shoe lake you swinging through busy days, tire lessly, with an eager young step. In butter-soft brown or black. Sizes to 11. A AAA to C. Only 10.95. THE SUZANNE. There Is no oth er shoe In the world like It for solid comfort, smartness and val ue. In soft black kid. Sizes to 10, AAAA to C. Only 10.95. Bed Cross Shoes This ptedurf kef M cenwertiesi wtWevw wtlfc 11m kmnkm HoHW 14 Creu Shoes Main Floor ONLY $21 00 PLACE THIS 7 co. ft your home ffrPPrTTI 111 PSSSfl EFSi 'For only $21.00 down ond smoll monthly pay ments you can have this KELVINATOR MODEL XR placed in your home. The 7 cu. ft. capacity is ideal for the small family because it gives them plenty of food storage space. The 25-lb. freezer chest eosily holds a week's supply of meats and . frozen foods and the l?-qt. crisper keeps fruits ond vegetables farm fresh for days. There is no reoson why you can't hove this re frigerator in your home TOMORROW if you see us tomorrow morning. Or, if you prefer, a phone call is all that is necessary. DOWN Full Price 209.95 MODIL CI . . . tjixury Ffm turn at an ronnmr price. 1Mb, Hichpn-d tVortrr! '-flt. rgrtatil? Cripr! 'ull 6 ru. (u of toraftr! Full 8 6 fit. ft. of ctnracr unart-! Hie Krorrn 1'ond Cheat. Froien food Cht. lit MODIl CM... Mr nr trftat vnu pay! Big 4-!b. Si 1 ill 1 1 iip. (I I'laittir. cot wed meat rhrnt. Twn 12. qt. Yegetablt Chisprra! rrfricrratrd Kniit Kmihmer. Mw Shrlf. 12-qu Vrg. tabic Crifprr. MODIl m... An Enginrrr- Knwcn l-'ood Cheot. Atasic Shelf aiJjutA .i way. Twin Veeetahle Cripen (20 qta. capacity). MODIl MM ... Crratnt food, krrntng atiranr in vpan! 50.1b. Frozen food Chet. P'P remral atoraee. Cold Mit Frcfthener. New Fruit Frenhener. 20.00 DOWN 26.00 DOWN 30.00 DOWN 34.00 DOWN 39.00 Full Pries 199.9S Full Price 259 9S Full price 299.9S DOWN , Full price 339.95 Full pries 389.95 FREE DELIVERY ic LIBERAL TRADE-INS IIICteMlxSjiL 222 W. Oak Phone 348