12 Tfit Nwi-Rtviw, Roieburg, Ort. Thuri., Sept. 8, 1949 Young Fellows Are Advised To Wait For Dollar Dinner Contestants To Grow Older By PAUL W. HARVEY, JR. SALEM, Sept. 8 (JP) A note to the young fellows: when you consider Retting married, w e suggest you wait until the dollar dinner conteitanti at the Oregon state f air are oia enough. The girls are cute. They are Interesting. They know how t o tave money, and, boyi, how they can cook: These glrla are the best 4H club cooks In the state. In the contest, each girl brings her own iood, prepares a time schedule lor- each phase of getting t h e dinner, and then has to keep to her schedule. The Idea lor the contest orig inated In Oregon, and has spread to the other states. Each girl pie pares a dinner for four persons, and spends less than $2. The limit used to be a dollar, but In flation has changed that. Writer Guest I was a guest yesterday at a dollar dinner served by pretty,' little Lois Flinn. She's only 14 years old, and lives In Valsetz, a Polk county logging center In the coast mountains. Her father is a logger, and there are three younger children In the family. Lois cooks on a wood range at home. So you can guess how flus tered she was when she got to the fair and found she had to cook on an electric range. She had never used one before. Rut Lois mastered the range, and served dinner a couDle of minutes later than called for by her 1 3-4 hour schedule. With a lot of spectators mak ing her nervous by watching her every move. Lois served as fine a dinner as this 203-pound food lover has ever tasted. (My wife didn't consider this remark In a very good light.) Lois served pineapple Juice . meat loaf made with lamb and sausage, baked potato, string beans, cucumber salad, hot bis- Iiliil Custom Slaughtering and Curing Hav your animal slaughtered and cut by us. We cut and wrap each piece for your locker. Park Slaughtered Tuesday Bttf and Vial Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Limit ad fa thai days in accordance to the Brand Inspection laws. Beef, veal and pork for your locker at wholesale prices. ROSEBURG MEAT CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 624 Winchester Phone 280 1 u 1 J i A ) w SITTINC SLEEPER Venerable Lokanslha, a Budd hlit monk who "renounced the comfort of a bed" 16 years co, sIiohs how he sleeps in a chair during a visit to London. cults, peaches, and home-made cookies. Biscuits Fluffy And when she gets married someday, she wont have t serve her husband any of those traditional hard-rock bride's bis cuits. Hers were fluffy and de licious. Other guests at her dinner were Miss Mary Beth Minden Corvallis, the Judge: Mrs. L. W, fir-eon, Valsetz, who Is Loin's 4-H club Instructor; and John Denny market editor of the Oregonian About 35 girls are doing what Lois did In the contest, which lasts all week. Lois Is competing In the Junior division, for girls 13 years oia and younger, ine older girt have to eat with their guests, entertaining them with small talk. I'd like to try that next. Miss Minden, the Judge, eat three meals like that every day of the contest. She's sure going to take on some weight. And so, boys, where else are you going to find a girl nowadays who can cook a dinner well, lav it on the table on time, and save your money doing It? Sign Carrying Pickett Dog British Officials NEW YORK. Sent. 8. UP) Shouting, sign-carrying pickets dogged British officials Tuesday night as they passed through iew York on tneir way to eco nomic talks In Washington. Ihe pickets chanted such slo gans as: (..et rid of those British Dan handlers." And: "There II always be a British empire as long as Uncle bam pays tor It. About 700 pickets were on hand at the dock as the British dele gation, Including Foreign Min ister Ernest Bevin and Chancel lor of Ihe Exchequer Sir Stafford Crlpps, debarked from the liner Mauretanla. The demonstrators said they were "American-Irish minute-men." Keep your house warm this winter... with a WOOD HEATER WOOD IS CHEAP! FUEL Modern wood burning clr. oilitlng heaters are de signed to give years of efficient and economical service heat up to ten rooms with one wood heater! Look of these features! Walnut Enomel Finish Fireside Grill Front Extra large, extro heavy east iron fire box Heats the corners, heats the floor comfortably Perfect draft control IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! CIRCULATOR HEATERS 34 Why pay high prices for Imported fuel? Burn wood, jrown on Douglas county hillsides, no shortage and less expensive. Wood is a GOOD fuel. Wood burning heaters, priced from J10 Convenient Terms Free Delivery We Install Free JUDD'S FURNITURE 32 N. Jackson Phone 26 Fine Furnitur For More Than 25 Years Gunman's Mother Grief Stricken CAMDEN, N. J. (.Vi The mother of the berserk gunman who slaughtered 13 persons in cold blood was prostrated in her grief over the tragedy. Mrs. Freda Unruh, about 50, Is seriously 111 at the home of a sis ter. Mrs. E. M. Wonsetler. The pnysician attending her said she lapses into unconsciousness fre quently. Her 28 year-old son, Howard, is under close police kukiu, i-nargea wnn muraer. Mrs. unruh left her Iron inn un. finished yesterday and went to tne Home of a next-door neighbor, Mrs. Caroline Pinner, 70. This was while Howard was eating his breakfast and, police said later, planning his massacre. Mrs. Pinner told a reporter that Mrs. Unruh said she was worried about Howard. She men tioned that his eves looked funny. Suddenly gunfire echoed in the street below. Mrs. Unruh screamed. "Howard, Howard." Mrs. Pin ner said the mother cried, inev ve done tnis to you. ' Then: "I've got to use the phone." Mrs. Unruh started to walk across the Pinner living room. But she never reached the tele phone table. She collapsed In a faint. Lote- he was taken to hr sister s home. J 1 ,P- I Mayor Rtgtl Proclaims Polio Emergency Week i t l ' n t .i ait . i .. i - . . l. ' ' HEAD LID "The lid that keeps the powder dry" is modeled in Cleveland, O., by its inventor, Charles A. Mueller. The con traption is designed for baseball fans, for parades, or as a beach sunshade. It's very simple, says Mueller. It's made of a hinged piece of lacquered wood to which a piece of galvanized wire has been- attached. Mueller's now out looking for a market. Mrs. Wonsetler said that Frank Unruh, Howard's father, has been separated from his wife for some years. His whereabouts are unknown. Proclamation of Mayor Albert G. Flegel, designating the week of Sept. 12-17 as "Polio Emer gency Week, follows WHEREAS, Infantile paralysis again li rampant throughout the nation, striking community after community wild ruthless Impar tiality, and, WHEREAS, the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis has thrown Its full resources Into the fight against this insidious dis ease, and, WHEREAS, the high cost of combating the 1949 polio out breaks, qIus the millions of dol lars still being expended by the National Foundation for last year's patients who require con tinued care and treatment, have drained the organization's finan ces to the danger point, and. WHtRKAS, it has consequent ly become necessary for the N'a tlonal Foundation to hold a dis aster drive for funds so that Its work of merry may continue unabated, NOW THEREFORE, I. Albert C. Flegel, mayor of Roseburg do urge each and every resident of Roseburg to respond most gener ously to the National Founda tion's emergency appeal starting sept, s, and I DO FURTHER PROCLAIM THE WEEK OF Sept. 12-17 to be "Polio Emergency Week" and ask all citizens of our commu nity to Join In our common cru sade against infantile paralysis. ALBERT G. FLEGEL YOU CAN ENJOY TANK GAS SERVICE Propane Tanks For Rent No Need To Buy utilityWservice Pacif ie Bldg., Roseburg. Ph. 23S FEZ A BIG BA& OF .US EXCELLENT APPETIZER! Fresh at st-A your grocer Valley Wholesale Co. 109 Rice Street Roseburg l f V NEW LOW PRICE SHORTENING - U-kiUS fw ' JCAMPFIRI FRESH HIGHEST QUALITY m . ft X a? W W M i SPECIALS Friday ond Saturday, September 9th and 10th Marshmallovs 1 lb. package 25c FINEST QUALITY WIENERS Extra special, lb., 39c M. J.'B. LONG GRAIN Rice First Quality California Fancy, 2 lb. box 37c SUNSHINE FINE FOR SNACKS LOCAL RAISED CHICKENS FRYERS Lb.. 49c Hi - Ho Crackers -, 26c HEINZ GROUND FRESH DAILY HAMBURGER Pound. 39c TOMATO CATSUP 23c 14-OZ. BOTTLES NEW OLEOMARGARINE 25c 1-LB. SIZE, EACH PUREX .o 20c RED TOP 12-OZ. HEAVY CANVAS GLOVES 25c ! tMllillllllllllMMilllllHMMIMBHHMSlMMsMHHM HOOD RIVER CIDER VINEGAR mfc.45c KERR LIDS 29c DUZ . m.'0-!": 25c BISQUICK J9c i Back to School And you want to look your very best with a gleaming new boir do that does the most for you. Coll 522 to day for on appointment. Henninger's Beauty Shop ALICE MARRION IN CHARGE Opens 8:00 A. M. Store No. I Jockson and Winchester Dillard Tomatoes 4 lbs. 25c Lemons Md. .i,. doz. 29c Oranges sunkist iweet & juicy doz. 29c Green Peppers 3 IBs. 79c Cantaloupes Diiiard', 3 for 1 9c Sweet Corn 6 ears 23c Green Onions 2 bunches 15c Bananas and firm . lb. T7c Peaches 3 lbs. 79c Celery Utah type, green b. 72C Gravenstein Apples 3 lbs. 79c Henninger's AAarts ROSEBURa STORCt Siort '. t Jftrhtoa WlwkHitr tlr N. 1 4 . tUfkitat HaBlnfrc Mart Myrtl ch iM ftiMtt) Ufa la far! Thrill Market Oaklaaa a talaartiaj