V 10 Thai Ntwi-Rtvitw, Roseburg, Ort. -Thurt., Sept 8, 1949 LOCAL Grange to Mt Evergreen Grange will hold Its quarterly birthday party at 8 o'clock Fn day night at the hall. Spend Day in Eugena Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark and Mil. Alfred C. Anderson of Roseburg lelt this morning lor Eugene to spend the day. Back From Olympla Mrs. Frank Bistak has returned to her home in Roseburg. following a trip to Olympia, Wash., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. ffudson. Back From Coast Mr. and Mrs. Jack Preston have returned to their home on South Stephens street, following a few days at coast points. Vacation on Coast Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Collins and children have returned to their home in Laurel wood after spending the weekend vacationing near Wald port. Back From Coast Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarvls Robertson and ion, Jimmy, and Claude Patter son have returned to their homes in Roseburg. following a trip to Tenmile lake and coast points. Leave For Home Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davidson have left for their home in El Monte, r-ailf.. following a visit of a wk at Winchester with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davidson. Leaves For College Miss Georgene Shanklin left Wednes day for Eugene to begin her Jun ior year In the school of music at University of Oregon. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul it. Shanklin Sr., of Roseburg. Rummage Sale Roseburg chapter, American Gold Star Mothers Inc., will sponsor a rum mage sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Episcopal parish hall Sat urday. Donations will be picked up by calling StoS-L, or S54-J. Visit Few Days Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clover and son, Alfred, have left for their home in Tracy, Calif., following a vacation in Or egon and a few days In Rose burg visiting Mrs. Clovers sis ter, Mrs. W. H. Scofield, and fam ily, at 853 W. Mosher street. Will Attend Convention Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Jacklin of Rose burg and Mrs. Al Miller of Green wich, Conn., are leaving Friday for Coronado, Calif., to Join. Mr. Miller and attend the national magazine wholesalers conven tion. During the Jncklin's ab sence, Mrs. Perry Brubraker and son, Norman, of Klrkland, Wash., are staying In their home. Vacationing Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hagestad and daughter, Kar en Sue, of Portland have left for the coast enroute to Seattle for their vacation, following a visit in Roseburg with Mrs. Hagc stad's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cacy, on East Oak street, with whom they left their 10-months-old son, Paul. While here, they also visited Mrs. Ilagestad's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cacy, and family. They will return to Eugene Sun day, where Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Cacy and Paul will meet them and spend the day visiting Mr. Cacy'i brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brltton, for mer Roseburg residents. The Hagestads and Karen and Paul, will then return to their home In Portland. Mrs. Hagestad is the former Dolores Cacy of this city. Adv.rtle.menl Of Gas and Bloat Medicine Stops Years Former Ptnkerton Detective uvi he to certainly glnrt that lv found out about KAU-O-DEX. Homer Scott. 22W Lima Ave.. Long. Bench, uvr Thanks tn your medclne tha aw (ill gnawing and burning sensation In the icn n so long la i so after meals I d hava to let out my belt a coup la of notch, and 1 frit groggy neurit all the time. Sleep was next to Impossible, teems like I would just twist and turn all night. All of these distresses were caused. I am sure, from sluggish bowels, and since KAL-O-OrX has relieved that condi tion 1 am regular and feet better than I have in years. 1 told a friend about Kal-O-DeK and h la getting result, too." KAL-O 6EX Is an Herbal Formula Containing medicinal Juices from 5 Great Herbs: the herbs cleanse bow als, clear gas from alomarh. act on sluggish Intestines and ktrinevs. Mis erable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering Get jAWJ-urx at all Drug Stores. M Honey neirs. uuaramee. SO CALlta HORN Of THE RWNOCtROS 13 NOT MOON BUT' I A MASS OF MOOtFlEO HSlUIUAfj IS ATfACHCO fO OMIV rt.L SKIM,' . -AN0. NQT TO THE SKULL. 1 NEWS Reception The Winchester teachers will be honored at a re ception at the clubhouse at 8:30 o'clock Friday night. Members of the school board and their wives will also be honored. Ev eryone in the community is In vited. Two-Day Rummage Sale The Roseburg Woman's club will hold a two-day rummage sale begin ning at 1 p.m. Friday and con tinuing all day Saturday at the Methodist church basement. Those having donations to be nicked up are asked to call Mis. W. H. Carter at 749-J. Leaves For University Alan Davidson has lelt for Pacific uni versity to Join the football squad for pre season practice under Dr. Paul Stone, Pacific university athletic director. Davidson, who Is beginning his second year at the Forest Grove institution, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davidson of Winchester. Zulelma Club to Meet Instead of the usual politick affair, Zu- leima club. Daughters of the Nile will meet at the home of the pres ident, Mrs. O. W. Harrah, 401 3. Pine street Friday night, at 7:J0 o clock to complete plans for the ceremonial to be held Sept. 24. Every committee chairman is es pecially requested to be present. Births at Mercy Hospital GOBER To Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur W. Gober, Winston, Sept. 6, a son, James Louis; weight seven pounds five ounces. VAN CLEAVE To Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Van Cleave, Wil bur, Sept. 5, a son, Frank; weight four pounds 12 ounces. HALLTo Mr. and Mrs. Le land V. Hall, 1538 Walnut, Rose burg, Sept. 7, a son, Stephen Ray; weight six pounds two ounces. FORBES To Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Forbes, Lookingglass route, Roseburg, Sept. 6, a son, David Burton; weight eight pounds live ounces. HOLCOMB Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene R. Holromb, Oakland, Sept. 7, a daughter, Rachel Ann; weight six pounds three ounces. SULLIVAN-To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sullivan, Box 43, Rose burg, Sept. 5, a son, Michael Eric; weight seven pounds 11 ounces. HOOD To Mr. and Mrs. Rog er Hood, Oakland, Sept. 3, a son, James Alvln; weight eight pounds two ounces. WILLI lOIT-To Mr. and Mis. Floyd I. Wlllholt, Lookingglass route, Sept. 6, a daughter, Ida Elizabeth; weight eight pounds four and one-half ounces. HANDY To Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis E. Handy, Glide, Sept. 6, a son, Gary Lee; weight five pounds nine ounces. McCLANE To Mr. and Mr George J. McClane, Canyonville, September 7, a daughter, Rebec- Katherlne; weight seven pounds 11 ounces. LODGE DIRECTORY OeMolay Chapter Regu lar meeting every sec ond and fourth Thurs day at the Masonic Temple. Scribe. 0. E. 8., Roseburg Chapter No. S Holds stated communications on tho first and third Thurs days of each month. All so Journing brothers and sisters are cordially Invited to attend. ELLISON Worthv Matron. CHRISTINA MICELL1, Sec. B. P. O. Elks, No. V 326 Meet in Elks Ttimnln v r v Thursday. Visit ing Brothers al ways welcome. ROBERT HELLIWELL, Sec. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed bv loose raise teeth slipping, dropping or wabbling when you est, talk or laugh. Just sprin kle a llltle FASTEETH nn your plates. This pleasant powder gives a remark able sense of added comfort and secu rity by holding plates more ftrmlv. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. i anaiine rnon-acm. uet TEETH at any drug store. FAS- Of course you ore oware that quality ond low prices ore the virtues that have gained and retained for the PRE-MIX CONCRETE COM PANY an enviable reputa tion throughout Roseburg. We guarantee to give abso lute satisfaction. U. S. Navy To Purchast 720,000 Bars Of Silver NEW YORK. Sept. SWPV-Th U. S. Navy disclosed this week that It planned to buy 720,000 ounces of bar silver for use at the naval ordnance plant In For est Park. 111. The purpose was not revealed. Bids belore Sept. 27 were akod. with shipment to bem acle before Dec. 15. Whether the navy would buy foreign-origin sliver rather than new U. S.-mlned metal was not disclosed. All American-origin sil ver is currently being purchased by the treasury at 90's cents an ounce. Mystery Story Writer Recovering From Sleep SANTA MONICA, Calif., Sept. 8. (!) Craig Rice, writer of mystery stories, Is recovering aft er 20 hours of unconsciousness In her hotel room. Her physician, Dr. Vincent J. De Paulo, said he hoped to question her later today to learn what had induced her deep sleep. The doctor said he suspected' an overdose of sleeping tablets but none was found in the room. W. B. A., Roseburg Review, No. 11 Holds regular meetings on second and fourth Thursdays at 2 p. m. Visiting sisters in vited to attend reviews. Macca bee hall Pine and Cass Streets. HELENA HAYS, Pres. JESSIE VINSON, F. Sec. Alpha Lodge No. 47, Krights of Pythias Meets every Wednes day night at 8 o'clock. K. P. hall. Rose street. J' HN D. Hk'KC, C. C. CARL O. PERMIN, Sec. F. O. E. Aerie H97, meets Macca- bee hall on Pine street every Tuesday evening at f o'clock. Visiting brothers always wel come. W. C. TOWNSEND, Pres. EARL McCOY, Sec. Temple No. 23, Pythian Sisters- Meets the second and fourth Thursday of eaJ month at the K. P. hall. GLADYS FRENETTE, M. E. C. Ladles Auxiliary to Fraternal Or der of Eagles Meetings held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the r..onth at the Eagles Hall Visiting Sisters in good stand ing always welcome. ETHEL LI" A Pres. CLARA STIEWIG. Secty. Urvon Encampment No. 9, I. O. O. F. Meeli each second and fourth Friday night In the Odd Fellow Temple at 8 o'clock. Visitinj, Patriarchs cordially in vited to attend. CHARLES DlMMICK. C. P. RALPH L. RUSSELL, Scribe KENNETH GRAVES, Treas. KNIOH'S OF COLUMBUS Roseburg Council No. 2939. Meets every 2nd and 4th Tues days, Knights of Pythias Hall. Visiting brothers welcome. HARVEY BROWN, G. K. PHIL SCALLON, F. S. Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41 Meets In Odd Fellows Tem ple every second and fourth Tuesday evenings at 8:00 p. m. NORA FRAUENDIENER, N. G. MARY CURTIS, Secretary. I. O. O. F. Philet-rlan Lodge No. 8 Meets in Odd Fellow Tern- Sle every Thursday evening, at o'clock. Visit'ng brothers al ways welcome. D. F. FRAUENDIENER, N. G. T. B. BUSENBARK, Sec. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllao Circle, No. 49 Meets at 8:00 p. m. every first and third Mon day evening In I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. LOIS BURTON, (?. N. CYNTHIA GERMOND, Clerk. Maple Lodge No. 127 A. F. A A. M Meets In I. O. O. F. hall, Myrtle Creek, 1st and 3rd Mon day each month. All members always welcomed. FRANK BURR, VV. M. J. L. CHANEY, Sec. Veterans ot Foreign Wars Regu lar meeting ot the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 2468, meets the second and lourth Tuesdays each month at 8 p. m. Veterans' Lounge. Laurel Lodge No. 13, A. F. A. M. Masonic Temple, corner Cass and Jackson streets. Meets every Wednesday evening with stated communications second and fourth Wednesdays. Visit ing members alwavs welcome. CEO. W. CHURCHILL. W. M. W. F. HARRIS. Sec y. Job's Daughters, No. S Meet first and third Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. Masonic Temple Master Mason and O. E. S. members alwavs welcome. KAY HOLMES, Hon. Queen. DOIUS RAND. Rec. Lady Elks Meets every second and fourth Thursday at 8:00 . o'clock at t nc Elks Temple. All members welcome. MRS. PAUL K. KYAN. Pres. MRS FRANK J. BISTAK, Sec Treasurer. Valentine Chapter, No. 98, O. E. S. Meets n I. O. O. F. hall, Myrtle Creek, 2nd and 4th Mon days eacn -onth. Members al ways welcome. ZENOKIA M. AKFR. rres. JANE KNIGHT. F.Scc. V I FOAL NOT1C Seited hid, Hill be received bv A ft C ollier. Clerk at Jr Hih School : r.actl uiuikt snuuiu asiTtiniii Ruiuiing. Roaetxirs, Oregon, until Sep-1 f rom the respective District Kor i'.Ti'rT; ndarrri' coZ'Th, S.ver- ester's oftice. the location of the hi t:rd school Gtm-Audtiorium Ad-! road or right-of -wav covered bv rfc''Iglarii"oin'vI0RiDuVore,g,mand such agreement relating to the HI Ihen and th-r b opened and tl'HCt Upon Which he W1SI1CS tO puhiicir read "'d 'd-,,,fr',"r bid. It is the bidder's respon- alter the too fieo for openings will . . , . . , . . . ' not h con.i.iered : sibility o determine for himself pian.. Pic,iicuotii and form -f the extent to which such agree- eontract document! mav be examined i , ( IK or obtained at tha nrrtr or rreemin , and tu, .lip. Asoc Arrnt, . juw v. .ltd Aenue. Pmtland. Oregon, upon a depn.tt or S2Aim. which will be re funded upon l return of the plana and ipecificatlom tatthtn a reasonable Attention ti railed to Bidder Prequait- r,r" !!"" "";'"" rM ""t X ,w l" ! Routed. hirh mu.t be fl in the i of hid. and for which formi may he obtained al lha oflir ol lha h CrSi J A MELEE This is a general view of melee which developed near Peekslcill, N. Y.; ai police attempted to escort followers of singer Paul Roboion from scene of concert. Authorities managed to open narrow lane through milling, shouting supporters of veteran organizations. Negro and woman with shoulder beg (right center) are moving through swaying police line. lAp wirephoto.) considered un certified check with au thorized surety company as sureiyi made oavable to the Owner In an amount of not less than S'r of the mount of tha bid. Surety bond bonds' will be reauired in accordance wnn me terms 01 we contract aucu The School District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon reserves the right lo reject any or all bids and to waive inmrmaimes. No bidder may withdraw his hid after the hour set for the opening I hereof or belore award of me con tract, unless said award la delayed for a period exceeding JU days. A. B. COURIER, Clerk. First publication Sept. B. IWfl. Second publication Sept. 1.1, 19. Third publication Sept. 22. 1940. NOTICE OF TIMBER SALE: SEALED BIDS, marked outside "Bid for Timber," and addressed lo the Regional Administrator, Bureau of Land Management, Region I, Room 131, Building No. 1, Swan Island, Portland 18, Oregon, will be received until and opened at 2:00 P. M., PA CIFIC STANDARD TIME, on September 13, 1949, for the purchase of all merchantable timber designated for cutting upon tracts hereinafter described. The cutting and removal of the timber shall be carried out in accordance with the forest prac tice rules approved on July 7, 1A38 by the Secretary of the Interior. Each bid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species, the total con sideration which will be paid for the timber and a statement that the bidder will comply with local manufacturing requirements as hereinafter stated. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Each lealed bid must be submitted in dupli cate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be in cash or In the form of a certi fied check on a solvent bank and in favor of the Treasurer of the United Slates. The amount of the deposit will be at least 20 of the first $1,000 of the appraised value of the timber; an addi tional 10 of the next $9,000, an additional 5 of the amount between $10,000 and $100,000; and an additional 3 of any amount In excess of $100,000. The deposit will be returned to unsuccessful bidders; applied as a part of the purchase price of the high bidder; or that portion of the deposit representing the minimum required by law shail be retained as liquidated dam ages if the hih bidder does not execute contract and furnish sat isfactory bond within thirty days of acceptance of the bid or can not furnish evidence of his abilitv to comply with. the local market ing requirements. In sales over $5,000, and in small sales when required, the high bidder will be required to furnish a sworn li nancial stMmient, showing abil ity to fulfill the terms of the contract. A bond on all sales wi,l be required in an amount com puted at the rate of at least 15 per cent of the bid price. Payment for timber will be re quired in advance of cutting payment in full at the time of filing the contract being required in saies amounting to SS.OtiO or less. In larger sales, the Kegloml Administrator may permit pay ment in a number of install ments. Timber sold In accordance with this advertisement must be manufactured within the market ing aiea as designated for each tract hereinafter described in accordance with the Unlets of the Secretary of the Interior, No. and Nos. 2380 to Incl.. dated December 11. 1946 and November 2!1. 1947, respec tively. The I'nited States has by agreement been given the rignt to authorize Its purchasers to use certain roads and rights-of- ii n i' t.r lha T-Atrtrtvnl nf hmhnr ,. mh m iti y , mt oic m.- road or right-of w-av subject to the payment of reasonable com ' pensation to the assignor of the l I'nited States. The right Is here bv reserved to waive technical defects in the advertisement; to re led all bids, or to award the '1,"1'.1. :,' Arrhl-nignrs. ota to lire mrai nigum i O HELD Chinf of Police Lester M. Isenhut of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Sheriff Harold S. Zeis of Allen county, Ind., said that Franklin Click (above), 30 year-old celery farm worker had confessed to the slayings of threa Fort Wayne women who figured in the case of Ralph Lo- baugh, now under death sen tence. The officers said Click has confessed to slayings of Wilhelmina Haaga, Anna Ku zeff and Phyllis Comine. AP Wirephoto) qualified bidder when the offi cer' authorized to approve the contract 'shall deem the high bid der unqualified to fulfill the con tractual requirements of the ad vertisement. All tracts advertised for sale for which no bid is re ceived on the sale date may be sold on the 30th day after the sale date to bidders offering the highest price during the thirty day interim. In no case will the timber be sold for less than the appraised price. Further Infor malion. Including copies or the form of contract, bid forms and schedules of contract payments may be obtained at District Offi ces of the Bureau of Land Man agement, located at Salem, Eu gene. Roseburg, Coos Bay, and Medfoid. Oregon, or at the office of the Rigional Administrator, Building No. 1. Swan Island, Portland 18. Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 12th dav of August. 1!IW. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: OREGON: SEALED BID: DOUGLAS MARKETING AREA: T. 23 S.. R. 4 W., W. M., Sec. 35, all merchantable timber designated for cutting on Por. S5NWJ, Por. I-ot 4 (NEISWJi. M 5 (NWlSWi). Lot 6 (SWJSWJ), Por. Lot 7 (SEl- SWII, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 3955 M. feet Douglas fit, SO M. feet Pon- derosa Pine. ISO M. feet Incense ("edar, 25 M. feet Western Red Cedar. -15 M. feet White Kir, 25 M. feet Hemlock. No bid for less than $4.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Douglas Kir, S!.40 per M. ft. B. M. for the Ponderosa Pine, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar, and Hemlock, $3.00 per M. ft. B. M. for the White Kir. or a total purchase price of J1S977.50 will be considered. Miscellaneous EXPERIENCED DRIVER wl.hei a ride tn N Dakota or Montana arottm after Sept 12 Ml Short SI NO HINTING OR TRESPASSING on mv Olalla property. R C Bellow, Tt(..hire nrrrun Per sot w I AVON WILL TRAIN 4 pleaant. mature. capable women for Chmtmas celling Write Avon Out Mgr.. Rt 2. Box 95, Crewell. Oregon ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS-P 6 Box 111 or Po- t-I. r v-J Fuel WOOD Fireplace) and furnace Old growth fir blovx peeler core, email round core mill ends, planing end, oak and laurel Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wood t mtle Ft on Douclas St. Rt 1 Box 4J Prompt delivery Claude Wtliey. Phone 15 J -3 or 143-4-1 fOR ALlahwood iawdu-.i. pliner emu. room jui. jonmoo tuei t.a Trucks BEN'S TRUCK PARTS MOTORS Mi ttvid election of mere h nd im at very low prices du to fortunate) Wsr Surplus Purchase). Your inquiries r In vi tea. NEW CADILLAC Motors complete with II accessories including 4-tpa. ahead 1-spd. rev., nyarauuc trans. NEW 100AX 147-h p. WHITE Mntors complete with au accessories includ Inf clutch. NEW RED DIAMOND Ml, International Motors complete wun ail accessories. NEW GREEN DIAMOND 23,1 Interna tional Motors complete with ail ac cessortes. NEW JEEP INDUSTRIAL- POWER PLANT complete with all accessories. WE ALSO HAVE Completely rebuilt motors, both Indus trial and Truck, of every site and aescripuon: RXC HERCULES 529 cu. In dlse. CMC 270 cu. in dm p. LO-A3S cu. In B1UA. CHEVROLET Hl-Torque. EN -.VIZ cu. in. MACK. BG-310 cu. In MACK II ALL SCOTT 1U Power Unit JEEP MOTORS. COMPLETE BOGIE ASSEMBLIES: International. Tlmken, GMC. Prompt attention given to all mall oraers ana correspondence. BEN'S TRUCK PARTS Parti for ill truck. G. L or Conv. 2811 So Tacoms War Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE 7-S yard Hiel dump brd ana noiAi, a-1 conanton. se at unit ed Truck Service, Sulherlin, or caU :to-r-za, Roseburg. 1 IMS INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 ihm international picaup. i Ringie axla pillns trailer for information Phone :vt 129 2nd Ava South AXLE SHAFTS for all makea of truck. Ravi Truck Shop. 3033 N Stephana Phona 498-J-i. Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE the bring In the most money Sale every Friday. Livestock 13 o'clock, furniture T p. m. Roseburg Auction Phona 191 WANTED Eat lambs, yearlings and canner ewes. Write or rail, James E Lewis, Mvrtle Creek. Oregon, ph 84; Darrili W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 398-B Rowehurg. Oregon. Ph. 885-R-l. WANTED TO BUY Fat and feeder lambs. Also young breeding ewes Inquire Lyle Mariters or John Rohr Happy Valley Ranch. Phona 17-r-2 or 17-r-l.i ONE 3 YEAR old renlstered Jersey bull breeder, fine record Schutzwohl strain. Contact John Jeslnghaus. Rt 1, Box U3. Messinger Road. Murphy. Oregon. SOMK CHOICE white-faced veal calves, just rmht for the locker. Market price. W. A. Thomas, miles cast of Sutherlin, at bridge. FARMERS Will buy hogs and feeders on Thursdays, 9:30 to 4:30 at stork yards In Roseburg. Bring them in W. W Green. 3 JERSEY COWS, freHh; one 3-year-old heifer, fat: ona 2-year-old heifer, calf at wide M. A. Jones. Camas Valley. FOR SALE -Suffolk bucks. Inquire John Rohr at Happy Valley Banco. Ph, 1 f . r - 3. FEEDER PIGS. 1S Also five tons oat straw, bright; S20 ton. See Isaac CI In e , Flnurnny Va Hey, or phone 1 58. FOR SALE puroc JcrRey aow and 10 pigs. Also 3 wraner pigs, young Jer sey cow. J M. Rabun. Rt 1 Box lgS-A FOR SALE Young Guernsey bull, just right for servlca, $100, Oscar Weeks, Mvrtle .Creek. WANTED FAT AND FEEDER lambs and yearlings. W A. Blackert. Myrtle creen. tnone jxci. FOR SALE -Feeder pigs. M. M. Good. upper uiaiia. FOR SALE Registered yeartlng Suf folk ram. L. L. Pattenton. Ph. 14-F-23. FOR SALE 3 purebred Yorkshire sows ana i ooar rnone own, sumerun. W A NTE DA iTk ind sof " Ii veTtockT H- M Cox Call 990-J-4 FOR SALE Day old bull calf C Hughes, Lower Garden Valley. Poultry Baby Chicks Hampa. Reds. Crosses. Every week In the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum passca. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent. Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglass Rt Phona 18-F-3 Fryers 33c lb. First House On Curry Road Clar-Mar Poultry Farm Phone 1V-J-4 FOR SALE New Hampshire fryers, 1 io ins., .ic id , live wrignt. Lencaied ' mile west of Wilbur on Gardrn Valley road . No Sunday sales. Ph. 14 F-31. Roseburg Ira J. Headings. Rt. 2. Box 3iB .R oe burg . Oregon. Dressed Fryers 2 or more delivered Phone 10O0-J-3. ABOUT 300 year.old hens for salel White Leghorn. Fred Cockrell strain. 2UV1 Harard. RED FRYERS FOR SALE Dressed 43c lb Ready for locker. 50c lb. Phone KM-J-X-3 TOR SALE Colored frvers, 40r a pound Rt 1. Box ITS. Maurice Weber Call event new Rabbits Dogs FOR SALE -Reg. Springer Spaniel pups. Champion bloodlines. Liver and white 4 mites Eaiit Sutherlin on Nonpariei Road Call between 0 and 0 In eve ning W Metrnlf. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone 030 or 4A2-Y Reg and ped. pupotea.ali colors Stud service GREAT DANES, female, cropped. Make n mter. rrmne lajtff-H-S. Farm Equipment. CASE SO tractor with plow, disc and harrow: used onlv few hours. 03000. Hi 1. box 42 A. Yonralla. Oregon BEARCAT Garden Tractor.""or will trade for car Roseburg Furniture Ex-rhsT-rr V N Jrktn 5t Ph oat R Financial F. H. A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY Arrow frrm Poat Offlc H rn,T aa 1U N St.prrt, Ph 1S.I-J AXf TO CONTACTArrY"lnter-"trt tn tnv.,ttna ,.1rw. tn fr.(nf lwi.ina.1: xcl.nt Mcurity. Inquir. Box S. Kcwt-Bv1w. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1949 FORD TITDOR SDN I1A9S00 1144. FORD TUDOR SDN. 1043 00 148 FOHD COUPE 1045 00 1B43 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 1178 00 1942 DODGE FORDOR SDN. 87S )M) lfM2 CHEV. TUDOR SDN BUS 00 1U41 FORD CU G COUPE 7S.V0O lfMl NASH FORDOR SDN. 6tS 00 lf)40 PLYMOUTH f ardor sdn. ... .145 00 lft:iT FORD COUPE 23 00 1931 MODEL A SDN B5.0U Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1A4A I94H 1A47 IS40 11M2 IS 11 1942 1943 FORD VAN 2498 00 WILLYS JEEP lldSOO INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 10H3 00 GMC 1',-ton Chassis & cab 7M ( FORD I -ton Flatbed .... 49ft (to FORD DUMP TRUCK BM.VOO FORD , TON PICKUP .... rW3 00 FOTtD LUMBER TRUCK ... 1H5 00 SINGLE Wheel car trailer 43.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Look 19441 Chevrolet Sedan. Radio and heater. We will give a 3 day driving trial on this car and tha price la only 91223.00, cash or tenns. Rose Motor Co. Chrysler Ply-mouth Rose it Lane Sts. Phone W Better Buys at Barcus 1948 1943 Ford Club Coupe, looks and runs like new 01545 Pontlae 4-door sedan, good paint, reconditioned motor (975 1940 1940 1940 lsrto 19.19 1934 Ford V-0 convertible, new Mercury motor, new Urea, ex cellent 795 Chev. Coupe, with factory built pickup box ,. 643 Ford V-0 coupe . ,--.... 0M Chev. Coup 495 Oldsmobtle 0 3-door aedan .... 425 Ford Tudor, food tires. good motor 145 TRUCKS 1942 O t 4x4 IVi ton truck .quip- pea wun naioaa; also naa dump bed and bolat excel lent condition I 10.T3 Cher, l'i ton flatbed, excel lent farm truck, good Urea, reaar 10 so f Com In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hlfhwar 99 N at Garden Valley Road Look 3 Day Driving Trial No obligation. On these cars. 1A48 Plymouth Sedan. 1R48 Ford Tudor tSupert 147 Plymouth Coach. lf4 Chevrolet Sedan. Trade or Terms. Rose Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth Rose it Lane Sts. Phone M Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably farieaxL ! u a c - Chevrolet Buick Pontiao Cadillac trade-ins. 1919 CHRYSLER Royal 4door sedan Body St psint very good Tires like new. Mechanically in A-l condition Just completely overhauled Fine trouble-free transportation. $75. Some terms. Inquire 206 Douglas Co. Stele Bank Bldg . or phone 466 Look A Model A Tudor In very good con dition for only $15 00 and a 37 Zephyr Sedan at only SIM 00. Rose Motor Co. Chrvsler Plymouth Ro-e ft LaneSts Phone M FOR SALE-I947 ' Whirrer" motorbike good condition. Sacrifice. ITS for quick sal. Halverson. N'trkelon s Bar her Shop. trtle Creek. Oregon WHILE THEY LAST Brand ntwlMS iijuiB-uiiuv nan uaviason motor cvcles at a discount One-third down 12 months to pay. Joe's Harlev Daxtd son. i miles So.. Highway 99. Rose burg Ore Ph 47-R-S MORE MOSEY for your car-ci.nn the apot Corkrum Motors. Inr ue Soto. Plyvoutn. Phona 404. 1.4 N Ro St WILLYS JFF.P. A-l condiMon. full top and rurtaine, 9723, Room 30. Doug lsiHotel rOR SALE- 44B SX irdelB 34 new h;gh speed cams, new paint y termiLPh Hm-H-i FOR SALE -1949 Parharrf" mhm! will Uke '41 or model part pay., men. Phone liWU 1 I4fN A SHAM PA SS ArxilTXssVpe CTean. In good condition. R It u Sea at 530 W. Oak. or call T71-L 1 Autos Your Continued Satisfaction! . ... Is our aim' We want you pleased next week, next month, and always strive sincerely to provide you with a Used Car that gives you good perform ance and economical transpor tation. See our fine Guaranteed Used Cars today! Our Heputa tailon Is your assurance of sat isfaction! SPECIAL! 1940 Frazer Sdn . R. It H 11490 Ot 04U5.00 down W0 30 par mo. OTHER GOOD BUYS 1940 1941 1948 1949 1947 1U47 194(1 1H42 1942 1942 1941 1941 1940 1919 1930 Chev. Clb. Cpe., R. H. ., $1895 00 Ford Clb. Cpe.. R. At H 1473 00 Ford Sedan. R. Or H . 1413 00 Ford Pickup. 6OO0 ml - 1I930Q Dodge Sedan. R. it H 1393 00 Stude. Clb. Cpe. Overdrive .1493 00 Dodge Sedan. R. it H 1493 OO Dodge Sedan - 030 00 Dodge Clb. Cpe 930 00 Ford Clb. Cpe.. R H 0u3 00 Mercury Sdn.. R. ac H. , 923 00 Ford Sdn., R AH. 393O0 Olds. Clb Cp 503 00 Ford 3 Dr 443 M Ply. Sedan, H. Jk H. 330 00 Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto PLYMOUTH Headquarter 330 S. Stephens Ph. 5O0.J "We'll be here Tomorrow tn Back up What We Say anc Do Today? Look 1940 Chevrolet Town Sedan. A car you wlll be pleased to own and tha price la only 0645. Rose Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth Rose A Lane Sts. Phona Of 3-Day Driving Trial Why take a chance when you can have a three day driving trial on your new used car. l4t Land Cruiser. Just like new with very low mileage. Radio, rlima tlzer. Overdrive A Hill Holder. 1047 Commander S pas. Cpe. Radio, ell matlxer. Overdrive, Hill Holder. 14 Mercury Sedan. I94tt Plymouth Sedan. 1H41 DeSoto 4 dr. Sedan. 1941 Bulrk Special 4 dr. 1M1 Chev. 2 dr. lfl.lf) Chev. 4 dr. 114B Studebaker Pickup. r ma rimup. . Open In evenings until t . m. Keel's Quality Used Car Lot Next to Rom Hotel 339 N. Stephen! Prauiea 1449-J 199 41 CHEV. 4-door, R & H. Makr"7n offer. Call 1434-J-X, or m at 913'. N. Jackion. B49 S-PASS. CHEV, " coupe, very clean and iporly. A. T. Laurie, Ballf and Brown St. 1949 kAISERTOR SALE, or trade for cheaper car or pick-up 99 Hihwa Nojiexto RllngHllltMMel. fOR SALE 1948 Super Deluxe Ford f. FOR SALE-1041 rord 3-door ledan. radio, heater, new paint: 1949 Meiv cury motor. 3523. Ph. 183-R. Look We have for sale threa 4 ton pickups. 48 Dodge. 49 Studebaker. 49 Ford. Thee cart are In excellent mechanical condition, priced right and guaranteed. Rose Motor Co. . . -nrysier fiymoutn Rowft LaneStS; Phone 96 1775. EQUITY In lf49 Dodge roadsYer foe tAftn Pk n-x t v . 1 " . . . . 8 evenlnes. r?K r3?! rrd Bdan- 9"000 bodv. Queen . eeo ' " rOR SALE"l942 Willys Jeep, good ctm'. ' rouiuruia naaio, aj9. La I evenine at lit rnhh ct FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 Dodga sedan, new motor and front and. Coodconditlon. 9700. 242 Flint TOlX ALE-1949 CHRYSLZlTiedanTTsTl Look 1942 Plymouth 9 passenger coup. Good appearance, good tires, radio, heater and sect cover. Check this car and and price 9765 00. cash or terms. Rose Motor Co. Chrvster Plymouth Rose ft Lane Sta. Ph0n 99 . - - ., -I-,-,-,-,-,, , ,ju( - rurJ IB-IJ-lAjtjrLaj-ulnJL- -SS"Jg Equipment t4 CAT enl number 7-J-4173 witn Hyuer drum and LaPlant Choat. hy draulic dozer See at Tve. Lumber Co.. Sutherlin. Ore. or phone 1203 Huther- TOR SALE 1 double drum lot( Jam P'f. I et imall double drumi. 1944 S . n k nd " Henry Pprr.Brockway.Oreon. TOR SALE-DT 19 Jnternatlonal tractor. A l condition. BX 300 Skarlt yarder. A-l condition K3 International dump Iruck. Ph518-J- evenmia rt?inSAE m19?S .? C 3;'n lo, truck, 1940 Be.ll trailer, aood motor and tlre. with Job. $2M0. Calll3M-J. 1943 C M c:. practlcalir new-motoT: new tire.. lo bunk Priced very low to move. Phone eve. si-J. Timber Sawmills Wanted To Buy 3- HOt CH LI MBER TOP PRICES J PX EVERY TWO WEEKS E AIO DO CUSTOM MILLING PHONE OERDINO TOLL STATtON EVENINGS 1HH-J-1 OR W RITE Rolling Mills Lumber Co. P O Box 174. noecmir.. Ore.on Wanted 8 Ft. Fir Canti THE PRICE IS VP Sullivan & Son Hlehway M 3 mile. N of RoaMrtirf Phone IU1J roR sale en a ft of 3nd trnwti timber. Jelled and bucked, cat .how. . Juin Eifert. gnieMd Rt , gna a. rJ SALE SawtrtU or any Mri S "--"" M " warn. oy Denny, am. Wine healer.