The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 07, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    John D. Rockefeller 3rd Has Real
t Chance To Help His Fellow Man
NEW YORK-4P) There will be no more peace in our time.
John D. Rockefeller 3rd has seen to that. He has carried his
family's generous tradition of philanthropy right out the window.
John D. Sr. did wonders for world health with his millions.
John D. Jr. made a hopeful bid for world order by donating a
line site for the United Nations to build its echo chambers.
And John D. three? What i he
doing? Why, he's building a guest
house for visiting relatives. There
is no' doubt he and his wife prob
ably need it.. They hardly have
room in their East side apart
ment to entertain the 95 relatives
who showed up for their wedding
in 1932.
But young Rockefeller has put
some 3.000.000 other New York
families on the spot. Because
you know how relatives are--their
hinterland kin are going to
expect the same kind of treat
ment. "Rockefeller built a house for
his relatives," they'll sneer.
"Why don't you? Getting too big
for us, eh?"
And this will be difficult to an
swer, because most out-of-town
visitors are sure that everybody
here lives like Rockefeller or
Tommy Manvillo. Maybe they do,
but it is often on a smaller scale.
The trouble with John D. 3rd's
adventure in family goodwill is
that he built his guest house as
if he really wanted all his
obscure relatives to visit him.
It has a living room with a
fireplace, three bedrooms and
three baths. It has a sunlit patio
Wlien It's Time To Eat
It's Time To Refresh
i ?:-r- 3 I M : HJ'r II
AM j K B j
jttk for U lithtr may . . . hA t
tradt-markt man tht tarn Mug.
Coca-Csla Battling Compony of Roseburg
OUAfrOl Pot
bv QUAM. I
So other heater but the beautiful Quaker 3210 is equipped
with quakertrol ... the marvelous device that cuta fuel
costs . . . delivers more heat by creating its own controlled
draft regardless of chimney condition.
Yea, the QUAKER 3210 is the kind of vorlcfrte heat you
have always wanted. Just a turn of the dial and all the heat
you want is gently circulated through every room. No
smoke, no soot. And remember . . . the money you save in
fuel costs can pay for this beautiful Quaker 3210.
Umpqua Valley Appliance
120 W. Oak
complete with a goldfish pond
and a live tree. Wonderful place
lor a city picnic.
And it would be a fine gesture
of good will if young John O.
three would rent the Joint out oc
casionally when his own folks
weren't having a clambake. A lot
of fellow citizens here could use
it to show their relatives a hot
Annual Blight
But, like me, they would prob
ably want to make some modifi
cations. I have In mind enter
taining my fourth cousin, flap
Boyle. Cousin Squeegee lives in
Corntop, Iowa, and earned his
nickname as a boy by winning a
dime bet he could wash a depart
ment store window with one ear
without using a ladder.
Squeegee still has the dime
also a wife, a pet parrot, and
eight flap-eared children. Eveiy
body else in our family regards
Squeegee as a worse plague than
the locust, which appears only
once in 17 years. The Squeegee
tribe is an annual blight.
Old Home Atmosphere
It would be necessary, as I say,
Phona 1218
Emcee discovers he has no dough as curtain starts to rise on
show: Bill Gwlnn, "What's the Name of That -Song?" emcee, was
rescued from a very trying situation by a night grocery-store
- manager Just before the show hit
' 1
CLara Dudley sped to the studio just In the nick
of time for Bill to hand a cash prize to his first contestant. Foley
got his money back next day . . . and two complimentary tickets to
next week's showing of "What's the Name of That Song?" (Wednes
days ... 8 to 8:30 p.m.) " ,
Pictured above is Miss Clara Dudley, nationally known
color-scheme consultant, who will be available at Josse's to
give personal consultations on Individual home decorating
problems on September 8th and 9th. On these dates also,
she'll be heard on KRNR discussing the latest trends in
color, styling and deeign. On Thursday, September 8, she'll
be broadcasting from 1:30 to 1:45 p. m. . . . and on Friday,
September 9th, tune her In at 5 p. m., for a full half-hour.
Mutual Broadcasting System
1490 on Your Dial
4 00 Fulton Lewla Jr.
4:15 Frank Hrmincway.
4 ;iO Marvin Miller.
4 4. Muiic
5 oo Tipt and Tunes.
5:1! Muie.
3 M Champion.
3 45 Iee Bennett.
6oo Msn Behind the Melody.
8 15 Mutual Nrwareel.
4. JO j porta Page.
6 '35 Muic
6 40 Local Newa.
6 45 Southland Singing.
6 55 Bill Henry.
7 00 Dirk Ha.vmei.
7:15 Sammy Kay Showroom.
7 :to Cisco Kid.
8 oo What the Name of that Song?
8 10 Tex Bcnrke.
8 45 Bob Eberle.
0 oo New.
B 15 HI Neighbor.
S::io Scandinavian Melody Time.
9:45 Fullon Lewis Jr.
10 00 Gregory Hood.
to fix up the Rockefeller guest
house a bit for the Squeegees.
First, I'd stop up the fireplace
flue with concrete and get a good
smudgy fire going. Then I'd put
a garter snake in every bureau
drawer, and five famished rats
in each kitchen cabinet.
A wild falcon would be perchd
on the tree to take care of the
parrot; the pond would be full of
snapping turtles instead of gold
fish. I'd put two live grizzly bears
In the master's bedroom, to en
tertain Mr. and Mrs. Squeegee.
There'd be four wildcats in each
of the other two bedrooms to play
with Squeegee's eight little mon
sters. As I left Td scatter tacks and
cut glass on the living room rug.
as the Squeegees usually arrive
barefooted "it feels so cool,
cousin Hal, and you know what
they want these days for shoe
When the Squeegees arrived.
Td usher them in, back out fast,
lock the door and throw the key
down me nearest mannoie.
Lots of people have relatives
like Squeegee. If young Rocke
feller would rent out his guest
house, he not only would go down
as a benefactor of mankind he'd
make a profit.
Hews urm
X-. "5"
We Just heard the Rockefel
ler Foundation is planning to
investigate normal, nappy peo
ple. Thai's as encouraging as a
letter from home. Movies, ra
dio programs and books are so
full of people whose personali
ties are split more ways than
an exploding firecracker that
you begin to wonder whether
anyone else in the world is
normal. What ought to be
done is to glamorize the folks
who wouldn't know a neurosis
from a Hottentot lullaby. But
when you get to "normal" that
brings us back to the old say
ing, "Everyone is a little queer
except thee and Die . . . and
sometimes I think thee art a
little queer.
Mr. N. T. Combs of 1S45 Post,
wins this week's FREE LUBRI
CATION for his csr. Oriva In
anytime, Mr. Combs.
Mrs. W. E. Mirrion of 1206
E. 4th. won last week's FREE
last week's paper said "fine
lubrication' instead of "free
A New Jersey couple just goi
married in a diving bell of At
lantic Cily. That's going of!
the deep end in style. You don't
have to go off the dtvp end fi
nancially to drive around tr,
style. Not when you can ride ir;
a Plymouth. We have a fine se
lection of all the late models at
114 N. Rose St. Drop In for
demonstration and you'll t
sure to make vour next cai
PLYMOUTH. Phone 408.
the airlanes a week or so ago. It
was discovered that the usual ar-
. rangements for providing the
$15.00 cash prize to each of six
contestants had gone awry. Bill
was about to go on the air with
no dough! Of course, none of the
staff happened to have $90 to
help out in an emergency, either.
Bill grabbed a page boy and
pleaded "Get ninety dollars some
where quick!" Dutifully, the boy
tried several shops In the vicinity
of the Mutual Network studios
but didn't have any luck until he
finally came to Thomas Foley of
the Hollyw;ood Ranch Market,
who is hep to the exigencies of
V show business. The page boy soon
10 30 Ruse Morgan Own.
1 1 oo Cuea In Music
1130 Sin Off.
8 OO Sunns Serena ex.
8 15 News.
6 20 MUkic.
so Rim Shine.
7 00 News
7 15 Breakfast Gang.
7 45 Local Newt.
7:50 Beehive.
7 .V Music.
BOO Haven of Rest.
8 .m Modern Home.
8 4.V Music.
9 00 Willys Coffee Tim.
8 15 Music.
9:30 Man About Town.
9 40 Music.
p so Shopper's Guide,
in OO News
10 13 Sweetwood Serenade,
in. to Say It With Music.
10:45 Art Baker
11.00 Ladles First.
11 ;t0 Queen for a Day.
12 00 Music at Noon.
1215 Sports Page.
12 25 Music.
12 :t0 Clocking the Stars.
12.15 Music.
12 40 Local News.
12:45 National News.
12:.5 Market Reports.
1 :00 Man on the Street
1:15 Listen to Liebcrt
1:30 Clara Dudley.
1:45 Mimic.
2:on Against the Storm.
2;,I0 It's Requested.
3:00 Johnson Family.
3:15 Music.
n:to w c T If.
3:45 Local Loan Show,
4 OO Fulton Lewis Jr.
4:15 Frank Hemingway,
4:45 News
5:00 B Bar B Ranch.
5-;t Champion
5 451 Burnett.
6 00 Cavalcade of Safety,
at. Sports Page.
8.15 Music.
8 40 Local News.
6 45 Southland Singing.
6 55 Bill Henrv.
7 OO-Frank Purdy.
7:13 Music You Remember.
7 :tO Here Comes the Bride.
8 OO Hopalong Cassidv.
8:30 Fishing it Hunting Club
of th Air.
9 00 News.
9 15 Harris Ellsworth.
9 .'to Girls of Not.
9 45 Fulton Lewis Jr.
10 00 The Falcon.
10 30 Dance Orchestra.
11 oo Cuea In Music.
11:30 Sign Off.
Skunks are found only In the
new world. I
""g 'byHERIDAH Took GRANT!
ih 1,18 BiKKt ,ih
Thomas Gives Up
Probing Official
Use Of Planes
WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.-4-P)
Senator Elmer Thomas (D-Okla.)
has dropped his demand on Sec
retary of Defense Johnson for in
formation about the use of mili
tary aircraft by President Tru
man and other top government
Thomas told reporters he was
dropping It because Undersecre
tary of Defense Stephen Earlv
had assured him that use of mili
tary aircraft will be restricted
In the future to "public business."
Thomas added that he now con
siders a "closed matter" the con
troversy stirred up by Johnson's
objection to a request from a
group of senators for a military
plane to fly them part way
around the world.
Thomas is chairman of a sen
ate appropriations committee
that passes on funds for the arm
ed forces. He plans to lead mem
bers of the group to Europe to
check on expenditures In public
Some of the members want to
go on around the world, and
Thomas informed Johnson last
week that they would like to have
a military plane fly them.
Escaped Convict Being
Held In Ohio Hospital
SALEM. Sept. 7. .P William
P. Benson, who went over the
state prison wall with lifer John
O. Pinson last Memorial day. will
oe reiurnea nere Irom Columbus,
O., as soon as he recovers from
a suicide attempt.
Warden George Alexander said
last night that Columbus police
would advise him as soon as Ben
son was able to make the return
trip to prison.
Benson was picked up in a
Columbus alley Sunday. He had
taken poison and when question
ed in a hospital, said he was suf
fering from cancer and was going
to die anyway.
Alexander said he doubted that
Benson had cancer.
Columbus police said Benson
reported going under an assumed
name, but revealed his identity
at the hospital and said he was
wanted for breaking prison. Po
lice put a guard on his hospital
room. His condition was "fair."
Pinson, convicted slaver nf
state policeman, still is at large
and Benson refused to give any
information on him. Columbus
police reported. Benson was serv
ing five years for armed robbery
U. S. Must Buy Mors From
Japan Or Support Her
PORTLAND, Sept. 7. UPl
David - M. Maynard, economic
counselor in Tokyo, said here that
the United States must buy goods
from Japan or face the prospect
of supporting that country.
He criticized the tendency of
disapproving Imports from Japan.
That, he said, will simply mean
that Americans must go on pay
ing out more money to support
"The goal Is to have Japan
completely seif-suslaining by 1953
nt the latest, but obviously to do
that she must increase her ex
ports greatly," he said.
Production, Maynard said, Is
climbing steadily. The main prob
lem now Is selling the goods.
Savings Representative
Equitoble Savings and
Loan A'n.
Phone 442 Oakland, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. George Williams,
owners of the Williams pharmacy
In Reedsport, returned recently
from an extended vacation trip
into Canada.
L. Mortimer Bailey of Reed
port has returned to his duties as
accountant In the local office of
the E. K. Wood Lumber com
pany, after enjoying' part of his
annual vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Austin
and their daughter, Vallory, uf
Clear Lake returned Monday
night from a vacation trip to Vic
toria, B. C. Mr. Austin has re
turned to his duties as truck driv
er for Berge Borrevik. Reeds
port wholesale distributor for the
Standard Oil company.
Loren Gilbert of Reedsport, one
of the bridge tenders for the Stale
Highway commission on the
Umpqua River highway draw
bridge here, has gone to Portland
for medical trei tment after a
prolonged illness
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hansen
of Reedsport will move to Van
couver, Wash., about Sept. 3.
where Mr. Hansen will attei.d
Clark college under the G. I.
grant. Mrs. Hansen, try former
Nancy Dawson of Smith River,
will seek employment In Vancou
ver, and they will reside In hoik
ing furnished for exG.l.s. Mr.
Hansen has been working In a
local sawmill during the summer,
and doing commercial photogra
phy on a part-time basis. He Is
undecided at present between a
law course or one of photo Journalism.
Playful Trucker Must
Replace Mail Boxes
NEWPORT. Sept. 6. . Ste
phen Arthur King is going to have
to replace a whole group of mail
boxes and put up four signs for
the State Highway department
Several days ago the North Lin
coln county truck driver thought
it would be fun to see how many
mail boxes and signs he could
knock down, driving from Rose
lodge to Otis Junction, It turned
out he could knock down quite a
The judge suspended 30-day
jail sentence on condition King
replace all the damaged signs
and boxes.
Drunks Dealt With
In Municipal Court
Disposition of the following
cases, involving men arraigned
on drunk charges, was reported
Tuesday by Municipal Court
Judge Ira a. Kiddle:
Fred Theodore Long, 43, Rose
hurg, forfeited $20 bail; William
Harrison Kent, 32, Cheshire, paid
fine of $20; Virgil Chester Sand
stone, 37, Roseburg, forfeited $20
ball; Eugene William Richardson,
53, Roseburg, committed to the
city Jail for ten days In lieu of
Sayment of $20 fine; Burnard
ack Craig, 27, Roseburg, was
given a ten day suspended sen
tence. -
L Leslie Pfaff
320 Ward St.
-3 Phsna Ut-J
Wad., Sept. 7, 1949 Th
Handless Veteran
Is Elected Head
Of AMVET Group
DES MOINES, la., Sept. 7.
(.ft Harold Russell, the hand
less war veteran who owns a mo
tion picture academy award, is
the new commander of the
The national convention of the
AMVETS (American Veterans of
World War III Monday elected
Russell, 3, of Watertown. Mass.,
as the organization's chief officer.
He hold an "Oscar" for the film,
"Best Years of Our Lives," show
ing how he overcame the handi
cap of the loss of both hands.
Mrs. Cliff Lalritson of Water
loo, Iowa, was elected president
of the AMVETS auviliary. She
was unopposed.
In a final business session yes
terday, the AMVETS refused to
reconsider a resolution passed
Sunday asking a federal bonus up
to $4,500. The bonus had been op
posed by the AMVETS leadership.
Polish Priest, Another
Man Sentenced To Death
WARSAW, Poland. Sept. 7 (Jf
The official Polish News agency
said Friday a military court In
Olsztyn (Allensteln) has sentenc
ed a priest and another man to
death and six others to prison
The Rev. Stanlslaw Junusz and
his seven codefendants were con
victed of membership In the ille
gal organization WIN (Freedom
and Independence), the agency
Two More Networks Join
Fight On Give-A way Ban
NEW YORK. Sept. 7. (JPl
Two more major networks Joined
the American Broadcasting com
pany Friday in a court fight
Saturday-Sept. 10
:30 P. M.
Good Music
(Mm mt
7y Jackie COOPER
Newi - Ryiew, Robtirj, 0r. S
against the ban on give-away
The National Broadcasting com
pany and Columbia Broadcasting
system filed civil suits to enjoin
the federal communications com
mission from enforcing Its ban on
such programs. The FCC inter
preted them as lotteries.
A. f. Walter Kresse, M. 0.
Physician and Surgeon
U. S. National Bank Annex
Room ill
Office Phone: 1500
R. : fairhavaa Apu.Phon 1S
i (flee hours: Mon. Thru Sal
For prompt courteous meter
ed deliveries of high quality
store and burner oil
CALL 152
Distributors of Hancock
Petroleum Products For
Douglas County
n if i r