The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 07, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Th Ntwt-Rtrltw, RoMburj, Or. Wd., Stpt. 7, 1949
Publlihd Dilly Except Sunday t-y ths
Newt-Ravi Company, Inc.
(.tare !" Mlla Mar ' ' f"' '
Bataaarg. Orasae. Ml el March t. lilt
Editor St"' Manager
Mtmbir of tho Auooiated Preu, Oregon Newspaper Publisher?
Association, the Audit Bureau of Circulation
KUHUM4 I IHST-HOLLIDat CO. INC. eltlraa In Na fark. Cklcafe.
ia traaalwa. Laa Aasalaa. Ilia ratlaa St. La a la.
OBl 'BIPTION KArr la Oraiari Br Kail rar Taaf, all maalka MM
Ihraa maalha It.MI B Cllt tarnar-Par raar l aaaara. leaa la.a
aaa raar. aar maale II.M OaUHe Oaiaa Br Mall Jar raar Vt M !
aalea II I! Iiraa maatha
Shakespeare Had the Right Words
Adults are very sympathetic toward youth activities but
apparently are not willing to sacrifice personal time or
energy to assist. Such is the complaint of a group or teen
agers endeavoring to set up a Youth Center in Roseburg,
We have been visited several times by a delegation of
youth leaders striving to perfect an organization.
Pep and enthusiasm marked their first appearance in
our office. Their last visit was expressive of disappoint
ment, gloom and disillusionment.
At every turn they had met with commendation for their
efforts, but no actual help was forthcoming and no indi
vidual aid could be obtained. The quarters they had expected
to use had been leased. They could find no adults willing to
give time to chaperonage. No one had the time to serve as s
member of an adult council. No financial sponsors were
The program is well organized.
Leaders have in circulation membership rosters on which
teen-agers are pledging support and cooperation. Tentative
program outlines are prepared, together with prospective
constitution, by-laws, governing rules and regulations, etc.
all admirably done.
The plan In mind Is to organize a Youth Center and to
find quarters to be developed for use as a clubhouse. Adult
leadership is available for various activities gymnastics,
band, orchestra, dance instruction, hobby classes, etc. Once-a-week
dances are planned throughout the school year.
The group will be largely self-supporting, but will need
some financial aid, particularly an adult council to under
write Initial expenses, to approve the organizational set-up,
and supervise activities. Adult chaperonage is desired after
noons and evenings throughout each week. If it becomes
necessary to rent or lease quarters, as is anticipated, the
youth group will need financial aid in such expense.
It Is proposed by the group leaders that the club be made
the nucleus for Y.M.C.A. development.
The delegation visiting this office reported contacts with
city police officials, ministers, heads of various fraternal
orders and civic clubs.
"We found everyone promising support," said the spokes
man, "but we haven't been able to find anyone willing to
give us some time and personal help."
The spokesman went on to report that tentative arrange
ments had been made for a location, but that the basement
room had since been leased for commercial purposes; that
the town had been thoroughly explored for another pros
pective club site but that nothing suitable had been found.
"I guess," he said, "that we'll have to wait. until the
Y.M.C.A. builds a building. I should live so long!"
We believe everyone will sympathize with the promotional
effort in progress by this group of young people, and with
their disappointments. They can go only so far without
adult assistance, and they seem to have about reached the
end of their rope, "unless needed help is forthcoming.
Hoscburg's crowded condition makes adequate quarters
difficult to obtain. We believe the problems of sponsorship
and chaperonage can be solved. We will be disappointed if
some adult organization fails to come forward with a volun
tary offer to take over the sponsorship duties.
Perhaps someone has Ideas concerning where quarters can
be found. The young people are willing to undertake the
work of repairs, painting, furnishing, etc.
We will be glad to put persons having suggestions or
offers in touch with the leaders of the teen-age group.
7 i Y V
tf7'iMi. mm!!Z0V?rpr-1 HI 1.1.1. tAlIilT.
' ' '
ACTS, lue c
ftfgtj By Viahnett S. Martin jZ
Editorial Commenf
From The Oregon Preu
(The Oregoiiianl
Moscow dispatches say lhat all
Russia has been made "tree-con-clous
and forcst-consclou" In
the last year. That has a familiar
sound, and It should. It might
our great plains have provided
striking examples of the effect of
climate on tree growth. At an
average of seven years the trees
stood sixteen feel tall in North
Dakota, twenty in Nehraska. and
full twenty four feet in Texas.
Tangled up my fishing lines in
a recent Scrap, bald somebody
hauled up a big bass from 330
feet off bottom ... oh dear me,
a rock cod came on that line.
Bass, of course as any fisher
man reader knew are not so far
Well, they're below the pesky
mackerel anyhow. I remember
one day on a big fishing barge
the real fishermen were fit to be
tied because they couldn't get
their bait down past a school of
mackerel about 15 feet below the
surface of sapphire-blue Catalina
channel. Mackerel would grab It
almost every time. No engines In
the old exgambllng-shlp barge
that had once been a luxurious
affair, so we couldn't up anchor
and get out of there.
One day there was a pretty
sight In the blue clearness: A lot
of little pinkish-white, parachute
like Jelly fish. Then a big shark
entertained everybody by ' stlck
Ing around no fish then! and
they even poked the thing with
mackerel poles: I forget what
happened finally. Maybe it was
shot? Fishermen wanted every
thing "shot" including seals that
interfered with fishing; It's pos
sible some felt that way about
the skipper, too?
At least our skipper the other
day, on the salmon fishing Jaunt,
was telling about a sportsman
called that name by courtesy only
who had had a little too much
out of a bottle. He did all sorts of
things with his lines but the fish
liked his methods they Jumped
on his hooks and hung on. Hung
on till the skipper would have the
net under . . . then the sportsman,
for some queer reason, seemed to
deliberately lift the fish right out
of the net, lose It off the hook,
and say Impolite things to the
skipper for "losing" hli fish!
This performance was repeated
three times: the third time the
other five passengers, tired of the
skipper's courteous acceptance of
the blame, turned to, verbally, on
the fish-loser and told him what
they thought of him. But he kept
right on reeling In fish and they
didn't Fishing!
In the Day's News
(Continued From r'age One)
Automobile Manufacturers
Speed Up Conversion To
'50 Models; Shutdown Brief
have been phrased from the shel-1 Indeed, some of the seven-year-ter
belt prospectus of the New j old plantings In the Lone Star
Deal, for one of the earliest of
Franklin D. Roosevelt's presiden
tial projects was the ainhilious
design to plant a great shelter
belt, 100 miles wide, from North
Dakota to Texas. Since this was
In 1!34 the simplest computation
shows the imitative Stalin to be
lagging fifteen years behind. But
It is typical of the Soviet govern
ment that the planting of forest
belts in its expansive country
should be attended by all the
pomp of originality.
We can hut wish the Russians
well In their attempt to prevent
drouth bv planting trees, for in
the sweat of one's brow there is
little of polilie"- Although the
American tree planting project
was abandoned when but partial
Iv established, and was for some
time criticized as another of the
New Deal fantasies, the report
of forest service experts, in 1916.
declared the shelter belt plant
ings to have been at least 80 per
cent luccessful in keeping farm
lands in their respective coun
ties. Then, too. the shelter belt
trees soon became refuges for a
variety of song and game birds,
and a farm residence in the vi
cinage of the strips is a happier
home, we dare say. than it used
to be. The Russians ought to con
sult our experience. On second
thought we may safely assume
tney nave done so.
slate displayed trees fifty feet
nign and a foot in diameter.
So many of the New Deal'j
projects proved fantastic that it
is with pleasure we concede the
success of one of the most ima
ginative undertakings In the rec
ord of experimental forestry. Dm
we may as we:i reconcile our
selves to the nmsnecf nt hnvinff
the Russians claim the idea was change-over invariably meant
their own.
Aaaorlatad Praia Aulomotlva Editor
DETROIT. Sept. 7. (.Pi
The new model work ahead is not
likely to close down anv of the
auto plants for extended periods.
Certainly prolonged shutdowns
aren't needed to change models.
This has been demonstrated in
the switch overs already made to
lfi.V) cars. Studebaker, with radi
cal style changes, halted its as
sembly lines for only a week.
Buirk brought out a wholly
new model without interrupting
its output. Nash took three weeks
to switch over to units, but
could have done it in less lime.
Other car makers yet to change
;over probably will do It in less
than two weeks, even where out
standing changes are planned.
This means, of course, that the
auto makers are moi-e concenfed
about competition than they have
been at any time since the war.
New car order have become In
creasingly important to manufac
turers of all makes of cars.
Switchover Pushed
So the switch overs generally
will be made with a minimum of
In the prewar davs a model
Far North Dental Need
Calls For Sixable Trek
EDMONTON, Alia.. Sept. 7.
(.Vi -A toothache can become a
pain In the neck when you're 1,
600 miles from the nearest den
tist. For Mm. Adolphus Norris of
AKiaviK. n.w.i.. it meant
always to blame. Considerably
more than half the shutdown pe
riod often was counted upon to
permit dealers to clear out stocks
of unsold new models. In some In
stances a current model could be
had at a reduced price.
Of course this happened only
when a dealer had more new cars
than orders. There are some re
tailers in that situation right now.
When their factories close lor
new model output they will trade
these to make quick sales.
Nash in Production
Next of the lit'H) models to ap
pear will be Nash. It returned to
production yesterday after the
change-over shutdown. There has
been no advance Information
from company sources about the
new models. It is understood,
however, that both body and chas
sis changes are planned also,
more powerful engines are said
to be among the mechanical
Trade circle gossip has it that
about half the 1!40 models yet to
come will show drastic stvling
changes. It isn't likely, though,
that many of the manufacturers
will be able to use the time-worn
phrase "a completely re-designed
model from the eround uii."
shuidow n of (mm six to eight That sort of thing costs a lot
weeks. And wnen production w as more money than most of their
resumed volume didn't always auto makers want to invest soon
materialize in a hurry. latter bringing out their new post-
Production difficulties weren't war cars.
Hit Republic Or Return Arms, Soviet Tells S. Korea
STOUT. Sept. 7. .P Word the report, whether true or not.
spread here today that the Run- would not change the pol'cv of
suns are demanding return of! the Republics army. He said it
weapon loaned to North Korea ' is on the defense at all times'
three-week trip up the Mar Ken- communists unless the Southern j against possible invasion by the
zle River to Edmonton by tug I Republic is Invaded bv the end of : communists.
When he suffered a severe
toothache, her husband packAi
her and their two daughters
aboard the tug which he uses In
his trading business, and set out
for Kdmonton. i.tam miles south.
After a
I this month.
and a SOO-mllc Jaunt bv bus. the
Norrise arrived in an Kdmon
ton dentist office. Just for good
measure they are all getting their
teeth fixed.
Norri hope to make the re-
thc shelter belt plantings on i turn trip In 10 days.
possihlv true
received it from two sources.
Korean officials also heard Ihe
1. 100-mile water trip tame report from various sourc
es. One Korean version was mat
the Soviets merely would end
military assistance lo the Norm
communist regime unless
South was taken over.
The communist armv has some
most of
He said he had t ,imal, , mt., ' I
About 70.000 American equip-!
ped men are in the Republic j
armv. j
An American of fu-er assigned :ja n. nut mo,
to Intelligence for the American. , .qUpmom,, Kus,m.
Kmbassy said the report was , Nor,h,Kll,rean Rpd ,.mv
During Its IS vears of operation i
the , Ihe Federal Housing Administra-1
tinn has insured more than 516
Defense Minister Slhn Sung Mo ; billion in loan for buildings and
told the Associated Press that I Improvements. i
motives were probably of the best.
Maybe you wanted to start a radio
station, and In order to do so you
had to have a government per
mit. Maybe you were a city or a
county official and you wanted
some government money to build
roads or a new schoolhouse or a
city hall. For any (or all) of these
things, you had to have govern
ment permission.
THIS la the point:
Maybe you weren't familiar
with Washington's ways, and
when you were dumped down in
thei swarming ant-hill that was
and is Washington you were ter
rified by the Immensity of the
maze that confronted you.
Maybe you didn't even know
that a large part of your con
gressman's or your senator's Job
is to show you around in Washing
ton and put you in touch with the
people you want to see and gen
erally get you onto the ropes. It
has been truly amazing how many
people don't know that.
(Or maybe you had a feud on
with your congressman or your
senator. Maybe you had worked
against him in his last campaign
and felt embarrassed about going
around to ask his help.)
All of these things had a part
in the origins of this five-percenter
ANYWAY, going back to you
and your business in Washing
ton, the time possibly came when
you were so fussed and bothered
and upset and confused that you
were Just about ready to chuck
your whole project, whatever it
was, in the creek and take the
plane or the train or the bus back
home and admit that you had
tackled something that was too
big for you.
At the psychological moment
A smooth, urbane person stepped
from behind a pillar in the hotel
lobby from the cover of which
he had been sizing you up and
asked courteously if perhaps he
might serve you in some small
THE upshot of It was that he
showed you around and got
you through the right doors and
introduced you to the right peo
ple and you got what you wanted
or got a good, logical, sensible
reason why you couldn't have it
and yod paid the guy a fee for
his services and felt that what
you paid him for his help in your
hour of need was probably about
the bet money you had ever
a a
LETS get this straight about the
Their methods were generally
honest and open. In the main,
they merely nerved as guides In
a trackless wilderness which is
what Washington was back In
those days. A guide w ho gets you
out of the wilderness and where
you want to go is worth his hire.
And let's keep this straight:
The government men with
whom the five-percenter put you
In touch were AMAZINGLY HON
EST AND SINCERE, they were
hard-worked and harried and
driven for time, but when some
body got you to them they treated
you courteously and did their best
Young Man To Start Rival
Market To Wall Street By
Tapping Small Investors
NEW YORK (.W A 26-year-old
ex-air force sergeant ha set
out to become the new boy won
der of Wall Street.
Robert M. Tanney he said his
middle initial "doesn't stand for
Midas" opened a stock market
office of his own today. Thereby,
he believes, he became the na
tion's youngest independent brok
er. As yet he hasn't tried to buy a
seat on the curb exchange (cost:
about $6,000) nor the Stock Ex
change laround $10,000). But they
are his next goals.
"I am primarily going after
the working and middle classes
for business rather than the top
executives," he said.
"You don't have to be a Mor
gan or a DuPont to own stocks."
Sound Investment
His idea to ring the doorbell of
the common man and convince
him that buying common stock
in sound American industries is
today's best invest ment bet. He
plans a staff of 40 salesmen to
wage a door-to-door selling cam
paign. He already has hired four.
Tannev. who has been buying;
and selling stocks since he was
11, think lhat one of the bigge.U
things wrong with Wall Street
that too many stock salesmen
merely wait for investors to
phone them.
'The older men rather resent
the younger generation coming
in." he said. "1 know some young
men who are making $350 to $500
a week selling securities because
they go after new business.
"And I know some oldtime cus
tomers' men who earn only $J0
to $25 a week because they sit in
their offices and do nothing. They
put up a big front, but they eat
two-bit lunches. And they have to
be careful how they cross then
legs or else the hole in their
shoe will show."
But Tanney thinks Wall Street
has a sound future even though
the flow of risk capital today is
Plenty of Cash
"It'll pick up." he said.
"There's plenty of cash around,
and banks aren't paying more
than 3 percent. The public knows
very, very little about securities.
They need to be educated to
the fact there are good stocks
available now that pay from 10
to 13 percent."
Tanney plans to specialize i;i
marketing such high-yield secur
ities, and intends to sell them to
low-income people on an allot
ment basis, if necessary. In Ihe
same way the government sold
its wartime bonds.
The best way to accumulate
wealth," he aid, "i to buy large
block of low-priced stocks in op
erating companies that arent
marginal companies that won't
go under in a depression.
"In a bull market these stocks
will make you many times the
money that higher priced stocks
Problem to Pick
The problem ia to pick them.
Tanney, who had to trade
through his father account until
he himself was of legal age,
thinks his judgment Is as sound
as anybody's.
"The first block I ever bought
was some railroad shares selling
for 12 12 cents a share." he smil
ed. 'When they got to $50 a shaie
1 1 unloaded.
Not bad for a boy in grammar
school. Some grownups don't do
i as well on horseraces.
Tanney's boyhood idol was the
late Jesse Livermore, most fi
mous "boy wonder of Wall
Street." And he'd like to emulaie
his career up to a point. Liver
more made $3,000,000 by the tim?
he was' 27, and ran it up to $10,
000.000 beforj he went broke in
1915. He made and lost three
more fortunes, then shot himself
to death in 1910 at the age of -.
"His mistake was overspecula
tion." said Tanney. "He Just out
manipulated himself. There is i
saying in Wall Street that bears
make money, and bull make
money, but anybody who goes
whole hog winds up with nothing."
Screen Doors Screen Wire
Window Screens
'4 E "d Ave. S. Phone 242
joymjsrr ism
I Do The Job MM
Save your muscles. Head for the
woods with thta new Diaaton One
Man Chain Sew. Light weight, gee
oline-driven power aw, Felli . . a'
Bucket . . . Limbs. Operate at any
angle . . . even upaide down.
920 S. Stephens
Phone 279
Violin Teacher
Opens Studio
Miss Susan Brennan, violin
teacher with 37 year teaching
experience, has opened a violin
i (tudio in Roseburg, she announc
I ed today.
Miss Brennan said she came
here from her home In Elkhart,
I Ind., this spring to convalesce
following an illness. She said she
liked the town so well she de
cided to remain here permanent
ly. She Is the aunt of Mrs. Ray
mond Fox and Robert Hickman,
both of this city.
Miss Brennan is a graduate of
Chicago Musical college, where
she studied under Max Fischel.
She has also done some summer
work at New York City's famed
Julliard school of music. She
is a member of the American
String Teachers association and
serves on the private teaching
committee of that group.
By coming to Roseburg. she
has given up a class of over 40
violin students, she said. In the
past, many of her students have
won "firsts" in state and nation
al contests, both in violin solo
and ensemble competition.
Temporary studio head
quarters in Roseburg will be lo
cated at 108 Parrott street. Pro
spective students may inquire
there or at either of the local
music stores.
Phone 100
If you do not receive
your Newt-Review by
t:1S P.M. call Harold
Mobley before 7 P.M.
Phone 100
Rainy weather Is coming . . .
now is the time to have auto
glass repairs made. We handle
all types of glass and door
15 years of auto glass service
In Roseburg
Sales & Service
Highway 99 at Garden Valley
Bonk With
A Douglas County Institution -Home
OwnetJ Home Operated
Member Federal
Deposit Insurance Corp.
Douglas County State Bank
Messerjchmitt Says B-36
Can Be Shot Down By Jet
BONN, Germany. Sept. 7. (.PI
! Willy Messerschmitt. noted Ger
man airplane designer, said the
U. S. B-36 superbomber "can
easily be shot down by a modern
Jet fighter."
The new Jets can shoot any
bomber out of the sky," declared
the man who built the first Jet
fighter ever used in combat.
With plane building barred In
post-war Germany, Messerschmitt
now builds prelabricated houses.
Asked about aviation progress in
Russia, Messerschmitt replied:
"I don't know. But I do know
that many of my best construct
ors and engineers are now in the
Soviet union." j
Hog Cholera Outbreak In
Oregon Area Controlled
SALEM, Sept. 7.-(.,Pi An out
break of dreaded hog cholera in
western Oregon has been control
led, the State Agriculture depart
ment says. "
About 35 hogs were stricken,
and eight of them died of the dis
ease. The hogs passed through
a sales yard.
The department made a renew ed
plea that hogs be given chol
era serum before being offered
for sale.
for you even if their best was
only to send you on to some other
government official.
I ' '
NOW for the pay-off:
Out of this Innocent guide
in the wilderness system grew
such things as deep-freerers given
to the right people at the right
j which less -smart competitors
, couldn't get with maybe very
profitable business connections
! resulting therefrom.
ok riis
Roseburg Review
March 6, 1893.
'A- 0e,
''91 . -
What a production that must have been! Are any of the
Roseburg musicians of 1893 still around? Who remem
bers "Ten Nights in a Bar Room"? If you recall these per
sons or incidents we'd appreciate hearing about it, just out
of curiosity. Oh yes, don't forget our slogan . . .
It Pays to Insure in Sure Insurance!
Phone 1277-R
214 W. Cass
I Next door to
Post Office)
II Tipton
, IS-
Carl Permln