14 Tht Newi-Review, Roseburg, Or Wed., Sept. 7, 1949 LOCAL Patch ind Chat The Patcli and Chat club will meet Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mn. C. Domenico. Team to Practice The EaRleg auxiliary drill team will practice at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the Eagles hall. Meeting Te Be Held The Rifle Range Sewing club will mei't Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Belle Clinton. Postponed The clean-up day and rummage sale planned by the Garden Valley Women's cluo has been postponed. Rotary Anns to Meet Rotaiy Anns will meet Thursday at a no-hostess luncheon from 12 to 1:30 o'clock at the Rainbow Grill. W. B. A. to Meet The Wom an's Benefit association will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ella Moore. 1423 N. Stephens street. HELP! LOOKING FOR A COLOR SCHEME? Come have i dozvn and i talk with a ara v famous color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith if Sons Carpet Co. HERE IN PERSON Thursday and Friday September 89 Extra! Illustrated Lecture Thursday Kriday 10:00 A. M. Civic Room, t'mpqua lintel Let her solve your deco rating problems, as only on expert can. Let her show you how easily, how inexpensively you con make on old room look new with color. Come to her exciting lecture, where you'll see her brond new, Hollywood pro d u c e H Kodachrome slides obout home decoro tion. Plan to hove o per sonal chot with her, too You'll find Clara Dudley's advice will be worth a for tune to you yet your Clora Dudley interview is absolutely free! Get your FREE copy of Clara Dudley's new booklet "Colorania" t 111 North Jackson UaaaaaaaaaaJ NEWS Active Club Meets Rosrburg Active lub will meet Thursday at 7 a. m. for breakfast in the Shall mar room. Enjoy Fair Mr. and Mrs. Carl Coleman of Koseburg have re turned home, following a trip to Salem to enjoy the Slate fair. Able To Be Out Walter Cloake, who has been seriously ill at his home on South Stephens street for several months, is able to be out again. Powells Home Mr. and Mrs. Earl Powell have returned to their home in Koseburg. follow ing a trip to Salem to attend the Slate fair. Enjoy Fair Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muil have returned lo their home In Roseburg, follow ing a trip to Salem to attend the state fair. Returns Here II. W. Groves and family have returned to their home In Roseburg. following a trip to Salem to attend the Stale fair. H. E. C. to Meet The Ever green Home Economics club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Thursday at the hall with Mabel Lange, Gladys Stafford and Blanche Upton, hostesses. Auction Sale An auction sale will be held during the meeting of the Nnrthairlp Sunshine r.in Thursday afternoon at I he home oi jvirs. ueorgc frew, ZJI fcast commercial avenue, fcach mem ber Is asked to bring guests. Community Club to Meet La dies of the Winchester Commu nity club are Invited to meet at 11: JO o'clock Thursday for luncheon at the clubhouse with Mrs. Anccl Kctcherside and Mrs Jim Davidson, hostesses. H. E. C. To Meet Rlversduie nume economics club wli meet at the home of Mrs. W. O. Heck- With on Tinfon mart Knnt Q A potluck luncheon will be served i i ociock. iviemoers are asked 10 oring tneir tame service. Returns To Work Lerov Hint! has resumed his dulies as chief engineer at KRNR radio station, following a week's vacation. With his family, he spent a couple of days at Diamond lake last week. Back From Eugene Donn Ra dabaugh returned to his home in Roseburg this noon, following a trip to Eugene to take his daugh ter, Miss Nancy, who has enrol led at University of Oregon for her sophomore year. 0. of U. V. to Meet-Florence Nightingale tent No. 15, Daugh ters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday night, Sept. 9, at the K. of P. hall to make arrange ments for the official visit of the department Inspector. Enjoy Trip Mr and Mrs. Stanley Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wordehoss of Roseburg en joyed a trip to Medford Sunday, where they remained overnight and went on to Crater and Dla mnnd lakes to spend the Labor day holiday. Return Home Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Field and daughter have le turned to their home in Rose burg after spending the weekend in Eugene. While there they vis ited Dr. and Mrs. Verne Adams and family, formerly of Myrtle Creek. ni rnnrn BLtWtU EVENT COMING O Clara Dudley Alexander Smith's famous color-scheme consultant, in person . . . Will Be At JOSSE'S 0 Thursday, Sept. 8th Friday, Sept. 9th 111 North Jackson Phon. 330 -V NO, I'M NOT SCAIRT HJ WELL, ITS TRUE THAT n n -J OF- MY JOB SO MUCH TH' COMPANY VOL) KEEP f tt J AS IT'S JUST 5 MART L JS WHUT PEOPLE JUP6E fcVlUIJU v$ BUSINESS TO LOOK TA VDU BY--HIS COMPANY Spcffi ?& LIKE VOUVE NOT V0 LOOKS LIKE HE'S J ,Vf BEEN STOPPIN' TO BdDn MADE A THREE- JVrfi htKV W WaV" THE TWO -TIME t " - aw." . V'' eowi uw sv jinvicr we U OUT OUR WAY Bach From Fair Mr. and Mrs. G. I). Rathbun have returned to their home in Roseburg, follow ing a trip to Salem to attend the State fair and a slop In Lebanon to visit Mrs. Rathhun's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hcin rich. Back From Coast Mr. and Mrs. Jack May and Mr. and Mis. Thel Allen have returned lo their homes, following a three-day fish ing trip at Handon. While there, Ihey visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Breckner, formerly of Roseburg. who are building a new home in that city. Returns To School Mrs. E. K. Jones has returned to her home on South Main street, following a trip to Portland to take her son, Ed, who has enrolled as a sophomore at Hill Military aca demy. Ed attended the academy last year also. To Practice South Deer Creek Grange orchestra members are asked to meet tnniL'ht at the hon of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kar cher Jr., in preparation for the narvest nail to tie hold Saturday niKht. Sept. 10, at the hall. The public is invited. Grance women are asked to bring cither pie or sandwiches. At Klelnfeldt Home Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jobe of Corning, Calif., arrived in Roseburg Sat urday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kea Klelnfeldt. Over Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. Mcinicmt took the visitors on a trip to Winchester bay. Coos bav and back to Rosebuvg. At Knox Home .loan Riant-h ard is staying at the home of itev. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Knox and daughter, Carol Ann, on Overlook, while her prenls, Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchaid. are on a trip to I.os Angeles, where they were called Mnndav bv the Illness of the latter's mother. Spend Holiday Weekend Here Mr. and Mrs. Leichlnn Merlin- lock and daughters, Pamela and Julie, of Longvlew, Wash., spent the holiday weekend in Koseburg visiting Mr. McClintock s grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc- Clintock. on East Cass street, and with other relatives and friends. Stop Here Mr. and Mrs. Fred- crick Riebe. Eugene slopped 'n rtoscnuig over the holnUv week end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold i Bud I Hansen and children. Kar en and Douglas, enroute to Crat er Lake. They made the trip over the 1 hut- 1 rail cut-off and slop )ed at Huckleberry gap. They returned home via Medford and Giants Pass. Replace the old with a New Fixture This close coupled toilet complete with white sprayed seat only $3450 VV. M. Sandall Co. H'ay 99 North Phone 1U7-R Qualifying Rounds Qualifying rounds of the annual handicap golf tournament for women of the Roseburg Country club will be played September 8-10. Inclu sive. The golf committee has ex pressed its desire for all women golfers to qualify for this tourna ment. Luncheon will be served at the clubhouse Thursday at 12:30 o'clock and the contract bridge play will be gin at 1:30 o'clock. Enjoy Trip to Lake-Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Knox r.nd daugh ter, Carol Ann, and Joan Blan chard of Roseburg accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brock, evangelists here from Winona Lake, Ind., enjoyed a trip to Cra ter lake Labor day. This is the Brocks' first trip to Oregon and Ihey greatly enjoyed seeing Cra ter lake. Seattle Visitors Leave Dr. and Mrs. 11. L. Schless and family of Seat lie have left Tuesday for Los Angeles, where Dr. Schiess will take a year's graduate training I in surgery, following a visit over the holiday weekend In Koseburg with Mr. and Mrs. Vance P. Shu gait and also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mart P. Miller, parents of Mrs. Schiess and Mrs. Shugart. Leaves For Chicago Lowell McAfee Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, 949 Win chester street, Roseburg. has left for Chicago to enter McCormack Theological seminary, which is one of the leading Presbyterian seminaries in this country. He was graduated from L'niversi'y of Oregon last spring. Enroute to Chicago, he will go to Peoria. III., to visit his brother, W. M. Campbell Jr., and family. First Fall Meeting The first fall meeting of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service will be held Thursday at a 12:30 o'clock politick luncheon at the Methodist church with Circle No. 4, mem bers as hostesses. Members hav ing birthdays In June. July and August will be honored. Mrs. Lu cien Ccbb. president, will con duct the meeting; Mrs. Fred L. Southwick will present the devo tions and Mrs. Arthur Lamka will be program chairman. Woman's Society to Meet Mrs. Otto Niedermever. Jackson- j ville. president of Southwest Ore ! gon Presbyterial, and the treas urer, Mrs. Roy V. Martin, also ot Jacksonville, will be guest speak ers at the first fall meeting of the Woman's Society to be held at 1:30 o'clock at the First Presby terian church. The meeting will be followed by a tea. All women of the congregation as well as from churches in Oakland. Glide and Rccdsport are invited. Mrs. N. D. Johnson will be hostess of the tea committee. Mrs. John Pinkerton. president, will con duct the meeting Thursday. Richard Gross Returns To School In East Ri-hard "Dick" Gross, since June 1 the assistant to Ross New comb, resident biologist in charge of the I'mpqua river study, left Tuesday for his home in New Jersey. Newcomb said today. While in the east. Gross will continue his schooling in fish and game management. A successor to the assistant has not yet been named. MOOSE HEAD ELECTED CORVAI.LIS. Sept. 6 (.) Grover B Leach. Klamath Falls, was elected president of the Ore gon State Moose association for the coming year at concluding sessions of the state convention here Monday. He succeeds Clif ford Gee, Philomath. Portland was named the 1930 convention city. PILES MIMOMHOIDSI RFCTL NO COLON STOMACH DISOaOCRS " i. rMMdnYV Mftrt thrtmoh Fri. : 100 m. , n n to 5 o m. lnmgi: Myv, qv, r(H,My Wd arxl F"., until S ii-4i Wr.lt or coll for mt dtrtOto boofct THE DEAN CLINIC In Our 39th Yr N I. CfMt tfttf4 4. Of Tet IA By J. R. Williams Kiwanis Elect New Head At Portland Convention PORTLAND, Sept. 6 UP G. O. Kolstad. Tacoma, was elect' ed president of Kiwanis Interna tional s Pacltic iortnwest dis trict Tuesday. Both Spokane and Pullman bid for the next convention and deci sion will be made at a November meeting of the board. Malcolm Chapin, vice-president of the Canadian Junior Chamber of Commerce, called for closer relations between Canada and the U. S. He added that an in crease of trade would benefit each country. He cited the time Canada lift ed its embargo on the export of cattle to the U. S. I his lowered the price of beef in the U. S., pleasing consumers. But U. 5. cattle-raisers objected. Canadian consumer! mean while found their prices going up because of the drain of beef lo the U. S., and they also objected. What Is needed, he added, is a closer understanding between the countries and the ability "to look beyond Immediate interests for the good of both countries. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage License BUKERL1NDLEY Russell E. Buker and Lcona May Lindley, both of Koseburg. POPE-SHOWN Dwight M. Pope and LaVerne G. Shown, both of Roseburg. RUNDELLBROTHERS Car roll Bradford Rundell and Helen Marie Brothers, both of Riddle. HOLCOM B-B ARKLOW Mel vin LeRoy Holcomb and Dorla Jean Barklow, both of Roseburg. PHINNEYNEAL Oliver Clin ton Phinney Jr., Sutherlin, and Shirley J. Meal, Roseburg. POTTER KRUEGER Ray mond Lloyd Poiter and Pauline Krueger, both of Roseburg. LADD-BOLTON James E. Ladd and Alice M. Bolton, both of Roseburg. COLE HAMPTON Ralph Wil liam Cole and Betty Marie Hamp ton, both of Roseburg.' Divorce Complaint Filed THORNTON Wanda M. vs. Roy E. Thornton. Married at Drain Sept. 8, 1946. Cruel and in human treatment charged. Plain tiff asks custody of two minor children and $75 monthly for their support, and asks that she be de clared the owner of certain per sonal property. Oivorce Decree Issued MOSHER Josephine Vivian from Homer Mosher. Plaintiff awarded custody of three minor children with monthly support of S.V) each, plus property settle ment. There are about 14.500 pounds of steel in use in some form in this country for every man. wo man and child In America. LEGAL MOTICI notu'E of prune hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Pl'BUC HEARING WILL BE HELD before Melvtn J Conklin, Exminr lor th Stile Milk Markftmf Administration In the Ctlv Hall. Rowbun. Oregon, Thursday September 15. 1 t the hour of 115 P M . to receive tetttmonv nd evidence on matters relating lo the ptodurtton and distribution of fluid milk nd cream In the Douflaa County Marketing Area and to consider mini mum wholesale and retail price and minimum nncec dlstrtbutora aha II pay to producers DATEO at Portland Oregon, tht Snd dav of September. IM MILK MARKETING AOMINISTR .TION STATE OF OREGON Thoa L OhIn. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITOR All persona having claims against the estate of Roy VinDn, deceased now pending In the County Court of Douglas Countv. Oregon, are herebv notified to present (he same verified as required bv law to the undersigned at the law office of Orcuit. Long Neuner. Roseburg. Oregon, within sis months from Auguat ITth, V .RY VAX DYNE AD MIN1STR ATRIX of th Es tate of Roy VanDyn). De ceased. ITCH iScahteet Is highly eon tagioua and will con tinue tor me ti noi tonoed Its sole cause is the Itch-mite, which ts immune to ordinary treatment EXSORA hills the Iter--mite a'-oet instantly Onl tnree dsvt' FXSORA treatment H reauLre. Mail order liven prompt ettenUos. Fred Meyer 9rmg 'I Livestock SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesday, Sept. 7 AT SCHRICKER'S AUCTION mtlM north of Roseburg: 4 miles . south of Sutherlin. starting at 11 a m. o'clock, farm equipment consisting of 1 rub ber tired Ferguson tractor. IMA; 1 Farmall A tractor with plow and buck rake: 1 John Deer Linderman tractor. 2 tandem discs: 2 heavy duty cover crop discs; 1 section harrow: 1 5 foot mower: 1 hydraulic dump-bed trailer for Ferguson type tractor: 1 2-bottnm disc plow: 1 l'-ton 1M1 Chevrolet stake truck: walking plow: cultivator: t-pring tooth harrow, hay rake: 1 ME Vi HP. rototiller: 1 Gustafsen power duster: 1 Tilmaster power rototiller for power take off on tractor. 100 Head 100 Head High grade whit face cattle consist ing of: 20 cows and 20 calves. 20 long yearling white face steers and heifers; ona large bull, other cattle. Horses and Saddles This machinery will be here at Schrlrk er auction for your Inspection by the first of the week. The cattle are alio her now. Anyone wanting good breeding stock will find It at this sale. Here also Is a chance to get good farm tractors and farm ma chinery. No sale on Labor Day, but any stock brought In will be held for Wednes- - day sale or if you have any live stock for sale, bring It In Wednes day. W will have the) buyers. No furniture Sale! Remember Sale Starts At 1 1 A. M. Schrlcker & Sons, Auctioneers C. TELKAMP Rlngman Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring In tha most money Sale every Friday Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture 1 p. m Roseburg Auction Phone 191 WANTED Fait lamba. vearllnca and canner ewe. Write or call. James E. Lewis. Myrtle Creek, Oregon, ph 84; Darrill W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 388 B Rnseburf, Oregon Pri. BflS-Rj-1 WANTED TO BUY Fat and feeder lambs. Also young breeding ewes i Inoulre Lvle Marstera or John Rchr Happy Valley Ranch. ?hone 17-F-2 NE J YEAR old registered Jersey bull breeder, fine record. Schuttwohl strain. Contact John Jeslnghaus. Rt. 1. Box 93. AJeasingcr Road, Murphy. Oregon. SOME CHOICE white-faced veal calves. jut right for the locker. Market price. W. A. Thomas, 0 miles east of Sutherlin. at bridge. FARM K HS Will buy hogs and feeders on i nursaays, :.iu to tu at siock yard In Koteburg. Bring them in W W Green. FEEDER PIGS 113 Also five tons oat straw, brwtht: $20 ton. See Isaac Clirte, FlournoyV alley, or phone JM. FOR SALE Duroc Jersey sow and 10 pigs. Also 3 weaner pigs, young Jer sey cow. J M. Rabun. Rt. 2 Box 195-A FOR SALE Young Guernsey bull. Just right for service, SI 00. Oscar Weeks. Myrtle Creek. - WANTED FAT AND FEEDER lambs and yearlings. W A. Blacken. Myrtle Creek. Phone 2R2 FOR SAXE-Feeder pigs. M. M. Good. upper uiaiia FOR SALE 2 purebred Yorkshire sows ana i ooer. rnone pni. amnernn. WANTED-Alfkinds of livestock. H M Cox Call 990-J-4 FOR SALE Day old bull calf. C. Hughes, Lower Garden valley. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, small round core mill ends, planing endi. oak and laurel. Special price on plan er ends for short time See this wnorf 1 mile Ea-t on Douttas St. Rt 1. Box 41 Prompt delivery Claude wtiiey, rnone 13-J- or FOR SALE Slabwood. sawdust, planer ends t none jui jonnson r uei v-cx Sealed bid will bo received by Ber nlce Matthews, Clerk at School House Tiller. Orrion. until 8 00. Sept. 9. 1049 t standard lime ociock P M. for the conmtruct on ind alteration ouiiamu for School District No. 114. Douglas Pnuntv Tiller. Oreeon and Will men and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bias receivea aiier inr mnr fixed for openings will not be con sidered. . Plans. Specifications and form of contract documents may be examined or obtained at the office of Freeman and Haxshp. Anor Archts . 2H0 S. W trtt Avnu Portland. Orexon. Upon a deposit of t23 00. which will b refunded upon the return of the plans and spec! he at ion within a reasonable time. Attention la called to Bidder Pre qualitications. Section M-103 to M.109 Inclusive. Oregon Compiled Laws An notated. which must be filed with the Clerk 10 days before date for opening of bids and lor wnicn iorms maj be obtained at the office of the Arc hi No proposal will be considered tin Ihi irromnnld bv a Certified check. cahier's check or bid bond with auth orized surety companv as surety made payable to Ihe Owner In an amoun. of not less than 5 v of the amount of the bid. Surety Dona or oonas win be required In accordance with the terms of the contract documents. The School District No. 114, Douglas County. Oregon reserves the right to reject any or an oiaa ana to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after tha hour set for the ODeninx thereof or before award of the contract, unless said award Is delayed for a period exceeding .10 days. First publication Aug z. Second publication Aug. 31. l4t. Third publication Sept 7. 1 BERNICE MATTHEWS. Clerk NOTICE OF Fn INC. APPLICATION FOR A t HtXiL rns 1 ui DIVERSION OF WAT IK Notice Is etven herebv that Norman McKeel has filed an application in the offke of inas e strirKiin. Mate en gineer, for the approval ot a cnange tn point of diversion ot water from Cow Creek In the adjudication pmceeoings oe termtntne the relative nchts to the ue of waters ot vow tree ana us inou taiies a water right was adjudicated ir the name of F A. Farnam for the trri gallon of 3 acres In NE SE',. .Hi acres in NW'-SE'.. I 4 acre in SW'.PE Section 13. Towmhtp .12 South. Range 3 WeM. W M , with a date of priority of September 3d. lfo7, through the Johns Irrigation Ditch from tow LreeK The p"'M of diversion of the Johns Irrigation Ditch Is located 3.V) feet south and 930 feet eat from the west quarter corner of Section 4. Township 32 South. Rjnge 4 Went. W M Norman McKeel. ontner of the above described land to hich said water right is appurtenant, proposes to irri gate said land b mean of a portable pumping plant tbe point or aivermion of said pumping plant to be located 930 feet south and l.VW feet weet from the eat quarter corner of Section 12. Township J2 South. Range S West. W M All persona Interested are notified herbv that a hearing will be held at the Countv Court Houe St Roseburg Oregon, on November 1. 194. at 1010 ociock am. All objections to the pro posed change, if anv there are. v ill be heard at said time snd place Anv objections shall be prepared in writing, one Cody to be served on Norman Mc Keel. Aralea. Oregon, and one copy Oregon, together with a $2 filing fee. at least to da vs prior to the date set for hearing If no oh)ecttone are filed, no hearing will be held Dated at Salem Oregon, this 2nd day of September 14 ckas. rrnicxLiv. State Engineer. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Trucks BEN'S TRUCK PARTS MOTORS We are able to pass on to you this wide selection of merchandise at very low prices- due to a fortunate War Surplus Purchase. Your inquiries are Invited. NEW CADILLAC Motors complete with all acce stones including 4-spd. ahead 1-spd. rev., hydraulic trans, NEW lflOAX MT-h p WHITE Motors complete with all accessoriei Includ ing clutch. NEW RED DIAMOND 381. International Motor complete with all accessories NEW GREEN DIAMOND M3 Interna tional Motors complete with all ac cessories. NEW JEEP INDUSTRIAL POWER PLANT complete with all accessories. WE ALSO HAVE Completely rebuilt motors, both Indus trial and Truck, of every size and description: RXC HERCULES 320 eu. In dilp. GMC 270 cu. in disp. LO-525 cu. in BUD A. CHEVROLET Hi-Torque. EN-5.12 cu. in MACK. BG-310 cu. In MACK HALL SCOTT 133 Power Unit JEEP MOTORS. COMPLETE BOGIE ASSEMBLIES: International. Timken. GMC. Prompt attention given to all mail orders and correspondence. BEN'S TRUCK PARTS Parta for all trucks, G. L or Conv. 2622 So. Tacoma Way - Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE 7-4 yard Hiel dump bed and hoist. A-I condition. See at Unit ed Truck Service. Sutherlin, or call 30-F-25. Roseburg. 1-1948 INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup; 1 single axle piling, trailer For Information Phone 4:t2 129 2nd Ave South AXLE SHAFTS for ail makes ot trucka Ray's Truck Shop OA3 N Stephens. Phone 4M J 4 Loam MONEY Borrow on your salary All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to Vtoo whether you're In a new lob or an old ona Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan -paid for or not ('p to $300 on your furniture up to tftOO on your car Special "Pay Day' Loans, 110, 123. $50 loaned till "Pay Day or longer Pay only for the actual number of daya you keep the money $2S cots lie for one week. No other charges. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Phone U73 He S-275: M 333 Roseburg - LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile ipald for, or not) Loans made quick ly. privately for any w or tow nils purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Denial bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debts Re-financing When yesj borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to nypav Lower payments now available up to zu montna to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 306 Douglas County State Bank Btdg Phone 44M1 M-TT? - State Mc - Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes $1 23 per bu . U-Plck miles south of Roseburg. Turn left on Winston Road, south of Winston oriage. Also cantaloupe, squash, sweet Corn. James Garden Wil Special son $ WHILE they let peaches II. $1 30. $2 2 30 Also tomatoes $1 box Apples, pears, prunes, ail kinds Dillard mel ons. Please bring containers. Wilson's Fruit Farm and Market Winston Ph. 4T-J-4 uprn evenings until 8 Corn & Tomatoes PEACHFS TO CAN or freeze Bench land am n. You pick or we pick, brine con lamer Allen Tuthill. 3 miles wet of Sutherlin HUBERT AS". Improed riWrtaHale: also (oKt windfalls Ed Thlele. Civil Bend Cemetery Road, last house on left Ph 1SHO-J-.T CI CCMBERS FOR PICKLES Pick them fresh and tender Harrv Weley. low er Garden Valley Road- Bring con tainers Cocker and canVinB corn now readv, alo peer and caataloupe Rlv endate Curry Estate. RL t. Boa 215 t-larence aiatie FOR SALE -Prune?, bnnf containers. I -pick. 50r bushel. Lee Winniford. Rt 2. BoxJWVt foMATOFS. Cantaloupes, watermelons for sale, C. H Clay pool. Garden Vallev CANNING TOMATOES and pruneVtT W rhnt1t. Gsr-ten Vilify Dogs Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KTSXYvSTPhon K or 4A2- Y Reg and ped. vopotea .ah roior stud service GREAT DANES femate crowed. Make an offerPone VW R-5 3IAVFSE KITTENS tor pa. Phone e-F-12. A utos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere IMS fOBD Tl'DOR SDN 150S 00 1M BI ICK FORDOR SDN. IMS (X) 194ti FORD Tl'DOR SDN. 1045 no 1948 FORD COl'PE . 1045 00 1942 DODGE FORDOR SDN. 873 00 1942 CHF.V. Tl'DOR SDN. W3 OO 1941 NASH FORDOR SDN 0S 00 1940 PLYMOUTH Tudor dn. 443 00 1940 PLYMOUTH Fordor .dn. 343 00 1B'17 FORD COUPE 293 oo 1931 MODEL A SDN MOO Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1943 FORD VAN 2493 0O 194S WILLYS JEEP 1193 00 1947 INTERNATIONAL PICKl'P 1093 00 194(1 GMC li-ton Chassla it cab 793 00 1942 FORD Mi -ton Flatbed .... 493 00 1941 FORD DUMP TRUCK 893.00 1912 FORD 'i TON PICKUP 93 00 1943 FORD LUMBER TRUCK ... 1993 00 SINGLE Wheel car trailtr - 43.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys at Barcus 1946 Ford Club Coupe, looks and runs like new $1S45 1942 Pontiae 4-door sedan, good paint, reconditioned motor S97S 1940 Ford V-a Convertible, new Mercury motor, new tires, ex cellent - 79S 1940 Ford V- coupe SV) ltrifl Chev Coupe 1939 O Ids mobile 6 2-door sedan . 425 lfW V-9 Ford, new motor S3 45 1934 Ford Tudor, good tires, good motor , 146 TRUCKS 1942 G I. 4x4 IS ton truck equip ped with flatbed: also has dump bed and hoist Excel lent condition 1933 Chev. 1 ton flatbed, excel lent farm truck, good tires, ready lo go $195 Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 90 N at Garden Valley Road WHAT IS "VALUE"? It's not merely a good-looklnf Tsed Car. It must ive good mechanical performance, eco nomical transportation and be fairly priced. Our Guaranteed Used Cars are such values. We Invite your inspection. Our Reputation is behind every ear we sell! Corkrum Motors, Inc. PLYMOUTH Headquarters Vm S. Stephens Ph. JW6-J "We'll be here Tomorrow to Back up What We Say and Do Todav! Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. G.U.A.C terms, Chevrolet - Buick Pontiae Cadi I tee trade-ins. 1939 CHRYSLER Roval 4. door sedan. Body St paint very food Tires like new. Mechanlrally in A-l condition. Just completely overhauled. Fine trouble-free transportation. M75. Some terms. Inquire 206 Douglas Co. State Bank Bldg . or phone 466. MORE MONEY for your car Cash oej the spot. Corkrum Motors. Inc Om Soto. Plymouth. Phone 4oa. 114 N. Rose St 1940 "KAISER FOR SALE, or trade for cheaper car or pick-up. 99 Highway Nonextto Rolling H ills MoteL FOR SALE low Super Deluxe Ford 2 door. 00 Highway N., next to Rolling HiUsMotel FOR SALE 1941 Ford 2-door sedan, radio, heater, new paint: 1944 Mer. curv motor. xa Ph. 1R2-R. WHILE THFY LASfBrandnew 1940 Hydra-Glide Harley Davidson mntor ccles at a discount. One-third down. 12 months to pay. Joe's Harlev David son. 5 miles So., Highway 90, Roae burg.Ore Ph.47-R-3. WILLYS JEF.P. A-I condition, full ton FOR SALE 48 BSV Sodel B4, new hi h soeed cams, new paint. eay terms Ph 396-R-3. FOR SALE - 1949 Packard convertible; will take '41 or 42 model part oay- ment Phone 1SM-J-2 '42 NASH AMBASSADOR S pass cpe Clean. In good condition, R at H. Set 5.10 W Oak. or call 771-L. FUH 5ALE-1942 Wuiyi Jeep, good con dition, with Motorola Radio, $395. Call evening? at 531Cobb St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 bodge sedan, new motor and front end. Good condition 700. 242 Flint 146 5-PASS CHEV copeVerr clean and sporty, a. F. Laurie. Ballf and Brnwn St. A 30 Ford 5 pass convertible: lots ol H Wun Melrose RU. jx il. 3 miles from Oak St. 'C1WSALE149 c H R v S iTsedan. Call Personal AVON WILL TRAIN 4 pleasant, mature. " iw vnrmimas selling. Write Avon DiM. Mgr . RL 2, Box 95, v rr'wfii, uregon Ai,coHOLirs anonym6cs.p dBoi 1110 or Phone 1SU-L or 5(aW Miscellaneous NO HVNT1NG OR TRESPASSING on mv Olalla property. H. C. Bellows. VIoaeburg. Oregon.