10 Th Newt-Review, Roteburg, Or. Wed., Sept. 7, 1949 No Race Horse Could Ever Become Miss America, Says Columist After Interviews Bv HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (Pi It Is much easier today to win the Kentucky Derby than it U to become Mii America. All a horse has to do to cinch the derby is to run fastest. And It can use all four legs. But It doesn't have to prove it can ride a human being, sing a folk song, paint a picture, look well In bathing ault and evening gown, do a tap dance or give Lincoln's Gettysburg address. The average racehorse Isn't even sure Lincoln ever had an address in Gettysburg. But to win the Atlantic City beauty contest now a girl not only has to show derby form she has to demonstrate personality, tal ent and intelligence. And she goes through a more rigorous training routine than the average derby entrant. She may even have to eat oats (oatmeal) to slim her figure. Many of the lassies competing this week for the nation's $3,000 beauty crown at the Jersey re sort spent a week or two in Man hattan getting a final curry combing. They hire specialists to teach them how to walk grace fully and use makeup artfully. Tramps For Mlls "I ve tramped miles up ana down my hotel room learning all over again how to walk." said brown-haired, 18 -year -old Miss ' Grtyhound SAN FRANCISCO $7U LOS ANGELES $1171 MuMTiieni.it 11 Tktrt 4r (f itsU 144 U. Arkansas Barbara Brothers, bust 34. waist 23, hips 34. She would like to have a rubber face. "Mine is all worn out from I smiling, she said. Miss Brolhers. besides looking beautiful, can sing, paint water colors, and write poetry. If she wins, she said she would posi tively reject any Hollywood of lers. "I want to become director of religious education for the Meth.- oaist cnurcn, ' sne said. She Is sponsored bv the East ern Arkansas Young Men's club. Anoiner candidate. "Miss Wy oming" Esther MacLeod. 22, bust 34, waist 25, hips 34. spent tne iasi lew aays Deiore tne con test studying at the Barbizon School of Mrdcling. Sponsored by the University of Wyoming, she is a mezzo soprano and wants to conllnue her study of music. Lipstick With a Brush Eastern beauty techniques have left Miss MacLeod a little bemused. 'The hardest thing I had to learn was to put lipstick on with a orusn, sne laughed. You get a finer Hp line that way they say." Miss Wyoming, who arrived with Stetson hat and cowboy boots. Is a water safety instruct- or and can play the piano at well as sing. "I ran also rope, tie and brand a calf a small calf," she said. Unfortunately, even If she bor rowed a clothesline, a horse (Miss Montana brought onel and the Hereford heifer that accom panied Miss Nevada, the wouldn't he able to demonstrate this talent. Calf or heifer branding isn't on the contest program which putt the girls from the West, where women are women, under a han dicap. Mist Arkansas will be one of the few entrants with a claque three University of Arkansas stu dents who decided to go to At lantic City and root for her. One it Bob Riley, an almost sightless war veteran who also is a member of the Arkansas legislature. "Boh it real fun," said Mrs. Tom Allen, chaperon for Miss Arkansas, once, during a night out, he lost his glass eye. So, he put an ad in the University paper saying: Lost one glasa eye probab ly bloodshot.'" Ragweed pollen grains, which are one of the major rausea of hay fever, are so tmall hat It taket 2,500 of them to make an inch. Here's the Answer to FUEL SAVINGS PERFECTION Oil Home Healers f !..??! in .v.'MJ I if H. New MIDGET Pilot Is Greatest Fuel Saver Yet. Operates 40 HOURS on ONE Gallon of Oil COMPLETELY NEW A BEAUTY TOO See it Today! Models from $59" I ' I A4U-.; X'n - .J ' I I sySkmi i Mil 7 v dJ-jiBEcn tj -fi . .v: Itn k. I .............. (TtmYfaitlii B tm-t L rl ) J 1 NEW SEASON Th. opening school day, Sept. 6, found th!i type of activity at Roseburg't senior high school. In th top picture, Photographer Paul Jenkins recorded a pre-clau in formal session in th classroom over which Mrt. Cloyd Riff pratidet. Although th opening day was also th first full day of school, neither teachers nor students were really able to get back into th swing of things. Th question "Whtt did you do all summer?" wn asked mors frequently than th customary inquiries students will hear whan th excitement of th first day is over. Th second picture shows Principal George Erick ton handling th registration procsdurei for thoi youngsters who war not on handiest week to sign for .classes. With well over 600 students enrolled dur ing th regular registration pe riod, most of the signing up process was completed. How ever, Erickson, at do other school principals, expects the year's total to exceed the school population record set last year. Th pra-school enrollment guess was 675. One can almost "see" th noise in th lowar photo as students throng th school halls prior to th assembly which ush ered in th current year at senior high. Laden with books and clothed in new school garb and a summer tan, these young sters are renewing acquaint ances in th last few minutes before th bell signals a return to "School Days." (Pictures by Paul Jenkins.) ' - I Books Havt Varloui Rivals As Knowlodgt Soureis EUGENE. Ore. (Special) Evidence that the book It yield ing to other method! of recording knowledge It shown in a report matle by William H. Carlson, Director of Libraries of the State Svstem of Higher Education, to Chancellor Paul C. Packer. "Such Items at sound record ing, tlidet, film ttript and mo tion picture filmt would have been foreign to the librariet of only a few years ago, at they indeed still are to a good many librariet," Carlson observes. But today. In the seven librar iet of the system, non-book hold ings include tuch itemt as: 54, 642 maps, valued at $39,218.01; 88.438 photographs, pictures and prints, J8.430.91; 3.569 sound re cordings. $5,243.02: 3.596 tlidet, S24.150.76: 112 film ttrlt $274.38; 101 motion picture!, 890.02. Carlson alto calls attention to the rapidly growing audlo-vltual department at the University of Oregon. Its biggett Item it 34.107 tlidet. valued at $23,917.88, and all acquired within the past year. SOUTH END Phone 1195-R FUEL CO. 207 Rice St The mosquito which spreads hu man disease must herself be sick because only be Injecting germs which make her sick can she spread disease to a human being. Wa'rt closing for a VACATION until September 20 Howa's Cabinet Shop 866 Hover Street The female mosquito drinkt blood to get proteins with which j to make her eggs. i Soswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain. Ore-rnn For " ops" en Dralnboarda Set Phil Ournam Linoleum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336-J Jobs Boost This Fall Predicted By Senator Lucas WASHINGTON, Sept. T-'.Pl Senate Democralic Leader Lucas hat predicted that the nation's employment total will climb above "60.000.000 this fall. 'We are approaching the fall season, when business activity usually rises." Lucas said in his weekly summary of capitol ac tivities for radio broadcasts in Illinois, "I believe the number of employes will pass the 60 million mark In the next two months. Lucas said a "recent adjust ment in business had led to a "decline of activity In tome sec tion of the country" with about 4,000.000 teeking work. "Our government it very much concerned about them, he said Federal Potato Buying Probably To Be Light PORTLAND, Sept. 7. .P) Oregon's new potato commission administrator aayt the govern ment it likely to purchase oni "and we are taking ttept to chan- j small quantities of potatoes dur nei ieaerai projects into sections where the need for new employ ment appears to be urgent. Trie results of this policy are already being felt. The rise In claimt for unemployment compensation has been checked, according to the latest official figures made avail able to me." Big Dogs Friendly, Small Ones Worst, Postman Says DAYTONA BEACH, Ha. (.D Postman Johnny Jones, who has been carrying the mail 14 yeart, has a few observatlont on dogs: "I have no trouhle with- big ones. People are Just scared of new dog Is whistle and talk to I him In a friendly voice. The thing to do is be friendly, but don't j push it. "If you're riding a bicycle, re I member it's the bike the dog is ing the 1949 o0 marketing tea- son. Ben Davidson, Redmond, said cuts in potato acreage indicate that there will not be an over-supplv- during the season. He saw a possibility that th government might not have to buy any No. 1 grade potatoes at all. He reported good cooperation from both Oregon growers and the Idaho Potato commission in drafting the Oregon program. their size. It's the little ones that j harking at. Get off and walk until are yapptest and which will chase you. "Ninety percent of the dogs I've met are friendly: the others are the reserved type, not nec essarily mean but stand offish. Klisl thing I do when I moot a SHINGLES 0 Asphalt Asbestos Cedar Paqa Lumber & Fuel 164 K 2nd Ave. S. 'h- 2I2 the animal gets to know you. j Never act afraid; don't threaten a dog. Don't pick up a stick be cause you may startle him Into attacking you. Troubles with dogs are mostly caused by hu mans, anyway. Handle a dog right and he'll respond In a friendly way. In producing culture pearls . about 60 per cent of the oysters which have been oerated upon nroduce pearls. ' but only about five percent of these are marketable. CONVENIENT TERMS UMPQUA VALLEY A Home-Owned and Oparoted Store 202 N. Jackton Phone 73 MOVING SOON? If to, be lure to call 93S for Flegel'i padded van service and th man who have the "know-how" for handling your household goods. WE PACK IT CAREFULLY, STORE IT SAFELY F L E G E L Transfer and Storage Co. 900 E. Third St. "Don't Make a Mara Till You See Flegel" a. 0- EITSE KNOX J0( M100K4' StfiM Lovely, slender Ehne Knox models this Lo$nkni crea tion, a two-piece suit of ele gance a ewr-bkxue with tlsndies collar swl turned back cuff at bottom of blouse. An other fuhiouble dictate is Hollywood Bread. Just at fine clothes expreis rood taste, Hollywood Bread toe, is the choke of thoae who prefer fine thinet. NO FATS are added to Hollywood Bread. ttild far fm tMef hy Williams Bakery Inacessible spaces In walls and other areas are Insulated quickly by. blowing mineral wool in nod ulated form through a hose under pneumatic pressure. There are about 14,000 differ ent kinda of mosses. PICTURE OF A HAPPY COUPLE! Naturally! They've ust installed one of our beautiful FROST Brand Oak Floors in their home! You'll like them too! Like the way they bring out th true beauty of your rooms and furnishings. Like the easy wgy they clean and polish to a high lustre even after years of use. Drive in and see us this week. WE H AVI CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phone 128 4 mm til m& I -it f jrnrn vn 4) More than 100 timet a day the average home needs hot water . and with t Folcr there's always more than enough to neet every need. A Fowler gives th perfect service you expect. Hot water it CLEAN . . with a tank that is porctlined with smooth rust-resistant glass. A Fowler it EFFICIENT, with low operating cost and 3-way scientific insulation . . FLEXIBLE in capacity with in adjustable economy temperature control . . DEPENDABLE with long-life "black heat" elements and a 20-year prorated warranty. A Fowler it the best you can buy and th buy yoU like best. FOWLER .WATER HEATER M T Ivstrwt i sa)ni tummi rem. r AtoUt kmt X to M W. Oak 222 Phone 348