I Tht Ntwi-Rtvitw, Roseb-ira, Ore. Tuei., Sept. (, 1949 Society and Glubi (y LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social I term submitted by tele Rhone tor tht society pan must turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which Urn tha aocial calendar and Sat urday aociety page are .closed eekly. WOMAN'S SOCIITY TO HOLD FIRST FALL MEETING The lint fall meeting of the Woman'a aociety of the First Prebyterian church will be held Thursday at one-thirty o'clock at the church parlors according to an announcement by the new president, Mrs. John Plnkerton. Women of Oakland. Glide. Reediport and all the women ol the local church tre Invited to attend. Mrs. Otto Nledermeycr, president of the Southwest Ore gon Presbyterial, and the treas urer. Mrs. Roy V. Martin, both of Jacksonville, Ore., will be the guest speakers. Mrs. N. D. Johnson will he hostess chairman of the tea com mitlee. Tea will be served at the close of the program. WINCHESTER COMMUNITY CLUB LAOIES TO MEET The Winchester Community club ladies will meet at eleven thirty o'clock Thursday morning at the clubhouse for a luncheon. Mrs. Ancel Ketcherside and Mrs. Jim Davidson will act as co-hostesses. This will be the last meet ing before the opening of the Home Extension unit sessions. All women In the community are urged to take part in the Home Extension unit program. SUNSHINE CLU TO HOLD SALE THURSOAY The Northside Sunshine club will hold an auction sale at Its next meeting to be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mis. George Frew, 2.31 East Commer cial avenue. Each member Is asked to bring guests to the meet ing. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB ANNOUNCES MEETING. The Patch and Chat club will meet Thursday night at eight o' clock at the home of Mrs. C. Domenlco. All members are most . cordially Invited to be present. TlowtjmKnow! The answers to everyday murine problemi y KEN IAILEY OUESTIONi Wa plan to build an addition to our home. Is it necessary to notify our insur ance company of the changes we intend? ANSWERi Since the new add), tion will undoubtedly arid to the value of your home, it would be folly not to make sure that the increased value is properly Insured. Also, a well Informed insurance agent can advise you In your choice of materials and plans insofar as they affect the fire and structural hazards. Many times very slight changes in materials can save you many dollars by reducing your insur ance premiums over a period years. If you'll utihiM your nwn Inetir ance queettona to thit ftfflee, wall try lo sva you the wrml antwan end thera will be ae raaree er eall SaUee at ear klaS. KEN BAILEY INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Pacific Bldg. Phone 398 W. S. OF C. S. TO HOLD MEETING AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON The 'first fall meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service will be leld at a twelve thirty o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday at the Methodist church with members of Circle No. 4 as hostesses. Members hav ing birthdays in July, August ar.d September, will be guests of honor. Mrs. Luclen Cobb, president, will conduct the meeting with Mrs. Fred Soul h wick in charge of the devotions and Mrs. Arthur Lamka In charge of the program. All women of the church are most cordially invited to attend. TO MEET AT LUNCHEON EVERGREEN H. E. C. Evergreen Home Economics club will meet at a noon pot lurk luncheon Thursday at the hall with Mabel Lance, dladys slat ford and Blanche Tipton, host esses. All members are urged to be present. . W. B. A. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Benefit associa tion will meet Thursday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ella Moore, 1423 N. Stephens street. All members ara urged to be present ROTARY ANNS TO MEET ON THURSDAY Rotary Anns will meet Thurs day at a no-nostess luncheon from twelve to one-thirty o'clock at the Rainbow Grill. All mem bers are urged to be present. RIFLE RANGE SEWING CLUB TO MEET THURSOAY The Rifle Range Sewing clun will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Belle Clinton. All members are most cordially invited to be present. T.N.T. Club to Mast The T.N.- T. club members are invited to attend a "kid party" at an 8 o' clock dessert-supper tonight at the home or Mrs. William Mc- Cullum, 1705 Harvard avenue, with Mrs. Marvin Doty, co-hostess. Btthtl to Meet Roseburg bethel No. 8, Job's Daughters to meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight at Ma sonic temple with Honor Queen, Joanne Tavlor, In charge. Mem bers and those with proper Ma sonic affiliations are invited. First Fall Masting Umpqua unit, No. 16, American Legion auxiliary will hold its first fall meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the Legion home at 118 S. Kane street. Refreshments will be served. Members and those eligible to membership are asked to attend. R. A and E. Club to Msst The Roseburg Art and Embroidery club will meet Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Bailey. Stiff to Prictics Roseburg Rebekah degree staff, under the direction of Mrs. Lena. Poole, will practice at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mu Chapter to Mset Mu chap ter, Beta Sigma Phi will hold its first fall meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of the vice-president, Mrs. Dallen Jones, with Mrs. Harrison R. Winston, co-hostess. Protect Your ramily with the B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 938-J 4 o drop card to Box lf Melrose Route. Home Decorating Consultant Will Demonstrate Here Miss Clara Dudley, nationally known color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith k Sons Car pet company, will appear in per son at Josse's Home Furnishings Thursday and Friday, Sept. 8 and 9. Miss Dudley will speak at 10 a.m. in the Civic Room of the Hotel Umpqua both days on "How to Decorate on a Low Budget" and will be available in the store at other times to get personal consultations on Individ ual home decorating problems. Clara Dudley's audiences will also be shown a technicolor movie on home decorating recently film ed in Hollywood, which describes the operation of her home dec orating advisory service available to all homemakers throughout the country. Miss Dudley's lectures on home decorating, arranged through the courtesy of Josse's Home Fur nishings, are designed to show people how they can make their homes more attractive at low cost by the skillful use of color and by doing much of the work themselves. In her talks, Miss Dudley will discuss the latest trends In color, styling and design before demon strating the wavs in which var ious color schemes can be de veloped by the homemaker for her own use. In her demonstra tions, Miss Dudley will follow the fundamental decorating rule of working from the floor up, Inasmuch as the carpet forms the dominant color note in the room. Using a variety of rugs, together with various fabrics, wallpapers and paint colors, she will show her audiences how to achieve the three basic types of color combination blending, contrasting and accented. Miss Dudley will be available for individual consultations with out charge in Josse's rug depart ment neiore and alter eacn lec ture. Those desiring additional help will be provided with a spe cially prepared questionnaire which they can send to the Clara uudiey workshop In White Plains. New York. At the workshop a complete color scheme and fur niture arrangement is worked out on the basis of the Informa tion given in the questionnaire. The decorating advice Is then incorporated in a portfolio which also contains actual samples of the rug, drapery and slipover ma terials, wallpaper and paint suggested. During Miss Dudleys visit. Josse's will give away copies of her color Idea book "Colorama." This booklet illustrates many of tne principles miss Dudley will present in her talk at the Civic Room or her consultations and contains the questionnaire by which further help can be se cured If desired. Miss Dudley will also be avail able for lectures to women's groups while in Roseburg. Ar raneementa can he marie hv con tacting Jack Josse at Josse's Home furnishings. ill if! fitted BWa-r" it i i IT t ssTaaSfcsi r-rrt-im-Ts- a an li a itTft sVr'f ' r 1 ,aW.Si.'. f.i IELATED BIRTHDAY PARTY Shyla Bradley, standing behind calca at left, was a thrilled little girl Thursday, when she presided at hostels for her first birthday party. Shyla, now "seven go ing on eight," has always wanted a birthday party, just like other kids. But her birthday con flicted with another more important date. She was born Dec. 25, 1941, end little girls can't really celebrate their own birthdays on Christmas day. So this year, Dr. and Mrs. K. T. Bradley promised Shyla a party to make up for all those she's missed. Sixteen youngsters and Shyla's little sister, Cheryl Ann, gathered at the Bradley home for a eostume-lawn-birthday party, with prizes and all the trimmings. Included in tha above picture (not listed in order) are Billie Jo Moore, Barnie and Bookie Young, Mary Root, Bonnie, Dolores and Mary Lee Baughman, Linda Gould. Sharon Jeffries, Susie Wirack, Diane and Marcia Smith, Harriet Lane, Joanne Boss, Gordon Jolson, Linda Carter and Mrs. Bradley. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) Ships En Route To Strikebound Hawaii Ports HONLULU, Sept. 6. m Dock operations, without which sea-girt Hawaii cannot live, picked up on this 129th day of the big Longshoremen's strike. Oterations soon will pick up even more, even though peace talks ODenine in New York next Wednesday should become bogged. The bis employers had ships on the wav to Hawaii. These will be unloaded by non-union stevedores working for the government. They will draw tne current wage oi $1.40 an hour. A erouD of smaller merchants already had striking stevedores at work unloading two ships. They draw $1.72 an hour. That is what the 2.000 dock workers of Hawaii demanded when they quit work May 1. The Honolulu Chamber of Com merce calls this deal a "stab in the back." It said the agreement broke a solid front which Hawaii business had shown the Interna tional Longshoremen's and Ware housemen's union. Henry Schmidt, ILWU leader, said the union had contracts with eight barge and ship operators for more such operations. Castle and Coke, Ltd., shipping agents, announced meanwhile that at least eight freighters of the Isthmian line would arrive In Wa'rt closing for a VACATION until Ssptsmbtr 20 Howe's Cabinet Shop 86 Hevsr Strsst IIP! uJiaitt I fise buyers look for the Imperial silver label that says the finest In wallpapers. Guaranteed to with. Jfj "u "wn pwiwraj wiinwi rag Wt wg and to clean satisfactorily i . .... X, instructions are followed. J Home Fuqniswngs I PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME VttBrani At Hospital To Witness Camp Show Patients at the Roseburg Vet erans hospital will be entertained Tuesday, Sept. 6, both afternoon and evening, when the Veterans Hospital Camp show, "Happy Holiday," will be presented in the Recreation hall. The show features a combina tion of music, comedy, acrobat ics, and juggling. Background for most of the acta is supplied by the Lee Foster quartet of accor dion, electric violin, bass and electric guitar. They also do solo numbers of their own, featuring such numbers as "Humoresque," ; "(;av taballero, and "Fiddle Fartdle." I Comedy and Juggling are per formed by Jack and Camille Hoi-' liday. They Juggle such things as tennis rackets, balls, violins, etc. Marian Klngsley is the vocal so loist of the troupe. The Martin gales are an acrobatic couple who specialize In balancing rou tines. Dot and Helen Blossom en tertain by singing some modern as well as operatic medleys. The concluding number is some rapid tap dancing by Ruth Daye. liHppy Holiday" is one of the regularly scheduled Hospital Camp shows that are presented to patients in velersns hospitals all over the United States. PRUDENTIAL LIFI Insurance HORACE C. BIRO Special Agent . Ill W'st Oak Offlee 712-J Res. S71-J In Oregon It's McCredie Hot Mineral Springs Resort Highway Travelers Welcome, Too. On Short-Cut Highway 5S McCredie Springe, Oregon September or be enroute by the end of the month. These ships, from gulf and east ports, will carry 90,000 tons of cargo. They are the ships which will he unloaded by government longshoremen. Albino Sea Lions? That's What Coast Folks Say NEWPORT, Sept. 6 4JP Coastal residents weren't sure whether those were albino sea lions off the coast or not. The light-colored mammals they looked white from a dis tance began appearing early last week. There were scores of them on Otto Rock yesterday. Some maintained they were a species of sea lions not previous ly seen in this region. Others said they were Just the young of sea lions. Federal Government To Hit LA Gangsters LOS ANGELES, Sept. 6.-4JPt The federal government is gird ing for an all-out offensive against Los Angeles gangsters. U. S. Attorney James M. Car ter gave warning to the under world that he has asked for as signment of at least 50 treasury agents to move against mobsters by way of the income tax laws. The federal prosecutor said treasury agents, if assigned here, will "go after millions of dol lars" handled by hoodlums. Car ter indicated that special atten tion will be paid to horse race bookmaking revenue. In making a statement yester day. Carter said that the. Guaran tee Finance Co., bookmaking set up is an example of income tax matters that need immediate gov ernment attention. U. S. Arms Aided Chinese Reds, Top General Says BUCHAREST. Romania. Sept. 6 (.-PI The supreme commander of the Chinese communist armies has attributed the red victories in China to Russian aid and American-made weapons. He did not elaborate on the American weapons, but presumably meant they were captured from national ists.. Gen. Chu Teh made his state ment in an article in the Comin form Journal, organ of the Inter national Communist Information bureau. Chu said the communist victory In China would have been impos sible except for "the most sincere fraternal and friendly help of the Soviet union and proletariat and all the revolutionary people of other countries." He said the Chinese "liberation army" now numbers 4,000,000 men. "This is an Invincible force equipped with American-made weapons." he said. "The libera tion of all China Is now a matter of but a very short time." $150,000 Fir Destroys Rood Department Shop COLFAX, Wash., Sept. 6 I. ' A fire causing damages estimat ed at $150,000 destroyed a Whit man county road department shop Thursday. The blaze started when some one struck a match while gaso line was being delivered, firemen said. A gasoline tank exploded. Flames destroyed a $19,000 road grader as well as the shop. Tires, several trucks, and oth er machinery was lost. Firemen were able to prevent the fire from spreading to sev eral houses. Mrs. Charles A. Brand Teacher of Singing Voice Building, Song Interpretation Maeonle Building rnone ajo-n fall Term September S ' tmm in el NOW at yovr favorite food itort! Why Rush Protection? We ' E know, from experience. that there's reason to rush . . . there's no time to spore! Fire, lightning, wind, hail, explosion or some other peril may be heading your way right now. And, if you're caught without proper insur ance, you con lose plenty! Don't delay. See us for the insurance protection you need NOW. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Casi St. Roseburg wL ... HI COME IN TODAY AND SEE . . . Umpqua Valley Appliance fi)f? LAUNDRY m EQUIPMENT PR00F-0F-VALUE DEMONSTRATION m DRESS MAKING AND ALTERATIONS IVA PHILLIPS 421 N. Rose St. Phone iOt K I Oi Maldetra Wa M Lincoln County Cities Returning To Old Time NEWPORT, Sept. ' 6m All the Lincoln county cities on day light time shifted to standard time at 12:01 a.m.. Sent. 6. so that, school hours will agree throughout the county. Several sizable towns Toledo. Oceanlake. Depoe Bay. Wecoma. Pelake and Taft have been on daylight time this summer, while Newport and some other cities have stuck to standard. LOOK X SIGN PAlNTINOj DECOCAT1NO IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantee Reliable Quality Work At Ne Added Ceet Roseburg Chapter P.D.C.A. Phone 208 HP r m f. 3 il , ; l)l laws 8 BeautJ Colors JttJjdnrw QjuuuJLl THE Thornton is but one of many new designs carved from these beautiful hard northern granites. Polished surfaces stay clean always, because moisture from the air or ground cannot penetrate them. You ill like their deep rich colors. No better quality no lower prices. Comparison invited. V. V. HARPHAM Representing Hlaesing Granite Co. For Douglas Co. Rt. 1. Box 52. Roseburg. Ore. SfUrt a CtmrUry Lac aaaf Ftmilv Mommwnt lew. . tJC7 I REAM FASTI J .0 eieW ciorttex com out (trie. -j s.u l s. a -. iLlrrGm0!l&K ImafllfKi potttbls. Comt bl vosjI I N (P0e$MRYrHIH6!) CaiJpT 19 "eleclrle WW ' ?.te e eM your aMra wente- I bb "t0 (obeeBTrSOaOlle WtSP0RUlAJH!) NgiX Come in and see PROOF I Frigidoire Laundry Equipment gives yon features and value mat can't be found in oey other Automatic Washer ... Electric. Clothes Dryer ... Electric Iroeter. Only the Frigidairo Washer gives you all these features I All Porcelain Inside and Out resists rust, grease, soap, solvents. Underwater Suds Distributer elimi nates danger of soop stains. Add Clothes Any Time during washing cycle without stopping Live-Water Action. No Bolting Down vibration is so slight Frigidoire Automatic Washer co be in stalled almost anywhere. Loads from Top and ful width of tha top. No stooping, bending. Clog -Proof Pump eliminates trouble from Hot, soap scum. Self-cleaning whee wosS, rinse end spin-dry are dene, washer cleans itself automatically. Stays fresh end sweet. Water-Heat Control for finer things, just set the dial and water is mixed to right temperature i . . automatically. ALSO SK NtW FlrStOAItl AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DIYft A NO ELECTRIC MONEttl f& E HOME mi fi' for limited time onlyl FRIGIDAIRE Atftot-notve WqsImt Com ks. Ask Us Abe PI UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 West Oak Phone 1218