Yanks, Cards Cling To Lead As Hopes Fall St. Louis It Lottr To Pittsburgh, Whilt Brooklyn Thumps Sox By JACK HAND AuocUMd Pru Sportiwrltar Down the stretch come the New York Yankeei and St. Loul Cardinals, clinging desperately to li game leads that tradition says they should hold. Only live of the last 20 Labor day leaders have failed to make the world series in the last 10 years. . . . But maybe the run nerup Boston Red Sox and Brook lyn Dodgers don't read the rec ord books. St. Louis lost a game of Its lead to the Dodgers yesterday when they split with Pittsburgh while Brooklyn was thumping Boston twice, 7-2 and 13-2. Red Munger breezed to his 13th win In the Cards' opener as Enos Slaughter drove In five runs In the rout of Murry Dickson, 91. The same Munger, trying for the daily double in the second game, lost the decision on relief in the 10th, when doubles by Danny J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS H Gdn. Vally. Ri Ph. 53 M JOHNSON Sea Hon Dealer Boatt Bsat Trailer- Marine Equipment fa .:. :! .S 1 V or -AS; V I LAMPORT TROPHY PRESENTED TO CHIEFS In addition to the Southern Oregon league trophy, the Chiefs alio war presented with the Lamport trophy award for winning the Southern Oregon league championship. The trophy was donated by Lamport Sporting Coods of Medford. Showing off the award above, left to right, is Earl Sargent! Roseburg Umpque Chiefs manager; Barney Koch, voted most valuable ballplayer in the Southern Oregon league, for which he received the trophy he holds in his hand; Sandy Sanders, an Umpqua Chiefs sponsor, holding the Lamport trophy, end Bunlty Hill, Chiefs' coach. Rod Newland picture.l -INSURANCE- AUTO LIFE AUTO FIRE. State Farm Mutual Insurance 0. L. ROSE P. O. Box 489 Phone 288 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1193 R 207 Rice St Murtaugh and Stan Rojek gave Pittsburgh a 5-4 edge. Hatten Knoektd Out Brooklyn turned the power loose' on the weary braves who now are only one game above the .500 mark. After Joe Hatten was knocked out In the first Inning of the morning game, Carl Erskine and Paul Minner contributed 8 23 innings of no-hit relief pitch ing for the edge over Warren Spahn. Preacher Roe tied the Na tional league strikeout high for the year whiffing 11 in the lop sided second game 13-2. The soaring Phillies extended their win streak to six games by dumping the New York Giants, 9-7 and 4-2. Del Ennis' homer and three singles helped Dutch Meyer best Dave Koslo In the second game after a four-run rally in the ninth gave Ken Helntzelman the nod over reliefer Adrian Zabala in the opener. Cincinnati trimmed Chicago, Don't Let Your Roof GO TO SEED!" Give your home year 'round weather-protection ond beau ty by replacing weather-worn shingles this week! Our quality CERTAINTEED or JOHNS-MANVILLE SHINGLES will help you do a grand job. Durable, attractive, a cinch to opply, they'll lost for years ond years. So thrifty too. Call 128 for on estimate today. WE CAN DO A COMPLETE ROOFING JOB ON REQUEST EASY MONTHLY TERMS AVAILABLE DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phont 128 7-3. In the first game with a four run knockout blast against Dutch Leonard In the ninth. Johnny Schmitz stopped the Reds In the second, 7 2. Leaders Sweep Doubles All four first division clubs swept doubles In the American, leaving the Yanks' lead safe at li games. New York blasted Philadelphia, 13-4 and 5-3. while the Red Sox ran over Washington 5-2 and 12-2. Joe DiMaggio's grand slam homer broke open the first game for the Yanks when Vie Raschi came up with his 18th vic tory over Lou Brissie. DIMagglo was forced to leave the second game because of cramps in both lees after the first inning, but the Yanks put on a four-run splurge In the fourth to win. The game was called by darkness after seven Innings. Mel Parnell earned his 21st win In Boston's 5-2 opening triumph, although nicked lor 11 hits. Bon hv Doerr's 17th homer off Sid riudson started the Sox on their way. They cut loose with a 16 hit attack In the second, including Vern Stephens' 36th homer. Walt Alasterson, an ex-senator, si lenced his old mates with seven hits. Cleveland took a pair from Chi cago, 5-3 and 6-4. Larry Doby hit a homer in each game and George Metkovlch hit two for the White Sox In the second game. And Bob Lemon tossed a four-hitter to cop No. 18 In the finale. Detroit continued to sizzle, making it 14 out of their last 16 by subduing St. Louis twice, 4 0 and 2 1. Neat pitching jobs by Freddie Hutchinson, who spun a four-hit shutout against Al Papai, and by Art Houtteman, who tossed a six hitter, did the trick. Naval Reservists Will Be Honored At State Fair Roseburg naval reservists will be saluted at the state fair o morrow, w hen their commanding officer attends a special guarJ mount at the Invitation of Gov ernor Douglas McKay. Commander Walter S. Mallory said he received the governor's Invitation Saturday, as one of two naval officers In the slate to be honored at the ceremony. The other officer will be Lt. Com. D. N. Morey Jr., command er of Salem's Naval Reserve sta tion. Mallory said that the Invita tion, which he has accepted, "speaks well" for the record of the local reservists, members of Volunteer Composite unit 13-1. He and Morey will represent the two types of naval reserve units at the guard mount the volunteer and the organized. The ceremony will be at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the state fair grounds. EODIE SIMMONS TITLIST MEDFORD, Sept. 6. .1 Eddie Simmons of the Rogue Val ley Country club here held the Southern Oregon golf champion ship for a sixth time today. Miss Helen Thompson, also of Med ford, claimed the women's crown for a third time. Simmons de feated Medalist George Harring ton. Medford, 2 and 1, yesterday In the final. Miss Thompson carded 81 yesterday for a medal Jb-nole score oi lbj. August Traffic Dtaths Reach High Month Toll August traffic deaths In Oregon reached the highest monthly toll recorded so far this year with 39 fatalities reported to date. Secre tary of State Earl T. Newbry an nounced today. Thirty lives were lost In rural area mishaps and nine in acci dents occurring on city streets. August fatalities bring the toll for the first eight months of 1949 to 188. a saving of 84 lives from the 272 deaths recorded during the same period last year. Loss of control was the most frequent factor showing up on last month's fatal accident re ports, Newbry said, resulting In vehicles running off the roadway. Two such accidents claimed three lives each. Four other multiple-fa- Tuei., Sept. 6, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburf, Ore. 7 tal crashes took eight lives. Th rural-area traific hazard will continue to he acute through September, Newbry warned. Fifty-two died In September acci dents last year, most of them tak ing place on Intercity highways. RECORD SWIM SEASIDE. Ore., Sept. B.-U'V- j Several persons have swam the ' English channel but Bob Prowl, : 24-year-old University of Oregon ' student, became the second man j yesterday ever to swim the eight mile stretch of the Pacific ocean i from Tillamook rock to Seaside, j The Jaunt took four hours and ; 55 seconds. Two other swimmers j who started with him gave up earlier. The Federal Housing Adminis tration does no building and makes no loans. It Insures hous ing loans. FLOOR SANDING ft L FINISHING Estinwtw L UsfoPfaff 320 Wr1 St. i m IWIIM - pimm rs-j Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich I always speak directly Into the mouthpiece so they can hear me."...Yes, speaking die-tinctly-directly into the mouth piece - Is a good telephone habit and means better telephone ervice....Pacifie Telephone. i CHAIN SAWYER! j Need Expert Chain Saw l! Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. Hollywood Only Four Contests Ahead Of Oaks By JIM BACON Awci'ited Pre. SporuwrlLr Can Hollywood last In the hot Pacific Coast League race? The Stars, out in front most of the season, still hold a three game edge over the Oakland Oaks, the 1948 champs With only 20 games left, the stretch run shapes up as a neck and neck two-team affair. The Stars face series with San Diego. San Francisco and Seattle, The Oaks' foes are Sacramento, Los Angeles and Portland. Hollywood looked like it could make It In taking two from Sac ramento Labor dav, the paceset ters' fifth straight win. Willie Ramsdell threw a one-hitter to anex the opener 2 to 1. The lone poke was a pinch homer bv Rookie Bill Wilson. The Stars' hurler had to throw his best ones as the Solons' Orv Grove gave up hut three safeties In losing. The game had Its dark side, though, as Jim Baxes, the Stars' sensa tional third baseman, tiippled ov er first base for a possible frac tured rib. However, Murray Franklin replaced him in the nightcap and hit a homer and double. The Stars won 6-3. Sews Up Lead The Oaks took the -opener 6-2 from San Diego and then sewed up the second game quickly with an eight run first inning. The final score was 9 to 3. Oaklaid now has a four game win streak. The Oaks' slugger Earl Rapp, hit his 13th homer In the first game a 400 foot blast. San Francisco split a double bill with Portland. The Seals scored a ninth inning run to take the aeven lnning nightcap to win 11 to 1. Eddie Basinskl came out of a long batting slump to lead the Beavers In the nightcap. He bashed out six runs with a double and grand slam homer. The Seattie Rainiers' two pitch ing aces, Guy Fletcher and Char lie Schanz, blanked Los Angeles twice 2 to 0 and 3 to 0. Schanz won his 19th on a beautiful one hit performance in the seven in ning nightcap. Successive home runs In the seventh inning by Jack Warren and Al Lyons gave Guy his two run margin. Don Wilson had held the Rainiers to three scattered sing les until the double blast. It was the ninth straight win for the red hot Rainiers who are tied with Sacramento for third place, eight games behind Hollywood. Only one game is on tap for tonight In the loop. San Fran cisco plavs at Portland with Lef ty Cliff Melton (4-41 the proba ble mound choice for the Seals against the Beavers' Dr. Francis Dierlck 11-2). JRTEGA BEATEN PORTLAND, Ore., Sei t. 6. (tP Don Rogers, 139, Portland, won a 10-round decision over Joey Ortega, 133, of Portland. In the Jantzen Park arena main event last night. in the preliminaries, Mel kagle- man, 126, Salem, won a first round T. K. O. over Sal Backman, 123, Vancouver, Wash. bier yf nceV 1 DSSTOV CHAW SAW Dtptndo Performa with' Andrew Carnegie came to Am erica In his 13th year. AL WILL: Repair, Recondition, Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right. REASONABLE RATES FAST SERVICE BRING YOUR BAR! I SAVE MONEY t Our blown rock wool Insula- I tion, as applied by profession als, pays lor itselt In two years through less fuel ensta. Metal interlocking weatner stripping may be added for i additional protection. Applied to new or old homes and com mercial buildings anywhere : in Southwestern Oregon. Free estimates. j A written warranty with every installation. BUILDER'S INSULATING CO. Designed ond built by Diiiton, America's foremost saw manu facturer, this is the saw you need ta lower your coitt and step up your production. It's easy to operate, and built for trouble-free tervice. let us give you all the facts about the Diiiton Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come In and talk it over. I CARL J. PEETZ Phone 271 20 S. Stephens mm v 1 iir'VLvj 1U- 25 0 Trucks P-S 25 fOOOUS. 4doof Custom VI Ford Stdins, quipped with Rtdios. "Mijic An'' Heiteri, OvNdnvM, snd White Sidewill tuts. too toous 700 'SOUS. Gwwtl Duty MixM F-S, V I ngins, ttikt body, 1 58-inch wheslbass FORD Trucks, equipped with Radios snd "Magic Air" Healers. Optional ss pines to the lop 5 of the 25 car winners who speoly prefer ence lor I truck on Contest Entry Blank. Here's your chance to win one ot these 700 valuable prim and make the hilmays sater in tht barfiin. YOU MT THtl AmACTTVff mfcToa INSIONIA I t 4 Enter Kcw! set rise rath. Get rear eetrf elaak east free (jMafeif stock bow. Tee tea to eee el Ike Mrf trriaaen I (No matfr what mak of cor or frvcfc yov own) fltVtMktttMtM. imrM Utry Mart. MM mIm toatopMNi tmm tmvmt itttw. f Atk tor eMtv Frat Car-Safety Ctock. VrtH cfcext kdittt) psMal mont. Maar iftf Hkta, brat hkii mm. fcara, enaffi aaJ Ibtxk itntvkexi -ahta a mpm Ut ftrnttratioa mtm ft ftttr ufaif aotMt H at a aaat r aWifatiM kt tm! Tkaa Ml p m i fm Safaty laaipMa, m4 M (mi Van oely efflrUI am try Mank ohulnid at any Kofd lualfwhip diapUyinf the) pnatar hown Mm. Print ,Mrly your a tuna and addraaa. O) CfMttMt HmltMj bi tha eotv Unenlal U. 8. and Alaaka. (el Prise aa atatad na an try blink. wiU ba awarded on tha bail nf inrHty, txiftrlity, and aiHnaaa. JudRf dwtalona ara ftrtal. Ihiphrata prli In eaaa of tie. KntHaa rnuat ha submitt! In tha nuns ft tha tfiatt4 owaar or aia daatgaata4 rapra- 9 Ttxa. to M vardt m baa m aatr Waah. tataa mm Mataaiaat: ai tsMt turn tracks akaaM aa aHaty. Mall a a lf afara anaalakL taar SI It Pard Car-Safaft CoaMai Hataatartan, ft. 72L Camp 17, Mtatfm Oary omm aatry pew aar at truck asay ba Madar4. At rntriaa baroma tlta property as! Fnrd Motor Conpaay. Caataat aubjaet to Fadaral. BUto aad lorai rafulatlona and la aaataat ' rulaa aa an try blank, fat) Wlnnara' amnaa wttl ba paatadl at all rnrd raalra' aot UMr tmaa Daeaaibar 1 aj Centaat la afM ta all raaft- tftMira unttM s tataa, aannltwaaa af Tor4 alatar C pany. fard raalara thair advar tMBt afawdaa ar UMtr (maatUaa. 350 ?25Ui m . aa i rataa it i i mr - mw rr, Va I tmiim aw mm etat, kMWe IM al roe Mtsis' warn swa eas ate LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rosa & Oak Phona 10 For that worn-out feeling The oil that stops 80 of engine wear Strange as it may seem, the greatest wear in your engine atari when it's standing still! Acid-laden moisture condenses inside cylinders, forms corrosive rust. And that's where 80 of en gine wear comes from. RPM Motor Oil, among other protec tive jobs it does, stops that corrosion by covering internal parts with a moisture-proof film . . . ttayt on the job, even though your car stands idle for days or weeks. "RPM" your cheapest motor insurance it's first choice in the West. ' "Chuek" Edmonds 230 N. Sttphtns St. Saw Chain Service Co. I lRJ 531 S. Stephens St. Phone 1665-J We take better care of your car TT Phon. 101SR