12 Th. N.wt-R.vi.w, KoMburj, Or. Tu.t., Sept. 6, 1949 WINS SALMON OERiV A QTflR T A fire.. Spnt. fi (A A 48 pound 10 ounce salmon wai worth $1,700 to John C. Holkka of Rosburg, Wash., yesterday. It won first money In the annual derbies at Astoria, Ore., and WANTED TO BUY 2" Rough Lumber TOP PRICES We Pay Every Two Weeks WE ALSO DO CUSTOM MILLING Phone Oerding Toll Station or write ROLLING HILLS LUMBER CO. P. O. Box 1249 Roseburg, Oregon "Don't stop now, Sandy ... I already have o date for tonight. Bill is taking me to the RAINBOW CAFE tor a delectable steak dinner." SAVE AT FRED MEYERS Galvanized Garbage Cans . 2.49 26 Gal. Chiffon Soap Flakes Lge. box 17c Top's Soap Flakes ioc size . ... 425c F. M. Cleaning Fluid g0i 59c Wilco Cleaning Fluid 23c size 13c Cleansing Tissues ,5o!:!L 6c Purex Toilet Tissues 65o s 5c Lee Hair Brush 98c value .55c 3 Hole Note Book Filler i0 10c 3 Hole Loose Leaf Binder 35c F. M. Antiseptic F. M. Epsom Salts Doans Kidney Pills F. M. Powdered Alum i6 0z 19c Ladv Eva Shampoo i6 oz 49c F. M. Aspirin 250 s 37c Salute Alarm Clock 2.25 value. 1.69 Dollar Mints, lb Chocolote Covered Fred Meyer I iMm iim.II M.tflWl 1 12 N. Chinook, Wash., aa well as the dally prizes awarded on the day of the catch. Canadians estimate their coun try has 1,290.260 square miles of torested area. With Cover 0z.. s ibs . 35c 19c 35c 39c Peppermint Patties Jackson Former Rossburg Woman Cn Alaska Flower Search Collecting material for a book on Alaska wild flowers, a former Roseburg woman has loined an expedition with three other worn en to the Alaskan interior. She is Mrs. V. F. Williams, the former Maxine Morgan of Kose- burg, whose companions on the expedition are all members of the Juneau, Alaska, Botanical club. A clipping telling of their pla ,s was received here Saturday by Mrs. Williams' brother, Joe M. Morgan. The four women traveled y steamship from Juneau to Haines, where they planned to drive by automobile over the Haines cut off to the Alaska high way, and then into the Alaskan interior, , Mrs. Williams, preparing a hook on Alaskan wild flowers for oublicalion, will gather material for her manuscript, including camera shots of flowers for il lustrating purposes. Mrs. William a as born In Roseburg and is a graduate of Roseburg High school. Her hus band is a native of LookingRlais. where his mother, Mrs. Edna Williams, still resides. The Williamses own a fishing boat at Juneau. He also operates a barber shop In the Alaskan capital. Mrs. Mabel Warner, 76 Passes Here On Friday Mrs. Mabel Fannie Warner, 76, died at a hospital in Roseburg Friday, Sept. 2. She was born in SprinRfield, Mass., July 30, 1873, and has been a resident of Win chester for the last four years. She was a member of the Baptist church of Portland. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. P. M. Hart, Winchester; a sister, Mrs. Donald Steiver, Portland, and a brother, Frank E. Parmeter, Tooelee, Utah. The body was sent to Portland for services and Inter ment In Rose City cemetery be side her father, Dixon Parmeter. Arrangements were In care of the Stearns mortuary, Oakland. Oregon Gasoline Tan Falls Short Of Mark Oregon's one cent per gallon tax Increase fell short of produc ing the expected revenue gain in Its first month of operation. Sec retary of State Earl T. Newbry reported today. Although July gas sales exceed ed those of a year ago, they were well under the June total, result Ing in a tax increase of only $288. 782, despite the added penny. It was the first lime In nine years lhat July gallonage was below that of June, Newbry said. Total sales of 45,611,451 gallons were reported for the month, with taxes aggregating $2,656,743.16. Refunds to non-hiuhway users ap proximated 14 per cent in the first half of 1949. EXAMINER DATES SET A driver's license examiner will be on duty in the Roseburg city hall Thursday and Friday, Sept. 8-9, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., according to the secretary of state s oince. STOPS LAXATIVES FEELS BETTER! "Have been eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN 3 years and it's won derful I Now I don't ever need a lax ative, feel so much better. I've told plenty of others too!" Mrs. Jerry Russell, Route 8, Maryville. Term. Mann other grateful ALlrBRAX users write ths same. You may be helped, ton. if conatinutea due to lark of bulk In the diet; start eating an ounce of crisp, toasty ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water, il not satisfied (ter 10 davs, send empty box to Kelloitg's, 'Battle Creek, Mich. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! HOME TOWN NEWS "I DON'T WANT TO BRAG, AND IT ISN'T FOR PUBLICATION . . . BUT YOU'RE LOOKING AT ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL 'RICH-MAN'S-SONS' IN TOWN." You'll want to brag about your wonderful supply of fire wood and sawdust after you call the ROSE BURG LUMBER COMPANY for immediate delivery. pi 1 11" t 'in !MwprTsi H rtMrMMMM yCyyyu chjick.--etr-cKc i-i iw uci i THIS THING, GETS ( BO FAR INTO IT I t IKJGROWKJ HOvV ) BEFORE VOU ffp ED HIS SPORT ( MOTICED VOU Hp SHIRT GET I WTO J ( HAVEN'T WORN A ) p MV DRAWER.? J 1 CLOSED FRONT A pT- v WHV M K V t MT Off. OUT OUR WAY Sutherlin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gardner of Pauline, Neb., spent a short while one day last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Jennie comstocK en route to Santa Ana, Calif., from a tour in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riemen. Schneider have purchased the property owned by Mrs. ranny Patton of Roseburg, located about one mile west of town, adjoining the Dropertv now owned by them. They will start the construction of several small homes, one oi wnicn has been started. The store build ing, located on the southeast cor ner, Is leased and Is known as the Sunny View grocery. Mr. cooper oi ureswen maae a business call in this city Tuesday. Mr. Arnold of Portland, repre senting the Quaker Oats Feed company, was a business visitor In this city Tuesday en route to Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wade and Marvin Slack attended the recent Douglas county fair in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Marian Heaton and children motored to Dillard last Sunday, Aug. 28, and brought back several boxes of peaches. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen have rented the Wilbur Williams residence west of town and will move there soon. The construction of the new Chevrolet sales Dulldlng Is pro gressing right along. The walls of tile are all up and the roof will soon be Installed. Mrs. Jennie Comstock Is Im proving the roof of her home by having asbestos shingles put over the old ones. Mr. Agee and Mr. Grady have been engaged to do the work. Toronto residents think their Yonge St. Is the longest street In the world. It continues as Ont ario Highway No. for 885 miles. Life "Saved my A Ced-earnl lor GAS-HEARTBURN" When einr MtomkCk sutt) rviMM painful. sufforsft tnr ir iii h tiMl hwlixim, itiw-Mn twtuYlir vwvw rum th fiMtort-e ii'H mMldtir known for viwmMLcrrti.,( moll' iiwiiufcuth.nwln Brit-CM T.iMr-t N'llnxiltnv rVH-iu. htlrtsie comfurt In S ttfty urrrtuni Untie to wt f.r rtrnihleinonoy back BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25 V -i l Ml jpStop itching, dry ffi W Si TV bll" quick- MOTHERS GET GRAY Pope Pius Calls On Catholics In Poland To Resist CASTEL GANDOLFO, Sept. 6. (JPt Pope Pius XII appealed to the 20,000,000 Catholics in Communist-governed Poland to de fend the church with all their might. The Pontiff said Poland did not regain its freedom with the end of the war. Instead, he de clared, "the practice of religious life has been made ever more difficult." The Pope addressed a letter to Polish bishops urging bold ac tion and condemning violations of religious rights by the Polish slate. The letter was sent Thurs day on the tenth anniversary of the German invasion of Poland which touched off World War II. It was published today in l'Osser vatore Romano the Vatican news paper. Poland, which is more than 90 percent Catholic, has been spared many of the harsher communist blows dealt against the church in other Iron Curtain countries. The Pope's letter gave rise to speculation that Polish commu nists may be readying a new move against the church there. Pope Pius praised Polish priests for their "firm resistance" in the four years since the war. He said their "unvanqulshed charity to ward God 'and country has been in no way lessened or extin guished." The Pope said the resistance of Polish Catholics is proved "by those! who fell in the fight for Christ; it is witnessed by the expulsion of not a few bishops from their sees and by the many priests thrown In prison." Elkton Girl To Reign Over Annual Drain Fair Queen's ball at Drain Thursday night will open the annual Nortn Douglas Community lair there. An Elkton girl is to be chosen queenr this year. Exhibits of farm produce, handwork and sewing, and cook ing and canning, will be set up in the Drain community hall Fri day and Saturday. Many outstanding exhibits of a community nature are expect ed to be displayed, said H. A. Cool, chairman of the fair board. Among these will be the model village on the Curtin 4-H club. Queens of the fair are chosen in alternate years from Drain, Yoncalla. and Elkton. The queen's ball -is to be at 8 p.m. In the Drain schoolhouse. ITCH (Scabies' ! hiahly con tain oua and will con tinue for life If not topped. Iti tola cause U tha Itch -mite, which U Immune to ordinary treatment EXSORA kills tha Itch-mtte almnat instantly Only three days' EXSORA treatment U required. Mail orders given prompt attention. Frae" Meyer Drer. ataieharf DON'T MAKE A MOVE 'til you see F L E G E L Transfer and Storage Phone 935 uotiriT-r? IS J.R.WUlAM5 By J. R. Williams LOCAL NEWS Parents Club to Meet The Parents club of St. Joseph' school will meet at 8 p.m. to night, Sept. 6, at the schoolhouba. Back From Vacation Miss Al vlna "Tippy" Correll returned to her work as cashier at the Safe way store in Roseburg, following her vacation. Back From . Fair Homer W. Grow has returned to his home on Cobb street, following a trip to Salem to attend the opening of the state fair. Visiting At Young Home Mrs. Eva Shay and daughter, La Verne Newland, of San Fernando, Calif., are visiting in Oakland with the former's sister, Mrs. Jess Young. Mrs. Allen Back Mrs. W. H. Allen returned to her work at the News-Review office this morn ing, following two weeks vaca tioning. At Hospital Mrs. Alex Do Bolt, who resides east of Roseburg un derwent an appendectomy at Mercy hospital Saturday after noon. Returns to Eugene Mrs. D. J. Rierdon of Eugene returned to her home today, after spending a week at Glide visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Casebecr. Vacation on Coast Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Tauscher and daugh ter, Tamara, and son, Edward, spent last week at Oceanside va cationing. Visits Parents Miss Frederica Hamilton has returned to Eugene after spending the weekend in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Guild To Meet Forsythe guild of the First Presbyterian church will meet Thursday, Sept. 8, at a 6:15 o'clock potluck supper at the home of Mrs. W. M. Campbell, 949 Winchester street Resumes Teaching Miss Mar ietta Taylor, who has spent sev eral weeks here recently, left for Portland Saturday to resume her duties as a school teacher. Spend Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. O'Meara and two daughters of Riddle spent Sunday in Rose burg as guests of Mrs. O'Meara's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hobi, and family. Melrose Grange To Meet Mel rose Grange will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the hall. A pro gram on fire prevention will be wwamantaA hv msmlwrs ff the Home Economics club. Refresh ments will be served. Visits Family O. A. Kennerly Jr. has returned to San Francisco, after spending the weekend In Roseburg visiting his family, Mrs. O. A. Kennerly and son, David, and daughter, Margaret Jane. Leave Today Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norton left today for the North Umpqua. where they will vacation several days before re turning to Adair Village. Mr. Nor ton will continue his studies at Oregon State college. He has been employed during the summer months In Medford. Back From Grants Pais Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pearson and daughter Mary Lynne, returned to their home In Roseburg Mon 'iv night, following a stay in Grants Pass since Thursday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ing ram and family. Mr. Pearson spent the weekend playing in the golf tournament at Medford. Enjoy Stay At Coast Attor ney and Mrs. R. L. Whipple and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart and children Nancy and Roger, and Mr. Stewart's mother, Mrs. D. H. Lenox, have returned to their homes In Roseburg. following the holidav weekend at Windamere at Bandon. , Improving Mary Lynne Rose is reported to be convalescing sat is factorily at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brown, on Moore street in Rose burg, after suffering a fractured left arm last Friday while play ing with other children In the neighborhood. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Trucks TOR SALE T-S nrd H1.1 dump bwl nd houl. A-l condition S. at Unit ed Truck Service. Sutherlin, or cell 3U-F-23. Roseburg, f-19 INTERNATIONAL, pickup. 1 Idea International pickup; 1 elnfle axle pilini trailer for information Phone .a ijznaAyeuui AXLE SHAFTS tor all I makee ..I trucka Ray a Truck Shop XOt N Stephana Phone 499 J a Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, email roun core mill ends, planing endi, oak and laurel. Special price on plan er enda lor abort time See thli wood 1 mile East ofl Douglaa St Rt J. Bos 43 Prompt delivery Claude Willey. Phone 13-J-3 or 143-J-S FOR SALE Slabwood. aawduat. planer enda Phone 307 Johnaon Fuel Co. LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS Sealed proposal! will be received by the Secretary of the Oregon State Board of Control at Room 1U9. State Capitol Building, Salem. Oregon, until 2:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time. September 19. 1949. furnishing all labor and materials required to paint the exterior of the Roseburg Armory Building at Rose burg, Oregon, for the State of Ore gon, and wiU then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening the same will not be considered. Plans, speclflcetlons. and forma of contract documenta may be obtained In the office of The Oregon State Board of Control at Salem. Oregon. Each proposal shall be marie out on a bid form contained In the contract documents and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to the Oregon State Board of Control In an amount of not lesa than 3' of the total amount of tha pro. posal. The Oregon State Board of Control reservea the right to reject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening unless said award Is delayed for a period ex ceeding 30 davs. OREGON STATE BOARD OF CONTROL By; Roy H. Mills Secretary Date August 29, 1949. Salem, Oregon. NOTICE OF PI'RI.IC If FARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD before Melvln J. Conklin, Examiner for the State Milk Marketing Administration in the Citv Hall. Roseburg. Oregon. Thursday. Sentember 13. 149 at the hour of 1:13 P.M.. to receive testimony and evidence on matters relating to the pioduction and distribution of fluid milk and cream In the Douglas County Marketing Area and to consider mini mum whtletale and retail price and minimum rricea distributora ahall pay to producers. DATED at Pnrtlend. Oregon, thla 2nd day of September. 1949 MILK MARKETING ADMINISTRATION STATE OF OREGON Thos. L. Ohlsen, Administrator. Leaves For Klamath Falls Harry F. Hatfield left Monday for his work with the Southern Pacific company in Klamath Falls, following several days at his home in Roseburg, while his daughter, Mrs. William K. Knight, and family, of Portland were visiting here. Attorney and Mrs. Knight and children left Sunday for their home in Portland. Births at Mercy Hospital HARDIMAN To Mr. and Mrs. John Hardiman, Roseburg, Sept. 5, twin sons, Joseph Patrick, weighing five pounds 11 ounces, and James Brian, weighing four pounds 10 ounces. Dr. E. E. Lin dell was In charge. Mr. Hardi man Is manager of Lawson's Jewelry store. They have two other sons. BENNETT To Mr. and Mrs. Coby Bennett, Glide, Sept. 4, a son, Jeffery Lynn; weight seven pounds 15 ounces. HORTLE To Mr. and Mrs. El mer J. Hortle, Melrose route, Roseburg, Sept. 4, a son, Robert Wayne; weight seven pounds nine ounces. WESEMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Weseman, 1118 Win chester street, Sept. 3, a son, Rich ard Lee; weight six pounds 14 ounces. EITREIM To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Eitreim, 518 South Stephens street, Roseburg, Sept. 3, a daughter, Pamela Lynrie; weight five pounds five ounces. BODALY To Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bodalv Sr., Dillard, Sept. 2, a son, 'Robert John; weight five pounds 12 ounces. GURNEY To Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gurney, Umpqua, Sept. 1, a daughter, Linda Col leen; weight five pounds 13 ounces. HUGGINS To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Huggins, 546 Cobb street, Roseburg, Sept. 1. a son, Gregory Kenneth; weight eight pounds 12 ounces. MENTZER To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Mentzer, 1801 Myrtle Avenue, Roseburg, Sept. 2, a daughter, Sheryn Lynn; weight six pounds nine ounces. RIETMANN To Mr. and Mrs. Millard William Rietmann, Route 2, Box 188-E, Roseburg, Sept. 4. a son. Mark Wayne, weight seven pounds three ounces. Subordinate Granges Invited To Big Picnic All subordinate granges of the county are invited to a picnic at the Roseburg Rod and Gun club grounds at Winchester next Sun day. The affair Is being arranged by H. E. Cracroft, member of the Douglas County Pomona grange, Patrons of Husbandry. Women are asked to bring sal ad, dessert, or hot dish. Coffee and ice cream will be furnished. GAR Commander Can't Find Time For Visit j EAST LANSING. Mich.. Sept. 6 ! tl1 Sounds like a job for the j L'nited Nations. Theodore A. Penland, 100-vear-old GAR commander, refused ; comment on an invitation bv Gen. James W. Moore. 98. command- . er-in-chief of ihe rnniiar.in j Army veterans, to "bury the hat cnet. He added, however, that It would be impossible for him tt attend the Confederate Veterans reunion at Little Rock, Ark., la ter this month. Penland Is 'isiting relatives tie tore returning home to Vancou ver. Wash. Autos Better Buys at Barcus 1949 Ford Club Coup, looka and run lika new f 11M2 Pontile 4-door aadan, paint, raconditioned motor .... W7S 1M0 Tord V- convertible, new Mercury motor, new Urea, ex- cellent 1940 Tord V- coup e- SW 1939 Chev Coup 1939 Oldtmobil 9 S-door aedan 2 19M7 V-9 Ford, new motor $345 1934 Ford Tudor, good Urea, good motor - TRUCKS 1942 Gt. 4x4 lis ton truck equip ped with flatbed: alio haa dump bed and hoist Excel lent condition SSM 1933 Chev. l's ton flatbed, excel, lent farm truck, good Urea, ready to go 119$ Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N at Garden Valley Road WHAT IS "VALUE"? It'i not merely a good-looking Used Car. It must give good mechanical performance, eco nomical transportation and be fairly priced. Our Guaranteed Used Can are such value. We Invite your tnnpection. Our Reputation la behind every car we sell: Corkrum Motors, Inc. Ynur DeSoto PLYMOUTH Head quartern 230 I. Stephens Ph. MrJ-J 'We'll be here Tomorrow to Back up What We Say and Do Today! Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. CM AC terms. Chevrolet - Buick - Pontlae - Cadlllao trade-lna. MORE MONEY for your car Cash oa the spot Corkrum Motors. Inc L4) Soto. Plymouth Phone 408. 114 N. Rose St 1949 KAISER FOR SALE, or trade for cheaper car or pick-up. 99 Highway No. nextjo Rolling Hills Motel. FOR SALE 19411" Super' Deluxe rordHt door. 99 Highway N., next to Rolling IIllli Motel. TOR saLeT941 Ford zdoo aedan. radio, heater, new paint: 134S Mer. cury motor. M2.V Ph. 1B2-R. WS'liE HEY LAST-Br7ndnew 194S Hydra-Glide Harley Davidson motor, cycles at a discount. One-third down, 12 months to pay. Joe's Hariev David son. 9 miles So.. Highway 99, Rosa burg.Ore Ph. 47-R-3. ""HAVE a '32 Pontlae for sale. In ex. cellent running condition. New top. gjodglas1.lust 100.83J Hamilton. ' NASH AMBASSADOR 3 pass. cpeT Clean, in good condition, R 4V H. Seet'Wk-orall 771-L. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 Dodg sedan, new motor and front end. Good condition. $700. 242 Flint 1946 5-PASS. CHEV coupe.-veTVcieen and sporty. A. F. Laurie, Ba'llf and Brown St. A Vta Ford 3 paaa. convertible; lota of extras. C. H. Wilson. Melroae Rt. Box llmilrsJromOak St. ronSALX 1949 CHRYSLER aedan. Call Machinery For Sale IN BEST OF CONDITION Massev Har ris extra heavy 3-14 plow. Used very little. 1200. V. J. Burslk. Melrose Rt. Box 149. Dogs Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GFtA-HO COCKER KENlVELl Phone 930 or 4A3-V Reg and ped. pupoiee.aU romr Stud aervlce. FOR SALE 15-month -old male Screw tail Bulldog. 630 S. Main. SIAMESE KITTENS for aale, purebred. Phone 5-F-l.V For Trade WILL TRADE 40 acrea. 10 acrea tillable with amall cabini. 12 mi lei from Roie burg or nice house trailer. Inquire Cha. Clark, Fred s Trailer Court, 1st cabin. Garden Valley Road. VERY NICE 2-bdroom home at Cooa Junction for business site; or resi dence at Myrtle Creek Immediate possesion. Ivan Edwards, 106 Chest- Lost Found STRAYED TO our place on hwv. 99 No., one black yearling heifer. Own er can have name for costs. Robert Stillwell phone 396-J-4. REWARD FOR information concerning papers, livestock and mine, artlclea lout since March 17, 1946. C. D Bur cnyne. Riddle. Oreffon Timber Sawmills MOULDING MACHINERY and all equip ment for sale. Also American No. 2 ball bearing rip saw. Sullivan ac Son Planing Mill, a miles N. on S9 FOR SALE Sawmill or any part. G M C dteae) edger and other unita. Bn y Dennv. Winchester Business Opportunities FOR SALE New pumice stone store, sire 34x50 Living quaitera tn back. Shelves and gondolas It la in very good location 3 miles south of Myrtle Creek on Hi way 99 See owner Frank Grensky next to Melodv Mountain - Brn. Phone 1096 Myrtle Creek SMALL WHOLESALE BISINESS Catl 314-R, or Inquire at 2Q3 S riint St. 16 !'N.T"MOTEL Owner, rhnne 1422 Financial F. H. A. LOANS See UMPQUA REALTY Across from Poat Office oa Hlgnwav PS 112 N Stephens Pa. 1S3S-J Hay, Grain, Feed ALTA FESCUE gran seed Have purity and germination tet. 3Se lb. Al C. Brand. Rt 2. Boat 39S-A. N.