i k i 101L 1 Former Roseburg A wedding of much Interest In Roseburg is that f Ml Jean Helens Zacharisen, only daugh ter of Mr. and Mn. Henry Zacha rlen, 714 Beekman street, Med ford, formerly of Roseburg, who became the bride of Alan Dale Klrcher, son of Mrs. Clark Hardy of Las Vegas, Nev., and Loyd Klrcher, of Blue Lake, Calif., in the garden at the home of the bride's parents, August 19. Rev. H. H. Young, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran" church, performed the ceremony at eight o'clock In the evening In the presence of one hundred guests. The ceremony was performed before an improvised altar and archway arranged with white gladioli and candelabra holding tall white candlps. Baskets of white gladioli and mixed sum mer blossoms flanked the altar. The pathway to the altar was marked with white satin ribbons and gladioli. Mrs. Thurman was In charge of the decorations. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was beautiful in a white organdy with pastel flora) print wedding gown, fashioned with a ballerina length skirt. She wore a rose-colored picture hat and matching rose-colored slip pers. She carried a bouquet of aweetheart rosebuds centered Visiting Here From Mrs. Byron mil . ; - j4 .V : H Mn Byron Spaulding the for- hurg visiting the former's mother, 'Hallowe'en. Mrs. Crawford met mer Roberta Crawford of Rose- Mis. R. K. Crawford. 426 S. Main Mrs. Spaulding and Frances burs? and Portland) and her small street. Thev are resident of Little Marie in Portland and following daughter Frances Marie, are Rock, Ark. Frances Marie will a visit there, they came to R cue spending' several months In Rose- celebrate her third birthday on burg. Girl Marries In Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dal Klrohar with an orchid. Miss Beverly Bishop of Eugene was maid of honor and wore a pink linen dress with fresh flower hat of pink miniature dahlias. She carried a bouquet of dahlias matching her hat. Glenn Klrcher, of Chlloquln, Ore., was best man to his brother. The bride's mother wore a dress of aquamarine color with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias and pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother wore a yellow dress with white acces sories and a corsage of gardenias and yellow rosebuds. A reception followed. Mrs. F. J. Richards of Portland cut the cake, assisted by Mrs. L. B. Thur man of Medford. Mrs. Phillip Harth, Roseburg, and Mrs. Ches ter Thompson, Ashland, poured. The refreshment tables were decorated with miniature dahlias in pastel shades and flanked by tail tapers. The tables were cover ed with matching hand-crocheted cloths made by the bride's grand mother, one belonging to Mrs. Zarharlsen and the second, a gift to the bride. For traveling the bride chose a suit of rose wool with brown accessories. Her corsage was a white orchid. Following a honey moon to coast points, they will Little Rock, Arkansas Spaulding and Daughttr, Francos Medford 4 Ptctura by Shanfl Studio, Medford make their home In Lydia apart ments, Medford. Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from Medford high school In 1946. The bride attended Oregon State collpge and the bridegroom attended Stanford university. Out-of-town guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klrcher, Chlloquln, grandparents of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Close, San Gabriel, Calif., grand- frfrents of the bride; Mrs. Clark lardy, Los Vegas, Nev., mother of the bridegroom; Loyd Klrcher, Blue Lake, Calif., father of the bridegroom; Glenn Klrcher and David Klrcher of Chlloquln, brothers' of the bridegroom: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wetzler, Port land, uncle and aunt of the bride, and their two daughters, Barbara and Marory; Beverly Bishop. Eu gene; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meek and daughter. Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnum and daugh ter, Virginia, (formerly of Rose burg and now of Portland); and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Knutson, all of Portland; Miss Bonnie Glenger. of Chlloquln: Mr. and Mis. Earl Sims of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thompson, of Ash land, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Harth, of Roseburg. Ptctur by Mmwt Studio Maria 8 Tht Naws-Ravitw, ReMbjrfj, Ora. Sat., Spt. 3, 14 Society and Glu&i By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Marry En Oakland, jf . ' - 1 -i - -' 1 Pteturo by Photo Lab Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenco Ronald Bailey Ml.is Mabel La Vena Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Burnett of Sutherlin, became the bride of Lawrence Ronald Bailey at the home of Mn and Mrs. Jesse Bailey In Oakland at three o'clock the afternoon of August 6th with Rev. James Brinks officiating. The bride wore a grey suit with green accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Betty Bratton was matron of honor and Carlan Bratton 'was best man. Attending the ceremony ' In C. E. RICHARDSON FAMILY REUNION IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR A reunion of the C. E. Richard son family was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Findlay near Dixonville honoring Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Richardson of Tayiorville, III. - A delicious potluck dinner was served at a long table, built es pecially for the occasion, and placed on the spacious lawn. Cov ers were placed for the guests of honor, Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Rich ardson, and Mrs. and Mrs. C. E. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Gadway, Mr. and Mrs. Don Starmer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reece and daughter. Miss Rae da; Mr. and Mis. Gordon Reece and sons, Randy and Ricky; Mr. and Mrs. Delos Richardson and children, Marv Dee and Barry; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Newport and daughters, Nonda and Carole; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and children. Dale and Patty; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryant and baby daughter, Velma Jean, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Findlay. Croquet and horseshoes were enjoyed during the afternoon long with visiting over old- times. During the evening hours. pinochle was In play. The Illi nois visitors left this week, fol lowing an extended stay at the Richardson home. This was their first visit with the Richardsons in 33 years. A number of sight seeing trips were enjoyed in Ore gon during their stay here. DELIGHTFUL PICNIC DINNER AND FAMILY REU N I QN IS ENJOYED A very delightful picnic dinner and family reunion was enjoyed at the Wolf Creek camp by Mrs. August Wilson of Roseburg and her family to honor her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. V'alen Gilmore and children. Marion and Tommy, of Cordova. Alaska. The occasion also mark ed the birthday of Dr. Carl Wil son of Silverton. Following a delicious potluck dinner, games and visiting were enjoyed by Mrs. Augusta Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Valen Gilmore and Tommy and Marion Gilmore. guests of honor; Dr. Carl Wilson of Silverton; Dr. and Mrs. Dewev Wilson of Coos Bay; Dr. and Mrs. John Wilson and daughters. Don na and Marilyn, of Myrtle Creek: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wilson of Riddle: Mr. and Mrs. Max Kim mel. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Netzel and son. Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schultz, Bill Schultz, Herbert Groves and children, Carolyn. Ronnie. Linda and Avis; Bettv llunnicutt. all of Roseburg. and Mrs. Nellie Gilmore of Riddle. Callers in the afternoon Included Sam Fowler and Maurice B.ve. DR. OALLEN JONES IS HONORED AT TWO PARTIES HONORING BIRTHOAY Mi-s. Dallen Jones entertained at two delightful parties in honor of her husband. Pr. Jones, on his birthday. On Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Jones entertained at a charming dinner partv at her beautiful home on Winchester street. A red and white motif was carried out In the table dec orations and a centerpiece of red carnations was flanked by tail white taper. Covers were placed for Dr. Jones, guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Torer. At torney and Mrs. Harrison R. Win Oregon cluded Miss Anna Lou Allan, Miss Robeana Bailey, Robert Bratton Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ferren Bratton and daughter, Karen Ann; Mrs. Elton Holm and son: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook, Mrs. Roland Bur nett and Mrs. Lillian Bratton. Following the reception, the bride and bridegroom left for Crater lake on their honeymoon, after which they returned to Oak land, Ore., to make their home. Mr. Bailey is employed in Oak land. ston, Mrs. Opal Tuttle, Jerry Wil lis and the hostess, Mrs. Jones. On Friday evening, Mrs. Jones honored Dr. Jones at an ice -cream and birthday cake party. Friends calling during the eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Taus cher and daughter. Miss Betty Lou; Dr. and Mrs. William G. Rowe and son, Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O. Du Fresne, Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Motschen bacher. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schuler and Mr. and Mrs. Her man Matisoff, DORCAS CIRCLE HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON Dorcas circle, the women's or ganization of Faith Lutheran church, met for a most enjoyabl? afternoon Thursday at the home oi Mrs. ired Aamot, 1113 Corey avenue. Group singing was enioved and the pastor. Rev. Willis F. Erick- son. presented the devotions on "Amos the Prophet." Mrs. Rolland Vuam presented a storv concern ing. "Christian Training for Chil dren in the Home." Plans were made to purchase Doxea t-nnsimas cards to be sold by the group. Three members from Martha circle were welcomed as guests. There were ten members and seven children present. Visiting was enioyea and lovely refresh ments were served at the tea hour by the hostess. Mrs. Mar vin uuist. The next meeting will be Octo ber 6 at one-thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rolland Quam. 112 w. 1 mrd Avenue North with Mrs Quam as hostess. A most cordial welcome Is extended to all mem bers and friends to attend. MRS. ALFRED TYSON HONORED AT CHARMING PINK AND BLUE SHOWER A very charming pink and blue as given nv mem bers of St. Genrpe'o ll'tir . ciety Wednesday afternoon at the attractive nome or Mrs. L. 1 Cornwell in Laurelwood. Mr Cornwell was attAH h, vi. Robert Helliwell. Mixed summer nowers iormed the decorations. Lovely gifts were presented to Mrs. Tyson from Mrs. Frederick Chapman Jr., Mrs. Bruce Tuck. Mrs. Leonard Rilev, Mrs. John iewoy. Mrs. u U Wlmberlv. Mrs. H. C. Church. Mrs. H. H. Stapleton. Mrs. L. W. Josse. Mi Bronson. Mrs. Lay7ell and Mrs. Cornwell and Mrs. Helliwell. Fnllnwino m nlMunt w.ll hour, lovely refreshments weie served at lour o clock. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED OF MARGARET ANN FISHER TO JOHN G. MOWERY The engagement of Miss Mar garet Ann Ffsher. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Fish er, of Salem, to John G. Mowerv. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gave J. Mowerv of Roseburg. was reveal ed at an informal dessert partv Wednesday evening at the Fisher residence. A miniature colonial nosegay, with a butterfly perched among the blossoms and bearing the names Margaret and John" on its wings, marked each place. No date has been announced for the wedding. Both Miss Fish er and Mr. Mowerv attended Uni versity of Oregon last year. Marrv Af Christian Uhurcn, Augusi ith. larry Miss Patricia Kenny, daughter of Mr. and Mrsr Arthur Kenny, and Bill Marsters, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Marsters, were united In marriage August 19, at eight o'clock In the evening at the First Christian church. Rev. Kenneth W. Knox performed the impres sive double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a street-length dress of powder blue lame witn wnite accessories. She carried a white Bible topped CONN FAMILY REUNION IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR The Conn family held a reunion at Umpqua Park In Roseburg. August 28. 1949. A basket dinner was served at noon, after which visiting was enjoyed and pictures were taken. Those attending were descen dants of Jim Conn: son. H. P. Conn and wife, and their children and grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. James E. Conn. Louise. Jeannine and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Robertson, John Marvin and Camille; Mr. and Mrs. Wade Worthlngton, Mrs. James Lorli and husband and Wade. Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Conn, Gary, Leo and Lynette. Son, Creed Conn and wifei Daughter, Mrs. O. O. Matthews and husband; Ruby Matthews; Mrs. H. D. Simmons and hus band, Michael and Sherrie; the children of Mrs. Gus Youngren, Gene. Harold and Kay Horn. Children and grandchildren of deceased daughter. Mrs. Charles Churchill: Mrs. Floyd Finn and husband, and Dorothy and Jim k . Knight Family Visiting Here From Portland r . : . Ar. a iff A t'.'v T m... . nn.gnt and Children j Ji!? 'B.M'L.- "d M "" F' Hatfield.; Oregon Journal, arrived in B-j eleven and a half vear old son.l, Flrat Avwu North.; burg Friday to spend the J Philip, and her eight-year old . enn "nd Jonne celebrated end with his .parents. Mr. M twin daughters. Jeanne and Jo- their eighth birthday here Tues-! Mrs Fred A Knight 316 W. FlrJ anne. have been spending the day, August 3a Their father. At- street and will take his fl last two weeks In Roseburg visit- torney William W. Knight as- back to ftirtland with him S4 ing st the home of her parents, sistant business manager of the dlv Por,"'nd 1th Blm j Mr. and Mrs. Bill M inters with a white orchid. Mrs. Robert Reid was matron of honor and wore a pale pink dress with grey and black acces sories and carried a nosegay of yellow rosebuds and w hite asters. The bridegroom's brother, George Marsters, was best man and Barry Keiiny and Lawrence Moore were ushers. Preceding the ceremony, Ed Harvey sang, "Sweet Mystery of jLife," and Mrs. Doris Cooksey sang, Because. Both were ac- my. Mrs. Amy Kruse and daugh ter. Darlene. Daughter, Mrs. Arthur Matt hews and husband; Mrs. Lillian Kenworthy and daughters. Saun dra and Kay; Mrs. Roy Becker and husband, and daughter Ani ta; Ivan Matthews and wife and son Clark; and Virginia Matt hews. Descendants of Henry Conn: Daughter, Mrs. Fred A. Goff and husband , Daughter: Mrs. Annie Peter son, and daughters, Mary Peter son and Mrs. Tom. Peterson and husband of North Bend. Henry Handy; son of Creole Handy. Son: Roscoe Conn and wife. GOLFING, BRIDGE AND LUNCHEON ENJOYED BY COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN Women of the Roseburg Coun try club met Thursday morning at the club course with Mrs. L. E. McCllntock and Mrs. Kenneth Quine tieing for let net score. Luncheon was served at noon to Mrs. E. A. Pearson, presi . J t ti w I Mrs. William W. Knight and Children Picturo or Maittr Studta companled on tht organ by Mlsi Betty Hahn. j A reception followed In tht, church parlors. Mrs. Albert ; Kronke, Mrs. Martha Brown,! Mrs. Lawrence Moore and Misi. Joan Lashua served. Miss Karen' Kronke had charge of the guest book. i Following a honeymoon to coast points, the couple will re side in Corvallis, where the bride groom has enrolled at Oregon State college. I dent; Mrs. Clyde Fullerton, Mrs. Paul Barcus. Mrs. Herman MK isoff, Mrs. Stanley Short, Mrtj John Killip, Mrs. H. F. Le Beau. Mrs. Sid Leiken, Mrs. A. Bean. Mrs. J. F. Dillard, Mrs. Walter, Brydges, Mrs. R. B. Herschleb, and her guest, Mrs. Zeno Sauve. of Seattle, Mrs. Roger Gee, Mrs. A. B. Collier, Mrs. A. F. MicflU., Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Jamn. Hughes, Mrs. Mitchell Moonv Mrs. H. C. Berg, Mrs. Emily Ej Judd, Evangeline Chapman, Mrs. Robert Kelly and daughters, M); ra and Ann; Mrs. L. E. McClln tock. Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. Xennell Quine and Mrs. Joe PerraulL ; The O. W. G. A. tournament to be held In Eugene was n nounced for September 23. Qualifying rounds for the an nual handicap golf tournament will begin September 8 and continued through September W Contract bridge was In pl!i during the afternoon with Mrs Walter Brvriges winning high score and Mrs. L. E. McClintocK. second high score. Picture by Paul J"M I