If You Can't Use it Someone Else Can ... Let Classified Self CLASSIFIED RATES i day pet 1 day " 1 oar 4 " day Real Estate J B. II- MODERN HOME Eat ltd. Approx. i A. Fireplace. Elec. heat Plastered. Hardwood floors. Nice lawn, garden and shrubs. A fine horn with a low price. $4000 down. 110, 800.00 full price. JF YOU have ftAOO.00 for down pay ment and can pay 4100 00 per month which la practically rent (or this tyoe of house, w have a 4 B. R. modern home near Riverside school and Hwy, 99 that you may own Large lot. Shad. A fine set-up for large family. A buy at 17000.00. WILL TRADE 1290000 equity In a nice 2 B. R- horn In Salem for com parable home In Roseburg. B. R. MOD HOME 4 ml lei out on Happy Valley Road. Large lot. Plas tered. Imm. pott. Roberta Creek water disL I150Q.00 down. $4000 00 full price. 15S A. STOCK and Grain farm 8 ml. out. About M A. cult, level land. Balance fine range. Ail fenced and cross fenced. New 3 B. R. thoroughly modern home built for comfort. Fam ily orchard. Large barn and pouUrv house. Price Includes easily trwx) no worth of farm machinery. Including 18 mo. old tractor, live stock, hay and furniture. Two good wells plus spring An unusual buy at $14,700 (to with $990000 down. Will trade equity for good Rsbg. home. 1 A PLUS 4 ml. out on Deer Creek. All cult Dandy 3 B. R. attractive modern home practically new. Fire- RlJtce. 16x18 garage and work shop, ami la knotty pine finish. Live creek at door. This la one you wi'l like. $4000 00 down. - $9300 00 full price and worm mora. uiVR GOOD Travels housa trailer trade on down pmt for unfinished home on 1 acre or less near Rsbg , or will consioer oiacr nous tor re modeling purpose. a rV Hwv 42 near Porter Creek Lumber Co. 9 room house. Elee. and good DOrea wen wn s,rrsre tmm Annrnv 3000 ft lomber on hand. $1000.00 down. $3200.00 total price. TINE LOT 79 X 245 on Hwy 9 No. BAuhnri Also connecting lot 00x90 Adaptable for any commercial use. saenncea at trvr LOT on Hwy 90 near Club 99 City water and elec. $1150 00 with mall down pmt and excellent terms. 1 B R. HOME on concrete. New well, rw in A. aood soil. Some orchard. Small barn. 4' mi. out. This can be made a dandy home. Full price $5250.00 with $2000.00 down. Good terms on wnnn. g A ON Garden Valley Road. 4-room home, 3 yra. old. Garage. Bam. This . la a nice location with good soil Full price only gA830.no, or will trade for city property. See us for de tails. t A. WITH A dandy unfinished house Nica kitchen. Large windows and lot of built -Ins. City water. Elec Phone. Large walnut and almond trees. Good garden spot. Only $3000 wun ii2uu oown. $675.00 DOWN buys very attractive unfinished home 4 miles out near hwv. Cement foundation. Stucco. Ex. tra well constructed. Doors, win dows, partitions, iignt and water are in. This really has possibilities and pricea rigm. e- ruu price. William A. Oerding REALTOR INSURER LOANS 124 West Case Phone 213 Complete Plant RESIDENTIAL fdMMIRCI At,' . BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 113 0. I Bank Bldg. Ph. 583 LUXURY AT LOW COST EAST STDB RANCH type 3-bedroom horn on a Dig 101. ijong living room ovenw lng the valley. Big rumpus room. Compact kitchen with dishwasher Mnntag piped furnace, double garage. You can look rlaVit down on the city swimming poo! from this prop erty. The owner previously refused n consider any price less man 750. but he has been transferred away from Roseburg and will sell im mediately for $15,750 You can as sume the $12,ono. FHA loan. This deal la Just like getting a $4,000 Christmas present In September. WEST SIDE ON THE RIVER. This place ft really built. All room are extra large. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, din ing, kitchen utility, double garage. Insulated fruit and storage rooms, big view windows, fireplaces In and outside. Finest hardwood, beautiful plaster, plenty Of storage and over site wardrobes Includes two acres with fruit trees. Combines seclusion and convenience. Restricted district $18,000 with terms. C. S. B & Co. riggs 112 W. Case Realtors Phone 914 L Modem 5 room house near school: 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, lot of built-in i and closets. Half basement, garage. 3 lots: 4 big walnut trees: garden; 2 grape arbors: lawn. This house is very clean and in good condition. ONLY $5250.00. Terms. 2 2 bedroom modern house: electric hest; wired for range: nice kitchen; breakfast nook: utility; bath. This house tiKe new. PRICED $7560.00. Terms. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A. U, Tavlor. Salesman 636 S. Stephens St. Phone 21$ Complete Plans HESTDENTI AL COMMFRCt AL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 113 U S. Bank Bldg. Ph. Wbca ft'a Real Estate m Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK, Ore PHONE Wi I OR SALE OR TRADE Our $2700 equity for $2oo. $1500 down on t year old. 2-bedroom house, near school and store, or will trade for large country home of same or less yaluc Full price V. Ph. 1530-J Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer Hi go Main St Ph 617-RX i-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, school has by door, graveled year around drive ways, fruit, berries and nuts. 3 acre See to appreciate. First red hou west of W9 on old Win? ton-Looking g'ase road, vicinity of Winston rOR SALE OR TRADE for late mode' car 10 acre, nice location, near toi. school bus, electricity, telephone Reasonable. Box gl, Oakland, Ore- rOR SALE 4 acres, 2 hrtuses, 3 miles eat Kelly's Komer on Roberts' Creea Road in Roberts' Creek Water rv trict $2W00 . terms. Rt. 1. Bok24$-G Mways Have It Surveyed ftmDaugherty the engineer Ph rOR SALE $2500 cash. T3 acre, old ftoue. guod well. S acres prune. sa:abl timber Write Mrs O Miller Rddie.Oreg Jh Riddle 34 rOR SALE House and lot; $700. worth of furnishings, $3500, half down. Ten mil Store. Real Estate SAYS BOB ELLIOTT. Assistant Man ager of Umpqua Amusement Co. 1 in mora than hannv u.-tth mv nw home at Cloverdale Park The con struction, arrangement, neighborhood and location was just right for my family. I recommend that you visit viuniuin rirs at once. OVER 100 CLOVERDALE HOMES Every home is irmniOlv hutlt nt tka finest material. utng highly skilled workmanship Quantity purcnases has made It pouible to build better homes sor tec money. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS With a very small down payment you can move right into a Cloverdale Home Terms can be arranged to fit your budget Stll) a few with no down payment for Veterans. FULL PRICE 17 mn to tmun These fine homes are offered at price far below the present market price uua nw into of everyone. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Why throw away rent monev whi you ran give your family the kind ua nBmi wey nave always wanted INCOME TA nrnitmni You can deduct part of your payments m inese nouses on your income tax repori Kent pa menu are never de ductible. READ THESE FEATURES 1 and 3 bedrooms Near schools Paved streets and drives Big lots Fully insulated Large view windows Weather stripped FHA, Approved waay i or immeoiate occupancy OPEN FOR INSPF.rrinv rtan.v Come out to Cloverriaie Park and in spect these fine homes any day be tween 10 A M and S P.M. Drive north on Highway 09 to Cloverdale rara, sign. Fies and Clute Realty Phone Roseburg 1566 14 ACRES with big ft-room house, part ly finished, butit 1048, in good livable condition, bath, hardwood floors, etc. T acres cleared, 8 acres level, and 4 acres of ihe best creek bottom land with a year-round fishing stream through the land with irrigation rights. Ideal for truck gardener and the other half mm ud hill covered with evergreens 7 1 j miles east of myrne -reea, a .wo ana ai.wu oown. 203 ACRES located. 2i miles out of Drain. 123 acres cleared, 40 acres cul tivated and 50 acres of timber. 7 good springs, lots of water. 6 room house, big 42x73 ft barn with storage lor 1 v ions or nay, in good condition Chicken house, other bldas 1 milk cow, 40 hens and pullets, rake, mow er, harrow, ha v wagon, cream sep arator. Price $7,750 and $3,500 down, Bui nc $600 per year including in terest. 32". ACRE sheep or stock ranch 1 mile up mountain off of highway 225, All tencea ana croas-iencea sneep cat tie tight. 45 acres cultivated, 3 good all year springs, old buildings, small 4 room nouse, nrn, etc. b,ou. only ai.aw aown. Ft'RNISHFD two bed room home. At tached aaraee. near school and store. $6,100, down. bai. less than rent. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . FRED LUMM SALESMAN Phone 1312-R or JAMF.S L. PAYNE. BROKER Phone 1501 112 Brock way St. LOOKING FOR A FINE HOME ? f t This owner la leaving town and says hts home must be sold within a very short time. It is a beautiful ptare, well plan nde, superior construction. Com manding view Three bedrooms, freat big living room with nice 1 replace and large windows, cozy kitchen that includes a combination dish washer and laundry along with scads of bulitini. large play room. Par tial basement, dandv air con ditioning unit Landscaping la new, but nice. If you are look log for a nice home, your time wi!I be well ap-nt to look at this. $15,750. Easy terms. PLASTERED, FLOOR FURNACE, $0950 For a mighty cute home, well located and only $W5ti, this is impossible to beat. It is con structed much belter than most any "project" built homes. Two big sized bedrooms, nice living room, kitchen, utility and bath. Brick trim in the front, good big Int. Close to schools, stores, bus line In the new sewer dis trict $1000 down will handle. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE Co. Umpqua Hotel Looby Realtors $5,500.00 5 acres in restricted building district. 2M) it. river frontage, j1 miles from town in Calkins district. Build a home here, or it ran be subdivided beauti fully. 32x28 ft. concrete block build ing, wired for electricity. 22 fruit & nut trees, 3 years old. Over 1 acre early market & Rock h ill strawberries slo raspberries 8c nertarberries. Large as paragus bed. See owner. Jack oyle at Dojles Sale St Service. Tel 611 or P. O Box 30. RosebOrg GARDEN SOIL TWO ACRES on Deer Creek eight miles east of courthouse. 1 nree Dearoorr newer home that has a lovely kitch en, large utility. Plastered. eav to heat, quick poeinn 78 ft. drilled m eft. best of water. $6250. total price $1500. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 10M-R FIRST Time advertised for sale 3. oeoroom nome mat is a oanoy. riai tered, hardwood floors, furnace. Fuiiy Insulated, attached garage Large !"t, neat and clean. In one of the best district. $9.5tX), $3,700 down. ANOTHER Nw lifting. 1 bedroom home 3 years old Large view Ht. Wired for ranee This is an excellent pace for children Yard all fenced a"d law-n Is In. Good plae to keep a dog This is a neat piace Possession 10 days. $7-500, $3,450 down. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W. Cas St Phone $fl For Sale Or Rent With option to buy 4-bedroom new borne, strictly modern. See E. B. OltJfield ' 1M3 Eden Lane Ph r 3 i ACREAGE 5 to 30 acres, good level ground for homei;e live creek school hus and mail service, elecincitv available Ralph Smith. South Mvrtle Rt . Mrtie creek CHOICE LOTS north of airport Lights and water available. Small down pav ment. See owner at $J3 TempUn St LOTS FOR SALE City Jater and lights available Lod down noment Eugene Ridenour Phone 7K-5 It'ILL TRADE small ranch, city edge, value S30 0O0 for ranch in Coos Bav, or property same value. Phone 65S-R-X Real Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE: II W acres level round 11, milM east of Ontario. Oreizon. on main htchway. River frontage and ideal site for motel or camp ground. Good soil, planted to corn, alfalfa and pasture irrigated from Snake River. Small family orchard and berries. Has deep writ with electric pump for dom c water. Moaern living quarters, rmca en houses, row and pig sheds. Wouid consider trade for apartment house or business bulldtnc In Roseburg or sell on cay terms. Address own er, box hm.i, news-He view. VERY NICE 2-betiroom home at Coos Junction for business site; or resi dence at Myrtle Creek. Immediate possession Ivan Edwards, lu6 Chest nut st . Nnrtn Roseburg FURNISHFD HUME ON THE VMPQUA, 1', story name just Deiow bcottsourg, cioed morine water, elect , and bath F. Ifft . range, wood circulator, beds. au-hes, an furniture- Large boat nouse, larsa m . rf li"wiwl frees, river front- age. Bet fsmng and hunting. Total price VOTO0. rCH'R BHD ROOM HOME Well built nome J years old. hardwood Hoors. otl furnace, insulated. Venetian blinds, plastered, patio and fenced in piav ground. Total price $10,50090. $i5u0 onwn. nai. at s.vi wt per montn. BUSINESS LOT A BARGAIN 100 ft. frontage on N. Highway SS, 139 ft deep. Price cut to S475itOO TWO BEDROOM LATE BUILT Extra nice lawn and yard, clean home with electric heat. Attached garage, good loc-iion. Price NW50 On Can buy with $1500 00 down. Will sell ail furniture including elect, ranee, refriaerai beds, radio-phonograph, etc, for $t extra NICE NFWLY BUILT 1 B R HOME IN CANYONVILLE Hardwood floors, fireplace, gas wall furnace, garage. 130 ACRE RANCH. 3 B R HOME FIREPLACE- 50 A. trncahle bottom land. bal. pasture and timber. Live tret-: mru piace. Lrge cnicKen house. Wilt sell erjlilB Pnc et2.VXtl WAREHOUSE 4)x0 with railroad frontage. In Roseburg Will lease) at WW montn long tea. Earl' & Gladys Wiley Realtors Hotel Rose Bldg. Retirement Ranch 143 ACRE RANCH ON THE R1VFR 12 acres river bottom, family orchard, modern 3 bedroom humc. cabin, turn chu-ken house. Krontaxe on Highway tnf- crivaie tennis court, patio, swim ming pool and boat dock. Two large outdoor fjrenlaces. $21,000. Bruce V. Silley Real Estate 2353 N Stephens Ph 199-J-J winvi on -man way aw wortn 2 TWIN 6-ROOMbungalows. hardwood floors, all modern. Double cement driveway and garage. Lot 0x3OQ ft., industrial part of town. Worth $18. 00(1. Full price $10,500. $75O0 cash, balance terms. Cali 624-J; U no an swercall 458-Y. GHKATLY REDUCED' Must sell atonceT Fine sniail ranch. 133 A new modern 4 bedroom home. &anv valuable im provements, ino fruit, rtut trees. Spring water! Timber. $13,500. C. L, Swanaon. Riddle. Oregon. TWO 2-BEDHOOM HOME.S: one modern" the other finished on outside. City water and lights Both $510 ca-h or!h. on 90 to Sunset Market, turn right, next to last housa on left. W. FOR SALE Approximately 10 acres, large, partly modern house, barn .and other outbuildings. Family orrhard. $1S(K) down, balance tike rent. Phone FOR SALE New, modern, 2-bcdroom home, plastered, hardwood floors, gaa furnace, electric water heater, laun dry tmya On pavement, very close in Ph. 933-J. FOR SALE Modern. 2-bedroom home, completely furnished, $4500. R. C. Pouiion, Comstock Road, West Suth- Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes $1.23 per bu., U-Pick ff miles south of Roseburg. Turn left on Winston Road, south of Winston Bridge. Also cantaloupe,, squash, sweet corn. James Garden Wilson's Special WHILE they lal-peeches $1, $1 50. $2. 2 50. AlftO tomatoes $1 box. Apples, pears, prunes, all kinds Dillard mel ons. Please bring containers. Wilsons Fruit Farm and Market Winston Ph. 47 -J -4 Open evenings until 3 Improved Elberta Peaches At Bargain Prices Sunday and Monday Voorhies Ranch, Lookingglass Valley Canning Peaches $2.00 Tomatoes $1.25 James at Son Fruit Stand imon Oap TOMATOES Indiana cannery. Now at "for oe.iL i. noire jo ID- net. 1 00 bushel. SO lb $1 50. already picked Your enatamer at ranch. Also Petite and Italian prune; per pound 3c, you pick Lindbioom, Dixonvtlle, ph 19-F-5, Special Improved Elberta and Hale peaches. " u.. --pick. j mn west or Brock way Store. E. E. Baker. BARTLETT PEARS. $1 5o. $100 box. you pick, 50c Date prunes $1 25 per box: you pick, 7V H. D Scott, 4 blocks west of Feirhavea on Melrose Road Ph. 444-J-4. ELBERTAS. Improved Ffbertas, Hale: " skxi winaiatis exi imeie, civil Bend Cemetery Road, last house on ELBERTA AND HALE peaches, u-pick. i ini i k. fiKi i runes ana pears. Rover's Fruit Market. A miles So. Hiehwav ef) Ph. 22-F-n. CUCUMBKRS FOR PICKLES Pick them iresn inn wnaer. Marry Weslev, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tamers LOCKER AND CANNING corn now ready: alo pears and cantaloupe. Rfv ersdale Curry Estata, RL 3, Bos 3i Clarence Mabley. FOR SALE -Prunes; bring containers, U-pick. 50c bushel. Lee Winntford. Rt 2. Box n CANNING BEANS, tomatoes endmer. ons for sale 1 mile south of Dillard Moore and Rice TOMATOHS, Cantaloupes, watermelons for sale. C. H. Claypool, Garden Valtev. ITALIAN PRUNES for sale Oc box, u-ptck. Ben Jacoby, Lookingglass. Logging Equipment TOR SALE OR TRADE ?r 1te mode! tr' equity In 44. WA22 White. 150 - A gne'or, new '44 Gunderson trailer, e ;t tit. u cirsn Balance on percent ce. steadv Job goes with truck Call after 8 o clock S D Keenler, Bnggs Ac- re M ft C reek Ore FOR SALE HD-7. complete overhaul recently; fogging cat wsth dorer, near ly new Carco drum. MV rah Cat working at Ijookinggtaas Bridga en Coos Bay Highway, Percy PetX; 64 CAT serial number 7 -J -4173 witn Hvsi-r drum and LaPlant Choat, hy draulic dozer See at Tee Lumber Ce Sutherlla Ore. or phone 13ua Suther- l-.n fOR SAl.C DT I Intema'ional tractor. A-i connnion n wi nxami yaraer. A-t condition K5 International dump truck, Ph 318-J-o evenings. They'll Do It Every L rw gtf NERES iS BEST SEOE??U CONT OS sLiyf 5- K'Zd ' A riiiM FEE. BiSHEAf?TEP CAN SET IT FfTOM TM"(W'W , it IT'LL OCYOST ME ,tefta!Sl$yeK ;'.n Vi M4 X 5A50UT 9 CE.VTS3 sHEScrrrr FROM THE " AhiP ABOUT FOUR MONTHS LATER SHE REMEMBERED 13 SEND IT CHAf?LESTDM,SC. Livestock SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesday, Sept. 7 AT SCHRICKER'S AUCTION miles north of Roseburg: 4 miles south of Sutheritn, starting at 11 a m. o'clock. Farm equipment consisting of 1 rub ber tired Ferguson tractor. 1WS; 1 Farms 11 A tractor with piow and buck rake: 1 John Deere Lindertnan tractor; 2 tandem diaz-a; 2 heavy duty cover crop discs: 1 isection harrow; 1 !V foot mower: 1 hydraulic dump-bed trailer (or Ferguson type tractor: 1 2-bottom disc plow; 1 1 i-tnn 1S41 Chevrolet stake truck: walking plow; cultivator: spring tooth harrow, hay rake; t ME 9't HP. rototiller: 1 Custafsen power duster; 1 Tilmaster power rot on Her for power take off on tractor. 100 Head 100 Head High grade white face rattle consist ing of: 2ft cows and 20 calves; 20 long yearling white face steers and heifers; one large buli; ether cattle. Horses and Saddles This machinery wilt be here at Schrick er auction for your inspection by the first of the week. The cattle are aio here now. Anyone wanting good breeding stock wilt find it at this uie. Here also ta a chance to get good farm tractors and farm ma chinery. No sale on Labor Day. but any stock brought in will be held for Wednes day sale or If you have any live stock for sale, bring it In Wednes day. We will have the buyers. No furniture Sale! Remember Sale Starfs AH I A. M. Schricker & Sons, Auctioneers E. TELKAMP Blngman Bring Your Livestock WHFR they bring tn the most money Sal every Friday Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture) 7 p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 191 WANTF.D Fat tamha, yearlings and ranner ewes. Write or call, James E. Lewis, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, ph 84; Dflrrif! W. Ray, fit 3, Box 38B-B. Roseburg, Oregon. Ph. 635-R-l WANTED TO BUY Fat and feeder lambs Also young breeding ewes Ir-ouira Lvie Marsten or John Bohr Happy Valiey Ranch. Phone 17-F-2 or 17-F-IS ONE 3 YEAR old registered Jersey bull breeder, fine record, Schiitiwnhj strain. Contact John Jeslnghaus, Rt. 1. Box 83, Messinger Road, Murphy, Oregon. SOME CHOICE white-faced veal calve. just right for the locker. Market price. W A. Thomas, a miles east of Sulheriin. at bridge. rOR SALE 1 yearling heifer, B0; ) 8-months-old bull, g-W. Mrs Mary Adams. C V. Ht.( near Evergreen Grange TEAM FOR SALE 1 span bay gelding, ids . unoer iu years Ola, true, gentle. For sale cheap. E. F. Lane, Azalea. Oregon. FOR SALE Dairy cows, coming freh; wuivi mi j King marnine, 2 units complete. Priced to self See t Les ter Bell Dairy, Dixonville. FARMERS Will buy hogs and feeders on inursoays, .i to 4:;w at stock yards in Roseburg. Bring them in W W Green WANTED FAT AND FEEDER Iambs and yearlings. W A. Btackert. Myrtle Creek, Phone 2R2 FOH SALE Registered yearling Suf- roia ram. t,. l,. Patterson. n. I4-F-23, 15 AGED EWES. 4 each Bred to Cor- nenale ouca. SvOuis Brady, Axalea. WANTED All kinds of livestock. K. M. CiX Call Poultry Baby Chicks Rsmps. Reds. Crowes. Every week in tne year, ssest oi oreeaing- fuiiorum passed Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around snarket City agent. Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery LooklnggJass Rt Phone 1-F-J Fry ers S.V lb. First House On Curry Road Clar-Mar Poultry Farm Phone !!-J -4 NEW HAMPSHIRE Breeding, roosters Mrs. Alton Rice, Dillard. Ph. 22-F-.11. FOR SALEColored fryers, oc a pound" Rt 1. Boa I7S. Maurice Weber Call evenings FOR-SALENS H. puliets, age B to! lo week Price 7ic to 1 0O each Phone 14 Fj5 FOR SALE Fat colored hen-. 2V Rabbits WHEN YOfR RABBITS GET DOWN TO WR THAT'S THE TIME TO FREEZE SOME MORS. t' V. R B A FOR SALE -Colored ds all bred Dexter Sims Winston Section at Bowman t Rabbttry. , Time r-rxnr 7 t -rz-i "XgU I Af?S.Tf?SMBLECWIN rszM gKK ( MUST BE QUITE A aT fr7sr-s Wt&'fm SLOW READER' A-Fr-i Help Wanted Opportunity For Young Man BETWEEN ACES 2-3s. tn (erected In moving ahead with steadily expand ing men's clothing bu:net.s. Experi ence In retail selling desirable but not rotnpulaory College education pre ferred, but not netenary Chance for advancement excellent. Livable wane guaranteed. Write Box ai, News Be view Wanied Experienced Studebaker Mechanic 1 .Wanted Adto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCK WOOD MUIOBS Vacuum Sweeper Lady Umpqua Hciel Sw Mr. MaddftK "Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper State age and experience. News Ravlew Box Wanted Bus Boy Hotel Umpqua WANTED Experienced Waitress UMPQUA HOTEL COFFEE HPP Pickers For Bosc Pears Starting Sept. Ewens Bros - Ph. 33-F-ll WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK and care of 3 children, in modern home. Room, board and good wages. Ph. 12SS-R. or write BxS2. Melrose Rt. SOSC PEAR PICKING starling Sepf 8. Garden Vaiiev. Men only. No tramporiatfon. Local residents only. Ewcns Bros. Ph. 2-F-ll. CRSPPLED MAN Needs-helper; board mom, and small wage. R. C. Jons, Aealea, Oregon. WANTED Housekeeper, go home nightT: good pay, references required. Box ffM. News-Review. WANTED Experienced pear" packers. KF A pU Ewens Bros., ph. LADIES Would you invect S hours a dav for earnings of t(. each week? Write Box H4. News-Review. WANTED Woman for rtme work a nd care of 2 children S days per week. Ph. -Rifor interview WANTED Second loader. Wltcher Log ging Co.Ph. 3181-3, evenings WA'TED A truck to haul logs, short ha. I Phone 15-J-4 WANTED Log" trucks Call a95-R T Work Wanted ALL BUti.DINO eonstrurtion. new and old. remodeling, 10-.' down, no job too large or too small All type masonrv construction. flagstone and brick' bartweuea and palloa a sneclnlty M neite floors and drainhoard Phone LVW-R-1. coniractor. A R Snow Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt aervtce, rea sonable rales. No milcaae charge Phone 12S4-Y 7M Short St. J Edmond, Prop DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS All types. Practical nursing Taking care ol your home and chlidrrn while you are vacationing or week end trips or hour work. Call 114b-L. at 412 Fowler ARRANGE FOR YO 1 1 R t all pk.w i'n now 20 to 1000 Acres, contract or bv th hour. Good equipment. Ph t Uiiver ARE OUT Or TOWN for a ahort Umt Septic tmnkmnd drain field HOfSEKEEPFR FOR HOrSEWOIIKT, care fnr amatl children, to live tn with Hov. . g Marion Mendezana, P O. Box ;t7. Rnsemirg, Oregnn BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned" Light pickup and delivery C. A Deal, Phone l.VW-J-3 Ros tirg. FLOOR COVER INO Complete safe and installations Free estimates. Modern FInrCnveringPhone 34H HOPSE MOVING, foundatkwCTevehng. 14 years experience P at R Towing. 74.1 S Slephena Phone P2g ALTERATIONS "" DftESSMAKING. All types. Mrs Don W Garriaon. 1005 Madrone St Phone MI L CARPENTER WORK, PAINTING, and cement work. M. J. Mjguesc, ph 172-Y-X " JANITOR, experienced. dairepotition inu're Rt, 2. Sox 203. WANTED Iron tng ln" mv home S31 Fowler St Phone VW-JX Washing and ironing tn my hom Phone lm-J PR ACT1CAL NtrRSE Mabel L- Crouse Rt 1. Box 2ai, Sutheritn Lost Found LOST Billfold In the iclnity of rmn qua Dairv and new Standard Sta tion on fit) Finder keep money, re- mrn papers lave at News-Review, or mail K r. Nyhoim, c.o Associated PlvwovJ. REWARD FOR information conrrn'ing papers, livestofk and miw. artiiei v since March 17. IMS. C. O Hut goyne, Riddie, Oregon. bsT-Rrown and" white fni ' terrier Miscellaneous NO HINTING OR TRESPASSING iw my oiatia property. H. C Bellow Roseburg, Oregon, By Jimmy Hatlo Rentals FOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 03 W Qk St Phone 1 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber-Ail in one tool, w.sm enougn any vnua can fiandl finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S Stephens Phcna J47 R For Sale Or Rent With option to buy 4bedroom noma, strictly modern. See E. 6. Oidfield 1RA2 Eden Lane Ph M Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in your own noma. SINGER SEWING CENTER T-H N Jack son Ph 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Roee- Durg Ideal for siorage. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richard Mane Store. LARGE 4-ROOM apartment ntalrt outsioe entrance, partty jurnimw, rtcwiy redecorated. Heat, water, and liahts furnuhed. 3 blocks frons town. CaU 741 before 10.06 morniJigt, after 'o at night TRAILER FOR RENT. FURNISHED One block west and two north ol Edenbower Grocery, Inquire large imitation brlrk housa, lpft2 Eden )4nf Mrs, oidflrld. FOR RENT Two double bedrooms. private home: one with stncie nedi with or without meals. Ideal for work ing girls and teachers. 41 Souta Mam M. i n in-. FOR RENT With 0 months option to ouy, or for safe immcataieiy, close in. 5-room home. Rent 73 month. Immediat) posaessloot 830 Ma. Main t. FOR RENTTartty furnishejsieeping rooms: easy waiatng instance oown town ana cnoo:s. nice locatton, very reasonable. lltft Corey. Phone 1246-R. FOR RENT- Furnished house, dandy garden, winter a wood In shed. 2 1 1 miles west ol Tenmile Store. L, M. Refrd. FOR BENT- Eigarose district, partly lurnisneo a room atn . b.o oer mnnin. Mrs. Lunn, Box 165 B, Metros route. mile nor in nl mailbox. REKINISH your own floors, easily done wtin our nign speeo tioor sanoer in expensive. Montgoroery Ward at Co Fhon 5 fOR LEASE -J.bedroom, modern" "house. electric range and oil heater; near Riverside School. $75 a month. 1448 8 Walnut ROOM FOR RENT, with bath Gen tleman preferred. 124S no. Jackson. Ph. ura-R. FOR RENT New 2 bedroom house. unfurnished ml Winston. Phone 710- J -3 TRUCKS FOR WENT You drive, long or snort mps Dee Hive truck rental 'TRUCKS and trat1ea for rent, move yourself Thompson Signal Service Stephen at Washington Phone 7S ROOMS FOR RENT Private entrance and bath. 5 minutes walking distance trom town n 'ine. NIC E HOt'SEKF.EPlNO room, with glaw porrn, nirnisnen. a quiet men pre ferred li'B Flint. 2 BEDROOM, partly furnished, modern nome. rn ia-j-i. FOR RK3NT- -Traitcr hmiw suffahie for 2 At-lt-A TraHerarkIorth jBS Sl.KKPING ROOM Jor i or 2. SOS E. Dougl-s. SIMii.K ROOM near high school, UM Military. Lf.KP1NG ROOMS for men. ti'. Jarksnn. Si ,K FP1 NROO M f MaenrTw b-ds ZM S. I'ine CAHINR BY WF.F.K. 3' miles N. on m PaciUc Calrttw Ph. WiS-J-2 KICK, CLEAN ROOM. 2 Booth. Ph. evenmg iSi2-L. LKKPINU ROOM AT H Spruce St. at the foot ol Washington. ROOM FOB RENT in "modern "home." SiS Baroger Phone 3?a-R-a. L.A K;K. 2-bedroom upstairs apt., urs- furnthed. :(! West 2nd Ave N ROOMS FOR PENT i with twin beda PhoneVX . fifK)MS FOR RENT. wh snd without kilchen privllege. ftJW Fowler. 0DH!VB THHCK Venial WlnoiTTraif- er Court, Wjnlon Phone Bo3-J-3 f KNTHOf SF. FOB RFNT. Ph 1-R-S. HfKJM FOR RENT Phone iVrt J Si FrP!VGROOM J3 N Jtrkixtn SLEKP1NG ROOM BST'w Mosher. Farm Equipment FOR SAW.-Model B. Aift Chaimer tracttrt- with new tire Cir?ip(ie with W hvdrauite Ifft plow. ' tan dem diw, ' prmg tooth harrow, de tarhaWe 2 row cultivator, power tahe off and pullev, ' belt Also new saddle, ail for iOV M B Frnmett, Tcrrace Ave, phone 72H.J. ASK SC tractor with plow, dic and harrow U'rd on! v tew hotir . aiuuo. R 1. bo 2 A, Yoncatia, Oregon 6FARCAT GsrrtenTractor. or will trade or r:r Rowburg Furniture F. rhas gr, yw N Jrknn Si Ph gfl.l-H f r.T '"R ACTOR OISC, Leler L Bel Kay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE - Re-eieened grey rut OrnVr your eed wheat aod vetrh now Aippaugh s Feed Rtore, M v rtle C rrek. W iiandle complete line Triangle Feeds. ALFALFA HAYTltt'rrop. aS per ton at th ram-h Sm gram hv at 120 per ton R C. t'impti Ranch, Oak ImnA. Oregon. Ph 3f(-e"-41 Personal ALCOHOLICS ANOVYMOf;S. PO. Boa lilt or Phone 1j9-L or tQ6-l. Sat., Sept. 3, 1949-Ths Hwt-Kviw, Rateburj, Or. 11 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34' - tt - K - M Tje life tims traiier (H Mir Wint wilt w K J-r or tnof. tsa Qry rot Kit Columbia 12 14 20 - 22 S3' The Wesll Fastest Sailers and Other Traiier erf Guam Also Used trailer, trade-ins accepted. nana contract. Contract to 4 ?aarc on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Lareest Sealer fjugene Ore Phone Sortngfieiit 2621 3 Ktiee avoutB m at at. , uoai u. Eugene Tuberous Begonias In full bloom, pick your color at nc earn Also gladiolus and dahlia cut flower. Moore's Nursery g pouglas St. Rt. 1, Bo Y 3 Cotnoaet yarttusa eteaneea Mmnlttc -wun iiavnmenia. tnesa maenjnes are practically new, fteen in u only about 2 month. Will accept bids. i Singer electric Iron. SS tkX I Motorola porta We battery or electric raaio, uooa condition, gJo.ou. inquire at 2ng Douglas Co. Suta Bank Mag. or pnone aoo. RoofingTop Quality Many Coiors To Choose From Home Builders Lumber Co. North Otl Highway 99 River Loam Delivered GOOB FOR GARDFNS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply. Paul Casey S3T W. Moher House Trailer II FT COVTERCO WAGON, completely equipped, eiaclrlc brake Can be seen at bouse in the rear of General Welding Work. Hiway , mile aouth of Roseburg FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE ilS-Y-X f FRFEX 58 CARRYING A5 ATTACK. WENT. O. E sKpoiire meter, tmrrv ing case 3 flood lamp. Argus E larger and dark iboto coiiiDmint stlrie holder. glOffl. Phone i2f. Your Shake Maker BiiJ Badger, Drew GAS and electric water heaters, closing wit at wholesale price. Rrtaenurg Furniture exchange, 90S ft. Jackson jPh8H3.R. M0 CRAirrBjF-Jjr, new Bishop slwTT 3tt round ammunition, rteaning rod and equipment efcj ConUct Man ager Desk, Vailey Hotel. FOR SALE-RCA Victor Conoie type ranio, nir manogany veneer finitn Good buy at $J0. Ph. g7-U or see at 130 BJakely Used Garden Tractor ' TERMS PHONE 504-J-3 STMfTRAH.ER, rruehauf. 1 h . like new. S 14 tires, Slh wheel, air sys tem, ner at so. Kane Bt. halfway up bill. E. N. Coon TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 eu ft. Suitable for restaurant or isvem. inquire at idle Hour Tavern . ,w Jackson. FOR SALE - Usee? wood ranges, 1ce bones, elect rie range, electric wash era Umpqua Valley Appliance. 1J0 w uaa si OR SALE-Ctarfnet, recently over- rtautea. is -iaS pi. V tog i-wmiltn. Fme for student or professional use. Ph. laft.J-2. 5-WHEEl. TRAftER. 5Kbed, o 5nx1 1 1 res, tnevie wneeia, H3. 1321 fttapie Rt Ph.22-Y X i"?nxl -ply tires, 110 each: far radto. 1S neater 10. 1321 Maple. PhB2I-Y-X FOR SALE One small car trailer. 1S Call SftS-R during day or 10SJ-Y evenings CaROE stock of ' wing rocker. Very reasonable. Roseburg Furniture E chanae, VW? ff. jackwrn. Ph.at- FOR SALE 1 oil circulator with In gil. tank, i wood circulator. 341 S HEW and used wood Beaters 8ewirg Furniture Exchange, sag If. Jackson. Ph mx-H JH.12 NEW TENT at a bargain. Rose burg Furniture Exchange, 5US H. Jack- itn f h mi R L"AR;E STOi'K chair, new and used rtoxeburg Furniture Exchange, 30 f Jack-son. Ph. Wtf-R FOR SAI.E-27 ft Schult house trailer; or trade for good furniture. el3&&. Phone 12B-J-I thl week onlr fOR SALE Locker meat, good "Angts rattte, , er whole unit. C J iCodge ;!ide, Oregon. 3S WHITE NEWEALANlfTahhlta and hutch for le O O Hubbard. Axa U Road Phone fOt'R STANLEY dealer. Jsme t, ftr-b-ert. 21 Court St thone S39-Y De livery on order of S I or more : FOR SATES cuhie" ft"Serwf kerosene fefrlgefator. used t month. Phone &7H-J-4 : CAROE 5ETiAR fence poii-ftr ae Rosehurg Shtngte Co.. H Umpqua Rd Pnone 1273-J FOR BALE-a new 31 jewi ifamiltrm railroad watch. 902-B. SSS Barager . Phone T71-R-2 : f:fl FORD VS sedan deli very Reaon-: able Also 280 gi butane Unk. 31 C : 2nd Ave H Phone jmU. FOR SALE B-flt fiueacher cjirnet, used ! than one year. In excellent con dition mo E 3nfi St 7 22-ft COLMHlA triSr hoe no cash. Write Boa S2. Review 3-4 ROOM Wf00 rirVuiatin heater Accept reasonable nitrr. V Bur si fc, Melrose Route. H"x 1 49 FOR SALE -143 "Model 35 Johnson outboard mofor, 45 See ?lr S pro John Troaefle,l4( 342-C. FOR SALE lb ire box, goewj con dition Prtoe ai3M Ph. 9US-J-4 5HOPSM1TH FOR SALE. 3 "power tools m one Ph. 1SU-L OIL CIRCULATING' HEATER. 830 ft. Jackson. tr mneo-Parakeet and cage is", Ph 1.U 3 B1Y CHRISTIAN SL'PPUFS at to Bible Bona Center ti5W Oafc flCTR01,t:X VACV&H cleaner for sate JPhorte 37.1 R-3 VANS BICYCLE f"r aie. Good condi tion Ph lrnn-L-X BOA TS for sal. Slack. 5Miclii St D1NLNO ROOM SET with buffet, table and chair 1114 Corey Ave SHiLOS PFOAL Car in good condS-.-n Ph a L. FOR SALETr(lrflue Mak offaf. 1J4S JHM,Miiln Addition tlOLLV OB Sale. Phone 31S-B. For Sate Miscellaneous Alumtnurrt Eaves Trough Slip Joints -No Soldering Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 New 2-Room Cabin Nicely finished. Wove to your feca tton. 3 milts aouth on Sti, oppoc::e Umpqua Plywood. 1MT PAN AMERICAN housa trailer, aieetrir refrigerator and bo water tank, sue down. Cell at Bit Kara- iitn: rOR SALE 28 "ft." "Cottage-type Uaiier bouse. Butane equipped. s."o each and will trade lor car, pickup off panei. M be aeen 550 fowler St. iXCELLCNT RIVER boat. OMril Cabinet Shop, mi! S. on 86. Loam MONEY lift 1M w trs 1fW 300 3300 UP TO S0O Borrow on your salary Alt steadily m- ?i!oved men and women cnay jultj oday for a alary loan up to $J00 whether you're In a new ton or ut old Borrow on your ear or fumiturw Vmtr furniture or automobile nuke excel lent security at Local Loan -paid fog or not t'p to 3300 on youg furniture, up to 3SOG on your car Special "Pay Day Loana. 333. 939 loaned till "Pay Clay" or longer Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money 933 casta 1e for one week. No other charge. Phooa for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. XU No J.rkK LOANS UP TO $300 On pour Signature. Furniture a Livestock UP TO $503 On your automobile 'pad for, or notfc. Loan made juir!y, prfvt!y for a&F werutwniEe purpose urc aa i'nexeccted expenses Medical and Dental bjg Vactifn experye ' Consolidate debts Re-tinanclng When you borrow gel your money from the Company thai make It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payment now available ug to 30 month to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 303 Douglac County State Sank SltfC Phone . M-TTT - Ste Lte - S-24 Wanted Wanied Bttr VIAL AND PORK Fred Eoyer Phon, P23 B-3 or or irrlt. Wiii Pay Casli WE BtTY used furniture, all type Catt ai 444 Ma Jackson. Phone 1303-J. Th Bargain House LOCAL BtfSfESS man wihe to rent 2-bedroom houf. family of in Roseburg. N'on -drinkers, Phoae ?5-K days. WANTEO Middle-aged Jady companion to share modern apt . In return for board and room. Write boa 991, New-Review. WANTED-Small, furnished apart menl for leacher and wife. No chUdren, drinkers, or pet. Call room S3?, Hotel l!mpqua. WANTED-Used MrTuTlock power saw; buy or rent. Buxton's Trailer Court, Apt 4. 0k Sand. Oregon WANTEf3 Sheep manure or other gooj fertiliser. Quote price delivered. W. J Hebard. Suthertin. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT OR BlTYmali conrreie mixer. George Trumbo, Oak land Ph 2 F-Z W ANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tool Anything M JU. Private) party Phone 8M R-1 WANTED FA T HOGS and' used fumi tnre Call MoW-4 asomings and v Biga. "ALL Al'a for a fair bid crt ' your fur nitur At' Fwmiture Center. Si4 Win chent erStPhcnc 1327-R WANTED TO BUY All kind of fumi ture Lei u btd on your house of fur nuure Call S03-R at 50g N Jackson St W A N'TED TO BllV-Ulae. ftoebur Meat Co phone WANTED rook stove" Phone t?W. Building Materials Pumic Builng Slocks for home and commercial building construction Fireproof Waterproof Permanent Cttimsie and he-inrul auggettlong giady gtven. Myrf! Crek Pumice Block Co. Ph. 1513, SO yard from S. P Dep. VOtJR CREDITS O It WITH V ALL MATRiAL To build, rcmodcL repair; ootning down, easy term. Call Mr Holzappie. Roeburg S5T-Y Oak Fiooring No. 1 Com. Oak shorts, J40. per M. Ph. ii2-H-3, Carlsnn s Fi&or Service 4S St K OES strictly namber or. a shingles at 41 SO per bundle, B E. Campbell Ranch, uakisnd, Oregon. PnKr-4i FOR SALE Surfaced 2 inch So" 4 lumber. 12 SO per M, In carrier kd lo( Phofe TS R "i Timber Sawmills MOtLOINQ MACHINERY and all equip ment for aale. Also American Ho. 2 ball bearing rip saw Sulbvan As Sr.n Planing MUi, 2 ie N. on FOR SAI.E SawmlU or any part CMC i:esei edger and other u&ita. Roy Denny. S35a Winchester.