Dr. E. W. Carter Chlropoulit Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phona 1170 Over Rexall Drug Stort Mrs. Charlet A. Brand Teacher of Singing Voice Building, Song Interpretation Miionle Building Fall Term Rplmbr i IN PERSON CLARA DUDLEY Alexander Smith's fomous color-scheme consultant, in person ... in JOSSE'S RUG DEPARTMENT Thursday, Sept. 8 Friday, Sept. 9 ( UMftCNISHMS 1 111 N. Jackson St. Phone 330 I i i i er ' m - School days are here again, end those sleepy high school kids w ill have to hop out early Tues day morning. Be sure they have extra pep and vim by seeing that they eat wholesome, nourish ing lunches. The ICE CREAMERY will supply those at little cost sand wiches and hot soups or baked beans, milk shakes and malteds filled to the brim with vitamins. And for their dessert, home made ice cream fresh from the freezer, served as sundaes, milk shakes, or banana splits. The Ice Creamery is conveniently located downtown, near all your favorite stores and onlv two blocks from the Junior high school. Make vour college or business girl daughter happy with a cunning watch bracelet set with her birthstone. Each link of the adjustable, ex pansiontype bracelet is centered with lovely stones in a daintv beaded setting. These are the Bretton "Leading Lady" watch bracelets, at ASHCRAFT'S. Fashioned in yellow gold filled, with stainless steel connecting links along the back, they carry a one-year replacement or re conditioning guarantee. Whether the bracelet Is defective or any of the stones become lost, you can count on. Bretton to replace the bracelet or repair it for vou, free. Your lady will find these bracelets doubly useful tell her to turn her watch to the inside of her wrist, and she'll have a lovely jeweled bracelet for evening wear. Your high or Junior high son will be needing gym equipment, now, and we don't mean the leopard skin this strong man wears. We mean the gym trunks and shorts that you find at J. V. SPORTING GOODS. The very best in gym shoes, ath letic socks, sweat shirts, and warm-up pants are on sale there, these days. It's a good idea to shop early in the season, you know, while stocks are complete and you can get your boy the right sizes and models. A burden that you ehoos. to carry will not seem too heavy. Have vou been watching the windows at UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE? The House wares department downstairs has put Fostorla "American" crystal on display in the Jackson and Oak street" window, enchantingly combined with "Garden of Roses" china. You'll want this combination for your Early American dining room though it's equally at home with modern furnishings, too. The crystal is a pressed glass that is an allover design of reversed diamond shapes. There are all kinds of serving pieces and stemware, featured by the punch bowls and a trickv cake plate that serves as a vase when you turn "it upside down. Some of the pieces are an tique in styling. Including candle holders. Jugs, pitchers, and ash trays. Drop in and price this pattern and other lovely crystals. JOSSE'S have children's furniture for that new baby of yours. As he grow, he'll need a Teeterbahe or a Jumper swing with all-metal frame. They have removable, washable canvas Foresters Appeal For Fire Caution During Labor Day Weekend Outings SALEM, Sept. 2. .W Forest ers have appealed to Labor day weekend travelers to be careful with fires and matches In Ore gon's powder-dry forests. Acting State Forester George Spaur warned that a prolonged drought has left the woods in a highly critical condition. "In the event of an east wind." he said, "a spark on the loose could mean disaster." He singled out five particularly dangerous spots: southwestern Oregon, where it has not rained for 94 days: eastern Oregon, which is the driest it has been in a decade; the Coos area, scene of the catastrophic Bandon fire; uougias county; and the Tilla mook burn and surrounding country. Edwcrd Schroeder. supervisor of the northwest district that in cludes the Tillamook burn coun try, reported the "longest sus tained fire hazard period since Oregon FEPC Law So Far Fret Of Complaint SALEM, Sept. 2 1JP The state fair employment practices law became effective on July 16 but not a single complaint has yet been filed under it. State Labor commissioner W. E. Kimsey, who administers the law, said his FEPC division has n't found anything to do vet other than to educate the public aooui ticns. The law prohibits anv employ er, labor union or emplymeut agency from discriminating against any person because of nis race or religion. Interested In saving money on a paint job? See us for an astimate! W -an paint your ear by factory methods in yojr ehole. of color to your satisfaction. ARROW BODY AND FENDER SHOP 502 '. Main St. seals, and the A good wife wealth. er that took our eye Is a ho r i z o n t a 1 cylinder , with four wooden knobs for legs in either brass or copper. rnATS 4 SMOCir jo. mte. p I 1945 the year of the third Tilla mook burn." Foresters appealed to Ore gonians not to start any man- made fires. So far that has beern the cause of most of them: 600 man-caused blazes out of the total 723 that have started on state and private land. The balances was due to lightning. Despite the drought, the fire record so far this year has been good: only 12,000 acres of state and private land burned. Autumn Special Is Economical By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Staff Writer Here's an eggplant recipe that uses lOmatoes and cheese (both on the September plentiful list) to achieve interest and better fla vor: Broiled Eggplant Steam thick slices of unpeelcd eggplant until almost tender, about 10 minutes. Dip in season ed flour and place on well-greased broiler pan. Marinate thick slices of fresh tomato in garlic French dressing, and top egg plant with the tomato. Lay a slice of American cheese over each eggplant-t o m a t o "sandwich." Broil until cheese is golden brown and serve at once. Broccoli with almond butter will end for all time the falsehood that vegetables are dull. Remem ber, too, that butter is on the September plentifuls list. Broccoli With Almond Butter (Serves 4) Wash 2 pounds fresh broccoli and if any of the stems are more than 1-2-inch in diameter, it s well to make lengthwise gashes through them. The stalks will then cook as quickly as the flow er buds. Cook the prepared broc coli in boiling, salted water for 10 to 15 minutes onlv until ten der. Carefully remove to hot serving dish. Cover with hot al mond butter. Almond Butt.r Melt 1-2 cup butter or fortified margarine in heavy pan and heal carefully to golden brown. Add 1-2 cup slivers of toasted almonds and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Pour over broccoli and serve at once. 20,000 Germans Flet Red Zont To Amtrieans FRANKFURT, Germany, Sept, 2 iP More than 20,000 German from the Russian zone surged across the American zone border Thursday, without papers and without authority. The Invasion resulted from a relaxation on border restrictions by Russian authorities In a "peace day" celebration of the 10th anniversary of the start of World War 11. swing seat is removable from the frame for use as a car seat T here is a jack ana Jill chair, with suction cups on the short legs, which hold It safely on an ordinary chair. There are sturdy children's rockers, with nicely de signed walnut-finished arms and rockers, up holstered with plastic leatherette or cotton tap estry. Or you may be wanting a Tol-Tol for the young hopeful, soon and Josse's have them In a handy folding style that is porta01- Your choice of pink or blue enameled wood. and health are a man's best Are you planning to commune with nature over Labor Day? That's your chance to get those color pictures you've been wanting. Better get them now, while the good wea ther lasts. CLARK'S STUDIO at 105 South Jackson has color film for either movie or still cameras, and all the sup plies that students and amateurs need for prize worthy pictures. The movie color film Is gen uine double 8 mm., either daylight or tungsten type, and specially priced at $3.10 per 50-foot roll. There won't be any limit on the quantity you buy, either, as long as the supply lasts. What does your school-age son or daughter like in his lunch box? CLEO'S QUALITY BAK ERY has all kinds of bread for healthful, energy-giving sandwiches and it's baked right on the spot, fresh every day. They have doughnuts and maple bars, or brownies or apple turn overs for school-lunch desserts, too. And If your children are crazy about snails, as we were when we went to grade school, you can keep them happy with freshly baked snails from Cleo's. Cookies are in great variety date-nut or brown sugar walnut cookies, the popular chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter or oat. meal, fruit bars or old fashioned sugar cookies like Grandma used to make. Cleo's Bakery is at 314 North Jackson, Just a few steps from the theater. Whatever Life hands you, remember that It's better to suffer a greet unhapplness than t. give even a small one. LESTER'S GIFT SHOP wants vou to know that they are still receiving new things all the time in gift lines. With their new model shop taking up part of their display space, they can't keep so many gift Items out for you to look aver. So, if you don't see what you want be sure to ask about it. Some of the new gift Items in this week are the brass and copper wall or table planters, and those Kellems pottery plant ers you like so well. Beside the square ones you can now get oblong planters in the same de jlgn. Brass and copper planters In cage stvlea for placing on the table or hanging from "the wall; and one-, two-, and three-note musical scores for your walla are among the new Items. A table plant- "1mA '""It ttttf, trim., .t,,rtt. Yugoslavs Charge Russia Sold Out Her Claim To Territory In Austria BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Sept. 2 (. Yugoslavia's official newspaper chargea Thursday Russia is getting $50,000,000 tor selling out Yugoslav claims to slice of southern Austria.' The charge was the latest prop aganda blast In the war of nerves between Russia and Yugoslavia. The dispute has been highlighted by rumors of Soviet troop con centrations on Yugoslavia's bor ders, countermoves by Marshal Tito's army and stories of sab otage inside this Balkan country. 1 he newspaper Boiba. voice ox Tito's government, put the $50,. 000,000 price tag on what It call ed Kusslas betrayal ol Yugo slavia. Borba declared Russia dropped her support of Yugoslav territor ial claims on Austria last June after she got western agreement on raising Soviet war claims against Austria from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000. Britain. France and the VS. have consistently i Ill LS MONEY V3r TOGETHER So practical for the school- ' A ' J.,wtf-r'' W r '.tf'VL ., assuring you a really com- tumm 1 i V ? ?. s . VW " ' ' choose from our racks and ,1 'f,'.fMi; i Lj ft&VV ' ' recks, of up-to-the-minute f A 'OT-jr'V Pure silk or wool scarves In flL Xj f j .Al 7'Alll. S plains and plaid colors for Mf fffi-'.k ; il '''?'' I '''AVi- versatile wear. Long, nar- I (i I p f Ylnl f '' I 'J Ifll'iw row scarves or squares as I J I I HI I ) ' i-i''' i'm Women, they tell us, art calculating y0U Priced- from 1.00 to 3.95 I W , fll J Jf Iff M Cna C0 " t0 SPOf ! - I 4 h rffcrit vr W ates Shop, ond proctics somt artful I i-Tfll'f 1 NJT;. S arithmetic. Like so: I ;i jLfci M ' ' L?m ' handsome aeker I classic sweater I jT . 2 smart skirts 1 perfect blouse Famous "Field and Stream" P f WfWI 1 big, beautiful Scarf JVcretTheTre tSj t These Item, add to a whole ward- latest famous styles. Priced I I I- t -A'1 "sJn' JsN robe of chongeabout casual clothes, from ... 15.95. ! J hi ' f rA Sooooo we've stocked our shelves to sgf l , iSX .i l i I - v, repletion. Who are we to undcresti-. il y ) HJr "" t mate the power of a woman? IP (m H:t ; vsl. You'll love the "Ship V j ?Nf "7w Shore" nylon, rayon or cot- 4 a f 3 5 'hJ X ton blouses In the tailored II -,l fj . , 1 "V H . ttyle. Priced from 1.95. I i TX-S wkV . V. Bonanza In sweaters! We've I '' 'Ir-jL 1 JI l'kil V'VTv iSTV a special on Lampl 100 1 J i i fl.JW A. ljJr f JC.f2 wool sweater in pastel j?v f 1 J ', ic'A 1 1 '' Vfl fT Vr V shades at only 2.95. Slipover NL"lf H.- " M A h I Y ' and cardigan styles in FULL WT Yi U w I VjyV iA J. J Mf x FASHIONED cashmere are ' VI l T X 'sSttJfo. S here too ... priced from I ' 1 OySKtYJC 1295 i ; A ' " wf "Mix m and Match 'em" X't' J IiX'i . . . skirls are a "must" for j - Tt V I your school wardrobe and ?'VI?' l s T J at Miller's you've the widest .v V -es y ' choice of finer skirts. All , ; . t V- v wanted colors, materials and v I'i'S''rr styles. -m2Lf&t:t iff -"S Priced from S.OO , fl - A Take the elevator to the Second, J(oor oj ailiionA II : : : l - opposed Yugoslav land claims as part of an Austrian Independence ireaiy. Borba's editorial was the first Yugoslav retort of an official na ture to an angry Russian note delivered Monday declaring again that Tito himself had aban doned his Austrian claims behind Russia's back. With mixed defiance and sar casm, Borba charged Russia was trying to bring Yugoslavia under control in order to place her in an unequal and subdued posi tion." The tone of editorials, both In Borba and another Belgrade pa per, Polltlka. showed little con cern over the possibility of the war of nerves turning into a shooting war soon. Borba charged the Russian news agency Tass with spreading "made-up" reports to build up pressure against Tito's govern ment. The Ministry of Information Truman Predicts Victory For "Fair Deed" Program WASHINGTON. Sept. 2 .P - -President Truman predicted Thursday that his "fair deal" Drogram ultimately will be en acted in full. The President told a news conference he is confident that the 81st congress will caich up at Its next session on matters Lhe has been unable to get through at the current session. He reminded the conference that the 81st congress is in two parts and that there is still a long way to go even on the pre sent session. The second session starts In January. Mr. Truman said he stand full tilt behind the $41,900,000,000 bud- Jet he submitted to Congress In anuary. This was his reply to a question about Congressional attempts to write into appropriallon bills a charge came after days of ru mors about Russian troop con centrations on Yugoslavia s bor ders, reports of massing of Yugo slav troops In border areas and stories of sabotage inside Yugoslavia. Frl., Sept. 2, M4The News-Review, Reeefcurf, Of. rider directing him to make per centage cuta in overall funds vot ed by the two houses. He said he was very pleased that such an economy rider by Senator McClellan (D-Arkl wus defeated by the Senate. Swat With Biblt Routt Two Would-lt Robbtr DENVER, Sept. 2 UJP-N a t han Mullln, 63. told police that on his way home from church two men held him up and- de manded his money. Mullin's only weapon was a Bible and he used it. slapping the gunman across the face. "Both men ran." Mullin said. 'The man with the gun turned around and shot at me once, but he missed." Mullin savs he always had a lot of faith in the Bible. AFL Has No Rod Officer, Prtsidtnt Grttn Says I LOS ANGELES. Sept. 2-OV-The American Federation of Labor, with a membership of 4- 000,000, does not have a single! union "officered by reds or fel low travellers." ita president, Wil liam Green, said here. Addressing the 41. h annual convention of the California state federation of labor. Green point ed out that repeal of the Taft Hartley Act missed ry 14 vote in the House- and five in the Senate and hinted at ita repeal next year. ' In making muffins, many good cocks like to beat the eggs tho roughly before putting them inte the batter. House, Commercial end Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting s Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up end Delivery Service - IT Years Experience) ACE ILiCTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 109S-L I