llLLL .Y.. ..J ETTERS MARK Hironoshin Furuhashi, Japanese swimming champion, leavet the pool accompanied by hit coach, Katsuyo thi Murakami, after bettering the world recoid for the 1500 meter twim while qualifying in the National A. A. U. iwimming and diving meet being held at Lot Angeles. I APWirephotol LEAGUE PAINTS All Kinds ' PAGF LUMBER & FUEL NATIONAL l.t(.l I BATTING- Robliuon, .349, SUufhUr, St. Louts. .3.11. RUNS BATTED IN Robinson, Brooklyn- I"": Kiner, Pittsburgh. Ml. HOME RUNS- Klner. Pittsburgh. 3; 2nd Ave S. Phon' 212 Mu.lsl. St Louis. PITCHING Wilks, HEY, FELLER Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. AL WILL: Repair, Recondition. Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right REASONABLE RATES BRING YOUR BAR! Saw Chain 531 S. Stephens St. Don't be c caught without heating ' if ""i n I i ii I, la .a"- 'XjBsfi l'fwm 'mmm.s.iKn. him ijwissppaisisa.wr. Get ready for the first cold The first cold snap always comes as a surprise especially to folks with empty fuel tanks. That's why we recommend a heating oil refill right now. You can't go wrong...whether you need heat for your home next week or next month, you're always ready with a fuel tank that's fiiled and at your sen.-ice We'll see to it today all you have to do is call us. Call on us for quick, ROSEBURG FUEL 343 N. Jackson SOUTH END FUEL CO. 207 W. Rica Scrimmages Mark Rivalry I For Positions On Roseburg High School Football Team More scrimmage was on last night's training bill for pros pective football candidates at Roseburg high school. After a discussion of training rules, followed by limbering up exercises, Coach Cece Sherwood put the boys to work in scrimmage for a solid hour and 1 5 minutes. Fundamental plays Including the quick opening from the T, were stressed, and Sherwood brought together different com binations of ballplayers In order to find the best offensive and de fensive group. Several prospects In each of the backfield positions are cur rently battling for position on the first team, but Sherwood is not nomine any names until the "proving period" time runs out. Battling for first string quar terback, a position left vacant with the graduation of Bnbhy Sanders, are Bob Barrows, Hon nie Strickling and Mickey Coen. Speed and an accurate passing arm are requisites here, plus an ability to call the proper play at the proper time. Strlckling holds a tentative edge on speed, but Coen and Barrows are moving up fast in the other qualifications. LEADERS .T86; Roc. Brooklyn. 11-4. .733. .AMERICAN LEAftt'E BATTING Williams, Boston, 3SS; K.ll, Tletrolt. ..144 RUNS BATTED IN Stephens, Bos ton. 140: Wtlllsms. Boston. l.TS. HOME RUNS Williams. Boston, 58: Strphrns. Boston. 33. PITCHING Kinder. Boston. 17-5. .773: Parnell. Boston, 30-7. .741. 27. St. Louis. 11-9. FAST SERVICE Service Co. !i Phone 1665-J !l spell -have your heating oil tank filled Now! You'll prevent contamination, too, because water condenses on the walls of an empty tank but it can't in a tank that's filled. Save yourself trouble and discomfort by ordering Standard Heating Oil right away. Standard Furnace Oil for furnaces and Standard Stova Oil for circulating heaters give you mora for your money in fast, clean beat. efficient service. ..today! OIL SERVICE Phona 1289 Phona 1195 R Llovd Stumbo, Dale Bonebrake and Vic Sanders will tussle for left halfback position, while Jer ry Sconce, Bill Palmer and "3' 11 Van Horn vie for the right half post. The fullback slot Is another toss up, with Don McKlnney, a sopho more: . Bob Scott and Frank Weber, both letermen, struggling for the post. With three teams of backs out, this department promises to be a fairly deep one, provided all hands can cut the mustard in the pinch. Which combination will rate membership on the first team, will be determined In the next two weeks. Bob Barrows and Bob Scott worked on punting, while Frank Weber practiced lifting the ball off the tee with the end of his toe. Working with the backs are centers Dlz Burnett, Durwood Boyles and Dean McFarland. All three are having trouble getting the ball back accurately all 'lav ing started from scratch at the position. Aerial bombardments by the quarterbacks gave the line plen ty of opportunity to move about. Almost 40 candidates were on tap last night with more expected when school starts next week. On the other end of the field, Junior high school talent scrim maged under the watchful eves of 1 Hod Turner, Frank Purdy and Ed Wyatt. Wind sprints terminated the drill session for both groups. 1 ( Martin Luther Bowser, I Drain Resident, Dies ' Martin Luther Bowser, 70, well II known resident of near Drain, died very suddenly at his home I Wednesday, Aug. 31.A resident of I that vicinity for the last 16 years, he was born in Wheeling, West i . Va., on July 14, 1879, and was I' married to Miss' Ella May Hall In Kansas City, Mo.. May 20, 1907. I He was a member of Sunset lodge 1144. A.F. & A.M. i Besides the widow he is sur vived by two sons, William R. II Bowser and Martin M. Bowser ! both of Eugene; a half sister, Inez Moore, and a half brother, I Sam Coulter. i Services will be held in the I Christian church at Drain Sat-1 Iurday at 2 p.m., Rev. Frank Brown officiating. Closing serv J Ices will be held by the Sunset -I lodge at the Westlawn Memorial cemetery, Eugene, where vault interment will follow. Arrange ments are In care of the Stearns Mortuary, Oakland. JUDGMENT ISSUED Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlmber ly has issued a default Judgment order In favor of the plaintiff, State Industrial Accident com mission, against Cecil Milan for $148.49. plus interest and costs. The judge has issued an order dismissing the suit of James W. Priest vs. Julian V. Nelson. cold oiD 1941 1 940 1940 4 -,'.&s. 'ia.r Oak HI FOR LABOR DAY 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan Priced 'way 'way down. Just 12,000 . miles. Sleek, glossy finish. 1595.00 1946 Ford Coupe Large roomy rear deck. Comfortable interior. Motor Smooth as oil. 1045.00 1942 Plymouth Fordor Sedan In trim condition. Power 'neath the hood. A 3-digit Price, just 795.00 1942 Dodge Fordor Sedan Dollar for dollar, you get more in this one. Come in and compare today. 875.00 Nash Fordor Sed. . , $695 Ford Tudor Sedan $445 Plymouth Sedan $445 Trucks mi Pickups" 1 945 Ford Lbr. Truck . $1995 1942 Ford Vi Ton Pickup $695 1941 Ford Vi Ton Pickup $495 1942 Ford Flat Bed. . .$495 1940 Dodge 28-Pass. School Bus $1095 MOTORS and Rose Sts. Frl., Sept. .2, 1949 Th Ntwt-RtWtw, Rottburf, 0r. , 7 1946 Ford Tudor Sedan Clean and beautiful Interior. Grand engine. Eager power. 1045.00 1946 Buick Fordor Sedan 29,000 miles. Radio and heater. A-l rated for your satisfaction and comfort. 1445.00 1948 Chevrolet Panel Rugged leather upholstery. Only 6,000 miles. Guaranteed. 1450.00 1942 Ford Fordor Sedan This one babied by former owner, ready to give you many more miles of carefree driving. 895.00 1941 Plym. Fordor Sedan $795 1 939 Chevrolet Tudor. . . $595 1 942 Chevrolet Tudor ... $895 1948 Ford Van Body. . $2495 1 946 GMC Chassis & Cab $795 1947 Internat. Pickup $1095 1941 Ford Dump Truck. $895 1937FordDumpTruck;$375 CCWPOP Phone 80