Th Newt-Review, Reteburg, Ore.-Frl., Sept. 2, 194 16 C I BOS, YOU TOLD ME f HOLY BUT THAT 5 I TO soak: some beans ) SMOKE- ( coot?, TOO, I IN MV NEW BOOTS y l HE'S COT V IF HE CAKJ TO STRETCH 'EM, r 'EM IN I STAND IT- BUT I'LL SWEAR I I WOW.' ( IT'LL MAKE J ( CAIU'T STAND IT (I MEANT ( HIS FEET V MUCH L0N6ER I TO DO IT V SMALLER.' ) j Y' tV j.c?.AhUj l M THE LEATHER PUSHERS WASHINGTON. Sept. 2.-JJP) Two of the aluminum'i Indus try'i "little fellows" have been alloted tentatively the govern ment's entire known purchases of aluminum for stockpiling. This program would exclude their big competitor. Aluminum Company of America. An official of the General Serv ices administration, which han dles the buying for the munitions board, said the Kataer-owned Per manent Metals Corp. would have the right to take 40 percent of the government business and Reynolds Metals company the other 60 percent. aluua oinciais were Known to be concerned over the prospect of being shut out of government business not only io ' the present but possibly for the next 25 years under arrangements now contem plated. The Quantity Immediately In volved Is 60,000,000 pounds. This is the amount which the muni tions board has Indicated It wants to stockpile during the fiscal year ending next June 30. In addition, Henry J. Kaiser s Permanent firm, which has Just contracted to buy three war sur- OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Europe Not Yet On Self-Support Road Despite Aid Of $5 Billion From U. S. PARIS, Sept. 2. (IP) Europe's two top Marshall plan officials Thursday declared that more than $5,000,000,000 In American aid has failed so far to put the war-damaged continent on the road to self-support. They reported that Europe's economic situation has Improved In the last two years, but that the dollar-shortage problem had not been solved. The report, to be sent to U. S. Marshall plan authorities, was made by Baron Jean Charles Snoy of Belgium, chairman of the 19-nation organization for Euro pean economic cooperation, and Robert arjolin of France, OEEC secretary-general. "If It was at one time our be lief that European recovery was firoceeding fast enough to make t possible to achieve viability (self-support) In 1952, we must now admit that the rate of prog ress is not sufficient," Baron Snov and Marlolln said. "The dollar problem, despite the improvement In the situation over the last two years, is not on me way 10 solution. Similar statements have been made recently by delegates to the assembly of the new council of Europe at Strassbourg. They ad vocated more measure for econ omic cooperation between Euro pean countries and lowering of trade barriers. Polio Cases In First Drop Since March, This Year f 'lV oihvtr r;ik mixlxj3l is us fine in flavor fjr'fsFm and lexlnre as flriVx ! Cinrli tuiliu mix." (tJ ( tor Mr, lowm I- dodoll. Minneapolis, Minnesota I I WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.. The approach of autumn has brought the first break in the na tion's polio epidemic, the public neaun service saia toaay. r'or the first time since last March, the agency said, the count of new cases has declined. It dropped from 3,422 for the week ending August 20 to 3,214 for the week ending August 27. In the corresponding week a year ago the total was 1,412. Last week the health service said the 22-week rise in the num ber of poliomyelitis cases appear ed to be leveling off. It now says last week's 3,422 total may be the year's peak. The total number of cases re ported in the nation for the year, through August 27. is 20.513. com pared with 11,155 for the same period last year. The worst infantile paralysis year on record was 1916, when 3CV 000 cases were reported. Most of those were paralytic cases. Last year had the second great est total, 27,000. However, both diagnosis and reporting were much improved, and the 1948 count Included large numbers of non-paralytic cases of the type that were not even reported In 1918. Since this year's total Is run- SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, SEPT. 3RD SHAMROCK REQ. 25o PKQ. POTATO CHIPS 19c KOOL AID 3pk9s. 10c WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY COLD MEDAL FLOUR 25-lb. bags 198 ilXIELOVE TUNA FLAKES can 25c SUNNY JIM PEANUT BUTTER 16-oz. jars 35c WELLMAN'S PRUNES 15-oz. iars 10c ROYAL GELATINE DESSERT 5C Pkg. LARGE LIMA BEANS 3-ib. pkas. 49c QUALITY MEATS BACON SQUARES lb. 29c BEEF ROASTS lb. 49c VEAl ROASTS lb. 45c S.R101N STEAKS lb. 79c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES LOCAL 2 BUNCHES Carrots . 15c DANISH Squash. . lb. 5c Bananas, lb. 15c Radishes OR Gr. Onions t Bunches 15c Aluminum Co. Of America Excluded From Federal Purchase Allotments plus aluminum plants, has the option of providing up to about 40 percent of all "indicated" stockpile purchases for the next 25 years. The GSA spokesman explained the exclusive transaction this way: The surplus property law, sup ported by a court decision, in structs the surplus agency to dis pose of aluminum plants In the manner "best suited to etabllsh competition in the aluminum in dustry." ALCOA has been sued on anti-trust grounds. The contracts, as now contem plated, would help Permanente and Reynolds which began aluminum production on a sizable scale only during the war be come more firmly established. The stockpile sales also would help them meet their payments on the plant purchases, thereby protecting the government's fi nancial interest In the plants. Jasmine used In perfume helps to mellow the scent. ning almost twice that of last year, 1949 probably will prove to be the worst polio year, numeri cally speaking, on record, the agency said. SHINGLES Asphalt Asbestos Cedar Pag Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. h- 242 Tenmilt Grade School Will Open September 6 Tenmlle Grade school will open Tuesday, Sept. 6, announced Prin cipal Theodore Peterson. Regis tration will take place in the morning with regular classes be ginning Wednesday morning, Sept 7. First graders are required to bring birth certificates, and health examinations will be held at a later date. Jasmine and rose are found In almost every good perfume. Beautify Your Grounds The beauty of your grounds en hances the beauty of your home. Arrange now to have our skilled gardeners do your landscape Job. Free estimates. L. H. McPherson Rt 2, Bex 153 Phone M5-J-1 m ... . 4 m ft to The Price Thrill! Thp TnctA Thrill! ..of One Bottle makes 0fiiefo! See mm Jl BUT inn 13 j l-:i-i::ii:j! See the big-value features in this BIG-FAMILY SIZE, 77io cu. ft. MODEL Nowhere else will you find value like this. You get all th. performance features that have made Frigidair. Amer ica's No. 1 Refrigerator. Come in see all these features. One Model ML-77 Only $99475 24 Months to Pay fPCl piece, all-steel cabinet. fjj able Dulux exterior. Porcelc interior. Rust-resisting shelv. Over 14 sq. ft. of shelf spacl Cold Storage Tray. Safe co' from top to bottom. Hydro tor ." "P 2,'3bu. ,ru" end tobl.. .. . v- ..... I uP lit to "' ' b.i i 3c..cyD i,,;,,'et Br" '8Sup,r..r..Mp Am.rooniyo) 'or roj. , J R.DlOll . Foil rl """Teold. pUlw.. Cold Control 12. portion Hmp" .ur. r.9"l0,0'"W A ftHiiv""- rz MlfiftEPROOff See the wpe"-value in all these newest, latest models I r-ii, sn NEW MASTER MOOIISI Four brilliant mw r.frig.ratoci Mafonal vokwit of f.atur.s onty Mo.dok. can gry. you. MW.IMl-0 . ft. S194-7S MxMMl-N I tOce.ft. $274.7$ MWMi-tts it .!. $309.73 NEW Of LUXE MODELS I Hug., M-widtti Sof.f r..i.f Oott, roomy food compart M.M, fuN-widltl Hydrator wiltl IH Own rofrigMatiofl iyitnv MWDi. 70 7 cw. ft. $289.75 Modol Di- M t 3 S t. ft. $329.75 MIDi-lOJ 10H. n. $349.75 NEW COIO-WAU IMPERIALI QW you famous Cold-Wal r.fricj.ra(incj syttM pionMr.d by FrigidairfA. Kmpi food fr.ih.r long, uncov.f.d. "T.oci.r-Top" it actually sporot. hom. trlf hoJdl 70 fct. hoil foods, Modot 11-100 10 ra. ft. $449.75 GET A GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE Why be satisfied with an ordinary refrigerator when you can get a Genwne Frigidvirt made only by General Motors for so little money I Every Frigidair. is backed by the experience in building over 10 million refrigerating units your assurance of dependable performance and long years of service. Look for the Frigidaire emblem on the refrigerator you buy. SEE FRIGIDAIRE, AMERICA'S NO. 1 REFRIGERATOR, TODAY UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 120 W. Oak Phone 12