flf Vou Can't Use It Someone Else Can., let Classified Sell ill: CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word t days " 1 days " " 4 days " Real Estate B. 1L MODERN HOME East lid. Appro. Vt A. Fireplace. Elec. heat. Plastered. Hardwood floor. Nice lawn, fardcn and shrubs. A fine home with a low price. $4000 down. 10, 500.00 full price. IF YOU have $500.00 for down pay ment and can pay $100,110 per month which It practically rent for this type of house, we have a 4 B. It modern home near Riverside school and Hwy, 90 that you may own. Large lot. Shade. A fine set-up for large family, a ouy at jtuou.uu. WILL TRADE $2300.00 equity In a nice 3 B. ft. noma in sale m for com parable home In Rote burg. '3 B R. MOD HOME 4 miles out on Happy Valley Road. Large lot. Plas tered. I mm. poss. Roberts Creek water drat $150000 down. $4ou0.oo fun price. 155 A. STOCK and Grain farm S ml. . . out. About 55 A. cult, level land. Balance fine range. All fenced and . . cross fenced. New 3 B. R. thoroughly modern home built for comfort Fam- , lly orchard. Large barn and poultry house. Price Includes easily $2500 00 worth of farm machinery. Including IS mo. old tractor, live stock, hay and furniture. Two aood wells plus spring. An unusual buy at 114,700 00 witn 83W.uo aown. win traae equity for good Rsbg. home. 1 A PLUS 4 ml. out on Deer Creek All cult Dandy 3 B R. attractive modern home practically new. Fire place. 16x18 garage and work shop. Home is knotty pine finish. Live creek at door. This is one you will like. $4000.00 down. $9500.00 full price and worth more. "AAVE GOOD Travelo house trailer to trade on down pmt. for unfinished home on 1 acre or less near Rsbg . or will consider older house for re modeling purposes. t A. ON Hwy. 43 near Porter Creek Lumber Co. 5 room house. Elec. and good bored we II with press u re ay -tem. Approx. 3000 ft lumber on hand. $1000.00 down. $3200.00 total price. FINE LOT 75 x 245 on Hwy 99 No. Roseburg. Also connecting lot 80x00 Adaptable for any commercial um. Sacrificed at $3300.00 cash. ACRE LOT on Hwy 99 near Club fW. City water and elec. II 150.00 with small down pmt and excellent terms. a B R. HOME on concrete. New well. Elec. 10 A. good soil. Some orchard. Small barn. 4'a mi. out. This can be made a dandy home. Full price $5250.00 with $2000.00 down. Good terms on balance. A. ON Garden Valley Rosd. 4-roo i home, 3 yrs. old. Garage. Barn. This Is a nice location with good soil Full price only $6850.00, or will trade for city property. See us for de tails. 1 A. WITH A dandy unfinished house. Nice kitchen. Large windows and lots of built-inc. City water. Elec. Phone. Large walnut and almond trees. Good garden spot Only $3000 with $1200 down. 'ftfTS.oo DOWN buys a very attractive unfinished home 4 miles out near hwy. Cement foundation. Stucco. Ex. tra well constructed. Doors, win dows, partitions, lights and water are in. This really has possibilities and priced right. $3675 full price. William A. Oerding REALTOR INSURER LOANS 124 West Cass Phone 213 LUXURY AT . LOW. COST " ' ' EAST SIDE RANCH type 3-bed room home on a big lot. Long living room overlook ing the valley. Big rumpus room. Compact kitchen with dishwasher. Montag piped furnace, double garage. Ysu can 'look right down on the city swimming pool from this prop erty. The owner previously refused to consider any price lens than $19. 750. but he has been transferred away from Roseburg and will sell im mediately for $15,750. You can as sume the $12,000. FHA loan. This deal Is Just like getting a $4,000 Christmas present In September. WEST SIDE ON THE RIVER. This place li really built. All rooms are extra large. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room, din ing, kitchen utility, double garage. Insulated fruit and storage rooms, big view windows, fireplaces In and outside. Finest hardwood, beautiful plaster, plenty of storage and over size wardrobes. Includes two acres with fruit trees. Combines seclusion and convenience. Restricted district. $19,000 with terms. C. S. Briggs & Co. 112 W. Cass Realtors Phone 914 1. Modern 5 room house near school : 2 bedrooms. living room, dining room, kitchen, lots of built-lns and closets. Half basement, garage. 3 ' lots; 4 big walnut trees: garden; 2 grape arbors; lawn. This house is very clean ana in got ONLY $5230.00. Terms. X 2 bedroom modern house: electric . heat: wired for range; nice kitchen; breakfast nook: utility; bath. This house is tike new. .. PRICED $7560.00. Terms. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A. U. Taylor, Salesman 638 S. Stephen- St. . Phone 21i Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 215 U S. Bank BIdg. Ph. 583 Win it's Real Estate In Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore. PHONE 845 NEW HOME FOR SALE. 5 rooms down stairs, upstairs uniinuhed Modern house, electricity, wired for rane. fireplace, picture window. Double ga rage, chicken house, and hog house With 4 acres of land, priced at SK500 reasonable terms. More land available 4 mile from school, store and church. John E. Lee. ' mile west of Look Incglsss Store. TOR SALE OR TRADE Our 2700 equity for izouo, ii.vw down on 1 year old. 2-bedroom houe. near school and store, or will trade for larite country home, of same or less value Tull pnee SCT50. P h. 153Q-J. Surveys Maps Plant Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer $11 So Main St Ph. 817-RX S-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, school his hy door, graveled y ear-around drive ways, fruit, berries and nuts. 2 acre See to aDpreciate. First red house west of 99 on old Wins ton -Looking - glass road, vicinity of Winston. FOR SALE OR TRADE for late mode' car 10 acres, nice location, near town, chool bus, electricity. telephone. Reasonable. Box 61, Oakland. Ore gon. f OR SALE I acres, 2 houes. 2 miles esit Kelly's Korner on Roberts' Cree Road in Roberts' Creek Water ri trict ., terms. Rt 1. Box 248-Q Always Have It Surveyed J'm Daughertv the engineer Ph J97-R FOR SALE S25O0 cash, 72 acres, old bouse, guod well. 9 acres prunes saiablo timber Write Mrs O Miller Riddle, Oreg Ph Riddle 33 LARGE LOTS, lights, water, bus line Calkins Read near Edenbower school Inoulre Rt 2 Box183 TOWN TOR SALE City of Tenmile T. St. Benedict. $345. my equity In unfinished hmi. a acre tot foooe uh, as iot iwd. Real Estate SAYS BOB ELLIOTT, Assistant Man ager of Umpqua Amusement Co, "I'm more than happy with my new home at Cloverdale Park. The con struction, arrangement, neighborhood and location was just right for my family. I recommend that you visit Cloverdale Park at once." OVER 100 CLOVERDALE HOMES Every home is separately built of the finest materials, using highly skilled workmanship. Quantity purchases has made it possible to build better homes for less money. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS With a very small down payment you ran move right into a Cloverdale Home. Terms can be arranged to fit your budget. Still a few with no down payment for Veterans. FULL PRICE $7,990 TO $10,340 These fine homes are offered at prices far below the present market prices within the reach of everyone. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Why throw away rent money when you can give your family the kind of home they have always wanted? INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE You can deduct part of your payments on these houses on your income lax report Rent payments are never de ductible. READ THESE FEATURES 2 and 3 bedrooms Near schools Paved streets and drives Big lots Fully Insulated Large view windows- Weather stripped FH A. Approved Ready for Immediate occupancy OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY Come out to Cloverdale Park and In spect these fine homes anv day be tween 10 A.M. and 9 P.M Drive north on Highway 99 to Cloverdale Park sign. Fies and Clute Realty Phone Roseburg 1566 14 ACRES with big 8-room house, part ly finished, built 1948, in good livable condition, bath, hardwood floors, etc. 7 acres cleared, 8 acres level, and 4 acres of the best creek bottom land with a yea r.a round fishing stream through the land with irrigation rights. Ideal for truck gardener and the other half runs up hill covered with evergreens 7 'i miles east of Myrtle CreeK, $4,500 and $1,500 down. 203 ACRES located. miles out of Drain, 125 acres cleared, 40 acres cul tivated and 50 acres of timber, 7 good spring, lots of water, 8 room house, big 42x72 ft barn with storage for 150 ions of hay. In good condition. Chicken house, other bldgs. 1 milk cow, 40 hens and pullets, rake, mow er, harrow, hay wagon, cream sep arator. Price $7,750 and $3,500 down. Balance $600 per year including In terest 32B ACRE sheep or stock ranch 1 mile up mountain off of highway 225. All fenced and cross-fenced sheep St cattle tight. 45 acres cultivated, 3 good all year springs, old buildings, small 4 room house, barn, etc. $6,600. Only $1,500 down. - TURNISHED two bed room home. At tached garage, near school and store. $6,100, t down, bal. less than rent. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRED LUMM SALESMAN Phone 1212-R or JAMFS L. PAYNE. BROKER Phone 1501 112 Brockway St. LOOKING FOR A FINE HOME f t This owner Is leaving town and says his home must be sold within a very short time. It Is a beautiful plac, well plan nde. superior construction. Com manding view. Three bedrooms, freat big living room with nice 1 replace and large windows, cozy kitchen that Includes a Combination dish washer and laundry along with scads of builtins, large play room. Par tial basement, dandy air con ditioning unit. Landscaping la new. but nice. If you are look ing for a nice home, your time will be well spent to look at this. $15,750. Easy terms. PLASTERED, FLOOR FURNACE, $6950 For a mighty cute home, well located and only $6950, this Is impossible to beat. It is con structed much better than most any "project" built homes. Two big sized bedrooms, nice living room, kitchen, utility and bath. Brick trim in the front. Good big lot. Close to schools, stores, bus line. In the new sewer dis trict $1000 down will handle. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE Co. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors $5,500.00 5 acres in restricted building district. 250 ft. river frontage. 3' miles from town in Calkins district. Build a home here, or it can be subdivided beauti fully. 22x28 ft. concrete block build ing, wired for electricity. 22 fruit & nut trees. 3 years old. Over 1 acre early market St Rock hill strawberries also rapberries Sc nectarberries. Large as paragus bed. See owner. Jack Doyle at Doyle j Sales Ai Service. Tel. 611 or 093-J P. O Box 30. Roseburg. GARDEN SOIL TWO ACRES on Deer Creek eight miles eat of courthouse. Three bedroorr newer home that has a lovely kitch en, large utility. Plastered, easy to heal, quick pose"tion 78 ft. drilled well, bet of water. t250. total price $1500. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 1092-R FOR SALE or TRADE Home near Riv erside school Insulated oil furnace, venetisn blinds, hardwood floors, ga rage. 80x108' lot Trailer house or car at part payment Phone 1627 Rl FIRST Time advertised for sale 2. bedroom home that is a dandy. Plas tered, hardwood floors, furnace. Fully Insulated, attached garage. Large lot. neat and clean. In one of the best districts, $9,500, $3,700 down. ANOTHER New listing. 2 bedroom home 2 years old Large view lot. Wired for range. This is an excellent place for children Yard all fenced sn-1 lawn Is in. Good Dlsw to keen a dog. This Is a neat D'ace Possession it) days. $7,500, $2,450 down. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W Cai Si. Phone $68 THIS IS YOUR BARGAIN $9500. value for S35O0. Large, new 2-bed room home also unfinished bedroom upstairs hardwood and tile floors. Insulated excellent construction, v-ill considei ho'i trailer, part payment Ph .-Bil-J-4 ACREAGE 5 to 20 acres; good level ground for homen ten: live creek school bus and mail service, electricity available Ralph E Smflh, South Mrue hi., rue Lreex LOTS FOR SALE City rater and lights available L"d down viymnt Eugene maenoiir rnone t.w-jo WILL TRADE small ranch, city edge value 2o 000 for ranch in Com Bav. ot property same value. Phone 833-R-X Real Estate Complete Plant :S1DENT!AL COMMFRCly lUILDl.NG CONTKACTINI L. K. Cornwell US U. S Bank Bid. For Sale Or Rent With option to buy 4-bedroom new home, atnctly modern. See E. B. Oldfield 1962 Eden Lane Ph. 886-J-l 4 ROOM LIVEABLE House. 2 lots. Sell my equity in place for $1,000 or will take cheap trailer house as part pay ment, rest cash. 1 mile from city limns, on Id ley Id Route. Just off North Umpqua highway, on little gravel road Name on mall box. C. Redding. Idleyld Route. Box 100- TW1N tt-ROOM bungalows, hardwood floors, all modern. Double cement driveway and garage. Lot 90x300 ft.. Industrial part of town. Worth $16. 0i)0. Full price $10,500. $7500 cash, balance terms. Call 624-3, it no an swer call 458-Y. CHOICITlOTS north of airport. Lights and water available. Small down pay ment Sea owner al U35 Templin St. FOR SALE Modern. 2-bed room home, completely furnished, $4500. R. C. Poulton, Conutock Road, West Suthr TOR SALE House and lot: $700. worth 01 1 urn liming, 1111 uuwu. NEW 2-BEDHOOM HOME; lot 3, Fair St.. Melrose Road. Building Materials $ $ Save Dollars $ $ EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY SHOP AROUND. THEN GET MY PRICE ROOKING SPECIALS 90 lb. . M M Roll 6S lb. K Roll 53 lb K I" "oil 43 lb. 1 90 Roll 3 Tab Shlnil.i Ki 3 Sq. Hexagon 50 Sq. Panel Shake. WHO Sq. Bath Room Seta $130 00 Denn Wholesale Co. North Umpqua Rd. Phone lftTT-J Pumice Building Blocks for home and commercial building construction Fireproof Waterproof Permanent eitimatas and helpful tuggesUons glady given. Myrtle Creek Pumice Block Co Ph. 1515. 90 yards from 8. P. Dep. Septic Tanks 500 GAL. $65.00 Plumbing Supplies ' BIdg Materials Always a Better Buy at Denn Wholesale Co. North Umpqua Road rOUR CREDIT'S O. ft WITH US ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing down, easy terms. Call Mr Holzapple, Roseburg 837-Y Oak Flooring No 1 Com. Oak shorts, $140. per M Ph. 102-R-3. Carlson's Floor Service 45 BUNDLES' strivtly number one shingles at $1.50 per bundle. R. E. Campbell Ranch, Oakland, Oregon. Ptv20-F-41J FOR SALE Surfaced 2 Inch No 4 lumber, SI2 50 prr M, in carrier load lot Phcne ortB-R.rt Machinery For Sate WE SET THE PACE!! Reconditioned Tractors 1 Caterolllar D6 .... Bare $ 5.250 Bare 3.150 ...Hare 2.500 6 Caterpillar D4 8 Caterpillar R4 ....,... 1 International TD18 Bare 6.500 3 International TDI4 .. ..Bare 5.500 2 International TD0 . Bare 3.5(!0 2 International Tfl Bare 2.iro 2 International TDfl Loaders 5.350. 1 International TD6 Bara 2,900. 4 Allts-Chalmers HD7 Bare 4.600 2 Allis-Chalmers HDI0 Bare 5.250. 2 AHis-Chalmera HD14 Bare 6,150 Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane 1 Yd. $14,500 3 Bucyrus trie 15B Shovels... 7.975. 2 Osgood ' Yard Shovels 6.250 2 Inslev t. Yard Barkhoe 5.350 6 insley Vi Yard Shovels 4,975 "Aj Is" Tractors & Shovel 20 Caterpillar D ... 3 Caterpillar D4 2 Caterpillar R4 26 International TD9 13 Internationa T0 3 Insley Cranes 3 Unit Cranes fl.ff75 2.375 1.775 1.075 1.475 3.27 V 3.279 Bare Bare .Bare Blades. Drums. Parts and other attach ments in stock tor all the above equipment LARGEST DEALERS IN THE WEST! Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. 1600 West 7th Ave. Tel. 4-4261 Res. $-391$ Eugene. Oregon Irrigation Pump For Sale 7000 gal. Marlow pump. Wisconsin motor. 20 ft 2 in. suction hose. Like new Guy Harbauah. 3 ml. west Lookingdasa. on Rtnn rosd. IN BEST Or CONDITION MTseyHaT rlt extra heavy 3-14 plow. l"ed very little. S200. V. J. Burstk, Metros Rt.. Box 1 40 V'AN'bORN VALVE refaeer cabinet. $50 Office Vor'h Roseburf Mofnr Cou-t. Personal ALCOHOLirg ANONYMOUS. P a Boa 111$ or Phone 1500-L or 506-J They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo W' ' 1-f , -THINK 1'U. WEAR THE SREEN XSY VEAH0iK.DO YOU LIKE HEN THE NDffED TIEHOW AdOUT rf i THIS POLISH, Of? SHOULD PROOLBERRVS SOME ICED TEA rpW I DO T5M OVEf? LI6HTER? ) aqs COINS BEFORE WE 50?jr- p I THINK I'LL TAKE A A aSvS?eS wiPC hsrt IWEy D4WDLE JS sffi VXfV till ufe just AVfc rJ3 m fiv MiZeirn TheniweVset f . J24;V- IN THE CAR A-Z ISK 6LENDALEC4UF. roM Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes . , $1.25 per bu.. U-Pick $ miles south of Roseburf. Turn left on Winston Road, south of Winston Bridge. Also cantaloupe, squash, sweet corn. James Garden Wilson's Special WHILK they last peaches $1, $150. $2. 2.50. Also tomatoes tl box. Apple, pears, prunes, all kinds Dillard mel ons. Please bring containers. Wilson's Fruit Farm and Market Winston Ph. 47-J-4 Open evenings until $ Special Improved Elberta Peaches $150 bu. U-pick. $2 00 picked; large select $2 50: windfalls, 75c. Bring containers to: Voorhies Ranch Looklngglais Valley. I'i miles west, then mile south of store Canning Peaches $2.00 1 Tomatoes $1.25 James V Son Fruit Stand Union Gap TOMATOES Indiana cannery. Now at their beat Choice 30 lb. net. $1.00 bushel. 50 lb, $1.50. already picked. Your container al ranch. Also Petiie and Italian prunes; per pound 3c, you pick. Lind bloom, Dlxonville, ph. 19-F-5. Canning Tomatoes $1.00 bushel Bring own containers. 2'i miles on old Dlxonville Rd. Chas Ncavoll PEACHES. HALES, late Crawford and Elbertas. Orchard run. $1 to $1.25 per bushel. Bring containers. Across creek from Glengary School house. M, M. Cooper, phone 5-F-14. 5u BARTLETT PEARS. $1 50. $1 .00 box; you pick, 50c. Dale prunes $1.25 per box: you pick. 75c. H. D. Scott. 4 blocks west of Fairhaven on Melrose Road. Ph;444-J-4. ELBERTAS, Improved Elbertas, Hales: , also good windfalls. Ed Thiele, Civil Bend Cemetery Road, last house on left. Ph. 15B0-J-3. ELBERTA AND HALE peaches, u-plrk. From SI up: also prunes and pears. Royer's Fruit Market, 8 miles So. Highway 99. P(v 22-F-13. Cucumbers for pickles Pick them fresh and tender. Harrv Wesley, low er Garden Valley Koad, Bring con tainers CbCKE R AND CANNING corn now ready; alto pears and cantaloupe. Rlv ersdaie. Curry Estate, Rt. 2, Box li5 Clarence Mabley. CHOICE UPLAND Hale and Improved Elberta peaches now ready. II -pick or I pick Emery Baker, 4 mile W. of Brockway store HURRY! LaTfchance for Elberta can ning peaches. $1.50 bushel. O. G. Rog ers. iooKinKRiasa. CANNING BEANS, tomatoes and mel ons for sale. 1 mile south of Dillard Moore and Rice. PEACHES: Hales and Elbertas You pick and bring containers. Dale Zeller Brockway. ARTLEtTT" PEARS for sale. Sl box Also No. 1 and Uravensteins. No DDT spray used. No Sunday sales. Rein hold Blank. Lookingglass. TOMATOES, Cantaloupes, watermelon's for sale. C. H. Clay pool. Garden Valley. NICE CANNING tomatoes. 75c bushel Bring containers. T. J. Hewes, Ht. 2. Box40212limilesnorth Highway 99 ITALIAN PRUNES for sale. 50c box, u-pick. Ben Jacoby,LookinggIass. IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACH KS. string bean and pears. Harry Winston. KENTUCKY WONDER beans! C. W Sc h m i dt.C a r d e n V a 1 ley . Canning tomatoes for sa.e now. Harlan Moore, Ph. 15-F-15. Logging Equipment FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car. equity in 44. WA22 White. 150 A motor, new. st iunnerson trailer outfit is clean. Balance on oerrentaae steady job goes with truck. Call af'er A o'clock. S D. Keebler, Briggs Ac res. Mvrtie ireen, ure FOR SALE HD-7. complete overhaul recently; inciting cat witn aozer. near ly new Carco drum, $4500 rash. Cat working at Look Ingff lass Bridge on Coos Bay Highway. Perry Pet. &4 CAT serial number 7-J-4172 witn Hyktr drum and IaPlant Choat. hy draulic dozer See at Tvee Lumber Co Sutherlln. Ore., or phone 1202 Suther hn F6r SALE Dl" 18 "International tractor. A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yarder. A-l condition K5 International dump truck. Ph 518-J-5 evr-mnen Timber Sawmills MOULDING MACHINERY and all equip ment for sale. Also American No 2 ball bearing rip saw. Sullivan A Son, Planing Mill. 2 miles N. on FOR SALE Sawmill or any part G M.C dtesel edgcr and other units, finv Denny, Bnv Winrheier Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""umpqua realty Arrrm from Post Office en Hignwsv 112 N Stephens Ph WANT TO BORROW tlOOO Csn five sufficient references and security. Boa No. 08a, Newt-Review. Help Wanted Opportunity For Young Man BETWEEN AGES 25-35. Interested In moving ahead with steadily expand ing men's clothing business. Experi ence in retail selling desirable but not compulsory. College education pre ferred, but not necessary. Chance for advancement excellent. Livable wage guaranteed. Write Box 0U1, News Review. Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KT.T.L MOTOR CO. 413 N Jackuin Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED Vacuum Sweeper Lady Umpqua Hotel Sea Mrs. Maddox Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper. State age and experience. News Review Box una. Wanted Bus Boy Hotel Umpqua WANTKD Experienced Waitress ITMPQIIA HOTEL COPTEE SHOP BOSC PEAR PICKING starting Sept. 6. Garden Valley. Men only. No transportation. Local resldenta only. Ewens Bros. Ph. 32-F-U. CRIPPLED MAN Needs helper; board. room, and small wage. R. C. Jons, A7.aiea. uregon. WANI'KD Experienced pear packers, starting Sept 6. Ewens Bros., ph 32-r-ll. LADIES Would you Invent 5 hours a dav for earnings of $40. each week? Write Box tm, News-lteview. WANTED Woman for housework and care of 2 children 9 days per week. Ph. 4A2-R-1 for interview. WANTED Second loader. Witcher Log ging Co.Ph. sm-J-5. evenings. WANTED A truck to haul logs; short haul Phone 1S-J-4. WANTED Log trucks. Call 69S-R-5. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank Prompt service No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rates for commercial tai.k. 746 Short St. Ph294-Y P.O. Box 2JW ALL BUIT.dTRo construction, new and old. remodeling. 10 down, no job too large or tiK small All type masonrv con nt ruction, flagstone and brick: barbecues and patios a specialty Mag netite floors and drain boards Phone 15!0-R-1. contractor, A R. Snow. DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS All types. Practical nursing. Taking care of your home and children while you are vara tinning or week end trips or hour work. Call 1I46-L at 412 Fowler. ARRANGE TOR YOUR fall plowing now. 20 to 1000 acres, contract or bv the hour. Good equipment Ph. lifJVJ-S. 01 iver s ARE OUT Or TOWN for a short time S.-ptic tanks and drain fields. BASEMENTS AND back yards' cleaned" Light pickup and delivery. C. A Deal, Phone 1 .VMi-J-3. Host. burg. FLOOR COVEPINO Complete tales and Installations. Free estimates. Modern rioor covering r,none;iH: HOUSE MOVING, founds tlonTTcvelirig 14 yean experience. P St B Towing, 741 S Stephens Phone 026. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING. AM types Mrs. Don W Garrison. 1005 Madrons st. none ink-l. WANTED- Work for fixO short log truck" fl and IB ft. logs See L. M. Kramer Camas VaMev. CARPENTER WORK, PAINTING, and rement work. M. J. Magness, ph 172-Y-X JANITOR, experienced, desires position Inouire Rt. 2. Box20:t. WANTED Ironing In my home. S3! rowler at fnone .vjb-jx. WASHING AND IHOMN'i in my home Phone 1616-R-2 PRACTICAL NURSE Ht. I. nox ittfi Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Re-cleaned grey oata, 71 rwt uraer your seea wneat ana vtrh now AJsnaucn s reeo Atn; Myrtle Creek. We handle complete line triangle rens. ALfAl.FA HAY, 1st crop. 2.1 per ton at the ranrh Some grass hav at tin pr ton R E. Campbell Ranch, Oak- innfl. uregnn rn ito-r-si. Dogs Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J 6rA-H0 COCKER KENN'EiUl. Phone r or 4.12- Y Reg and ped. pup Die .ail romrs Stuff service SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, purebred! pmne -f -12 For Trade Wil l. TRADE SO acres. 10 acres tillable with small cabins 12 miles from Rose burg for nice house trailer Inquire Ch Clark. Freds Trailer Court, 1st csDin, uiratn vaiivy noaa. Rentals ron hent New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 4(11 W Oa St Phona 1M t'OR RENT POLISHER. WAXKR and Krubhar All In una tool. Llnht rnouah any child can handla (Inner-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. KII JKphrni Phone 147II-R For Sale Or Rent With option to huv 4-bedroom new noma, airiciiy mooern. See E. B. Oldfield 1 962 Xden Lane Ph. 8Hfl-J.t Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in our own noma. SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph. T23. Trailer Space Lawn and fence, automatic dryer, heat ed shower room. Clean and modern playground for children. New Moon iraner inn . norm qn w i n. iki-i. Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose- huro inoai tor sioraee. Aiiev enirance. Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's Store. FOR RENT -With 6 months option to huv. or lor saia lmmrouiriy. iiuw In. 5-room home. Rent 7S month. Immediate possession, S30 So. Main St J TOR R ENfPart ly furnished sleeping rooms; easy walking distance down town and schools. Nice location, very reasonable. lltM CoreyPhone1246-H. FOR "WENT Furnished house, dandy garden, winter's wood in shed. 2'n miles went of Tenmile Store. L. M. Rexford. FOR RENT it Iga rose district, partly furnished 3 room apt., MS per month. Mrs. Lunn, Box Htt-B, Melrosa route. mile nor in oi maunox. FOR RENT One modern furnished apt. by week or month. One-fourth mile S of Winston on Hwy 99. J. K. WheelerApls: REHNIHH your own floor , easily done with our high speed floor sender. In expensive. Montgomery Ward 4k Co. Phoni FOR LEASE- 2.bedroom, modern house. electric range ana oil neater; near Riverside School. 75 month. 1448 8 Walnut. ROOM FOR RFNT, with bath. Gen tleman preierrea. iu no. jicssun. Ph. 1033-R. FOR HF,NT--Nrw 2 bedroom house. unfurnished at Winston, mono iiv- J .V FOR RENTES paces for trailers with no cnnaren. a,uenoower iraner -oun. I mile west on Garden Valley Road. 56 "ACHE FARM, 10 "miles out, good road. Modern House, fvu. monin. wrue Box 231. Myrtle Creek. TRUCKS FOB RENT You drive, long or short trips, oee Hive ituck renuii TM South Stephens. Phone 14:ui-J TRUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself, jnompson nignai aervice. Stephen atWashington Phone 7B5 i-BKIROOM, unfurnished apt., pice and new. 3.11 So. Jackson. FOR "RENT Trailer house auitable for . At-l.ait-A Trailer furK, norm iw. KEI'ING ROOMS for men. 930 N. FOR RENT- Small furnished apartment. 40 per month. Call 40-J-. SLEEPING ROOM for 3 men, twin heds.244 8 Pine. Cabins by" week. 3t miiesN. on 9fl.Pacific Cabins. Ph. JID3-J-2. NICE, CLEAN ROOM. 243 Booth. Ph. evenings 1.112-L. FOR RKNT 5-room house, 19 Hoy Keller. Ramp Road. NEW, UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apt. Call Todd Mlrig. Co. 302. HOUSE FOR hENT S-e owner at Log Cabin Grocery on North 09. SLEEPING HOObTaT loo Spruce St at me tool or Washington ROOM FOR RENT In "modern home. 553 Bnrger. Phone 373-R-2. CAH(;E. 2-bcdroom upstairs apt., un furnished. :il0 West 2nd Ave. N. ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen j)rivilcKirs. (WS Fowler. CT DHJVE TRUCK rental" WlnstorTTraiP er Court, Winston. Phone 9'i:i-J-2. fENTHOUSE" FOR RENT. Ph. 095"R-1 ROOM F OR R K, N TVP h on el 403 -J SirEEpTNGJto6M.1203 N.Jackson. SLEEPING ROOM. B57 W. Mosher. Farm Equipment FOR SALE - Model B, A Mia Chalmers tractor with new tires Complete with in" hydraulic lift plow. 6 tan dem oiftc. o spring loom narrow, ne tarhable 2-row cultivator, power take off and pulley, 30 belt Also new 1:2.1 Mddle. all for Slow M. B. Km men. Terrace Ave . phone 728.J. CASE SC tractor with plow, disc and harrow: used only few hours; $2000. Rt 1, box 42. A, Yoncalla. Oregon fiFARCAT Garden"" rector, or will trade for car Roseburg Furniture Ex change. 000 N. Jackson St. Pb. H03-R. Lost Found LOST Billfold In the vicinity of Ump qua Dairy and new Standard Sta tion on . Finder keep money, re turn papers. Leave at News-Review, or mail K. F. Nyholm, e.o Associated Plvwood. REWARD FOR Information concerning Capers, livestock and misc. artirtfs t since March 17. 1946. C. D. Bur- govne. Riddle. Oregon. LOST Prown "and while fox terrier. Answers to name of "Spike" Ph. l.tffj-Y Miscellaneous NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING on mr Olalla property. H. C. Bellows. Roseburg, Oregon. Fri., Sept. 2, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, IS For Sale Miscellaneous ' SPARTAN 24' 26 30 - 34 The life time trailer Has a body wa believe will last SO years or mora, no ary rot Kit 11' If 11' 13' Columbia 13' 14' 20 22 23 The West'e Fastest Sellera and Other eti nuaiit Xiao Used trailers, trade-ins accepted isanK coniracis. Contracts to 3 years on Spartans, Earl E. Smith N W Lareest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 221 a unci aoutn on w hv , d . Eugene 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete wun auacnmenis. incite mammas r practically new, been in use oniy about a months. Will accept bids. 1 Singer electric Iron. $3 00, 1 Motorola portable hatterv or electric radio, uooo conaiuon. eov.uu. Inqulr at Sod Douglas Ca fftat Bank lag. or pnone 4bo. Panel Siding Pre-Treated Rake Shake Type Home Builders Lumber Co North On Highway 99 River Loam Delivered GOOD TOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply. Paul Casey U7 W. Mosher House Trailer II PT COVERED WAGON, completely equippea, eiecinc Draaes. can oe aeen at house In the rear of General Welding Works, Hiway W. 3'i mile south of Roseburg, FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew 18 Ft. Travelo Trailer FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully equipped. Ph. mu-J-2. GAS and electric water heaters, closing out at wnoiesaie prires. itoseourg furniture sxenange, dub W. Jackson. in.MWi:i-K. i 30-40 CRAIG RIFLE, new Bishop stock. 300 rounds ammunition, cleaning rod and equipment. gtiS. Contact Man ager's pesk. Valley Hotel. TOR SALE RC A. Victor Console type radio, nica mahosany veneer finish Good buy at t-0. Ph. 876-L. or bm at Via Blakely. Used Garden Tractor TERMS. PHONE S94-J-S SEMI-TRAlLERTFruehauf, 111 ft., like new, S 14 tires, 5th wheel, air sys tem. See at So. Kane St.. halfway up mil. e. n. Loom, TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 cu 1L suitable ror restaurant 01 tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern 58 N Jackson. FOR SAXE Used wood ranges. Ice boxes, elec trio ranges, electriu wash ers. Umpqua Valley Appliance, 120 w uax st FOR SALE Clarinet, recently over hauled. 1st . class playing condition. Fine for student or professional use. Ph. 199-J-2. SPENCER CORSETIERE, Mrs, Enid Burch will be in Rosehura. Thurs. day, Sept. C For appointment write c-o 1 j mpqua rioter 2-WHEEL TRAILER, 8x0 bed. 6:30x10 tires, Chevle wheels, 45. 1321 Maple St. Ph. 022-Y-X.. S7fKixl6 e-ply tires! H) each; car radio. $15; healer $10. 1321 Maple. Ph. B22-Y-X. BROWN KIDSKIN coat sire 14. like new, reg. $200, now $75. Phona 381- RX-2. FOR SALE One small car trailer. $18. Call 3U3-R during day or 1033-Y evenings. 3000-WATT OWEN electric light olant. fully automatic, on skids. LesUtr Woods. Phone 47-J-2. CarGE stock of swing rockers, very reasonable. Hose burg Furniture Ex change, www. Jacnon. m. BU3-H. FOR SALE 1 oil circulator with 140 si. lank. 1 wood circulator. 341 s Pine. NEW and used wood heaters, ttosehurg rurniture exchange, 309 N. Jackson. rn. wm-k 10x32 NEW TENT at a bargain. Rose- burg Furniture Exchange, 509 N. Jack son. p n WK.-K. CARGE STOCK chairs, new and used. Roseburg Furniture Exchange, 509 N jar Kaon. rn. ho.i-k. FOR SALE 27 ft! Schult house trailer: or trade for good furniture. $1500. Phone 1 28-J-l t h I swee k on 1 y. FOR SATE 1 loadingtonkey. 2 drums a cylinder motor, $125. C. McCann, Box 101. Carnat Valley. Oregon. 28 FT. GLIDER trailer. 3 rooms. water heater and ahowar, $973. 550 Fowler. PLAY IN"Th"E BAND with this "King' cornet; excellent condition, reasona hie. Ph. 1H2 1 - J- L FOR SALE Locker meat, good"Angus rattle, ' or whole unit. C. J Hodgea Glide, Oregon. 2TWHITENEW ZEALAND rabbits and hutches for sale. O D Hubbard, Aus tin Road. Phone nne-H-4 TOUR STANLEY dealer, James L Rob erts, 216 Court St Phone B39-Y De livery on orders of 3.00or more. FOR SALE -8 cubic ft Serve! kerosene refrigerator, used 2 months. Phone JS70-J-4 CARGE CEDAR fenr-e posts for sate Roieburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phone 1 273-J FOR SALE a new 21 Jewel Hamilton railroad watch. 902-B. 555 Barager Phone 373-R-2. 19A7 FOHD Vfl sed"an delivery tteasona ahle. Also 20 gal butane Unk. 318 C , 2nd AveN Phone1095-L j FOR SALE B-flat Buesc her cornet, used lets than one year. In excellent coo dlllon. 1140 E 2ndSi im '47 22-ft COLUMBIA trailer houa. , gWK cash. Write Box 902, News Review 5-4 ROOM WOOD circulating heater. Accept reasonable offer. V. J. Bur ilk. Melrose Route. Bo 149 NEW SCHWINN Bicycle; cost $78 50; sell for t40. Inquire at Bill Cooper Store. Dillard. Oregon. Gary Rault OIL-CIRCULATING HEATER. 930 N. Jackson. Trained Parakeet and cage $13. Ph. J03-J.3. . ! BOY'S BICYCLE, with spare tire. In good condition. JII0. Phone JWl -RX-2. : 6UY CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES at the Bible BookCenter 1 15 W Oak fLECTHOLUX VACUUM cleaner ?or sale, rnone .if. TRAILED HOUSE for sale. $185. Ten mile Store MAN S" BICYCLE for sale. Good condi tion. Ph. 1070-L-X JTROAtsTor sale. Clark. $13 Mlcelu SI. . DINING ROOM SET with buffet, table and jrhalre. 1114 Corey Ave. CHILD S PEDAL Car In good condi tion. Ph.tH-L, FOR SALE Trailer house Make offer. l j 43 uues. miliars aamnn CPRlGHTP!ArJd, I150 Robert Alkefl, MyrUe Creek. Ph. 1251 For Sale Miscellaneous Fir Flooring End Matched Home Builders Lumber Co North On Highway 99 aPERFEX M CARRYING CASE ATTACH M ENT, G. E. Exposure meter, carry ing case. 3 flood lamps, Argus En larger and dark room equipment. slide holder. tlQO. Phone 127. . New 2-Room Cabin Nicely finished. Move to your loca tion. 3 miles south on M. oppostt) tl mpqua Ply wood. 1W7 PAN AMERICAN house trailer, electric refrigerator and hot water tank. 1050 down. Call at 913 Ham ilton rOR SALE 28 ft Cottage-type trailer house. Butane equipped, t50 cash and will trade for car, pickup or Panel; May be teen 3&0 fowler St. MONTAG WOOD heater stove, comptet with pipe and baseboard. Ph. 2S-T-3 1914 Mulhnlland rlve VIOLIN FOR Sale. Phone S13-R. Loans MONEY 110 $33 $30 $7(1 $100 200 $300 UP TO $300 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- 1 loved men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to $300 whethar you're In a new lob or an old one Borrow on your car or furniture. Tour furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not. Up to $300 on your furnituro. up to $500 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans, $10, $29. $30 loaned til! "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number ol daya you keep the money. $2$ cost ldc for one weak. No other charges. Phona for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Swr, Mgr. tU No Jarkaoa Phona 1173 Llo. a-373: M-3U ItOMburl LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture ar Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile tpatd for, or not. uuii mau quicxiy, privately for an? worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debta Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payment now available up to 20 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 306 Douglas County State Bank BIdg Phona 48$. M-337 Stale Ue. 8-284 Business Opportunities FOR SALE New pumice atone storo, size 34x50 Living quarters In back. Shelves and gondolas It la In very good location 3 miles south of Myrtia Creek on Hiway 99 See owner Frank Grensky next to Melody Mountain Barn. Prone10fl Myrtle Creelc. FOR SALE Karmelkorn equipment an franchise for Roseburg. This Include teaching of business. Very good pav ing business, only $1,000. Orval Cool- . 230 N. Jackson. SMALL WHOLESALE BUSINESS. 'Call 314-R, or Inquire at 203 8. Flint St. f$"UNltOTEl0"wner. phona 142i Wanted Wanted BEEF, VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone 922-R-3. or 499-R-S or write Route 1, Roseburg Will Pay Cash WE Btry used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jacksoa Phona 1303-J. The Bargain House WILL BUY GENERAL mercantile of hardware-variety store In rural com munity, or city suburbs. Cash: Write C. L. Lock wood. 2411 West 100th Sf , Seattle, Wash. WANTED TO BUY -Two-bedroom house, close In, preferably furnished; or will rent with option to buy. $1000 down payment. P. O Box 005. tOCAL BUSINESS man wishes to rent 2-berirootn house, family of 4, in Roseburg. Non-drinkers. Phono 9TS-R days. WANTEDMlddle-aged lady companion to snare mooern apt , in re 1 urn mr board and room. Write box 001, News-Review: OuiET COUPLE. " 2 children, desire 2 bedroom. furnished or unfurnished house to rent by Sept. L Excellent references. Ph. 423-R-4. WANTED Small, furnished apartment for teacher and wife. No children, drinkers, or pets. Call room 537, Hotel Umpqua. WAN TED S h cc p manure or other good fertiliser, 4uote price delivered. W. J. Hehard, Sutherlln, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY Small concrete mixer. George Trumoo, Oak land Ph 2-F-2; yVANTEDfurnltiire. wing rns chine and tools Anything of value. Private party Phone 853-R-3. WANTED FAT HOGS and'useJ tamU iu re Call 000-V-4 mornings and eve nlngr fALL Al'a for a fair bid on""your"'fn nit ure Al's furniture Center. $14 Win chesterSt Phona1327-R. ANTED TOBUY AM kinds of fuml lure Let us bid on your house of fur niture Call BOJ-R at 509 N Jackson St WANTED TO BUY-Hidas. Boeebur Meat Co. phone 280 WANTED ?ook stove. Phona 1269-'.'. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, email round core mill ends, planing ends, oak and laurel. Special prlco on plan er ends for short time See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St. Rt. 1, Boa 43 Prompt delivery Claudo Wllley. Phona 13 J-3 or 143-J -3. FOR 8AI -Slabwood, sawdust, plans ends. Phono 307. Johnson Fuel Ca