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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1949)
14 The News-Review, Rooajburs, Ore. Frl., Sept. 2, 1949 Communism Losing Its Influence In Western European Countries By DEWITT MACKENZIE (AP Foreign Attain Analyst) President Truman says the nlsta and the democratic nationi and he li hopeful it will end soon, That'i an exceedingly encouraging statement, since we are entitled to believe that It ! based on official American reports from the cold war theater. The president of course wasn't talking about the current reporti of Soviet troop movement! n?ar the frontiers of Yugoslavia which, under Marshal Titos leadership, is politically rebel lious aeainst Moscow. Yugoslavia, While not subscribing to Russia's brand of International commu nism, isn't a democratic nation. No, Mr. Truman was speaking of relations between the soviet union and the western demo crats. So far as the Kremlin-Tito row is concerned, It thus far has been only indirectly a part of the cold war in Europe. It has been a bolshevist family quarrel, though the Marshal's recent overtures to Washington, for loans and the privilege of pur chasing badly needed machinery, might ultimately make Yugo slavia an Important Item In the cold war to the advantage of the western allies. However, the European cold war certainly has lost much of its steam in recent weeks. Why? Well, there are several reasons Communism Losing Punch. For one thing the Communist offensive for the spread of com munism westward across the continent long has been definite ly halted along the line which It now holds through central Europe. The nations west of that Jlne no longer are graveiy inreai ened with communism , much loss witn being absorbed as sat ellitcs. Actually, communism has been losing power In countries like Italy and France where It long exercised vast Influence. And with the halting of the Red offencive, the nations of western Europe have made con siderable strides toward re covery with the assistance of the Marshal plan. Their progress in some cases has been disappoint ing, but still western Europe as a whole has gained strength and courage. Moreover the Atlantic pact has been created by the western democracies as unified defense against aggression upon any one of them. At the same time the democracies of Europe are in process of creating a United States of Europe which has been the dream of idealists for gene rations. Satellites Defiant. All these things have provided a powerful deterrent to Mos cow's ambitions, but an even greater factor has been trie fact that unrest and even disaffection have been showing themsplves among the red satellites. There Is the open defiance of Yugo slavia, the actual revolutionary plot In Czechoslovakia, and the troubles In Hungary. In short, Moscow has troubles enough of her own to keep her busy without devoting much energy to waging a world war against the democracies. It looks from here as though she has changed her policy in order to consolidate her own shaky posi tion in her new satellite empire. China Wanted Next. There is one other Important ffc THIS BIAUTIFUL ALEXANDER SMITH BROAD LOOM I Smirt ntw twist wcjvr in the ftmous Alexander Smith all wool pile. H H P. (Bnic Home Furnishings ) thidrs to ro with even room. Bf the yird for wall-to-wall carpeting or is room-size rugs. 11.50 sq. yd. - IT'S ON JACKSON IWIIiWIW,WltP"WB""''' - V;- :-'3e V isl.ssl 'i ' AlFXAMDEI war of nervei between the comma la very decidedly slackening off Item which w shouldn't over look. Moscow Is gonig all out to communize the Far East. A major operation in this program is the great drive ol the cninese communist armies whlrh have been rolling southward until the nationalist capital ol Canton on the South coast is threatened with capture. Former Foreign Secretary Molotov, the old-time revolutionary Bolshevist who is one of Stlin s cruel lieutenants, is said to have been assigned the task of directing this Asiatic drive. It may well be that preoccupa tion with this major operation may also have Influenced Mos cow to ease up on its cold war in Europe. After all, pursuit of the cold war couldn't help the Soviet r.iuch now and it might do a lot of damage. LOCAL NEWS Pa ran to Club to Meat The Parents club of St. Joseph's school will meet at the school house Tuesday night at 8 o'clock instead ol Monday, on account of the Labor Day holiday. Obtain Marriago Lictnsa A marriage license has been is sued at Vancouver, Wash., to Delbert Byers, 23, and Shirley Neal, 16, both oi KoseDurg. Moving to Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent and baby son, Jerry, are leaving soon for Cor vallis to make their home, while Mr. Kent attends Oregon Slate college, where he has enrolled in the school of engineering. on Is Born A son, Ronald James, was born August 24, at Booher Maternity home near Drain to Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hucklns of Drain. The baby weighed six pounds fourteen ounces. Irth Announetd Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rose of Elkton have announced the birth of a son, Terry Douglas, August 29, weigh ing eight pounds five ounces, at the Booher Maternity home near Drain. This is the Roses' second son. Son Is Born A son, Roy Fran cis, weighing eight pounds nine and one-half ounces, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langdon of Oakland, August 24, at the Boo her Maternity home near Drain Mrs. Donald Hardy and sons, Ntw York Visitor Leaves Miss Rose Borrelli of Brooklyn, N. Y., has left for Portland to spend a few days prior to leaving lor wtw rorn, lonowing a week in Rnsehurg visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Pennell, 63; Av enue A. Arriving For Visit Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Every and son. King, of San Marino, Calif., are expected to arrive In Roseburg this weekend to visit Mrs. Ev ery'! uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornwell, and with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Corn well, in Laurelwood. Ltava for Grants Pass Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pearson and daughter, Mary Lynne, of Rose burg left Thursday night for Granta Pass to spend the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ingham. Mr. Pearson will play In the golf tournament at Medford over the weekend. Will Join Family Htra Attor ney William W. Knight, assistant business manager of the Oregon Journal, Portland. Is expected to arrive here tonight to join his wife and children, Philip, Jeanne and Joanne, and to spend the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight. He plans to take his family bark to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Knight and children have been here two weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield. Mr. Hatfield, who is employed by the Southern Pacific company in Klamath Falls, is spending sev eral days here at his home. Don't Let This Happen to You... For tha best tire value In town, see these guaranteed re-cops: 6:16 $6.95 $7.95 6:50-16 6:50-16 6-ply $8.95 Also Mud-Grips Chef's Shell Service Sutherlin Phone 982 Batch Of Money Actions Filed In Circuit Court N. W. Staley, doing business as Staley Transport Co., has filed suit in circuit court against Nor ma Madden, also known as Nonna B. Madden, doing business as N & M Logging Co., Riddle, and H. J. Harrison, a partner, and H. J. Harrison and Glen G. Brittain. do. lng business as Harrison and brittain. Judgment for $1,481.66 is asked by the plaintiff, who alleges he hauled 218.260 board feet of logs for the defendants between June 6 and July 15, 1949, for which pay ment has not been made. R. F and Edith Pearl Mont--ornery and Ralph E. and Eliza beth Jean Montgomery demand judgment for $6,739.61 from R. C. Pierce as a balance alleged due on a contract for sale of limber, dated Feb. 1, 1948, by the plain tiff to the defendant. The con tract was later amended assign ing It over to Jim Mann Bevans. The timber was located in the west one-half of the northwest quarter, section 16, and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter of section 9, township 24, south, range 4, west of Willamette meridian, and the William A. Al len donation land claim 47. The original sales price was listed as $12,000. General Credit Service. Inc.. asks judgment for $396 acalnst John D. Kenney on an assigned account on a promissory note. Leroy Currv asks iudement for $291.75 against Otis Hatcher for labor allegedly performed. juagment lor SMU allegedly due for room and board is asked bv Hulda McDonald acainst Tommv G. Hollamon. I As a counter claim. Raymond O. Hough, defendant in a suit brought by Betty Fortune, as the result of a car accident July 18, 1947, asks Judgment for $421.85. Visitors Leave Today Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hardy and sons. Dick and Donald, left today for their home in Watsonville, Calif., following a visit here since Au gust 22 with Mr. Hardy's mother. Mrs, K. C. Young, and with Ms-brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr. na Mrs. John A. Pat ton. and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Al- Ired Morris, and family. Back From Vacation Mr. nnrl Mrs. A. E. Millard and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Boiler have returned to their homes in Roscburp. fol- lowing a month's vacation trip to Miles City. Mont., to visit rel. atives. They went by way of Yel lowstone National park and tour ed Glacier National park on their way nome. Spend Two Oava Hera Mr. and Mrs. George Lancenberg ol Porterville, Calif., spent Wednes day and Thursday in Roseburg n. Imuran oi mis. uucy Jennings mm aiso visaed Mr. Uingnn berg's brother, Fayette Langen berg, and family. Mr. Langen berg made his home In Rose burg 16 years and for the last 52 yeara has resided in Porterville. The Callfornians have been spending the greater part of their vacation In Eugene visiting rel atives. Mr. Taylor Improving H. A. Taylor, who was recently strick en with a severe heart attack and taken to the Roseburg Vet erans hospital for treatment, Is reported lo be improved In health, but la still unable to re- celve visitors. A son, Arthur Tav- lor. wno came from Valleln . Lallf., to be with him. has re turned to his home. Another son. Harold Taylor, and his wife from Portland are staying with Mrs. Taylor at her home on West Mo sher streel. Births at Mercy Hospital HUBBARD To Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hubbard, route 2, Roseburg, Aug. 30, a son, William Harold; weight nine pounds twelve ounces. HUBRS To Mr. and Mrs Ce. ell S. Huhbs. Riddle. Auc. 31. a son, Mark Charles; weight eight pounds six and one-half ounces. PAYNE To Mr. and Mrs. James O. Pavne. Sutherlin. Am 26, a son. Dennis Gordon: weight seven pounns tnree ounces. SKF.HAVF.R-To Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Seohaver, Sutherlin, Aug. 29. a dauehter. Jo Ann: weight seven pounds nine ounces. CLUTK-To Mr. and Mrs. Kd- gar Allen flute, 303 Roberts street, Rnsehurg, Aug. 30, a daughter. Margaret Louise; weight eight pounds two ounces. BI.IVK-To Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Bliven. Tenmile. Aug. 31, a son, Larry Dean; weight eight pounds fifteen ounces. Maying's Gyrafoam Washing Action Does All Your Work for You Genuine Maytog construction means years of superior service. -Bergh's ' polianco Service 1200 S. Stephana l W L Ev-.rN v V yA A :. i DOC CONTROL OFFICER ii th Nasi, lair, and Kenneth F. Calhoun, following their appointment to tha positions this week. It burg man to impound all dogs found unlicensed or running at large within tha city limits. Tha city's panel delivery truck will be furnished them tor their work. Dogs picked up by tha control officers will ba held for five days, after which tima they will ba sold or disposed of by other ara located near tha sawaga street. (Staff photo.) ''i.i.switjiB.jjiiiiiiiweir liiwiiuii.i ). i iiii.i.ii ij i pviiyj) m ii n : . . Ilk , , - . Mir - umo urn-, ,rt9 ... ' ai si OIL FROM BENEATH 5 E A An oil Installation In the Gulf of Mrxlro, off Grand Isle. Ls was pictured durinr a Navy lour of inspection to ortinlie a system of weather reports for proteclion of lives and equipment of the drillers. PARAZOO To Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Parazoo. Oakland, Aug. 31, a son, Michael Dewey; weight six pounds six and one-half ounces. HICKHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Hirkham, Lonkingglass route, Roseburg, Aug. 28, a daughter, Marcia Marie; weight eigm pounus. SHIELDS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Shields. 1R08' Ellcai street, Aug. 29, a daughter. Judy Anne; weight eight pounds ten ounces. FT.!GATE-To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Fucalp, Oakland, Aue. 28, a daughter, Susan Jane; weight seven pounds ten ounces. LAMM To Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lamm, Camas Valley, Aug. 29, a son, Bruce C; weight seven pounds eight ounces. HATHAWAY To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Hathaway, Oakland, Auc. 31. a son. Michael Lynn; wpigM right pounds five ounces. MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND. Aug. 30. .P Butterfat -(Tenative, subject to immediate channel: Iemlum quality maximum to .35 to 1 porlolher grades according to weight cent acidity delivered In fortiann, 6366c lb.: first quality, 61-64c; second quality, 57-tiOc. Valley routes and country points 2c less than lust. Butter Wholesale f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Crade AA. H2 score. 62c lb : A. 92 score, 61c i canners-cutter. 20-22c. lb : B, !K1 score 59c lb ; C. 89 score, I Onlono 50 lb. Calif, yellow 56c lb. Above prices are strictly ; Barosas. med.-lg., J2.00-25; Wash, nominal. Kalla Walla com'l. med.. $1.75- Cheeae (Selling price to Port-' 2.00. Ig. $2.00-50: Yakima Spanish land wholesalers!: Oregon sin- '3. $2.50-3.00; boilers, 10 lbs., 30 elos. 39-40c: Oreuon 5-lb. loaf. ! 35c. 42 43c. Eggo (To wholesalers): A grade larce. tv(ib4ic: A eraoe. medium. 5.iic-5Sir; small, 32Jc; B grad. large. 541561c. LIVE CHICKENS (No. 1 qual ity fob. plants': Frvers. 2 14 3 lbs. 3S30 cents: 34 lbs, 31 Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights WKn diiaorrlr of kMrvrr frntftlAn prmlti riwnoui mattr to rrmin in your htVnd. may nut ruurvrinaT hksrh. rbrumti Pinsv, iff iink. insst of prp ni nnnr. frt tint up nittht. twvllinc. pu(tto urtdr th b"ovinch"j ami diBtirMMktt, rrovistit or rsinty pAtuMairr ith amautinc nd ournitMt tamtim -Kowsj therv w tmoMtJiiaaT wronc With rur kiiinr- or biaoitWr. tm't wait ! Ask wir d.urtrttt for IVan'a Pillm. a fltimulant dt ami, ud mtowftiU by mtllMini (or orrr (0 Trt, Ioan' HanoT r-HtW and will IWrp tht It mile) of kttrin tuhsM r1uh (Mil lstOMIffUtt(n0l four aoo4. G Dou FUk. title b.itow.d upon Elbert W. will ba tha 10b of thata two Rosa means. Tha city s new dog kennels disposal piant at tha end of Rows J"uasraaaapl.Ii rtA bmhi . - a i cents: Roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 31 cents: Fowl, Leghorns, under 4 lbs. 18-19 cents; over 4 lbs. 20 cents: colored fowl, all weights, 21 22 cents. Rabbits (Average to grow ers) Live white, 4-5 Ins., 18-20c; 5-6 lbs., 16-18c; colored, 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 814c lb.; fresh fryers, 53 57c lb. FRF.SH DRESSED MEATS (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.l: BEEF: Steera, good. SOO-800 lh. $I3$45. Cows: Utility, $25- 27. Cows Commercial. JV)0-34: utility, $26 27; canners cutters, $22-24. BEEF CUTS (Good steers): Hind quarters. $35-$57; full loins, trimmed, $73-77. Voal And Calf Good. $38-40; commercial. $32.35: utility. $26- ,520. Lambs Good-choice spring lambs, $41-43; commercial, $35 38; utility. $32-33. MUTTON: Good, 70 lbs. down, $1518. PORK CUTS: Loins. No. 1, 812 lbs.. $rt0$3; Shoulders, 16 lbs. down. $40-$43; Carcasses. $35-$36. Wool Coarse, valley and I medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair Nominally 25c lb. on 12-month growth. COUNTRY-KILLED MEATS Veal Top quality, 32-33c lb.; nn quality wim poor oi neavier, 20-25c. Hogo Light blockers, 32-37c lb.; sows, 23-25c. Lambs Top quality, 36-37c lb-! mutton, 8-lOc. Beef Good cows, 23-26c lb.; Potatoes Ore. Boardman n'st. nite rose ISO. Is, 52.72.90; i !" 2, 890c; 50 lb. wash netted Rrms. No. Is, $2.75-3.00; No. 2s. basis; odd common-medium grass S.v95c: lonp whites No. Is, 100 steers 20.00; most cutter-common i- i i 2 65; No 50 lbs'' !,,wr 13.00-18.00; canner-cutter 951.00. dairy tvpe heifers 11.50-12.50: t. Hy New croP 'nnrow bales, common-medium 13.50-17.00; odd U. S. No 1 green alfalfa or bet- high medium lfi.00-50; canner ter, truck lots f.o.b. Portland. $33- cutter cows largely 10.00-11.00: 34: L. S. No. 1 mixed timothy, few 11.25-50: common-medium 54: new crop oats and -etch ihsvf mut i7iYlijv.. .tt f. (mixed hay, uncertified clover hay, nn.n nil K- J "7 rlnruninr. quality, baled, on Willamette val- I ley farms. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Sept. l.i.vt (I'SDAi CATTLE: Market slow. AN AMAZING OFFER The mokorj of Dr. Parker's Com Romovor will give you double your money bock if it foils to remove your corn or collous Only 35c ot Chop man's Drug Store. Livestock SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesday, Sept. 7 AT SCHRICKER'S AUCTION milM north of Hotebur: 4 mild south o Sutherlin, tUrUng at 11 m. o'clock. Farm equipment coniUtlnf of 1 rub ber tire a Ferguson tractor, 1949; 1 rarmall A tractor with plow and buck rake; 1 John Dcera Llndcrman tractor: 3 tandem disc; 2 heavy duty cover crop disci: 1 3.MCtlon harrow: 1 9 foot mower: 1 hydraulic dump-bed trailer for Ferguaon type tractor: 1 3-bottom disc plow; 1 m-ton 1941 Chevrolet stake truck: walking plow; cultivator: spring tooth harrow, hay rake: 1 M E STt H P. rotntlllcr: 1 Gustafien power duster: 1 Ttlmaater power rototiller for power take off on tractor. 100 Head 100 Head High grade while face rattle consist ing of: 20 cows and 30 calvs; 30 long yearling white face steera and heifers; on large bull; other cattle. Horses and Saddles This machinery will be here at Schrirk er auction for your Inspection by the first of the week. The cattle are also here now. Anyone wanting good breeding stock will find It at this sale. Here also Is a chance to get good farm tractors and farm ma- enmery. No sele on Labor Day. but any stock brought In will be held for Wednes day sale or if you have any live stock (or sale, bring it In Wednes day. We will have the buyers. No furniture Sale! Remember Sale Starts At 1 1 A. M. Schricker & Sons, Auctioneers E TXLKAMP -Wlngma n Bring Your Llvestoclc WHERE they bring la the most money Sele every Friday. Livestock 13 o'clock, furniture 7 p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 101 WANTED Tat lambs, yearlings and canner ewes. Write or call, James E. Lewis, Myrtle Creek. Oregon, ph 84: Darrlll W. Ray, Rt. 3. Box 398-B. Roiteburg, Oregon. Ph. 69.1-R-l. WANTED TO BUY rat and feeder lambs. Also young breeding ewes Inquire Lyle Marsters or John Rohr Happy Valley Ranch. Phone 17-r-a or 17-F-IS. ONE 3 YEAR old registered Jersey bull breeder, fine record. Schutzwohl strain. Contact John Jeslnghaus. Rt. 1. Box 03. Messlnger Road, Murphy, j Oregon. rOR SALE 1 yearling heifer. SflO: 1 : o-m onina-oia ouii, sutu. Mrs. Alary Adams. C. V. Rt,, near Evergreen i vjransjr. TEAM TOR SALE 1 span bay gelding. isuu ids., unaer in years Old, true, gentle. For sale cheap. I. F. Lane. A lea, Oregon. rOR SALE Dairy cows, coming fresh: ueuavai mincing machine, 2 units complete. Priced to sell. See at Les ter Bell Dairy, Dtxonville. FARMERS Will buy hogs and feeders on Thursdays. 0 .10 to 4 .10 at stock yards In Roseburg. Bring them In W. W. Green. WANTED TO BUY Young ewes and am as. nave orner ior car load. See or Phone C. W. Hagan, Mel roue, 6-F-31. YOUNG MILK COW and calf: 20 lay- in nens, fryers, w. 5. junn, Mel roue Rt.. Box 273-A. WANTED rAT AND FEEDER lambs and yearlings. W A, B lacker t. Myrtle -rreK, rnnne ana. rOR SALE -Registered yearling Suf folk ram. L. L. Patterson. Ph. 14-F-25. 15 AGED EWES, 4 each Bred to Con rledale buck. Louis Brady. Ara lea. FOR SALE Weaning pigs. Fred Neal Myrtle Creek. WANTED All klndi ol liveatoek. R M cox. MW-J-4, Poultry Baby Chicks Hampa. Redi. CroMaa. Evarr week In tha year. Beat of braedlns- PuUoruaa Hatching Eggs Wanted Vaar around market Cllr aaent. Oouilai Co. riour MIU Carr's Hatchery Looklnsilaaa Rt Phona l-T-3 Fryers 3V lb. First House On Curry Road Clar-Mar Poultry Farm Phona t.fM-J-4 NEW HAMPSHIRE Braadlns rnoitrra. Mra. Alton Rica. Dillard. Ph. 22- FOR BALE Colored fryera. aoc a pound Rt 1. Box 170. Maurice Weber. Call FOR SALE M M miil,,: 10 week.. PHca 73c to SI. 00 each. r-none ..-r-3. tor SALE rat colored hen.. 13c John Sinclair. Ph. S1-F-5. lb. Rabbits WHEN YOUR RABBITS GET DOWN TO FOUR THAT'S THE TIME TO FREEZE SOME MORI. U. V. R. B. A. LEGAL NOTICI NOTICE TO rRFHITORS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that lettere or Admmutratrlx In tha E.tate of Chea ter Alvln Miller, deceased, were Is.ued t.t me br Order ot the ountv Clerk of Dousla. County on the 5th div Aiiriat. IM0. All claim, acain.t aaid etaie muit ba preeented the Wm E Wal.hi Law Office. 2ni American Bulldlnf. Cnoa Bay, Oreeon. within six montha from data hereof, Auguat 12. 1040. LELA ETHEL MILLER AdmlnUtratrta mostly steady to weak on all clasess; some trading on cleanuo usaee hulls 12.50.17 Oft ? i annA . . .. . . " era scarce, ouoted 20.00-23.00: odd common-medium grade 12.00- 18 00: few heavv calves unsold. HOGS: Active, steadv; good choice 180-230 lbs. mostly 24.25: fat tvpe downward to 23.25 : 2tvV 290 lbs. 1.W165 lbs. 21.50-22.25: good 325-500 lb. sows 16.50-18.00; good-choice feeder pies quotable 22.00-23.V). SALABLE SHEEP: Market slow, steady to weak: eood-choice spring lambs 19.50-20.00: no hieh good-choice lots available: me dium grades 17.00: common 16.00 down: good ewes 5 50-6.00; common-medium 3.00-5.00. Shop ond Save With Classified Ads Autos Dependable Used Car Buys 1S4T DODGE SEDAN ljwk. nri runs Ilka a BBW car 1179.100 laaa Pl.VMntTTH REDAN Met and rltan. 1205 Oil 1S4S STl'DE CONV. CPE, Hr'a a niflv hack with vary lew imlaa. S19S.0U Cheapies 1034 CHEVROLET Sarfaa SIM 13T CHRYSLEa Sadaa 121 Trucks IMS I'i TON DODGE Very good condition. 1S3S FORD l'i TON Ti re., motor and OK. 1S4S 'i TON DODGE PKVP. 0:90 uraa, -peed uana. "Si" Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephens Street Better Buys at Barcus t75 1043 Chevrolet S pass, coupe, new motor, RAH .m.HKS 1040 Chev. coupe with pickup box 80S 1040 rord Va convertible, new Mercury motor, new Urea, ex cellent 705 1040 rord V- coupe .. 550 1030 Buick sedan, exceptional con dition 345 1030 Chev. Coupa 4M 103T V-8 rord, new motor $345 1947 International pickup with spe cial factory built van body 1105 Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 09 N. at Garden Valley Road NOW THAT THE HORSE RACES ARE OVER A FREE TICKET TO SEE OUR USED CARS WE TRADE BET YOUR MONEY ON THESE GIRLS ASK TO SEE H?ln 1M7 4-door Mdm, a good buv. Mary 1948 4-door sedan, food ai new. Jne? 1B46 4-door wdan. a dandy. Evelyn 1041 5-pais. coup, a real value. Margt) lfl.W Mdin, a teal. Betty 1940 2-door aedan, lota ol good aervlce left. Florence 19 4-door aedan. S120 down Toney 194A aedan. hai a truck load of arcetsoriea In H and on It. All It lacks Is a new car guarantee. Blnndy 1941 Convertible, pufth button top. red leather upholstery radio. heater, etc. See them at ROSE MOTOR USED CAR LOT ROSE & LANE ST. Bear This In Mind! Whan Ifa a fiad Car vou'r buylnf. KNOW your daalar Our word and andnrmnt ara your a.mranca of ronttnuad aat. Ufactlon and plaasura In your car. Our aalaftlon if wld our prlcaa ara fair. Saa thaM to day: .... LABOR DAY SPECIAL 104T Dodae 4-Door SI0B5 Radio and llaalar "o OTHER GOOD BUYS 1940 Chav. Club Couoa R g, H 1048 -ord 4-door R Z 5 IMS rord Club Couoa R a, u 1047 Mercury Club Coupa R it H 1047 Cb.v riaatllna R S H 1K40 Dodia Sadan ZZTT SIS 1940 rord '.-ton pickup Corlrum Motors, Inc. Your DaSoto PLYMOUTH Headouarter . Stephen Ph: MH.J we i be here Trfmorrew to Back up Whit We Say and Of) Today:" Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Raaoaabl priced, o M AC fternt. Cberroiet Buick PoaUae Cadillac traded na. TWO WHEEL TRAILER, good tirw, built on rear axle tl PU-mouth Brakes and shocks. New ball hitch bo ,V, ft x It. Trails beautifully. Guy Harbaufh. 3 mi west Looking glass on RMon Rnad. fOR SALEModel vheols. sealed beam lights. gord brakes. Dale Sail, 'i mile weat o store on Caiktns Road MORE MONEY for your car the spot Cork rum Motors. Soto. Plymouth. Pbon a Casb e liX La L U4 N Rom St For sal! 5r fRADE -ml Dndge sedan, new mutnr and front and. CAod pondiMon r?nn ?Q Flint. rOR SALE 1M CHRYSLER aedan. Ca"fi 1JM. Autos Used Cars Low Prices Easy Terms Dwn 1940 WHIvi Jarmtar .110S M 000 00 Almoal now 1MT Willy. Jaap Civilian 4-wh. dr. 000 000 00 Good for tho wooda 1041 Ford Coupa . t8 00 ST1O0 Good clean car 1041 Hudion Supar S rpa TSS.OS SSS d Now air rida Uraa 1040 Pontlac aadan 009 00 000 as 1040 Hudaon S Sadan 02S 00 218 90 1030 Plrmauth Coup 421 00 130 00 1030 Chav. Sadan 308.00 13S 00 1030 Naah Amb. Sadan 04J.W 229 90 1030 Eord V4 Sad. 179 00 T9 00 Mora Car For Your $ Roseburg Hudson Co. 702 a. Stephana PK. 1STS Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . 01399 00 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1043 00 1940 FORD COUPE 1043 00 1942 CHEV. TUDOR SEDAN . 093 00 1942 PLYMOUTH FORDOn Sdl) 1943 DODGE FORDOR Sdn. ... 1941 PLYMOUTH FORDOR Sdn 1941 NASH FORDOR Sdn 1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR Sdn 1940 FORD TUDOR 8dn. 19.19 CHEV. TUDOR Sdn. 043 00 079 00 70S 00 003 00 443. m 443. on 005 no 1037 PLYMoutb TUDOR Sdn. 149.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1040 CHEVROLET PANEL . . 1490.00 1047 INTERNATIONAL 1 TON PICKUP 100900 1044 CMC. 1',-TON CHASSIS AND CAB 703 00 1940 FORD m-TON FLATBED 493 00 1940 FORD H-TON PICKUP 099 no 1041 FORD ",-TON PICKUP 493 00 1941 FORD DUMP TRUCK 093 00 1037 FORD DUMP TRUCK 373.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms A Good Selection of Used Cars Iord m'om 1 door R t H -0179S 2il !" '.'"'attar. door . 140.1 1940 Wlllya Jaapitar 179s S'So'o 4-door. K At H ans 1941 Dodia 4 door 7aa 1941 Chav. 1 door aja. 1940 Hudwin 40 19.17 Chavrolat .... j?j 1030 Marcury Convartlbla with Coi lumbla axla 40s I0.T7 Studcbakar coupa 230 - power wagon, wtnen ana power laK.OII 1947 WHIvi plckuo 1940 Ford Pickup 104.1 Jaap 1040 Jaap lonf wnaal baea"" . 1090 . 1099 . 1291 330 70S Riverside Motors N Hlfhwar 00 Phona 430-R w""- THEY LAST-Brand naw 1040 Hydra-Cllda Harler Davldion motor, cyclaa at a dlecount On.-thlrd dowri. 10 month, to pay. Joe'. Harlav David aon. J mile. So.. Huh way 00, Rom burr. Ora. Ph. 47-R-9 rQUlTY FOR SALE - In 1040 Dodae Road.ter Call U0-J-X-1 between 0 and 0 evanlnai. f"HAVE A -30 Pontlac for aala. In ex. cellent runnlnff condluon. Naw too. IQod il.m. Jun tlOQ. 0.19 Hamilton. 1040 CHRYSLER 4-door Windsor. R tTff. 1 owner, car Ilka new. aaa to appro- cjfla ailihaniam St """ 1014 CHEV MASTER. A-l mar hanlclfT. fair rubber. 130 Inquire 401 Rowa St.. or ph. 1.T39-R FOR SALE '47 Cushman motor acooter. food .hapa. Saa at Rt 1. Box 00-B. Sutherlin. FOR SALE--40 H S A. Modal .14. naw win .peed cam., naw paint term. Ph .HH..R-1. ' NASH AMBASSADOR 0 paw ape! iiean. in (ond condition. RAH. Saa at 330 w. uaa. or caU 771-L. Trucks ARMY TRI-CKS or parte for any make truck. Phona or mnTe. tt th tart, you need ara not In our tork we (w,ll ba ,lad u Rick thJrSt S A. B. Scarlett 470 w. Sth St. Eufene GM9 TJaokar Phona 4-4230 FOR SALE 7-0 yard Hl.l dump bad and hoi.t. A-l condition. Saa at Unit "" autharbn, or call -"-F-yRoebure. rJ!'?lf-Yo' need 0 wheelar 40 "C Arrnr truck for hauling up to 04 for 07907 urn l. . How.rtC !-G?t.lmlla off Melroaa Road. 11040 INTERNATlONAXTackw-!: 1040 International picktrp; l-labatsi J2t Ave W-