The Nwi-Rtviw, Rotaburg, Or. Thuf., Sept. 1, 149 CanVOnville MHI Buys A. & K. Co. Ex-President Hoovtr Opposes CVA Project PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 1. P) A friend of Herbert Hoover aid Wednesday that the former president did not support the idea of a Columbia Valley administra tion in his report on government reorganization. F. R. Schanck, Portland engi neer, wrote to Hoover after hear ing numerous reports that the Hoover reorganization plan fa vored valley authorities. The ex-president replied: "I think if you will get the re port of the reorganization com mission, you will find that we did ThI fllANT TREE. FROfi? Or Jamaica live and breed hcm UP IN TWl TROPICAL TRi. TADP0U4 W!M IN WATEff that is in nit CumoLEAVta. If you intend to live in Rose burg , . . build you home with cement from the PRE MIX CONCRETE CO. With concrete your new home con be ony orchitecturol style, color or size you want . . . cottage or mansion . .. . odopted to your fomily's re quirements. Coll us for in formation, today! , ) miJ Th A. and K. Lumbar com pany of Myrtla Cra.k wss rt esntly purchassd by th Alcan Lumbar company of Canyon villa. Gaorgo Bragman will ba In charga of tha Myrtla Craak plant. An addition is baing built on tha mill pond at Canyon villa. H. M. "Chic" Anderson. Can vonville city recorder, this week resigned to accept a position as bookkeeper for tne jrojan wooa products company at rtraaie. Mayor Albert Mault has ap pointed H. J. Hash lo complete the one-year term which expires in November. Legion Holds Plcnie The American Legion and Aux iliary, Fallln Post 123, of Canyon ville held their picnic Sunday at the Umpqua park, one mile south of Tii-Cily. The legionnaires oe ean working on the ground for their new building, which will be erected In Trl-City. . The school board of the Can vonville school met In a special ! meeting Tuesday evening and ac icepted the new classrooms just I completed. Attending the meet ing were: Llalre riamnn, arcni- i tect, Eugene;. John Todd and I Gordon Todd, contractors, Rose- burg; Orval Hall, foreman lor Todd Building company; Paul Strahan and John Bingham Jr.. directors on the local board; Roy Simmons, janitor; and Mrs. Mai lon Lamm, clerk. not recommend valley authorities in the sense of the TV A. We. recommended for each basin a co ordinating committee to be repre sentative of the various depart ments Involved and with repre sentatives of the governors of the states who were concerned in the matter, the sole purpose being a coordinating committee not an administrative committee with the coordination of power." 1 I r7 ) V .. STAMP? J 15 COME YEARS STAMP I STArARS MAKIN 1 WHUT OFF THIS COLLECTORS I HINA MAD" . . ( ABOUT V LETTER, HAVE BEEM ITS CUZ THEY TH' FROM I RAIPIN' TH' DIDM'T BOTHER S ( STAMP ) V PERU I I PILE AND ) TO PESTER J ? A V HE'S JUST VHINA FOR 'EM.' fajt S-.-I 1 V NOTICED IT- K-v , ':fV: T HERE'S TH' J f&?& ! K blow-up : l ll1 THE RUMA6E PB OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams School Physical ExamS according to an announcement men and a labeled bottle, and ' from the county health office. should be accompanied by a par- Scheduled At Riddle First graders will be examined jent or guardian. at 9 a.m. and ninth traders at ? I Billboard-Toting Jap Certain Of New Spouse TOKYO, Sept. 1 .T) Yasuo Kobayashl, 27, got the only Job he could find walking around town carrying a billboard. That upset his wife, Katsuko, 28. This was no Job for the son of a former Japanese army lieu tenant general, she said and left him. advertisement of his own! "Bright and cheerful wife wanted. Would-be groom 27 yean old." Eight candidates applied. Trudging his rounds, Yasuo said If Katsuko did not return by the end of October he would mar- Yasuo added to his sign this ry one of the eight. Heir PLUMBING Ample supply of moterials and equipment enables us to handle complete jobs to advantage. LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Everything For The Builder Phono 121 Floed A Mill Sts. i r L'i n pi n i n a n n i School physical examinations will from the county health office. hirst graders will De examined 'at 9 a.m. and ninth graders at 1 p.m. This will be a complete he held at Riddle for first and i examination, including urinalysis. ninth graders luesday, bept. b,iLach child should bring a aped' In stewing prunes or raisins duu lew nines "i itriiiuit ui ui-p anpe for ninuant flavor. I PLANNING TO BUILD? SEE OUR LUMBER SPECIALS ALL grades We guorontee to save you dollars not just pennies. 2x4 and wider all separated to width. See our No. 4 before you buy No. 3. WHITE'S LUMBER 5 Miles South on Highway 99 11 you suffer from B -VITAMIN DEFICIENCY symptoms like DIM XsLvfMallf XsHmO A great new formula combining B-VITAMINS with IRON promises new help for you! ' S C m Loll of peopls who are apparently in good health who have no diseases, no infections in their body still cannot seem to too the mark, cannot pull themselvei out of a nerv ous, overfatigued "oiit-on-vour-feet" slump. Such a condition may bo the simple fact that you do not get enough B-vitamins and Iron in your food. Of course, your condition may bo duo to some other cause, so it is wise to consult your doctor. But if mild Yilamin B and Iron defi ciencies are the origin of your miseries, then Bfxfl Special Formula may do wonders for you! OLDER PEOPLE often eat a diet which is deficient in B-viUnnns and Iron. To them, Bfxfl Spfcul Formula just one capsule t day may he a special blessing. Bnel is easy to take and costs only si, cenls a day. Iron is important in helping the body build up Just one Bexo capsule contains 5 TIMES the minimum daily requirement of IRON Also 5 times the minimum dally require ment of Vitamin B, and 2'i times of B, ASK YOUR OWN DOCTOR ABOUT THE VALUE OF THIS FORMULA! Each capsule contains: '4 ja,''--1--" "M4HIMMMMMMaMll TSismin Hydrochioridt l)J.., 5 mqmt. Iiboflovin (Bi) 5 mgrnt. Pyridoiirtt Hydrochloride 1.5 mgmt. Nwcinomido 50 -ngm. Calcium Pontotfitfiato 10 mgmt. CKotino Dihydrogon Citrato, 30.475 mgmt. (quivalwtt to IJJ mgmi. Choline) ' Ferrout Swlfoto, dried..., 194 4 mgmt, Whole Df id Livtr 300 mgmt. Inetitvl 5 mgmt. 1 If 31 Fun, Romance-Don't Sacrifice Them You ire maLing i ndles sacrifice if you've had to give up your friends, your fivorue snorts, if you limp along in your job, tlways feeling weak and fagged out... all due to the imiaffi ctency of B vitamins and Iron in vour diet. Siart taking BttL SpfitaL trm Mi L. h may be exactly hat you need to pep you up. male you biight-eyed tnd cheerful ajiain. Fverybody Inowi the importance of B-vitamins, and everybody knows the importance of Iron in your diet to help your body maintain kick, rfd wood. Yes! Regardless of whether you've been taking other vitamin prep arations, Bfvel. a new scientific com bination of B-viiamins and Iron, maf be the answer to your problem. Try it with a money-back guarantee. . rimpuuu smsnn 0R1U - n wul. nsl aT ,. An Outstanding Scientific Achievement! Now tko importoM B-vftomiM novo fco.a combined with IRON! LIVER! CHOLINE! INOSITOL! G.I Iktm ol(...g.l ttntHh...m Iht ntw i $ aw..-... , $ Mssit: - rpr ii 'Z-J B-COMPLEX CAPSULES SPECIAL FORMULA S5 "Bctrt trtrciet FomtuVa Wiped me rnuinr urn ac me fcxnl ht era. 1 m vxttfl Mraih th srM- Unfut men ttom end Uft beeutiKH " l r im f mrtft II 4 TVen StrW ti'i ()?eiuv To Kv the rntrfv io en toint nh the eanf earn imree r ftiin , , . ia l it intiiird thai m lt Mart lakmc Mrx-t) the i bet teelina to tatted rmt lattM " tnirv MttNtni-ta : Nnauutd Av. N. Y . C BEXa SPECIAL FORMULA U not intended as i cure. It it a dietwy supplement to help guard against B-vitamin and Iron de ficiency in the diet One capsule contains 5 times the minimum daily requirement of Iron. 5 times the minimum daily require ment of Vitamin B, and Z)i times the minimum daily require ment of Vitamin B.. If you can't com in person 9i$ this handy mail-order coupon Absolutely Harmless... Non HabiU Forming... Guaranteed. ..Bei Spe cial Formula contains the important B vitamins and Iron. AUo Liver, Choline and Inositol. AM in one easv-to-take safety-sealed capsule. This is the'wav many doctors prescribe vitamins because cap su!e help guard against Ipm of potertcv or effectiveness, you n st tmce one a day... AM TltE or THE DY. in supplementary quantities. FRED MEYER'S, 112 N. Jackson, Roseburg. Ore. I I I n.a km me holtla of Brxel Spedat rmau. MCB con. ttmmg 100 capsules (mora Uua i ytar i supply) at J 9 per I bottle. ' NAME ! Mode by the famous McKesson Laboratories FRED MEYER'S 112 N. Jackson ADDRESS. i a STATE . Km