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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1949)
4 Th. Ni-Ri, RMeSurj, Or.. Thur., Sept. 1, 1M9;CI0 Suti To Teir "Homt Ititlt" Rant Decontrol I i I' - ' -I,. 7 . z "MORE FUN . . ."Sadie Taylor literally Has ner nands fuU ai baby-sitter to three pet gorillas. Lady Congo, Congo, and Oka were hers to feed, bathe, and even chest-rub for a whole month. Miss Taylor then accompanied the trio from New Vork to the San Diego, Calif, 100. Her comment "More fun than a barrel of tnnnlrMr Public To B Admitted To Deportation Hearings PORTLAND, Sept. 1 CD The public will be admitted to deportation hcarincs here involv ing four aliens. It will be the first time In the memory of the local U. S. Immlcratlon officials that a hem-inR has born public. Roy J. Norene. head of thp Kifi eral Service office here, said the firess had been admitted to slm lar hearings In 1931. But he said "as far aa I know, there has never been a public hearing of iuch nature In Oregon." Norene said the hearings were declared open after the Oregon ian protested plans for secret hearings, lie said the newspaper declared the closure was not in the public interest. The four aliens are charged with having been or being mem bers of organizations advocating Hie overthrow of the United Siatps government. All have been residents of Oregon for 20 or more years. They are now free on $1,000 hail. The hearings are to be held late In September. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 ( V) The CIO challenged in court Tuesday the "home rule" decon trol provisions of the federal rent law. The action was brought in the Federal District court here by the union's national housing com mittee. Walter Rcuthcr. head of the committee and the CIO Auto Workers union, said It was the first of several similar suits the union plana to file to "protect the rent status of our members throughout the country." The "home rule" provisions set up machinery under which states a od cities may end lent controls in their areas. The CIO asked the court to set aside those provisions on the grounds, among others, that they represent an illegal delegation of congressional power to the states. (Of Mexican Indians wind big fire flics around their ankles for light on night Journeys through forests. 'A M,poW dinner, dttstrt and taled IHIII MIMIUMS Wilt NOT II SINT IV MAIl PLEASE REDEEM YOUR COUPONS AT: HARGIS ELECTRIC 112 East Cass Street Roieburg, Oregon Vr3L V wm ' 1 M TImw p SPECIALS TOR FRIDAT AND fjf . Quality Products SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 3 Work Jor Ym TKU Summer fe3 10c Rod t WhH Food 9ter' lata aienwde sMryfat power britsaa acrviBa yt m nar hoi lUnni Theaebo( 34 atotoa IU1 & WhH k Am tier et dopMdabaT, qwtlHr cmtl ahi! Yc akefi at rVe-d & WhJw for ImNst ixxl buys RED & WHITE COFFEE k52( ( PK6. 10C Sl IVORY IllV SOAP t for MEDIUM 7C 1 1 rTl PERSONAL fill) ivory 13c rLiirn 8 Oz. Bofrie 2 FOR 43C SUNSHINE DAINTY SWEETS 12 o Pkj. 29' SUNSHINE HYDROX CCX)KIES 74 . PVcj 25 IVORY SOAP IVORY FLAKES u. rk. 4 IVORY 28c c LHMA1 Re. Pf. t 15c PJIM.1V 23c DUZ lOXYDOL wla u. Pk. jisi tiie y,lfT-L:. ;i 3 Ke- Sim www ffisco 85c Ft m J,y." " P"m.j,J HI ill Ma m WWWsjsaaasiMamtliiwp. M Convenient Parking of Rtar of Store Roseburg, Oregon ft40S 5 D OOO "V A D. I f ll f stl SALE I "COLD RUBBER "RIVERSIDES I NOW WEAR LONGER THAN EVER I 1Q45 Trait Borer Exchange Price s.oe-14 aim taa Prs-Fourth Sola on famous TRAIL BLAZER . . . WARDS RIVERSIDE ond RIVERSIDE DELUXE 3 famous tires now mods baftar Ihon aver with "cold rubber"! Comport all 3 before you buyl All lizes now on sale! RIVERSIDE 6.00-1 6 (Exchange price, plus tax) 1 0.45 33c REGULAR 43c SPARK PLUGS Savt, buy e Mil fa. Riverside plugs-pay (or them selves in gas savings! Mads to last longer without adjustment! REG. 1.79 DOOR EDGE MIRROR 169 large 4 round mirror. Adjust able head. Fits either side of cor! Chrome plated. Save now! REG. 12.95 CHROME SPOTLIGHT IITJ Throws beam 1500'! Males fast night driving safer! Left or right side mounting. Legal, all stores. 4.75 SCISSORS JACK IK-TON 444 Lilts 47j to I4'j inches. Sure, powerful jack lifts any car. Safe! Axle-rest top won't slip! 1.89 "AIR-CUSHION BIKE TIRE SALE! WINTER KING STANDARD BATTERY Guaranteed 24 monthsl "Standard" has Q 95 45 heavy duty plates . . . iuu ampere- j hour capacity- Equal or superior to original equipment batteriesl Buy now! with your J42 1J5 Sin 168 Riverside balloon bike tire; 2-ply cord protects against leaks. Reg. 98c Inner Tube..8Je Reg. 1.45 STEEL BIKE BASKET U.13.4 K Sin 119 r?usr0roofd galvanized wir baslst, 'ctrica"y welded for Itreng'h. Fittings included. 1.65 VALUE! SPECIAL SWEATSHIRT WARDS VITALIZED MOTOR OIL SALEI Why pay 35c a qt. for oil . 1 . stock 4Lf up with Vitalized! Premium grade, it I cleans your motor of sludge, carbon ! fc Reg. 1.46 Five) 1 -qt. cans. . . .'I.ll 'Hi. blind. AM Mtn't Sim 149 Full-cut, 2-ply knit cotton, dou ble ribbed neck, waist, cus. h Wards Soorting Goods Dept. REG. 6.25 SPORT KING Mll ROD C88 4'A-n. U"j One-piece, medium oction cost ing rod with sol d I'eel t:p. 6 95 Sport King Reel.. 6.44 Sit REG. 9.50 FOLDING CAMP STOVE STOVE Q fn-timrin O 77 Fo'di to 18 "2 Ml 'carry ft I'it a briefcase! Irs'ant Itgtirg. derendab'e. rusproofed! REG. 39.95 HAWTHORNE MODEL "50" BIKE A s'reon-lined beauty at a low sale price! Gieamirj baked-en enamel, rsnott cfcroe trin l'-k i-and, cf'ain guard. Riverside "Air-Cushion" balloon tires. ZL' JJJT" ASK ABOUT WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN