The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 01, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    io n.t Ntwi-Rrntw, Kotbur9, Ort.Thur., sPt. i, it4ti
G. A. R. Passes
Into History As
6 Vets Separate
The Grand Army o( the Re
public broke up lor the last time
There was a final clasping ol
' shaking old hands last night, a
godspeed irom tneir command
er and a prayer.
Today six old veterans are
scattering never to meet again.
at least in lormai encampment,
They signed and sealed the deci
sion In their only business ses
sion vesterdav.
Then lor more than an hour,
veterans of later wars marched
behind the separate cars in
which the six tired old soldlen
rode in a twilight parade. Al
most 100,000 thronged the curbs
along the lz block route, cheer
ing the aged men in their last
blaze of martial glory.
The war memories were few
and fleeting in the "campfire'
session that closed the 83rd anil
last encampment. "I was a drum
malor, ottered Albert wooison.
102, Duluth, Minn., who was
named Junior vice-commander
Theodore A. Penland, 100, Van
couver, Wash., waved happily
from the back of an automobile
eat all along the parade route.
At the "campfire, he bravely
sang ' renting on tne uia camp
Penland proudly received a
diamond-studded past command
ers badge, tnougn nen now oe
commander for life. The badge,
pinned on his blue uniform ny
his grandson, Kldon C. Geyer,
East Lansing, Mich., recognizes
his service for the past year.
For the other centenarians,
any war memories were crowded
out by tne present ana tne un
certainties of life.
"I have a hobby," reported
James A. Hard, 108, Rochester,
N. Y., "to receive a kiss from
most of the ladles in tne land.
"I am among all my friends,'
aid Joseph Clovese, 105-year-old
Neero veteran from formac.
Mich. "White friends," he added
with a happy smile. I hope we
shall all meet In heaven togeth
er." "I get pretty tired," apologiz
ed Robert Barrett, 102, Princeton,
Chatty Charles L. Chappel,
102, Long Beach, Calif., didn't
get to the farewell ceremony. He
was warned to take it easy after
collapsing Monday night.
Sow Rescued From Pip
After Hours Of Labor
MASON CITY, la.. Sept l-VP)
A mama pig crawled Into a
drain pipe near here and almost
orphaned 11 little pigs.
Here's the story as Clem Hcbel,
the porker's owner tells It:
A 350-pound sow disappeared
Sunday after giving birth to 11
nigs. Hebel searcnea in vain
Monday and Tuesday.
Finally, while hunting for the
missing porker In a ditch near
the opening of a 20-lnch drainage
tile Tuesday evening, Hebel
heard squeals far Inside the pine.
He iummoned neighbors and
they dug for the animal from
7 p.m. to 1 a.m. without suc
cess. Yesterday morning their fifth
hole located the hog 700 feet
from the mouth of the pipe.
Neighbors pulled her out with the
aid of ropes.
The piglets now are back with
their mother. Farmer Hcbel said
the sow apparently suffered no
111 effects aside from an empty
stomach, cramped legs and wet
JERSEY. Challen Island. Sep'
1 UP) School officials decided
today the three Rs will have io
wait this year on a lourtn K
Jersey has had no rain for 30
days. Water levels are so low the
Island can't spare enough for the
They will open when the rains
You'll "rave" about the single and double loads planer
ends delivered by the ROSEBURG LUMBER CO.
I .-a. mcvac
LVvnk iiu it ii
Ill At Home Miss Ruby Jo
Findlav. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Findlay, Is reported to
be ill at her home on tne neasey
Obtain Marriag License A
marriage license was Issued at
Vancouver, Wash., this week to
Walter Harlng, 39, and Dixie
Hubier, 28, both ol sutnernn.
Back From Vacation Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Harris and two chil
dren have returned to their home
on North Jackson street, follow
ing a vacation at coast points.
Mr. Harris is employed at the
Douglas Abstract company.
Board Meeting A board meet
ing of the Business and Profes
sional Women's club will be held
tonight, September 1, at 7 o'clock
at the home of the president, Miss
V. Vivian Logsdon, 348 S. Pine
Dolna Nicely Pat Beck Icy. 12-
year-old son of County Commis
sioner ana Mrs. i v. tsecKiey oi
Deer Creek road, is reported do
ing nicely at Mercy hospital
where he recently underwent an
Returns To Grants Pass Mrs.
T. A. Robertson has returned to
her home in Grants Pass, follow
ing a v'sit of several days in Rose
burg with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Meiss-
ner, on Parrott street.
Convalescing Mrs. Floyd Wll
son Is reported to be convalescing
satisfactorily at her home at 1020
union avenue, Koseburg, follow
ing her recent discharge from
Imanuel hospital in Portland,
where she underwent a serious
operation several weeks ago.
Leave For San Diego Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Jones and son, Rich
ard, left Wednesday for their
nome in ban Diego, following a
visit with Mrs. Jones' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creamer, 727
Hamilton street. Rosebure. Mrs.
Jones and Richard attended the
Douglas county fair here, while
Mr. Jones was away on a busi
ness trip.
Daughter Is Born A daughter.
Rosanne Ilean. welching seven
pounds fifteen ounces, was born
Tuesday, August 30, at Klamath
Falls to Mr. and Mrs. Hartley J.
Hyatt of Roseburg. The Hyatts
also have a two-and-a-half-vear-
old son, William H. (Billy) Hyatt,
who accompanied Mrs. Hyatt to
mamain fails and Is being cared
for by his maternal grandnarents.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curmrlne.
lack From Seattle Mr. and
Mrs. Fred A. Knight returned to
their home In Roseburg Wednes
day, following a trip to Seattle to
visit tneir son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. (Bud)
Watson, and a stotvover In Port
land from Monday until yester
day visiting their son, Attorney
William W. Knight, and with
their daughter. Mrs. R. B. Houser.
and family.
Leavs For Iowa Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Olmscheid and daughter,
Susan Jo, have left for their
home In Sioux City, Iowa, follow.
ing ine montn or August in Kosp
tirg visiting Mr. Olmscheid'i
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Olm
scheid, and with his brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Knurtston. Roger is general agent
for the Occidental Life Insurance
company at Sioux City.
Degrees to Be Given Rlvers
dnle Grange will hold Its quarter
ly pot luck dinner at the hall Fri
day night, Sept. 2, honoring
member having birthdays in
June. July and August, after
which first and second degrees
will be conferred on candidates.
All Granges In the county having
candidates to receive these de
grees are invited to haw them
at this meeting.
Buenos Aires was founded as
a city In 1580.
Atlantic Pact's Defense Planning
To Be Headed By Steering Group
The 12 -Atlantic pact countries
probably will entrust their de
fense planning to a small steering
committee Instead of a single su
preme commander.
Diplomatic officials reporting
this today said all countries rep
resented on the steering group
would have equal rank with no
single boss. Decisions would be
taken by unanimous vote.
These officials described the
steering committee idea as more
practical In peacetime since it
would not give any one country
the responsibility for mapping the
defense strategy of 11 other
member nations.
A final decision Is expected
when foreign ministers of the
pact countries gather nere bept.
17 to put the treaty into opera
tion. The ministers are due to
set the wheels into motion for di
vlslng Joint defense strategy for
use in event any pact member
is attacked.
Meanwhile, the fate of Presi
dent Truman's request to Con
gress for a $1,160,990,000 arms
aid program for European pact
members was still up in the air
in Congress. Committees will re
sume consideration next week.
A sharply reduced program
has been passed by the House.
Key senators reportedly have
agreed on a $1,000,000,000 figure,
with emphasis on delaying full
aid until Joint defense strategy
is completed.
Representatives of the pact
countries, meeting here In ad
vance of the foreign ministers
sessions, are reported to have
ruled out the notion of a supreme
Wsr Of Nerves In
Europe Slackens,
Truman Asserts
President Truman said today the
war of nerves between the com
munists and democratic nations
is slackening up very much. He
expressed nope it would end in
surrender as did the World War
II shooting conflict.
The President made the com
ment at his news conference on
the 10th anniversary of Hitler's
invasion of Poland. He did not
say so but implied that the sur
render he hoped for would be that
of the foes of the democratic na
Asked for comment on the an
niversary, Mr. Truman said he
was exceedingly happy that the
shooting war did not continue and
regretted that it was followed by
a war of nerves. He said he hop
ed the war of nerves would end
likewise in surrender.
When a reporter asked whal he
meant by surrender, he said lie
meant Just that. Pressed for his
opinion on the present stage of
the war of nerves he said he
thought It is slackening up very
Later on, Mr. Truman said he
was hopeful that the war of
nerves will cease soon. When it
does he said everybody will then
be In a mood for peace, the Unit
ed Nations would then work as
it should and we should have
generations of world peace.
But he had nothing to say about
Soviet troop movements in the
vicinity of Yugoslavia. Secretary
of State Acheson described those
yesterday as part of the Soviet
war of nerves.
Arbitration Of
Bus Line Strike
Meant In Order
OLYMPIA, Sept. 1 (. North
Coast Greyhound bus lines had
less than 48 hours today in which
to resume operations of their
strikebound buses.
An order to resume operations
by 12:01 a.m. Saturday was is
sued yesterday by the Washing
ton Public Service commission.
In effect, the order appeared
to be a demand that the company
submit Issues of the 11-weeK-old
strike to arbitration or face pos
sible court action leading to can
cellation of the line's certificate.
Striking union emploves agreed
last week to arbitration. The
company refused, however, on
grounds that certain phases of
the strike were managerial func
tions. Governor Langlle, announcing
the commissions order yester
day, renewed his plea for ac
ceptance of arbitration.
"In a situation of this kind,
when the only proposals offered
by the company were twice turn
ed down by the union member
ship and with further negotiations
stalemated, arbitration Is the
only sound method of reaching
a settlement," he said.
The arbitration proposal pro
vides for resumption of service
during the discussions. It Is vir
tually the only step open to the
company in complying with the
commission's order.
Stale officials refused to com
ment on possible action In event
the order is not complied with.
Usual procedure, however,
would be for the stale to file
complaint charging that service
has ceased. It would be up to
the courts to decide whether the
cessation of service had been wil
ful and the company's certificate
subject to cancellation.
Burglars Gtt Booty At
Polict Captain's Horn
Police Opt. Fred Ford wishes he
had been at home.
Burglars entered his place,
ransacked It and greeted his wife
on the way out. indicating to her
that they had been visiting the
She discovered otherwise.
Gone were the captain's dia
mond ring, wrist watch and his
gold badge.
commander after much discus
One of the main reasons for
their decision, officials said, was
that Congress might have balked
at the Idea In belief It would
have committed the United
States to underwrite all decisions
of the single commander If he
were an American, as was like
(NEA Tdtphou)
ROBESON'S MAD! - Paul Bobs
son (above), well-known Negro
singer, sa he appeared In a New
York press conference to com
ment on the riot that broke out
at a rally at which be was to ban
sung. He said the riot was "an at
tack against procresstn peace
forces In the land.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Secretary of the Oregon Stale Board
of Control at Room loe. State Capttol
Building. Salem, urefon, unui aruu p-m.,
Pacific Standard Time. September IS,
1M9, furntahing all labor and materlala
required to paint the exterior of the
Roseburg Armory Building at Roae-
burg, uregon, tor tne state or vre
gon. and wll) then and there be opened
and publicly read aloud. Blda received
after the time fixed for opening the
ume will not be considered.
Plana. Bpeclflcatlona, and forma of
contract documents may be obtained
in the office of The Oregon state
Board of Control at Salem. Oregon.
Each proposal shall be made out on
bid form contained In the contract
documents and sha'l be accompanied
by a certified check or bid bond made
payable to the Oregon State Board of
Control In an amount of not less than
S of the total amount of the pro.
The Oregon State Board of Control
reservea the right to reject any or all
No bidder may withdraw hia bid after
the hour set for the opening unless
said award Is delayed for a. period ex
ceeding 30 das.
By: Hoy H. Mills
Date August 29. IMS. Salem, Oregon.
SEALED BIDS, marked outside
Bid for Timber, and addressed
to the Regional Administrator,
Bureau of Land Management,
Region I, Room 131, Building No.
1, Swan Island, Portland 18,
Oregon, will be received until
and opened at 2:00 P. M., PA
September 13, 1949, for the
purchase of all merchantable
timber designated for cutting
upon tracts hereinafter described.
The cutting and removal of the
timber shall be carried out In
accordance with the forest prac
tice rules approved on July i,
1938 by the Secretary of the
Interior. Each bid must state
the amount per thousand feet,
hoard measure, that will be paid
tor eacn species, the total con
sideration which will be paid for
the timber and a statement that
the bidder will comply with
local manufacturing requirements
at hereinafter stated. No bid for
less than the appraised value
will be considered. Each sealed
bid must be submitted in dupli
cate and be accompanied by a
deposit. The deposit must be in
cash or in the form of a certi
fied check on a solvent bank and
in favor of the Treasurer ot the
United States. The amount of the
deposit will be at least 20 of
the first $1,000 of the appraised
value of the timber: an adti
tionai 10 of the next S9.00L
an additional 5 of the amount
between $10,000 and $100,000;
and an additional 3 of any
amount in excess of $100,000.
The deposit will be returned to
unsuccessful bidders; applied as
a part of the purchase price ot
the high bidder; or that portion
of the deposit representing the
minimum required by law shail
be retained as liquidated dam
ages If the hi-h bidder does not
execute contract and furnish sat
isfactory bond within thirty days
of acceptance of the bid or can
not furnish evidence of his abilitv
to comply With the local market
ing requirements. In sales over
$5,000, and In small sales when
required, the high bidder will be
required to furnish a sworn fi
nancial stnttment, showing abil
ity to fulfill the terms of the
contract. A bond on all sales will
be required In an amount com
puted at the rate of at least
15 per cent of the bid price.
Payment for timber will be re
quired In advance of cutting,
payment In full at the time of
filing the contract being required
in sales amounting to $5,000 or
less. In larger sales, the Regional
Administrator may permit pay
ment in a number of install
ments. Timber sold In accordance
with this advertisement must be
manufactured within the market
ing aiea as designated for each
tract hereinafter described In
accordance with the Orders of
the Secretary of the Interior,
No. 2283, and Nos. 2380 to 2390.
Incl., dated December 11, 1946
and November 29, 1947, respec
tively. The United States has by
agreement been given the rignt
to authorize Its purchasers to
us certain roads and rights-of-way
for the removal of timber.
Each bidder should ascertain
from the respective District For
ester's office, the location of the
road or right-of-wav covered bv
such agreement relating to the
tract upon which he wishes to
bid. It it the bidder's respon
sibility :o determine for himself
: i
The Smallest,
Fruits and Vegetables
Canning Tomatoes
$1 M par bu U-Pick
mil. tkfMJth of Roseburg. Turn left
on Win ion Road, south ol Wlnjion
AUe cantaloup, quash, sweat com.
James Garden
Wilson's Special
WHn.K Char last peaches tl. 6J.
1 JO. Also tomatoes II box. Apple,
pear, prunes, all kinds Dillard mel
on. Pleasa bring containers.
Wilson's Fruit Farm
and Market
Winston Ph. 47-J-4
Opan -waning! until 1
Improved Elberta Peaches
11.90 bu. U-plek. 63 00 picked; larga
a I act 62 50: windfall. 75c. Brtng
con ulnars to:
Voorhies Ranch
Looklngglata Valley. l'i mil waat,
than mi la south of stora
TOMATOES Indiana cannery. Now at
their best Choice 30 lb. nat. 1.00
bushel, 30 lb. 91.90, already picked.
Your container at ranch. Also Patita
and Italian prunes; per pound He, you
ricaj unaDsoofn. iixoavuie, pa.
Canning Tomatoes
91.00 busheL Bring own container- J '4
mile on old DUonvilla RL Chaa
PEACHES. HALES, late Crawford and
Elbcrtas. Orchard run. 91 to 91. 25
per bushel, firing containers.' Across
crees: irom liiengary acnooi nouse.
M. M. Cooper, phone 5-F-14, 5u
canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons
and other fruit and vegetables at
tne Krus Stand. 1 mile west on Mel
rose Road. Closed Saturday.
BARTLETT PEARS. 6150. 91 00 box
you pick. SOr. Data prunes $1 29 par
bos: you pick. 79c. H. D. Scott. 4
GET YOUR CANNING peaches now.
Improved Hales; J. H. Hales and
Mutrs will be gone this week; lowest
price. Kruse's fruit Stand, 1 mile
Vest on Melrosa Road.
ELBERT AS. Improved Elbcrtas. Hales:
also good windfalls. Ed Thiele, Civil
Bend Cemetery Road, last house on
left. Ph. 1590-J-3.
ELBERTA AND HALE peaches, u-plck.
From 91 up: also prune and pears.
Royer's Fruit Market, 9 miles So.
Highway WPh 22-F-13.
fresh and tender. Harry Wesley, low
er Garden Valley Road. Bring con
Cocker a n d canning corn now
ready; also pear and cantaloupe. Rlv
emdale Curry Estate. Rt 2. Box 235
t-iarence MiDiey.
CHOICE UPLAND Hale and Improved
Elberta peachea now ready. U-pick or
I pick. Emery Baker, t mil W. of
Brock way store.
HURRY! Lent chance for Elberta can
ning peaches. L90 bushel. O. G. Rog
ers. Looklngglass.
CANNING BEANS, tomatoes and met
on for sal 1 mile south of Dillard
Moore and Rice.
PEACHES : HesanTE1berlas. You pick
and bring container. Dal Zeller
Brock way.
ARTLETT PEARS for sale. 91. box
Also no. 1 and oravensteina. no out
spray used. No Sunday sales. Rein
hold Blank. Looklnailass.
TOMATOES, Cantaloupes, watermelons
tor sai. w. . ciaypoot, uaraen
NICE CANNING tomatoes, 79c bushel.
Bring containers. T. J. Hewea. Rt 2.
Box 402. 2'a miles north Highway DO.
PRUNES. PEARS, SOc bushel. U-plck.
pnone I8-F-12, H. B. Jacoby, Look
PEACHES. HALE and Improved Elbert-
as, woo a Dusnei. Bring containers
A. F. Suksdoif, Winston, Ore.
ITALIAN PRUNES for sale. 90c box.
u-plck. Ben Jacoby. Loo kings; lass.
beans andpears. Harry Winston.
Schmidt. Garden Valley.
(Tanning tomatoes for sate now.
Harlan Moor. Ph. Z9-F-1S.
Jacob's Kennel', Ph. 73-6-J
or 432-Y Ref and Ded.
colors suta servire
FOR SALE Blond Cocker pup. Fh
Burch Phone 394.
Xc6holics ANONYMOUS. Pa Bos
111, or Phone lsoe-L or SOU
the extent to which such agree
ment will permit the use of the
road or right-of-way subject to
the payment of reasonable com
pensation to the assignor of the
United States. The right Is here
by reserved to waive technical
defects In the advertisement; to
reject all bids, or to award the
timber for the amount of the
highest bid to the next highest
qualified bidder when the offi
cer authorized to approve the
contract shall deem the high bid
der unqualified to fulfill the con
tractual requirements of the ad
vertisement. All tracts advertised
for sale for which no bid is re
ceived on the sale date may be
sold on the 30th day after the
sale date to bidders offering the
highest price during the. thirty
day interim. In no case will the
timber be sold for less than the
appraised price. Further Infor
mation, including copies of the
form of contract, bid forms and
schedules of contract payments
may be obtained at District Offi
ces of the Bureau of Land Man
agement, located at Salem, Eu
gene, Koseburg. Loos Bay, and
Medford, Oregon, or at the office
of the R gional Administrator,
Building .No. 1, Swan Island,
Portland 18, Oregon. Dated at
Portland. Oregon, this 12th dav
of August, 1949. IN DOUGLAS
AREA: T. 23 S.. R. 4 W., W. M
Sec 35, all merchantable timber
designated for cutting on Por.
SiNWi. Por. Lot 4 (NtiSW'll.
all Lot 5 (NWJSWJ), Lot 6
iSWJSWjl. Por. Lot 7 (SEi-
SWl), estimated for the purpose
of this sale to be 3955 M. feet
Douglas fil, SO M. feet Pon-
derosa Pine. ISO M. feet Incense
Pedar. 25 M. feet Western Red
Cedar. 45 M. feet White Kir. 25
M. feet Hemlock. No bid for
less than $4.50 per M. ft. B. M.
tor tne Douglas nr. J.4U per
M. ft. B. M. for the Ponderosa
Pine. $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for
the Incense Cedar. Western Red
Cedar, and Hemlock, $3.00 per
M. ft. B. M. for the White Fir.
or a total purchase price of
$18,977.50 will he considered.
Cheapest Workers in Town.. Want Ads
Wednesday, Sept. 7
t mi lea north of Roeebursj: 4 miles
south of Sutherlin, starunji at 11
a m. o'clock.
Farm equipment consisting of 1 rub
bar tired Ferguson tractor, 1MB; 1
Farmall A tractor with plow and buck
rake; 1 John Deere Llnderman tractor:
1 tandem discs; 1 heavy duty cover
crop discs; 1 Xsectlon harrow; 1 5
foot mower; 1 hydraulic dump-bed
trailer for Ferguson type tractor; 1
2-bottom disc plow: 1 1 -ton 1H1
Chevrolet stake truck; walking plow;
cultivator: spring tooth harrow, hay
rake; 1 M.I. 5s HP rototlller: 1
Gustafsan power duster; 1 Til master
power rototlller for power take off
on tractor.
100 Head 100 Head
High grade white faca eattla consist
ing of: 30 cows and 30 calves; 30
long yearling white faca steers and
heifers; on larga bull; other cattle.
Horses end Saddles
This machinery will be hero at Schrick
ar auction for your inspection by the
first of the week. The cattle are
also hera now. Anyone wanting good
breeding stock will find It at this
sale. Hera also Is a chance to get
good farm tractor and farm ma
chinery. No sale on Labor Day. but anr stock
brought In will bo held for Wednes
day sala or If you 'have any live
stock for sale, bring It tn Wednes
day. We will have the buyers.
No furniture Sale!
Remember Sale Starts
At 1 1 A. M.
Schricker & Sons,
m B. TELK AMP R Ingman
Bring Your Livestock
WHERE they bring la the most money
Sale every Fridav.
Livestock 13 o'clock. Furniture T p. sa,
Roseburg Auction
Phone 101
WANTED Eat lambs, veairlinas and
canner awes. Write or call, Jamea
s. aUcwls, Myrtle creek, Oregon, ph.
84; Darrlll W. Ray, Rt. 3. Box 3M B.
Roseburg, Oregon. Ph. 895-R-t,
WANTED TO BUY Pat and feeder
lambs. Also young breeding ewes.
Inquire Lyle Hsrsters or John Rohr,
Happy Valley Ranch. Phone 17-F-3
or 17-F-l S.
ONE 3 YEAR old registered Jersey
bull breeder, fine record. Schutzwohl
strain. Contact John Jesinghaus, Rt,
1. Box 93, afesslnger Road, Murphy,
TEAM FOR SALE 1 span bar gelding.
1900 lbs. under 19 years old, true,
gentle. For sala cheap. E. F. Lane,
A7lea, Oregon.
FOR SALE Dairy cows, coming fresh:
De Laval milking machine. 3 units
complete. Priced to sell. Sea at Les
ter Hen Dairy. Dixon vl lie.
FARMERS. Will buy hogs and feeders
on Thursdays. 0:30 to 4 HO at stork
yards In Roseburg. Bring them la
W. W Green
WANTED TO BUY -Young ewes and
lambs. Have order for car load.
See or Phona C. W. Ragan, Mel-
YOUNG MILK COW 'and calf: lav
lng hens, fryers. W. S. Rahn, Mel
ro Rt. Box 272-A.
Wanted fat and feeder iambs
and yearlings. W A. Blackcrt. Myrtle
Creek, Phona 383.
FOR SALE Registered yearling Suf-
folk ram. L. L. Patterson. Ph. 14-r-25.
18 AGED EWES, 84 each. Bred to Cor-
riedale buck. Louis Brady. Atalea.
FOR SALE Weaning pigs. Fred Naal
Myrtle Creek.
Wanted ah kinds of livestock. hTm.
Cos. Call 900-J-4.
Baby Chicks
Hampa, Reds, Crosses. Every week tn
the year. Beat of breeding, Pullorum
Hatching Eggs Wanted
Year around market.
City agent, Douglas Co. Flour M1U
Carr's Hatchery
Looklngglass Rt. Phone 18-F-3
FOR SALE Colored fryers. 40e a pound.
Rt 1. Box 178. Maurice Weber. Call
U. V. R. B A.
Hay, Grain, Feed
ALFALFA HAY, 1st eroo. SU per ten
at the ranch. Some srasa hay at S20
per ton R. I. Campbell Ranch, Oak
land, Oreion. Ph. JO-r-41.
Machinery For Sale
Reconditioned Tractors
1 Caternltlar DS
.. Bare $ S.IV)
.Bare 3 1W
.fare 1.500
S Caterpillar D4
S Caterpillar R4
1 International TD18 Bar.
3 International TD1. "
3 International TD9 Bare
3 International Tn Bar.
3 International TD Loaders ...
1 International TDS Bar.
4 Allls-Chalmer. HtTT Bar. 4 son
3 Allls-Chalmer. HDtft Bar. S.2W
3 Allls-Chalmer. HD14 far. (.390
Shovel. I Cranes
1 Brownlnf Mobile Crane 1 Yd. $14,300.
3 Bucyru. Erie 1SB ShovelS- 7.97.
3 Ostood S Yard Shovels S.2.V)
3 In, ley t, Yard Backhoa S.9M
( Inslejr . Yard Shovels tjtfi
"As Is" Tractors 4 Shovels
30 Caterpillar Dt
3 Caterpillar D4
3 Caterpillar R4 .
34) International TD0 ,
13 International T8
3 Ins ley Crane
3 Unit Cranes
- Bar
Blades. Drums. Parts and other attach
ments in stock for all tha above
Pacific Tractor &
Equipment Corp.
1800 Waat Tt Av.
TaL 443CK Rea. 3-38 IB
Eugene, Oregon
Irrigation Pump For Sale
T0O0 gaL Mario ' pump. Wisconsin
motor. 30 ft. 8 tn. suction hose
Like new Guy Karnaugh. 3 mi. waat
Lk1naalass. on It ton msd.
AMi)b R M V XL V J refarer cabinet. V&
Office. North Roaeburg Motor Court.
Used Car
Look, and runa like e new
car $1795 00
Nic. and clean.
.... mT i -rw rnw
. 12M00
Here s nitty' hack with
very few miles. 31M.0U
1S34 CHEVROLET Sedan .
l3t CHRYSLER Sedan
. 123 00
Vary good condition.
113, FORD 14 TON
Tires, motor end look,
M Urea. 4-speed treru. 1349 00
Si" Dillard
Motor Co.
North Stephen, Stmt
Better Buys
at Barcus
1S43 Buirk Special eedan.
R At H -.-
1.4. rhwmbl B na im cmidS.
new motor. It at H - S843
, 1 rkn.U Bnvil It Sr H n.W
paint .-
1040 Ford V-S Convertible, new
M.mtpv motor, new Urea, ex
cellent - -
1S40 Ford V-S coup.
1.-M ItKi'lr H.M. evcentlon.1 con
dition 345
ISai Chev Coup. ,, , 499
13J V-S Ford, n.w motor S34S
1047 tntern.ttnnel BlrkUB with StM
cial factory built van body .... 1109
Come In Today For Your
Free Demonstration Ride In
the New Golden
Anniversary Packard
Your Packard Dealer
Hlfhway 90 N at Cardan V.ll.r Road
Helan 1947 4-door sedan, a good buy.
Mary 1946 4 -door sedan, good as new.
Jane 1946 4 -door sedan, a dandy.
Evelyn 1943 S-pass. coupe, a real valua.
Margie 19: sedan, a steal.
Betty 1940 2 -door sedan, lota of good
service left.
Florence 19n 4-door sedan. 6120 down
Toney 1946 sedan, has a truck load of
accessories in It and on it. All it
lacks la a new car guarantee.
Blondy 1941 Convertible, push button
top. red leather upholstery, radio.
heater, etc.
Sea them at
Bear This
In Mind!
When It's a Used Car you'ra
buying, KNOW your dealer
Our word and endorsement are
your assurance of continued sat
isfaction and pleasure In your
car. Our selection is wide our
prices are fair. Sea these to
194T Dodge 4-Door, 61699
Radio and Heater
1948 Chev. Club Coupe R At H
lt46 Ford 4-door R at H
1948 Tord Club Coupe RAH
1947 Mercury Club Coupe RAH
1947 Chev. riectttne R 4k H
1946 Dodge Sedan R at H
1646 Kord 4-ton pickup
Corkrum Motors, Inc.
3-TO S Stephens Ph: S96.J
"We'll be. here Tomorrow to
Back up What We Say and
Do Today!"
Used Car
Oak and Rote
Raaaanatila sriNd. C ftl A C termi
Chevrolet Buick Pootiee Cadillac
trs de-ins.
TWO WHEEL TRAILER, good tires,
built on rear axle 37 Plymouth
Brakes and shocks. New ball hitch,
box 9i ft xf ft. Trails beautlrulW.
Guy Harbaugh. 3 ml waat Looking
glass on Reston Road.
MI ST SELL Immediately 1946 I-speed
Cushman srooier. excellent condition
tots of extras. 6133 cash or terms:
also 1941 Intern atlonal pickup. 6499
or best offer Ph 1M6 R-1. Allen H
Wells. Cemetery Road. Winston. Ora
MORI MONEY for your car Cash
tha spot Cork am Motors Inc te
Soto, Plymouth. Phona aufc lis sj
R a St
FOR S ALE-146 CHRYSLER sedsn. Call
Used Cars
Low Prices
Easy Terms
Price PmL
. .1793 00 SO0 0O
194 Willys Jeepsler
Almost new
194T Willy. Jeep Civilian
4-wh. dr.
Good for the wood.
1941 Ford Coupe 709 00 379.00
Good clean car
1941 Hudson Super I rpe 723 00 390 OS
New air rid. tire.
1940 PonUac aedan 903.00 300 0
1940 Hudson t Sedan 923.00 329.00
1939 Plymouth Coupe 429.00 130 00
1939 Chev. Sedan 399 00 139 00
1939 Nash Amb. Sedan
1939 Ford V-9 Sed.
. 949.00 223 00
. 179 00 73 00
More Car For Your $ At
Hudson Co.
703 I. Stephana
Ph. 1276-R
Best Buys
1949 FORD TUDOH SEDAN 91.W.100
1948 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1049 110
14 FORD COUPE .. 1045 00
1042 CHEV TUDOR SEDAN . 899 00
1941 PLYMOUTH FORDOR Sdn . 8S 00
1049 DODGE FORDOR Sdn .. 979 O0
1941 PLYMOUTH FORDOR Sdn 799 00
1941 NASH FORDOR Sdn. . 999 00
1940 PLYMOUTH TUDOR Sdn 449 00
1940 FORD TUDOR Sdn. 445.00
1939 CHEV TUDOR Sdn. 999 00
1937 PLYMouth TUDOR Sdn. 149.00
Open Sunday
From 9 To 3
Trucks And Pickups
1949 CHEVROLET PANEL 1490.00
PICKUP . . 1099 00
AND CAB 795 00
1942 FORD l'-TON FLATBED 495 00
1942 FORD 1,-TON PICKUP 999.00
1941 FORD 'i-TON PICKUP 495.00
1941 FORD DUMP TRUCK . 895 00
1937 FORD DUMP TRUCK 379.00
You Pay Less For
Used Cars At
Easy Terms
A Good
Selection of
Used Cars
Ford custom t door RAH ..$1799
Chev. Fleetmaster, 4 door 1499
Willys Jeepster .. 1705
DeSoto 4-door. R at H B9.1
Dodte 4 door . 75
Chev. 1 door 829
Hudson ,,,,,, 491
Chevrolet 27J
Mercury Convertible with Co
lumbia axle 499
Studebaker coupe 250
Dodge power wagon, winch
and power takeoff .. l.y
Willys pickup . inqfl
Ford Pickup I2f9
P 5,m
Jeep long wheel basa 799
Riverside t
N Highway 99
Phona 4SO.R
WHILE THEY LAST-Brand new 1946
Hydra-Glide Harley Davidson motor
cycles at a discount One-third down.
12 months to pay. Joe s Harlev David
son, 9 miles So.. Highway 96, Rosa.
burg. Ore. Ph. 47-R-9.
EQUITY FOR SALE ' in 19490sia
Roadster. Call 328-J-X-2 between 5
and 6 evenings.
1946 CHRYSLER 4-door Windsor. R it rt.
1 owner, car like new, see to appre
ciate. 61493l2:t7 Chatham SL
U34 CHEV? MASTER. A-l mechanirallv,
fair rubber. 1150 Inquire 431 Rows
St or ph. 1328-R.
TOR SALE '47 Cushman motor scooter,
good shape. See at RL 1, Box 60-B.
Suther 1 1 n.
TOR SALE-'46 B S A. Model B 34. new
high speed cams, new paint, easy
terms. Ph rCW-R-a
40 CHEVROLET 9 passenger converti
ble, radio and heater, good condl-
tion 6695 Phone Roseburg846:J
POR SALE Equity in 1936 Plymouth.
9th house on left. Fair St., off Mel
rone Road.
Clean. In good condition. R it H.
VfjtVin W Csk. or call 771 -L.
ARMY TRVCKS or parts for any make
truck. Phone or write. If the parts
you need are not tn our stock wt
will be glad to pick them up for
A. B. Scarlett
47$ W. 9th St.. Eugene CMC Dealer
Phona 4-4236
FOR SALE 7-6 yard Hi el dump bed
and hoist, A-l condition Sea at Unit
ed Truck Service. Suther. in, or call
FOR SALE You need 6 wheeler 42
CMC. Armv truck for hauling up
to 34 for 8790? See J W Howard.
L. C Rt . 1 mile off Mclroee Road.
11946 INTERNATIONAL pickup 1
1946 International pickup. 1 single
axle piling trailer For tnfoi lauoa
p 4.3 I jg art dA va South
AXLE SHAFT! fm ail makes nf mirk.
Ray's Track Shop "U N Stephens.
Phone 496 J A