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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1949)
Germah Policemen Flee To Avoid Service With Guerrillas In Greece BERLIN, Aug. 31 P Five Soviet zone German policemen entered the U. S. zone Monday and reported they had tied to escape service with Communist guerrillas in Greece, a military government announcement said Alexander Warshall. U. S. mil itary government officer at Hof, Bavaria, said the five men en tered the U. S. zone at dawn, wearing their blue and silver uniforms and carrying rifles and revolvers. Warshall quoted them as sat ing they had fled the Soviet zone because of a recent Russian order that all members of the Volks polizei (people's police) vho were single and under 25 yeai-s of age, would be recruited for military service in Greece. "After short training periods," Warshall quoted the refugee po licemen as saying, "recruits are sent to regular units destined for service in Greece." West German newspapers re cently published reports that So viet zone policemen also were being sent to garrison the Yugo slav border, In view of the grow ing tension between Premier Marshal Tito and Prime Minister Stalin. The Bavarian military govern ment office said the decision on whether to send refugees from the eastern zone Is made by Ger man authorities on the basis of whether the emigration was for reasons of political persecutloa The five who nxrived today were taken Into custody by the U. S.-organized Bavarian border police at Hof, to await a decision on whether they will be returned. Vets Asked To Be Patient About Receiving Checks PORTLAND, Aug. 31. Ex-GIs here have called for more than 5.000 applications lor divi dends to be paid service life in surance policy holders. The Veterans administration reported 4.000 cards were passed out yesterday to veterans at the VA's downtown office. The State "The RAINBOW CAFE must be a popular place . . . every girl that's been here today said they were getting new frocks to wear there tonight." i . v. at sc. . ..... i- r-i nUtrlnnmrin ri- V-rt ' -ar.A-J.i WHO-O-O-0 David Brown, 9, mimiclcs hit pet, a screechleis scratch owl, at a pet show in a downtown park in Lot Angelas He won first prize in the class of "Most Unusual Pat." (AP Wire-photo) Department of Veterans Affairs also was busy. At closing time vesterday. the office estimated 900 dividend applications had been called for. Officials of the VA asked the veterans to be patient about re ceiving their checks. They point ed out that the earliest the funds could be expected wculd be in January. Some will not be mailed until late spring. The first U.S. Ice making ma chines were Invented in 1850. Motor Vehicle Laws Violated By Hundreds SALEM. Ore., Aug. 31 State police during July made 3,524 arrests for violations of motor vehicle laws, and they warned 6,854 other persons for similar law-breaking. Fines and sentences levied for these offenses totaled $33,906 and 1,402 days in Jail. They also made 437 arrests for general crimes. Aibestot Siding ond Root Shingles Mean Fireproof and Indestructible By Time, Fire or Weather Elements Let The COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Floed 4 Mill 8U. Give You An Estimate Everything For The Builder Prion 121 Best Deals Ever at our big Buy-Now Birthday Party y Vl I Our Celebration of Hudson's 40th Anniversary Year If X NO WONDER WE'RE IN A TRADING MOOD-the New Hudson Is riding a rising fide of popularity! Official figures prove it: Hudson soles are up 33 over last year at this time. And how people are switching to Hudsonl Already, more than 107,000 have traded in other makes of cars, from the lowest to the highest priced, to own a New Hudson. 40 YEARS Or ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP Now, during our big Buy-Now Birthday Party we invite you to discover firsthand, with a Revelation Ride, that the sensa tional New Hudson is America's 4-MOST Car: 1-MOST Beautiful. 2-MOST Roomy. 3-MOST Road-worthy. 4-MOST All-round Performance! It's America's most road -worthy car, for example, be cause, with exclusive "step-down" design, the New Hudson has the lowest center of gravity in any stock car, yet there's full road clearance. The longest trades, the best deals ever make it easier than ever for you to own a gorgeous New Hud son the car that's so advanced in design it's a protected investment for your motor-car dollars! Come in now, while the party's in full swing and get our high dollar offer on your car. HERE'S WHERE TO COME FOR THE BIG BUY-NOW BIRTHDAY PARTY lludsgij ROSEBURG HUDSON CO. 702 S. Stephens Phone 1276-R Laura Leslie and Don Cornell, America's Sweethearts, blend their voices in a provocative old-time favorite, "Give Me a Little Kiss" on the "Sammy Kaye Showroom" at 7:15 tonight on KRNR. Also making up the program are Tony Alamo In I Love You," Don Cornell singing "Ball Hal," the KayedeU doing "Every Night Is Saturday Night," and the Kaye Choir In the "Mcrry-Go-Round Waltz." Men have always wanttd thtlr children to have a better education than thty thtmsalves had. In tha last century this applied to the ease of an old mountaineer, and for awhile "The Cisco Kid" oonslderod himself unfortunate .In deed to become Involved In the education of the erudite, half-savage daughter. Cisco does turn educator, as told In the dramatization of "Cisco and the Lady," tonight at 7:30. "What's the Name of that Song?" Is one of the most popular shows on the airlanes. Working with twin grand pianos played by Lou Maury and Vic Piemente, Emcee Bill Gwinn offers three well known tunes individually to six contestants. Each contestant sings the first three lines of the song he recognizes and receives a prize. (Tonight 8-8:30 p. m.) When the managing editor of a newspaper carrying on a campaign against a criminal lawyer Is found murdered with his own copy shears, the lawyer's threat of libel comet to light. Gregory Hood steps Into the picture to put the pieces together. Thus libel and murder form the backdrop ' for the "Casebook of Gregory Hood" tonight at ten. (Mystery-lovers will please note that a different mystery-drama Is presented on KRNR each night Monday through Friday at 10 p. m.) Wed., Aug. 31, 1949 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. S Last Rally Of G. A. R. Too Much For One Veteran INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 31 .-t.) The last encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic got the best of one civil war veteran Monday night, hut not for long. Charles L. Chappel, 102-year-old senior vice commander from Long Beach, Calif., collapsed on the way to a reception In the office of Gov. Henry F. Schrick er. , He was revived shortly after he was taken to a hospital room in the convention hotel. But he was taken to the Veterans adminis tration hospital here. Dr. J. W. Thorn, VA physician at the hotel, blamed his collapse on "exhaustion." At the hospital, heart checkups were made on the veteran while he clamored to go back to his hotel room. When doctors reported his heart all right, he was returned to the hotel an hour later. James A. Hard, 108, Rochester, N. Y., also was too tired to at tend the reception after a ban quet given by the Women's Re lief Corps. But not Commander Theodore A. Penland. 100 -year -old commander-in-chief from Vancouver, Wash. "I belong to 36 different or ders." he told the auxiliary wom en, "and all of them are good to me." As an afterthought, he added. "I compose songs and sing them yes. I really do." Today's program for the vet erans is a comparatively light session of receiving greetings followed by an "unofficial meet ing" tonight MODERN METHOD JAL, N. M.. Aug. 3l-P) Re member the days when you rode the family nag five miles to and from school? Things have changed. Rubert Madera. Jr., 6. starts in the first grade here next week. He'll be flown to and from school daily by his rancher-pilot father from Ochoa, 16 miles west of here. SHINGLES Asphalt Asbestos Cedar Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. & b- 242 Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Ore Ton KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Diol BEMAININO HOIE1 TODAY 4-00 Fulton Lewi. Jr. 4:1. Trunk Hemtnirway. 4:10 Pasunft Parade?. 4:4.Tipa and Tunea. 5:Oft Music. 5:15 Music. 5:.tft Advrnturva of Champion. 94S Bennett 6:00 Riverside Motor. 6: IS Mutual Newsreel. : Sports Paic. 6:15 Musical Interlude. 6 40 Local News 6 45 Southland Singing. 6 V Bill Henry. 7 oo Dick Haynie. 7:15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7 .(0 Cico Kid goo What's the Nanus of that Song? R :iO Tex Beneke. B 45 Bob Eberle. 9:00 News. 9:15 Hi Neighbor. 9. to Scandinavian Melody Time. 9 45 Pultun Lewis, Jr. 10 00 re gory Hood. 10 : Dance Orchestra. 11:00 Cues In Music. 11:30 Sign Off. 1949 THl'ftSDAY, SEPT. 1, 6 00 Sun rise Serenade. 6:15 News. 6:20 Music. 6 :t0 Rise and Shin. 7:00 News. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Newa. 7 -50 Beehive. 7 55 Music. 8:00 Haven of Rest 8:30 Modern Home. 6 00 Wally a Coffee Tim. 9:15 Music. 9 :i0 Man About Town. 9.40 Music. B 50 Shopper's Guide. 10:00 News. 1(1:15 Sweet wood Serenade, 10 .to Say It With Music. 10.45 Art Baker. 1:00 Ladies First. llr.TO Queen for a Day. 12 oo music at noon. 1215 Sporta Page. 12:25 Music. 12 .10 Clocking the start. 11:35 Music. 12 40 Local News. 12:45 National New. 12:55 Market Reports. l:oo Man on the street. 1:15 Listen to Llebert. 1:30 Music. 3 00 Against the Storm. 2:30 It s Requested. 3 oo Johnson family. 3 15 Music. 3 30 W. C. T U. Program. 3 4.1 Local Loan Show, 4:00 Pulton Lewis. Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Passing Parade. 4:45 News. 8:00 B Bar B Ranch. 8:30 Champion. 5:45 Lee Bennett. 6:00 Cavalcade of Safety. 6:15 Mutual Newsreel. 6 :to Sports Page. 6 35 Music. 6 40 Local News. 6 45 Southland Singing. 6 55 Bill Henry. 7.00 Frank Purdy. 7:15 Music You Remember. 7:30 Here Comes the Bride. 6:00 Hopalong Cassidv. 8:30 Fishing & Hunting Club of the Air. 9 no Newa. 9 15 Harris Ellsworth. 9 30 Shaltmar Room. 9 45 Fulton Lewis. Jr. If) on The Falcon 10 .TO Dance Orchestra. 1100 Cues In Music. Four Soles Of O. And C. I Timber Are Scheduled EUGENE, Aug. 31. .P Four sales ol O. and C. timber located in Lane county have been sched uled by the Bureau of Land Man agement for Sept. 13. Total value Is SiS.bll on about 7,933.000 board feet. There will be two oral auctions in the Eugene district offices on that day and the other two sales are sealed bids and will be open-1 ed in the Portland office. Most j of the parcels are located in the upper Willamette marketing area. ROOSTER KILLS WOMAN ' i ELLWOOD CITY. Pa.. Aug. 31 (vP) A peck by a rooster, caus-. ed the death of Mis. Ella Fran-1 cis, 69, of nearby Frisco. She was attacked bv the fowl eleven days ago. The infected wound on her leg was blamed for her death ; in Ellwood City hospital. i In Norway a man often takes the name of the land, he buys or or nis wue n sne nappens to ne the oldest child In her family. Starts Today Bud ABBOTT LoufOSTI ELL n starring in "KEEP 'EM FLYING One of their GREAT Laugh Riots! CO-FEATURE 11:30 Sin Off. feriiral evtw.rlmf.nta with ma. laria and yellow fever patient led to the first American patent for an Ice-making maclne. I I ....ill If i mSi Convenient terms. Liberal trade-ins Vr CONN BUESCHER OLDS Band Instruments Exclusively Yours At MUSIC SHOP Everything in Muric 305 N. Jackson Phone 908 STAR" ' -r-r av ' i i i ' .V'fif- " r() GEORGE BRENT V HOWARD DUfFN-y