The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 31, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 - Th. Nawi-Raviaw, Roseburg, Or.. Wed., Aug. 31, 1949
Lloyd's Auto Body Shop
SOI Fullerton St. Ph. 1025-J
8 to 6 daily Including Sunday
Complete engine and body
repair on anything with
Guaranteed work . . .
guaranteed estimate
Desertion Of Children To Shift
Them To Relief Rolls Denounced
WASHINGTON. Au 31. UP) I A federal crackdown on "run'
away lainers was proposed iues-
oay oy Kep. steea tu-UKiat.
Steed said many lathers are
abandoning their children for the
sole purpose of getting them on
federal-state relief. In many
cases, he added, the social secur
ity program actually is financing
tne DreaK-up oi nomes.
Moreover, he told reporters, his
own investigation has revealed
"an ever-Increasing number of
cases of actual conspiracy be
tween the father and mother to
get their children on the relief
But In the usual case, Steed
said, the father tells his family
he "is going away to hunt for
work," and later "more often
than not he Is discovered In some
far-off state living with another
Therefore, the Oklahoman said,
he is appealing to the house ju
diciary committee for an early
hearing on legislation to make ft
a federal criminal offense for a
parent to desert a child and cross
a state line.
"At least, he said, we can see
to it that those who are too sorry
to support their own families can
get put into Jail while you and I
support his family for him."
there now are de
pendent children receiving an
average of about 528 each month
under the soda) security public
assistance program. This relief,
financed through money-matching
arrangements among federal.
state and local governments, is
costing almost a half-billion dol
lars a year.
the nouse ways and means
committee, at Steed's suggestion,
already has taken one long step
toward controling abuse of this
ine new social security bin ne
committee recently approved
won I a make it mandatory lor a
welfare worker to report evi
donee of child desertion to the lo
cal prosecuting attorney. At pres
ent, weitare case records are con
fidential and cannot be taken to
the prosecuting attorneys.
MmH la
Alllfd Aftlitl
For the ultra smart ... a three
piece Tuxedo ensemble, styled
by Loganknit, with striped
tuck-in blouse to match the
Tuxedo coat and featuring the
new slender silhouette. It is
alio ultra smart to choose Hol
lywood Bread for adding lux
urious flavor to your low-calorie
diets. Hollywood Bread is
the perfect fulfillment of that
define for the very best. No
shortening and No Fati added.
Bakti (or yon txctuiimly if
Ltwi s r s Thl
(I i rlsSS
NEWS-REVIEW HAS NEW TYPECASTER Pictured above is the new Ludlow typecasting
machine just installed in The News-Rtviaw't mechanical department. Ernest Fingerloi, News
Review production superintendent, is pictured holding the "stick" in which "mats" are placed
preparatory to catting "slug" material on the machine. Th Ludlow is used in casting large type
faces on metal slugs, thereby eliminating from the mechanical department all movable type and
type cases. The banner lints appearing on th front page of today's News-Review and much of
the larg-siid typ in advrtiimnts wr cast on th new machine. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.)
Motorist Springs Ntw
Alibi On Policeman
rP Motorcycle Policeman
C. C. Col thought h had heard
all th alibis.
But th motorist weaving
back and forth across th street
had a new ena.
"Believe it or not officer, I
was trying to keep from run
ning out of gasolin," th driv
er said. "I was sloshing th gat
back and forth In my tank to
I could get It all In my carburetor."
Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St.
Do You Plan on Building?
Let us save you real money on your lumber,
roofing, siding ond other building materials.
Panel Shake Siding
Wood shakes made up in panels that can be ap
plied for less than half of the regular double
course shakes. All paneling is termite proofed
and sized for painting.
We will give free delivery for any order Inside of the
city limits. Free delivery will be given within 30 mile
outside of the city limits If the load It 2500 feet or more.
Garden Valley Road at S. P. Tracks
Phone 704-R-4 or 264-J-2
Waterfowl Director Appointed;
Lakes To Be Purged Of Trash Fish
C. A. Lockwood, Oregon state game director, announced today
the naming of William B. Morse to head the waterfowl section of
the game division for the Oregon Game commission. Lockwood
stated that previously waterfowl work had been carried on together
with the federal aid programs of the commission In one section. As
the work in both of these sections has increased greatly, it was felt
that separate sections should be set up.
Morse, who will head up the
waterfowl work, was graduated
from the Fish and Game manage
ment school of Oregon State Col
lege In 1940. He has been employ
ed continuously bv the (Jregon
commission, with the exception of I
the war years, since that time. Al
though he has worked In several
sections of the game division, the
majority of his experience has
been with waterfowl.
Pigeon, Dove Seasons Cited
Although touna mainiy in me
eastern section of Oregon, tne
whole state will be open this sea
win to the hunting of doves. The
season for doves Is September 1
to September 15, both dates Inclu
sive. The bag limit, ttate-wlde, will
be 10 in any one day ana not more
than 1U In possession ai any une
The season In Oregon this year
for band-tailed pigeons win be
from Sentember 1 through Sep-
tumher ."Ml. In Multnomah. Wash
ington, Clackamas, Yamhill, Polk,
Marlon. Benton, and Linn coun
ties, and that Dart of Lane county
lying east of the summit of the
coast nange mountains, ine mini
on band-tails will be eight In any
one day and eight in possession.
Also In these counties there Is a
season limit of not more than 24
during the entire season. In the
remainder of the state the bag
limit will be 10 In any one day
and not more than 10 In posses
sion at any one time.
To Oust Trash Fieri
Preparatory work Is now being
started by the fisheries division
of the commission for the total
removal of trash fish In three
lakes in the Upper Deschutes area.
The lakes to be treated are Big
and Little Lava lakes and Little
Cultus lake.
The total removal of trash fish
In these lakes will be the largest
scale work of this type ever at
tempted by the Oregon commis
sion. Although partial treatment
has been used on trash fish In
Kast, Paulina, Diamond, and sev
eral olher lakes fo- several years.
a complete Job has only been done
on South Twin lake in ism.
Prior to that time the population
of trash fish had Increased to
such an extent that they were
i using ail of the available fish
Need Expert Chain Saw
Service for Any Type Chain Saw?
If you are looking for a really competent chain service
shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St.
Repair, Recondition, Refile your chain regardless
of condition and do the job right.
Saw Chain Service Co.
531 S. Stephens St Phone 1665-J
food, and the trout population had
as a result decreased until only
five game fish were found in the
lake at the time of the poisoning.
A year was allowed for the fish
food organisms to be reestablish
ed, and then the lake was stocked.
The lake was opened to fishing
in una, ana since mat time, It nas
been one of the highest producers
for Its size in the state.
The same tVDe of Drocram will
be carried out at Big and Little
Lava and Little Cultus lakes.
Trash fish populations in these
lakes have increased so exten.
sively that they are practically
wor "-.less for game fish at the
present time. However, it is hoped
that with this work the lakes can
be brought back to peak production.
Actual poisoning ODeratlons will
start early in September, the ex
act date depending UDon the statu.
of the water in the various lakes.
The type of poison used in these
operations only affects gill-breathers
and is harmless to man and
domestic and wild animals.
Trucker Badly Injured
In Collision With Auto
SALEM. Aug. 31 (.T) A Ger-
vait farmer. Potter Bould, was
injured seriously Monday when
his truck collided with an auto
mobile north of Salem.
He received a skull fracture
and a broken pelvis. Cleo W.
Zarhary. Dallas, waa driver of
the car.
Lester's Novelty
Shop Buys Stock
Of Model Parts
The addition of an entire stock
of model parts and equipment was
announced today by 3. L. Lester.
owner of Lester's Novelty shop.
lister said he purchased the
model stock from Carl Fair, who
formerly operated the business at
his home in Roseburg. The stock,
valued at $2,000, includes air
planes cars, trains and ships, in
both display and operational
In connection with the pur
chase, Lester said he will have
materials needed by county model
enthusiasts as complete a stock
as Is needed,, either by the begin
ner or the expert.
He also announced plans are In
the offing for expanding and im
proving the Roseburg Model club.
The organization plans to hold
some inside activities this winter,
in preparation for outdoor com
petition next spring.
is Hough.
h lit. Wood,
ond OA rk. Rood
Plants Studied In
Hunt For Clue To
Cancer Mystery
(Associated Press
Science Reporter)
Beautiful ferns and flowering
plants are providing science witn
new tools in studies aimed at help
ing unravel the mystery of human
cancer, a Harvard botanist said
Dr. Ralph H. Wetmore said recently-developed
techniques em
ploying such plants opened up the
possibility of studying certain as
pects of growth and development
in a manner now impossible or
Plants provide a better meant
than animals for studying certain
subtle changes in tissue develop
ment that may occur as a result
of various influences that can be
brought to bear by researchers, he
"And it Is the hoDe of various
investigators carrying on such
studies,'' he added, "that they will
lead to new Insight into the par
ticular factors involved in pro
ducing the wild growth of cells
known at cancer.
Dr. Wetmore made the state
ments In an interview on the eve
of a symposium to be held at Con
necticut college here by the so
ciety for study of development
ana growin.
He said Dr. George Morel of
the University of Paris, now do
ing research at Harvard, had been
able to produce a "cancer-like"
growth in a grape plant by em
ploying a large dose of a hormone
that normally occurs In grape and
other plants.
But he added that the produc
tion of such effects In the labora
tory does not necessarily mean
that the same agents produce
them when they occur naturally
in a living system.
Freshman Puts Solons In Place
A freshman lawmaker got to pro
side over the Senate Monday
end promptly proceeded to shut
up both the democratic and re
publican Senate- leaders.
There't a Senate -ule, some
times observed, that a senator
(can yield the floor only for a
question, senator witners tu-Ky-enforced
it yesterday when he
took over the gavel from Vice
President Barkley.
GOP floor leader Wherry (Neb)
attempted to make some com
ments during an angry political
debate. Withera pounded the ros
trum and ordered:
"Don't make speeches. Just
ask questions."
Wherry looked startled.
A little later democratic leader
Lucas (III) tried to break in.
Again Withera banged for silence.
Lucas looked startled.
"Now," said Withers, "we're
going to follow the rules. We're
not going to, have speaking back
and forth."
Mystery Bullet Perils
Pilot Of Airplane
PORTLAND. Aue. 31. In
state Police studied a rifle bul
let today In an investigation Into
a shooting that imperiled the life
of Pilot Dick Schutze.
Schutze reported he was flying
at about 800 feet altitude Just
south of Sandy. Ore., when the
bullet pierced the cockpit floor-:
ing and spent Its force against a
bolt I
Rainy weather is coming . . .
now is the time to have auto
glass repairs made. We handle
all types of glass and door
15 years of auto glass service
In Roseburg
Sales & Service
Highway 99 at Garden Valley
There were no more interrup-tions.
The 1935 height record of 72,
395 feet set by Captt. Albert Ste
vent and Orville Anderson In a
balloon was still higher than any
other man had flown in 1949.
Yoi taa always maVt mtatf
with MtCallatkl
Wherever there's wood to be
cut, there's profit to be nudt with a
McCulloch chtin sow. Blade tiiot srt
avsilabl for every type of cutting
operation, from felling gisnt red
woods to making fence posts. You
can increase your earning capacity
make extra dollars for s long, long
time by investing now in t depend
able, fast-cutting McCulloch.
You're lnvild
Within the oext few days, stop by our
store for s real demonstration of wood
cutting. Or give us a call sod we'll
try to arrange t show for you st your
place. There's no obligation. We want
you to tee what t McCulloch can do.
o ModeI Available C
Hiwoy 99 North
Phone 1547-R
have trhat it takes!
Nothing like Buster Brown's handsome
Hi-Topper for their busy days at
school or play! The kids love their
looks, and you'll appreciate their
sturdy soles and no-scuff tips.
Sizes Vz to 3
Right on Jackson
"Rocket" Engine Oldsmofaile
Gives a New Sensation
that You can try
in a Demonstration!
' ' ' ' ' "- -, 1 .... '
Oldsmnbilr'a superb new otsr of the highway
the srmational "H-krt" K.ngine "88"! It's so
new and different to drive that words can't
drarrihe it! But youD divover the thrilling truth
vonrwlf as anna as tou take to the highway in this
rlahing new Kuturamk! Smoothlv and surely tou
mora arrow the miles . . . hills and curve and
triiii.taar in the same rfTirtleat stride. Nimble
and alert in traffic, the "88" is alwart incredibly
eager to n. That hijh-eompreii "Rnrk't" Kn
(111 tramt np with Htdrt-Matie Drive fnr the
smoothest, mont spectacular performance vnq're
ever known! So join the thoriftandt of motnrita ho
are thrilling to tbeae "Rocket" ride.! Call your
dealer now .Mai. A Pate trw tne "KT
OIJimMlt "ItS" Faur-Thnr Srran trilk
"HockH" Erurn. 'Hvrlm-Mntir Print
rtntWard equipment on Serin "98" mnd
'SS 'modrit, optional m rjctrm ml on "70."
- 1 1
A OINfCAl aoroit VAlUf
Phone 311, SMITH MOTORS, or visit 133 N. STEPHENS