If You Can't Use If Someone Else Can . . . Let Classified Sell K CLASSIFIED RATES I day per word 1 days '' I 2 day " 4 de " J dan din ' - Real Estate Listings With Appeal A four room Houm that U unfinished inside, but the outside is finished, painted, Steely gabied In knotty pine, nice new composition roof, green house is painted white, city water, power, close to store, bus service, and large lot. There Is also spare laid out for bath. Why pay rent Price 22050.00 with I4O0 00 dn. JUST HEAD THI3 DESCRIPTION A grocery store In buiy neighborhood; slocked, good gas buainesa: on Ml highway close in: living quarters: good lease; la making good money ; ha living quarters, no expensive equipment to buy. Price 02100. ONE THOUSAND DOWN A very, very modern house located In exclusive district. Large front room with hardwood floors, charming fire place, automatic oil heat, two extra lame bedrooms with hardwood floors. Attached garage, concrete driveway. r.H.A. approved. 910,900.00. Older type home with two lota In Rose burg on aewer. Very close In to your work. Five rooms, lath and plaster throughout: plaster In very good shape, nicely tinted, harmonizing colors. Full bath: corner lot; paved treat. Owner will take trade or sell for reasonable down payment. Price 96500. FOR SMALLER FAMILIES Two four bedroom homes each with bath ana modern construction priced at 03950 and 5iM, down pay menu siwi ana ai.vf.9u. TRADES J A nice modern home in Portland, thoroughly modern for acreage and modern large house here In Rose burg. A 91000 dollar trailer for two bedroom nouse in noseourg. A motel to trade for property In Rose burg. BUSINESS NEAR AND IN ROSEBURG A beauty salon doing good business. suuu wun jw an. A busy little cafe on one of Roaeburg'i ouiim street. A little manufacturing: business anyone can handle: large net income: gVKio fun price, owner will help you start now in opera i ion. A full fledge Market on 99 highway. ciose in aoing wonaenm Dullness, Lehman Real Estate 414 North Jarkton ftochurg. Oregon Ph. 722 -J Specie. RANCH VALUE S3 ACRES OF CHOICE BOTTOM GROUND about 18 minutes drive from the center of Roseourg. completely modern 3-oedroom house, large barn, several good chicken V Brooder nous es. nice trout stream runs through the property: It la completely fenced and cross fenced witn woven wire. The crop now eonsv.ts of wheat, barley, alfalfa, berries, family orch ard and a beautiful mgated garden ome stock and equipment are In eluded All of this tav be purchased for the price of a food city home. ONLY 913,300, liberal terms. HAYDEN H. DECAMP, Realtor 74 S. Stephen, StrMl Phona 173-L Complete Plans RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell 319 U. 8 Bank Bldf. Ph. 583 14 A. all level rich bottom anil. One new building 12 x 24 ft Live year round stream. All ran be irrigated. Ideal for someone who wants a pro ductive country home. On good road about 1 mile from pavement. Only 9 miles from Roseburg. Widow will sacrifice for 93,030. 320 ACRPS A real stock ranch: lots and lots of grass and water, 1 mite off main highway 223: good road to this ranch and the whole place is pas ture and over half has a gentle roll: 3 room modern house, 2 barns, 2 cabin, etc. Lots of water, 911.100 880 ACRE sh-eo or stock ranch with over mile 'of frontage on highway 225 both sides and owner states about 1.000.000 rt. saw timber with enough poles and Piling to dhv for this ranch. 70 acres cultivated: 185 acres cleared: the balance of which It tim ber Also 9 or 8 springs 2 of them bricked in and good one. 6 room house modern, barn, chicken house. 2 brooder house, woodshed, etc. All bids?, right next to highway. Total price only $1.1.. .SO with Sft.0 down - Ba'ance $600 per year Including In terest EXCLUSIVE AfirVTS FRED Lt'VM SALESMAN Phone 1212-R or J A Mrs r. PAVTva nonvrn Phone 1501 112 Brock way St. NEW HOME FOR SALE. 3 rooms down stairs, upstairs unfinished. Modern house, eieclririty, wired for range, fireplace, picture window. Double ga rage, chicken house, and hog house With 4 acrea of land, priced at M300 . reasonable terms. More land available 4 mile from school, store and church. John E. Lee. mile west of Look 1 nggla ssS t ore. FOR SALE OR TR A DEOur S7700 equity for 02000. 1 1 500 down on 1 year old. 2-bedroom house, near school and store: or will trade for larce country home of same or less value Full price 9HS30. Ph. 15.TO Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil engineer 911 So Main St Ph 217-RX ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, school bus bv door, graveled year-around drive ways, fruit, berries and nuts. 2 acre Se to appreciate First red house west of 90 on old Winston-Looking glaa road, vicinity of Winston. FOR SALE OR TRADE for late model car 10 acres, nice location, near town. school bus, electricity. telephone 1 Reasonable. Box 61, Oakland. Ore gon home Well located, on bus line. 'mw 11 . mrtr uwn jwy rniuiy and balance 903 55. month. IS Miller t-ane FOR SALE $1,150 cash' buys 'a lot and 2-room furnished cabin Balance MOO at 423 per month. Write News-Review Box 982 J OH SAL T4m cr es-2 hmj w, 2 m 1 Im east Kelly's Korner on Roberts' Crea Road m Roberts Creek Water ri trict. 92SQO . lcrmaRt. J. Box 240-G Always Have It Surveyed Jtmpugherty the engineerPh 191 R FOR SALE .vo cash. 72 acres, old hou e. gt kJ well. 3 acres prunes saiaMe tmbeT Write Mrs O Miller ROdle. Oreg Ph Riddle 524 CARCE LOTS lights, water, bus line Calkins Road nesr Ed n bower erhool Inquire Rt 2. Box lfc.1 LOTS FOR SAIJC City rater and rights available Lod down "o ment Eugene R'denour Phone 730J-5 WILL TPADE small rancr. city edge, value 120 00 for ranch in Coos Bay. or property same value. Phone 53-B-S ir.v eq'ii'v in unfinished house. 1 acre lot. Phone 411 -J. ask for Bob. Real Estate SAYS BOB ELLIOTT, Assistant Man ager of Umpqua Amusement Co. "I m more than happy with my new home at Cloverdaie Park. The con atructton. arrangement, neighborhood and location wa just right for my family. I recommend that you vlait v.ioveraate rat, at once. OVER 100 CLOVE RDALR HOMES Every home Is separately built of the iinesi materials, using nigniy skilled workmanship. Quantity purchases has made It possible to build better homes for less money. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS With a very small down payment you ran move right Into a Cloverdaie Home. Terms can be arranged to fit your budget. Still a few with no down payment for Veterans. PULL PRICE 97,990 TO 910.340 These fine homes are offered it prices far below the present market prices within the reach of everyone. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS Why throw away rent money when you can give your family the kind of home they have alwaya wanted? INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE . You can deduct part of your payments on these houses on your Income tax report. Rent payments are never de ductible. READ THESE FEATURES 2 and 3 bedrooms Near schools Paved streets and drlvea Big lots Fully Insulated Large view windows Weather stripped r.H.A. Approved Ready for Immediate occupancy OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY Come out to Cloverdaie Park and In spect the fine homes anv dav be tween 10 A M. and 9 P.M. Drive north on Highway 99 to Cloverdaie Park sign. Fies and Clute Realty Phone Roseburg 1369 LOOKING FOR A FINE HOME ft? Thta owner la leaving town and sa n hia home must be sold within a very short time. It la a beautiful place, well plan ride, superior construction. Com manding view. Three bedrooms, freal big living room with nice 'replace and large wlndowa, ' cozy kitchen that includes a combination dish washer and laundry along with scads of bullilns. large play room. Par tial basement, dandy air con ditioning unlL Landscaping is new. but nice. If you are look ing for a nice home, your time will be well apent to look at this. 913.750. Easy terma. PLASTERED, FLOOR FURNACE, 00040 For a irflghty cute home, well located and only 960.50, this li impossible to beat It Is con structed much better than most any "project" built homes. Two big sized bedrooms, nice living room, kitchen, utility and bath. Brick trim in the front, good big lot. Close to schools, stores, bus line. In the new sewer dis trict 91000 down will handle. ROSEBURO REALTY A INSURANCE Co. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors (3) Bedroom Horns This fin, tan. horn, surrounded by irwi ovrrioom in. valley irom lis 8. Main St. ail,. Onty 2 or 3 blocks to Ron, School for the children. A hu,e llvlnr room, dinlnf apace, a frand kitchen, automatic heat And a prlc, of only tdsoo. on FHA. Umpqua Realty lAcroM "W from F.O.I 111 N. Stephen, Ph. 1S3SJ $5,500.00 S acres In restricted building district. 2.M) ft. river frontage. 3' miles from town In Cglklns district Build a home here, or It can be subdivided beauti fully. 22x28 ft. concrete block build ing, wired for electricity. 22 fruit & nut trees, 3 years old. Over 1 acre early market at Rockhill strawberries also raspberries & nectar berries. Large as paragus bed. See owner. Jack Doyle at Doyles Sales k Service. Tel. 811 or 803-J P. O Box 30. Roseburg. GARDEN SOIL TWO ACRES on Deer Creefc eight miles ea.t of courthouse. Three bedroorr newer home that has a lovely kitch en, large utility. Plastered, easy to heat, quick possession 78 ft. drilled well, best of water. $A2S0. total price. 91300. down. STANLEY E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 1092-R $1000 DOWN for remodelled A-bedroom home, nice and with all modern con veniences. Iar$e lot. city water, close to bus 11 ne. full price only 952.V). balance like low rent. CHICKEN RANCH stocked and equip ped. .11 acres, lots of food water and adequate buildings, 5oo hens besides 3 cows, 3 yearling heifers, large work mare, miscellaneous farm machinery. a1 so voung orchard, berries, and hay in the barn. Price $?noo with 91VW) down or will take small home near town part. ROOMY MODERN HOME SACRIFICED. 2 bedrooms with room for 2 more upstairs, hardwood floors, platered fireplace, very large lot 110x198 If you need room see this and agree It is a bargain at slO.MO with about 92.VM) down, balance $0 per month. FOR LOW -COST HOl'SING we have a good home cloe- in at 97 V) down ; older home In the city at $.VVK with 9inoo down: livable home with small acreage, ritr water, for 9500 down, priced at $.1500 FOR RETTER HOMES WE HAVE THE BEST Concrete basement, new mod ern design. all hardwood floors. platered. heat to every room, plate glaxs. pictur windows, wardrobe cloete. fireplace in large living room, alto In basement room, restricted residential di-trict In citv, built for someone s permanent home. II4.7VI $.1000 down Several others in this class to show HAVE Jt ST LISTED a few really food large stock farms ask for Mr. Bailey. Roy O. YOUNG, Realtor SOS W. Cass St. Phone 41T DRASTICALLY REDUCED Must sell im mediate!) one of southwest Oregon s finest ranches 135 A , new modem. 4-bedrnom. ranch-et le home Many valuable Improvements. 10 fruit-nut trees, springs. Umber. 91.1. SAO An other bargain: S mile beautiful Ump qua frontage. New house garage, etc in pars like cedar grove. Unlimited Irrigation to make 20 A real para dise nft. Any reasonable offer con sidered on these desirable properties, Courteay to brokers C. L. Swanaon. Owner. Kiddle. Oregon. Real Estate Selected Buys BRAND NEW HOME 9 blocks from Senior high school -2 bedrooms. Itv , kitchen, wired for range, large attach ed garage wttb utility elec. water heater, extra lot for garden apace, fully plastered, connected to city gaa It sewer. Compare thla value at 95000. LATE MODEL HOME -4 miles south of Roseburg, large living room with dining alcove, convenient kitchen, gas water heater. 1 bedroom down and floored for 1 mora upstairs. Full price 93750. 4 ROOMS BATH large separate ga rage with cement drive, plastered. Kentlle flooring, new lawn: this at tractive home ! only 1 year old located on N. Jackson St. Price 97950 92450 dn bal. 942 per mo. inc. taxes it 4'V int. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME In the Cal kins District. 3 miles from city This place has a 1-2 acre In strawberries it garden: the 3 bedroom house ts modem and complete with hardwood floors, ail furnace, olastered and a double garage with workshop Pr'ced xor quick aaie at a, woo, aiwuu an. BRAND NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME close In location in restricted district, two so. ft floor space, attached garage It has such items as tiled bath at dram boards, hardwood floors, ga wall furnace, a fine river view and What more need thero be for 97t30. NEAT WESTS1DE HOME-large living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, shower bath, oversized lot, located In new home district; the price Is only ww, ju oown, oai. iixe rent. ATTRACTIVE NEW 3-BEDROOM HOME in Leurelwood, full deep basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered at papered, radiant heating. Venetian blinds, new lawn, a real noma here lor 913.750. HIGHWAY BUSINESS LOT 120x80 with modern 2 bedroom house In the city limits 01 Hoseourg. f rice 07OUQ, GROCERY BUSINESS plus 3 bedroom apartment, excellent established busi ness netting between 9HOO and 9900 monthly. About 9-000 plus stock to handle. See us soon for further de tails. No telephone Information on this one please. Hayden H. DeCamp REALTOR T49 S. Stephens Street Phone 173-L The Home Of Fine Ranches 180 ACRES. 40 acres tillable, nice small home with bath and toilet, barn, hen house, fruit, good springs, only T miles out, for the low price of $8.000 00 with $1200.00 down. Hurry for this bargain. SUBURBAN HOME Lot 120 by 120, 4 bedroom home In good condition, fireplace, citv water, us service, full price $6,000.00 with with 91500.00 down. TIME TOR SCHOOL. CLOSE TO ROSE SCHOOL 3 bedroom home that is modern, on fa ve ment. In good condition, with rutt, flowers and shrubs, a buy at 963O0 00 with $3300.00 down. A CHEAPIE In the city with all modern conven iences, on the pavement, but of . course this is not one of the ultra modern homes, but a home for some one thai wants to Invest only a small amount. $3150.00 full price for this 4 room home. ISA ACRES, with 75 acres tillable, this farm has a city home and 3 bed rooms that 9s a brand new modern home, also a new barn, hen house, fruit, has new tractor and all farm machinery, hav In the barn. 3 lino Jersey cows. 2 heifers, sheep and 2 nuicner pigs, so u you want to en Joy living in the country, come in and let us show this farm to you, 914,700. NEW SUBURBAN HOME On east Douglas, very modern, two iwaroom nome, mat is plastered and aturcoed. with bull tins, an attached garage and home that Is worth the money, priced at $8500 00 with terras. CAN YOU BEAT THIS 227 acres, all fenced, with aa addi tional 40 acres fenced In. a fine little sheep and turkey ranch. Only 10 mile out, at 92200.00 with $1200.00 down. Jack Realty, Realtor ' 951 S. Stephens St Lloyd Wilson Salesmen) Henry Handy BETTER VALUES NEW RAMBLING 8-room home over looking Wes tilde. If you are looking for a little elbow room, this fine home la situated on 100 acres of land. Lovely kitchen with bar and nook. separata dining room, fireplace, floor furnace healing, innulated Large 2 car garage, paun. cement sriMu. T ota I price iiii.euo. Terms. 93800 91000 or less down buys a fur nished one-bedroom home plus a it room house renting for $25 per mo. Most of f urn Iture na rly new con sist ing of refrigerator, electric range, table top water heater, washing ma chine, ml circulator, dinette set. bed room suite, and other items. Bath not In. Furniture alone la worth the down payment Vacant. 6 BLOCKS FROM POST OFFICE Here's a fine, new, .1-bed room home close to everything and located among some of Roseburg s bst homes. This owner built home has a spacious liv ing room, dining room, bright kitchen forced air heating to each room, in sulation, fireplace, part basement. A real home at a right price. 915000. Terms. A REAL BUY Best of terms on this new suburban 2-bedroom home An extra nice kitchen with lots of hullt in, formica drain board. Inside utility This home is iniulated, windows wcatherstrlpped Garage is 20 x32 $1(100 down payment. WHITE STUCCO 2-bedroom home near completion. Just north of city limits Plastered interior, central heating, handy kitchen, fdn. in for fireplace. Total price "2.V1. Terms. FOUR BEDROOM HOME An older model in good repair. Large utility and bath. 3 bedrooms upMairs, fire place. Attached garage. 90000 total price. iiyw down MELROSE FARM 38 acres, about half tillable Model n 8-room house, pres sure water system, large barn filled with hav. Some farm machinery In cluded for $7000. Terms. STANLEY' E. SHORT Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 1002 R 1 NFW HOME, electric heated pumice building, electric range, refrigerator Laundromat, hot water tank, two piece bedroom set. davenport and floor lamp, kitchen table and chairs. For only t3?'X)0.00. Terma YOU MUST SEE THIS. 2 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Refrigerator Hot Point electric stove, washing machine, radio, sewing marhine, two carpets, one complete bedroom set, springs and mattresses on two other bed, table and chairs For onlv 9577ft no. Terms. TWO REAL BAR GAINS Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A. U. TAYLOR. SALESMAN OS s. Stephens Phona 219 ACREAGE 9 to 30 acres; good level ground for homeiit; 1K creek, school but gnd mail serrlce. electricity a'silsble Ralph E Smith. South Myrtle Rt , M rtle Creek md Theyll Do It Every Sanoxtm blade. PROGRAM SO LISTEN TO WHAT TIGER SVU4TT. WORLD- FAMOUS SLUSSa?,S4VS about sAvrroau blades ' QUOTE :"TWS BESTEST SHAVE Ah EVER GOT VWS WITH SAWTOOTH.' AH ALWAY USE. SAWTOOTH.' TUAktu ftLIB Tri Real Estate Complete Plant FTS1DFNT1AL COMMERCIAL BUILDING CONTRACTING L. K. Cornwell V Bank Bldf. Ph. XU When It'a R.al E.tate In Mrll Creah and South Douglaa Co. Winston & Wynter Realtor MVRTLC CREEK. Ore PHONK iW THIS IS YOUR BARGAIN -Sft.Vtt. value for $H500 Larfe, new 2-bedroom home also unfinished bedroom upstair hardwood and tile floors. Insulated excellent construction; will consider house trailer, part payment. Ph. 381 -J -4. Timber Sawmills Timber 2 million ft. of fir located on Cavltt Creek In the Little River area, in cludes 190 A with creek and some meadow. Cash. $fl,000 00. 20 million ft. Redwood and fir Men docino County cahf. virgin tlmher close to road and elect Price per M., 95.00. Earl & Gladys Wiley. Realtors Hotel Rose Bldf. WANTED LUMBE.H since our resa plant burned, we need more edged 2 ' lumber. Top prices paid. Trojan Wood roaiicts, inc.. 1 tnue norm 01 Hianie Oregon. FOR SALE Sawmill or any part ij.ni u aiesei eager ana otner uniia. Roy Denny, 835't Winchester Logging Equipment WANT TO RENT Small yarder equip ped with 7001000 ft. mainline, haul- nack to go witn same, inquire at Umpqua Store, Umpqua, Ore. Hardly Able Log Co., Hubbard Creek, Ump qua. Ore. FOR SALE HD-7, complete overhaul recently; logging cat wiih dozer, near ly new Carco drum, 94500 cash. Cat working at Looktngglas Bridge on Coos Bay Highway. Percy PeU. FOR SALE 1940 single, axle Interna" tional log truck and trailer with teady lob, 91750. Wilt accept car as down payment D. J. Manlcy, V mile east ofOakland. D4 CAT serial number 7-J-4172 with Hyster drum and LaPlant Choat, hy draulic dozer See at Tyee Lumler Co Suther tin. Ore., or phona 1202 Suther- fOR SATE DT 18 International tractor. A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yarder. A-l condition K3 International dump truck, Ph .118-J-3evcnings. WANTED Cold deck machine to con tract decking logs in pond. Porter Creek Lumber Co. 4. and 6 ft. MALL chisel chainT Stinger and transmission for Mall Cheap. 322 S. Jackson. Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phono 922-R -3. or 4W-R-9 or write Route L Roseburg Will Pay Cash WE BtrV used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No Jackson. Phone lfttf-J. The Bargain House QIKFT COUPLE, 2 children, desire 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished houe to rent bv Sept. 1. Excellent reference:Ph.42i.-R-4 WANTED Million ft timber for winter sawing -you do lugging, not too far from Roseburg Hoover Lumber Co., Box 198. Idlejld Rt.. Roseburg. WANTED To rent orleae 2-bedroom house, preferably furnished: couple, and boy 14. Contact Russell Mount at Roseburg Pharmacy. WANTED TO RENT OR "BUY 3 bVd room house, preferably one floor, by reliable couple wilh 2 babies. Ph. I4.t4-J a QQ to Loo LADY DRIVING TO LOS ANGELES vicinity this weekend In '48 Stude baker desires passengers. References exrhnnged Call Thursdav. 34-R -XI WANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tools Anything f value. Private party Phone 8-V-R 1. WANTED FAT HOGS and uaefurnT lure Call 9U0-J-4 mornings and eve ningji; C"ALLA!'i for a fair bid on your fur niture Al's Furniture Center. 914 Win rhester St Phone 1.127-R WANTED - two-bedroom house, ftirnih ed or partly, (juiet couple. Close In. Ph 2nti:Y WANTED TO B!'Y-A1I kinds of fuVnl ture Let us bid on your house of fur niture Call 9IW-R at 5(Q N Jackson St WANTED"- Bath tub, 3 6', good condi tion Call l'R7-L WANTED TO BUY-Hldev Roseburg Meat Co . phone 280 Dogs REGISTERED Irish setters t2V pure bred Colombia Collies: Pekfngrse Fox Terriers A Ivo Siamese kittens. Para- dlePet S;iop.l N Jarkson St. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GX7lO"cOCKFR KKXUtfPhnnm or 452-Y Reg and pel. pupoiesli coiors Stud servu e FOR SALE Blond Cocker pup Ph BH.T-Y COLLIE and Shepherd pups, 93 bo"each Hathaway. Umpqua Siamese KiriTNS for sale, purebred Phone 3 F 11 Time MoTO-SHAVER AVOID -SHAVER IS necn 04 a t"40sS 1 A tT faF?n truil r Q ACCQAl I HltACXKI 1 who says: vwrrs fVSCTID-SHAVER FOR M TDUSW WHISKERS EVERY W0RNINS- J 1.-. . 1 use rr.n -it 9 nvsnti'tTt, I Help Wanted Opportunity For Young Man BETWEEN AGES 25-39. Interested In moving aneaa wun steadily expand ing men's clothing business. Experi ence in retail selling desirable but not compulsory. College education pre ferred, but not necessary. Chance for advancement excellent. Livable wage Riiaranteea. write box Vol, newi eview. Stenographer Wanted Apply prrMnnrl office Martin Bros. Box Co. Oakland, Oregon Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KKFL MOTOR CO. 443 N Jarkton EXPERT Body and Fender Man WANTED SEE RALPH HERMAN Roseburg Motor Co. Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN , t mile fo Loa Htway 99 Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOODMOTORS CAR HOP WANTED AT THE DRIVE INN ONE MILE SO ON HIWAY 99 CHRISTMAS CAHD SENSATIONS' New PLASTIC Greetings sell on sight, pay you big profit. 21 -card "Leader" Assortment 91. Many others. Name - Imprinted Greetings SO for 91: also Napkins, Floral Notes, "Leader" on aMroval. FREE Imprint Samples. STYLART. 1.110 Santee, Dept 46, Loa Angeles 33, Calif. WANTED Salesman or salesTadV to sell and service Life. Health, Accident and Hospital Insurance in Roseburg and vicinity. Top commissions and re newals. For full details write Rov C. Stewart. 3H1 State St., Salem. Oregon. Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper State age and experience. News Review Box DR6 WANTED Experienced Waitress UMPQUA HOTEL COFFEE SHOP WANTED Experienced logging truck driver and loading engineer. Apply Powell's office, Yoncalla. Ph. Yoncalla .1H2 WANTED Experienced pear' packers" starting Sept 9. Ewens Bros., ph .T2-F-1I v SAWYER. 45.000 capacity circular mill Must know grades. Pacific Lumber Distributors. Riddle, ph. 62 LADIES Would you invest 5 hours a day iyr earnings m eacn week? Write Box n4. News-Review. WANTED'Seeond lnaderWltcher Log- ging CoPh 31B-J-3, evenings 1 WHISTLE PUNK 4 miles East on N. Umpoua Road. Decker lagging Co WANTED Experienced choker setter. Apnlv 823 ilKvcr. WANTED A trucktohaulogshort haul Phone 13-J-4. WANTED Cnmhlnnt ton cook nndwrit ress. ApplvatBowUng Alley Cafe WANTED Log trucks. Call" 80S R 3, " Poultry Baby Chicks Hamns, Redi. Crosses Every week In the year Beat of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Looklnrglass Rt Phone lft-r 3 FOR SALE Colored frvers, 4'V a pound Rt 1. Hog 178. Maurice Weber Call Rabbits WHEN YOUR RABBITS GET DOWN TO FOUR THAT S THE TIME TO FREEZE: SOME MORE. , ; v R B A FOR SALE -Rabbit fryers Sold live weight We dress them free Ftaher Rnrj R V, Toy. Rt 2 Rote 242 D Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth ftr block peeler core, small round core mill end, planing end i oak and laurel. Rpeiai price on plan er ends for short lime See this wood 1 mile Fast on Douglas St Rt I. Bo 4.1 Prompt delivery Claude Wlltev, Phone 13 J-lor 14.1-JI FOR SALE Slab wood, sawdust, planer -rt Chin- M7 Johnson Enl f'o I or Trade WILL TRADE 40 acres, 10 acres tillable with small cabins 12 miles from ho. burg for nire house trailer. inquire ("has Clark. Freds Trailer Court. 1st rahm. Garden V'a'ley Road TO TRADE-Modem hnm. "irnil m r e" are for unimp'o 'arm land. How ard Cherry, Oakland. r v By Jimmy Hatlo "PaS. HERE'S TIGER HIMSELF 'I'LL HAVE -TO GETME A KJEVV Rentals FOR HEN1 New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W. Oak St Phuna 120 FOR RENT POLISHER, WAXFR and scrubber-A II in one tool Light enough any child can handle finger-lip control F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 g. Stephens Phone i 47 R Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use In your own home SING KM SEWING CENTER 204 N Jsrkwn Ph. 723 Tra iler Space -awn and fence, automatic dryer, heat ed shower room. Clean and modern; lavground for children, New Moon railtr Inn, north on ttfl. Ph. B3VJ-4. Basement UNDER LOCAL store in center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's Store. REFIN1SH youFlwirnoors. easTlvdone wiih our high speed floor sender in expensive. Montgomery Ward it Co Phone 93 FOR KENT Trailer space, S minutes walk from City Center. Inquire o30 Fowler St 2-ROUM HOUSEitlTlialiranditUI1v room: for rent or sale. T. J. Petok, Box OVD. Melnise Rt.. A gee Lane. SINCLK ROOM. Private otitaide' eiv trance. Light hounekeplng. Inquire rear apt 12a Flint. 3-ROOM apartment for rent, partly i-irniMiBu. no arinner. a.n I lire r See after l::tO p in. FOR RENT Spaces for trailers wiTfi no emiuren e-oenoowcr nailer Court, milewest oi;ardenVaIleyRoad 90 ACRE FARM. 10 miles out. good road. Modern house. 9V0. month. Write Ho 251, Myrtle Creek. fKt'CKS FOR RENT -You driverTong or short trips Bee Hive truck rental 7,te Siuth Stephens. Phone Is.ttt-J TRUCKS and trailers for gant. move yourself Thompson Signal Service Stephenat Wahington Phone 7!I3 SLEEPING ROOMS for men. 930 Jackson. ROOM W If lik Ftc he npr vl lea'es-toqtTiet couple. 4:t0 N Pine. SLEEPING ROOM AT If pruca St gt the foot of Washington ROOM FOR RENT in modernOTTteTllVI Barager. Phone 373-R-2. f"OH RENT Furnished apitrtmeni Phone 420 J 2 ROOM TO RENT for young man. 1049 Mthtarn Ph. BBH-J. CADGE. 2 bedroom upstairs apt, Un furnlshed. :(I0 West 2nd Ave. If. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 with twin beds PhonUIYX Rooms for rent, with anT'wfthout kitchen privileges. Sou J'owlcr. UNFURNISHED new house, closTln. 1W per monthwPh11074-R. U DRIVE TRUCK rental WinstorTroiP er Court.WinstonPhonejWU-J- ROOM FOR RENT. Phone I4M J SLEEPING ROOM. 1203 N. Jackwm Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank Prompt service No mile, age charge, reasonable rates, special ra tea for com mrri a I la i . it 74fi Short St Ph 12A4-Y P O Box 26 ALL BUILDINU construction, new and old. remodeling, iu down, no ob too large or too small All type masonry conitmrtlon. flagstone and brick barbecues and pallos a specialty Mag netite floors and drain boards Phone lr.wfi-R-l, contractor, A RSnow WORK" WANTED by "steady youngmar ried man Experience on farm, In sawmill, etc. Farm work preferred BIH Clark, care J. F. Bunt-brake. Melrose Rt Box 140 REGISTERED medlcnl tecnnolog'lstTalo experienced as bookkeeper and medi cal stenoaranher. Box Bfio. Nwa. Review ARRANGE FOR YOUR fVll plowing now 20 to luoo acres, rontract or bv the hour. Good equipment. Ph WI3-J-3. 01 iver s ARE OUT OF TOWN for a short time Septic tanks and dram fields BASKMENTS AND back yards cleaned" Light pirkup and delivery C. A Deal.Phi.ne lH-J-3.Ros. burg. TLOOR COVERING Complete sales and Installations Free estimates. Modern Flonrt'overlng Phcine .'(48 HOU8B MOVING, foundstionrnevellng. 14 years experience P at B Towing. 74.1 S Stephens Phone fl'J. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING. All types Mm Don W Garrison. 1005 MadroneSt Phone 802-L WANTFI Work for xfl short log trtictt, It and IH ft logs bee L. M. Kramer Camas Valley WANTED- Ironing In mv home. 531 Fowler St Phone mjX ASHING AND IRONING In "my" honia Phone Ifllfl-H 2 PPACTICAL N r R S E Mabel L. C rouse. Rt 1. Box 2(1. Sutherlin. WANTED Laundrv to do In my own hone 14ni Harrison St Financial F. H. A, LOANS ""umpqua realty Arross from Post Office on Hignwav 00 112 N Stephens Ph MiVJ Personal SPENCER TORSETIFRE Btirrh Phone JELcohoTF's AlfONVSR 1116 or Phona 1V-L or 50t5-J. 5 9TRAI6HTR420R. TWENTV yEA)?S I IVE BEEN USlNS Tui Aug. 30 1949-The Newi-Rviw, Roseburg, Ore. 11 For Sfle Miscellaneous. SPARTAN 24' - 29 - 20 - 24 The life time trailer Haa a body we believe will last to years or more. No dry rot Kit 12 - If 11' IS' 33 Columbia 12- - 14 20 - 22 - 23' The West's Fastest Seller and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contract. Con tr acta to 3 years on Spartan. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore - Phone Springfield 2631 3 Milea South on M Rt . itox U. Eugene Slacks $L95 It will pav you to come nut for these trim fitting, well tailored slacks. Stripes, colors and black. Sires 10 to 20, New nylon and acetate blouses. Button down the bark. 22 7 S. They are beauties. Fall dresses are here at my money saving prices. Rose Schombel Calkins RoadBox 1 BSC -Ph. ?."9-J4 Where you save 13 to 12 Open Until 8 P. M. Roofing Top Quality Many Colors To Choose From Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 J Compart vacuum cleaners complete wun aiiacnmeni. i nese macmnee are practically new, been In use only about 2 months. Will accept bids. I Singer electric Iron. SJ00. 1 Motorola portable batterv or electric radio. Good condition. 230.00. Inquire at 2nd Douglas Co. Stat Bank tsiag- or pnone toe. Aluminum Eaves trough Slip Joints No Soldering Home Builders Lumber Co. North On Highway 99 River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply, Paul Casey 837 W. Mosher Phona 11T-Y House trail er IS FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakes. Can be seen at house in the rear af General Welding Works. Htway 00. 2S mils south of KosebUrg. FOR SALE House, garage, acre, light l, water available. Prlc 01860., a dfiwn Furniture can go. 4-door Deluxe M0 Ford, good condition, 0.3 42 highway, first road left old Coos highway mm stand. I.L. McLart; FAST SEHVICE FINE WORK Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry . N Umpqua Road at Ivan St Phone I tun J FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X FOR SAI.E-Starter cabin, to be moved or arrangements made to live in at present loi-nllon. Immediate posses sion. 2 blocks north on Sunshine road. Ervin A. Ksslg, Rt L Box 151-Y, niprimr. fOR "SALE McCaskey cash register, adding machine type: WOM0 ring uo. Good condition. See at A. R. Sharpe, a Biwsn ao, nea ana wnite store, Canonvllle. FOR SALE 1947 Wnlrlabout trailer house, exceptionally clean condition. Haa been pulled only 200 miles. Can ne seen ai nuinerun Airport, r. u. Brlngle. 18 Ft. travelo trailer FOR RALE OR TRADE Fully equipped. Ph. (Hi:i-J-2. PKRFEX 53 CARRYING CASE ATTACH MENT, G. E. Exposure meter, carry ing case. 3 flood lamps, Argus En- larger ana aarx room equipment slide holder. SW. Phone127T FOR RALE -Enameled Montag wood and coal range, rolls included; or will trade for locker meat Ph. 1062-Y. or call at 347 So. Stephens. FOR SALE Used Montag cast furnace in good condition; almost new 30 gal. extra heavy hot water tank. Ca.l K.W.-R. FOR SALE R C A. Victor Console tvpe radio, nice mahogany veneer finish Good buy at to. Ph. 070-L, or sea at l.'to Blakely Used Garden tractor TERMSPIIONE 3R4-J-9 PRACTICALLY new Ward s Supreme vacuum cleaner. I '2 off Mrs. Simp son, Idlej Id Rt., 3 miles E. Dixon ville. TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 ru ft Suitable for restaurant or tavern Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern 5WN Jackson. FOR SATE -" Used wood ranges. Ice boxes, elect rio ranges, electric with ers Umpqua Valley Appliance. 120 W Oalc St 3WKI WATT OWEJTelectricnight pls'nt. iiiiiv automaiic. on skids. Lesti Woods Phone 47-J-2 F"OR SALE-" -"l loading donltev7"2 dVums 8 cylinder motor. $12. C McCann. Box 101, Camas Valley Oregon. 28 FT GLIDER trailer. 3""rooms. hot water heater and shower, 75. 5-V) Fowler Play inThe band wfth this -King" cornet: excellent condition, reasons blePh ,IK2I-J-L FOR SALE Locker meat, good Angus cattle, 'i or whole unit. C J Holges Glide, Oregon 25 WHITE NEWEATANlfTabblts and hutches for sale O D Hubbard, Aus tin Road Phone l'WMiR:4 ffoi'R STANLEY dealrr. James I," Rob erts. 216 Court tit. Phone 8.10-Y De llverv on orders of 43 00 or more. ; FOR SAT.E-a cuHcHfl RerveF kerosene1 refrigerator, used 2 months. Phone S70-J-4 CARGE C E D A hff n ce rts for sale L'mpqua Rd ftntrhurg Shingle to. pnone i-ff.w fon SAT.E m new 21 Jewel Hamilton railroad watrh. 002-B. 35S Barager Phone T73-H-2 lff7 FORD VR sedan delivery Reasona hie 4 ISO 2H0 gal ble an tank. 3ia K 2nd Ave N Phone lotiS-U FOR SAI.E 22 HI power Savage rifle. S4.V 12 bass Morrill Accordlan. Rt. 1, Box Lift FOR SALE R-flat Buesrher cornet. Used )ei than one year. In excellent con dition 114U E 2nd St. BARGAIN Baby's rnb and warrtrohe, like new 3th house on left, Fair St. WILL CAHE for children" by "week" or month icerllfied' Phone va-y fil'Y CHHISTIAN SUPPLIES at the Bible Book Center ll5WOafc FOR SALE Bicycle, like new. 020 Cobb Street tl.F.CTROr.UX VACI'l'M cleaner for sale Phone TT3-R-2 TRAILER HOUSE for sale. iltoT'Ytn- Htore FOR KALE criEAP "f ralleTFouse. sleeps 4. Inquire at Canyonville Barber Shop. For SaleMiscellaneous Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew FOR SATE Furniture. S piec bedroom set. $4.1. One xl Wilton rug. S0O, One spring and innersprlng mattress, double. One baby stroller. 5J1 Burke St f OR" SALE - 28 ft. Cottage-type trailer house. Butane equipped, $830 cah and will trade for car, pickup or panel. May be jeen S.W Fow ler St FOR SAI.E 1 oil circulator with 140 gal tank, 1 wood circulator. 341 S. Pine. FOR SATE Rabbits; bred does. 1 buck With 20 young; dishes and feed. Last house behind Airport Inn. Also' 1 Mall Jowerawt40. with 3bladea. GAS and, electric water heaters, closing out at wholesale prices. Roseburg Furniture Exchange. 200 N. Jackson. Ph. aftl-R. CARGE stock of swing rockers, very reasonable Roseburg Furniture Ex rhange. 500 Ish Jacksun. Ph.80.t-R. NEW and used wood "heater. Roseburg Furniture Exchange, SOU N. Jackson. Ph i;i-R 16x:t2 NEW TENT at a bargain Rose burg Furniture Exchange, 300 N. Jack son Ph. Bii.i-R CarGE STOCK chairs, new and used. Roseburg Furniture Exchange, 000 N. Jar k son. Ph 80;i-R FOR SALE 27 ft. Schult house trailer: or trade for good furniture. 01500. Phone 162a-J-lthisweek oolv FOR SALE One "good usetT davenport. 20Call H47-J. BAN'S BICYCLE for sale. Good condU lion Ph 1070-L-X; J" BOATS for sale. Clark. 815 MlcelU FOR SALE -Gas range. 020. 1 103 Wharton Ave. FOR SALE An Airline console radio Excellent condition IMO-R j Loans MONEY 911 029 050 07S 0100 2200 tOO UP TO 0500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em ployed men and women ma v niiaiifw today for a salary loan up to t,i00 whether you're in a new Job or an old on Borrow on your car or furniture. Your lurnnure or automooiie make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for nnv i p to souu on your rurnituro. up to 03UO on your ear Special "Pay Day" Loans. 010. 022. 830 manen uu "ray Day or longer Pay only for the actual number of dayg you keep the money. 222 costs 18c for one week. No other charges. Phona for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr 235 No Jackson Phone 1172 Lie. S-37S- M-352 Roeeburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile tpatd for, or noti. Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental btlla Varallon expenses Consolidate debts Ce-financlng When you borrow get your monev from the Company thai makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOS Douglas Count Stat Bank Bldf Phono 4M M-TTT - State Lie - -Je"4 Business Opportunities Important Tractnr and Implement Franchise for Douglas County, Agency for a lead ing tractor, with a growing profitable business already built up. Owner has other business that needs his atten tion, sn we are offering this at in voice No blue sky or good will being charged for. 08000. will handle. Valley Real Estate Agency 112 W. Cass St. Phono 000 FOR SALE New pumice stone store, size 34x50 Living quarters in back. Shelves and gondolas It is in very gooa location j tunes souin or Mvrtie Creek on Hi way Ml See owner Frank G ran sky next to Melody Mountain Barn. Phone 10WI Myrtle Creek. FOR" SALE -New block building, newTy equipped business, going good. Light lunch, new Sweeden freezer, ic rream. popcorn, and Karmelkorn. Best of location In Lebanon, Oregon. F O Rrnwnson. 503 Park St., Leban on. Oregon. FOR SALE General" store and tavern, service station, modern living quar ters A going business, grosses 09.000 avear Box 14.1. Dillard 10 UNIT MOTEL. Owner, phone 1422. Farm Equipment Used tractors And Implements I04fl Ford tractor l4ft Model B John Deere. MOIiEL A Fermall with cultivator plow and wordaw, 15 CATERPILLAR With 10" plows. 3 bottom 12 I If C. plow. 7' cover crop disc harrow. 7' field l.HC disc harrow 3 -section sprtngfield looth harrow. Many used tools for Ft.rd tractors In cluding rear end manure loader, tiller, etc. Several sites gsrden tractors. Good service and low or ices. UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. Ford Tractor Dealer 125 S. Pine St. FOR SALE OR TRADE Slight! v Used Fairbanks-Morse 25iM watt 110 volt, with complete set .12 volt glass, bat teries; trade separate or together for rood livestock of any kind Be vans, rt lev Id ri . Box 1IU, known as old Rtx klev Ranch BEARCAT Garden tractor, or will "trade for car Roseburg Furnttue Ex fhinr. Wt y Jackson St Ph Srvt.R. hist ruction Learn AUTO-BODY-FENDER Big pay opportunities Course Include weld ing painting, metal work Spare time. FREE facts Auto-Crafts Training. 040, car News-Rev tew.