12 Tht News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Men., Aug. 29, 1949 LOCAL Go to Coast Mr. and Mn. Frederick J. Porter of Roseburg spent Sunday at Bandon, Port Or ford and Gold Beach. Hero From Portland Mra. C. W. Hunt, who owna the property at 637 Reservoir avenue in Rose burg, is here from Portland on business. Spend Day In Medford Mr. and Mrs. Stanley V. Wright of Roseburg spent Sunday in Med ford visiting f riendK 4-H'ers to Meet The Cleveland 4-H club will hold Its regular meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday night, Sept. 1, at the schoolhouse. Visitors are privileged to attend the meeting. Chapter to Meet Alpha Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi will meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. T. B. Virden, 1018 N. Jackson street, with Mi. Elliott Perkins and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, co-hostesses. Visiting at Woods Home Mrs. Estelle Woods and Judy Wiggans of Stayton, Ore., are visiting in Roseburg with the former's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Woods, and fam ily. Back From California Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wlmberly have re turned to their home on Glenn street, following a trip to Calif ornia to attend to business and to visit their son and daughter-ln-law, Mr. and Mra. Donald Wlm berly, and family, at Berkeley. They were accompanied by their sister-in-law, Mrs. J. R. Wharton, of Roseburg, who visited her sis ter, Mrs. Ben McNamee, in San Francisco, Visit From Illinois Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Richardson of Taylor ville, III., spent the last week in Roseburg as guests of the C. E. Richardson family at 715 East Lane street. L. G. and C. E. Rich ardson are first cousins and this was their first meeting in A3 years. The two families spent as much of the week as possible in sight seeing trips In this part of the state. This was the Illinois visitors' first trip to Ore. Sutherlin Defers Schools' Opening; Teachers Listed Opening of the Sutherlin schools has been postponed until Monday, Sept. 12, to allow the completion of the new high school building. According to Superintendent W. W. Rlddlebarger, all teachers have been engaged except for two, and that vacancies are open for teachers for the fourth and sixth grades. The following teachers have been employed for the school term: . , First grade Miss Lillian War moth, Mls Jessie Rockhold, Mrs. Jane Slrawbridge, and Mrs. Pe trona Wilcox. Second grade Mrs. Edna Lynch, Miss Alene Hinckley and Mrs. Margaret Ware. Third grade Mrs. Harriet Keagy, Mrs. Ella Oleman, and Mrs. Nina Wynn. Fourth grade Mrs. Delorne Henry and Mrs. Minnie Smith. Fifth grade Mrs. Catherine Mathews, Mrs. Dorothy Austin and Mrs. Myrtle Garrett. Sixth grade Mrs. Gladys Wolf hagen and Mrs. Jean MacMlllan. . Seventh end eighth grade de partmentalHarold Austin, prin cipal. Arthur Treman, Mrs. Mar garet Owens, Mrs. Francis Ket tleson, Mrs. Flora Cooper and Miss Jean Shryock. High school Fred Richardson, principal, physical science, coun seling; Orrin Hills, conch, alge bra, agriculture, shop; Mrs. Har riet Kabler, English T and 11, library; Mrs. Thelma Wilson, so cial economics, home economics I and II, orientation; Mrs. Mai' Jorle Leonard. English III, IV, public speaking; Ralph Gardner, U.S. history, general science, typ ing I. Miss Jean Stephenson, advanc ed math, world history; Miss Bernlece Peterson, biology, girls' physical education and health; Roy Lundborg, commercial; Robert Brigham, geometry, boys' physical education and health; Miss Barbara Miller, music. Sutherlin rural unit Mrs. Mar garet Smith, Mrs. Mildred Hayes. Mis. Doris Harwell and Charles Garrett, principal. Jobless Payments At Lowest In Nine Months WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-.P) New applications for Jobless pay ments have dropped to the lowest level since last November. The Bureau of Employment Se curity said yesterday a steady slackening "In the rate of new SCREENS Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Screens PAGE LUMBER & FUEL E n"i Ave. S Phone 2 V: C.-iiop nrning, ary up blisters quirk l. (clr. SDe IVY-DRY ITCH (SVuhlMl li Ittfhlv enit- Uchmm and will con tinue for lira II not tnnDTCl Ita sol nui to the Itrh-mltc, which U Immune to ordinary treatment EXSORA hllU the Iter -mite almoet mfltantly Only three eleye EXSORA treatment la reoulreol MaU ordere el van prompt attention. Free Meyer Draea, Reaehar NEWS Returns to Work Harry Flet cher, linotype operator, has re turned to his work at the News Review, following his vacation. Go To Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight of Roseburg left Friday night for Seattle to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. (Bud) Watson (formerly Marjorle Knight). Leaves For Portland David Gordon, who has been here as assistant to Rev. Alfred Tyson at St. George's Episcopal church, has returned to his home in Port land to make preparations for lpavlng this week for Berkeley, Calif., to resume his studies. Or. Ounn Back Dr. R. L. Dunn is back in his chiropractic office in Roseburg, following a vacation in Washington. He was accom panied by Mrs. Dunn, who Is spending this week at Cannon beach attending a Bible confer ence, before returning to her home here later this week. To Meet Tuesday The Forest Supreme Woodmen circle lodge, No. 35, will meet at the home of Mrs. Mildred Hites on the Rifle range road Tuesday night, Sept. 30, at 8 o'clock, he Hites home Is the third white house on the left side of the road. All members are requested to be present. Visiting Mrs. Lillian Bergman and three sons of Van Nuys, Calif., are enjoying their vaca tion visiting the former's sisters, Mrs. Gus Unci bloom and Mm. Annie Cantreell, aUo with her niece, Mrs. Bert Frazer, of Glide, and will visit her brother and nephew in Eugene, before return ing to California. At Tyson Home Miss Cora Jane Mornlngstar, former student at Sweet Briar college at Lynch, burg, Va., who will attend West ern State college at Bowling Green, Ky., this fall, is spending six weeks in Roseburg visiting Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Tyson on East Lass street. Miss Morning- slur is a niece or Mrs. Iyson. Also visiting at the Tvson home Is Rev. Mr. Tyson's father, A. H. Tyson, of Eugene. Accidents Kill 7 In Washington By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Highway accidents claimed thtf lives of five persons throughout Washington state this weekend. A sixth person was drowned and a Tacoma youth was asphyxiat ed. Failure of their car to nego tiate a curve east of Vancouver early Sundav was fatal to Robert Kindall, 21, Portland, and Milton Wlntcrrath, 22, of Vancouver. Clifford Hensel, also of Vancou ver, escaped with bruises. William R. Vanderwilt, 26, of Blaine, was killed north of Seat tle Saturday night when a car struck the rear end of a truck. Harvey C. Knutson, 27, oX Ellens burg, driver of the car, escaped with minor injuries. A crash Involving three auto mobiles and an Inlerurban bus fatally injured Margaret Patricia Bushy, 27, of Seattle, on the Bothcll Highway early Sunday. Fred P. Niemann, 2, of Burley, was killed Saturday night when his car left the road on a turn on the ol dPurdy highway near Gig Harbor. At Tacoma, Edwin Alvln Bry an, 20, died early Sunday from asphyxiation. Coroner Paul Mil linger said a lighted cigarette had apparently smouldered on a mattress for several hours, filling me nome wttn smoke. Charles Hurd. 2 1-2 years old. drowned in Lake Washington Sat urday. Trapped Heifer Finally Liberated From Silo OSCEOLA. Wis.. Auir. m.I.V) Snoopy, the 6.1O pound inquisitive nener, was enjoying the sunlight today. She was freed Saturday night from the sunken silo dungeon where she had been a prisoner nearly 80 hours. A little Ingenuity on the part of her owner, Everett Iimpman, lifted Snoopy to her freedom. Lampman cut three acres of corn for sllnge to duinp Into the silo where Snoopy was a prisoner 12 leet below the door. As the silage was blown In. Snoopy grad ually was elevated toward the door. Then a push and she was out. A slenderizing diet of watt-r kept Snoopy's figure sleek and thin enough to get back through the narrow opening. Auto Thief, After Gas, Finds Owner At Garage PORTSDAM. N. Y.. Aug. 29- .n-Gerald Smith got back his stolen automobile the easy way. One hour after the car disap peared from a parking Int. a man drove it to a garage where Smith was working and asked him to put some air In the tires. The thief beat it when Smith started firing questions. Industrial layoffs" is Indicated in sharp drops in new unemploy ment since mid-July. Initial claims Indicating new unemployment numbered 239.207 during the week ended Aug. 20. the report said. This was a drop of 31.MI3 from the number filed the previous week. Initial claims declined in -10 states. Also filed, however, were 7.533 claims from veterans who had been filing under the service men's readjustment benefit pro gram. This program expired for most veterans Julv 2.V OUT OUR WAY 04M 1 GUESS IT'S A PZrrrrr OH, V2 IH Pffl DIRTY TRICK, BUT 1 MM! 1 SEE M- fflm I'D LIKE TD IT A ) rTf! 0K FW ! - A FEW PLEASANT -TirfV Jfllri WM M fi LICKS BEFORE f JO-VSSSSSF 111': BEIW ANWOYEP T7iFAi$mmw2b WHERE HUNDREDS DIED This killing en estimated iUU perioni, mottly children. Most of the remaining hornet in Ambato mutt be torn down. A spokesman for the president eid the government had not been able to compile e death list, but eitimeted that the toll was between 2,000 end 4,000. IAP wirephoo.) VFW Will Aid Vets In Applying For Dividends T. F. Holmes, commander of District No. 16, Veterans of For eign Wars, announces that appli cation blanks for dividend pay ments on National service life in surance of World War II veter ans, will be available Monday, Aug. 29, through Saturday, Sept. 3. V. F. W. headquarters for filing applications for insurance divi dends will be In the lobby of the Grand hotel from 1 o'clock p.m. until 9 p.m. R. L. Preston, serv ice officer of V.F.W. Post 2468. will assist veterans In making out applications for insurance divi dends. According to Holmes, the fol lowing Information will be nec essary In making out dividend forms: Service serial number or numbers, branch of service, In surance numbers including prefix N. V or H. and Veterans admin istration claim number, if any. All veterans who held national service life insurance 90 days or more will be entitled to divi dends. eVftJan Vinegar In Shampoo; No, 'Twos Syrup Instead MC LEAN. Tex., Aug. 29 Mrs. J. W, Story's freshly sham pooed hair stood up as if she I. ad just seen a mouse. She rewashed it with moie rain water, more shampoo and another vinegar rinse. Another starched coiffure! Mrs. Story reread the shampoo directions. She had followed them, , Then she tested the water okay; the shampoo okay; the vinegar It turned out to be peach pickle syrup. Mrs. Story headed for the near est beauty parlor. Two Colleges Receive Forest Fellowships SEATTLE. Aug. 29 -.? The Weyerhaeuser Timber has an nounced creation of fellowships in forest management at the Uni versity of Washington and Ore gon State college. Each school will have a $1,000 annual grant for a deserving student, J. P. Weyerhaeuser Jr. announced Sat urday. Elliott Recall Move Nears Petition Goal PORTLAND, Aug. 29 t.V Sponsors of a recall aimed at Multnomah countv Sheriff M. 1 Elliott report they need but IS.000 more signatures "on the special eleetlon petitions. The committee said 12.000 sig natures had been filed and esti mated petitions still in the hands of volunteer workers had another 13.000 names. A total 30,528 eligible names are required. :m;.. .fTjjiw )' ' t "" A. ' f . -, .--.'J jfetsP h'-- . ft . . I lift r"V. ''4 i J E:Tb hhr.A cathedral at Ambato, Ecuador, eollapted tn fhe earthquake, al -"J?" V ?- v. v aJru HAPPY LANDING Bernarr McFadden, 81-year-old physical cul turist, It greeted by hit wife In e hayfield near Dansville, N. Y., where he landed hard but uninjured after hit first parachute jump. McFadden taid he wanted to prove that growing old it nonsense. (AP Wirephotol Woman Lands 10-Pound Trout At Diamond Lake A 10-pound rainbow trout taken Friday from Diamond lake sets a new season record, reports Os car Larson, one of the owners of Diamond lake resort. The fish was caught bv Mrs. H. I. Mi-KIm, who took the 31 Inch beauty while trolling with her husband. Two other fish, one of three pounds and the other four and one-half pounds, were included in the day's catch. A five-dav fish derby, which ends Sept. 1, now is In progress at the lake, under sponsorship of the resort management. Daily prizes are being offered. Grand prize will be an outboard motor. John Shelby Cheek Of Sutherlin Passes Away John Shelby Cheek, 77, resident of Sutherlin for the last twelve years, died suddenly Saturday. As far as known he is survived by a son and a niece, who reside" in Portland. Funeral services will be held In the Methodist church Wednesday at 2 p. m.. with Rev. C. E. Biittain officiating. Inter- iment will be In Fair Oaks ceme- tery. Arrangements are in care of the Stearns mortuary, Oakland. What is believed to be the ear liest reference to pearls Is from a Chinese manuscript of 2.3.i0 i B. C. By J. R. Williami J Q or 2M. M wi,'jjaejntnin! in - :i . t 1 1 tt I A (St 4 TWepant. EXPENSIVE TRAINING - c.rol Ann Beery, la, the adopted dauch Irr of Uie late actor Wallace Beery, aj she appeared In a Los Ant-elea court Co obtain approval of an al lowance. The court directed that Ixa) a month be paid to Carol Ann for her own personal use. since the $S00 "pocket money" will be rood training for her. M she la willed one-third of the late actor's tt.07S.ftM estate. um mi ;;r Wwvl Fruits and Vegetables Improved Elberta Peaches 92.00 buihel; telect U SO. Bring boxeM. Yoorhies Ranch Loottlniglaavi Valley TOMATOES Indiana cannery. Now at their beat. Choict 30 lb. nat, 11 00 buihal, 50 lb. $1 SO, already picked Your container at ranch. Also Ptnta and Italian prunei; per pound 3c, you fick. Llndbloom, Olxonvtlla, ph. -r-s. Canning Tomatoes It 00 buahet. Bring own container. S mnea on oia uixonvuw na. na. Nravoll GRAVEN STElU APPLES Peachea for canning, awcet corn, tomatoes, melons and other frulta and vegetables at the Kruse Stand, 1 mile west on Mel rose Rnad. Closed Saturday. fEACHES Elbertas, Hales and Im- provea tioeriaa Tor ranninff. r.a Thlele. Winston. Civil Bend Cemetery road, last house on left Phone 150M-J-3. Cucumbers for pickles pick them fresh and ter.dcr. arry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con- GAVENSTEIN APPLES, ll 50 and S3 25 a box. Bring containers. Washed and free of spray. 3 miles S. Dixon ville w rn H uaiiey. Cocker and canning com now ready; also pears and cantaloupe. Hlv eredale. Curry Esuta. Rt 2, Box 3M Clarence Mabley. CHOICE UPLAND Hale and Improved Elberta peacnea now ready, u-picx or I pick. Emery Baker, Vt mile W. of a roc K way store. BARTLETT PEARS. SI 00 box: you Dick sue n l. aeon, niocKB west m rairhaven. Melrose Road. Ph. 444-J-4. CANNING BEANS, tomatoes and mel ons lor sale, l mil a soutn 0( uuiara Moore and Rice. IMPROVED Elberta and Hale peachei ready lor canning at A. r. &uxsaorr Fruit Stand, Winston. Oregon. PEACHES: Hales and Elbert as. You pick and Dring containers, uaie metier Brock way. BARTLETT PEARS for sale, SI. box Also No. 1 and uravenstelns. no UIJT spray used. No Sunday sales. Reln- hoid BlanK. LookingglasB. TOMATOES, Cantaloupes, watermelons tor sa.e. n. t-iaypooi, oaraen Valley. FOR SALE Choice sweet corn, 30c doz en, oy sarK or nan sacx. J. r. oone nraKe. Meirose hi., box io. IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACHES, string Dean ana pears. Harry Winston. CUCUMBERS. I. A. Culler, Butters Lane. CANNING PEARS, 73c a bunhel: 50c you pick, ivan Swift. Looklmglass. KENTUCKY WONDER beans. C. W Schmidt, Garden Valley. CANNING TOMATOES for sale now. Harlan Moore. Ph. 13-F-15. PICKED PEARS FOR SALE. W. O. Com mon Place. Rt 2. Box 225. HALE and Improved Elberta Peaches nugn ttiicnie, u a, uaraen vauey. Lost Found LOST Brown billfold with papers and currency, ir round, pieane leave at Fair haven Market, or call Ony Wil son. 1167 -J. Reward. COST 14 FT grey Cedar boat from ivatcner's ianaing. uail ur. Globs. 4(J1 or 1084-R, reward. LOST Croton wrist watch and arm band, on High School Grounds. Re ward. Call David Morgan at 919-J or Roseburg Book Store. LOST Brown leather pocketbook; find er Keep money, pieane return papers and cards. Leave at News-Review office. MAN'S WATCH FOUND. Call 1406. Building Materials YOUR CREDIT'S) O. K. WITH US , ALL MATERIAL To build, remodel, repair; nothing; down, easy terms. Call Mr Holtapple. Roseburg 837-Y Oalc Flooring No. t Com. Oak nhorta. SI 40. per M rn. iu-k-j, carison s rioor service. Dogs REGISTERED Irish setters. $23; purp urea uoiomom wOiues; reKinaese: r nx Terriers. Also Siamese kittens. Para dlse Pet Shop, 501 N. Jackson St. Jacob1! Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone 6.TO or 4S3-Y Reg and pea. pupotee.ali rotors Stud service COLLIE and Shepherd pups, $3.00 each. natnaway. umpqua Si A M ESEkTttENS for sale, purebred. rnone s-f -ix. Miscellaneous FOR INVALIDS and elderly folks. 24 nour nurmng care, aiw w em aireei. Phone 1429-R NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING on my Olalla property. H. C. Bellows. Roseburg, Oregon. Instruction Learn AUTO-BODY -FENDER. Big pay opportunities course inciuoen weia Ing. paintmc, metal work. Spare time. FREE facts Auto-Craft Training. Rftt. care News-Review. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE FOR Bins FOR WATER AND FIRK BONDS OF ELKTON. OREGON "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the underslaned Cltv Recorder will ud until 8.00 o clock P M. on the 8th day of September, 1349. at his office in Elkton. Douglas County. Oregon, re ceive sealed bids for the $13,000 no water and fire bonds of said city. Said bonds are in denominations of SSOO 00. i be red No. 1 to No 30 Bidders shall name the rate of Interest on said bonds pa ahle semi-annually from date and dated October 1. 1949. redeemable serial ly from and after one year at anv interent payment period at the office of the undersigned in Elkton, Oregon. A certified check for $300 00 shall ac company each bid pay ahle to the city and to he forfeited In cave the success ful bidder shall fail to complete the purchase of the bonds. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bins will he opened hv the Council at their meeting held at 8 00 o clock P M . September 8, 1949. By order of the Council. B W COWBROUGH Citv Recorder Flkton, Douglas County, Ore gon '" Amphibious Maneuvers Call Lt. Col. Irving As one of six field officer, from the Sixth army area bein; oallod for service durine Second division amphibious maneuvers In California and Hawaii, Lf. Col. Robert U Irving left Rose burg todav for 100 davs of active duty. He will report to the chief umpire at Fort Lewis and will be assigned during the maneuv ers as observer umpire. Col. Irvine, who is First battalion commander of the ISfith Infantrv. is the only field officer called to duty from this state. While Col. Trying Is gone. 1st Lt. Alfred P. Bover, commandinj officer of Co. D. ISrtth Infantrv. will act as custodian of the armory and will be senior mem ber of the armorv board. Per son having business with the armory board should contact Lt Bover. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Dependable Used Car Buys 1947 DODGE SEDAN car ...!.. 11785 00 .OA vi vninitTU sir da N Nice and clean. 1295 00 194 STUDE CONV. CPE. Usra's a mftv hack with very few mtlea. 8195 00 Cheaples 1S34 CHEVROLET Sedan 1937 CHRYSLER Sedan $163 00 123 00 Trucks 19M H, TON DODGE Very good condition. 1939 FORD 14 TON Tires, motor and OK. ...I138S 00 595 00 10 't lun uuwit r. B:50 Urea, 4-ipeed trana. 1345 00 "Si" Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephen Street Better Buys at Barcus Idas rrnavrnlet S mm. rouoe. new motor. R at H ! . ....M5 1943 Pontiae 6 four-door aedan, R. V H MS 1oat rhrvilap Rnval B At H. mW paint 1941 Studebaker Champion aedan.... 770 1940 Ford V- coupe S 1Q.1H Rufrlr tveHan. tcvrentional con dition - 3 19.T9 Chev. Coupe ... 493 19.17 Naih Lafayette 2-dr. adn 175 1947 International pickup with ape- cial factory built van body ... 1193 Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley Road NOW THAT THE HORSE RACES ARE OVER A FREE TICKET TO SEE OUR USED CARS WE TRADE BET YOUR MONEY ON THESE GIRLS ASK TO SEE Helen 1947 4-door aedan, a good buy. Mary lfl4fl 4-door aedan, good as new. June 194fl 4-door redan, a dandy. Evelyn 1042 5-pa us. coupe, a real value. Margie aedan. a steal. Betty 1940 3-door aedan, lota of good service left. Florence 1B39 4-door aedan. 9120 down Toney lf4fl aedan. h a truck load of accessories In it and on lt. All lt lacks la a new car guarantee. Blondy 1941 Convertible, push button top. red leather upholstery, radio, heater, etc. See them at ROSE MOTOR USED CAR LOT ROSE & LANE ST. Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. G M A C term. Chevrolet Buick Pontiae Cadillac trade-ins. COMB IN AND LOOK OVER our new 2d0 and up Immediate delivery on the 1949 Hydra Glide. 1'3 down. 12 months to pa Harley Davidson 125 tM down 50 weekly Joe s Harlev Davidson. 5, ml lea So Hwy 99 Rosehure. Orct rbR SALE-1940 ford convertible: the tubes, brakes, clutch, motor, paint will even throw tn new top See between 3 and j m. at 10O2 Union Ave., one block East Fairhaven Mar- MVST SELL immediately 194 2-iiwed v-usnman scooter, excellent condtlion also l!4t International pickup $4i SLeBVof,r PH l5-R-l. Allen H' Wells. Cemetery Road. Winston. Ore 1941 CHEV. Tl' DOR, R A H. exception atl clean, with new paint. :. or "2r5'.'5rxU.kr,. s Ilori n0r lo cb"1 M CHEV rihnryWTraijro-hiaTr"; !7ln.mn?il ""r "': &VW MORE MONEY lor yoi.r r.,, . ,PSV C0"-" Motor.. !c 2 Sow. sPlrmouil. Phor.. j n4 M CHRYSLER -do..r Wlndr-- ..... mkc FW. Wf t elate 11495 12.T7 rt,.,h. e. . ee to appre- FORSALE-lMl Pontiae 7 4 dr 5din" aood condition, excellent buy, jaoo Term. or cah Phone 1M1-J 1 MODEL A FORD for Ml, SeTrrrt "nSe,",rmn'- S'""""' BanTh FOR SALF-l2srod,l A CslTSrieJn l5tA11M9 CHRYSLER d. call A utos This Is Your Reward! your continued patronafa hara ha. mada It po.ibla lor u. to giva ou real valua. Our policy continue, a. alwaya ifneera intereat and courteous attention, backed by our Reputation lor lair dealin Wa have a wide lection ol Guaranteed Uaed Car. lor your InKpectlon ana approval. Sea theM; SPECIAL IM1 Tord pickup, (. ton, . mile. - OTHER GOOD BUYS '4 Ford 41oor. R St H. "4R Chev, club coupe. BAR '47 Dodge 4-door aedan. R ai H. '47 Chev. rieetllne. '46 Dodge 4-door, Ran. Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto PLYMOUTH Headquarter 2.TO g. Stephen Ph: A99-J "We'll be Here Tomorrow to Back tip What We Say and Do Today!" Trucks SAVE $3000 On thi brand new Diamond T. truck, 901 model. 190 H. P engine. 306 Inch W B . 10:00x20 12-ply all traction tires. Budd wheels. Timken SW-3010 PA Tandem Axle unit 5 speed trans mission, plua auxiliary transmission. If you need a truck for lof haul Inn, look this one over. It's a buy. Our lo Is your gain. Parmenter Pontiae Co. Dealer 3T Pearl St Eugene. Oregon I 1946 INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup. 1 single axle piling trailer For information Phone 432 I29 2ndAve South. TOR SALE 7-8 yard Hiel dump "bed and hoist. A-l condition. See at United Truck Service, Sutherlin, or call 30 Rofceburg. rCXLTlTs HAFTS- for all make of truck! Ray' Truck Shep tOU N Stephana. Phone 4W -J-4 Machinery For Sale WE SET THE PACE!! Reconditioned Tractors 1 Caterpillar D6 6 Caterpillar D4 8 Caterpillar R4 ... Bare I 3 3 VI. Bare 3.1.V). ...Bar 2.500. 1 International TD18 Bare 3 International TD14 Bare 3 International TD9 . . Bare 3 International T9 Bare 3 International TD9 Loaders .... 1 International TD6 . Bar 6.500. S.VIO. 3,V)0 2.7M. 3.3M. 3.900. ' 4 Allia-Chalmers HD7 Bare 4.600. 3 AMis-Chalmera HO10 Bar S.2V1. 3 AlUs-Chalmer HD14 .. Bar 6,350. Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane 1 Yd. 14,S0O. 3 Bucyrus Erie 1SB Shove).... 7.975. 3 Osgood Yard Shovel 6,250. 2 lnsley ' Yard Back ho .. 5.9.V). 6 lnsley Yard Shovel 4,973. "As Is" Tractors & Shovels 20 Caterpillar Ot 3 Caterpillar D4 3 Caterpillar R4 .... 2fl International TDt , 13 International T9 3 In.ley Cranea 3 Unit Cranea ...Bar . Bare Bare Bar. Bare .7J. J.37V 1.77S. 1.97S. 1.475. 3.27V 3.373. Blade. Druma, Parta and other attach menu in atock lor all th. abova equipment LARGEST DEALERS IN THE WEST! Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. 1800 Wert 7th Ave. TeL -ua (tea. S-391i Eugena, Oregon FOR SALE WELL Drill machine" mounted on Chevrolet truck. Will taka late model car or pickup on trade. Write Bnx 979. News-Review. VAN DORN VALVE refaceFcablnet. 950I Office. North Roseburx Motor Court Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE th- orlna In tha moat money. Sale every Frldav. Livestock 12 o'clock, rurntture T p. aa. Roseburg Auction Phnn. IQt WANTED Fat lambs, yearling, ant) h "'V,, 1:"" Creek. Oreion. ph. 4: Darrlll W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 39D-B. Roebura. Orreon Ph fto..n.i EOR SALE New Zealand rabbits and ..-... - ioto uuroc jeraey kiwi r.iiJf' "" 2. Box 193-A. Calkina Road. FARMERS. Win" buy hogi and feeders v.?rdw ln3rJ'0ebur' Brlt them in. r SALE 2 work homes and harness. NtlsonT 10U' "r C' r" SALE jo ewes. 2 Corrledale and HalVTeld. "' V- AN,TED FAT AND FEEDEffninTba Crk pT. aiyrti. Tt f.AL-J""i"l Pits. Fred Neal'. WANTED-AU' kind, of Uvestock. iCSC Poultry Baby Chicks Hampa, Heds. Crosse Every week fa me year Best ol breeding. PuUorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted ,, vear around market City aieat Doualaa Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery LooJijnealaMjtt Phone 1H-F-3 rJi S,ALE Colored fryers, 4nc a pound, evenlna?"'' Mu'c "ar. Call Rabbits When Your Rabbits Get Down To Four That's The Time To Freeze Some More. U. V. R. B. A. FRei.5?i:t:Hib,m Sold lira SJIh V r" the" 'fee Fiaher Ft - --"iJi l2.Box242-D h.n i 5""un b"tk Lewi. M?i". n"n. 1 block befnr. U. ...... t,.ii.H Bndae Fuel oak Sn-T' "!'". nd'- Bl'nini end.. u,l"t Soecul price on olan- T . " Douflaa St Rt. "jue.Phona 15-J -3 or 143-J-3 .n.SAp5SfrS: Swduariiiia enda. Phona 307 Johnaon Fuel Ca. J