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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1949)
Of E)CDE) H D Interviewing Senator Clyde R. Hoey (Democrat) of North Carolina, and chairman of the Senate Committee investigating the "live percenters" in Washington, will be Tom Reynolds, of the Chicago Sun-Times; Mae Craig, of the Portland, Maine Press Herald; Ed Foilllard, of the Washington Post, and Bert Andrews of the New York Herald Tribune on tonight's "Meet the Press" session at six. Albert L. Warner will be moderator for the broadcast., Mutual Don Lee's "House of Mystery" program (Sun . days, 1;00.1:30 p.m.) is offering its listeners copies of the Dodgers Yearbook etories, pictures and biographies of every man on the Brooklyn team in return for Zio and a box top from any Post Cereal. Send name and address to Post's Cereal, Box 17, Brooklyn, New York. Sunday at 1:30, when a prominent stock broker Is electrocuted for a murder he insisted he did not commit and leaves K,000 to Martin Kane to bring the real killer to Justice, It becomes a case for "Martin Kane, Private Eye." The story of a king who exchanged places with his court jester. Is the plot of the drama "Robert of Sicily," which will be presented by "The Family Theater" Sunday at 4:30. Irene Dunne will be the hostess-narrator for the broadcast, with Raymond Burr starred as the "King." A dramatic, behind-the-scenes story of the re ported attempts on the life of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia, will be told during tomorrow's "Secret Missions" broadcast at six. Hank Sauer, slugging Chicago Cubs outfielder and the Number Two home-run man in the National League with 24 fourmasters, will be the panel guest for "Twenty Questions" tomorrow night at eight. MONDAY: An address by President Harry 8. Truman, which will be delivered at the opening session of the 1949 Convention of the' American Legion, will be broad, cast over KRNR Monday, August 29. Mr. Truman will speak from Convention Hall In Philadelphia. (3-3:30 p.m.) PARISH PICNIC DATED I the Acolytes will sell soda pop, St. George's Episcopal church but the rest of the picnic will be will have its parish picnic this potluck. Parishioners are asked Su :day afternoon at 4 o'clock atito bring their own silverware, the Veterans' hospital picnic 1 plates and cups. Softball and grounds. other forms of recreation will be Coffee will be furnished, and i available. AUTO-TRUCK GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE yej lAtvttt ?v Medical coverage covers you and your family and any guest riding in your car and any other car you or your wife may be driving. Paul H. Krueger District Agent 36 S. Stephens St. Roseburg Phone 21 SAM'S NIGHT RIDERS 5-PIECE WISTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 :00 a. m. Admission SOe ' Hall is A:r-onditioned! Everybody Stay lool ond Dance! EAGLES Corner of Cass ond Pine The Shalimar Room Presents 1 And Their Stimulating Rhythm Starting Monday, August 29 Be sure to hear these popular girls at the Shalimar Room 120 South Stephen. "For the Ultimate in Food ond Refreshment" c JZ-J PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Saturday Night 1 Projected New '4 ""3'irr" " Mr The Stare Highway commission, at a special meeting in Portland August 19, gave final approval to the plans for the proposed new office building to be used principally by the com mission, end also by the office force of the district engineer of the United States Bureau of Roads. Bids for the construction of the building will be opened at the regular September meeting of the Highway commission in Portland September 19 end 20. The building is to be five stories in height, with white marble exterior, the top story set back, the entire structure to be in conformity with the other buildings of the Capitol group. Plans were drawn by the firm of Whitehoute, Church, Newberry end Roehr of Portland, the estimated cost to be approximately $1,600,000. The building is to be finenced by e loan from the funds of KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial BK MA IN IK ft HOIK! TODAY 4:1 S Frank Hr mtng way. 4:30 Smokt Rinia. 5:00 Hawaii CalTi. 5 :to Stni or Your Supper. ' oo Meet the Preaa. 6:JO Sporta Page. 6 :W Muiic. :40 Local Newi. 43 Eddy Durhin. i 7:oa Take a Number. 7:30 Xavier Cugat. i (to Happy Valley Cowhovt. I 8 :t0 Barnea eV Hu Orchestra. ' 9:00 New. ! 9:15 Dink Templelon. 9 .TO Wreatlini Parade. 10. 30 Dance Ore he Ira. 11:00 Cum in Mualc. 11:30 Sign Off. MONDAY, AI'Gl'flT S9, 1M :30 Sunriae Serenade. 615 News. . 6:20 Music. 1 6.IO Rise Shine. 7:00 News. 7:1 5 Break fait Gang. 7:30 Music. 7 45 Local News. 7:SO Music. 6:00 Music. B.'tO Modern Home. 6:45 Music by Morgan. 9:00 V. ally's Coffee Time. 915 Book of Bargains. 8:30 Man About Town. 9:40 Music. 9:50 Shopper 'a Guide. , 10:00 News. 10:15 Gospel Singing 10:30 Say It With Music. 10:45 Art Baker. A . 11:00 Ladies First. 9 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12:00 Music at Noon. I 12:15 Sports Page. 1 12:25 Music. 12:30 Clocking the Start, i 12:35 Music. 12:40 Local News. ' 12:45 National Newa. 4 ! 12:35 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on the Street ; 1:15 Party Line. . 2:00 Against the Storm. I 3:30 It's Requested. , 3:00 Johnson Family, 3:15 Music. 3:30 Show Time. 3:45 Local Loan Show. 4 00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway, 4 30 Passing Parade. 5:00 Music. 515 Music. 5:30 Champion. 3:45 Lee Bennett. 6:00 Sewing Machine Center. 6:15 Mutual Ncwsreel. 6:30 Sports Pa e. 6:35 Musical Interlude. 6:40 Local New. 8.45 Southland Singing. 6:35 Bill Henry. 7:00 Dick Haymes. 7:15 Sammy Kay a Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8:00 Let George Do II 8:30 You Name It. 8:45 Bob Eberle Show. 8:55 Johnny Desmond. 900 News. 913 Hi Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Time. 9:43 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:00 Mysterious Traveler. 10:30 Dance Orchestra, 110ft Cues In Music 11:30 Sign Off. Junior Red Cross Pair Goes To Training Center Douglas Simms, executive sec retary of the local Red Cross chapter drove Junior Red Cross representatives Thelma Anderson of Canyonville high school and Jimmy Lloyd of Yoncalla high to Salem Wednesday, where thev took a bus to the Junior led Cross training center at Silver Creek falls. Thelma and Jimmy will be met In Salem Sept. 3 and returned to tneir respective homes. It is ex. I pected that in addition to hav ing a fine time, the two students will gain much In experience and training that will help them in carrying out the Red Cross pro gram in tneir scnoois. LAST RACES TONIGHT! Ten day meeting ends this evening O Championship Races for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses O Saddle Club Entries Race Tonight. Post Time, 8:00 p.m. Quinella ond Daily Double Wagering Admission 50c Post Time 8:00 p.m. Presented By UMPQUA JOCKEY CLUB Under Auspices of Douglas County Sheriff's Posse State Office Building Will Cost $1,600,000 - . '' """" " -f$ Dougherty Map For Myrtle Creek Project Approved A: 'a special meeting last night. the Myrtle Creek city council ac cepted a map prepared by James K. uaugnerty ol Koseourg, tneir engineer, showing a complete monummented street centw line plan, and tabled action on the necessary revisions of city bound ary lines which were outlined in detail. "Several members of last year s council, who had Instigated the complete 'as Is' survey, were pres ent and explained that I had been retained to discover and correct the existing errors in both street and boundary lines," Daugherty explained this morning. Notes for the field work already done were turned over to the council, along with a list of bench marks established to control the topographic survey of the city. "I explained that small sewer lines located at the upper ends of the sewerage system were de signed to serve single rows of lots on steep grades, where the exist ing house connections were all on the downhill side," Daugherty pointed out. "It would have been too ex pensive to place larger mains in Ihe streets to serve homes on both sides. I told the council that this situation was covered in my report which Mr. McGinty, the cily attorney, did not give to the Stale Sanitary authority when he appeared before them recently. "I offered to present the de sign to the state engineers and get the advantage of the saving in cost of sewer construction, be cause there are 20,330 feet of .25n Musical Revue! $Ett fL. Irx. , 1 sm i.w.r.eiiiii .mI.miiihi fnH Al))ltK' 1 Frankie CARLE V- s . fW WA ...MSHtlSHKSUHl viJ AT j Edgar KENNEDY ytsCfciw - ' HI MinnoiitA VAinrc.Put DnnMCV ?' I III -.eWtfcii Illll.-jsitW .hMhMle-lNMM " ZCMr I - 1 JESSE & JAMES HAROLD & LOLA Xf f & ' Pl r- !T1 J ly."- 4 i-n. . 4sY" the highway commission, to be amortised and repaid, both as to principal end interest, by rentals over a period of years. This is the same general financing plan employed in the construction of the general office building now being erected, which is being built with a loan from the irreducible school fund, and the old office building, in which the highway commission now is partially housed, which was built with funds of the Industrial Accident commission and iong since repaid. The Highway commission now pays a rental of approximately $30,600 annually for the space it occupies, both in the state owned office building and other quarters privately owned in Salem. When the new building is completed all highway offices located in Salem, together with the Bureau of Roads district office now in the Customs House in Portland, will be housed there. small lines involved," said Daugh erty. . He has been criticized by Myrtle Creek city officials re cently, for his work on a topo graphic survey for the proposed sewer system, and a survey of Btreets and city boundaries. Part of the criticism has been based on the supposed excessive cost of the work. Daugherty said members of Ihe former city administration were! at the meeting to explain that he had been retained for the 'work, because the then city council knew that the survey -and legal I description of the city boundaries, I prepared in 1909, d:d not corre spond with conditions as thev actually are. Daughrrty said they pointed out that his original estimate for the work was about $3,500 and the actual cost, of about $3,700, was reasonable for the work in volved. "Dry Camp" Trek Takes Boys To Garden Valley A bicycle hike out Garden Val ley road Thursday was the final offering this year of the "Day Camp" sponsored by the Rose burg Y. M. C. A. A group of local boys, under thC leadership of Marlen Yoiler, "Y" general secretary, left Rose- TOMORROW! id All -Comedy g Co-Feature NO CRIME is barred on,., Tonight: Cisco Kid in "Riding the California Trail" end "I Cheated the Law" burg at 9:30 a.m., and Journeyed to :ho Garden Valley school, where they ate lunch and played Softball. On their return to Roseburg, the boys stopped at the home of one of the boys' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Laurance, for a watermelon feed. "Day Camp" activities will be suspended for the remainder of the summer because of school which is starling soon. WOMEN BOWLERS TO MEET Mrs. Paul Ryan announced to. day a meeting of the women's bowling league will be held next Tuesday night, at a time and place to be announced later. -INSURANCE-AUTO Lire AUTO FIRE State Farm Mutual Insurance O. L. ROSE P. O. Box 4S9 Phone 288 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank Registered Willamette Val ley red Romneys from Im ported -ams. Choice selec tions now available. OAKMEAO FARM Newberg, Oregon Sat., Aug. 27, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. 5 Salary, Checks At Issue In Action, Cross Complaint Alleging the plaintiffs. Arundel corporation and L. E. Dixon cor poration, have Instituted suit In circuit court to hold up payment of his salary, Don Torres, one uf the named defendrnts. has filed an'apswer, and cross complaint. The plaintiffs in their com plaint stated they had stopped payment on the checks issued to Torres as salary, because the checks allegedly had been stolen from a box used for mail at Toke tee construction camp. The two corporations tendered Into court an amount equal to the checks' value, totalling S555.66, and had asked the court to determine to whom payment should be made. The- checks allegedly were cashed at several Klamath Falls business houses, each named as defendants in the complaint. Torres states he received the checks between Aug. 1 and Sep;. SHINGLES Asphalt Asbestos Cedar Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. h 242 Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose flowers as the perfect glf . . . choose them from us . . . always fresh ly cut, fragrantly lovely. The phom number to re member is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP St Winchester Street TOMORROW! I 2L CELESTE HOLM. ALAN YOUNG THAT ACADIMY SWASO WIHWHS OUI COLLEEN TOWNSEND WILLIAM FRAWLEY 2 NATALIE WOOD ROY ROBERTS HURRY! HURRY! THE il kTi MIStlASfl COOMIt AMAZISM 1 77 - V i.p. 30, 194ft, but that he had no place to cash them in the remote con struction camp nor to mail a let ter containing the checks, except an open box, marked "U. S. Mail." provided at the camp. lie slated he endorsed the checks "pay to the order of Mrs. D. V. Torres only," put them In an envelope addressed to his wife at Arroyo Seco, N. Mex., and drnnoed the letter in the box. He alleges an unknown party took the letter from the box. and cut off from each check part of the endorsement, leaving only the words, "D. V. Torres only." He claims he has demanded oayment from the plaintiff, for his salary, but that the corpora tions have refused to comply. Florida was discovered Easter Sunday, March 27, 1513, by the Spaniard Ponce de Leon, while he was searching for the fountain of eternal youth. &1 UMPQUA RIDING ACADEMY East Douglas ana Ramp Road. Watch for Sign. Horses for hire by the hour or djy. Horses Boarded By the Month Phone te"8-R TODAY AND SUNDAY sees tisise Ibvlissi Sm f 1 I jimmy fyt UAKfLYW !5 XT 'h I KM It and 'OUTLAW COUNTRY' THAI IMtOUS COMIC Ol SAMOI LAST TIMES TODAY Shows 1-3-7-9:15 p.m. TEN MOST TERRIFIC THRILLS EVER PICTURED! ot girl rears baby .. gorilla to famo Jj and fear at nito I? club ttarl tflimWI IN TMt MSSOTMAU I