Horse Racing Ends Tonight At Fairgrounds Record 'Crowd On Hand For Friday's Running; Special Races Booked By FRED TAYLOR Douglas county' first profes sional horse raring meet draws to a close tonight, when the tenth and final night of racing begins at 8:00 p.m. Record crowds are expected to see the running of the first annual Douglas county Derby for thoroughbreds, and the cham pionship quarter horse race. The Derby, pitting the top thoroughbreds against each other, will be held the sixth race, and the quarter horse race will be the fifth. Both events to be run for $330 added purses have drawn full fields. Nominated for the Derby are Air Risk, Boston Ely, a two-time winner, Erin Call, Bon Vill, Lady's Billing, who holds the track mark for six and one-half furlongs, Meleorbe, and Paratrooper. The Derby will be run over a mile and one-sixteenth course. Quarter Horses Listed Named to race in the quarter horse championship event are Polly A, Badger's Grey Lady, holder of the track mark for 330 vards. Magnolia, Little Sleepy joe. Big Houge and Patsy B II. The quarter horses will race over the longest quarter horse distance, 440-yards. Last night the biggest crowd of the season, 5500 fans, gathered at the fairgrounds to watch the bangtails gallop. A daily double payoff of $59 rewarded early ar rivals, on the combination of Black Jacket, a nine to one shot in the first, and Radfield in the second. Small fields marked Friday night's racing card, in sharp con trast to the big fields scheduled in every race tonight. One race, the finale, had only three horses in it, after one was scratched at the last minute. Black Jacket, with Wilbur Denny aboard, raced home in the first, to pay $22 and $6.10. No show betting was allowed, due to the four horse field. Chester D. placed, to pay $3.30, and Hornet was third. . The time, 12.4 for 220-yards, set a new track record, breaking the old mark of 12.5 set by Popeye Lloyd the fifth night. In the second race a four to one shot, Radfield, Jumped into the lead from the gate, dropped to third, and then flashed into the lead on the home stretch to win by a head in a photo finish, to pay $10.10, and figure in the big daily double return. Gordon's Gift placed to pay $3 and the pair paid $11 for quinella ticket holders, Friend Vic showed, paying $2.30. Time for the event was 1:01.2, over the five furlong course. A five to two shot, Fella, won the third race, a 220-yard affair lor the quarter horses, paying $6.60. Scarlett Pass placed, and the third horse was Orphan Annie. The place animal returned $8.30, and the quinella paid $21.80. In the fourth event 19-year-old Candy P. outran the rest to pay $6.00. Billy Horton placed, paying $5.60, and Cameo Bobby snowed. Klicka Grey, the co-favorite, ran out of the money. The quinella choice of Billy Horton paid $24.10. Show Betting Disallowed No show betting was allowed Suit Yourself at Joe Richards HEY, FELLIEKSJ Need Expert Chain Saw Service for Any Type Chain Saw? If you are looking for a really competent chain service shop, see AL OLDS at 531 S. Stephens St. SAL WILL: Repair. Recondition, Refile your chain regardless of condition and do the job right REASONABLE RATES Saw Chain Service Co. i 531 S. Stephens St Sat., Aug. 27, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 omoxmo Weaver Stakes Title In Mat Bout With Dusette Tonight The Pacific coait light-heavyweight wrestling title will be at stake at the Roseburg Armory tonight when Buck Weaver, Indiana, defends hit title against th chellenge of Georgei Dustette, Canada, The bout is expected to b on of th most rugged skirmishes here sine Weaver won th title in match against Tex Haqer. Although Douglas county fans have established Du sette th favorit, th grappling experts predict that Weaver will retain his crown. Attracting nearly as much interest, and promising to help fill th arena with th lergeit crowd in weeks, will be another one-hour bettle between popular Tex Hager, Oregonien, and Leo Karlinko, Russian, Th rivalry is an old on that started last winter in th Chicago eree. Th opener gets under way at 8:30 p.m. Elton Owen will be on hand to referee both bouts. All-Star Football Game Slated In Portland Tonight PORTLAND. Aug. 27. (IP) Upstate high school All-Start will attempt tonight to score their sec ond straight victory over Portland All-Stars in the annual Shrine benefit game here. The contest, between teams cf players who were graduated last spring, will open the fotball tea son here. A crowd upwards of 20.000 Is expected. The upstate team, which won the inaugural last year. Is faor ed. The upstaters, coached by j.lcl Ingram, Grants Pass, have a weight advantage and ample back field speed. The Portlandert are expected to rely on passing to score an upset. Both teams will use the forma tion. Pageantry will precede the 8.30 p.m. kickoff. Seven bands, nine drum corps, 32 marching units and six drill teams will parade in Mult nomah stadium prior to the start ing whistle. In the fifth race, due to another four horse field. A nine to two choice, Hot Foot, flashed home the winner, beating the favorite, Savannah (',., who placed. Jo Jo V showed. The winner returned $11.90 to backers on win tickets, and $4.60 on place ducats. Savan nah G paid $3.50. Another new track mark was set in the sixth, also a four-horse race. Virginia Reel, owned by W. E. Bradley of Vancouver, Wash., and ridden by Cal Hewes, went to the post the favorite and won, racing the 440-yard course in 24.8, breaking the fifth night mark of Lady II by one-tenth second. The winner paid $4.10 and $2.40 Linda F, the place horse, returned $2.70, and Sorrell Pat showed. Three-Horse Race Only three horses went to the post in the seventh. Quit That, ridden by Cal Hewea, who booted home three winners last night, broke from the gate first, followed by the favorite Border Gipsy and Jay Out, and the race proceeded in just those positions. ' The winner led most of the way by two lengths, crossing the line that far in front, and Border Gipsy held a four length margin over Jay Out. Only win betting was permitted on the last race, and Quit That, a seven to five choice, paid backers a surprising $5.70. Time for the event was 1:21.1 over a six and one-half fur long course. Cal Hewes rode three winners to hold top honors among the Jockeys for the evening, but Bob Strauss added another to his string to keep his position as the meeting's number one rider, with 15 victories. Hewes has 10. SHETLAND PONIES Rides for children en picnics and special occasions. CALL SHETLAND ACRES $29 PiUer St. Phone 11 OS-J Stud service also available BRING YOUR BAR! Mel Parnell Rated Bosox Most Valuable Boston Game and Half Behind Yanks Following Two Wins Over Chicago By JOE REICHLER (Associated Press Sports Writer) Who is the Boston Red Sox' most valuable player? Ted Wil liams? Vern Stephens? Dom Di Maggio? the selection here is Mel Parnell, the majors' first 20-game winner. The rampaging Red Sox today were only a game and a half be hind the American league-leading New York Yankees. That's the closest they've been to the top all season. And they owe it mainlv to the slout left arm of the 27-year-old Parnell. The curly-haired New Orleans native has failed to finish only four of the 26 games he's started. Only once has he lost two in a row. He is the first Boston left hander to win 20 games since Lefty Grove notched that many in 1935. Double Triumph Parnell teamed up with Ellis Kinder to pitch the Red Sox to a double triumph over the Chicago White Sox yesterday. Mel twirled a seven-hitter in the opener as the Bosox bashed three Chicago pitch ers for an 11-4 triumph on 17 hits. Boston collected 16 safeties In the second game to win, 19-7. In the second game, Lefty Bob Kuzava of the White Sox was fell ed by a line drive off the bat of Al Zarllla and was rushed to a hospital with a possible rib frac ture. Al Benton, veteran Cleveland righthander, stopped the Yankees with seven hits as the third place Indians climbed to within five games of the top. Cards Still In Front Both St. Louis and Brooklyn were beaten to leave the National league-leading Cards still a game and a half in front of the Dodgers. The New York Giants whipped the Redblrds, 4-2, and the Chicago Cubs defeated the Dodgers by the same score. Detroit moved into fourth place In the American league, passing the Philadelphia Athletics as they hammered out 18 hits, including three home runs, to wallop Wash ington, 11-1. Ted Gray scattered six hits for his eighth victory. Stan S pence belted two home runs and drove In five runs to lead the St. Louis Browns out of the American league cellar with an 11-3 victory over the A's. . Al Dark's single with two out In the ninth drove In the tying and winning runs as the Boston Braves nipped the Cincinnati Reds. 3-2. Ralph Klner blasted his 36th home run with a mate aboard In the third inning to give the Pitts burg Pirates a 3-2 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. si FAST SERVICE a. Phone 1665-J A lfirit? r W M i-Z U .f , i-'SJ , kiif tx ' v 1 SOUTHERN ORECON LEACUE CHAMPIONS Abov ere Roseburg's Umpqu Chiefs, who completed successful season of semi-pro baseball both in th Southern Oregon legu, piecing first with 1 1 wins end only three losses, end in exhibition ball. Altogether, th Chiefs pleyed 41 games this seeson, only eight were losses. In league competition, Roseburg's team lost twice to Central Point, which it plays Sunday, in th first gam of th Shaugnessy playoff, and one to Myrtle Creek, th only other Douglas county club playing in the Southern Oregon league. Above ere, front row, bat boys Leroy Sargent, Hal Fretwell and loren Sargent. Second row, Bunky Hill, coech; Hel Edger, If; Jerry Coen, rf; Norm West, lb; Welly Richardson, p; Don Reed, p; Pet Coor, c; Roy Long, p; Earl Sargent, manager. Third row, Jerry Huggins, c; Earl Hampton, 3b; Barney Koch, 2b; Ted Wilson, cf; Bobby Sanders, c; George Senders, si; Virg Sanders, If. Not In th pictur is Mel Kraus, p; Dexter Carey, 2b; Dick Debernerdi, rf; Vie Lewis, p. Umuqua Chiefs Scheduled To Meet Central Point In Shaughnessy Playoffs Sunday Team Roseburg Central Point : ... Medtord Ashland Myrtle Creek Crescent City Grants Pass Prospect FINAL LEAGU The following are the results week ending Sunday, August 21, league secretary. R H E Central Point 16' ll' i Prospect 2 7 10 Ashland 7 10 5 Crescent City 4 10 6 Roseburg 7 13 1 Grants Pass 1 10 0 Medford 8 10 2 Myrtle Creek 3 7 4 Denotes where played. .The first game of the Shaugh nessy playoffs will be held at Roseburg's Finlay field Sunday, Aug. 28, at 2 p. m. Central Point and the Roseburg Chiefs will bat tle to meet the winner of the Med-ford-Ashland game, to be played at Medford Wednesday, Aug. 3L at 8 p. m. The winners of the Sunday and Wednesday game will play for the Shaughnessy trophy Sunday, Sept. 4. The time and place will be decided on the basis of results of the first two games. Sunday, the Chiefs will be pre sented with the Southern Oregon baseball league trophy and the Lamport Sporting Goods trophy. Other trophies will a'so be award ed to Individual players. Also to be announced will be the Ail-Star team. The Centra Point team raster Includes: First base, Whitey Dumont, re cently of the Medford Nuggets; 2nd base. Dale Graham and Fred Stamen; ss, Denny Cox; 3rd base, Alex McDonald, former Western International league ball player and also coach of Medford high school baseball team. Outfield, Don Fawcett, three years In Southern Oregon league and this year Oregon State freshman team; Hal Adams from Southern Oregon college; Curt Richmond from Mediord high school; Joe Chez from Stanford university, outfielder and pitcher. Catching, George Gitzen from Washington Sta e college and Southern Ore gon league. Pitchers Cliff Piland, former Western International player, and Paul Gehrman, form erly a player In the Coast league with Los Angeles and five years with Cincinnati and Washington !n tre majors. Also, Gehrman has Don't Let This Happen to You . . . For the best tire value in town, see these guoronteed re-cops: 6:16 $6.95 6:50-16 $7.95 6:50-16 6-ply $8.95 .Also Mud-Grips Chefs Shell Service Sutherlln Phone 982 1 ' 2" 3T jM O e O G. R. H. W. L. Pet. 14 101 144 11 14 89 139 10 14 105 152 9 14 172 185 10 14 91 144 8 14 51 105 5 14 71 146 3 14 54 90 0 .78 .714 .643 .714 .571 9 .357 11 .214 14 .000 112 734 1105 56 56 E STANDINGS of all games played during the 1949, as released by J. Q. Adams, been selected as the outstanding pitcher for the league this year and also was the outstanding Eitcher of the 1948 season In the out hern Oregon league. Batting Averages Are Listed For Roseburg Chiefs Th following are the battlnR averages of all players In the southern Oregon league who have been at bat at least 20 times and have hatted .200 or over during the 1949 baseball season, accord ing to J. Q. Adams, league secre tary: Nsmt? of player Club AB H Pet Schopf Ashland 60 .4 13 Campb). Aihland , , , , , " 24 .421 BUvins Ashland , 2.1 .41s West Res burg . , " 2S .410 Bovco Grants Pas V an .400 LuteGrant Pass 46 19 ..IfW Farthing Ashland . , M 13 ..ths, Koch Rose burs; . M 21 .IflR FawcHt Central Point 54 21 .3fw DeAutremont Ashland .... S7 22 ..THS Ward Medford 37 22 ..VMi WlUon Roseburg 42 1(1 Mi Peterson, R. Cre. City 43 16 ,.T72 Jandreau Ashland 62 2.1 .TT1 Friend Grant Pas 41 13 ..1K6 Adams Central Point 32 IB MS Patterson Medford 40 11 MS Kotnlk Myrtle Creek AO 24 .346 Aran! Ashland 26 S 346 Baker Myrtle Creek 36 20 .34.1 Cartwrtght Medford ' '.'.'".Z 30 17 .340 uuncn meorora M 20 310 McDonald Central Point 37 12 324 Peterson. L.-Crea. City .. 33 U .314 Himmoni Grants Pass 42 13 .310 Hampton Roseburg 29 9 ,310 jonmion-Medford 36 IT 304 Prle be Prospect 33 10 .3(13 Smith Ashland 63 10 302 Gatlln Ashland 63 16 .302 Corrado Medford . 43 13 302 Coor Roseburg ..,30 '31m Ho werton Grants Pass .... 53 17 2W1 Fleishman Grants Paaa 34 10 204 Chandler Medford' 41 12 2I3 Loffer Grant Pass 53 I 21 Clawson Crescent City ..31 20 Gehrman Central Point 49 1.1 2H9 F.ndlrotl Myrtle Creek N49 14 286 Sanders. G. Roseburg ..61 17 570 Shlrtcllff-Mvrila Creek .. 31 14 273 Wilson Crescent City . 31 14 273 Vamor Crescent City . 22 6 273 Loghry. F. Myrtle Creek - 4 13 '2B3 Meek Myrtle Creek . , 46 1 2 2I Loghry. D. Myrtle Creek . 3 10 .2?V6 Hennebeck Crescent City 44 11 2V Dumont Central Point ..20 S 250 Hoffman Crescent City .. 23 6 240 Cox Central Point 46 11 2i9 Huggins Roseburg 33 13 .116 Relnemer Crescent City .34 6 2'13 Gitzen Central Point 40 U .224 LOOK! We got- a mechanic ! New ... we have the best mechanic In the county en duty for motor repairs and rebuild ing. He's tops In hie trade, you betchal IF HE CAN'T FIX IT, NOBODY CAN . . . end guaranteed work guaranteed estimates, Na hidden or "tocked-on" charges. We can do everything from tunt-ups to complete auto rebuilding. Now we're equipped to repair your car, truck or tractor from bumper to tail light. Open Sundays! - Lloyd's Auto Body and Fender Shop Open t 'til I daily Including Saturday and Sunday (closed holidays) SOI Fullerten St Phone 1025-J 5" 5 7 r 89JI0 n1 O tt n I r:1: Tonight's Fairgrounds Racing Card First race Ora C Pars tM.s- 146 Ids. Horsa Jockey Valley Rosa M. Perry Honey Boy R. Strausa . Maud Jane J. Davis Miss Clyde No Boy Fella C. Hewes Miss Fit! No Boy Weight 120 115 113 120 123 120 Reread rare Grade B Pars I1&9.M Vds. Horse Jockey Weight Billy Horton -L. R1ap 123 Sarabachi K. Jones 123 Lee Moore J. Davta 113 Linda F.--R. Strauss 113 Brure'a Lady No Boy 110 Miss Cue T. No Boy 110 Third rare Clslaslag Parse 6't fMrlenis. Horse Jot-key Weight Sweeping Snow L. Slap 120 Enquire No Boy 120 Dog Pen R. Strausa 120 Double Results C. Wright 120 Lou Mannera N. Pattlo 110 Cru SI- No Boy 120 Betsy's Boy M. Perry 120 Had field Hewea 120 Also eligible BASEBALL STANDINGS (By the Assorts ted Press) PACIFIC COAST LKAUt'K Hollywood 83 70 Oakland S3 72 Sacramento 82 73 San Diego 79 76 Seattle 78 77 San Francisco 73 80 Portland 74 SO Lot, Angelas 64 83 Pet. .546 .53 .529 .510 .303 .44 .41 .410 AMERICAN LKAit'l W rk H Pet. .S22 .607 .579 .332 .343 .418 .341 .336 .T4 Cleveland Detroit m Philadelphia 66 Chicago 31 St Louis 42 Waahlngton 40 NATIONAL LIAnt'I Pet .606 .S93 .323 .306 .504 .467 .406 ..1ST St Loula Brooklyn Boston Philadelphia New York .... Pittsburgh Cincinnati .... Chicago 73 72 Dimlck Grants Pass Laura nee, P. Myrtle Ck. Dollenscheck Prospect Brescount Grants Pass . Knapo Crescent City . .222 .220 .216 .204 in .200 Beautify Your Grounds The beauty of your grounds en hances the beauty of your home. Arrange now to have our skilled gardeners do your landscape job. Free estimates. L. H. McPherson Rt. 2, Bex 153 Phone TM J 1 Si l life Double Bo No Boy 120 - 120 aag B-las Weight ... 123 118 123 113 125 115 Lillla Geary K Jones Feartk rare C-alas Parse tMMUi 1 4. Horae Jockey Candy P. C Hewea . . Nevada Nugget J. Davis Hornet R. Strauss Red Gown L L. SLaoe . Jo Jo V No Boy L.ucKy soy a. no soy . Fifth rare The qaarter herse rham alenshlp rare I arse S1A6.04I 11 Yds. Horse Jockey Weight Polly A.-J. Davla 115 Badger's Gery Lady M. Perry ... 120 Magnolia R. Strausa 120 Little Sleepy Joe W. Denny 123 Bit House K. Jonea . 120 Palsy B. 11 N. Pattlo 120 Slith rare The Deaglas Ceaaly gr by fare MSa.t 1 116 sails. Horae Jockey Weight Air Risk-No Boy lis Boston Ely C. Wright 121 Erin Call R. Strauss 119 Bon VlllJ. Davis 119 Lady's Billing D. Smith Meteor he C. Hewes Paratrooper L. Slap 123 121 120 Seventh rare MaidenPars IXH.ta abetil A' furleags. Horse Jockey' Weight Bobby Effort R Straus . 120 Vennn Tip J. Davis .m.. 113 Cameo Johnny K. Jonea 120 Tets Bets No Boy , 120 Rock Pan C. Hewea 120 Padre Juan M. Perry . 120 Wlllhelmina Kav L. Slap 120 Jay Out C. Wright 120 Also elletble Blen venue R, Strausa ... 120 Lucky Four L. Slap . .. ISO J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS - Cdn. Vally. Rd. Ph. 5 M JOHNSON Sea Horse Dealer a Boats a Boat Trailer? a Marine Equipment Just what you need to' MOVE OR LEVEL DIRT I Ynn can't beat a Danuser All Purpose Blade for grad ing, cleaning feed lots, mak ing terraces, ditching, or filling gullies. It moves dirt or snow in a hurry! Attaches quickly to the Ford Tractor linkage, lifts and lowers by Hydraulic Touch Control. Blade is re versible and adjustable for angle tilt snd pitch. See one soon! Headquarter or ford Trerfors, Desrkers) Implements, eeauin Ford TrmeUrr pmrU end expert arrrice. Come in UMPQUA TRACTOR CO. 125 S. Pine San Francisco's Win Narrows Lead Of Stars By BILL BECKER (Associated Press Sports Writer) San Francisco's Seals did a neat about-flip to topple Oakland and Keep staggering Hollywood two games ahead in the whacky Pa ciifc Coast league race last night. Trailing 3-7 going Into the last of the ninth, the Seals erupted for five runs, Jackie Tobin supplying a triple with bases loaded to tie it up. He then slid home on Darlo Lodigiani's fly to center, winning the game 8-7. Milo Candlni, who relieved Charley Gassaway, was the vic tim of the final punch. Con Demp sey, touched for 13 hits, went the route for his 16th win. Hollywood was spilled by Loa Angeles, 8-5, for the third time in four nights. A five-run barrage against Jack Salveson in the fifth sewed it up. Bryan Stephens wai the winner. The Stars' margin re mained two games over the sec ond place Oaks. Third-place Sacramento also obliged by bowing to Portland, 5-3, staying three games off the pace. Hal Saltzman racked up his 18th victory with a six hitter. On Allle Clark's homerun, San Diego edged Seattle 1-0 in their battle for fourth position. Red Adams' three hitter was too much for the Rainiers. Rugger Ardizoia gave up live. . Items Purchased on Your Charge Account at Milled Now . Are Not , Billed v Until October TUTS FOR DITCHING REVERSIS FOR BACKFIllINO Phone 614-J isieiBsaBaerTBsBaaBaB