10 The Newt-Review, Roebiirg, Ore. So.., Aug. 27, 1949 LOCAL Vititori Lcav Mri. O. Doherty and daughter Cathy, left Friday lor their home in Seattle, following a few days in Elgarose visiting Mrs. Ada Durch and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lucas. They were en route home from a trip to San Francisco, accompanied by Miss Doris Jean Durch, where they visited the latter's brother, Joe Durch, and family. Miss Doris Jean who was injured In an acci dent at the Durch-Lucas ranch upon her return, Is reported to be doing nicely at Mercy hospital, where she expects to be dis charged this weekend. Miss Durch is a student nurse at Providence hospital School of Nursing in Portland. She is a daughter of Mrs. Ada Durch and a sister of Mrs. Warren Lucas. Mrs. Travis Home Mrs. John Travis has returned to her home In Roseburg, following the sum mer visiting her two sons Wilbur and Randall, at Pomeroy, Wash. She also enjoyed a visit with friends at Osotln, Wash., where she formerly resided. Mrs. Travis was brought back to Roseburg by her son Randall, who will spend a few days here, before going back to Pomeroy. Return to Illinois Mr. and Mrs. James Doane left Saturday enroute home to Aurora. III., alt er spending the week of Aug. 13 to 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buzzell. Mrs. Doane Is niece of Mrs. Buzzell. This was her second trip west and her husband's first. While here the Buzzells accompanied them on a trip to Crater Lake and to the Oregon coast. Returns to Salem Bill Whar ton has returned to his work in Salem, following a short stay here visiting his father, J. R. Wharton. His mother, Mrs. Sab ra Wharton, Is spending several days In San Francisco visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben McNamee, who has been ill. fog" pern $1720 0 Intoevct "" criB Install now Oonglno Ford Irak Lining Replenish beak- A4usl "- brakM 0 Read lost cor LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rose and Oak Phono 80 1 1 1, AHtfHHOYD Rheumatism Neuritis Sciatica SUFFERERS In The Roseburg Area IF YOU WANT-RELIEF ond HELP Send for our ARTHRITIS BOOK ('t Have Xo Mttlicint or No Matter how long you have suffered, or what you have tried this instructive Arthritis Book. written in easily understood words, will enable you to fully understand your own case and may save you yean of sufferim. tills book contains Information heretofore known only to Spe cialists. It explains the differ ence between types of Arthritis and between Arthritis and Rheu matism. Sciatica. Neuritis and Lumbago. It lists causes and symptoms and describes associ ated complicating diseases. It explains the Anatomy and Physi ology of the Involved Muscles. Joints. and Nerves. Few realise bow serious these disease can NEWS Return From Canada Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Row re turned to their home in Roseburg Friday, following a two weeks vacation trip to Victoria and Van couver, B. C. En route home, they stopped In Seattle and Portland to attend to business In the Inter ests of Mrs. Row's Style shop. Visiting At Stever Homo Mr. and Mrs. N. E. McDermut of Glendale, Calif., are in Roseburg from Wednesday until Monday as guests of the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stever. Mr. McDermut Is em ployed by the Shell Oil company. While here, he is enjoying the (Uhing. Visiting Kents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kent of Roseburg have had as guests the last week Mr. and Mrs. Ermil Shoemaker of Mitc.iell, Ore., formerly of this city, and Mrs. Dorothy Weaver of Carmel, Calif. The Shoemakers operate a large ranch at Mitchell. They are also visiting other rela tives while here. Arrlvo From Portland Mr. and Mrs. William B. McKlnnry and daughter Mary Mae, of Port land, are spending a few days vacationing at the Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Church summer home on the North Umpqua at Winchester. Mrs. McKinney is a sister of Dr. Church. Visitors Leavo Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Hamilton of Wash ington, D. C, and the latter's mother, Mrs. W. P. Fisher, of Seattle left Friday for their homes, following a visit with the Hamilton' son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Church, Sutherlln. They stayed at the Dr. H. C. Church summer home on the North Umpqua at Winchester. Return Today Mrs. L. W. Metzger and Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon returned to their homes In Rose burg today, following a stay In Portland since Wednesday visit ing relatives and friends. Hutchlngs Homo ' Mr. and Mrs. Koy Hutchlngs are back at their home on Blakeley street In Roseburg, following two weeks In Portland visiting their two daugh- u-ij ana ineir lamuies. Vlaitnpa I C , anJ Mri nitfnrt n T; -. .-I.-. "j ....... x, i miti John, left today for their home In Seattle, following a week In Rose- hlirff llfiltlnfV I Via fnrtnar'm U and sisters, Mrs. J. F. Barker, Mrs. vene Broadway and Mrs. L. W. Josse. Bso't From Like Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson and son Norman and daughter Helen, of Elgarose and Leona Plumer of Roseburg have returned to their nomes, miiowing a lew days at Crater lake. At Sundberg Homo Mrs. Henry Bartholomy of Drain and Miss Maxlne Bartholomy of I -s Angeles are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Sundberg and family at Elgarose. Visiting At Elgarose Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Tinker of Lincoln, Neb., are visiting the former's brother and slster in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tinker, of Elgarose. Back From Coast Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harding and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chapman have re lumed to their homes In Rosa. burg, following a four-day stay at iiKi.il points. Dependobl Ptrforman WSSTON CH4N SAW Deiignod and built by Dititon, America's foremost taw manu facturer, this is the taw you need to lower your coitt and step up your production. It's eaiy to operate, ond built for trouble-free lervice. Let ut give you oil the factt about the Oittton Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come in and talk it over. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 279 (20 8. Stephens nyfAinj; Elst to Stll You) become If long neglected. Methods of treatment are men tioned. You are told where to look for Help and Psln relief near at home, without the expense tf trsvrllni to another cllmste. This book is sent only to Suf ferers who want and need help. The edition is limited. Notice may not appear asstn. Write at once today for your copy SKND t Three Cent Stamps ltd to help cover distribution cost. You Incur no obligation. We have no medi cine or anythtna else to sell. You will not be asked to send us a penny of money. Addms F. ReverolRR Ine-IDepl TH J Bsl0tlbao.aerqneJ4.M. At SJogran Homo Mr. and Mrs. Milo Howard and children Jimmie and Judy, of Springfield are spending the weekend at El garose visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Sjogren and family. Return From Coast Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade and Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen have returned to their homes In Roseburg, follow ing a week at coast points enjoy ing a vacation. At Cnter Lako Mr. and Mrs. Fa ye Peterson and daughter Helen, and Bill Ray of Roseburg are enjoying a few days at Crater bke. Visiting Charles Olson of El garose Is visiting at the homes of I his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Olson, and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hess, and with Mrs. Dora Bruce in Eugene. Oakota Pienio Dated The an nual Dakota picnic will be held in Mingus park, Coos Bay, Au gust 28, at 12 o'clock. Ice cream, coffee, sugar, cream and milk will be furnished by the commit tee. Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman have re turned to their homo In Laurel wood after a vacation of several weeks. They will reopen their place of business, Velma's Beauty shop, In the Pacific building, next Tuesday. Accepts Employment Miss Shirley Neal of Corvallls has ac cepted employment at Velma's beauty shop, which reopens In the raclllc building next Tuesday. Vital Statistics Marriage Licenses PARKER-BRINGLE William James Parker and Myrel Louise uringie, ootn ol sutherlln. TILLEY-SHOPE Hubert Lee Tllley, Sutherlln, and May Dean onope, naisey. McCUMSEYRAGAN F rank i neonore jwouumsey, Koseburg, and Betty Lea Ragan, Winston. Divorce Suit Filed TRIIAX Marian (yiiilaa v. Donald Truax. Married Eugene Jan. ii, 19.JH. cruel and Inhuman treatment chnronA Ciiutnttv nl their three children and $75 a month support asked. Divorce Decrees Granted CARTER Phyllis from Merle Carter. Plaintiff's maiden name of Phyllis Hunter restored. rHAPPrpnihH r irnrr. Ronnie Yvonne Jean Chappee. FOX Lorna C. from Robert E. Fox. Plaintiff's former name of Lorna C. Crlppen restored. ALLEN Emery A. from Sid ney E. Allen. Property settlement allowed giving plaintiff owner ship of described property. SHAMEHORN Eileen Gwen dolyn from William Nell Shame horn. Plaintiff granted custody of their one child and $40 a month support. Property settle ment confirmed. LA BRANCH Vivian Grace from Earl Edward La Branch. Custody of their two children and $70 a month support granted plaintiff. Queen Of Rodeo At Myrt.e Creek Will Be Chosen Preparations for Myrtle Creek's annual rodeo, Sept. 4-5, got into full swing this week with the an nouncement that a state-wide call for rodeo queen aspirants has been Issued. According to General Chairman Frank Christian, any girl In the stale may compete for the honor. However, she must be between 16 21 years old and must be single. Entrants have only until Satur day night to file their blanks, with the queen selection scheduled for Sunday at 2 p.m. Three out-of-town judges will select the out standing candidate and the two girls ranking next in line will com prise the queen's court. The queen will be selected on the basis of appearance, horse manship, and horse to rule over the Labor day rodeo. Crowning of the w inning entry will take place at the Queen's Bali Sept. 3, wilh festivites start ing at 10 p.m. Music is to be fur nished by Lou Franco and his orchestra. Damages And Judgment On Account Are Asked Klrby Williams has filed suit in circuit court against Al How ard and North Douglas Mills, Inc., asking damages of $583.04 and judgment on an assigned account of Paul Williams amounting to $222.25. Williams claims he trans ported 141.515 board feet of logs at $4 per thousand from the Jack Smith place 10 miles to the de fendants mill at Sutherlin. but that he did not receive payment and the identity of the logs has been destroyed by cutting. A. F. Walter K rot to, M. 0. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Res : rairr.aven Apu. Phone test iffice hours: Mon. Thru Sat SLABWOOD In 12-16 ond 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUILE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR hone M Station Wagon Of Red Cross In Timely Service The new station wagon of the Douglas county chapter, American Red Cross, was used to transport the Roseburg swimming team, sponsored by the Junior Cham ber of Commerce, to The Dalles for the swimming meet scheduled tonight. The station wagon, which comfortably seats six to eight per sons, left Roseburg Friday noon, William T. Evans, chapter chair man, reported. Evans pointed out that this Red Cross vehicle might also be used to supplement transportation fa cilities of other responsible com munity organizations in whose programs Red Cross may have a mutual interest. An example of the uses to which the station wagon might properly be put Is the transporting of hospital pa tients or other Invalided persons for an occasional outing. This was done earlier in the week, when a group from the Veterans hospital was transported to and from the horse races. Availability of the vehicle may be somewhat limned Dy tne cur rent lack of Red Cross-authorized drivers. However, it Is felt, said Evans, that with the development of worthwhile service programs, such as indicated above, interested persons may wish to qualify as members or ine local cnapiers motor corps. House-Approved Air Force Funds Pared Bv Senate WASHINGTON, Aug. 27-4.VV The Senate voted, 49 to 9, Friday for a multi-million dollar cut in funds the House approved for the Air Forces. It upheld action of the Senate In knocking out $577,755,000 in contract authority allowed by the House for purchase ol additional air planes. It was the first test on reduc tions of nearly $1,400,000,000 or dered by the Appropriations com mittee in military spending. Leaders hoped to pass the $14, 000,000,000 money bill financing the armed services from tests on other proposed cuts. The Senate also approved a cut of $222,067,000 that its Appropri ations committee made in cash for the air forces. The effect of the trimming Is to hold the air arm to the 48 groups recommended by Presi dent Truman. The House had vot ed funds for an expansion to 58 combat groups. The Armed Services bill has been the biggest block of an ap propriations log-Jam. Truman Mum On Vaughn Until After Testimony WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. UP) President Truman said Thursday he won't discuss the Senate's five percenter Inquiry until after his army aide, MaJ. Gen. Harry 11. Vaughan, has testified. At a news conference the Pres ident's attention was called to testimony that Vaughan advised the State Department In 1945 that the President was "personally in terested" In a proposed trip to Italy by John Maragon. A reporter asked Mr. Truman if he knew about this situation, or would comment. The President said that he had already stated that he had no comment to make on the Senate Inquiry until Vaughan takes the stand. He said he would answer ques tions after tha. but not before. The Senate committee's tenta tive schedule of hearings now calls for Vaughan to testify next Tuesday. RELEASED ON BAIL Robert Stuart has been re leased on $100 hall following his arrest by police on a charge of failure to leave name and address at the scene of an accident, re ported Justice of Peace A. J. Geddes. Stuart was arrested on a warrant signed by Carl Gudel following an accident in which the car he was driving allegedly struck the parked car of Gudel. SPEEDER FINED Phillip F. Flynn, 28, Roseburg. Pleaded guilty In municipal court riday to a speeding charge and was fined $15, according to Judge Ira B. Riddle. Two other men, both transients, pleaded g u II t v to vagrancy charges, Judge Riddle reported. The men. Joseph Arthur LI 7atte, 47, and Hiram Good, 71, re ceived $20 fines, suspended on condition they leave town Immedi ately. EMPLOYERS PICNIC Employes and their families of Hansen Motor company and Rose burg Motor company will hold a Joint picnic at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the Veterans hos pital grounds. Approximately 175 persons are expected to attend. A baseball game between em ployes of the two companies is to be one of the principal fea tures. Sphagnum (neat moss is anti septic and ohjects like logs, clolh and even bodies buried in it are prevented from rotting and sometimes preserved for centur ies. Logging Equipment WANT TO RF-NT-Rmsll yarder equip ped wllh Ti- lrtw rt mainline, haul back to so wllh Mm. Inquire at ftnoqua Stcre. t'mpqua. Or Hardly AM log Co., Hubbard Creek. Ump qua. Or- fOR SAl.lt - 1MO slnile aie Interna llonal log truck and trailer wi'n steady Job. stTSO Will accept car at down pamenl. D. J. Mai anley. miu ait of Oakland tM CAT wnal number -Jl7J Willi Hvster drum and Lef'lant Choat. hy. dreulif dot-r see at Tee Lumber Co Sutherlln. Ore., or phono lns author- lin. fbR "SALI TIT IS International tractor. A-l condition. BX SI Skatlt yardcr. A-l condition K International dump truck. Ph SIS-J-A evening. i ande n MAI-L rhtaei ch.itnl Stinger and trant-nltaton (or Mall Cheap SU S Jackaon f CI CAT. fulie equlppedlor logging ft.TTSnnn ao nest to Oel Re t. afo. WlnrhMtor. Oregon. Phone Slt-R-4 The Smallest, Help Wanted Opportunity For Young Man BETWEEN AGES 2-V3S. .ntritd In moving aneaa witn aa..y expand ing men i cloth In busineta. ExDrt nc In raUll atlllnf dckirabla but not compulsory. Col! education pre ferred, but not nereaiary. Chancs (or advancement excellent. Livable wage guaranteed. Write, Bom 081, N awa it view. Stenographer Wanted Apply personnel office. Martin Bros. Box Co. Oakland, Oregon Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KT.T.V MOTOR CO. 44:iN.JaVkwi!i BIG CHRISTMAS CARD VALUES 90 COR SI WITH NAME Make big prnflta on quirk aalea! 21-Card SI "Leader" Assortment sella on tight pays you up to llM'r cash profit: Religious. Humorous. New PLASTICS. Dents, Everyday, others. Imprinted Napkins, Floral Notes. "Leader" on approval, plus TREE Imprint samples. STVLAHT. i:uo Santee, Dept. 45, Los Angeles Calif. WANTED Head Waitress Hotel Coffee Shop and dining room. Steady position Apply to Management Hotel Umpqua EXPERT Body and Fender Man WANTED SEE RALPH HERMAN Roseburg Motor Co. Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So on Hlway 99 Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOOD MOTORS CAR HOP WANTED THE DrTvE INN ONE MIL! BO. ON H1WAY W Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper State age and experience. Newa Review Bo X &HO. Hop harvest now on at chants pass. oregon. 500 hop pickers NEKDED Some machine workers wanted. Pay 3c lb. Crop good. Job 3 weeka. Housing and camp space avail able. Apply at Oregon Stale Employ, ment Office. Rrdwood Hotel Bldg , Grants Pm. Oregon. WANTED Experienced logglnT truck driver and loading engineer. Apply Powells office, Yoncalla. Ph. Yoncalla ,1112. SAWYER. 49.000 capacity circular mlTT Must know grades. Pacific Lumber Distributors. Riddle, ph. 2. MEN WANTED-Wrlte LvTe L. Reeve. Gen. Del.. Sutherlln. Give address, 1 wlll contact you at your home. WANTED I sawmill electrician. Must be capable and experienced. Steady employment W A Wnodard Lumber Co . Cottage Grove, Oregon. WANTED LOGGER with equipment to log by contract. Coon Creek Timber Co , Phonel 396. CaDIES Wouldyou Invent 3 hours a day for eirnings of $40. each week? Write Box . News-Review. WANTED Experienced ladv frv cook. Sleeping room available. Dillard Steak IIOUM. WANTED Second loader. Witcher Log- ging Co. Ph. 51B-J-3, evening WANTED A truck to haul logs; abort haul. Phone 13-J-4. HARDER ENGINEEk-4 miles east on N. Umpqua road Decker Logging Co WANTED Combination cook and watt- res. Apply at Bowling Alley Cafe. WANTED Log trucks. Call 093-R-3. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank. Prompt service. No mile aie charge, reasonable rates, special rates far commercial tank. 74ShortSt Ph 1.BM-V P.O. Box am ALL BUILD I NO construction, new and old. remodeling, 107 down, no Job too large or too small All type masonry construction. flagstone and brick: barbecues and patioa a ipecialty Mag nettte floor and dram boards Phone l.VW-W-l, contractor. A R Snow Subsoilinq Done See Reinhold Blank Lookintclau ARRANGE FOR YOl'R fall plowing now. 30 to 1000 acres, contract or by the hour. Good equipment Ph. 68.W-3 Ol iver s ARK Ol'T OP TOWN for a short time Sepnc tanks and drain lds CAOY DESIRES STEADY or part time work : waitress, counter or fountain kitchen helper, clerk, baby sitter Call Viola JS3-L. 4lSoulhPtne. BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned. Light pickup and delivery C. A Deal.Phone IViti-J-3. Rosi burg FLOOR COVER INQ Complete sales and tnttallationa Free estimates. Modern FltHir Covering Phone 34 HOUSE MOVING, foundattonlevellng. 14 years experience P at B Towing. 743 S. Strphena, Phone 2. ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING. All tpes. Mrs. Don W Garrison, 1005 Madrone St Phone n2;L: WANTED -HOUSEWORK. R.V hour. Call before 7 a. m. or after 3 00 p, m , UHl-RX WILLWORK AT odd Jobs by tht hour or day, within two miles of town Write P O Box2U. CARPENTFR WORK, painting, and ce ment work. M. J. Magneas, ph. 172-Y-X WANTED Work for short log truck, lit and 1R ft toga See L. M. Kramer Cama Valley. WANTED- Ironing In mv home. 531 Fowler St Phone d JX WASHING AND IRONING In my' horn. Phone 1M6-R -1 Trucks SAVE $3000 On this brand new Diamond T trtick. WH model. 1) H. P engine. 806 tnch W B, lOOWxao 12-plv all traction Urea, Budd wheels. Timken SW-JOIO PA Tandem Axle unit. 3 need trans miuton. plua auxiliary trenmtaion If ou need a truck for log haul ing, look this one mer. It s a buy Our loaa la your gain, Parmenter Pontiac Co. Dealer MT Pearl St Eugene. Oregon I IMS INTERNATIONAL pickup. V lfHg International pickup. 1 etngle axle piling trailer For Information Phone 4.U 122ndAveS.-Hith fOR SALI7- yard Hiel dump bed and hoi-.t. A-l condition See at t'nited Truck Service. Sutherlin. or call -T-2S toternirg AXt.E"SHAFTS for all makes -f tnieka. Rav's TVu.-l. Shav 3D&3 N Stephana. Phone 4a J 4 fan S A LI C he " dump ' tract god condition Ray Parker, ph lf-J-l. Cheapest Workers in Town ..Want Ads Fruits and Vegetables Canning Peaches Now readv, Elberta and Improved El bert a; Halaa later. Local watermelon, rantaloupe, Cranshaws, tomatoes, Gravenstein apples, peart. Table Queen aquath. Please bring container. Open 'till 4V00 p. m. Wilson's Fruit Farm and Market Winston Phone 47-J-4 Peaches Hale And Elberta 32 00 bushel. Inaley Place, Happy Valley Road. Bring containers. BUSH. Get your canning peaches this week. Try our Hales. Improved Elber tas and old fashioned Eibertaa. Young orchard, lovely fruit. Also nice wind falls. You pick or we pick. 3rd house S of the DUlard bridge on Highway W: look for tha weeping willow In Iront. Bert Laura nee. Improved Elberta Peaches S2 00 bunhel; select 92 30. Bring boxes. Voorhies Ranch Looklngglasa Valley Canning Tomatoes $1 00 bushel. Bring own container. 2li miles on old Dixonville Rd Chaa Neavoll. GRAVENSTEIN APPLESPeaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruit and vegetables at the Kruse Stand. 1 mile west on Mel rose Road. Cloied Saturday PEACHES Elbertas, Hales and Im proved Elberta for canning. Ed Thielc, Winston. Civil Bend Cemetery road, last house on left. Phone lSuo-J-3. TOMATOES. YOU PICK. Peaches. Im proved Eibertaa, and Hales: beautiful and fully tree ripened, from young trees. Pears. Dillard melons. 1st fruit stand across Dillard bridge. Hersc It er's Fruit Stand. Dillard. SWEET DATE PRUNES Need litUe or no sugar. You pick, 30c bushel. Sun day, Monday. Margaret B. Adair. Brock way. 8th house on right on Looklngilasa Road. CUCUMBERS FOR PICKLES Pick them fresh and tender. Harry Wesley, low er Garden Valley Road. Bring con tainer GRAVEN STEIN APPLES. 11 V) and S2.M a box. Bring container. Washed and free of spray. 3 miles S. Dixonville v m ft. uaiiey. LOCKER AND CANNING corn now ready; also pears and cantaloupe. Rtv ' ersdale. Curry Estate, Rt. 2, Boa 303 Clarence Mabley. ' READY NOW. Halea and Improved Ei bertaa. Also rabbits and hutches. Rov er Fruit Market. 8 mile S. on highway 99. Ph 22-F-13. CRAWFORD CANNING peaches. Bench- land grown. Bring your own boxes. You pick or we pick. 3 mile W. of Sutherlin. Allen Tuthlll. CHOICE UPLAND Hale and Improved Kinerta peacnea now reaay. u-pck or I pick. Emery Baker, ',s mile W. of Brock way store. BARTLETT PEARS, 91 00 box: you pick 5c n. t-. !cott, 1 o loc its west ox Fairhaven, Melrose Road. Ph. 444-J-4. CANNING BEANS, tomatoes and mel ons for sale. 1 mile aoutn of Dillard Moore and Rice. FOR SALE -Canning tomatoes. 91 per tunnel: you dick. w. a. toneoraxe. Melrose Rt.. Phone 6-F-3. WILL SELL my prune crop on 20 acre orchard, u-plck. Box Melrose star Rt. IMPROVED Elberta and Hale peaches. ready for canning at a. r. suksaon Fruit Stand, Winston. Oregon. PEACHES Improved Elberta. 32 00 bu . bring boxes, voorniea Hancn, iooxing glats. Ph. 18-F-24. PEACHES: Hales and Elbertas. You pick and ortng container, uaia ner Brockway. BARTLFTT PEARS for ale. 31. box Also No. l and uravensteins. no uui spray used. No Sunday sale. Rein hold Blank, LookingKlas. TOMATOES, Cantaloupes, watermelons lor aaie. . n. .laypooi, oaroen Valley. CANNING PEARS. 73c a bushel: 30c you pick. i van Switu Looainggiaaa. KENTUCKY WONDER beans. C. W Schmidt. Garden Valley. Canning tomatoes for sale now. Harlan Moore. Ph. 13-F-13. CUCUMBERS. TOMATOES, beet and carrots. Ph 362-R. 323 Marstera St SMALL ELBERTA peaches, gL buaheT pick. Call 1614-R-4. PICKED PEARS FOR SALE. W. O. Com mon Place. Rt. 2. Box 223. FOR SALE Pears, corn, beans, cucum bers, melons, and lomaioe. you pica Glenn Young, Lower Garden Valley. HA Lfc and Improved Elberta Peache Hugh Hitcnic, hi. a, uaroen vauey. Machinery For Sale WE SET THE PACE!! Reconditioned Tractors 1 Catei-oillar DA . Bare 9 S.2V1 -.Bare 3.1 VI ..Bare 2.300 6 Caterpillar D4 3 Caterpillar R4 1 International TD18 Bar 9.304 3 International TI14 Bare 5 S.Nl. 2 International TD9 Bare 3..VM 2 International T Bare 2 7VJ t International TO Loaders 3. XV) 1 International im uare w 4 AMts-Chalmem HD7 Bare 4.S00 2 Allm-Chalmers HD10 Bare 5.2 Vt. 2 Allls-Chalmera HD14 Bare 6,330 Reconditioned Shovels & Cranes 1 Browning Mobile Crane t Yd. $14 300 3 Buorus Erie 15B Shovels 7.975. 2 Ogood s Yard Shovels 9.2.VJ 2 Insley ta Yard Back hoe 5.QM) 8 Insley i Yard Shovel 4,973 "As Is" Tractors & Shovels 20 Caterpillar D8 . ,. Bare Bare ...Bare 8.973. 2...7!t 1.773 1.973 1.473 3.27. 3.273 3 Caterpillar l4 2 Caterpillar R4 28 International TD9 13 International T 3 Insley Cranea 3 Unit Cranea ... - Blades, Drums. Parts and other attach ments in stock for all the above equipment LARGEST DEALERS IN THE WEST! Pacific Tractor & Equipment Corp. 1800 Weat Tth Ave. TeL 4-63A3 Re. 9-31 Eugene, Oregon FOR SALE WELL " Drti I machine. mounted on Chevrolet truck. Will take late model car or pic kup on trade. Write Box 979. News-Review. VAN DORN"VALVE refeeer "cabinet. t-W Office, North Roseburg Motor Court. Dogs FOR SALE Two Beagle Hound and 1 female Wire Terrier puupies. Eligible for AKC Reg J Winter. Rt I. Boa Jrtl: 3 mile Eat Kelley'Korner. PUREBRED IRISH letters. 3 mo-ths old Sell separately US each, or good price for all. Eligible for AKC reg Day Fireman, Firmco Plywood, Myr tle Creek REGISTERED Irish setter-t. $23 pure bred Colombia Collies: Pekingese. Fox Terriers, A I to Siamese kittens. Para dise Pet Shop.3Cl N -Jackaon St Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER fcNNLS. frhone CW or 4A2-Y Reg and pd pupotee.ali coiorsStud terrwe Cot.l IK-and Shepherd pupa, 93.00 eech HatKaway. Umpqua JlAMFSE KTTTXNS lot eale, puretarecl Phone 9-F-1X Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere lMt FORD TUDOR SEDAN MM 00 1MT FORD r OR DOR SEDAN 11M00 1M FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1090 00 1M3 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SEDAN 1M1 DODGE FORDOR SEDAN Ml CHEV. TUDOR SEDAN 1M1 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SEDAN . Ml CHEV. CLUB COUPE . 1M1 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 1M0 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 1M1 NASH FORDOR SEDAN . . 13 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SDN. 799 00 79 00 09 00 799 00 799 00 799 00 449 00 99 00 149 00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1S4T INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 1089 00 1041 FORD LUMHER TRUCK 1909 im 1M0 CMC CHASSIS it CAB 799 00 1MJ FORD STAKE RACK 49tm 1H0 DODGE SCHOOL BI S 1009 00 1M1 FORD DUMP TRUCK W9 00 IHI FORD PICKUP J 99 00 194 FORD PICKUP 00 1M1 FORD PICKUP 990 00 1916 FORD DUMP TRUCK 179 00 You, Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Dependable Used Car Buys 1947 DODGE SEDAN Looka and runs like new car. 11799 00 194 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Nice and clean. 1199 00 1941 STUDE. CONV. CPE. Here's nlftr hack with very few miles. 119900 Ch eapies 1934 CHEVROLET Sedan 1937 CHRYSLER Sedan ...1109 00 .. 119 00 , Trucks 1941 l'i TON DODGE Very sood condition. 11399 00 1939 FORD l's TON Tires, motor and looks OK. 999.00 1941 'i TON DODGE PKUP. 1:90 tires. 4-speed trans. 1343 00 "Si" Dillard Motor Co. USED CAR LOT North Stephen! Street Used Cars Low Prices Easy Terms Dwn Price Pmt. 1941 Mercury Sedan. Very clean. Good motor 9 90S 9300 1949 Willya Jeepater. Almoet new Lou of extraa 1795 900 1942 Hudaon Super- Sedan. Excellent New aeat co verm. Motor thorough ly overhauled. Had to weather control 102S 3M 1941 Ford Clb. Coupe Nice car 769 175 1941 Hudaon Super- Coupe. Good paint, motor and tlrea - 725 S50 1940 DeSoto Sedan. Very low priced 575 200 895 300 725 2.V) 925 225 1940 Pontlac Sedan 1940 Hudaon Coupe 1940 Hudann Sedan 1940 LaKalte Convertible coupe More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. Hudson Dealer 701 S Stephen, Phone 1776-R Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reaeaaable ORAC terms. PeatIM Cadillae CkemaM aVelek Autos Better Buys at Barcus 19U Pontlsc Torpedo Sdnslta . R. it H. perfect "l 104 Ponttac lourloor sedan, R. J H - 1941 Chrysler Royal. R. H Dew oaint - 71 1941 Studebaker Champion sedan..- T70 1940 Ford VS coupe - 1930 Butrk sedan, exceptional eon. ditton 341 405 19 1939 Che. Coupe 1937 Nash Lafayette 1-dr. adn. 1947 International pickup wllh spe- eial iactory built van body 1191 Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In eke. KJau dAnn Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hlfhway 99 N. at Garden Valley Road KNOW THE ANSWER? Many people have aiked ua why ao many iolka come to ua for their can. The answer la I mo le. We give aincere attention to mntorlftta' wan la, true value for your 99 and we back up our every proaiise to you: Come In today--e our fine ae lection of Guaranteed Uaed, Cart. BRAND NEW 1949 Dp Solo Conv , with automatic ihlft 92930. LATE MODEL CARS 1047 Dodge Sedan 1947 Chev. Fleethne 1M7 Mercury Club Cpe. 1047 Ford Club Cpe. Crokrum Motors, Inc. Your , DeSoto PLYMOUTH Headquarter! 230 8. Stephena Ph: 50S-J "Well be Here Tomorrow to Bark Vp What We Say and Do Today!" COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new ana ueo Hariey Uavidion Motorcycle. 92110 and up Immediate delivery oa the 1949 Hydra Glide. 13 down. 12 months to pay Hariey Davidnon 125 3 down o 50 weekly Joe a Harlev Davidson, 5', milea So Hwy tt. Roseburg. Oreg rOR SALE 1940 Tord convertYbleT" the buy of the year. New tires. Lifeguard tubes, brakes, clutch, motor, paint will even throw in new top. See between 5 and 8 p. m. at inn2 Union Ave., one block East rairhaven Mar ket. '41 PACKARD 110, twin spot and fo llghia, radio, heater, excellent condl dition. Make an offer. Box 214, Mel- rnse. Landers Lookout Road. '48 CHEV. Fleetline 2-door: radio, healer and many other accessories; 8500 actual milea: a near new car. Phone 3S-F-23 for details. Rt,3. Boa 224. nuns, muiir.1 iur your Car CB-O 00 the apot Cork rum M otom . I nc ue Soto. Plymouth. Phone 40 u N. Rose St 1948 CHRYSLER 4 -door Windaor. R H, 1 owner, car like new, bee to appre ciate. 814fl5. 12..7 Chatham Si FOR SALE 1M1 Pontlac 8. 4 dr. aedan, good condition, excellent buy, $80(1, Terms or cash. Phone 1MW. 1 MODEL A FORD for sale. See"fed Hoffman evenings. Shoemaker Ranch. Winchester. Business Opportunities Important Tractor and Implement Franchise for Douglas County. Agency for a lead ing tractor, with a growing profitable business already built up. Owner haa other business that needs his atten tion, an we are offering this it In voice. No blue sky or good will being charged for. Mooo. will handle. Valley Real Estate Agency ua w. lasa Bt. Phone 8A FOR SALE New pumice atone store. i-Z . """" Muuirn in DICK, Shelves and gondolas It la in very good location 3 miles south of Mvrtle Creek on Hiway 99 See owner Frank Grensky next to Melodv Mountain Barn. Phone lOMt Uvni rrui. RENT BUILDING, suitable for bodv. ay.,.,,. i.uj, eric, on mi norm, or will build a building 10 suit your needs. Write what you want: all ans wers confidential. Box 983. Newa Review. FOR SALE General store and tavern service station, modern living quar ters. A going business, grosses 89 00 year:Box 143, Dillard. 16 UNIT MOTEL. Owner, phone 1422. Poultry Baby Chicks Bamps. Reds, Crosses. Every week 1n the year. Beat of breeding. PuUomm passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted -i Year around market City agent, Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lonkjn f t ag Rt p honelS-F-J FOR SALE-Colored frvera. 40eVpound Rt- 1. Boa 178. Maurice Weber. Call Rabbits When Your Rabbits Get Down To Four That's The Time To Freeie Some More, U. V. R. B. A. 'OR SALE Rahbit rrvers. Soid five weieht We dress them free n.her R"ad R I Con. Rt . Bo J D NFJW ZEALAND bucks and 'doeV Mem". Nrr of TVRBA. C. t. Bowman, tsin.mn Section. FLEMISH dneand buck. Lewis Mee- han 1 block before Happy Valler Bridee. For Trade TO TRADE Modern home, email acre are for unimproved farm land. How ard Cherry. Oakland. Personal SPFNCES CORSETTFRE - Mr. rn.4 Hurth Phone 34 laecHonca anonySois Po. fco 1118 or Phone 1V-L or