Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Frl., Aut. 26, 1949 Society and CluU By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Itemi submitted by tele phone for the society page must Be turned In before U o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. WINCHESTER LADIES ENJOY LUNCHEON The Winchester Community club ladies were guests in the home of Mrs. August Speidel for a delicious potluck luncheon Thursday with Mrs. Robert Still- well and Mrs. Chester jiaier, as sisting: hostesses. A gorgeous ar ray of cut flowers decorated the rooms. Marcelle Johnson conducted the business meeting and a love ly pink and blue gift was pre sented to Mrs. Art Bartlett by the club members. A pleasant so cial hour followed. Members and guests present were: Mrs. Victor Ding and Lar ry Victor; Mrs. Russell Knutson and David, Jim and Christy; Mrs. Dale Sail and Dallas; Mrs, Bill Endicott, Mrs. Art Bartlett, Mrs. Eugene Ride no ur and Charles, Johnny and Jimmy; Mrs. Frances Sonch, Mrs. David Lewis and Davey and Doyle Mrs. Walter Reber and Elaine; Mrs. Robert Stillwell, Mrs. Wal ter Storm and Mark and Stephen; Mrs. Lyle Bodenner, Mrs. Ches ter Hater and Kathy; Mrs. Louise Ketcherslde, Mrs. William John son and Roger, Mrs. Jim David son, Mrs. August Speidel, Mrs Billie Sue Forrest and Donny and Atamey; and mis. u. r. van Horn and Gloria Gay. PICNIC AT GRANTS PASS IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR The D.A.V. auxiliary unit. No. 11, of Grants Pass held its an nual picnic Sunday at the Grants Pass park. Among (hose from D.A.V. auxiliary, Dean Perrine unit. No. 9, of Roseburg, were Mrs. Nancy Wulf, Mrs. Gather ine Mllllkin, Miss Goldie and Miss Mary Mllllkin, Donald Mll llkin, Mrs. Louise Dimmlck, Mrs. Dorothy Cherryholmes and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anglin and daughter, Virginia. A. f. Walter K rests, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Rmi ratrhavan Apt. Phon lav Xflee hours: Mon. Thru Sat iff fmmlm kmlfrmi SHEERCORD CORDUROY Whether you're o campus coed or a coming-up career girl, you'll want go-together separates of Sheercord, the quality "lite-proof" combed cot ton corduroy. Designed in the California man ner by Fleischman of Colifornio, COLOR WHEEL COORDINATES feature blended, splendid color tones that flotter you. Suit $22.95 Separate Jacket Peddle Pushers . 10 95 7.95 ANNUAL PICNIC OF EOEN LAOIES AID HELD The Eden Ladies Aid of the Elgarose Lutheran church held its annual picnic at the home of Mrs. Ada Durch and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lucas Sunday. A lovely potluck luncheon was served, after which horseshoe pitching and other games were enjoyed and prizes were awarded to winners. Ice-cream bars and Don were served. Those present were Mr. an! Mrs. R. C. liolmqulst and niece, Ardith Anderson; Mr. and Mia. Virgil Woodruff, Mrs. Mab'e Backlund and sons, Paul and Ar thur; Mr. and Mis. E. O. Bloom quist. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keifer, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and chil dien, Dick and Sally; Mrs. Clara Edman and children, Linda and Joe; Mrs. Leora Andrews and son. Lvde D.: Mrs. vera Main ewman, Mr. and Mrs. David Sands and children, Leland, Gary and Joan; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundeen, Rev. Willis F. Erick- son, Carl Olson, Mrs. Jaminson, Mr. and Mrs. George Sundberg and children, Donald and Donna, and nieces, Marilene and Max ine Bartholnmy; Ralph Ander son, Mrs. Mary Hanson, Mrs. Anna John and son, Kay: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson and children, Glen, Donald and Mar gie; Mrs. Ada Durch and grand children, Carmen and Larry Cooper; Morris Durch and Mr. and Mrs. warren Lucas. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH POTLUCK PICNIC TO BE HELD AT UMPOUA PARK Members and friends of Faith Lutheran church are invited to a congregational one -thirty o clock potluck picnic Sunday, Au gust 28th, at Umpqua park. Those attending are asked to bring food for the picnic and their own ta ble service. Pop and coffee will be furnished. Planned recreation will be en joyed during the afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Schlick, Mr. and Mrs. Art Siemann and Mr. and Mrs, Jav Sorseth are In charge of the affair. COUNTRY CLUB PARTY TO BE INTERESTING EVENT OF MONDAY Lady Golfers tournament com- mltee members will sponsor a party Monday night, August 23, at seven-thirty o'clock at the clubhouse for all members and their invited gupsts. Numerous door will be awarded dur ing the evening. All tvnes ol en tertainment have been planned for the occasion. Serve Guests Western Treats By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Shit Writer To help hospitable cooks solve the problem of what to feed the Labor Day weekend guests, out comes the Sunset Cook Book. Just published In San Francisco, it contains 1252 recipes from west ern homemakers- and they know how to cook! Chopped meat heads the econ omy choices of meats right now, so let's turn to the Sunset Cook Book and get some Ideas for the hungry guests. Hamburger a la Brown Darby (Servss ) Two pounds ground beef, salt, pepper and minced onion to taste, bacon drippings or other fat, 1-2 cup catsup, 2 tablespoons Wor cestershire sauce, dash of Tabas co sauce. Season beef with salt, pepper and minced onion; shape into patties, fry in bacon drippings until done as desired. Remove patties to a hot platter; pour otf all but 3 or 4 tablespoons of fat from the skillet. Pour catsup into skillet; add Worcestershire sauce. Tabasco sauce and salt and pepper to taste; simmer for a few minutes. Pour sauce over patties on platter. Baked pota toes are delicious with these ham burgers. Barbscucd Beefburgers (Serves 4) One pound ground beef, 1-2 cup milk, 1 cup soft bread crumbs, salt and pepper to taste, 3 ta blespoons fat, 1 medium-sized on ion, chopped, 2 tablespoons Wor cestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce, or 1 cup thin catsup. Mix beef, milk, crumbs, salt and pepper together thoroughly; shape into flat ckaes and brown cakes well in 1 tablespoon fat. While cakes are browning, saute onion In remaining 2 tablespoons fat until tender; add Worcester shire sauce, vinegar, sugar, to mato sauce, salt and pepper; mix well. Pour sauce over cakes, cover and simmer gently for 15 min utes. Serve with rice or noodles, or ontoasted buns. Beans Mexican (Serves S) One large can baked beans, or 3 cups cooked pink beans, 1 small can pimlentos, chopped, 12 pound American cheese, grated, salt and pepper to taste. Combine all ingredients (In cluding pimiento Juice); stir over low heat until cheese is melted. Serve on toast. FRIENDS INVITED TO ' RECEPTION AT BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY AFTERNOON On Sunday afternoon, August 28th, from two to five o'clock Rev. and Mrs, L. L. Simmons, 125 Harrison street, will cele brate their gnldcn wedding anni versary and their son-in-law an! daughter, Mr. and Mis. C. S. Mobley, rout 2, Roseburg, will observe their silver wedding an niversary, at a reception at the First Baptist church. The reception Is under the aus pices of members of Victory cir cle of the church, of which both Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Mobley are members. JOB'S DAUGHTERS TO HOLD FIRST FALL MEETING SEPT. (TH September 6th Is the date an nounced for the first fall meeting of Roseburg Bethel No. 8, Job's Daughters, to be held at seven thirty o'clock In the evening kt the Masonic temple. Miss Joanne Taylor, honored queen, will be in charge. All members and those with proper Masonic affiliations are Invited. COEN SUPPLY COMPANY SAVES YOU MONEY lay Your Own Pftnanttt KENflLE ft FLOOR itt How h$y It hi ft Cm D$ It fa A fiw Spart Howl Kentile la so easy to ly because it tMe down tile by tila on any smooth, Brra undorfloorf And this beautiful floor sraara so wil and keeps it lovelinaM so long your friends will never believe it coat so little money. Lovely colors can't wear off . . . they go all tba way throush earn ruarad til. Gleaming, pre-waud Kentue ia easier to keep dean too. com in. sal mnrrtLa TO DAT. 23 COLORS Create yeur ews sWtifnt le KsneVi bsautlful celeri. COMI IN. Sea KCNTIll Newl 14.00 foro J0'xl2' room Coen Supply Company Hoed Mill Phone 121 58n J J. . . ... .. a-".... rM LOOK EE. MA! This toot Rta dolph Valentino, whose "great lover" silent Alms bad the flap pers flopping all over in the "20 s, but It's the next best thing, thinks Hollywood producer Ed ward Small. The "Rudy" above is Tony Dexter, of Talmadeje, Neb, one-time football star and GI sergeanL Hell play the. name role in the forthcoming Aba "Valentino as I Knew Him." His selection from among 75,008 ap plicants ended the greatest tal ent hunt in screen history. DANCE TO BE HELD AT V. A. HOSPITAL MONDAY EVENING r Members of the Volunteer Service women's organization will sponsor a dance carrying out the theme, "The Last Rose of Summer," from eight to ten o' clock Monday evening, August 29, at the Veterans hospital recrea tional hall. Women of Roseburg are invited to attend to assist as hostesses. RUMMAGE SALE TO BE HELD IN NEAR FUTURE The D.A.V. auxiliary, Dean Perrine unit, No. 9, of Roseburg will sponsor a rummage sale In the near future. Members and friends are being solicited for do nations and those desiring arti cles picked up are asked to con tact Mrs. Martha Wells, Ump oua avenue, or Mrs. Wulf, Del Rey cafe, Winchester. Pearls are most freqeuntly found In oysters that are unheal thy, overcrowded and-or plagued by parasites. DRESS MAKING AND ALTERATIONS IVA PHILLIPS 421 N. Rose St. Phons S0S-R mm ' ... II FIRST CHRISTIAN Brings to Roseburg One of Virgil P. Brock Singer Hymn Writei Mr. Brock is one of the most popular Evangelistic Song leader? of America. His smile and spirit captivate the entire audience. He has written the words to many of America's most loved hymns. Nursery Provided At All Services Begin Week With BY GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Staff Writer Hot weather appetites need a lot of coaxing. Start vour week with a collection of new recipes, geared to budget markets, the weather and your family's taste. Here are a few good new Ideas: Lemon Barbecue Chicken One chicken, salt, pepper, 6 tablespoons butter or fortified margarine, 3-4 cup lemon sauce. Have chicken drawn and cut Into serving pieces, or. If quick frozen, thaw according to direc tions on the box. Rinse in cold water and dry. Season with salt and pepper. Melt butter in skillet and brown chicken, skin side down. Turn and brown. Pour lemon sauce over chicken pieces. Cover and cool slowly until tender, about 30 to 40 min utes. Arrange chicken on platter and pour sauce over pieces. Note: Use a heavy aluminum or stainless steel skillet lor lemon barbecue chicken. Lemon Sauce (Yield: 3-4 cup) One small clove garlic, 12 tea spoon salt, 1-4 cup salad oil, 1-2 cup lemon Juice, 2 tablespoons grated onion, 12 teaspoon celery salt, 1-2 teaspoon black pepper, 1-2 teaspoon dried thyme. Mash garlic clove with salt In a bowl. Add remaining Ingred ients and mix together. If pos sible, allow sauce to stand over night to blend flavors before us ing. Bran Blueberry Muffins (Yield 9 muffins 2 1-4 inches in diameter) Two tablespoons shortening, 1-4 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cud bran, 3-4 cup milk, 1 cup sifted flour, 2 1-2 teaspoons baking powder, 1-2 tea FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ifMmK II fi. i.. " -V'; iy. - il V Grants Pass and Roseburg Sun Rev Sconce a!' Schools running very close in ' attendance contest. Be present at Postor 9:45. Douglas and Kane Streets OUTSTANDING EVANGELISTIC TEAMS Beginning September 4 Every Night Except Monday r Blanche Brock Musician Children's Worker Mrs. Brock has few equals at hymn playing. She has writ ten the music to scores of hymns that are sung oil over America. Also she has un usual ability as a director of children's work which will be a feature of this meeting. Recipe Changes spoon salt, 12 cup blueberries. Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg and best well. Stir In bran and milk; let soak until moat ct moisture Is taken up. Sift flour with baking powder and salt; mix with blue berries, add to first mixture and stir only until combined. Fill greased muffin pans two-thirds full and bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees F J 23 to 30 minutes. Sr. Jostph's School Sttj Registration Days St Joseph's Parochial school will hold registration for U pu pils Monday and Tuesday, Au- rst 29-30, between the hours of and 12 o'clock at the school house. WILL IN PROBATE The will of the late B. K. Jen kins has been admitted to pro bate upon order of County Judge D. N. Busenbark. Jenkins died Jan. 1, 1947, at the age of 88 years. In carrying out terms of the will, his sons, Paul and Frank Jenkins have been appointed exe cutors, and C. V. Stanton, H. O. Pargeter and I. G. Pickens have been named appraisers. Mrs. Charles A. Brand Teacher of Singing Voice Building, Song Interpretation Maaonie Bulldlnf Trm ScpMmbtr S rnoiw jo-ii Sunday 11:00 a.m. "Praying for a Revival" 8:00 p.m. Jesus, Our High Priest CHURCH America's Most Mr. Fiscus has yielded to God as few men have. He be lieves God can cure the world's ills if we let Him control our lives. His preaching is dynam ic, filled with love ond evan gelistic. He has been success ful as a pastor, Bible College teacher ond evangelist. Walter Fiscus Evangelist HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S BEAUTY BONUS iav up to 33Vs en BEAUTY-PAIRS MA0E-T0-G0 -TOGETHER! LIMITED SUPPLY! LIMITED TIME! art si?et mm SAVE 22 COMMAND StSSOIMANCf IAU St rMWM ntulw prks ITS COMMAND rMFOSMANCI MtrUMI COMPACT tftM ! Cwnbinhi vatu, 3.2$ I0TI fOI 1.75 SAVE 14 IIUC-TOMf FOUNDATION rtfultr prk 1.M I.U4CMIN MCI tOWMft pcial tin CoMbiMtifM value), 1.75 I0TI FOI 1.50 t SAYE 33 TAtriUlinD MCI CHAM Nftllw sties 1.01 l . aiAiM nf vlw Ml xtf CkinatiA vtlut, 1.S6 IOTI FOI 1.00 CfJL- r esse ROSEBURG 241 N. Jtckssa Sssst w Ik t 1 1 lu. - SAVE 23 MAVIH4INT IAU N TOIllTTf f(ulr pint 1-M HIAV1N4INT COIMNI COMPACT tpKltl H CambifltliM , I.N 1011 FOR 1.00 SAYE 23 WATttfltOOt MASCAIA ftfultr price 1.09 ITI CI I AM tMCIAl BCrSXid M CwnbinstiM vttut, 1.36 I0TI FOI 1.00 IB SAVE 28Yi -FAiTtMIZHr MCt CHAM SMCIAl rtswW ic I. OS -MimMIMS" NIDHT CHAM Mtiel list , CwnbinttiM votvt, 1.46 ioti m i.oo SAVE 10 BTtOWMfC HOf MOfft CHAM CH.'w 1.51 SSriDOfNK MtMONI HAND IBTKXI MCisI MM IOTI FOI 3.50 PHARMACY PKene 7 111 'ii m i" 1,1 it